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management of hospital services

influence of the pharmaceutical supply system in the warehouse storage installat

ion for the quality of pharmaceutical drugs in public hospitals cibabat area cim
tugas akhir?
This research aims to find a picture of the influence of the pharmaceutical supp
ly system in the warehouse storage installation for the quality of pharmaceutica
l drugs in public hospitals cibabat area cimahi.
This research uses descriptive exploratory method. data collection techniques ar
e used that is by interview, observation, and who choose to study literature ref
erences closely with the principal problems
of research results, there are several problems associated with pharmaceutical s
torage systems in storage installation for the quality of pharmaceutical drugs i
n public hospitals cimahi cibabat areas, namely :
1.lack of communication existed between the head of the pharmacy department with
the chief pharmaceutical warehouse
2. does not irregular arrangement of pharmaceutical supplies in the warehouse st
3. there are no special room for storage of pharmaceutical supplies and burning
a volatile
advice given to this problem is : department head should make time to be able to communicate with the s
torage warehouse to learn about what to complaints within the warehouse storage
2.provide a special room for storage of pharmaceutical supplies or burning a vol
atile and accompanied by a fire extinguisher installation goods there should be arrangement by giving the distance to ea
ch existing supplies and stored according to alphabetical order so there were no
errors in decision and looks neater

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