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Abuse in two Parts

Part one:


There was a stoked


Forge internal.

A prickly


Sapling of encumbering recalcitrance.

Tortuous imprisoning entity it was.

A wishful thinking bud of barbarous confinement

Let loose in a moment of time-lent loss.

Riotous tendrils spouting forth

With force

Want not have not arms run forth to cover the ground.

A soaking


Forget-me-not of earth smoothing shame.

What a shame.

Thick skinned burrowing vermin


To dig-up or up-root
If you will

The will of good people and kill the rest.

An unbearable thawless flaw

Boring its way like malicious warms

Through the very fabric of one’s world.

Left in their wake

Is nothing but a gelatinous gloop

A primordial soup of startling ignorance.

The black social stigma of the marauding masses

The wanton destruction of the assessed


Suppressed repressed jest

Of jovial human nature.

Part Two:

A blight of biblical scale in one so young can crush the rush of

synaptic progress.

(Daughter) Stop afflicting me

Please stop your mental plague bearing corporeal barrage

I can’t take it anymore!

(Father) Shut up you cunt!

Do you perceive?

That within your singular bodily vessel

(Perfected evolution of protein explosion made)

To be the first scorned by a matching creation of DNA?

Have you the vision?

To discern how some ambivalent

Indifferent fleshy human structures can justify prohibited

incestual relations.

How they attack with

Whipcords of whispered wretched boundary crashing vehement peeks.

Attesting for their own quagmerecal upbringing

By ejaculating

Their indentured malice upon the redeeming features of their


Surely their experience born carryings should make them want to

cease tribal oppression.

Putting a locked un-popped stopper atop a possible repeat of this


But alas

(Father) Grasp upon this here modest modesty cracking rod.

Smooth out its creases with a rush of swelling blood.

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