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Hannah M.

SRC-Theological Spanish
Fr. Joe Boenzi
Translations 2-4
30 September 2010

Translation #2
CCC #102

Text: A través de todas las palabras de la Sacrada Escritura,

Trans: Through(out) all the word of the Sacred Scripture,
 Question about “a través”: my dictionary offers translations of across, over, or through for “A
través….” Is the correct meaning simply determined by context?

Text: Dios dice solo una palabra, su Verbo ūnico, en quien él se dice en plenitud:
Trans: God spoke one single word, His unique Verb, In which one He spoke in plenitude.

Text: Recordad que es una misma Palabra de Dios la que se etience en todas las escrituras,
Trans: It is recorded that (this) same Word of God that is extended/spread out in all the scriptures.

Text: que es un mismo Verbo que rescuena en la boca de todos los escritoros secrados,
Trans: who is (the/a) same Verb that resounds in the mouth of all the sacred writings.

Trans: el que, siendo al comienzo Dios junto a Dios, no necesita silabas porque no está sometido al
Trans: (the) who, being in (the) beginning God together with God, did not need syllables because (he) is
not subdued in time.

New Vocabulary:

 Rescuna- resound(s)
 Comienzo- start/beginning
 Silabas- syllables
 Sometido-subdued
 Siendo- being

Translation #3
CCC #103

Text: Por esta razón, la Iglesia ha venerado siempre las divinas Escrituras como venera también el
Cuerpo del Señor.
Trans: For this reason, the Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures with veneration also
(given) to the Body of the Lord.

Text: Ne cesa de presenter a los fieles el Pan de vida que se distribuya en le mesa de la Palabra de Dios y
del Cuerpo de Christo.
Trans: Without ceasing to present to the faithful the Bread of Life who is distributed in(at?) the table of
the Word of God and the Body of Christ.
New Vocabulary:
 Razón- reason
 Venerado/venera- venerated/veneration
 Cuerpo-body (corpse, even??)
 Cesa- ceasing
 Los fieles- the faithful

Translation #4
CCC #104

Text: En la Sagrada Escritura, la Iglesia encuentra sin cesar su alimento y su fuerza, porque, en ella,
Trans: In the Sacred Scriptures, the Church encounters without ceasing its nourishment and its strength,
because, in her,

Text: no recibe solamente una palabra humana, sino lo que es realmenta: la “Palabra de Dios” (1 Ts
Trans: does not received a only human word, but that it is in fact: the “Word of God” (1Tim 2.13).

Text: “En los libros sagrados, el Padre que está en el cielo sale amorosamente al encuentro…”
Trans: “In the sacred books, the Father who is in the heaven seasons loving-ness to meeting..”

Text: … “de sus hijos para conversar con ellos.”

Trans: … “of his sons for conversing with them.”

New Vocabulary:
 Encuentra- encounters
 Alimento- nourishment/feeding
 Fuerza- strength
 Amorosamenta- loving(-ness)

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