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POWERLINE ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTERING OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1h IRs NONE ENGINEERING eae U I ‘ eae] iA PREFACE ‘Recent trend iri Electrical Engineering examinations requires much ‘problem solving skills, The necessary speed and acumen are thefore very important. But the only way to attain both is thru practice. The author therefore prepared these problems to meet such requirement. It's hoped that such effort may increase the efficiency of instruction. in addition to your review that is hardly pressed by the ever increasing demand for additional subject matter/topics. It is specifically impossible to acknowledge all those technical and. moral support I received in the preparation of this book. Most of the support come from the enthuisiastic cooperation of our reviewees, who displayed genuine interest on the better approaches and offered con- structive critisms. It is my eamest hope that this book will wake as much interest in other reviewees. * ‘The Author TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Curreni/Ebcticty. 2. Magnetism and Electromagnetism, 3. Electromagnetic Induction... 4, Bloctrostatics. 5. Cloctrolysis and Storage battory 6. DC Generator 7. DC Moter.. 8. AC Fundamentals, 2 9 AC Creuits.. 10. TheBe PESO SysHOM een 28 - 29 11. Power Facto. 29. 20 12. Network Theorems. 30. 38 19. Tanafon 34 38 14. Alternator me 42 18. Synetronous Motor. 42-44 16. induction Me aa a7 17. Elastica! Measuring Instruments 47-60 18. Circuit Brakes, sr. 84 419. Genoration of Sloctie Power. 55 - 66 20.Economics of Powar Generation.. - 88 21, Transmission ana ssinouten. 02 22. Mumination. ea. oa ANSWERS. soseensees 65 = 66 1 CURRENT ELECTRICITY 4. Whal are he minimum requirements tocause theflow of curent? ‘2 Avoltage source, an ammeter, 2 ‘onducier and instator bb. Avotiage source, a switch and are- becames 2209 & te lta votage is 200 decrease sighy ¢ hn arangerent con be loaded Upto © als to zero 0A magmum merase sight «the valtage sources comectedin paral can supply a rasa 24. Troe claments having conducance ure of 204 G1, 62 end Gy arecomectedn para Ther combined conductarce wil be 28 ina series conection of bub A ard a'G +6263 in series 0 mi a sour, bulb @ biGrar"G2EarErG4G1"e2"6a) jdows brighter bocausets resistance 1 O1"62"09) ‘an patel wit 44141046 162% Wa) © sai wth & ©. wer than A 135 FourresstanoeR4 Ra, Ro and Ry 4. higher han A ‘ae connected ste agains! 220 Suppy,Theresstonce are such tat 23. Ina genes ort win wo buD A IoRpoRapteg Te est power fd 0, ad « wage sure, vhorina ‘ciatemawavie wir hasbeen connected seross bulb A sraistr Rt b reistor Ra bab wi ‘resistor RG. resistor Ra 2 not glow be ofthe same irtensty of 8 26 Siksk ts sa bn Scag glow bagrty eater col glows bu suppty wing é.be dim does not glow because ‘supply wiring is covered by 30. A resistance of 4 chms is cornected 7 Insulation layer ‘across 100 V suppy. When another Rs current through supply ine ows ot ‘hums connected in parle! win o¥n. slower speed the tots current taken rom the supply Supply wires are made of superior ‘wos found tobe 60.A. The value ofthe ore resistance Fis 4 esistanca of heater col is more @.20hms bSobms than that supply wie © S ohms ‘4.4 ohms 37 Resistors commonly uso in power 231, The wotage applied arose an elt oe prove was reduced by 50%, The power ces ease ‘consumed by the pross wil be reduced by ck chee ra a5 el wire wound resistor aor Aten <4, deposited metal resistor 122, Two elect press are connected in parallel There sistance ofthe fists 100, ‘hms and hal ofthe seconds 300 ohms. 230. nerntiorl ohm is defined interns of recetance of ‘2. a.ceurmn of mercury ‘The total current taken by bath the fi aaccen presses is 4 A. The ratio of te current P Siee g mua wee Taken by frst second wif be equa ere 223 bts ee eet i238 ‘39. Which ofthe following has a neyative ‘coefficient of resistance 33, Thwee resistances Ry, and Ry are oe ‘nn ale ‘comected in sees with a 220 V supply. 5 wie wooed lt I Ry becomes open crelted the 40, The curont arying copa: iy ofthe fuse material doponce on nat >, material © cross sectiona! area © allot he above 41, Throe amps are comnecied inthe ‘clout shown. The lamp of 100 wi ae [o- "e—,, cleat by fs open, kg is clsed and kgs loved kg open and ka ie ‘open ef IS open, kg Is closed ana kgs also crosea 4. ected, kp open and kis so open 42, For the creul shown the anmeter wil ead a er DOA dea tua fae pe ©. 108, aa Ly ow “43, Me resistor that cars the maximum exrront inthe cei hae 2 fesistance robs of ak at Aah bs as ez 43 an ‘4. Five esttor are connected as shown tn the figure. The equivalent between the points Pans a = ohms 40 ches 6.10 0hers 6.55 0h. tte 49 Twelve wares of the same length are ‘same cross soctonal area aro connected In the form cf acide tha resistance of ‘each wire is R, then the effective ‘sisiance between one of he side A and 24nr R CMR 4.568 MAGNETISM AND ELECTROMAGHETISN 1. Antural magnet is cated stot odestone magnetism 4. softiron 2. Amanat is abl to atact ® ten, slurs and brass ron, cobatt and ane «ton, copper and nichol 4 nickel. cabal and set 3, Exenaly, magnetic line of force travet > north to touts «negative o positve 4 inboth directions 4, Amateral commonly used for _thilding er tereaning magnetism is ‘brass aluminum 6 copper 4. softiron 5. Themagnessn Wat remains a magnet afer magnatizng forse has boon removed is ales ‘permeability. induction ©. est 4, saturaton 7. Magnati lines of force are called a hysteress om 4. magneto mative force 8. The force btween two magnetic poles vates wth estance botwoon them. The vetation ‘4. maiect proporton io tne stance be iminverse proportion tothe ‘distance {in divect proportion tothe square of thedistance 1 minverse proportion tothe square of the distance 9, The magnetic poletialin_ magnetic ‘acait can be measured in terms of tara MME. ccaubmbs —— d.nene of hese 10, Permemes is naiogous to conductance, resistance reluctance. none ofthese 11. Thoparmeabilty ofthe material 1 strength of permanent magnet >: strength ofan elecromagnet © the ragnetzauon ent the Hon ‘tor oxiting eld has been romeved 4 the conduct ofthe male fr magnetic ines of force 12: Wve magnetic fx and the area Lunde ite induenc are known, the rmagnete fx density is aver as a BDA b.BEQIA eB AIo 4B OA? 13. Thorolative permeabity te given by 2BGkxH BH eA! Mol H 14, Relative permeabsity of materia is given by (kis suscepti ofthe ‘materia 1 Mek bt (kid) C1 +My ih) AH 15.The rttive permeability of maternal 2 lgtly tas than 1 equal tot ©. igtlygrester than 1 4. very much greater han 1 16.The vale of permeability forthe roe spacois 24x 107 Hint” b ax 10-7 Hm ATX 107 Him! 1647) x107 Hew" .17-The magnetization i any mutant appears as a result of '. decron orbitals motion ». decron sph © spinof the nuceus about he axis 4. aol there 18. The sum of the magnetic moments in Unit votume ofthe sold sealed a feidstrenghy magnetization ‘permeability susceptity 19. Which of he folowing materials ‘does rot have permanent magnet dipole ‘2 paramagnesic.b antleromagnetic © diamagnetic 4. feronegratic 20, Interaction betweén the neighbouring ‘ipoes is negigite inthe ease of 2 ‘2. Paramagnetic matenals ». Dianagnetic material «© Antferromagnatc material 4. Feromagetic materat 21. Each fertemagnetic material has ‘characerisc iemperaturesbove whic Ks properties are quite ciferen trem ‘those below that temperature. These Aerperatire is called 2. Transitoniernperotre bb. Faradoy's temperature ©. Demagnetzation lempersture 1. Cane temperature 22. The réative permeability ofiron is 5000 7000 ©, 3000 4.1000 23. Which ofthe following material is Used for making permarent magnets a. carbon ses! ». Platnum cobalt the hcknaes of ha pales the aren ofthe plates «the strength of he alacroyies 1. the dstance between the plates 37. A60 ampere hours battery hae € ampece discharge rates, wil provide a current of 1810 amperes for 6 hours 1, amperes for 10 hours © 12 amperes for 5 hours 4.20 amperes for 3 hours 38, To keep the terminals oftead acid storage baer fee from corrosion, itis ‘awsatie © ‘2. clean the terminals frequently charge for batery at frequent nts hoop he eecroyt level ow <4. ppy petroleum ely 20, The intounal resistance of 2 Aischarged btery ‘aismore > istess 6. remains the same 4. is negative 40.8 not csicable to leave a od storage batiey ina discharged stale for ‘along tme rainy because 2, eectriy wl attack the container >. plates wi become suas 5, etctety.e wll bacome weak 4. eid wll evaporate . 4,4 partaty discharged lead storage 4 battery may be brought back to Al chaged by ‘2. adding sulfuric cid ».sdeingdistited water ©. applying a. voltage across me terinals <4. appiying de. voltage serous the verninals 42, Which of the following i a primary cot 1 mercury onde lead acd © nicke-ron-aikatine 4. nickel cadmium- alkaline 43, Charging #lead-ace causes the locroiyteto beceene 2 sttonger b stale weaker water 44, Separators in storage battery cals are \nignad to prevent the plat rom 1 touching the eectotyte ‘touching the container «©. sharting together 4. esting tothe seirment 45. Which of tho following affect the ccapacty cf alaac-acd battery? ‘a Temperature. Specific gravy ‘eDischarge tme d.Allthe above 48. Dusng the charging period of ead ‘cid battery the charging rates lowered {to prevent vent gassing because ‘2 the gasses given off are explosive ‘evaporation ofthe electrolyie wil «the colle wil be subjected to ‘excossive pressure 4. Wolent gassing tends to wash the sctive material rom the pate 47, Atuetcell converts _ energy Into elsctical energy ‘a.mechanical_b. magnetic chemical solar 40. A cetlwhin fs used as voltage ‘eoronce source for inerument cealbeation is 8. solar calls b.batery cet meccury-cadmiim oll, 4. nckel- cadmium cal 49, The adraniage ofthe iror-nickel Lattery over the lead-acd battery that faiths @ much higher etiionoy > itmedds ess maintenance © the call voltage of the ron nickel battery is higher 4. itis much cheaper £0, Whe a chargng accumulates, one should ‘2. check the acid lave with ighted match short the co to see ney are fay chewged « kaep in wel vertilaed space 4. connect and disconnect them with ‘the supply 6 DC GENERATOR 1. The cutput voltage ofa singleloop generator a 12. sioagy de by steagy ac pulsating ac. 4. pulsating dc 2 A smooth outpurom a generators cblones by « design ofthe amature wansing changing the form a the ‘commutator {changing he etd srength 2 Tha output witage of agonerstoris ‘ven by the equation i eV aa bE Vay ait“. E=Naoiat | 4. Wat ettect on current Now does. reversing the dracton of movement of ‘conductor in the magretic eld fa ‘generator have ‘a neiralze the curert flows nas no etecton current) = © it ceverse the direction of current ‘tow 19 5. in most generators the output vetage is inde by 8. olaing magnetic fld past stavonary cots » alatve mason between the fld tnd the armature cot «6. converting electrical energy into ‘mechanical energy ©. How woula you determine, trom visual sbsorvation ofthe armature winding, whether a generate slap oF wave wound €. connection othe fald winding ». conection othe commutator © conrecton io the brushes. 4. te iretion of the end ‘conrecton “7.What classication if gven to dc. ‘Generator hat recoives Is fld ‘exciaton curent trom itera source? 13 tet erilad ection » canted excitation separately ext 4. inleraly excites ©. The shunt feldof « compound ‘generator is contacted across both the ‘eres fold ant the amature This ‘connection is known as ‘shor shunt ang stunt © detent compound 4. camutative compound 8. For all symbols having their usual ‘meaning, the amt generatedin Be lap nding Is gan By LN 16012) dzne1Kea) eznep INVT2OP 4 10, Residual maguetsmsnacessary in & ‘3. eeparatoy exited generator self excited generator ©. bath of these 4. none of trese 11. aFtng numberof goles in ep wounded generators inctoaze by & factor of? the generated emt wi bb tneroace by factor of 2 © decrease by factor of 2 4 Increase by 2 factor of 4 12. Elect de generators have normaly, 38 overall efficiency ofthe over of 60.80% © 75-06% ©. 80.00% 85.05% 13.The armature magnetic fel has effect that ‘it domagneties or weakens the main te bit cxoss magnetzes or distorts it it magnetizes or strengths the main ux 4 (a)ans 14. Brushes are always placed along ‘2, magnetic neutral axis (MNA) . Geometric neutral acs (GNA) © perpendicular to NNA 4. perpendicular 19 GNA 415, MNA makes an angle of __ with the fux passing through the arate a0 90 rer 109 16 In ade generator the fuxis scent De at the traing pole tips and alsa ot the leading ple tips ‘2. weakened, weakened weakened, crowded crowed, weakened d.same.same 17. Om isthe forward lead angle a ‘hans, Zs the total numberof ‘conductors and isthe eutren in each mature pce, the demagnatiing, ‘ampere urs/pola are given ae Ala ZIQm/180 2 ATa= ZiGon/2M ATO ZIV 2PM ec aD l 10. The nncton ofa npr sng winding iso nataize te €feactance vate generated ond ‘consequence of commuation Bross magnetze the elec ef armature reaction edemagnetang fle ot ‘nate reecion alto hese 28, Inthe commutation process isthe ‘current which 1s geting reversed” 1 voltage wich is gettng reversed © ath of these done of these 21. many de genaraor the ot generated in the armatureis maxmum when 12. ale of change of fa irked is minimum rate of change ofthe fac is ‘fur tinted with conductors od wih conductor fs ‘miniarn 22, A simple metnod of increasing the voltage of aye. generators 1 fo decrease te air gap ux densty » toinczaese the speed of ‘otation 6 lo decrease the spoed of revatien 4 toincreace the fongh ofthe armature 23. The method which can be used to Improved commutation process is increasing the resistance ofthe brushes reducing the numberof tums inthe ‘armature coll and hence the ‘number of segments inthe commutator 6 to neutralize ie reactance voltage bby producing a reversing emt in the short irs coi under ‘commutation 4 al ofthe above 16 24. The function oftheinterpdle or ‘compote is ‘te noutalize the reactance ofthe votage and help n-commutation poo te neutralize the cress-magnotizing ‘fect ofthe artatire reaction toneutratize the demagnetizing efect of the armature 4. wand 25. ntepoles are connected in ‘wth the armature and compensating wncngs are connected in___ with series, series. shunt, caries ‘c seien shunt. shunt shurt 28. The uncton ofan equalizer rings a. to avid an equal dstnbuton of ‘arrent tthe brushes tohlp to get sparkioss ‘commutation «both of these 4. roneof the above 27, Manimuen umber of equalize rings needed in an electical machine's equal 0 4.Ne #of conductors! # of poles 1 Ne of conauctors! at of poles Ne 2a of canduectors /# of poles none of these 28, Generators ae often preferred to be ‘unin paral because of having ofthe vantages ot 1 greatreliabilty 1 penenater efficiency meeting geaterload demands 4 af ofthe above 29, vnc oF the following 6s most buitableforurning in paral operations ‘shunt generator ». series gonerater compound generator 4. all ofthese are equally sutabie 20, Which af he folowing characteristics wil be preferred fr Paralit operation of two alternators aA >be ec Pry 91, Exteel characteristics ofc ‘generators can be obtained by '2 internal characorsics ro lead saturation characteristics © armature resistance drop tothe and £2. Which of the folowing characterises of a satexcied de generator aA ec 40 33, Critica resistance of a dc generator Re 1 Re invectay preportona tothe speed », Re proportional to the speed «Re propertionalto the square of the speed Re Inversely propartional 10 the squire ofthe speed 234, Shunt generators are used where the ‘main requirements a constant ‘a current and votage © voltage over wide load range 6 vltage over a narrow load range 38, Equalzer connection arerequres when paraleing wo compound generator series generator shunt generetor 96, The function of an interpol is ‘= neutaliz cross eld of armature ‘reaction and obtan eal ‘commutation increase the armature reaction and ‘hus obiain dea! commutation «6. neuvalze 205s fad of armature fond thvs obtan under ‘commutation 7 ‘37 Interpcles are nomaly connected in 2. parallel withthe fled ©. sees wih the ta 1. series with he load 38.InDC generator, lap winding is Used for 2. low votage ow current high weltage, high eurent low votage high eurent ‘low vokage, high current 39, 0 generators preter for charging automobile batteries is 2 shunt generator ».seres gorerator «long shunt compound generator 40. Wich of ine totowing component ot 2 de gonerator plays wal role for rowidng 9 crec curent ofa de generator ‘2.dummy cols. equatzer ning ceyebot commutator 44. nde gonerator the ripples inthe rect em and generated are induced by ‘using equalizer rings using commutator wih large number of segments using carbon brushes with superior quality 42. Which of tne following generators referred for parallel operations 43. Ful fond eticency o the generator 2.085% b 735% 208% e251 44, Which os in the de generator varies withthe load ° a. copper loss eddy current ess © hystoresis ss 4. windage lots 45. In de generator, the cause o rapid ‘bush wear may be «2. impertect contact, sever sparking rough commutator surface any of ne above 7 46 Ina shunt generator the volage butt up general esricted ty a speed tntation », armature heating ©, saieation of on“ 447 The amature ofa de generator is laminstedto| 2. reducethe bulk ».nsiate the exe © reduce the ede current loss 4. prone pateage fr cooing sr 48 Which ofthe fllewng baipe recuicing the effect of armature reaction In dc generater 2, compensating windings © interpotes «both a and 49. Wh ée generator which of he fotowng reguation s prefered 12.1% rogulaton 50% reguiation © infiite regulation 4.100% reguatin 1 be moroRs 1. What isthe effect produced by aactic smetors? ‘a. magnetic effect only ‘magnetic as well as heating ect heating erect only 4. heating 26 wl as chemical eect 2, The rotating pat of ade motors is ‘known as pole » stator © amature carbon trust 3. Thefuretion ofa commutator ina de machine 2. to change alternating current ‘rec curert 1 to mprove commutation € for easy speed conto! 1 to.change alternating vltape to sdtect votage 4 Carbon bushes areused in electric 2 brush off carbon depesits on the commitater ». provide path for he Now of current ©. prevent overheating onthe amature windnigs 4. prevent sparking during ‘commutatien 9. Votiage equation for e moter is a Vet araRa DYE Epa CFVR Ep take ©. Condition for maximum power output {or 6 motor is EDV Ea 7. The speed ofa de motor is * det eration ack ‘af and inversely proportional to ‘tux ‘> inversely proportional to back ent land dirocty proportenal tux ' © directly proportional emt a welt 35 fx 4. inversely proportional to env as wel as hac 8 The highest epoed ataied by & dc ‘huni motors 2. equal to init ofrated fax higher han no load speed at rated fx © equa tno load speed at ‘ated fhe 4. owe than no toad speed at ratee tux 8.10 ade motor roniosses oceur in yoke te armature cthefeld —dnancor nese 10, The dummy colin de machines ie used to 1 ebminate reactance votage » etminate armature reaction or © beng about mechanical balance of amare <-liminate harmon developed in tha machine 11. to extemal resistance sade in ‘ies withthe eld of do motor When ‘he moter runs, tho eect of resistance te 410 reduce the spend ofthe moter 10 mcrease the speed ofthe motor ‘to reduce the armature current ‘rane by themoior 4.10 reduce the ossoe 12.The speed ofa de shunt metors Fecuited tobe more than ful lead speed. ‘This is possile by 13.1 a epeod of de shunt motor ‘nereases thea emt 12 increases remains constent ©. Gecrenses and hen increases. 1. cecroases 14. The curren fowing inthe ‘conductors ofa de metor is © ae as wat 15. As the load i increased the speed of ‘adeshunt moter wil remain consiant increase proportonately © incase sighty 4 reduce ehghty 16. The current drawn by armature of ‘be motaris D Epa ovine 4 oR CER, 17-1 he curtain the armature of do ‘Series motors reduced 0 5% the torque ofthe molor wil become ‘50% ofthe previous value 25% ofthe previous value © 1508 of the previous vals 4.125% ofthe previ val 18, The shunt current fwing in a short shunt compoune wound matoris given by 8. loh® Ven toh (VelecRschRah 6 Ish (WseRsc¥Ren nore ofthese 1.1m de shunt moter, the termi vwotage is reduced to half and trae emai the same, then 1 speed wit bs half and armature catrent remains the same speed wit be naif but armatire ‘current remainthe same speed wil be half snd armature current becomes double {speed and armature current wi reman me same 20. One de motor deves anther de ‘moor. The sexord do motor when ‘ected criven ', dows net run as a generator {¢ mane asa gonerator 4. alsorun as motor 21Ammate ~~ eof ade motors ven by 1500219078 tom 162 /2lePIA) Nom 1S9Ebi/N Nm 4 ene ofthese 22. A Apolo lap-wound srmature nes 400 conductors and aux per pole of > :m\Wb. The em! generated, whan running «620 rom, wit be 2.2000 b. 20 ov soy 23, Thetorqueof motor 2 the force Nem acting en the rtor 1 the product of the tangential force (on the rotor ard its radius « the electical pew in KW 4. the power gven tothe load being diven bythe motor 24, Te armature current drawn by any ‘de moter is proportional to «the voltage spied to the motor 20 >. the torque requrod © the fx required inthe motor 4 the speed ofthe motor 25.The output powar of any local motors taten from 2 the amare ' the coupling mounted onthe shaft © the conavetors 4 the poles 26, The power stated onthe rams plate (of any moter is always the outpu power ofthe shaft the power drawn in KVA, the power drawn in KW 4. the gross power 27. Astarteris necessary fo sart a de motor because ‘if tarts the motor ‘it iit the speed of the motor «it mits the beck emtto a sefe value i mis the startiog cuenta ‘ato value 28. The eiancy of ary lactic ‘machine! apparatus wil be high 2 its losses are minimum bits losses aremare ©. voltage opplled is constant <.the eutrert dawn ar minimum 29, The direction of rotation ofa de ‘motors reverse by ‘a reversng armature conrecton interchanging the armature and field connection adding resistance tothe eld ret ‘.rewarsing supply connection 30. The armature of de motor ie laminates to reduce the hysteresis osses ». to reduce the eddy curent esses 6.10 reduce te mavetnty of 4. to reduce Pe mass ofthe armature 31. Which ofthe folowngis a corect statement about a series motor? 8s field winding conast of a Ueser wire and tess turns it can sun cacy without oad .ithas atmost constant speed it has 9 poor trav 32. Which ofthe folowing de motor has the feast drop in speed between no load ‘and neminal load? ‘shunt note wah commusatirg b. seves motor without commuting poles ©: compound motor without commuting poles «series motor wah commusaing poles 33. The speedo a series metor a ro ‘oasis azo 3000 pn ©. 2600rem a. intinty 24, The speedot a deseres motor decreases ifthe fx inthe field winding ‘@ remans constant b. increases © decreases 4. none of ‘hese 38, Which of te folowing motos is ed tod tved the constant speed line ating lathes, blowers and fans? {OC shurt motor BC senor motor ©. Commuative compound motor 4 Difeental compous motor 30.1 the back emt @ demotors ‘been, thon {motor wil run ata vary high speed motor wil un ata very iow spend motor wi un at al {motor wit burn 237. The ld tux of de motor can be ‘controled teachin 2. the speeds lower than raed spoed ». the speed higher than rated speed ©. the speed at rated speed 4. none of these 38. By providing a variable resistance ‘cross the series fed (diverter in the de ‘motor, speeds above nomial can be obtain because ‘armature current decreases 21 Maxis reduces «line curent decreases none of hese 39 DC series molors are best suited for taction work because 8 lorque i propertonalto the ceed Square of armature current ands "nwersey_proportona to torque » torque i proportional o the Square of srmature crvent and Speed is proportional to traus © orque and speed 1» square of amature current, 4. none ofthe above 40. series motors etartd without oad. The effect that «8. the torque increase rapaly ©. ne speed increase rapity © the current eran increuse aptly 4 the back ern decrease 41, The direction of rotation of de Series moter canbe reverse by, ‘terchenging 2 the sappy terminals oniy ©. the fled terminals onty «the supply as well as fel orinals «mane of ese 42, The motor used for ntermitert, tig torque ie 2 de shunt ator de series motor ©: diferent compound motor 4 cumulative compound motor 43. the kd of ace shut motors opened iil condnue tocun a ts rated speed be speed ot me motor wil become very high the metor vl stop 4 the speed of the motor wi decrease 44. inion ofthe folowing s used for raling ie? 12.0 shunt motor DC cumulative empoure motor © DC seres motor 4.06 aiterential compoud motor 45, Armature reacton atrituted to «the erect of he magnetic fed st: Lp bythe armatore current 1 the elect of the magnete fd vet up by fed curent {© copper los in the armature © the eect of te magnete fd sat op. by beck emt 46. What wil happen ifthe supply feminals of de shunt moter are inrchanged? ‘2 motor vat stop motor wil an ats notinal speed Bi the same diracton a6 twos running «he direction of rotation wi reverse «motor wit run at @ speed lower ‘han the normal speed ia the same ‘rection 47. When th electri ran i moving ‘down ail the demetor acts ae 12 do series motor de shunt motor de setes ganerator de shunt generator 40, etch ofthe following motors is suitable for high startng torque? 2 Shunt motor . cumulative compound motor © series motor 4. compound motor 49. For which of the fotowing de moirs {sth typical fl ofappeaion rmenioned? 8. shunt mctor: elect trains 2 senes motor: machine to's © series motor bet crive 1 cempound moter wheel dive ‘S0.Why i the ar gap between the stator {and armature ofan electric motor keep ‘2 a small as possible? 4. to gota stonger magnet tld to make the rotation easer {to rach a higher speed of rtaton 4.10 improve the air calculation {51 Inerpoes are meant for 1: ncteesing the speed ofthe mote 22 1. decreasing the courtar mt reducing sparking a the ‘commutator «converting amature curen’ todo 52. Which ef the flowing method is ‘most economical fer fining the no-load ofa large de shunt motors {2 Hopkinson test, 1. Swirbume’ test 4. none oftheze 59, The rated speed ofa given de motor { 1080 rpm. To tum the machine at rm, ‘ict of te otowing speed control ‘Scher wil be weed ‘Amature curent reistant contol Field resistart centro! ‘© WardLecnard contro 1. none ofthese 54 1's proferable to start a series ‘melor with some mechanics load oni because ‘it wil aot turn at no toad itll act as a starter io the moter {© A may developed excessive spec snd damage eet! 4. none of these 88, aux ofa de motor approaches ‘er, is spe wil approach * intinty » zero © stable value nearer to the rated speed 6. noneof reso 156, As tho lnadis nerensed, the speed of shunt motor ® remains corstant increase slighty © reduces sighy 4 none of fee S57. A 230V de series moter is connected 0 220Vse. twit ‘run slowly not run at at run wit ess eficsency none of these 58. The main function of eommutaior mage moter isto «prevent sparking ' ccnvert acta de © reduce trtion 6 cenvert dete a ‘59, Which oF tne rotowing statements is Incorect? fe sartor net used with lerge de motor. wil craw a staring ‘current which ‘1s many tines ts uioad current mit produce excessive ine voltage, op wil damage the commutator 6 wil produce very fw starting ‘orque . [AC FUNDAMENTALS 1. Whan wong Sect laws and rutes we ‘8, maximum valve fective value ©. average vaive 4. peak to peak value 2. AO hzfrequency would cause an lect ight to 1 tum on and of 120 ies per second 1 Micker noticeable © tum on and off 180 Sees par second tum on and off 0 tines per econ 3, The relationship between frequency uber of revolutons per second mand Pair of pole pls gven by aap > nee etenpy 2 2np 4. The diference between the peak +ve lu valve and ine peak vale ofan 2 voltage # eal the ‘4: maximum vate » average valve © effoctive value 4. peak to peak valve 5. The greatest vais attained during one tal ofthe cycle is called the 23 peak value crms vale average value ottectve value “0, me oot mean square (em s,) vale of 2c the same as 2 instartansous value Defective value © average value 6 maximum vale 7. Therm. value of sine wove is equal » 8.0637 max. value .0.707 max. vale ~ ~ ©.0.500 max. vaio 1.414 max vue, 8. Ferm tacior is defined 28 rms. vavelpeak valve ‘mac value ms, valve crams, vaaverage valve fective value m3, valve 8. The valu of or fator fora pure sine wave is atais »ovor ooes7 ua 10. The value of peak fcr for a pure sine wave is arate ».0707 e037 ain 1 the curent and veltage ae cut ct Phase by 90 dogroes, the power Is ati 1 maximum minimum 4, 2er0 42. ey=A sin wt and e2=8 sin (w-6) then 2.64 lags 92 by 60 b.€2 lags a4 ty 00 © ep leads e1 by 00 4. leads 02 by 00 19. Wien of he following statement, Cconceming the suscidal waveform I 2. itrepreserts 26 Dit represents de .threpreseris half wave rected <.itseprosonts cum of ac ard de 14, average valu ofa sre wave 19/2 lees the max valve ‘3 The b False 15 The equaten fer 26 cycles current sine wave having ms value 30 amperes, wale ‘2.308251 » 90m 40 © 424m 25M 4424 sin SOM - 16. The votage v=90 cost 161.5) ‘nay be represenies at sie fencton by 2.00 sinwts18.5) 1 90 sin (wt 715) © 90 injws71.5) 4.90 sin 18 5) 17. Wen of te talowing trequencies has the longest porod? tHe b 10H etka 4. 100K 18, RMS value ane the mean value i the sare i the cave of 2 square wave, sine wave « tisngular wave hat waverecifi sine wave 19.1 emt ie a duit is giver by €= 190 ‘in 6281 the maximum vale of wehaga and toquency are ‘8 100V, SCH —b, 100, 10082 © SOV, SOH2 4. SO/RV, 00H 20. When the sole purpose of an sllemating currents te preduted heat, the solution of conducoe fs based on 2. average value ofcuent 1, peak valve of curent © macmum valve of cutent any othe above 21. Theform factor of de supp vltage is always ainannet 8. 280 eos unity 22. The tequercy of sinusoidal inal witha period of Ams is 2.500Hz —b250Me tne 4. Soon 23. Theperad ofthe voltage 2 eos 4800 24 117 sh 7500 azsis— bzoine 2.261me 4. 26tue ® acomcums 1. The lta voletogin a series RL crit _— the exert by an angio 2 lags, of 0 ' lags, Botwoen 0 to 90 © feads, between 10 90 4 leads, between 99 end 190 2 Ina series RL cay, the inductor Current the resistor euro, alae leads Clsequal od ts negative 3. The impedance tai i sri to the ‘angle with the resstance phasor In ploce of te 2 currrt, fst outent 1 curert, resistor vllage 6 votage, impedance 4. votage, resistor voltage ~ 4. Inthe impedance triangle the inductive ‘reactance and impedance phasor are ‘analogous tothe and ___ phasor ‘respectively in the waltage Wargle 2 intuctve voltage, total vltage >. inductive current, total current inducive voltage, resistive voltage inductive curent, resistive eure 5 Ina series of RL circuit phasor appbed ‘mi mum in parle circ and votage ‘mosimum in series crcut”™ The voltage across > applied ‘b, madrun parliel circuit and votage Iminrmum in series erout The voltage across L and © > ‘¢-masirum in both the cuits ‘applied voltage «4 minim in both the cuits «the vltage across both Land C< ppled vltage 20, Asobes resonant capactive at {10042 The cut wil be inductive somewhere at ‘a. ft0oHe Pr00He ©. 12100 Hz by increasing be value of the resistance 26 35, Tre weadance curv forthe crcst ‘shown at arlres nance is shown by sf 1 te ite b alg u vs al al- 3 L 1 [ck mae V CUR? 8 a 31. The fequerey al wich maomum ‘tage cecirs cross the inductance in ALC serae oreits © as > mae acre at TCC 30, The frequescy at which maxitium voltage across the capacitance im RLC eo 4 {erie ort given by at bt (TIRE a lis 12 Re ut [awe ant Moar WN 30.114 and fare hall power Itequerces ard fobe resonance frequency, the selectity of LC series coc gvenby oe hott We fo © diet Wo Ho 27 fcross the capacitor andthe cessor a {av and 80V respectively. The nut voltage should be ‘9,70 45V 105 42 ». 100 <3, 4108 ov 44, Toe series ALC ecu, a vltage of 10.Vie applied 110 ofthe cot at esenart frequency is 2, the voltage Soress the ndctor at resonant feqUency wilbe a 200v bs 100 75 soy 42. The current flowing int. and C at paral! resonant are 2.200 equal Confrte 4. iflerant 43. The exact natural frequency of fee Cscilaions in an asciatory circuit wth Capactance of 0.059 u, ndvctance 2ult fend reaisance 1 of wit be arene b.33TKHE emake 102k 44, Acoli a lage dstitutos 445. The vansent current aro du to 2 votage applied to circuit 1 rexstence ofthe creat {impedance of the crutt changes inthe stored energy 19 the inductance and c9pectance 46 To abighly nductve creull small ‘capacitances added in series. The angle between votage and curent wil decresse remain nearly the some. 4 become undetermined 0 ‘THREE FHASE SYSTEM In a balanced ttroe phase star connected Circuit, the line voltage are equal to the line currant b. to the phase volt and 20 ate the line currents ._ ut the fine currents are unequal ‘The type of a,c, distribution system commeanly used to supply both light and power is the ‘2. open deta system Bb. three phase delta system three phase star sysiem with 4. three phasa star system without J. Three phase displacement between phasors in polyphase system is always b €. 360 degrees divided by the number of phases: 4. 60 degieos . na balanced three phase star connected system, the fins vottage f= a. the phasor difference of two phase voltages b._ tho phasor sum of two phase voltages 0.707 timas the phase voltege GL. 11414 times the phaee volt In star connected system, the line curront 0.707 times the phase current 1.732 times the phase current {equal to Uno phase current TATA times the phase current ‘The advantages of star connection for the ‘same phase voltage is that it gives ‘step down current ‘oxva step up veltoge Genta step up power 1. Power in # three phase stor system is, qual to Pow What isthe 3 xVixluex pows 3 xVuxlox pow 1.732% Vouthax power factor 3k Voxhx power factor Power in a three phase delta system wi balanced lord is equal 10 8, 1,732xVixlea power factor bb, 1.732 xVeaxhax power factor ©. 3x Vpoxinan power fact d. 3x Voxlox power factor In dota comocted system, the fine 2.1.44 times phase curr 1. phasor sum of two phose current fe. equal te the phase current 4, 1.732 times the phase current in star connocted system is ‘equal fo that of detia system 14814 times the deita system e. 1.732 times the datta system ‘J times the dolta system For an unbalanced load, which connection ia suitable a. Sewire op. b. wire star connection €. Sire delta connection ©. Seite star connection What Is the minimum umber of required for measuring power Jnaee balance load The power is to be measured for a balanced delta connected loed whose terminals cannot be opened. How many wattmaters do you need 3. Four bone c. two ste imum number of wattmeters required to measur Unbalanced power of 2 three phat system a. Two b. 15. In two wattmetts method, ne fesistance and reactance, power factor fs eang of tre wettmeter will be ident! dotined a6 te rato of won| ‘2 resistance to impadance loadin cne of the phases is 240 resistance to reactance power factors unity «.reactancelo impedance © power factors 0.5 1 nouval i earned 4. Fore parle croult consisting of tesistance and reactance te valve of 16. Two wattmetes can be used to power fate isthe ratio of measure 3;phase power fr 8 2 mpeadance'o reactance '2. balanced and unbalanced load © reactance to impedance unbalanced ioas onty «resales loimpodance © balanced toad enly {impedance to resistance 4 ny power actor ay 5 tis not easy to fnd the value of 17.In 2.watimeter method, the reading impedence n parle circ but power In ene of the watimeter is 260 wen factor can be easty obtained as the ratio {power factor unity o .powor factor i 0.5 1 actin crest tine current «load inonw ofthe phases is 20r0 ». reactive curent io ine current . linear are nor-inear response only ©: tinea, nes Inear anal ume vanant 3 ‘TRANSFORMERS: 1. The principle of werking of 2 transformer is stale naueton dynamic induction mutual irciction 4 sf induction 2, Transformer 1s used to change t elves of 1 frequency + wetage © power 4. power factor 3. The path of he magnetic fux nthe wanstormer ni high reactarce: «high conductity 4. low resistance 4. Electric power is tansformes trom one cal to the other com a transformer ‘a physical b. magnetically fc. decticaly delectromagnetcaly 8. A transtormer operates satways at unty power tector 1 hae te own pomoe fact 4. at power factor depending onthe power tector otetoad 6. Thetaminatons are made rom 8. ow carbon stos ©: slicon shoot stot © icke alloy sted stampings 4. cxome sted sheets 17. Tho tea fer canstucion of transformer coreis made s0 9s to have {low permeatlty andhigh hysteresis 34 low peeroaiity and low hysteresis ©. tngh permebiliy ad low hysteress 4. igh permesbilty and tigh hysteresis. toss 8 The special sion stool is sed for laminations because '2 hysteresis losses are reduced ' edly current fsses are reauced {bot the above losses are reduced 1d none of those 9. Whats the common inthe two windings ofa transformer 2. elec curren. bs magnetic circuit winding wire gauge .nove ofthese 10. Themann function ofthe on core 2 wanstormor is 10 | provide strong tothe windings to decrease the hysteresis losses ©, decrease the reluctance ofthe magnetic path 6. redice eddy current osses 14, Proferably, tha resistance betwoen the primary and the secondary of transformer should be ‘2. asiow as possible 1 asnigh as possitie «© low orhigh depending upon . Whethor iis stop up or sep down respectively 1. high oF tow depending upon whether 18 stp up or step down, respectively 12 Ideal transtormer assumptions do no Include 1 zato reactance of the wn dn gs zero resistance of he windngs =: moFeakage fh 4. mo aaturtion exe 13, The reactance of transformer is determined by ts 2, leakage tux 1 cameron core fe site the core 6. permeabiiy of the materia ofthe 14, The efficiency ofa transformer rotmaly in therarge of 250% to 70% © 80% to 90% 60% 1 75% 6 90% 0 00% 15. Theresatance of low vollage side cf transformer 1 sequal o resistance fis th votape side »lomore fan raistance ofits high votage side :fsless than the resistance of ts high wotage side ‘bore 16. Ey curent losses in transformer core are retuced by ‘2. increasing the thickness of laminations b- decreesing the thickness of laminations ‘tating the wire of higher gauge for swnding the ransformer 6. decreasing the or gap m the magnetic oreut 17 The pimary andthe secondary votages are ‘a. 180° out of phase a transformer '. always in phase in a vanstormer ‘2 9 auto phase ina ranstomer {4.200 of €00 outof phase in a transformer 18. Th basic property ofthe transformer {hat changes the vttage level of or 2° signal ‘without changing the power without changing the shape «without changing ils equency <4. without changing power, requency and shape 19. Eddy curent losses in a transformer ‘2 minimized by laminating the core the laminations being insulated from each ‘het by ‘2. ight coat of core plate varnish bth sheets f mica thick pape insulation 4. any one ofthe above 20. The nacod emt inthe transtormer 35 secondary will depend upon maximum Nx nthe cre end trequency only frequency, fx and numberof rs Inthe socondary «frequency and suprly ony 44 number of tums ine secardary ony 21 Atevary instant the direction ofthe Secondary curert ina transformer must be such a 10 oppose ary change in Hox ‘9 Faradoy' awe Joules laws. Lens iaws 4, Coulomb's tows £22, The wltage antormer ratio 2 EVIE? NIN Eyer 4. NQINE 23. The magutude of mutual fuxin transiormer is 2, low at low loads and high at high loads nigh at ow loads and ow at high loads tame at att teats 1. vores a ow loads and constant a ig fonds 24h concenitic windings are used in {he cove type ransiormers win LT wnding placed next to core 1H wing placed ne! to core «LT winding on the outer side 4. HF wndng on te outer side 29, Cross-over windings av used for “s high vltoge wring of smal ating transformers low vaitage winding of smal rating transformers «high voltage winding oftye rating lransiormers 4: none of these 28. n an ideal transformer on no-load, the primary apoied vltage i balance by 8. he secondary vote © the crop acroee resistance and raacianens «the secondary induced ent” the primary induced emt 27 Wanslonmers ene raed eKWH 4KVA 28, What type of cae Is used or ign Irequncy Wanstnner? ¢ alrminu cord. open ion core 28.1 in a transformer the secondary turns are doubles and atte samme me the pamery voltages reduced by hal then secendary voHage wil ‘a behalved not change ‘¢ befour times as high 4. be tequced w a quarter 20, The no-load curen of a transtormer {terms of ful load curent is usually 2. 1103% . 310 9% 2.910 12% 210206 21, Vinch isthe common method of cooling power transformer? ‘2 ai-cooting 9, a-bast cooing Cc ai-eooling natural cooling £2. Which ofthe falowingie 9 comect “alement about eddy currents? ‘eddy currents improve the ficiency of rotor eddy currents Neat up the meta arts © eaty currant do not nuance the movement «eddy curtent are used for a weling 30, Which of te slatement gen below ' te about autotansformer? ‘ita two separaie wndings ‘connected series extemally b.itean eny sep down te votage as ony one winding 4. moet sitsble for power transtermation ‘34, The use of higher Mux density in Iransformer design 1 decreases the weight por KVA 36 creases the weight per KYA © nereases the weight por KW 1 decreatos the weight por KW £35, Whats the eficency of transformer ‘campared wit that of eleckical motors of the same power? ‘a much smaller b, somewhat smaller © much fgher about the same 236, The Wansformer oi used in Iranstormers provide 3. coding and torcation 'ineslabon and triation «© insilation and coating {.insulaton, cooing and lbrication 237. Wal the typical use of an ‘auttvaratormer? Toy tancformer Control transformer ©. Varabl transformer Isolating transformer 38, In any tonsformer he vllage por tun ln pemary and seczndary remains ‘2 always diferent ' aheays the same «¢ alaysinratio ofK 1 sometmes same 29, Thefulioad copper loss ina ‘ransformeris 00 watts, At half-oad, the copper osswil be ‘2 400 waits 100.walts 40, Atransforrer working at ts maximum efficoncy. is iron-oss is 600 walls. is expper les vl be ‘2-300 walls 250watts fe 360watte 4 #00watls 41, Power ranctormers ave designed to have maxinum eficiency at ‘2.10 kad ©. alt ous roar fuload 4 le more than fullload 42. As compared o an ampitier a transtomer cannot 2 increase output power Inereseathe output curont incronse the ouput votage 6 nonwot these 43. Distribution transformers have good alnday afcency dueto 1 ow wom € low copper as well s on loss <.noneot hese 4. im uansformer tne purpose ot breatier 2. eatract the moisture ofthe aie ' totake insulating of fam the conservator « to provide cooing to the winding © to provide insulation tothe windeg 45, Two transformers when eperating in parallel vl share the load depending upon thee ‘2. magnetising eurent » toakago reactance © per unit mpedance «.efieency 46. The magnetic coupting botwoen the ‘rimary and the secondaty winds of ‘rantformer may be iereaced by 2. increasig the numberof laminations ofthe malerat using the magntic core of ow reactance {© changing the tun rat ofthe twanslormer ‘no means, becase tis constant 47. Conservator consist of {an aright etal dun eed atthe top ofthe tank drum placad atthe botiom ofthe tank «¢ ovrlead protection 6 none of these 48, Fora troe phase transformer, tere ratio is oven as 1 K= /3xline yotageratio 1K line voltage ratio K= (3x phaso voltage ratio Ker phase vtoge ratio 49. h.apowertranstormer the winding Which is nearer to the ron core of the a7 twanstormer ais aH. winding Bis LV winding ce may bo HV. of LV. wining its sanduntching ofthe two winirgs 50. A¥ day efciency of atransocmer nA ‘ana= Electroalefiiency of transformer DbnarElectical etioency of ceanactlecical afiincy of a tearsformer 4.nore ofthe atove is true 1 the sizeof the ranslrmar wl ation the dstorionin the wave shape wil redvce «the hysteresis and eddy curet osses wi euce none ofthe above i true 52. Agoed transformer ol should be absolutely fee from 2. sulphur akties ec moisiuw al the atove $3, Iman idea transformer on no toad, the vwatage, appied across the primary ‘winding of the temperatures balanced by 12. te emt mduced in the primary winding » the drop across the impedance of primary sie « the dp across the impedance of secondary side 4. the secondary duced emt 54. No load primary input i practically ‘equal tothe ron losses inthe ransformer because 2. primary curren is salt i. secondary current is smal both the currents are mall 4. no load input is not equal toiron losses 99 The transformer of enesgy ftom Primary ofthe tanstormer io seccndary Inher place due the Mx linkage between the hwo widings bb the diference in numberof ums of pemary and secandary sondings cc the changing eurent wo wings. 1. none of these $6, FR is the resistance of secondary Winding of the transformer and Kis the ‘Vansformaton rato then the equivalent secondary resistance refered 1 prieary tide wal bo RK b. Ry RK RR 57, Mark the correct siatement 1. he percentage of esstance, reactance ‘and impedance have the same value whalher wefered to primary or secondary of the transiormer b.A good transfome: musi have ‘equation as figh as possie «the power fost leading the regulation of agood transtormer wil be higher tan whan is lagging 4. none ofthe aboveis corect 158, the supply Hequency tothe ‘ranstemer ie increased, theiven ss wll (2 decrease. increase do nt change 589, The size ofa ¥anstormer core wil dopond.on '3 frequency fax density ofthe core materi 1 mreaot te core 4. aand bot 60, Two transformers operating fn poral i share the loacidepending upon thie ‘rating leakage reactance eficiercy per untimpedance 61. Tee 10: siryle phase, step-down, transformers ae connected i Viel. For {3 primary line fo ive voltage of 3980 V, find the conesporuing tine vetage onthe secondary side 238V ».230v © 30007 62. While conducting short-crcut test on 38 sranatermer the fowing sides shert cereuites a HVsMe BLN side © pray side 62, Curent transtomer secondary fe ‘connected to an ammeter of §A range to measure line current of 1090A. The ameter isto be sorviced. Can itbe removed "2 wthout rere wth supply 1 only ste suaching off he main ‘current path “ ALTERNATORS. 1. nhuge atematers the mowing parts a brushes amature © poles 4 rane these 2. In case of aerate, the stator frame ' Toprotect the whale machine as tum path forthe fac © tohol the armature stampiogs 4 tovericate the amature 3. Ateriaters mosty work on rotating ‘ate ype pincpte which is ferent from de machines whers th fd ie sttionary ‘Theretere the allemators ‘2. det obey Faraday’ aw 'b. werk on Faradays law © dent obey Lanz aw «det ebey Ohm's low 4, High speod altenators have rtor constriction 2. similar demachines: 0 enon saint pote ol eatent pole 4 none of fhe above 5. The voltage applied to the eld ofa ‘otaing cylndical rotor type alternators "hgh de voltage 1. hgh ae voltage tow de veltage 44 low ae vetoge © Aterators are usually designed 19, Fora cot having a span of 29 ot pole renerate ple, the eal span factors 1 variable tequency 208 0.066 1 detinge currents ©0785 ©0966, «€ dlinte ecwencies 6. dette power factor 14, Disibating the armature wining of silerator x more than one umber of slots 7. The standard @ days in Der pote per phase resus in alternalors ie. © have 2: reduction of rregularties produced 2 rolling fect inthe waveterm 2 rotating amature 2 exonemy of mataras wsedin wing einer roatieg feo tating Neos wight the ante anita amatire 4 increase of generated ert por pase none of the above 15. When the power facter sunt, the 2. n power generating staions(Thesmal armature hx ofan atlernator wil be ations) una number of poles employed 2 demagnetising inthe alerators te » square waveform am ae cross magnetisiog ew rene ofthese 4. none of these 0. The dometer ol high spot turbo 16, Analtenator is copate in devering altemators as corypared io hydroelectric power at apariclar tequen:y. The ones are Irequency can beincreased by 1. smaller because speed high 2 increasing the armature speed smal because speeds oss reversing the armature rotation larger because speed i high {Increasing the carrent supped tothe 4 none of ee fed electromagnets «4. reversing the field polarty 10. The slp rings employed na threw: phase altemator i hydrostaton are 17.1 the input ofthe prime mover ofan Insulated for aternator kept constant bat the 2. er high tension voltage ‘tation ie insreaeed then ». low voltage «2 KVA wil be leading 6 fil ermature vltage KYA wil be lagging <. very high vatage: ‘© KW will be changed the power Factor of te oad remains 11. Whon te spoed of atornatr increases, conan the recuercy ‘ ‘2 decreases remains sane 18. Fortwo alternators operating in increases changes parallel if the oad shared by one of them Is te beinceased, ts field excitation is 12. Steam-turto-atomaters are much 1 to be strengthened heoping input smalleriasizethas wate turin (orque came alternators fora given output This is so ». weakened keeping input because torque seme 2 seam-turbo alternators are but wth «tobe Kept constant but input erque smaller capacties shoud be inereased by staamtumo slematorerun at high ‘speed 19. If P= numberof pat of pees, = the «steam turbo stemators have fong ‘requency in the Hz, S= speed in rpm, the rors Felatonship between the tree fer a. atlor nese ‘syrehronous atemnatorss given as Poo He 39 b P=1S/120. poles ee Psiz0 ou 6.51/20 pm 20, Gri the angle measured in electrical ddagreos botweon ary point on the poe fare ‘and cente ofthe poe then for setting Sinusoidal wave asthe ouput the air gap at that point should be such that 12. gap 3 propartional t sin © baie gap ie propetiona to cos ©. air Gap is versely proportional to sin 4. at gap inversely proportional 19 cos. 21. The sireidal voltage developed per pote fer phase io grup of cote is defined at Ae Kip V AMaeriKaky 4QNKy v 6. noneot these 122, Twe armature racton of an atorator wil ba erocemagratising ofthe power factor of the load unity lass than unity ¢ more than unity 4, zor leading 23. 1X5 tha syndvonous reactance of he leakoace reactance and Ka= reactance due fo amature a than eke B Xe" date ro%s Ker Maks 24. Thebest and te mos! accurate method for determining the votage regulation is {synchronous impedance method . MMF mathe ©. EMF metho 4 Pater ingle method 25, An alternator is eld to be over-oxcied 1 operating at 2 leading pt . taggng ot uly 4. ore vollage regulation 26. From what seurce does « roating field {ype atlerrator receive its excite voiage 2. fom an externally controled ac vollege fom an extally contolled de voltage 40 ©. tom a sett excited so:ee2 ke shunt generator 6. tom an auallary generator diver by main gonorator shalt 27 High voltage alterators are usually of he Tolating field type. This means the generated vatage is comected ‘2. tough the slip sings tothe foad 1 trough the sip rings of the reiting fd irrtly fo the fad {directly othe rotor 26, The amxenum eaten that can be Supphed by slematore doponde upon the 2 strength ofthe exter b.mumber of poles «strength ofthe magnetic tld ‘d. maamum neat assipation 28, One ofthe afvantages of dstrbuting the wade in alenators a. reduce harmonics bs improve voltage waveform € touce the aout 0! copper 1 decrease the value ofthe watags 20. Oisinbutton factor Ky is dain as the fatiof emf of 2 disttuted winding to ful pitch winding . concentrated wiring 10 dstibuted nding « disintuted winding to concentrated ‘winding -ful ich winding to distbuied winding 31. ne numberof sols par pote por phase snd & = tlt angla, the distnution factor is ansina® —— bisinnedd ‘un 2 isin 2 csinnel2 4. sin noel? Wore on aE 22. For a unfomly dsinbuted wining the ‘value of disiibutin factors 7a unity 9, 098 2.0868 =. 86s 39. One of he advantages of a short pitch winding lies 'a. elimination or suppression of hamonics reduction of vltages «increasing the infctence 1. reduction of ckeulaling current 34, Pich factor ie defined a5 the rato ofthe ent sot 12 strbutad winding fo full itch winding hor ith ea fl pitch cot” © ful pitch wiring to short gich winding 4. fll pitch winding to concentrated wining 1, a etarconractod allenator } adetta cornected alternator ¢. an earthed tar connected alternator 4. three phas four wire system 37, Syrctroncis impedance of an akernator \s fined athe aio of '9, shor iu volage to short creut current open ctcut volage to shot crcut thot orcut curentte no nad current ‘open ckeu voltage to short crcut Cent for ame value of excitation ‘38. Synchwoncus reactance consists of Wo ‘components, narvely ‘armature railance and leakage reactanes b, leakage resctance and fictions reactance armature resistance and Ftitous feactance ‘leakage reectanca and capactve reoctarce 30, The imaginary oF fitious pat of ‘synchroncus reactance takes care of 12. copper losses voltage regulation «armature reaction 4 ndutive reactance at 40, Regulation ofan alternator is defined 36 thetic interninsl__ whan ful oa ts ‘thown of exsressedas percentage of 0 teminal forthe same vate of ‘ection and epeed ‘2 curent ». votage rating power factor 41. Symcteorization of atenaters means ‘2 comecing alleraiors in series » transfering load from one aternstor to moter .cormectingaterators in pallet 1. acjating the exctation of alternators 42. To snctronaealtemnator, tree ‘ondtions mist be tiled, namely "a same valage ratio, same frequency ond vellagos should be in phase wih espect to external circuit same valtage, same frequaney and vollage shouldbe in phase opposition tat tespec othe extemal cit serve vellage, same fraquoncy and {ollager should bein phase opposition wth respect tolocal series eruit 4 same vatage ratio, diferent frequencies, ‘and preper phase relation ofthe votages 43. For syntwenizing three phase sitemators, the adational requirement is that the phase rotaton ‘2 must bethe same b is dockwse is ant-lockwise none ofthe above 44 Themethod most commmenty use for ‘ynehrenizng te altemators in @ power house: "2 dart lamp metiod and a synchroscape dark amp method onty bright tap method bright lamp method and 2 sypchroseope 145m order totrarsfer the loa from one ‘ternal tb another alternator, when they ‘are operating h paatit 1 eld current increased 1 fel corrnt i decreased speed is decreased {prime mover power input i increased 46. Adustmert of oi excitation on one of the two allemators operating in paral wil a inereated i load by change te Hoquancy Wil rolatein the same drecton. decrease its toad 4. change ts power factor {47 each ofthe wo stemetors operating svucHRONCUS MOTORS. parallel are adjusted for unity power factor Increasing the fld current of ne 1. Synchroneus motor has. ‘2. causes ts power factor to become '. constant speed veading ©, sight exo in speed on fl tod ', caures ts power facter to becorse high speed at iw torque ‘ogeng 1 tow speed at high true changes its spaed 1 increases ts oad 2. The synctronous speed of a 50 cycle 10 pole motors 48, What kind of rotor is most surabe for 8.500'pm Bb 180 spm turbo-atenaiors which are designed torn af 2.600 %pm 1000 "pm ih speed ‘4 sant pole type 3. The speed ofa smchrorous motor binowsaliert peletype ‘connected to 50 cycle supply 5 1000 rpm the ‘e.boh aand b ‘umber of potest must have 4. none of te above a4 be ea 410 49, Dampers in large generators 2 increase stably 4. The maximum power developed ina ». reduce votage fluctuations. ‘smnetronous motor occurs a 3 coupAng reduce trequency fucustiors angle of 20 base 50. Shot pitch cole in the alterations are 90" 4.1000 tied '2. reduce the sie of the alternator 5. Ad phase, 4 pole, 24 sit alterator has to reduce the harmonics rom the {i armature cols shor: piched by one sot (generated emt of te aterrator tis ple facor wl se « toreduce the copper oss inthe 10 ». 0908 aternate 6096 4.096 St, ithe input othe prime mover ofan 6. Synetrorous motors capeble of being ‘alernatar is kept constant but the exctaton ‘epeatot at 1s changed nen ‘2. lagging power factor only «the reactive component of he output is leading power factor only chanced lagging and leading power factor ». the active component ofthe output is «none of these changed «the plo he oa remains constant 1. The synchronous moter a ntinrontly sel.tating because 62, Thedrung power om the pime mover 2 the olatirg magnetic ld does no ceiving an aerate is los bus the aterrater hhave enough poles temains comected tothe supply network and be therolatng magnetic eld is produced fed supplyis en. The ana wil by ony 59 Hu taquency certs 2 gp burnt the force required to accleratathe rotor behaves a8 an induction motor io the synchrenous speed inan © ohaves as synchronous motor tut Instant is absent vil relate n reverse diction to that the starting vices to accderste the ‘correspanding to generator ation toto © near syrehronous speed ts 4. behave as asyretvoncus motor and ‘tsent 42 _A. Wien the tater windings are comreciod in ‘cha fachon tha! the numtor of pol = a0 ‘made half he speed ofthe rotor of 4 synchronous mote ‘a decreases tohat the onginal value romans sarve asthe onginal valve 4 fonds to became 2210 © Inasynctrorous moter, as load is appies, the motor lskes mare armature cucrent because, '@. back emf deceates causing an, increase in motor curert b the rotor strengthens the rotating itd causing more motor cure ©. therotor by aing fe phase bechward ‘causes moto to Sake more current 4. none ofthese 10. Synchranizng power ofa syrchroncus ‘9 equal le synchronous reactance '.inversey proportional to the ‘syrchroncus reacare «6 directly propertiona othe synchronous teactance none ofthese 11, Synchronous motor aways runs at {2 speed less than synchronous spaced 1a spend morethan synchronous speed the synctronous speed ‘4 none of these 12, Synchronous motors are ‘sal-staring not sa startng « essentialy sefstaring none og these 13. An over excites synchyonous motor take 2 lagging curent tending cutent lagging and acing cure 4 none of these “4, The motor in which stator and rotor ‘magnetic field rotate a the same speed is ‘a-nduction moter b, reduction moter {6 universal moter eynerronous motor 43 18, when ne exoation ofan urtoaded ‘alient pole ynctvonous motor suddenly tet disconnected, than '2. the motor slope ». runs atthe same speed ©. rune at lower speed seams ol very Mh speed 16. asynchronous motor, he loraue angio 2. the angle between the rotating staor fx and rotor poles tho angle betwoon the magnetizing ‘eurtont and back orf «the angle between the supply voltage ard the back ert mene of he above 17 A Sphase, 400V, 50 He, 4 pote synchronous moter has # load angle of 100 tedtrica. The equivalent mechanical degre valtbe a1 5.2 degrees 18. The breakdown torque ofa synchronous motor varies as . bo 4 ‘plied voilege ——_(eppied voltage? «applied wotage 6. (apped voltage? 19:In synchronous motor, whic loss does ‘ot vary win oad? ‘2 cxpperiesses & hystoroaelossos ' windagelosses 4 nner the shove 20. Sphase, 400 V, 50 Hz saint pole synchronous motor i raring on ne lsd. I ete fs break nthe exctation vending of he 1 the motor wil sop the winding wil get overheated the motor wil run as reluctance mato athe rated rpm the moter wi un as reluctance motor lowe pen 21, A Sphase synchronous motor is runing ‘docewise. in ease the direction of is Nd ‘arrentis reverses the motor wil continue lo run i the same direction the moter wal run at reverse rection «the motor wil stop {the wining the motor wi bum 22. The speed reguiatic ofa S-phase ‘smclvonous motors. 35% b1% 04% 4.200 23. mn synetvonous moor. the syrchronizng power comes ilo action when 2. 10 spead is equa to synchronous speed 1.10" spend less than sypetvonous spect tor speed is more than synctronous speed 4. olor speed fe ether ess or mere than ‘synchvorous speed 24. The speod of synchronous motor ‘9. rnduses asthe load increases increase as load increases «©. edjusts tsolf tonew equiitrium 25, Which curve represent open circu ‘haractrisie of asynchronous moter ‘2. Cune A* . >. cures 2 Cone 4 cure D ° u 26, The minimum armature current the synchronous moter corresponds to cperation 08 power factor lagging . unity power factor ©. ero power factor 27. Wa of a syretwoncus motor is under ‘exated the power factor will bo ‘3 bg9eg leading cc unily <-more than unity 28, When 3 phase synchronous generator Supplying a zero pf legging load the ormature fol affects tho main ld i the following wey ‘2. rely opposes it . coss-magratisesk ©, augments iret a4 £28. When the extaton ofan unloaded aliens pole synchronous motor sudderly ets iscennected '. the motor stops D itruns as reluciance moter athe speed 6. Itruns a8 a retuctance motor at lower speed 20, ina Sphase synchronous converter the ratio of ac. current fo de. caren s equatto 2.0943 pos 231, The amature crest ofthe synctvoncus ‘motor has large values of ‘a low exttaion only 'b nigh exctation rly buh low and high excitation’ 6 INDUCTION MOTOR 4. The type of the motor that doesnot have @ ‘commutators the 2. reputsion motor induction moter ©. de shunt motoe 2. Acertain moi is driven by a 1750 rpm 4. shunt moar the power supply to be ‘charged toinree phase, 0 cys, 2. the ‘most sutatie replacement meter would be ‘2 synchronaus motor ac cermuaior motor . capactor motor 4. squirel cage nductien motor 43.The pincpl of operation ofthe induction motos based on a Faradaysiaw rotating magnetic ld ¢ Flemmings righthand rae 15 Onis taw 4 The totr of an duction motor gets its power from ‘atheline votage ». stip segs Ca centage switch ‘6 magnate action | Th induction moto ae designed tor ‘three pase ». mo phase «single phase 4 all ofthe above 6. The rotor speed of an induction mtr fs 4. the same ache eynatvenous speed ' faster than the synchronous speed «slower than ihe synchronous speed 4. deterrined by frequency and number of oes 1. The induction motor difers fem the synchronous motor is thal it a. rogues de source forits rotor dons not recure a rtatng magnet = rlor om phase at stand stil p= rotor resistance! phase 2 folorresstance/ phase at stand si “Then starting torque of an induction motors given by rss HER (Rate xa bre KeEZR (x2 ees Kok Raa? ore Keath (atx?) 10: 1n.2. phase inchacton mtr the torque ‘ncreares wi te increase in supply vatiage bb decreases wih the increase in supply vatage hae ne ctation with he supply voilage <4. and b depending upon situaton 20. improvement inthe power factor in an trauction motor 1 decreaces terque bb increases torque < increases the curert increases Se torque and decreases the current due 0 mcreased impevance 21, Torque in an induction motor under ‘unning cordon i given by are KikzAte RE SKE bere Kuiat Ra Ra + xe ere RSE2R 2+ (Ska? dre 61SE22R Ret eke 22, n an induction motor te torques elated ithe supply wetegs ‘a Tie popostonal to V 12 Tis proportonal to V © Tis propostonal to V2 4. Tisinversay proportional to v2 22, The maximum torque under runing ‘condition in terms of rotor reactance is given 8 tmax= KESED me a5 24 Torque under running conation at the sip ‘s ‘a. which makes rotor reactance/phase ‘equa 0 rolorresstanclphase b which makes rotor eactance/phase treater than rote rosistancolphase which makes rotor resistancephase lesser than olor esstancephase which is ndeperdent of rotor resistance 25, The valve of sp al maim torque ‘ondition (under running contin) i tems AR? and 2 is 2S" ee IR © = 28a Ke 6 S= EI 26, Short cut test on the induction metor ‘can be used tofind ot the translormation ratio ofthe indetion », power scale of crcl diagram «copper lesses inthe induction motor 4. al oftheabeve 27. Which ofthe following ea correct relation for an induction moter 2 yobrefceney = actual speed of rotor _ynehvonous speed ». totor on tssas= sip x rotor input € tolor put = 2M gross trai x Ny Gall the above relations are correct 26. Two ofthe power supply terminals ta 3- phase duction eotr get invercnanged ‘urng reconnection ater maintenance of the ‘mor, when put back into eerie, the motor ww ‘fall to rolate » rotate inthe sare direction asit was, orto mairtenance «reat in he reverse drotion to that 29.4 400 kw, S-phase, 449 v, 50 he luction moter has a spccd of 950 ‘on full oad, Tino ma poles. The slip of the machie wil be 2. 0.06 b. 0.04 © 0.10 a. 0.05 30.11 the air gap of an induction motor i increased ‘a. the magnetizing current will docteate b. the magnetizing current will ve the power factor wil decrease 4d. none of these Bina ing induction motor, + 1 1 connected In rotor phases 2. to Kinit the starting current to increase starting current to limit stating current ang Incraasa starting torque 4. none of these 32. For 8 3-phase wound rotor induction ‘moter, as increase in rotor resistance ffects the motor performance in the following way a. the starting current decreases L. the motor alfcioncy decreases the maximum torque is reduced 4. the speed increases 33.11 is advisable to avcid line starting of Induction motor and uses start becouse ‘2. starting torque is very high motor takes 5 to 7 times its full fad current ©. it will pick up vary high speed and may go out of step 4. Rill rani divoction 34, A change of £% in the supply voltage of a 3-phase induction motor wil produce to its torque a change of approximately ar b. 26% ©. 10% ©. 15% 35. pump induction motor switched ty 30% lower than its voltage. The pump rune. What will eventually happe a. start ator sometine b. “continue to run at lower speed without damage eget heated and eon damaged. 4d. Nothing will happen “ wuently got 7 ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, 1. Whon using any instrument for meaturement and testing of an electrical cuit, your should be considered 2, personal satety b. theoretical knowledge ©. surrounding 6. dross 2. Meter accuracy is determined by 2 halh-scate detlection 1b. full-scale deflection c th of Fulleceal ction 4d. onestenth of full-scale 3. The raliebilty of on instrument ‘a, the life of an instrument b. the extent which the characteristics remain near 6. degree to which repeatabiity continues to remain with specific liits 4. allof thes ‘4, Threshold of sensitivity with respect to insvument is 8. the moxiense bbe measured b. the value of bighest scat nsitvity of the 47 the value of sensitivity of the iowest scale 4, the smatest signal that resuits in e detectable eutput 5. Sonsitivty in accuracy of a ording instrument moans ‘the amount of input required to produce unit pen detection b. the emallet signal required produced detectable output ©. the maximum evror sensitivity displayed by a pen 4. dogroe to which the past ceedings enciigh to 6. On which of the following factors ‘the sensitivity inaccuracy of an Instrument does not depend 2 Mystoresia or dead bond 1b. Armofitude distortion ©. Frequency response 4d. Allof these 7. Camping provides 3. Braking action on ¢ moter pointer . Good accuracy Starting torque on the meter pointer 4. Counter torque to det torque 8. In moving cot meters, damping is provided by juminurn fame lument ore used nd de. €._ in é.c. cicuit ont . for measuring voltage only 10, To reduce the elfect of @ voltmeter upon the circuit und tost, we should 180 the multiplier stance 48 get an instrumant v higher intornsl ros use a paralial resistor use an ace. mater with vector 11. To incroaso the range of a voltmeter .. « 1 low resistance is connected 4 low resistence ie connected in parallel 2 high resistance ie connected in series a high resistance is connected n par 12, What is the function of the zero- adjust control in a muti-meter it serves to conduct the cument with this contro, the sensitivity of » mater can be ‘changed the 20:0 point is corrected with the help of this control the moving parts can be ightened to the casing with the help of this control serow 13.18 the moving-iron type ammeter is connected to @ circuit, nd we interchanged its connection, then {e will give no datlection 8 reading will not change it will doflect in the opposite duection it witl burn out 114. Which of the fotowing damping methods is common in moving coll . ‘ Fhid damping Spring damping Eddy-current damping 18. The main reason for using springs ine measuring instrument Is > ‘to conduct curent in the coil to hold the pivot in position to contra the pointer movement 4. 10 minimize the vibration of the pow: 16. A moving iton type instrument has ‘linear scate (uniform sesle) 4 non-inear toate ite deflection is directly proportional to the current 4. its detiection is directly proportional to the voltage b ©. square law scale ©. og scat 18. The function of & shunt in an ammeter is to ‘bypass the current 1. inorease the curtent in the coil decrease ihe voltage dop 4. ncreate the moter resistance 19. The shunt resistance smometer is usualy 2, lass than meter resistance BL oquat 10 moter resistance €. greater than meter resistance 4 of any vakie 20.11 the approximate value of the curtont to be measured is not sown , measurernent start on 8. the lowest range and then inetease the range the highest range and then increase the range the middle range and then decrease ihe range 4. the middle range ond then Increase the range 21. Jow voltage is measured on a igher scale of a voltmeter. The measurement would nave low accuracy bs low precision €. low resolution 6. all of the 4g 22 23, 25, 27. 28. Tho disadvantage associated with {an electrodynamie instrument it . ite frequency range ie low d. allof these ‘An elsctrodynamic meter can be lused to measure 2. a¢ voltage 1b. de veltage fc. de as wel as ac voltage 4. de voltage but for ac vokages, rectification is necessary very low resistance Gof the col insulation res 4. Inductance of the col Meggor exsentaly ie 3 ‘Megohmmeter ‘Shunt-type ohmmeter Saries type ohmmeter Dynamoneter 2. moving: coil mat bL movingsron me d : dyamic-metor me | eloctrostatis meter Which of t6he following ‘equipment is not a part of egge? b. moving: soil met e. acoil of high inductance 4d. gearbox generator ‘The umber of cols in the met ‘of megger is thee . four

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