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ॐ नमः शवाय ॐ નમઃ િશવાય OM Namah Shivaay

ी ाकम ्
ી ાટકમ Shri Rudraashtakam
By Gosvami Tulsidaas from the Ramacaritmanas Utter-Kand Doha 108

नमामीशमीशान नवाणपं वभंु यापकं वेदवपम।्

नजं नगण
ु ं नवक#पं नर%हं 'चदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम॥१॥

નમામીશમીશાન િનવાણપ
 ં િવું યાપકં વદવપમ
ે ।
િનજ ંિનણ
 ુ ં િનિવક!પં િનર#હં %ચદાકાશમાકાશવાસં ભ)ઽહમ॥૧॥
namaamishamishaan nirvanaroopn vibhun vyapakam brahmavedasvaroopam।
nijn nirgunam nirvikalpn nirihn chidakashamakashavasam bhajeoham॥1॥
Salutations to You, O Ishana, whose very form is liberation,
To the all-pervasive, mighty Lord, Brahman of the Vedas.
I worship Him who shines in His own self-glory, free of physical qualities,
The changeless, desireless One who resides in the space of consciousness.

ू तर%यं
ु 'गरा 1ान गोतीतमीशं 'गर%शम।्
करालं महाकाल कालं कपालं
ृ गणागार
ु संसारपारं नतोऽहम॥२॥

િનરાકારમ,કાર- ૂલં 0ર#ય ં %ગરા 2ાન ગોતીતમીશં %ગર#શમ।

કરાલં મહાકાલ કાલં 5પાલ ં ણાગાર
ુ ં
સસારપારં નતોઽહમ॥૨॥
nirakaramonkaramoolam turiyam gira gyan gotitamishn girisham।
karalam mahakaal kalam kripalam gunagaar sansarapaaram natooham॥2॥
Salutations to You, O formless One, the very root of Omkara (Aum),
To Him who transcends all states, beyond speech and comprehension;
To the Lord of the Mountains, the Devourer of death itself,
The compassionate One, whose abode is beyond the universe.

ु संकाश गौरं गभीरं मनोभत
ू को6ट9भा
ी शर%रम।्
ु क#लोलनी चा ग<गा लस=ालबाले;द ु क?ठे भज<गा
ु ॥३॥

0ષારા9 ં
સકાશ ગૌરં ગભીરં મનો ૂત કો9ટ;ભા
ી શર#રમ।
<ર=મૌ%લ ક!લો%લની ચા ુ ગ>ા લસ?ાલબાલ=A
ે ુ કBઠD જ>ા
ુ ॥૩॥
tusharadri sankaash gauram gabhiram manobhoot kotiprabha shri shariram।
sfuranmauli kallolini charu ganga lasadbhalabaalendu kanthe bhunanga॥3॥
I worship Him, whose form is white as pure snow,
Who radiates with the luster of a million Kamadevas,
From whose head issues forth the river Ganga,
Whose forehead is adorned by the crescent moon,
And whose neck is garlanded by serpents.
ु Dू सने
ु Eं वशालं 9स;नाननं नीलक?ठं दयालम।्
ृ Gबरं म?डमालं
ु 9यं श<करं सवनाथं भजाम॥४॥

ચલF5Bડલ ં H ૂ IનJ
ુ ે ં િવશાલં ;સKાનનં નીલકBઠં દયાલમ।

 ં -Bડમાલ
ુ ં િ;યં શNરં સવનાથ
 ં ભPિમ॥૪॥
chalatkundalam bhru sunetrn vishalam prasannananan neelakanthn dayalam।
mrigadhishacharmaambaram mundamalam priyam samkaram sarvanathn bhajami॥4॥
I worship Him, who wears shimmering earrings,
The compassionate One who is large-eyed and happy-faced,
Whose throat is blue, and body draped in lion skins and skull garlands.
O beloved Shankara, O Lord of all, I worship You.

9च?डं 9कं
ृ 9ग#भं परे शं अख?डं अजं भानको6ट9काशम
ु ।्
Eयः शल
ू नमल
ू नं शलपाMणं
ू भजेऽहं भवानीपतं भावगGयम॥५॥

ૃ ં ;ગ!ભં પરશ
;ચBડં ;5ટ D ં અખBડં અજ ં ભાTકો9ટ;કાશમ
ુ ।
Jયઃ U ૂલ િન- ૂલન ં U ૂલપા%ણV ભ)ઽહં ભવાનીપિતV ભાવગMયમ॥૫॥
prachandn prakrishtn pragalbhn pareshn akhandn ajn bhanukotiprakasham।
trayah shool nirmoolanan shoolapaanin bhajeoham bhavanipatin bhavagamyam॥5॥
I worship the Lord of Bhavani, the fierce, luminous, indivisible One
Who radiates with the luster of a million suns.
The Wielder of the Trident, the One who uproots the three-fold suffering,
Who is accessible only through divine Love.

कलातीत क#याण क#पा;तकार% सदा सOजनान;ददाता परार%।

'चदान;द स;दोह मोहापहार% 9सीद 9सीद 9भो म;मथार%॥६॥

કલાતીત ક!યાણ ક!પા=તકાર# સદા સXજનાન=દદાતા Yરાર# ।
%ચદાન=દ સ=દોહ મોહાપહાર# ;સીદ ;સીદ ;ભો મ=મથાર#॥૬॥
kalateet kalyan kalpaantakari sada sajjananandadaata purari।
chidanand sandoh mohapahari praseed praseed prabho manmathari॥6॥
O indivisible, ever-auspicious One, the Dissolver of great cycles,
O Tripurari, You are the very source of delight to those pure at heart,
O Dispeller of delusion, the personification of consciousness and bliss,
Be propitious, be propitious, Lord, Destroyer of Kamadeva. (6)

न यावत ् उमानाथ पादारव;दं भज;तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम।्

न तावत ् सखं
ु शाि;त स;तापनाशं 9सीद 9भो सवभता'धवासम
ू ॥७॥

ન યાવત ઉમાનાથ પાદારિવ=દં ભજ=તીહ લોકD પરD વા નરાણામ।
ુ ં શા\=ત સ=તાપનાશં ;સીદ ;ભો સવ
ન તાવત Iખ  ૂતાિધવાસમ॥૭॥
n yavat umanath paadaravindn bhajanteeh loke pare va naranam।
n tavat sukhn shanti santapanashn praseed prabho sarvabhootadhivasam॥7॥
Those who worship not the lotus feet of the Lord of Uma,
Find no happiness, peace or freedom from suffering,
Be it in this world or the worlds here-after;
O Lord who dwells in the hearts of all beings, be propitious.

न जानाम योगं जपं नैव पजां

ू नतोऽहं सदा सवदा शGभु तUयम
ु ।्
जरा ज;म दःखौघ
ु तातWयमानं 9भो पा6ह आप;नमामीश शGभो॥८॥
ન Pનાિમ યોગં જપં નૈવ Y ૂPં નતોઽહં સદા સવદા ુ
 શMુ 0_યમ।

જરા જ=મ Aઃખૌઘ તાતaયમાનં ;ભો પા9હ આપKમામીશ શMભો॥૮॥
n jaanami yogn japn naiv poojan natoohm sada sarvada shambhu tubhyam।
jara janm duahkhaugh taatapyamanan prabho paahi aapannamamish shambho॥8॥
I know not yoga, nor japa nor puja, O Lord,
But continuously and always I bow to You, O Shambhu!
Afflicted as I am by old-age, birth and other miseries,
Lord, protect me! O Shambhu, I bow to You.

ाकमदं 9ोZं व9ेण हरतोषये।

ये पठि;त नरा भ[Bया तेषां शGभःु 9सीदत॥

ાટકિમદં ;ોdતં િવ;ણ
ે હરતોષયે।
ે ં શMઃુ ;સીદિત॥
યે પઠ\=ત નરા ભdFયા તષા
rudraashtakamidn proktn vipren haratoshaye।
ye pathanti nara bhaktya teshan shambhuah prasidati॥
This Hymn of Eight Stanzas on Rudra was sung by a wise man (vipra),
Shambhu will be pleased with him, who recites it with devotion.

॥ इत
ु ृ
ी ाकं संपण
ू म ्॥
ુ ૃ ં
ી ાટક
॥ ઇિત
ીગોવાિમ0લસીદાસ5ત ુ ં સY
ં ૂણમ
॥ iti shrigoswamitulasidasakritam shrirudraashtakam sanpoornam ॥
Here ends the Rudrashtakam created by Sri Goswami Tulsidas.

ॐ नमः शवाय ॐ નમઃ િશવાય OM Namah Shivaay

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