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1. Which of the statements below is true about cube? 13. A rectangular metal container 1.7 m x 1.5 m x 2.

iner 1.7 m x 1.5 m x 2.5 m is filled with

The length of a diagonal of a cube is equal to the diagonal a liquid. If 1 liter of the liquid has a volume of 1,000 cm ³ , how many
of a face. liters does the container hold?
The total area is four times the area of each face. 6 365
The faces of a cube are all congruent rectangle. 6 345
The three dimensions of a cube are equal. 6 355
2. It is a three-dimensional figure that has a depth in additional to 6 375
width and length. 14. A meter stick fits in a cubical container. What is its volume?
volume 0.1925 cu. m
area 0.1930 cu. m
plane 0.1934 cu. m
solid 0.1924 cu. m
3.Find the lateral area of a cylinder 13 cm. in radius and 42 cm. long. 15. Find the surface area of a cube whose face diagonal is 8.95
3 430.50 sq. cm. inches.
3 430.60 sq. cm. 240.30 cu. in.
3 430.80 sq. cm. 240.50 cu. in.
3 430.70 sq. cm. 240.90 cu. in.
4. A drainage is a cylindrical shell 23 cm. long. The inside diameter is 240.70 cu. in.
5.5 cm. and the outside diameter is 8.1 cm.. Find the volume of a 16. Find the altitude of a right prism for which the area of the lateral
clay needed to make the tile? surface is 143 cm² and the perimeter of the base is 13 cm.
638.758 cu. cm. 13 cm.
638.749 cu. cm. 12 cm.
638.740 cu. cm. 14 cm.
638.748 cu. cm. 11 cm.
5.Find the volume of the largest cube that can be cut from a log of a 17. Find the volume of a pyramid whose base is an equilateral
circular cross-section whose radius is 32 cm.. triangle 13 inches on each side and whose altitude is 49 inches.
91 681.9 cu. cm. 1 175.26 cu. in.
92 681.9 cu. cm. 1 195.26 cu. in.
93 681.9 cu. cm. 1 165.26 cu. in.
90 681.9 cu. cm. 1 185.26 cu. in.
6.A sphere has a radius of 2 meters. Find the radius of a smaller 18. What is the ratio of the volume of a cube to the volume of its
sphere whose volume is one third that of the first sphere inscribed sphere?
1.187 m. 0.52
1.287 m. 1.91
1.087 m. 0.25
1.387 m. 1.19
7.Which of the statements below is true about cylinder? 19. It is the number of cubic units of a given solid.
The perimeter of the base is as long as the length of the lateral area
rectangle. perimeter
The volume is the product of the perimeter of the base volume
and height of a cylinder. surface area
The lateral area is the perimeter of the rectangle. 20. Find the diameter of the sphere which has the same volume as a
The surface area is the sum of the areas of the two circles. cube of edge 10 cm.
8.A circus tent is to be constructed in the form of a right circular 13.4 cm.
cone. How many square meters of cloth is needed if the tent is 30 12.4 cm.
meters high and the area of the base is 434 square meters. 11.4 cm.
1 189.34 10.4 cm.
1 169.34 21. A cylinder just fits inside a cubical box with edges 10 cm long.
1 179.34 What is the volume of the cylinder?
1 199.34 785.49 cu. cm.
9.It is a space figure whose three dimensions are equal. 785.39 cu. cm.
sphere 785.30 cu. cm.
cylinder 785.40 cu. cm.
prism 22. It is the sum of the areas of all faces of the given solid.
cube lateral area
10. The radii of two spheres have a ratio of 3:1. What is the ratio of solid area
their volumes? surface area
1:27 plane area
1:7 23. Find the surface area of a regular octagonal pyramid 9 feet on
27:1 each side and whose altitude is 15 feet.
7:1 1 056.68 sq. ft.
1 057.68 sq. ft.
11. A glass is in the form of a right circular cone. When full of water, 1 058.68 sq. ft.
it contains 318.09 cubic centimeters. If the height of the glass is 15 1 055.68 sq. ft.
centimeters, find the circumference of the glass. 24. A polyhedron which has two congruent and parallel faces, and
27.27 cm. whose other faces are parallelogram.
26.27 cm. prism
28.27 cm. sphere
29.27 cm. cube
12. The dimensions of a covered box are such that it is 1 inches taller cylinder
than its wide and 1 inches longer than its tall. The sum of the volume 25. The base of a cylinder is a circular region of radius 4.5 inches.
and the surface area is 628. What are the dimensions of the box? The altitude of the cylinder is 9 units. Find the surface area.
8x9x10 380.7 sq. cm
5x6x7 382.7 sq. cm.
7x8x9 381.7 sq. cm.
6x7x8 383.7 sq. cm.

Rectangle : a = w·h
Triangle : a = (1/2)b·h
Circle : a = πr2


Rectangle : p = 2(w+h)
Triangle : p = a+b+c
Circle : c = 2πr [circumference]

Surface Area

Cube : a = 6w2
Prism : a = 2w·d+2d·h+2w·h
Sphere : a = 4πr2
Cylinder : a = 2π(r2+r·h)
Cone : a = πr(r+√r2+h2)


Cube : v = w3
Prism : v = w·d·h
Sphere : v = (4/3)πr3
Cylinder : v = πr2h
Cone : v = (1/3)πr2h

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