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Tip: Focus on two words daily and on the sixth day review the 10 words below.

Vocabulary Focus

1. Collaborate- (verb)-work jointly on an activity, esp. To produce or create


“He collaborated with a distinguished painter on the designs.”

synonyms: co-operate, work together, combine, ally

2. interlude- (noun) – an intervening period of time; a pause between the

acts of a play.

“The enjoyed a long lunchtime interlude before returning to work in the


“There will be an interlude played by the worship band between the

and communion service.

Synonym: interval, intermission, break, recess, pause

3. Litigation (noun)- legal action

“His attorneys advised him to avoid the litigation that his friends were

synonym: legal proceedings, lawsuit legal dispute

4. Incidentally- (adverb)- used when a person has something more to say,

or is about to a add a remark unconnected to the current subject; by the

in an incidental manner; as a chance occurrence

“Incidentally, it was many months before the whole truth was


“The infection was discovered incidentally.”

Synonym: by the way; by chance

5. manifesto- (noun)- a public declaration of policy and aims, esp. On

issued before an election by a political party or candidate

“a party manifesto that would change the course of world politics.”

Tip: Focus on two words daily and on the sixth day review the 10 words below.

synonym: Policy statement, mission statement, declaration

6. futile- (adjective)-incapable of producing any useful result; pointless

“a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage.”

synonym: fruitless, vain, useless, ineffectual

7. legislation- (Noun)-laws, considered collectively

“many people are not happy about the new health legislation.”

synonym: law(s), rules, body of laws

8. humane- (adjective)-having or showing compassion or benevolence;

inflicting the minimum of pain

“The humane treatment of animals is not widely practiced in the world.”

synonym: compassionate, kind, considerate, tolerant, merciful, caring

9. injunction (noun)-an authoritative warning or order

“The injunction prevents Sunday trading.”

synonym: order, ruling, directive, command

10. canine- (adjective)-of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs

“The shape and build were definitely canine.”

synonym: doglike, doggish, wolfish

Prefix Note:

alt- High, deep ex: altimeter, altitude

ambi- both ex: ambidextrous

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