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Period Activity

2011.3.15 Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education-General Courses

2011.5.31 Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education-Major Basic

2011.8.16 Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education-Major Advanced

2011.11.8 Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education-All Around

2011.11.15 College Entrance Exam

Transfer Exam

2012.3.1~6 Attend HanYang University, Physics Department

Get 3 credits at summer english school to meet the
Dual degree Program Requirements
Study Physics, Electronics engineering, TOEFL, German Hard!

Participate in Dual Degree or Exchange Program and

go to the United States/Meet Alex : )

Finish my degree at Hanyang University

Apply for internship program by German companies

if available at that time

Work hard, Study German hard, Explore suitable

graduate school in Germany
Apply to and study at Graduate School in Germany as
electronics engineering major
start Job searching and work hard after that/collect
money +buy a house/ Call alex to my house!
Detail and Requirement
Exam Subjects: Korean, English, Korea History
Introduction to Basic Math, Introduction to Natural

C Programming, Logic Circuit Design, Data Structures,

Web Programming, Theory of File processing, System
Programming, Theory of Programming Language, Discrete

Computer Network, Operating Systems, Computer

Network, Software Engineering, Compilers, Algorithms,
Database, System Analysis and Design

Data Structures, Operating Systems, Computer System

Architecture, Computer Network
Korean, English, MathⅠ.Ⅱ, PhysicsⅠ.Ⅱ, ChemistryⅠ.Ⅱ

College Transfer English Exam, College Transfer Math


L, German Hard!
GDP: above 3.5
TOEFL ibt: above 92
Recommendation letter from professor
At least 3 credits that prove you participated at summer
english school

GDP: above 3.5

TOEFL: above 92
Recommendation letter from professor
+point: Relevant Work experience

German Language Proficiency Test:DSH, TestDaf, ZD

option: Aptitude Test

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