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Penulis Judul Soft cover Hard Cover

1. Daniel S. Papp Contemporary International 57.500 62.500
Relations: Frameworks for
2. K. J. Holsti International politics: a framework 43.500 48.500
for analysis
3. Barry Buzan and Richard Little International Systems in World 47.500 52.500
History: Remaking the study of
international relations theory
4. Paul R. Viotti, Mark V. Kauppi International Relations and World 41.000 46.000
Politics: security, economy, identity

5. Paul R. Viotti, Mark V. Kauppi

International relations theory: 60.000 65.000
realism, pluralism, globalism
6. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Understanding international 26.000 31.000
conflicts: an introduction to theory
and history
7. Trobjorn L. Knutsen a history of international relations 33.000 38.000
8. Anthony Best international history of the 21st 53.500 58.500
century, new york: routledge, 2004
9. Robert S.Walters and David The politic of global economic 31.500 36.500
relations, new jersey: prentice hall,
10. Martin Griffiths and Terry International Relations: The Key 42.500 47.500
O’Callaghan Concepts.

11. Theodore A. Couloumbis and Fourth Edition: Introduction to 43.500 48.500

James H. Wolfe international relations: power and
12. Robert Jackson & Georg Pengantar Studi HI: 41.000 46.000

13. Handbook of International Relations 54.500 59.500

14 Ken Booth International Relations Theory 41.000 46.000

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