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Peer evaluation

At the end of the semester, it is necessary for all members of this class to assess the contributions that each
member of the team made to the work of the team. This contribution should presumably reflect your judgment
of such things as:
Preparation - Were they prepared when they came to class?
Reliable class attendance, attendance at team meetings that may have occurred outside
of class
Contribution - Did they contribute productively to team discussion and work? Respect for
others' ideas - Did they encourage others to contribute their ideas? Flexibility - Were they
flexible when disagreements occurred?
It is important that you raise the evaluation of people who truly worked hard for the good of the team and lower
the evaluation of those you perceived not to be working as hard on team tasks. Those who contributed should
receive the full worth of the team's grades; those who did not contribute fully should only receive partial credit.
Your Attestation 2 grade will be a product of the points you receive for all assignments (quizzes, homeworks,
etc) and sum of ratings of the team members (interpreted as percentage).

Evaluate the contributions of each person in your team except yourself, by distributing 100 points among
Team number ____
Your Name: _______________

Name Points Awarded

Total: 100 points

Team #1
Member Evaluated Evaluator Sum of Ratings
Amy Bob Carolyn David Eugene Felicia
Amy X 20 20 20 20 20 100%
Bob 21 X 22 21 19 22 105%
Carolyn 22 23 X 22 23 20 110%
David 17 20 18 X 19 21 95%
Eugene 22 20 23 18 X 17 100%
Felicia 18 17 17 19 19 X 90%
Avg. rating 20 20 20 20 20 20 100%
If the team has been awarded 25 points for team work and your sum of ratings is 110, then your Attestation 2
is 27.5

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