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Problem No.


• Method of Garbage Disposal
o Dumping 2.86%
o Collection 87.23%
o Burning 8.33%
o Burying 1.56%
• Morbidity cases
o URTI 67.61%
o Gastrointestinal problems 8.81%

Criteria Computation Actual Justification


1. Nature of the problem 3/3 x 1 3 The nature is considered a health

related problem since improper
Health Status
garbage disposal leads to an

Heath Resources unsanitary environment, thus

affecting the health of people in
 Health Related the community, giving rise to
illnesses like URTI 67.61%
considered being the top leading
cause of morbidity and
gastrointestinal problem 8.81%
ranks second on the leading
causes of morbidity. Inadequate
garbage disposal may be a
contributing factor to respiratory
problems and gastrointestinal
problems when respondents resort
to these methods of garbage
disposal bringing about rodents
and insects causing these diseases.

2. Magnitude of the 4/4 x 3 3 Based on Table 15 there are

Problem 87.24% of the surveyed
households who utilize collection
75%-100% affected
as their method of garbage
50%-74% affected disposal. Most of the community
25%-49% affected people were complaining that
garbage was collected only twice
<25% affected
a month.

3. Modifiability of the 2/3 x 4 2.67 The modifiability of the problem

Problem is considered as moderate through
these criteria:
 Current knowledge and
technology and The knowledge of community
interventions regarding the proper disposal of
garbage is not enough which is
 Resources of the
evidenced by lack of garbage bins
or sacks or plastic bags for non-

 Resources of the biodegradable and biodegradable

Student Nurses wastes.

 Resources of the  Trash bins are seen on almost

Community every household but bins are not

classified as to biodegradable and
non-biodegradable wastes.

 The student nurses are capable

of providing health teachings
regarding proper garbage
segregation and at the same time
they can provide sacks or labels
for the bins in the community
with the lists or examples of the
kind of wastes they can place in

Currently, the community has

no available garbage trucks seen
and no bins were seen labeled as
to biodegradable and non-

4. Preventive Potential 2/3 x 1 0.67 With the use of the following

criteria, the problem’s
 Gravity or Severity of
preventative potential is
the Problem () categorized as severe.

 Duration of the  The problem is considered

problem () severe because illnesses related to
this like URTI has 67.61%
 Current Management
considered being the top leading
cause of morbidity and

 Exposure of any high gastrointestinal problems has

8.81% being the 2nd leading cause
risk group ()
of morbidity.

 The problem already existed in

the previous years during the
conduction of COPAR by other
groups of nursing students.

 The community people have no

garbage trucks available that
collects their garbage.

 Majority of the community are

affected since almost all utilize
collection and they are
complaining that their garbage is
collected only twice a week.
Mostly children are sick and they
are affected. Improper segregation
poses a threat in the sanitation of
the community. This categorizes
this problem with a low
preventive potential.

5. Social Concern

Urgent Community

Recognized as a problem
but not needing urgent

Not a community concern

TOTAL 9.34

• Method of Garbage Disposal
o Dumping 2.86%
o Collection 87.23%
o Burning 8.33%
o Burying 1.56%
• Morbidity cases
o URTI 67.61%
o Gastrointestinal problems 8.81%


The Republic Act No. 9003 or the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act”
provides the legal framework for the country’s systematic, comprehensive and ecological
solid waste management program that shall ensure protection of public health and the
environment. One of the salient features of RA No. 9003 is the Creation of the National
Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC), the National Ecology Center (NEC)
and the Solid Waste Management Board in every province, city and municipality in the
country. The NSWMC shall be responsible in the formulation of the National Solid
Waste Management Framework and other policies on solid waste, in overseeing the
implementation of solid waste management plans and the management of the solid waste
management fund. The NEC, on the other hand, shall be responsible for consulting,
information, training and networking services relative to the implementation of R.A.No.
9003. The Solid Waste Management Board of provinces, cities and municipalities shall
be responsible for the development of their respective solid waste management plans.
The most important reason why we have to act now on the worsening solid waste
problem is its impact on human health. Health is a basic human right. Everyone deserves
to live in a cleaner environment. Retrieved at
on August 28, 2010 at 9:09 pm

The Cebu City Government (2004) stated that state intervention is seen as critical
with communities regarding garbage segregation. The main technique in garbage
segregation is to “educate the public.” Educating the public on waste segregation is a
vital way in implementing the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. It was seen also
in Marikina that not only education but good practices should be imparted to students
specifically both public elementary and high school students with the help of the Eco-
Savers Program which was launched in 2004 in partnership with the City Schools
Division. The Eco-Savers Program is the initiated LGU program of Marikina wherein
schoolchildren are given incentives to bring their recyclable household wastes like
newspapers, soft drink bottles and cans to school in exchange for food and school
supplies from the city so they can ensure that the recyclables revert back to the students’
educational needs. The Mayor of Marikina said that, “If we know how to properly
manage our garbage at home or in schools, it will lessen the occurrence of flooding due
to clogged drainages and waterways.” Retrieved at
pupils-into-waste-segregation on August 28, 2010 at 11:05 pm

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