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A 32 year old male is admitted to the emergency department

suffering from multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen. Surgery
results in removal of the all of the jejunum. Several months
later, the patient complains of being tired. A CBC indicates an
increased MCV of 125, decreased Hb and Hct. Which of the
following is consistent with these data?

a) iron deficiency anemia

b) anemia of chronic disease
c) Vit B12 deficiency
d) Folate deficiency
e) Sideroblastic anemia

2. A 5 year old female falls from a tree and requires a

splenectomy. She recovers completely within 3 months. Ten
years later, she is having her yearly health maintenance physical
exam. A blood smear and CBC reveal the following:
hypertransferrinemia, decreased ferritin, decreased Hb and Hct.
Which of the following would most typically represent her
hematological results?

a) β Thalassemia minor
b) sickle cell anemia
c) iron deficiency anemia
d) anemia of chronic disease
e) HbSC disease
3. A 22 year old male is rushed to the hospital. He tells the
paramedic that he is having problems breathing and feels “light
headed”. A blood sample is taken and indicates the following:
Hb = 6 g/dl and Hct = 18 %, normal ferritin, normal plasma iron
concentration, normal total iron binding capacity and a decreased
MCV. After 2 days in the hospital he dies. Based on his
hematological data, which of the following is most likely to have
caused his death?

a) hydrops
b) pulmonary failure
c) stroke
d) cardiomyopathy
e) sideroblastic anemia

8. A 57 year old female has been treated for 8 years with alpha
methyldopa to control her hypertension. She is now complaining
of weakness and malaise. A CBC and blood smear show Hb of 9
g/dl, Hct of 28 %, spherocytes, increased bilirubin and decreased
haptaglobin. Which of the following is most likely to have caused
these hematologic results?

a) autoimmune hemolytic anemia

b) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
c) anemia of chronic disease
d) hereditary Spherocytosis
e) α Thalassemia (i.e., Hb H disease)
4. A 63 year old African-American business man travels from the
USA to Africa to complete a business deal. While in Africa he
contracts Streptococcus pneumonia. He is treated while in
Africa and recovers completely. Two weeks after returning to
the USA he becomes lethargic and complains of having “no
energy”. A CBC reveals anemia. Which of the following anemias is
most consistent with these findings?

a) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

b) hereditary Spherocytosis
c) homozygous sickle cell anemia
d) α Thalassemia (4 gene deletion)
e) paroxysmal nocturnal anemia

6. A 68 year old female complains of being excessively tired,

having a fever and having a “rash” on the anterior portions of her
legs. Physical exam shows a temperature of 39.2 Co . A CBC
discloses a Hb of 5 g/dl, Hct of 16 %, WBC = 1,500 (decreased),
platelets of 19,000 (decreased) and a reticulocyte count of 0.1 %.
Which of the following is most likely associated with these

a) anemia of chronic disease

b) autoimmune hemolytic anemia
c) sideroblastic anemia
d) aplastic anemia
e) Hb H disease
7. Which of the following anemia profiles is typical of

a) ↓ MCV, ↓ plasma iron, ↓ ferritin, ↓ total iron binding

capacity (TIBC).
b) ↓ MCV, ↓ ferritin, ↑ plasma iron, normal TIBC
c) ↑ MCV, normal ferritin, normal plasma iron, normal TIBC
d) ↓ MCV, normal ferritin, normal plasma iron,
normal TIBC
e) normal MCV, normal ferritin, normal plasma iron, normal

9. A 73 year old female who has been treated for many years for
rheumatoid arthritis presents with complaints of malaise and
weakness. A CBC indicates a Hb = 11 g/dl, Hct = 30 %, decreased
MCV, normal plasma iron concentration, decreased total iron
binding capacity, increased ferritin. Which of the following is
most likely to have caused these hematologic data?

a) Sideroblastic anemia
b) hereditary sperocytosis
c) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
d) Thalassemia minor
e) Anemia of chronic disease
10. A premature baby suffers from necrotizing enterocolitis and
undergoes surgery to remove the ischemic terminal ileum. As this
baby matures, which of the following is most likely to occur?

a) microcytic, normochromic anemia

b) macrocytic anemia
c) autoimmune hemolytic anemia
d) iron deficiency anemia
e) anemia of chronic disease

11. The cancer therapeutic drug, Hydroxyurea, is used

successfully in the treatment of Hb S disease. The beneficial
actions of this drug relates to its ability to increase which of the

a) α 2,β 2
b) α 2,δ 2
c) α 2,γ 2
d) γ 4
e) Hb H

12. A patient suffers from significant blood loss as a result of a

motor vehicle accident. Paramedics stop the bleeding at the
accident site and transport him to the emergency room 2 hours
after the accident occurred. Prior to any treatment, a CBC would
reveal which of the following?

a) microcytic, normochromic anemia

b) macrocytic, hyperchromic anemia
c) normocytic, hyperchromic anemia
d) normocytic, normochromic anemia
e) normal Hb and Hct

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