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ASQ pe ( = ae ORS Tngertenonie:) airs Colusa Zomanen Mot oat Tae StandotesS 19 Potpoure Pages... 20-22 Noaswromant Foliabiily Tutorial MOD Cou DoH > There will be a MaD Council Meeting during NCSL—Check the conference schedule tor time and place. Check out the MAD website at: www @ The STANDARD M any So “Surimer 1998 A Message From the Chair . : Be Tia Brom te Chai eoiumn aad fel ke ve ony jst eal este invotie eatin ot the tho hive! heardst wis elected ae Ns tional miember of the Society Hoard of i job, For those of you there's always the Contrarin Metralagist That conference, Measurement Science Measures bridge, WA.Seprember 15 and 16, 1998, and there will be an allay tutor ‘a September 14. Thee mation elsewhere in this issue and nteice, Will he held in Cam website , [ook Tenwand to hearing from you Tor Pearson The Contrarian Metrologist by Phitip Stein Destroyed i in the Testing The measurement business encompasses i broad rang dustrial measurements, many processes will in the norm frase up at least part of the sample, Well unless you're doing 10% testing. this is mot a big problecyb sich 1 process? Can it be waceable? Lf the stan: dard 'S destroyed, chat could be expensive and might even make tite whole procedure untenable. What to doz of tools and techniques. In in: course of business, destroy 1 hows do you ealiby The best solution is to find a way (0 cal brate in a non-destroctive way. testing te might he wsed to destructively pull apart spectitiy molded coupons of plastic, but can be calibrated with dead! weights or a proving ring Sometimes. it might be possible te be satisfied with a surrogate anedsurement Of something else that ean he quantitatively related to the variable needing testing, AS an example of thi: you don’t want to fest fashhulbs, Continued on rage 6 Page 6 The Contrarian “Many quality engineers have a “gold standard’ copy of the product hidden away in a desk drawer. The STANDARD but you could measure their electrical re sistance Thereare standard reference materials.oF course, and when they are available, they provile am easy way (0 solve the problers belt at A Cost. Most testy slon’'t have SRM available, and when nonlestruceive caliber tion doesn't appear possible. what clse can be done? AS with many indusizial processes, the product itself can become the standare, Many qua wincers have a gold stane dard’ capy of the produce hidden away ina Uesk drawer. These de ficto seandards are too often used in place of better metrology practiceswhen somthing goes wrong oF If a measurement is suspect, the ‘gold! prod: ict samiples came out of the desk drawers and imo the Mxtures ‘just to make sure things are working normally’. Now this isn't aibad idea in principle, and ve used it ina more formal way mitay times, bur mos. ‘gold Stancdard!’ product samples aren'e well chu aeterizedihey were just captured because sumeone thought they weee performing correctly. I'll complain about’ gold! samples at length in another column. Using product samples ay calibration standards Is, i con test, quite 2 good idea und is often the valy method that makes any sease. Here, we'll talk about the most common application, where dhe quantity being calibrated iy an ordiuacy wainiable messureme The principle is as follows’ first, choose a eollection of samples that you might ex- pect to be as muck the same as each other as is reasonable. For example, take then Fromy at single eur of & process tha is in st tistical crmtew at the time, Save the control schaet 28 the first piece of data to be used in the analysis. Next. make sure that che distri- hhution oF the measered values # whan was expected, (OF course, 10-de this, You will rave Lo make Some measurements.and that will desieoy the samples ise 5-10% of the total quantity of the for Tor this character: ization). This distribution will usually: be Normal (Gaussian), but, for exampre if the unit is decibels, would be Lognormal The ean of the group is your standaed use when cilibrabing. and the standard de- the group can be included in your estimate of the uncertainty of the calibra tion process, where it represents Ihe com Summer 1998 teibution from the uncertainty of the stan: dard. If you're lucky. you can use some sort of non-destructive surrogate (o validate this process. Now use mast of the remaindee of this As calibration stanuarels, I°the spread fof the fot was small enough for yourappli ation, you may he able to use them one ara time, If the spcead was largee, use a few The F chese values will be your ‘standard’. and the standard devi group mean will be the stan liners that was found earlier when measuring the whole lot, divided by the square root of the number of items in this little group When you're dowa to having 510% uf the original lot remaining whole tot from production. Gonduct an ex periment in which you measure Gand de on of ¢ rd deviation for indivi choose anoth Stroy) the same size simple from the old ot and the new. The difference beiween the means vF the old und new lots ean used ava correction fictor when using the new lot for ealibrntons. The uncertainty fof calibenions mace with the new group ‘will unforranatety include uncertainty propagated from the old geoup. IF enough samples were measured from the old group, though, this unceriainty is divided by the square root of the number of samples. and the additional error contst bution might be acceptably sinall Note that this procedure is neither {ook proof nor will it list forever. As you have Lo qualify new calibration lots, your uncer tainty Contribution gets larger and larger. and someday will no losiger be good cnouigh (6 Support your measurements, At this point again validating xgainst some nondestructive Chum other swine impractical or Costy) method. This may not be pretty. but Ht does work, Roger Phil Stein ean be reached at: Philip G: Stein Consultants. 400 Oak Street, Pe ington, New Jersey 0853 4-His phone num. ber is (609)737-9144 and his fax: number is (ON9)7S79ALL. The best way to reach hhim ts via his mail address on the Inter per & Summer 1998 The STANDARD The Management Corner Jack Riley, ASQ Fellow Page 7 The Management Consultant as a Catalyst “The Management Consultant brings know— ledge and skills which require building on or with the staff and functional design of the business operation.” There were many jokes about Consultants even belore the recent tidal wave nec sioned by ISO-9000 and its many offsprings. However, Consultants play a very impertant role assisting in the resolurion of b and technical preblems ‘This is particularly true of the small and medium size opera. tion where che fill ime employment of a person oF persons with the highly devel ped knowledge Of a Consultant cannot be economically justified. Further, « company may find it difficult 0 maintain the ch \ges So Important 10 the retention of a high caliber specialist. This is. particularly true of the technically anented Consutant who is retained Jor his scientific expertise ue Auowledge Of a given field, Management Consultant, hose- lever huts somewhat different role, He brings knowledge and skills which te- quire building on or with the staffand funerional design of the business ap: eration. He usually determines whemer the management organize 5 style aad the competence of individuals can be welded into a p40, ductive leam-Often he finds the nee: jg elements are available, nined to maximize the ta ents ofits members. tn effect, he must leaen fram the geoup he is working. swith, not only their aeeds, but how best 19 © yploy existing talencanl ree wges oF aalitions where the human resources are nor available, ‘ive team with synergistic response can often be ae: sie espn PERE Ta Seale a ie sat ne complished by the Management Gon- | >" a sulant acting St. creat | Cay the environment forthe staff and man: agers 16 look at their problems and resources in a differear tight chan can be done by the close up participants Tins s the business equivalent of the anv t see the woods for the trees" syn. drome. The effective Management iy When you get serious about calibration (Cas. Las brings you the nes, the ne shew echniqucs that you ues io aay abend, Seriously U Sin my subecnntion WCU Levan ble Beer Sree Adie Pov ZipCode Country aca APS Min age A Call (619) 281-6250 or fas (619) 281-6279 10 get serious! Consultant is usually skilled in pehavior theory abling Hint 10 see the real situation behind the facade most people build sround chem selves 1o be liked, promotable, productive and aceepteed. Therefore, when someone siys*the Con sultant is Using Our leas Jo solve Our prob lems” remember he muy be just whar js needed. catalyst to permit the stiff to see what way: there all along. but now enabling them to see if in a more poséeive and pro: ductive tight Jack Filey 's & Founding Member of the “Measurement Quality” and “Auman Development and Leaderstio” Dwvisions of ASQ nd incerpersonil relitionships en: Get Cuz Lig The International Journal of Metrolagy Subscribe now for just $45 U's, $50 CansdMerico, SF} $60 trterrationsl (US. Funds) foe | year inh sues) nology and the Som Din C1009 Page B The STANDARD The Learning Curve ‘This is the nineteenth in a contiguous scries of Open letters to our most illustrious boss, the Edi- immer 1998 thing about i¢ia your column?” Naturally my first reaction wals,"My co unin is supposed £9 be about education for Metralogists, and, somewhat on the edu: sation of Metrology Engineers and the fun damental education of Metrology Technicians. | don't think chat 1am sup: posed to be a police swat squad ferreting out ‘the Inept, the Incompetent, and the iorin-Chicf, Publisher,and what have you of The — Chartaun’s oftie wond'> ; The Hoss. sarted thinking: fave an STANDARD, other expression that you don't seem to, Dear Boss, From time 10 time, we have had our differ object to quite so vehemently; “It takes ences of opinion om amiay things: ane of which isa favorite expression of mime, that you vehemently oppose and vigorously be rite me whenever [use it in your presence Ie goes, “dn Metrotogy: we are constantly be set by the Inept. the Incompetent. aut the Chartatan.” OF course. have used it enough so that many other people have also heard me. But, something strangely gratifying inap- pened the other dh A mutual friend of ours, 2 person you greatly admire and T highly respect, called Meteologist 1o manage Metrotogist Wh. 1 really mean there is. che nemager doesn't have to De a fully qualified top noteh me trology scientist, himse!l, to effectively oversee a well organized group of high level Metrologisis and stafi, The manager needs 10 be fully eogaizane wf the prin- ciples of the Metrology sclenve: its intita- tions and its potentials. He Also needs ar bbe fully cognizant af the same factors eon cerned in all of the echnical disciphinecs# involved in respect to his organization's sonteenr eur," [CALIBRATION & conclave of Quality: Assur ance type people which natu: Dimensional, Electrieal/Electronic, Torque, Foree, Mass, Pressure, Temperature, Optical, Phin bisbeatiaeed: cally inehided many who Laser (Machine Tools), Surface Plates purport to be Meteologists or Metrology’ celated, He said, “Phil, have 1o adanie that yoru are probably right in your statement. la my entire fife.1 have never secn so many pho- nies in one place at the sume time, Maybe they all haven't as yet reached the status of Charatan. but they surely seemed 1 be working at it!” These were for the most ferret out ‘the part peopie with Aighly Inept, the fouted reputations, who were Incompetent, and sllaround she meeting ying the Charlatans (2 Pele theie services by mt giving talks on lofty concepts; of the world’. inaddition, at the same time leaving hte doube tha they have considerably less than a vague comprehension of the basic principles of Metrology (and | guess in many eases that applied to Quality also), Why don’t you write some CONFORMS TO: onmineaysy ANSI 25a 1 Wo HEC GUIDES ‘TOTAL CALIBRATION MANAGEMENT TRACEABLE TO NIST DOCUMENTED GAGE RFCAL CONTRACTS & QUANTITY PRICING PAPERLESS CALIBRATIONS CALIBRATION AT YOUR PLANTSITE, Se 9 Psi rausst sec iee ] | rsovts tcntenrs Covssy feed. L aah 6007 Cort No. 10025 Summon 1998 The easiest guy to con is another ‘con man.” The STANDARD area of responsibility, including those in volved due Lo the overtips with other ong nizations. My use WF the Kern) Manrager heve is te neric: It appwes to any and all levels, Feaciman, supervisor, ma dent, director. CEO, president, oF you mune the title. One of the first basie rules of man agement | Fearned in classes many years ago ager. superinten “The Manager ts totally responsible Sor everything which bappens under ‘him. He must take all of the responstbil- ity, all of tbe blame, and all of the credit for every detall which occurs below bim in the chain of command” Only a foo! Would take such & position without the proper taols. tn such a ease the proper (ols are cnrrect knowledge of sci ences and technologies concerned and all Of thar takes education! T guess what | am getting at unfolds from another etd saying (NOL ONC Of mine). “The eastost guy to con is another con man.” Hass. 1 presume what «ur friend saw at that assembly wasa bevy of cont sirtists pos ing as experts in Metrology, Qualiry, and other related fields, trving 10 con the ay sembled exccutives, hoping to find some of them more ignorant than themselves The impregnable delease agatnst any can artist is knowledge of the subject of inter est. | wonder how long i! fas been since any of our readers have taken (forcibly or otherwise) their boss or boss's boss to ain informative society meeting Or berier ver have convinced that boss to attend a class for a seminar that ur readers would rather have attended themyelves I seems hard zo explain sometimes. dhaz the more your boss umderstinds what you are doingand your problems, the more sup port you can get from bian {tis up (8 you te see that he gets the education to understand! what you are doing. Ay T see it, the only Id no wan ib people who wi £ bosses to, now thoroughly what they are doing and whit Uley are ap against, are con artists themselves and know that they ewnot last under a knowledgeable supervisor. So the answer seems to be 10 no} only to educate Yourself and those under you, hut to some how see tot that the entire chai’ above YOU also Ret educated! Page 9 Now don't come complaining that you do not have any hudget for education. | have been all through that many umes hefore many of yaw wer: born. | learned seme hard Jessony abou buclyets and the lack of them over furly years ago, that time in charge of Metrology fort lange aerospace company (one which survived the more recent meamergers), My bud get had been cut by Finance so buudly thar even my immediate superior. Uwe Director oF Quality could see that 1 was in trouble (had eduested yim) “They expect you a Par 15 pounds tht a 2 pound sack” he exclaimed when lexpliined the problem He took me with him wo Corporate Ft nance,and,together we confronted the Dy rector of Finance. | will never foret the words that came out of that man, “Bud- gets are simply a gulde, a roadmap.You are given an assignment, a rosponsi- bility. You are expected to complete that assignment any way you can. If you do complete it and do it well, no one is ever going to complain that you ex- ceeded the budget. If you fait, lack of what you think is an adequate budget will not protect you." My boss turned me and said heard the man, Go do ito 86, figuratively speaking, | immediately wen uur and ct “twenty pond sack. Whea che bill for the suck’ came in, the Job had been completed with considerable accohides for me and my organization from both the company’ and the euistomer And not a single word was: mentioned abour budget. | have never forgorten that lesson Success makes ene a Winner:n one wants to tose a winner Gncidentally. my budget win increased greatly following shat event) Tiy those veadersy who You y have been trying to reach me vis email during the past several weeks: have had § consiler ble number of eomputee problems with anew computer which have caused me Irregular service on AOL and Compuserve, Eventially. when Vhave enough time avai able, they will be solved. Meanwhile, to continue my email availability, 1 Rave added JUNO.JUNO, iF you are not familiar with itis an email only service Cnot gen Contin om page 10 Page 10 Continaed from page? The Learning Curve Conference The STANDARD eral aveess to the Tniernen with mp fees (U's Free, You can download JLNO software trom the internet at: wwwJUNO.COM, My e-mail address on JUNO Is Olepappy? Boss. before youstart asking how {woud up with “Ole Pappy? let me explain. JUNO allows you to selec your own address. | wanted 10 use just my Hnltials “PAP™ like any «49, but JUNO sz that | would have to be "PAPGIT” or something, because a lor of people hal gotten to aye "PAP" shead of ences are planned for Ohiv, the Southeast (probably Atlanta, anid of course a NIST. We have planned an outstanding set of speakers for your education and enjoyment, Join us ia dhe Heston area on Sepiermber 14nh-toth, Dates: September 13-161h, 1998, (Tacorial pn sep. tember 1th) Conference Location Volpe Transportation Center Auditariam. Kendall Square, Cambridge. Massachusetts (Comes of Broadway aud Thied Streets) Conference Hotel oston Marriott Canihrieige Two € Cenier, (across the street), 617-494-6600 Information about omnes hotels, transpor- tation, ete. may be found on our website www meirology.ors bridge Information and Registration This conference immediately follows a Full: lay tutorial entitled Cterrtadgy, Pracevshil- 113, and ISO Standards. ‘Che vwtoria andthe conference are open and are not resteiceed {ASQ members Conference Price: $275, inchudes rhe re ception Tuesday night, Special Offer for ASQ members baly: Tutorial plus Confer we $195. A Late registeation fee wil) be assessed after September t, 1998. See the registeation form In an effort «@ Keep prices down, thers will Be no food served by che conference organizers at breaks oF lunches. We will be using the Volpe Center cafeteria, plus there Summer 1998 me. Then I thought of my oid UB“handie “Ole Pappy Remember the CB days when we all had Handle?” No point letting it go to waste now it is my JUNO address, My other addresses arid phone and FAX reroain the same: Phil Pairchaud, 1110 West Dorothy Drive, Brea CA 92621-2017 Phone: (714) 529-6804 FAX: (714 829-7709 MAIL: Olepappy@junv.con are FeMAURINIS AC Tike Conference hotel across the street Fund wil be served date ing the tutorial Conference Proceedings will be pub: lished exclusively on our web pane at How to Register for the Conference, the Tutorial, or Both Please fill out the registration form on the next page and mai or fax it to Woodward G. Fickes Regist Meastromane Quality TATS Whisperwd Lane Fovktle, WO 208! Phone 301-5157 Fon 301 590 9900 Payment may he made by credit € ciieck, or money order, Company purchase orders &% waiting for some to be paid from 1996). ‘you must pay by purchase order, please call to discuss alternative arringemeuts Yor further conference injorn the Website or email psteingmessute The ast Measuren ‘offers thanks (© Outro erative partners From the Division Philip Stein, Conference General Chair Woody Ficke, Fdcacion Chair Tom Pearson, Division Chair Joseph Califane - Region | Councilor From the Boston Section, ASQ Paul Shermart-Loeat Arrangentents Chair Dan Whelan Tracey Mackersie ot be accepted. (we are Sail cht Quality Division univers and coop: The STANDARD Preliminary Program The Sixth Annual Measurement Quality Conference Sponsored by ASQ Measurement Quality Division In Cooperation With The Boston Section, ASQ pecs eee eee eee eee = a | MEASUREMENT QUALITY CONFERENCE AND TUTORIAL REGISTRATION FORM =U Please til out nd mai or Tax to Woodward G Cick®, Register, 17211 Whisperwood Lene, Ractvile, MD zo362.05%4 T prone: (201) 830 BAX: (3011 639.8060 — Email: ! J company _ _ _ 1 [Access - _ _ 1 Loy aT Sie ip tem 1 Sie rx 1 [| Betore September 1. Number atending, Tatoral @S275 Conference «275 1 IL Betore September 1 Number attending bot 495 "ASO Merober Number 1 iAvalabie tor ASO members only at this once! 1 J After September 1: Number atending: Twos! 5300 Conference « _ I T (No discount vihen registering lated I Payment method: Check _ VISA __ Mastarcard__ Amount Card N 1 Tepes ! O Signature _ 1 beemee eo ewe a a eee eee ea eee ee anna Tuesday, September 15th 3:30-8:30 0m Rogistration, welcome, and networking 8:30 = 10-00 au Welcoming remerks and keynote sesnion 10:00-10:30 su Break 10:30 nn — 12:00 Hoo: Control of Real-Time Measurements Sesion Organizer, Raghe Kacke, NST + How Often to Check 4 Measurement System — &. Kacker, NIST “* RealTime Control of Coordinate Mex suring Machines — Steve Phillips, NIST 12:00 Noon ~ 7:30 ru Lunch 1130 oa 2.00 om Dimensional Metrology (contributed papers) + Modified Gage Repeaablility and Re- producibility Study for Measuring AFBMA Grade 3 Rearing Ralls —Wide M.Goldinan. Mb, Draper Labs + Part Measurement Software—The “Weakest Link” in CMMS — Richaea Jennings, MIMETER LLC Page 3:00-3:30 6m Brook 3:30-5:00 ow Laboratory and Industrial Metrology + interlaboratory Comparisons — W. G ieke, Consultant 4 Calibration Not Requiared— Surely you can't be Serious? 2G, Stes, Consul ‘ant 5:00-7:00 pre “ASQ Measurement Quality Divsion Council Meeting Volpe Center — Ail are weleonie 6:20 -9:30 9m Reception and Networking Boston Marriowt Cambridge, cinger fonds a cash Tuesday, September 15th @:20 - 10:30 m0: Application of Metrotogy to Business Sessine Grgnizee, Pip Stein + The Impact OF Sasisfuetion and Value ot {Lonaliy:A Step Toward Cons¢ruct Vali ity De Simeon Chow and Don Simons Audit & Surveys Wortdwite Contac om page 02 Page 12 Ca Fa The STANDARD + Measwen any and The Knowledge Revs~ Iution—Thomas A. Pearson, Automated fechaology Associates 30:90-11:00 me Broak 11:00 aw ~ 12:20 em Focus on International Metrolagy and Standardization Session Onginizer. Shareill Dittmang, NIST 4 This session will cover Ha among 0 accreditation bodies, and “conformity assessment” bodies ( sues like CE Marks, ueceptance oF tests, Fastener Quality Aci. ete.) in tree talks, 12:30 2:00 om Luncts 2:00-3:30 pu: + Management Responsibility For a Cali bration Program—lerome Counc®, QTR Services Pre-Conference Tutorial Uncertainty, Traceability, and [SO Standards September 14, 1998: 8:30AM-5:00 PM joston Marriatt-Cambridge Hotel. Measurement. caleulation.and statement af uncertainty is On everyone's mind, While calibration labs and metrologists have way’ Cited Their resules with some esumate of measurement error, formal reports of ut moreand more Frequently in commerce. ‘This workshop will teach owhat iy required by various standards nnul systems, approaches to measuring. cal culating, sind reporting uncertainties int conformant way.aand how 10 make and ase ertor buulwewsto determine your uncenziaty Who Should Attend? These responsile for measurement system design, measurement system procedures, calibration and metrology labs, measure: ment system analysis. product or seevice quatity.othes measurement related activities, and those managers responsible for 4) in manutactoring of laboratories, What You Will Learn The course will address the fundamentals oF measureme quality of les 1 be covered include + Modeling the measurement system uncertainty as it affects the We final measurement result. Tope Summer 1998 + Uncertainty Q&A —This session will feature a panel of experts on the mea sitrement and ealeulation €uacectainty, and its relation ty traceability atid th conformance 1o stindaeds such as ISO Guide 25 USO (7025), 180 900K 89000, and ANSI/NCSL #-540-1, Ques fons from the 3 aged and, with any luck. answered, 3:00 pin 77? em: Factory Tour? (TBA) + For those of you who caa stay later rather than rushing to the train or plane, This session is still being orga nized. ience will e encour Measurement quality and how w dete ine the required precision and azew: niey for a process, + Requirements of standards such as 180 9000, Guide 25, and ANSUNCSL 2540: 1 for stat traceability © Quantifying uncertainties, eeroe budgets, uncertainty types 4 and Band how to combine them ts of uncertainty and # strategies for reducing measurement un. certainty Faculty for the tutorial includes Woodward G, Bicke and Philip Stein. Hoth instruc tors are former NisT metrologists now in private consulting practice This presentation immedmuely precedes the MQD Annual Conference. The tutostal and the conferenseatre open to the publig and are not restricted to ASQ members Price: $275. includes matesiats, hand and reprints, continental breakt lunch, and refreshments at breaks. The price fs the same for ASQ members ancl hon. members (bul see conference mater: ak for a member disecy ing for borin. Register using the exefoved form and nsteuetions, Summer 1998 The STANDARD NIST News Quality Thirty-Six Companies Apply for 1998 Baldrige Award Thisty-six U.S. companies—up from 26 in 1997 including (5 large manufacturers, five service companies and 16 small busi- esses, have submitted applicauons (or the 1998 Maleviay Haldrige National Quality Ain, the sation's premic ward for by ness excellence anil quality Many com the aware is henefielal, whether shey win or not. “the Baldrige application process is 4 great business healthy check that forces a company 10 closely examine all of its bu es believe that applyin Page 13, of Dave Viers, owner of the Montana Boot Co..a Livingston, Montana, ret. eepaieandd manufacturing operition tat builds tal custom! boots offen made from exotic Feathers. So Viers took the first step toward a solution by seeking help from the Mon- tana Stanufacturing Extension Center, MMEC. an affiliate of the nationwide NIST Manufieturing Extension Partnership, developed 4 shoprite costing niode! for the bootmaker, so he could see the actual cost oF doityg businessand how operational changes would impact pricing: This helped YViers learn tut previous sales pructices— such als giving # full custom price off the top af his hee without secueately costing the projec —aid nat work. Now, quote takes many factors into account in cluding materials budget, everhead costs amd changimg wages, As another Cost con. trol, Viees alse hits begun sending, preeut eather rather than full sheets to a contrac tor who sm He expects that rhis will help contrat 4 ces his handmade boot lines. ices. Bvery company that applies fal Gary Blass, director, ews tomer-focused quality, Med-ttonic Inc.,and chait. Baldrige Award board of judges. Applicants for the NORTHWEST CALIBRATION award must show achieve SYSTEMS, INC. CALIBRATION TRAINING SEMINAR ats and improvems Calibration of $ ness pri Continued or seven greas leadership, strate gic planning, customer gag market focus, information and ‘analysis, human resource focus. process management, anil busi ness results. Every applicant receives an extensive feedback report highlighting stecngtis and opportunites for improve ment Winners of the 1998 award are expected 1 be announced in November by President Clinton and Commerce Si lacy William Daley after the ward's examiners and judges make their recommendations Dimensional Meatuying Tools and Gages JULY 177TH & 18TH, 1998, OCTOBER 23nb & 241TH, 1998 MAY 2isT & 22ND, 1999 TIME ND pate ASSES ARE FROM 806431 TO 4:20, FOR 2 DAYS (FRIDAY AND SATURDAY) LOCATION: MEP Montana Center Helps Boot Company Put Best Foot Forward salen atl lil venice. eg ges (ast dial & ven Fdustnents al iinoe rept of sve et Nil be eavere Gitiator prcediee. csi and purpoe. wil he dncnse AL was busy: had 4 backlog of orders, but T was cit making any money. “was the complains PLEASE CALL KAMI MINAME AT 1.800.779.2515 ‘OK EMAIL FOR MORE INFORMATIO! Page 14 GContgacd From pages NIST News ATP The STANDARD waste and reduce the amount of raw inven tary ‘The NIST MEP is a nationwide network of manufacturing extension centers helping smaller manufacturers in alf 50 states and Puerto Rico.Smaller manufacturers can call (800) MEPAeMEG (637-4634) t0 reach the MEP center serving their region, or cheek Out the MEP World Wide Web site at hrep:/ ww wMeEp. nist. 4Ov, 500+ Applicants Vie for 1998 Project Awards Over 500 proposils are being considered for the 199# Advanced ‘Technology Program competitions for innovative industrial RSD Projects. The final jay for the 1998 competition is 167 proposals, while the umbers of submitted projects for the eight 1998 focused program competitions are Adaptive Learning Systems. $1, Catalysiv & Ricvatalysis Technologies. Al: Digisal Video ins Information Nezworks, 25: Microelectrost Jes Manufacturing Infrasteuciuce, Phoconies Manufacturing, 60; Premium Power, 60; Selective Membrane Factors. 18; and Tools for DNA Diagnostics, 29, ATP provides funding en a east shared basis to industry for researeh anid development on high-risk, emerging and enabling techinofogies that otter signinicant brozd-based henclits lo the nation’s eeonsay, Approximately $82 million are ayallubte for first-year Tunding of new projects in 1998. Awatd announcements will be made by Sept 40, Lugs. Weights And Measures NIST Training on Price Scanning Accuracy Benefits Consumers To help improve the aceurtey of prive sear ainy by supermarkets. drug, departmens and home improvement siores. NIST Weights and measures experis recently completed training. for officlals from AG states, Consum: across the country will Denefit by see 1g Fewer overcharges at checkout, white retail businesses will Lyse less revenue due Jing. From fune 15-16, 1998, 21-23, 1998, the NIST Oftice Of ‘Weights 44M Measures (rained wate weigher Summer 1996 and mesures inspectors in procedures foe determining the accuracy of price sean ners In 1996,the Federal Trade Commission NIST and the states conciueted a study tivat found wide variations inaccuracy snd sue gested how recilers could inypeove accu Frey and Tow consumers could ensure they pay the proper price at cheekour The FIC and stave inspectors advised the re- tall industry that there would be a follow. up study die to the problenis detected and that a reasonable period oF dene would be given to allow industey 1 take corrective ction. In preparation for the second stady: NIST invited representatives Yrom all state Weights and measvres offices th part pate in training, and staff from 46 staves accepted The FTC provided assistance 1 the three-y a classroom instruction 2 ties. The first session was held at NIST in Gaithersburg, Md.:the second was held in Nasheilletean World Wide Web Be It Ever So Humble, There's No Place Like NIST's New Homepage W you're a rexular ser of the NIST site om the World WatieWeh hetpy//wwew nist poe. there's pleasant surprise instore on your next visit, And if you havent tee! out the Site before, ow Hs 4 great ime Ho KOU se quainsed, Any improved. more cusiomer fricadly NIST homepage is now in operation. The homepage’s new features include @ site index. an upgraded sear engine. thot news" seetiuia link to NIST 2omi€ aM aNd up front Connections te NIST"s four miajoe programs: ihe Ni sent and Standhids Laboratories. the Ad sanerd Technology Progra Manufacturing Extension Barinership and the Baldrige Quality Progen A special section, "IST and You." belps online vistors explore the agency's nearly JOdyearold history: get answers to fre quently asked quexcions, take a “walk through the wostd of timekeeping and learn how NIST iscunnected to everyone's ning. which involved Hands-on activi hom Contino page 1S Supimer 1995 ‘Caan ro Fae TA Nist News The STANDARD daily life (NIST in Your House") and com munity (NIST and Your City"), Finally. he ew homepage links users 10 the lavest La formation Cuswally including special websites) about the more than 100 major conferences and symposia held at NIST each Computer Security Industry, Government Team Up for Seamless, Secure E-Commerce NIST andl 16 leading companies in the elec tronic commerce arena tecenily banded (0- gether to ensure their products can communicate easily while providing a high level of security The grup, formed 48 part af 8 ccopens tive research and development agreement hheld ios Gest secinieal meeting this ment bringing together computer security ew perts from NIST and its private sector put nes. including leading sotware releconimunications. compuer security ard ‘ered cand firms, ‘The collaboration marks an intecsified effort 10 support a "public key infrastruc ture® that will make e-commerce more se cure, PRI is expected to bring the advantages of eryprography 1 consumers and businesses who do business over the Internet The current project builds upon previous work by NIST and industey parcors to de velop technical specifications that enable a variety of ecommerce PKI products anct services t9 communicate seamlessly 47 the same way tht telephone and Invetnet ser vices offered by different companies cats utilize a common network, The previous et fort facused primarily on digital sigaatures, sehbieh can be used to verify the idewtity of parties involved in e-commerce. Digital sit atures are critical to the growth oe con merce because consumers and businesses alike want tu "know" the parties they do business with and dhe signatures help esel party (o recognize (he other one eleetroni ally ‘The CRADA partners are focusing on is ics such as enhancing the confidentiality of e-commerce PEI transactions and interoperability. whieh assures that products and services produced by a variety of com- paniex can communica Page 15 network. Participiting companies are ATST Corp., Cerio, Certicom Corp. Cylink Corp., Digital Signature Trust Co. DynGorp Information & Engineering Tek: nology fae, Entrust Technologies Inc Frontier Technologies Corp, GTE ID Cer. Uy, MasterCard International, Microsatt Corp. Motorola hic SPYRUS Ine. VeriSign Ine. and Vist International. For technical information, comtact Donna Dodson. Bldg, 820, Rm. 18, NIST, Gaithersburg, Ma 20899-0001, (301) 9752934, daodson@ Optoelectronics Researchers Find Cool Way to Make Laser Measurements Researchers in the NIST Optoetectron ies Division. Boulder. Golo, have built a new laser power auc energy measurement system bated on a commer radiometer Designated the Laser Opti mized Cryogenic Ragiometer. the NIST sys em will increase the aceuracy 19 which the agency Can calibrate wptieal power meters used with lasess Since 1967, NIST has built and ma tained electrically catibeated calorimeters Ao califyute laser power and energy detec tors for a variety of industrial and detense castumers. Because commercial laser power and energy nieters lisve improved significantly én the last 10 years. custom ers now require lower uncertain NISI's calibration services. The combines standard uncertainty of measurements with electrically calibrated ealorimet Timited 10 0.25 percent because they are operated at room temperature. The new system, based on electrically ealihewed Cryogenic radiometers operating near tig uid helium temperatures, eventually will provide laser power messtirements with 2 Combined sandard uncertainty of 0.02 percent of less and will provide teaceahil- ry to S! (metric) units with improved ac curacy for laser power and energy Calibration services MIST compared the LOCR with ts high: est accuracy laser calorimeter and found that the twa systems agcee within (1 per eat This means the LOCK may be used in Continued on page 16 eyogenic from

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