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Poetry Terms

1. Ballad: Songlike poem that tells a story. Example:

2. Concrete: a poem that takes the shape of what it

describes. Example:

3. Epic: a long narrative poem on a serious subject.


4. Free Verse: poetry NOT written in a rhyme pattern.


5. Haiku: 3 line Japanese verse form. Example:

6. Limerick: a short, humorous poem composed of 5 lines.


7. List: a poem with items or categories in a list.

8. Ode: type of lyric poem that deals with serious themes.


9. Parody: a work that closely imitates. Example:

10. Sonnet: a poem that has lyrical structure, containing 14 lines

and a specific rhyme scheme and meter. Example:

11. Lyric: a rhyming poem in which a single speaker expresses

personal thoughts and feelings.

12. Mood: the way the reader feels when reading the poem.


13. Tone: the feeling/attitude that the poems style implies.


14. Assonance: repetition of vowel sounds. Example:

15. Consonance: repetition of consonant sounds, but not vowels.


16. Couplet: a pair of lines of meter in poetry. Example:

17. End Rhyme: words that sound alike at the end of lines.


18. Meter: a recurring pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

in lines of set length. Example:

19. Rhyme Scheme: pattern of sound in a poem. Example:

20. Stanza: section or paragraph of a poem. Example:

21. Hyperbole: language that exaggerates. Example:

22. Imagery: consists of vivid words and phrases that re-create

sensory experiences for the reader. *5 senses Example:

23. Symbol: is a person, a place, and object, or an activity that

evokes additional meaning (literal and figurative). Example:

24. Alliteration: repetition of sound at the beginning of words.


25. Metaphor: comparison of two things NOT using like or as.


26. Onomatopoeia: words that imitate sound. Example:

27. Personification: language that gives human qualities to objects.


28. Simile: comparison of two unlike things using like or as.


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