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Valley& Stateeditor,602,444.NEWS
T H U R S D A YO, C T o B E R
1 9 ,2 0 o 6 SECTION

CAMPAIGN in full swing.But shesaidsheis mak- But right now, she'sconcentrating
Continued fromBl ing the trek up from T\rcsonon Elec- her efforts on helping Ed Ableserin
tion Dayto supporther parentsin per- his campaignfor state representative
sica said. "Theyre putting a lot of son. in District 17,which includes south
work into this. I'm reallygladthey're,. Sheplansto help in one partitular Scottsdaleand Tempe.
doing it." way on Nov. 7. Shehas kept her re- Stacysaid she made the commit-
Like Dennis,Thrashergaveup her cordedprimaqyresidenceasher par- ment to Ableser'scampaignbefore
Saturdaysthis summerto walk door ents' home insteadof Ttrcson. her father decidedto rui. S--tacv.
to do orwithher motherandmeetpo- "So I'll be ableto vote for both of
is the historianofASU'sYoungD"-o-
tential voters. them this year,"shesaid. cratsand a memberof Younf Demo-
"That was a lot of work," shesaid.
StacyHettmansperger; ajunior ma- cratsof Arizona.said shewasn'tsur-
"But fun, too." joring in political scienceat Arizona prisedwhen her dad decidedto run.
Jackie said she appreciatedher StateUniversity,is rootingfor her fa- "He has a lot of ideas,"she said.
daughter'shelp and felt that they ther,Phil, to win District 21staterep- "Now he actually gets to talk to the
gainedmorethanjust potentialvotes, resentative.'That district dncom- rest of the district."
'.\Mehadagreattime beingtogether passesparts
of ChandlerandMes4 as
doing that, and her support of my well asSun Lakesand QueenCreek. Reachthe reporter at (602) 444-7534
campaignreally meansa lot to me," Over the surhmer,Stacysaid, she or
she said."It's a nice bondingexperi- wasableto devotemoretime to her fa-
ence." ther's campaign.Sheroundedup her
As a senior majoring in computer friendsto help collect the signatures effientrd"e*m
scienceat the Universityof Arizona, he neededto get on the ballot. Moreaboutcandidates andissues
Jessicadoesn'thavea lot-ofsparetime "They know how important it was in the Novemberelectionat
to help her parentsnow that schdolis and how crucial time lyas,"she said.

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