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Alphistian Prefixes and Suffixes


an - on, in
er - process of...
es - be-
in - in, inside
inre - inside
na - on, at
ne - un, not
on - un, not
ont - off, away from
opat - again
ot - out, out of
over - over
pran - before
pres - before
ras - at ,on
re - again
samen - together
samte - same, like
til -up to
tras - across
upas - up
vehat - away from
ver - process of...

across - tras
again - opat, re
at - ras, na
be - es
before - pran, pres
in - an, inre, na
inside - inre
off - ont, vehat
on - an, na
out, out of - ot
over - over
process of - er, ver
same - samte
together - samen
un - on, ne
up - upas
up to - til


-e - added to nouns to make verbs

-ere - added to nouns to make verbs
-e - ending for many adjectives
-er - comparison for adjectives
-es - superlative for adjectives
-ea - used to make nouns
-ese - used to make adjectives/adverbs, primarily from verbs
-ente - used to make nouns
-er - a person who does something
-ete - used to make nouns
-el - used to make nouns, often referring to a person or object
-tas, tat - used for abstract nouns mostly
-tion - used for some abstract nouns
-vad - thing

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