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1. Give your analysis on this case study.

Ans= Another study25 however, for the need of economic analysis, the yield of
products from different production steps of biodiesel and glycerol via
transesterfication were 92.5, 62.5 and 27.5 wt percentage respectively the
productions process of biodiesel includes fame distillation therefore the
summation of production should not be 100 wt percentage the results indicate
the necessity of refining fame and yielding glycerol of high quality. The yield of
biodiesel used in the cost analysis of this study was 62.5 percent of refined
biodiesel. Table to shows the elemental analysis of virgin soybean oil, glycerol
and crude fame indicating that the major elemental contents of these material
are c, h and o. the increase of the oxygen content in crude fame can assist its
combustion efficiency.
Item specification price per ton
(USD ton-1)
chemicalsa 517b (856)c
diesel 46d
calcium oxide 1380d
glycerine 92wt% 863d
glycerine 85wt% 471d
hexane USD 471d
methanol 99.85% 201d
phosphoric acid 391d
Technical grade
sodium hydroxide 4600d
sulfuric acid virgin 69d
soybean oil 98% 487d

400 kPa, 6 C
utilities 6.25 × 10-4
cooling water 2.5 × 10-3
450 kPa, 210 C
low-pressure steam 6.8
(superheated) 2700 kPa, 500 C
high-pressure steam 10

waste treatment hazardous 150

plant capacity biodiesel of
M tons year-1
thermodynamic model in NRTL or
process simulation UNIQUACe
methanol recovery 94%
FAME puritficationf 99.65 wt %

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