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Developing a central system that will help management of a group of hotels from a central
authority. This system will be owned by a Hotel Group of national or international repute.
The system will incorporate all features of hotel management and customer relationship
management plus central management of the group of hotels by the firm head. It provides a
complete concoction of solutions to all hotel management problems like financing,
accounting, inventory management so on and so forth. It will usher an environment which
will not only provide unlimited services to the customers but also help the Managers,
Employees and other people related to the hotels to function effectively and efficiently.


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Ê. Managing Director (MD)(Êdmin) ± Chain head
B. General Managers. (GM) ± Hotel head
C. Employees.
D. Customers.
E. Êgents.
F. Suppliers

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i. Registration & user profile management.
ii. Managing Director can view performance reports of every hotel and compare each hotels
performance visually in terms of expenditure, profits etc.
iii. Finances and Êccounts Management of the hotel is supervised by the GM and they submit
regular reports to the MD.
iv. GM contacts suppliers for Quotations of various tenders. GM accepts tenders and
quotations from the Suppliers and evaluates them and sends back replies.
v. Hotel can notify customers about various offers and packages by means of e-mails and
vi. Order booking by customers at any branch of the hotel. Customer can search for a branch
and book. Order placement for home delivery of food from the nearest hotels restaurant by
vii. Employees / Customers can give feedback or report grievances. Customers can directly
contact the GM by means of e-mails.
viii. Employees profile would be maintained and they would be ranked according to their
performance, employees can regularly check their ranks.
ix. Êgents like travel agents and reservation agents provide conformation of services like
local conveyance and air or rail booking to the GM.


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