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Anatomy of Optic Nerve

& Visual Pathways

Important facts
 Optic Nerve is a confluence of retinal
ganglion cell axons
 In Optic Pathways:
 1st order neuron is the bipolar connector
neuron in the retina
 2nd order neuron is the ganglion cell of the
 3rd order neuron id the Lateral Geniculate
 Optic Nerve is composed of about 1,200,000
myelinated axons.
 It has four anatomical portions.

 Intra-Ocular
 Intraorbital (25 mm)
 Intracanalicular (5 mm)
 Intracranial (10 mm)
Nerve Fibre Layer
Red-free photo of Nerve fibre layer
Optic Nerve Head
Cut Section through Optic Nerve
Blood Supply of the Optic Nerve

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