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| Week 4 | Monsignor Farrell High School | Monday 9/13 uesday 9/14 Wednesday 9/15 Thursday 9/4 Friday 9/17 Daily Offerings BREAKFAST ‘Giger Ham arid Vogotabie mot | FEBSGH Vegetable and Peto) psi cinnamon Capee Buon Pancakes wih SYP oan Topings e LUNCH Sep. ae Soup Soup Upscale Grab & Go Salads, ‘Carrot Ginger Beet Barley ‘Cream of Potato and Chive Seafood Bisque Grab & Go Sandwiches, = — Fai ~ Whole Grain Breads, THE KITCHEN Feature. Feature : ie aaa Cheese Pizza, Selection ‘Whole Fruits, Fresh Fruit ‘racer with eee / Cups, Selection of Healthy Cones blackened Catiéh with Hopeins| Snacks, 100% Fruit Juices, ‘Spanish Rice and Roasted, ‘Corn atid Black Beans Johns and Steamed Broccoli | Low Fat and Skim Milk. «Jerk Chicken Pieza agate Pes Aerators | = esttows pase “3 Chopped Staak and Fresh ae lana ee Eggpiant Parmigiana Hero, “Sausage and Pepper Haro esa wore i Baga Potate Bat wth, Note* Local Vegetables will Guns Se Pat kere wit Soy Dig | Aare aioe ones roett Topphnas ‘Curley Spiced French Fries | be available daily as season moana . : af @ and availabilty allow. i weitee, » \ dp BALANGED CHotcEs 2m S Chocolate Bundt Cake | Brosa.Pudcing ‘Abple Cobbler Aricat Granola oa Poached Pear or hn he eH = [ortted Vegetable ‘Griental Mandarin Chicken ® at, elt Saee ces ee EQ) sami orsen conn “aco Seiad et car rocouvere [cried Chicken on Whole gg |Ham akd Cheddar Chcese on a 4 Roast Beef with Havartion a needed tofos ade fresh neat Kaiser ser Sroka Tutoy iio | Gilad Vege er irae marke’ *r ‘ne tueh Se. ‘Tune Salad Sub gg Salad on Whole Wheat Reali Vegetable Hoagie taian Hero

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