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Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________ Class:______

Universal Solvent Inquiry

Water is a common solvent. But why is water considered a universal solvent?

Flex your inquiry muscles!!! Provide scientific theories, diagrams, and examples to explain and
answer the central question. The rubric will be used to evaluate your answer so ensure that you
know the expectations. If needed, you can use an extra sheet for your answers.

4  Provided evidence of in-depth, sophisticated understanding of relevant
Excellent scientific concepts, principles or theories (big ideas)
 Masters and applies knowledge.
 Communicates powerfully and convincingly.
3  Provided evidence of understanding of relevant scientific concepts,
Satisfactory principles or theories (big ideas)
 Applies knowledge.
 Communicates clearly.
2  Minimal reference to relevant scientific concepts, principles, or theories
Approachin (big ideas) in answering inquiry.
g  Developing ability to apply knowledge.
 Communicates ideas; sometimes difficult to interpret.
1  No mention or inappropriate references to scientific concepts, principles,
Limited or theories (big ideas)
 Demonstrates significant gaps in knowledge.
 Ideas are frequently difficult to understand.

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