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Type I – Wound <1cm long, little ST damage, no sign of
crush, simple/transverse/oblique fx w/ little comminution
Type II – Wound >1cm long, minor ST damage,
slight/moderate crush injury, moderate comminution
Type III – Extensive ST injury, high degree of comminution
IIIa – ST coverage of bone is adequate, trauma high-energy
IIIb – extensive ST damage requiring free-flap for coverage, assoc w/
periosteal stripping and ST contamination Type IV – Intraarticular comminuted fx
IIIc – any open fx w/ arterial injury requiring immediate repair Type V – (peds) Extraarticular fx through epiphysis


Type I – Direct Trauma; closed fx by a direct blow Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V
A – Tapping Fx; low velocity blow, little comminution and little ST TORG CLASSIFICATION
B – Crush Fx; high velocity blow, extensive ST injury & comminution
Type I – Acute Jones fx
Type II – Indirect Trauma; closed fx from force acting Type II – Delayed-union Jones or diaphyseal stress fx
distant to the fx site Type III – Non-union Jones or diaphyseal stress fx
A – Traction Fx; transverse avulsion fx at site of tendon or ligament CHAPMAN CLASSIFICATION
B – Angulation Fx; transverse fx caused by bending of long bone Type Ia – Non-displaced Jones fx
C – Spiral Fx; oblique fx 45° from axis of long bone, by rotational force Type Ib – Displaced or comminuted Jones fx
D – Compression Fx; impaction of shaft into soft cancellous bone
E – Angulation and Axial Compression Fx; transverse fx w/ butterfly Type II – Delayed or non-union Jones fx
fragment Type IIIa – Non-articular styloid process fx
F – Angulation and Rotation Fx; causes oblique fx lines Type IIIb – Articular styloid process fx


Most Stable – transverse fx CLASSIFICATION
Potentially Stable – short obliqe fx, <45° from transverse Type I – Avulsion fx off tuberosity by PT tendon
Least Stable – long oblique, >45°, comminuted fxs Type II – Dorsal lip fx, may resemble os supranaviculare
Type IIIa – Transverse fx, non-displaced
NON-UNIONS – WEBER & CECH Type IIIb – Transverse fx, displaced
Hypertrophic Type Type IV – Stress fx
(vascular, reactive)
2. Horse’s hoof Type A – either homolateral (metatarsals displaced laterally)
3. Oligotrophic or homomedial (metatarsals displaced medially.)
Type B – Partial incongruity; not all metatarsals are displaced
in the same direction.
Atrophic Type Type C – Divergent; 1st metatarsal is medially dislocated, 2-5
(avascular, non-reactive) are either partially or completely laterally dislocated.
1. Torsion wedge
2. Comminuted
3. Defect
4. Atrophic


Type I – Hallux/sesamoid dislocation, no disruption of
sesamoid apparatus, irreducible to closed reduction.
Type IIa – closed reducible, disrupted intersesamoidal
Type IIb – closed reducible, transverse fx of sesamoids
Type IIc – open reduction, both IIa and IIb.


Type I – “Jones Fracture,” transverse fx of diaphyseal /
metaphyseal junction. Healing potential is poor.
Type II – Intraarticular avulsion fx
Type III – Extraarticular avulsion fx
superior surface of the calcaneus; some cortex still intact.
Occurs when heel strikes ground w/ knee extended and foot
dorsiflexed. View w/ lateral foot radiograph.
Type IIb – avulsion fx of the tendo Achilles, same as a IIa but
with complete dislocation.

Type IIIa – simple fx, oblique through calcaneal body not

involving the STJ. Occurs secondary to a fall, landing on both
heels w/ the feet inverted or everted. View w/ lateral foot,
axial calcaneal.
Type IIIb – same as IIIa, but comminuted.


Type A – Homolateral/partial incongruity of Lisfranc’s joint Type IVa&b – same as type III, but w/ STJ involvement.
Type B – Isolateral/partial incongruity or Lisfranc’s joint
Type C – Divergent fx; dislocation of Lisfranc’s joint
Signs & Symptoms: Acute pain, edema about heel, pain w/
compression/palpation, pain w/ STJ motion, fx blisters on
skin, plantar medial&lateral ecchymosis (mondur’s sign)
Bohler’s Angle: Measures sagittal plane relationship of talus
and calcaneus – compare to contralateral side.
Normal = 25 -40 degrees; fx lowers or reduces this angle
Critial Angle of Gissane: Measure of calcaneal strut that
supports the lateral talar process. Type Va – intraarticular STJ fx w/ comminution and
Normal = 130 degrees; intraarticular fx will decrease depression of the articular segment.
Broden View: Lateral oblique projection to visualize the Type Vb – intraarticular fx of the calcaneo-cuboid joint.
posterior facet and a medial oblique to view the sinus tarsi.
Isherwood View: Lateral oblique axial to visualize posterior
facet, medial oblique axial to visualize middle articular facet,
and lateral oblique to visualize anterior process.
Type Ia – plantar calcaneal tuberosity fx,
secondary to eversion force (medial
tuberosity) or inversion (lateral tuberosity.)
View w/ axial calcaneal, lateral foot.
the sustentaculum tali, Type Ia – tuberosity fx; beak/medial avulsion fx,
secondary to inverted vertical/horizontal body fx. (Rowe types I and II)
landing of heel. View w/
axial calcaneal.
Type Ic – anterior process fx, may appear
similar to os calcaneum secundum. Occurs
as a bifurcate ligament avulsion, secondary
to adduction and plantarflexion. View w/
lateral, lat oblique isherwood.
Type IIa – “beak fracture,”
meaning a lift-off of the posterior
Type Ib – calcaneo-cuboid joint involvement Type III (AB, AC, and BC) – three part fx w/ central
Type IIa – undisplaced STJ fx, secondary fx line exits depressed segment.
posteriorly through calcaneus.
Type IIb – displaced STJ fx, secondary fx line exits dorsally
through calcaneus and a fragment dislocates.
Type IIc – comminuted STJ fx.

Type IV – comminuted fx of
posterior facet.
-The current standard for calcaneal
classification is the Rowe system.
For Rowe class IV and V
(intraarticular – 75% chance) then a
coronal CT scan is indicated, and the
Sanders system is typically used to
Type I – Non-displaced fx of anterior process
Type II – Displaced fx of anterior process, extra-articular
Type III – Displaced fx of anterior process, articular
WATSON-JONES CLASSIFICATION CT evaluation of fragmentation – 5 general fragments
1. Sustentaculum 2. Tuberosity 3. STJ 4. Anterior process
Not involving the STJ 5. Anterior STJ fragment
Type A – vertical fracture of tuberosity
Type B – horizontal fracture of tuberosity TALAR NECK FRACTURES – HAWKIN’S CLASSIFICATION
Type C – fracture of sustentaculum tali These fxs are usually seen in MVAs or short-height falls
Type D – fracture of the anterior process Type I – minimal displacement, 7-15% chance of AVN
Involving the STJ Type II – STJ subluxation, 35-50% chance of AVN
Type A – undisplaced fracture through body Type III – ankle dislocation, 85% chance of AVN
Type B – displaced fracture through body Type IV – STJ/ankle/TNJ dislocation, 100% chance of AVN
Type C – fracture w/ comminution and displacement of STJ Hawkin’s Sign – subchondral lucency of the body of the talus
following fx; appears 6-8 weeks post fx; = revascularization
(Note: This classification system
requires the fracture to be visualized
w/ coronal CT scan.)
Type I (A, B, and C) – nondisplaced
articular fx.
Type II (A, B, and C) – two part fx
of posterior facet.


Stage I – small area of compression in subchondral bone.
Stage II – partially detached osteochondral fragment.
Stage III – completely detached fragment, in crater.
Stage IV – complete fx, out of crater. Poor prognosis. Ic – fx w/ ankle & STJ displacement Id – fx w/ total displacement
Type II – Horizontal shear fracture
IIa – Non-displaced IIb - displaced
Type I – Incomplete fx (no ORIF necessary)
Type II – Fx w/ displacement (ORIF)
Type III – Fracture w/ STJ dislocation (ORIF)
Type I – Simple fx from AJ articulation to STJ
Type II – Comminuted fx involving calcaneal & fibular
Type III – Chip fx of anterior/inferior portion of lat process
Stage I – Normal lateral tubercle, no clinical significance
Stage II – Enlarged lateral tubercle
Stage III – Non-fused os trigonum
Stage IV – Synchondratic union of os trigonum to talus

DIAL a PIMP denotes the location of talar dome lesions –

dorsiflexion internal rotation = anterior lateral lesion,
plantarflexion inversion = medial posterior lesion.
Medial Lesions: (PIMP, 56%) Deep, cup shaped, less likely to displace.
Lateral Lesions: (DIAL, 44% ) Thin, wafer shaped, easily displaced.
Stage I – injury to articular cartilage only
Stage II – cartilage injury w/ underlying fracture
IIa – w/ bone edema IIb – w/o bone edema
Stage III – detached (rim signal) but not displaced fragment
Stage IV – displaced fragment
Stage V – subchondral cyst
Type I – shearing force, separation of epiphysis from
metaphysis w/o fx, seen at birth and in young children.
Stage A – Smooth, intact but soft; stable Type II – fx line extends through physis and exits metaphysis.
Stage B – Rough surface, intact; stable Shearing or avulsion force, + Thurston Holland sign.
Stage C – Fibrillation/fissuing; stable Thurston Holland Sign – triangle shaped metaphyseal fx.
Stage D – Flap present or bone exposed; unstable Type III – fx line extends through physis and exits epiphysis
Stage E – Loose, non-displaced fragment; unstable (intraarticular). Due to shearing force.
Stage F – Displaced fragment Type IV – intraarticular fx through epiphysis, physis, and
FRACTURES OF THE TALAR BODY - SNEPPEN metaphysis. Prognosis is poor.
Group I – Talar Dome Fracture/OCD (use Berndt-Hardy) Type V – compression fx, compacted germinal cells of physis
Group IIa – Shear Fracture – 50% AVN, requires ORIF die and cause premature closure. Poor prognosis.
Type 1a – non-displaced Type 1b – displacement of trochlear surface Type VI (Rang) - contusion of perichondral ring of physis,
Type 1c – displacement of trochlear surface w/ STJ dislocation
Type 1d – total dislocation of talar body acts like type V if a bony bridge develops – prognosis good.
Type 2a – displaced horizontal fx Type VII (Ogden) – epiphyseal fx not affecting physis
Type 2b – non-displaced horizontal fx Type VIII (Ogden) – partial fx of metaphysis, growth lines
Type 3a – displaced sagittal fx Type 3b - non-displaced sagittal fx
Type IX (Ogden) – degloving loss of periosteum on diaphysis
Group III – Posterior Tubercle Fracture – Shepherd’s Fx POLAND CLASSIFICATION
Group IV – Lateral Process Fracture (Fjeldborg)
Types I to III – same as salter-harris I to III
Group V – Crush injury – highly comminuted
Type IV – fx through entire physis w/ epiphyseal fx as well
Type I – Coronal or sagittal shear fracture
Ia – Non-displaced Ib – fx w/ displacement at ankle joint
Type I – Transverse fx of metaphysis w/ longitudinal The first word in this classification denotes the position of the
compression of physis foot at time of injury; the second word denotes the position of
Type II – Salter-Harris II the leg. The numerical grades w/in each class occur each in
Type III – Salter-Harris I chronological order and relate to the severity of trauma.
Type IV – Salter-Harris III Supination – Adduction
Type V – Salter-Harris IV I – transverse fx of the lateral malleolus
Type VI – Open fx w/ removal of part of the physis, as in II – vertical fx of the medial malleolus
lawnmower injury or farm equipment Pronation – Abduction
WEBER CLASSIFICATION I – Rupture of deltoid ligament/medial malleolar fx
Type A – Extra-articular II – Rupture of ant inferior tibio-fibular ligament
A1 – Separation of physis A2 – Fragmentation of epi/metaphysis III – Bending fx of fibula 1cm proximal to plafond
Type B – Intra-articular Pronation – Dorsiflexion
B1 – w/in physis, extending to epiphysis I – Fx of medial malleolus
B2 – Through epiphysis, physis, and metaphysis
II – Large anterior lip fx of tibia
III – Fracture of superior lateral malleolus
Supination-Inversion – grade I (A) IV – Fracture of third malleolus (posterior tibia)
Supination-Inversion – grade II (B) Supination – External Rotation (SER)
Supination-Plantarflexion (C) I – Rupture of ant inferior tibio-fibular ligament
II – Spiral oblique fx of lateral malleolus (extending
anterior inferior to posterior superior.)
III – Rupture of post inferior tibio-fibular ligament
IV – Deltoid rupture/fx of medial malleolus
Pronation – External Rotation (PER)
I – Rupture of deltoid ligament/medial malleolar fx
II – Rupture of ant inferior tibio-fibular ligament,
Intra-osseous ligament, intra-osseous membrane
Supination-Ext Rotation – grade I (D) III – Spiral fx above syndesmosis (high fibular fx)
Supination-Ext Rotation – grade II (E) IV – Rupture of post inferior tibio-fibular ligament
Pronation-Eversion-Ext Rotation (F) This injury typically causes diastasis – separation of the tibio-
Juvenile Tillaux Fracture (G) fibular syndesmosis. This may also be seen in SER.
Triplanar Fracture (H)


Pott’s/Dupuytren’s Fracture – bimalleolar fx
Cotton’s Fracture – trimalleolar fx; medial/lateral malleoli +
posterior or anterior distal tibia.
Maisonneuve Fracture – proximal fibular fx (near head) as a Supination – Adduction Pronation-Abduction
result of torsional stress (PER).
Bosworth Fracture – mid-fibular fx w/ ankle dislocation
Tillaux-Chaput Fracture – avulsion fx of anterior inferior
lateral tibia
Wagstaffe Fracture – avulsion fx of ant inferior medial tibia
Volkmann Fracture – posterior tibial fracture
Type A – Avulsion of tip of medial malleolus
Type B – Avulsion at the level of the ankle joint
Type C – Oblique fx
Type D – Vertical orientation
Type A – Fracture below the level of the tibial plafond Supination-External Rotation Pronation-External Rotation
Type B – Fracture at the level of the tibial plafond
Type C – Fracture above the level of the tibial plafond
Type I – Straight lateral subluxation of the fibula, w/ medial
clear space on x-ray, due to interposition of delroid ligament.
Type II – Lateral fibular subluxation w/ plastic or angular
deformity, due to fibular microfracture
Type III – Posterior rotatory subluxation of distal fibula
behind talus w/ PITFL intact
Type IV – Talus is dislocated superiorly, wedged between the
tibia and fibula.


1) Medial Force (30%)  precursor to STJ dislocation
Type A - flake fx of dorsal talus or navicular and lateral
calcaneus or cuboid
Type B - medial displacement of FF w/ TN and CC joints
Type C - FF rotates medially around interosseous
talocalcaneal lig w/ TN disassociation and CCJ intact AO CLASSIFICATION (MUELLER)
2) Longitudinal Force (40%) worst prognosis of non-crush
Type A - extra articular
Type A - maximally PF ankle giving a characteristic pattern
Type B - partially articular
of through and through navicular compression fracture
Type C - completely articular
A1 - force through 1st ray: crushes medial 3rd w/ tuberosity All three can involve:
displaced medially a. no comminution or impaction in articular or metaphyseal surface
A2 - force thru 2nd ray: crushes middle 3rd w/ middle 3rd & b. impaction involving supra-articular metaphysic
tuberosity displaced medially c. comminution & impaction of articular surface with metaphyseal
A3 - force thru 3rd ray: crushes lateral 3rd w/ medial 2/3 &
tuberosity displaced medially
Type B - submaximally PF ankle resulting in dorsal
displacement of superior navicular, crush of inferior on x-ray
3) Lateral Force (17%)
Type A - FF forced into valgus w/ fx of navicular tuberosity
or dorsal talus and compression fx of CCJ (Nutcracker fx)
Type B - TNJ displaces laterally w/ comminution of CCJ
4) Plantar Force (7%)
Type A -avulsion fx of dorsal navicular or talus & ant process
Type B - impaction fracture of inferior CCJ
5) Crush Injury (6%)


Type 1- Mild to moderate displacement & no comminution,
w/o major disruption of ankle joint
Type 2- Moderate displacement & no comminution w/
significant dislocation of ankle joint
Type 3- Explosion fx, severe comminution & displacement


Type I - intra-articular injuries that are not displaced
Type II - minimally displaced intra-articular fractures

Type III - moderately displaced intra-articular fx w/ several

large fragments
Type IV - intra-articular w/ moderate displacement and large Group III – Severe injury; lateral ankle swelling and pain, ant
metaphyseal defects drawer +, talar tilt >15°
Group IV – Chronic problem, ant drawer +, talar tilt >15°


Type I – Medial dislocation of STJ
Type II – Lateral dislocation of STJ
Type III – Anterior/posterior dislocation of STJ

Type V - severe comminution of PTTD – JOHNSON AND STROM

both distal tibial metaphysis and Stage I – Medial pain, tenosynovitis, mild weakness on heel-
articular surface raise test
KELLAM & WADDELL Stage II – Medial/lateral pain, tendon elongation, flexible pes
CLASSIFICATION planus, weakness on heel raise, + too many toes sign
Type A - rotational pattern consisting of 2 or more large tibial Stage III – Medial/lateral pain, tendon degeneration, fixed pes
articular fragments, minimal or no anterior comminution, and planus, no inversion on heel raise, + too many toes sign
a transverse/oblique fibular fracture at tibial plafond Stage IV – Medial/lateral pain, tendon degeneration, flexed
Type B - compressive fracture pattern w/ multiple tibial pes planus, no inversion on heel raise, + too many toes sign,
fragments w/ marked anterior tibial cortical comminution STJ arthritis
Type 1 - distal tibial compression fracture Based on Etiology
Type 2 - external rotatory fx w/ large posterior fragment Type I – Direct injury
Type 3 - spiral fx from articular surface to metaphysis Type II – Rupture secondary to systemic disease
DESTOT SYSTEM Type III – Idiopathic
Subgroup I - posterior marginal fx of tibia Type IV – Rupture secondary to mechanical dysfunction
Subgroup II - anterior marginal fx of tibia
Subgroup III - explosion fx of tibia CONTI CLASSIFICATION (MRI)
Subgroup IV - supra-articular fx w/ extension into ankle joint Stage I – One or two fine, longitudinal tears
MAST SYSTEM Stage II – Intramural degeneration, variable diameter, wide
Type 1 - malleolar fx w/ significant axial load at time of longitudinal tears
injury producing large posterior fragment Stage III – Scarring in tendon, complete tear
Type 2 - spiral extension fx ROSENBERG CLASSIFICATION (MRI)
Type 3 - central compressive injury divided into A,B,C Stage I – Hypertrophic tears in tendon (appears bulbous)
Stage II – Atrophic tears
Grade I – partial rupture of CFL
Grade III – complete rupture of ATFL, CFL, and/or PTFL Type I – Partial rupture of tendon
Grade IV – complete rupture of all 3 lateral ligaments + Type II – Complete rupture of tendon, <3cm gap
partial rupture of deltoid ligament Type III – Complete rupture, 3-6cm gap
O’DONOGHUE CLASSIFICATION Type IV – Complete rupture, >6cm gap
1st Degree – ligament stretch w/ minimal disruption
2nd Degree – partial ligament disruption w/ joint instability TENDO-ACHILLES RADIOPAQUE LESIONS
3rd Degree – complete ligament disruption MORRIS, GIACOPELLI, AND GRANOFF CLASSIFICATION
LEACH CLASSIFICATION Type I – Radioopacities found in the Achilles insertion –
1st Degree – partial or complete tear of ATFL lesion is w/in tendon but attached to calcaneus
2nd Degree – partial or complete tear of ATFL & CFL Type II – Intratendinous opacities seen at the insertion 1-3cm
3rd Degree – partial or complete tear or ATFL, CFL, & PTFL proximal to bone. Lesions are clearly separated from
RASMUSSEN CLASSIFICATION calcaneus, typically involving only partial thickness of tendon
Stage I – rupture of ATFL Type III – Lesions occur proximal to the insertion up to 4-
Stage II – rupture of superficial fibers of PTFL 12cm from attachment, w/o calcaneal involvement.
Stage III – rupture of CFL Type IV – Partial tendon ossification or calcification
Stage IV – rupture of deep fibers of PTFL Type V – Total tendon involvement
Group I – POP tender over ATFL, ant drawer -, talar tilt <5° PERONEAL TENDON DISLOCATION - ECKERT & DAVIS
Group II – Moderate injury; POP over ATFL & CFL, ant Grade I – retinaculum ruptured from cartilaginous lip to
drawer -, talar tilt <15° posterior lateral malleolus
Grade II – distal 1-2cm fibrous lip of malleolus is elevated w/ Type I – Hematogenous osteo
retinaculum Type II – Osteo secondary to contiguous source
Grade III – a thin fragment of bone w/ cartilage is avulsed Type III – Osteo assoc w/ vascular insufficiency
from deep surface of peroneal retinaculum & deep fascia Type IV – Chronic osteo
Zone I – Distal metatarsal neck (most common)
Zone II – MT neck to MTJ (least common)
Zone III – calcaneus or talus


A. Juvenile (Osseous Immaturity)
Type I – extra-articular coalition
SHOTGUN WOUNDS – SHERMAN AND PARRISH Ia – no secondary arthritis, tx w/ badgley procedure
Type I – Penetrates sub-Q or deep fascia, from distance Ib – secondary arthritis, tx w/ resection, triple arthrodesis
greater than 7 yards Type II – intra-articular coalition
IIa – no secondary arthritis, tx w/ resection or triple arthrodesis
Type II – Occurs at 3-7 yards, violating bone, viscera, and IIb – secondary arthritis, tx w/ triple arthrodesis
vascular system B. Adult (Osseous Maturity)
Type III – Occurs at <3 yards, blast injury w/ severe local Type I – extra-articular coalition
destruction of all tissues Ia – no secondary arthritis, tx w/ resection or triple arthrodesis
ORDOG CLASSIFICATION Ib – secondary arthritis, tx w/ triple arthrodesis
Type 0 – No injury (suspicion of injury, due to blood spatter) Type II – intra-articular coalition
IIa – no secondary arthritis, tx w/ triple or isolated arthrodesis
Type I – Blunt injury (non-penetrating due to vest, shoe, etc.) IIb – secondary arthritis, tx w/ triple arthrodesis
Type II – Graze injury (abrasion, injury to superficial dermis) PERLMAN AND WERTHEIMER CLASSIFICATION
Type III – Blast effect w/o missile penetration (near miss) Type I – Congenital coalition Type II – Acquired coalition
Type IV – Blast effect w/ missile penetration TACHDJIAN CLASSIFICATION
Type V – Penetrating injury
A – Laceration of dermis B – Sub-Q C – Deep Tissues I. Isloated Anomaly
D – Body cavity E – More than one body region Ia – TC, CN, CC, or NC Ib – multiple combinations of Ia
Ic – massive tarsal coalition
Type VI – Perforating/through & through (A-E above)
II. Part of Complex Malformation
Type VII – Penetration w/ missile embolization IIa – assoc w/ other synostoses (carpal coalition, synphalangism)
IIb – manifestation of a syndrome (Apert’s, Nievergelt-Perlman)
PUNCTURE WOUNDS – GREEN & BRUNO III. Associated w/ Major Limb Abnormalities
Type I – Early dx w/ surgical I&D and appropriate antibiotic POLYDACTYLY – VENN & WATSON
coverage, resulting in complete healing w/ no sequelae A. Wide Metatarsal Head
Type II – Delay in dx of 9-14 days. Surgical I&D w/ abx will B. T-shaped Metatarsal Head
eradicate infection, possibly w/ residual bone, joint deformity C. Y-shaped Metatarsal Head
Type III – Delay in dx more than 2 weeks, resulting in D. Digital Duplication
chronic infection, necessitates bone resection E. Complete Duplication
Type I – wound induced osteomyelitis Post-axial polydactyly only
Ia – open fx w/ complete discontinuity Ib – penetrating wound Type A – Complete digit that articulates
Ic – post-op infection
w/ 5th MT head or duplicate 5th MT
Type II – mechanogenic infection
IIa – implants, internal fixation Type B – Accessory digit w/o osseous attachment
IIb – contact instability/bone on bone apposition BLAUTH & OLASON CLASSIFICATION
Type III – physeal osteomyelitis Type A – Arrangement based on duplication distal to prox
Type IV – ischemic limb disease A1 – distal phalanx A2 – middle phalanx
Type V – combination osteo of types I-IV A3 – proximal phalanx A4 – metatarsal A5 – tarsal bone
Type VI – osteitis from septic arthritis Type B – Transverse numbering of digits medial to lateral
Type VII – chronic osteomyelitis SYNDACTYLY – DAVIS & GERMAN
CIERNY-MADER CLASSIFICATION Type I – incomplete webbing between digits
Type I – medullary osteo Type II – complete webbing to ends of digits
Type II – superficial osteo Type III – simple syndactyly, no phalangeal involvement
Type III – localized osteo Type IV – complicated, phalangeal bones appear abnormal
Type IV – diffuse osteo
Type A – good immune system and vascularity CHARCOT FOOT – EICHENHOLTZ
Type B – local or systemic immune compromise Stage I – destructive phase w/ joint laxity, subluxation, and
Type C – tx will be more harmful to patient than disease osteochondral fragmentation
Stage II – coalescence; absorption of debris and fusion of AVN OF THE 2ND METATARSAL – FREIBERG
larger fragments to adjacent bone Type I – no DJD, articular cartilage intact
Stage III – remodeling; revascularization and remodeling of Type II – periarticular spurs, articular cartilage intact
bone and fragments Type III – severe DJD, loss of articular cartilage
Type IV – epiphyseal dysplasia, multiple head involvement
Type I – Synovial impingement. X-rays show inflammatory Level A – fissures noted in distal metaphysis or epiphysis
reaction, up to 3mm spur formation, confirmed w/ DF stress Level B – increased fissuring w/ bone resorbtion
views. Increased anterior ST swelling. Level C – increased fissuring w/ central collapse of MT head
Type II – Osteochondral reaction exostosis. X-rays show Level D – collapse & fx w/ fragments on either side of joint
osseous spur formation >3mm. MRI confirms osteoblastic and Level E – complete collapse of MT head
chondral hyperplastic reaction.
Type III – Significant exostosis w/ or w/o fragmentation, 2° COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME CLASSIFICATION
spur formation on the talus w/ fragments, osteophytes. A.K.A. REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY
Type IV – Pan-talocrural arthritic destruction. X-rays suggest Stage I – ST edema, redness, heat, pronounced pain w/
medial, lateral, or posterior degenerative, arthritic changes. guarding, reluctant movement, hyperesthesia to light touch,
hyperhidrosis, after 3-4wks see spotty osteoporosis on X-ray.
HALLUX LIMITUS/RIGIDUS – DRAGO, ORLOFF, AND JACOBS Stage II – (approx 3mos); brawny edema, joint fibrosis,
Grade I – Functional limitus severe spotty osteoporosis (Sudek’s atrophy), cyanotic skin
Hallux equinus/flexus, plantar subluxation of proximal phalanx, MPE, no
DJD, hyperextension of HIPJ, pronatory architecture, joint ROM normal
Stage III – 6-9 mos; cool, dry, tight-appearing and wax-like
NWB, but is limited on WB. skin, diffuse osteoporosis, joint stiffness, disability
Grade II – Adaptation; proliferative/destructive joint change
Flattening of 1st MT head, pain on end ROM, passive ROM limited, NERVE INJURY – SEDDEN
osteochondral defect/cartilage fibrillation & erosion, small dorsal exostosis, Neuropraxia – interruption of nerve impulse due to extrinsic
subchondral eburnation, periarticular lipping or phalanx base and 1st MT head
pressure, resulting in pinpoint segmental demyelination
Grade III- Joint deterioration/arthritis, established arthrosis Axonotmesis – severance of individual nerve fibers, resulting
Severe flattening of 1st MT head, osteophytosis dorsally, non-uniform
narrowing of joint space, degeneration of articular cartilage, erosions, in partial severance of nerve
creptius, subchondral cysts, pain on ROM, assoc inflammatory arthritis Neurotmesis – complete severance of nerve, resulting in
Grade IV – Ankylosis/Hallux Rigidus wallerian degeneration
Obliteration of joint space w/ loss of majority of articular surface, exuberant SUNDERLAND CLASSIFICATION
osteophytosis w/ joint mice, less than 10° ROM, deformity, malalignment
1st Degree – disruption of nerve impulses w/o wallerian
1st Degree – Limitation of 1st MPJ ROM to 40°, pain at end
2nd Degree – disruption of axon, w/ wallerian degeneration
ROM, narrowing of joint space, flattening of MT head,
distal to the point of injury
periarticular spurring, no sesamoidal dz
3rd Degree – fibrosis of nerve, regrowth w/ fusiform swelling
2nd Degree – Arthrosis, enlargement of joint, loss of ROM,
4th Degree – incomplete severance of nerve
painful ROM, crepitus, narrowing of joint space, flattening of
5th Degree - complete severance of nerve
MT head, periarticular spurring, sesamoid hypertrophy
3rd Degree – Ankylosis, crepitus, little or no ROM, pain, loss
of joint space, marked hypertrophy of joint, joint mice, Grade 0 – Skin is intact, no open lesions.
marked involvement of sesamoids Grade 1 – Skin only lesion, large or small, dirty or clean
MODIFIED REGNAULD/ORLOFF CLASSIFICATION Grade 2 – Deeper lesion involving tendon, muscle, or bone
Grade 3 – Grade 2 w/ infection (abscess, osteomyelitis)
Stage I – Functional hallux limitus
No DJD, no pain on end ROM, limited ROM on WB but normal NWB Grade 4 – Partial gangrene in the forefoot
Stage II – Joint adaptation Grade 5 – Entire foot is gangrenous, no procedures possible
Pain on end ROM, flattening of 1st MT head, small dorsal osteophyte
Stage III – Joint deterioration UTSA CLASSIFICATION
Crepitus on ROM, non-uniform joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis Grade 0 – pre or post ulcerative lesion, epithelialized
and cyst formation, osteophytosis, severe flatting of 1st MT head
Grade 1 – superficial wound, not involving tendon, capsule or
Stage IV – Ankylosis
Obliteration of joint space, osteophyte fragmentation, minimal to no ROM
HANFT CLASSIFICATION Grade 2 – wound penetrating to capsule, tendon, or bone
Grade 3 – wound penetrating to bone or joint
Grade I – MPE, mild dorsal exostosis, 1st MPJ sclerosis
Type A – Clean, vascular wound
Grade IIa –Grade I +; flattening of MT head, joint space
Type B – Infected, vascular wound
narrowing, dorsal & lateral osteophytes
Type C – Clean, ischemic wound
Grade IIb – Grade IIa + subchondral sclerosis & cysts
Type D – Infected, ischemic wound
Grade III – Grade IIa + severe 1st MT head flattening,
sesamoid hypertrophy
Grade IV – Grade III + subchondral sclerosis & cysts Type 1 – Dorsal foot phlegmon (non-localized cellulitis)
Type 2 – Deep plantar space infection
Type 3 – Mal perforans diabetic foot ulcer J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1976 Jun;58(4):453-8
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1st Degree – superficial, involving outer layer of skin, Media, 2002
erythema, no blisters Non-Unions – Weber & Cech
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assoc w/ erythema, anesthetic Jahss MH: Foot Ankle 1980;1:15-21
5th Metatarsal Fractures – Stewart
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5 Metatarsal Fractures – Torg
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5 Metatarsal Fractures – Chapman (?)
Navicular Fractures – Watson-Jones
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Lisfranc’s Fractures – Hardcastle
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Lisfranc’s Fractures – Quenu & Kuss
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Calcaneal Fractures – Rowe
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Calcaneal Fractures – Sanders
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Level 2 – 0.76-1.5mm 37-90% calcaneusfrakturen. Unfallchirurg, 1988, 91, 507-515
Talar Neck Fractures – Hawkins
Level 3 – 1.51-2.25mm 37-83% Hawkins L: Fractures of the neck of the talus.   JBJS 1970;52A:991-1002
Level 4 – 2.26-3.0mm 44-72% Talar Dome Lesions – Berndt Hardy
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Shepherd’s Fracture – Dobas & Watson
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4. Complex (stellate) nail bed laceration Dias LS, Tachdjian MO: Physeal injuries of the ankle in children. Clin Orthop
Relat Res 1978;136:230–233
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Lateral Malleolar Fracture – Danis-Weber
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Open Fractures – Gustillo & Anderson
Wien, Verlag Hans Huber, 1972
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Tarsal Coalitions – Downey

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