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Volume THREE

Volume Three 233 Letters from God and His Christ

Letters from God and His Christ 234 Volume Three
9/06/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
One Truth, One Church, One Body... No Walls... Only One Spirit and Love in Christ, Forever and Ever!

Question asked by Timothy: What of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and their claim to be the true church
and remnant?

[Jesus The Christ answered] Read My letters to the seven churches in Revelation... There you will find them.

Again, I say, My church has no walls,

And no other name, except the name The Father has given Me...

All its members are of one mind, one spirit and one love,
Worked in obedience, in My name.

The body of Christ is where you dwell,

Along with those who are Mine, given Me from The Father...

Who are now being prepared, as My bride, in gowns of white.

Woe to those churches of men, who say they are My remnant and true children... Woe, I say. Again, you have
placed yourself in the seat of The Father, and have fallen under judgment of yourselves, because none live by that
which they claim they know and teach to others.

Only those, who The Father draws to Me, have become My body and church...

The Truth is within them and shown by their works.

Yes, even these stumble...

But I am He, who searches the hearts and minds of My beloved,

And know who is true in steadfast love and faith for Me.

This is the true church you search for...

For it is not found outwardly in the world, but inwardly in the temple of God.

Volume Three 235 Letters from God and His Christ

9/8/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Put Your Houses in Order, and Become Unified in Christ...
A Shining Example, a Beacon For Those Lost in the Dark

Kathy, where is your faith? Where is your love, the love I have given you? I do not hear you rejoicing. I have
answered your desire and prayer that I speak to your husband, yet you question. Question not The Father, nor the
word of The Son, for My words are The Father’s. So then, question yourself and your understanding of what I have
written. What I have written, I have written. It stands forever as My will for those who believe in Me. Can one refuse
My counsel?... Yes, for I first gave them their own free will of choice.

Timothy has spoken many things, as he has received them from Me, and many from his own understanding, which
greatly increases because of My presence in him. What he has spoken of Craig is true. He has spoken as a leader
and not as a prophet in this case. If the father dies, or rejects his position as spiritual leader of his house, then does
it fall to the eldest son. Even so, it will come to pass as your daughter has dreamt... Arthur, the influence; and Craig,
speaking the Word in truth; and you, the example; and finally, Timothy, the prophet, holding the Truth and all proof
of salvation in his understanding given him by Me.
So then, Kathy, know your place and have joy. As Art is the elder, so then are you. You are two of one flesh, divided.
Unity, in Christ, will bring about understanding and faith in those children of disobedience. All of you love one
another, and each one submit to the other, in serving Me. So then, Kathy, lead by example... The sheep know your
voice. You know the way to The Shepherd... You have heard His voice. One can not lead, if they stand divided,
divided against themselves.
Rejoice for your husband, and rejoice for yourself also. From your family have I chosen to plant a seed, that will
lead many to salvation. This seed has already sprung forth as the sapling, with several buds and some leaves
appearing, which I have planted in the good ground. Know this: This small tree is not the True Tree, but a branch
grafted in. Do not prune it or pull the shades... Only The Father prunes all branches growing from The Tree. Water
it, grow with it, and flourish in the Light, for he called Timothy is also a light, a lesser light, having the true Light
within him, bestowing the light which I have given him, to share with you in My words and knowledge. Know
also: You already have My light within you... I have given it to you and to all those The Father has drawn to Me. I
share Myself with all and died for all... I submitted unto death to save them. Kathy, be as I am in spirit... Follow My
example, and make it yours.
Remember, all of you are equal in Christ and My forgiveness, but are not equal in My works I decree for you. All are
parts of My body doing different works, for the benefit of all. If you must have order, to help your understanding,
then know this: In My church, which has no walls, only the Cornerstone... First, the prophet and his scribe, then the
elder, then his wife, then the children, but I am The Head of all. Again, I say, love one another and submit to one
another, for even Timothy must honor the elders, for they are his parents; and they must honor him, for he speaks
for Me... But remember, all are servants serving Me and each other.

No servant is greater than his master...

How he serves others shows which master he serves...

How he serves his master shows the master within him...

And what the master suffers will his servants suffer,

For they serve in his name.

No one can serve two masters...

Either they will hate the one, and love the other,
Or he will be devoted to the one, and despise the other.

Letters from God and His Christ 236 Volume Three

9/19/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ-
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Have Faith, Overcome Adversity... The Time of Rest is Coming

Beloved, trust in Me. You have obeyed all I have asked... You are a good and faithful servant. Endure, and overcome
adversity in the world and that which is in your mind. All adversity comes from him who is against My purpose...
Give not into him. Pray, ask of Me, and have peace. Also, trust in your husband. He is My prophet indeed, he hears
Me. Even when he does not hear Me, he hears Me. Trust in him, for he speaks for Me, and be amazed. Faith, My
beloved. All I ask of you is for your safety, to keep you and your most precious fireflies hidden from the world as a
treasure, so when I come I may gather you to Myself, and you will be where I am.

Believe My Word, dear one... The time of rest is coming.

But first, there is much to be done, and done quickly,

Before you can enter into My rest.

The Father grows impatient,

And longs for His beloved ones to be drawn back to Himself.

The time of sorrows is nearly over...

Rejoicing is coming, coming quickly...

The Seventh Day is nearly upon you.

Always turn to Me, Beloved...

Even three times per day or three hundred, I will be there...

I am with you, even to the end of this age, and ever after.


Volume Three 237 Letters from God and His Christ

9/10/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Art and Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Restoration in Marriage

Oh My beloved in Christ, why do you not understand My speech?... I have spoken, you do not heed My calling
of you. Stop listening to the devil! He, and those fallen, deceive you. Live in all ways, according to My words and
example. Read My Book... It is not just the Bible... It is My love letter to you and all who accept it. In its pages are
the life-giving water... Drink and be filled.
You are children, your ways as children, in your relationship one toward the other. Understand love. I say you
are as children, for you lack understanding of what I ask of you and those married in My name. Know also: The
children, though they lack understanding, do what is well and good, for they still know The Father. These little
ones are quick to forgive and show unconditional love. They know they will receive that which they have given...
Nothing held back.

So love one another, is My command to you, and submit to one another...

I submitted to My Father, unto death, for you...

Out of love for My Father and His love for you,

Which is also My love shown in My sacrifice.

Do you not know, I want you to be where I am and for you to be as I am?...

Life, without end, lived in the joy of The Father.

All those forgiven must be taken up... The Father does not punish those He has forgiven through Me, lest My
sacrifice be made of non-effect, and all are punished and judged. If all are punished and judged, then none are
forgiven. Know this: All are forgiven. It is only their rejection of the Spirit and My sacrifice, in which they are
already forgiven, that leads them into punishment and judgment.

So then, those two of one flesh...

One redeemed, and the other sanctified because of the other’s faith...

This is the will of The Father.

Is it written in stone? Will it come to pass for all in marriage?... No. For the first gift received from The Father,
following the breath of life, is free will. So the sanctification, of the unbelieving spouse, is the process by which
they may come to the Truth by the example of the other.

If one receives My Spirit, then both share in its fruit...

Letters from God and His Christ 238 Volume Three

9/10/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Art and Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Restoration in Marriage cont.

Also, if one has given into deception and darkness,

Both must overcome together...

If one part of your body is injured,

Do you ignore it, because it causes you pain?...


You immediately go to the physician,

To accept healing medicines, through the physician’s knowledge.

If one lets that injury or sickness linger, it will spread and become diseased, until the whole body dies. Amputation
is not an option, lest you go through life unwhole, with part of you missing and tossed away.
Kathy and Art, you are the children and the two become one body. Your hard times, the dark and the deceptions
of the evil one, led to multiple injuries and great sickness in your marriage. You each forsook the other and did not
seek the physician...

The Physician am I!...

The healing medicines, My words understood by My knowledge,

Given through the Spirit called Holy...

The life-giving waters are the Bible and these very Letters.

You chose amputation, which is divorce.

Understand the fulfillment of the Plan of the Ages, purposed by God...


Your Helper, your Healer, The Very Breath of Life!...

All life, lived in Me, will never die!

I am The Light of the World,

Of which the darkness can never put out...



Volume Three 239 Letters from God and His Christ

9/16/05 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All, Who Love the Truth, Obey... And Strive Everyday to Walk in Its Ways

Dear beloved friends and family in Christ, and to those who do not know me but seek to know the Truth, which
is in Christ, hear my words and have understanding, so you may believe without hindrance... The world and its
ways, in which you have lived and accepted, are false... A leading away. At this present time, the evil one is ruler
and the prince of the air of this world.

God is above all...

Evil is only allowed for a short time...

The reign of God, forever... And the Kingdom of His Christ, forever.

Fear of The One True God is the beginning of wisdom,

And belief in Christ is the beginning of salvation.

So I tell you plainly, so you may believe without hindrance... I am a prophet of God! I know who speaks to me! None,
who proclaim Jesus is Lord, and that He came in the flesh, are false... God resides in them. I claim Jesus is the way to
The Father! No evil can claim these things, the Spirit of God is not within them. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit
can one speak and proclaim as I proclaim. So then, I proclaim nothing on my own. All I do and say, according to the
Truth, is of God. I do not build myself up... Rather, I build up the name of God and the Spirit of Christ that is within
me, for your sakes. If you accept Christ, as I have, you would know what I know, and see that my words are of the
Truth, because the Truth is now also in you. The gift of the Spirit is not for a few, but for all who ask in faith.
If you read the Bible, and believe and accept Christ for your salvation, and then go and proclaim the Word
which you have read and believed, have you not also testified on God’s behalf? For it is His words you proclaim,
and His words you have received, by your understanding given you by God through the Spirit. People have not
understanding in themselves... It is a gift from God. So then, how can you understand and accept what I say, if you
have not accepted God’s gifts?

Call on your Lord, accept His gifts, and let His light shine upon you...

Then will you know that which I speak is Truth,

And most definitely not of my own authority,
But from The True Authority, by His authority, for His purpose...

And The Lord’s purpose is this...

That He send out His trumpets, and they sound to the four corners of the earth,
In every manner of speaking and devices...

So you may come back to, and be where He is, forever...

The Lord’s purpose is love!...

His gift, eternal life with Him who is love.

I do not call you to follow me... I wish that all follow Christ... I am just a messenger and servant. And if I came to you
as God’s servant, sent in the name of Christ Jesus, am I not your servant also?

Letters from God and His Christ 240 Volume Three

9/16/05 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All, Who Love the Truth, Obey... And Strive Everyday to Walk in Its Ways cont.

I am sent to you, to serve you the bread and water, which is the Word of God and His Christ, and His Spirit. Know
also: You do not need me... You have this food already, the Bible. Why don’t you feed yourself with that, which has
already been given?

You ask, “What of these Letters and what they say?”...

They are the same Word, with the same Author,

And inspired through the same Spirit, who also wrote the Bible...

They are a proclamation of the Truth and a warning,

So you will return to He who has existed always, the same and unchanged...

The Word, The Word of Life!... Christ Jesus, The Lord!

You wish also to hear God’s words, as I do?... You can and have. It is He who speaks in the Letters, and they are
His words in front of you, in your Bible. Some Bibles write Jesus’ words in red, so there is no mistake. If I were to
reprint the Letters, they all would be written in red, because the words I have written are from Christ, even those
from God... Because everything, that is done, is done through Christ and made alive by Him. Christ’s words are
alive because they have life in them, for those who believe and accept them into their hearts. His words are also
in red, because they are a warning to repent and made manifest by His shed blood.
You ask, “Are you an apostle or prophet?”... It doesn’t matter who I am. It only matters who you are and who you are
to become. Am I a prophet?... Yes. Am I an apostle?... Also yes... I was first a sinner. I then started to believe, and seek
after God. Then I became a disciple, because I started to follow Christ and had accepted His forgiveness. Then God
spoke to me... That day I became a prophet. I now have begun to speak and teach that which was spoken and taught
to me by God. Know this: Everyone will be taught by God... And choose. In my proclaiming and teaching, by God’s
authority, did I become an apostle. I did not choose this position for myself, but rather God chose me for His purpose.
God has many people who testify on His behalf, both by their words and their actions...

Do as God would have you do, and become His servant also.

The perfect example has already been sent to you... He is Christ Jesus!...

Do all in your life as He did, according to your faith,

And you will be rewarded now and in the Kingdom to come.

My friends, I love you all and even you who are against me, because Christ loves you... And I have accepted His
love into me, and now begin to see you as He sees you.

None are forsaken...

All are forgiven in the blood of Christ...

It is only your rejection of that Truth, that keeps you from joy and life.

Live your life for Christ, because He gave His for you,
So you could share in His joy, forever and ever.

Volume Three 241 Letters from God and His Christ

9/17/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For the Church of the Seventh Day Adventist, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Prophets Have Been Called and Sent Out to Sound the Trumpet,
And to Restore the Light to the Dwindling Flame of the Churches

I have sent Timothy also to the churches, to rebuke and correct with My words and knowledge. This time is not
yet... Soon, when he is fully prepared.
So then, I have sent him first to the church of Philadelphia, who is in need of the least correction. For they are
faithful, and only err in their understanding of God’s purpose and their rigidness of heart against the heathen. For
they judge worthiness by their own standards and have forgotten what God is first... Love and mercy. So I say to
them, cast off your arrogance... You are not the True Church, though many of you are its members...

Increase in love and knowledge,

Decrease in judgment, and humble yourselves...

Trust in God, for He loves all and wishes that all are saved...

Abide in patience and faith, with love for all...

Then watch and see the power of The One True Majestic God,
Wrought in His Son of Salvation!


9/17/05 Timothy’s Wife’s Dream of the Firecracker Incident

I am living with a male friend and his family, who I knew in high school. I do not know why I am living there. This
friend and I are very close, but not intimate physically. We have a genuine friendship, and in the dream, I care about
him very deeply. He and I are talking and joking, and I am asking him about dating other girls, etc. He then leaves.

I decided to play a joke on him, by stringing firecrackers or “poppers” above his bed, so they would go off when
he opened the door, to startle him. When he opened the door, the firecrackers went off, and the beam above his
bed fell to pieces. Instead of laughing at my joke, he was furious. I tried explaining that it was just a joke, but he
would not listen, and he would not forgive me. He told me I would have to leave his house. I agreed, because I
felt it was OK to go back home.

(Interpretation on the following page).

Letters from God and His Christ 242 Volume Three

9/17/05 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Interpretation of the Dream, Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Cracks in the Foundations of the Status Quo

Those who read and accept the Letters, I have given to you, have invited My Spirit into their houses, which also
requires acceptance of you and your wife and who you have become, because of My calling of you to serve Me...

So then, Beloved, you have moved in with them, as close as family, because the words they read you typed, and
your husband heard and wrote. These words are also personal, and speak of you and your life in detail. When one
accepts what you have written of yourself, in asking of Me, both you and I come to live with them in their hearts
and speech with others. Even those, who resist, have let us in because of their constant talk and analyzing of what
has been said in the Letters.
Again, the Letters will divide and continue to divide... The words, when understood, “pop” out and make a great
noise in the minds of those who understand; and cause others, who resist, to noise in their minds with guilt and
judgment, as though you had placed the firecracker in their hand... One, a light shining, a short burst of noise and
light, which is the beginning of understanding; and the other, a different understanding, that of judgment... All of
which explodes, at several places, along their foundation and load-bearing beliefs, causing them to come crashing
down, and dividing and destroying the status quo that all were used to.

When destruction and division occurs,

It makes way for greater understanding, of what all things should be built...

Then can all move from their places,

And rebuild upon The Rock, The Chief Cornerstone,
A house that abides forever, that welcomes back all who were separated...

So they may come and enjoy the banquet,

Prepared by The Chief Builder and He, who had destroyed all that went before,
So all can be made new, as it was in the beginning.

My words carry My Spirit,

And shall not return void, but shall stir up the hearts of many...

Wherever they partake of them...

Be it in the Bible, or My words spoken through men.


Volume Three 243 Letters from God and His Christ

9/19/05 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
God is Spirit, He is Also Love... And By These Two Were All Given Life

Beloved, you are beloved... Trust in Me... My love for you is great.

I remember the day I created you, according to The Father’s desire that you come into being. That day did We
rejoice, and did the angels sing, for all works of The Father are met with rejoicing for His glory. And His glory is
shown through you, in your works you do, according to His Grace who made you.

My breath resides in you...

It was I, your beloved Christ and Savior,

Through whom you were made and given life...

I breathed into you, and you became a living soul...

Alive as I am, alive as all have become through God’s spirit,

Not just temporary, but His everlasting spirit, that part given you.

You are part of Him.

You were lost to Him... Our hearts broken. I was sent to earth in the form I made you, and gave up all, so you could
be restored to life once again, and be where I am. I have created you twice, and again have I breathed into you My
breath, which is the Holy Spirit, so you may learn and remember all things. You have remembered Me, and I shall
remember you before The Father. You have not seen Him, but I have seen Him; and you do not know Him, but I
know Him. You know Me and will soon see Me, then you will truly know and see Him, for you will be [where He
is as He is]*. To be with Me is to be with The Father, for He is in Me, and I am in He. The time is coming, and is
already here, when all shall worship Him as He really is... God is spirit, and I am spirit, and Our image is shown
within you. You love Me, and I, you. So then, in time, that love will become one in Us, with you, in spirit.

All is quiet, all is calm, resting in The Lord...

He in you, and you in He, by the power of His Spirit,

Which He has given to Me and I give to you.

All things will soon pass away...

Look up, The Restoration comes!... I am Restoration Eternal...

Because God is love, and I carry out all purposed by The Father because of love,
So all those, who love Him, may be fulfilled in Me, forever. Amen.

*Note: “where He is” refers to Heaven; “as He is” means in spirit and having eternal life

Letters from God and His Christ 244 Volume Three

9/30/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For All Those Given and Received in Marriage, and For All Those Who Would Hear and Understand
Come and Share in The Lord’s Joy

Beloved, all My children, given in marriage in My name...

Love one another and wash each other’s feet.

I gave up everything unto death, so you could all become My bride, My church...
So come and partake of that which I offer you, and know Me...
Then will you come to love Me...
And to love Me is to love The Father, who sent Me.

For I have asked for your hand in marriage, and The Father has given you to Me...
I have paid the bride price, built a great and beautiful house for you...
Come and be where I am, forever united as one, in love, for The Father’s joy.

Submit in all things I ask of you, and your joy will be fulfilled...
The union you seek is already here, and dwells within you...
Let our love grow, until I return...

The trumpet will sound...

All will be gathered and given gowns of white...

Behold the glorious wedding party...

All seated before The Father, in the tabernacle of Heaven, for His glory.

Let us be joined together, no longer separated...

All as one in Christ, in His Kingdom...

Life without end.


Volume Three 245 Letters from God and His Christ

10/5/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For the Seventh Day Adventist Church and the Catholic Church, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Churches of Men, You Are to be the Embodiment of Christ... You Have Become a Stain on His Robes

[God The Father] To the church of men, named for the Sabbath day, hear My words: In you, I am well pleased. You
have kept all My commandments, and stood firm for the commandment that all have forgotten and were deceived
into changing... You have remembered Me, and I shall remember you.
Even so, this I have against you: In your zealousness, you have become rigid. And from your rigidity, you have
hardened within you, that place which leads to joy and love. Live in My joy... I say, live! Do not just abide, but live
in faith... Fully embrace the life I have returned to you. Knowledge of the Truth should lead to rejoicing and joy. All
doors are opened to you and should be open to all... Share My joy.
Stop choking My Word, and resisting and turning your back on those I send to you. Are you above reproach?
Are you beyond correction? You discipline yourself, this is not My discipline... I am The One and Only God, who
corrects and disciplines those He loves, so from My correction you may have greater understanding, leading to
even more joy in life lived in Christ.

Tear down your four walls of man-made faith,

And erect glorious pillars of faith, made of spirit and light...
Make these four with love and understanding, shown for all to see.

The foundation has already been lain...

Atop it rests repentance, forgiveness, faith and obedience.

For The Son of Man holds together,
All who are of Him and in Him, through His sacrifice...

Yet the churches strive to separate His body, and cast each other’s cords asunder,
And sever the cords I have placed on them, so they do not stumble and fall.

[Christ Jesus] Oh beloved church of men, who keep My Sabbath, you are blessed and draw close to Me in all you do,
but still separate yourself from others, who also strive to be a part of My body, as they separate themselves from you...

Woe, I say, to all the churches of Laodicea...

Shall you sever yourself from The One who made you?
Can one amputate any part of the body of Christ?

You are deceived by the devil... None are righteous!... No, not one person or church. For every church, who thinks
herself righteous, has fallen into the snare of the devil. He is of the separation... Its very cause.

I wish all of My body to be one in Christ...

Churches of men, let go of your pride!... All you do is vanity.

Humble yourselves and be reborn naked,

And I will nurture you, clothe you, and feed you,
So again you may grow strong in My Word.

Return wholly to your First Love, and again shall I make you holy...

A beautiful and loving Bride.

Letters from God and His Christ 246 Volume Three

10/5/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For the Seventh Day Adventist Church and the Catholic Church, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Churches of Men, You Are to be the Embodiment of Christ... You Have Become a Stain on His Robes cont.

I remind you, oh churches, and command you, oh church of harlots (the Catholic Church), Thou shalt not have any
graven image, nor worship any image, nor man, nor woman!... Worship The Father, only, through The Son!
Now to the church of the Sabbath: You have no graven image, nor have you My name in your name. You say, “Look
at me. I am the shining gemstone among many lesser stones, for I keep what others have forsaken”... You also shall
be brought low. In your zealousness for Me have you further narrowed the path, that I have already narrowed.
Your zealousness has found a special place in My heart for you... Why have you not kept that same place for Me
in your heart? You have removed the one symbol that The Father has provided for all, so they may never forget
the sacrifice We made... It is not a graven image... It is the sign of the Plan of Ages, and is the very ensign on the
hill, also coming in the Heavens, the last and final sign to separate and divide those remaining. There will be great
wailing and gnashing of teeth.
So My beloved, who keep My Day holy, you are deceived by him who is a very subtle deceiver. Return the cross
to its proper place, and pray for forgiveness. Do not hide away that which is the very symbol, the very sign to all
generations, that indeed, I AM WHO I AM!... And that My sacrifice was not in vain.

For as the brazen serpent was lifted up on a pole,

So too was The Son of Man lifted up on the cross...

So all those who look upon it, and remember, shall be saved.

Hide the cross away, and I shall not hide you away in the Day of Troubles. I’d rather you howl and wail on My
behalf, for these tears concluded lead to greater joy and rejoicing in the life returned to you, that is now without
end. Know also, beloved, you abide in comfort... Move from your places and be discontent. Wherein does a man
strive when he is contented? To this end have I sent out My servant, Gibson, to show in modern man’s devices, the
true Passion of The Christ. Partake of these images and wail... Come to the true understanding of love.
Churches of My body, stop discriminating amongst yourselves!... Again, I say to you, is Christ’s body divided? My
servant, Gibson, has sent forth a catalyst at My command. Shall you not accept My knowledge, set forth through
a man? Shall you refuse this catalyst, that shall bring forth a deeper sense of Christ in you? You say you know, and
wish not to see because of your discomfort. I say to you, you are mere men, and do not truly know until you have
seen, and through your wailing will you come into the fullness of Christ’s love and spirit in you...

For God so loved the world,

That He sent His Only Son, as a man, to give up His flesh and blood...

So all who partake of His flesh, and drink His blood, will not die, but have eternal life. Amen.

So partake of My images, set forth through My servant, Gibson, and see the truth of My sacrifice for you. Fill your
cups with tears, as I filled Mine for you in blood. I gave up My flesh and blood for you. Shall you not take and eat
and drink because of your discomfort? Those, who do not suffer for Me, are not worthy of Me; those, who are not
willing to be fully converted in their hearts, shall not be changed... For the only way, to be as I am, is to eat My
flesh and drink My blood, so you can be as that which you have eaten and drank...

Behold... Those mortal have clothed themselves in immortality.

Stumble no more, and accept My Word, and be lifted up...

Become the elect of My heart and rejected of the world...

Then you shall be as I am... I AM WHO I AM!

Volume Three 247 Letters from God and His Christ

10/6/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kurt, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Separate From This World, and Become Joined to The Father Through Christ

Oh Kurt, hear My words, these words spoken to you through your brother in Christ, Timothy. He have I anointed and
given My spirit, so he may hear Me. You also have I given My spirit... Why do you not listen to what is given you? You
doubt many things, first that which is of yourself. Kurt, pray... Pray for yourself that this hindrance is removed from you.

Grow strong, My son of men...

Be bold for Me, and I shall be emboldened for you...

And you shall be amazed at the mighty hand of The Lord,

That reaches down from Heaven,
And grasps you tightly and carries you home.

Kurt, you have done well. You have went forth in faith, and obeyed, though you can not see what lies ahead... Happy
are those who live by faith, for The Lord is their Strength and their Helper in their times of need. You ponder many
things, and pray without ceasing... In this, you do well. You have only begun to fulfill and find your purpose.
Know this, My beloved servant, for this is what The Lord asks of you: I have sent you north, to fulfill another’s prayer
and to keep you from temptation. You have honored the fifth command of your God, which is the first command
with promise for all children... Continue to render aid, for sacrifice of one’s self for another is the essence of love
and compassion. Your mother is My child, and you are My child. She has raised you well, and now she wearies
and you are strong. You are now her hands, and you are My hands, and will soon be My voice also.
You have I taken out of abomination and sin... You are My disciple. And they, with whom you did dwell, the
heathen and wicked. You, the good wheat... They, the chaff. My sons and daughters, in Christ shall not work for
those, who commit acts of abomination and shake their fists at The Father. They have become the sons of perdition
and are of their father, the devil. You wish to save your brother of your youth... Do so, for I have called unto him.
He has not harkened, and stands on the edge of My judgment, which is to come. Know this, My son, he is already
in the fire as the rich man, and you hold the cup of cool water... Lazarus, dip your finger and cool his tongue, for
the gulf is ever widening, the division begun... The workers have been sent into the field... Hurry, before the gulf is
too wide to cross and the door is shut to him. Be not downhearted... I send another to your brother, whose heart
has become as his name... In Me are all things possible.

Those you know, who dwell in the south,

Dwell in sin and do not know Me, and I do not know them,
So I have taken you out of, and will again...

They belong to the world... You do not belong to the world.

You are Mine...

And they want no part in My glory...

You shall be clothed in glory... Eternal life!

You have asked, so you were given...

They have not asked, nor do they listen...

You listen, and now have begun to hear.

Letters from God and His Christ 248 Volume Three

10/6/05 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kurt, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Separate From This World, and Become Joined to The Father Through Christ cont.

You shall teach Timothy all you know, and he shall teach you whatsoever I reveal to him, and you both shall serve
Me united... One, My prophet become apostle; the other, My disciple become teacher. Kurt, embrace your gifts,
narrow your path.

Those, who have received the Truth, must obey and walk in its ways.

Stop looking down, and raise your head to Heaven...

I am The Light of the World and The Lamp for your feet.

Obey all I have commanded you, and fulfill every commandment...

Take joy in following Me.

Whosoever loves themselves, more than Me, is not worthy of Me. He, who loves the world and the things of this
world, is not worthy of Me. He, who loves his brother, sister, father, mother... And yes, Kurt, wife, more than Me,
is not worthy of Me.

Whosoever shall crucify his life,

And then raise it again in Me, shall share in My joy.

Whosoever is willing to leave his wife, his home, or his children,

And come and follow Me, shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven...

Whosoever, is not willing, shall be called least.

Take My hand...

And I shall lead you into living waters, of eternal peace and joy. Amen.

So then, beloved servant, you are separated and must remain so. How can you serve Me, as the Bride, if you keep
running after your bride? There cannot be two bridegrooms or two brides... One is true, and the other, a leading
away. Even so, it must be. Trust in Me... Your bride is lost to you, and has separated herself from you, because of
Me. Whatsoever The Master suffers, likewise do His servants suffer. Know this, Kurt: I see her as she is, as she was
in the beginning, and as she will be again. You will be taken, and she will be left. Weep not, for behold, I have left
a lesser light upon her doorstep, a lesser light that will light her path and lead her from the darkness into The True
Light. Then will she come to know Me as I really am...

The Father shall shake the heavens and the earth, and loose more harvest...

For I have left 144,000 workers in the field,

To harvest the hidden wheat and gather it from the storm,
Shelter it from the fierce winds, and protect it from the scorching heat.

Then, behold The Power and Glory,

Coming upon the clouds, announced by the trumpets,
And ushered in by the ensign, showing its glory in all the heavens.

Amen and Amen.

Volume Three 249 Letters from God and His Christ

10/7/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
As God is Three Aspects, All as One... So Too is the Coming of The Son of Man

If The Son of Man comes in full power and glory, and every eye shall see Him, then how is He also come as a Thief?...

Here is wisdom: The Son of Man comes, at a day and hour unknown, to spoil the house of the strong man. All that
belongs to The Lord shall be taken, and all that belongs to the strong man, left.

The Son of Man first comes as Spirit, poured out on the nations, to call on His elect...

Then as The Thief, to take them away.

For those forgiven must be taken out, to make the way open to the strong man’s servant, so he may rule. Those
forgiven, and fully converted in their hearts, have no place in judgment... They have passed from judgment into life.

When the Day of Troubles is concluded,

And The Father’s judgments carried out, then behold!...

The Son of Man comes on the clouds,

With the trumpet shout of God, in His raiment of power and great glory.

When the thunder and lightning crashes, filling the heavens... And the sun, the moon, and the stars are darkened,
and the glorious ensign separates the heavens before the eyes of all... Then shall you know The Son of Man, The
Lord of Lords, Christ Jesus, The Son of God who is come as God, shall appear!

The end is come, darkness destroyed, the strong man bound.

The Bright and Morning Star has risen, the new Day begun...
His reign, a thousand years and forever after...

His seat taken.

Give praise, thanksgiving and worship...

The One True King has come!


Letters from God and His Christ 250 Volume Three

10/8/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Lindell, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Only One Stands Above Reproach, and His Words are Also Above Reproach...
Only Men, and Those Fallen, Stand in Judgment

Lindell, come, you blessed of My Father. You stand at My right hand and will soon be seated there. In the few short
days (years) to come, many more things will I ask of you, so your purpose shall be fulfilled in Me and for Me. In
you, I see the love of The Father, the same love The Father has given to Me, and I to you through your acceptance of
Me. I have sent to you another in My name... Listen to him... He speaks for Me. You both have I brought together,
in Me, so I may be shown through you for those around you. See with greater eyes, My beloved son of men. I am
the beloved Son of My Father, and you are My son, who I have begotten in faith and love. I am He who has given
you life, and also has returned that same life to you, only now purified. It shall stand forever, and My breath shall
never leave it.
Now listen and have understanding, so you may fulfill My command for you: The Bible was written, and all who
were of Abraham listened to its meaning. Even then, the New Testament and Gospel was, and yet was not, and
was yet to come. So then, to the peoples of the day, in where My apostles proclaimed the Gospel, then that which
already existed was born into the world as the New Testament. Was it, at that time, accepted as the Bible? Was it
the Old Testament?... No. It was the New Testament... Never before heard, published or read. Was it not accepted
as the Bible, containing the Old News of the prophets, that had now become fulfilled in the New News or Good
News, by those of the Truth? Was it, then, the Old Testament?... No. Did it agree with the Old Testament?... Yes,
but not completely. For many doctrines, of the Old Testament, passed away in that day, and were made new, of a
greater glory, through a greater understanding, because now The Word was with men.
Again, I send out My prophets and apostles, to announce My coming and to correct and guide those who wait
eagerly for Me. They also speak the Gospel and the Final Testament. Do their words agree with the Bible?... Yes!
For their words are My words; as are the words of your Bible, My words. Much of what they say you have already
heard. Also will they proclaim that which you have not heard, nor understood, because of man’s doctrine within
you. So what My modern prophets speak is new to many, but is still in agreement with those who went before.
If then, the time has come for the Trumpet Call to sound, and God The Father has poured out His Spirit upon the
whole world, why have you not cupped your ears and listened, with all attentiveness?... Cast off your shackles, and
hear what the Spirit says... Hear Him in spirit, and cast off the spirit of men.

My Spirit has spoken through all generations... In its steadfastness and quiet.

The time has come, and is already here, and is yet come,
When all shall be shaken, with the mighty voice of The Most High!

Humbles yourselves, and worship your God as He really is. Amen.

Volume Three 251 Letters from God and His Christ

10/7/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy... For All Those Who Say The Father Shall Not Gather Up His People, Through Christ,
and Take Them Out of the Day of Troubles, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Will Take My People Out Of

Thus says The Lord to the churches: You have misunderstood The Lord’s purpose, and made His forgiveness of non-
effect, and His judgment unjust. Woe, I say to you, you do greatly err. Shall The Lord, your God, lie to His prophets
and give them false testimony?... Certainly not! Pray for yourselves, oh churches of arrogance, that you and all your
members are not left standing upon the earth in bewilderment, when I, yes, even I, send My Son to gather up His
chosen flock and shelter them from My fury. You have read My Son’s words, for they are also My words, and you
have not heard nor understood. Repent, therefore, because of your pride and arrogance, and pray double for those
that you have led from the Truth of the forgiveness in Christ.


The angels ascend and descend upon The Son of Man.

10/14/05 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Division

Kathy, share My words given through Timothy, with whom you will, though it may lead you into both rejoicing and
heartache. Give them to your aged friend, and be truthful and gentle, for this will cast your friend into confusion
and uncomfortable waters... I will steady her, for her journey to Me draws near as does yours. She first, then you...
My beloved daughters, of My body, become My bride. Amen.

Those, who will hear, will hear and be enlightened,

And come into greater love and understanding.

Those, who will not hear, will clasp their hands over their ears, and shout obscenities
And words of blasphemy before their God, for My Spirit is not in them...

Theirs is a corrupted spirit, their hearts stone, their ways evil.

The division is clear...

The wheat and the tares separated.

Letters from God and His Christ 252 Volume Three

10/14/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Will of God is Announced By His Prophets and Taught By His Apostles

Kathy, what you ask of Me, and hope is to come of the Word of God spoken through these modern prophets, is
indeed true. Timothy is My prophet... His words, My words... The Truth.
If then, what he, Timothy, has written is true, then what of these who have also written their words in their study of
My Word in the Bible? Are they untrue and evil?... Some true, but greatly erred, full of good intentions in seeking
after The Lord. Others, also true, and even more in error, because of man’s intellect expounded in arrogance,
leading to pride, making them rigid. Woe to those with evil intentions, who expound words of truth intermingled
with lies... All in all, a leading away... Antichrist! These are the wolves among the flock, in the sheep’s clothing.
Understand Kathy, when I say they are true, I say their heart is true, though they stumble. Man is given understanding
of the Truth, so he may come to salvation through Christ. But the knowledge and understanding of that same Truth,
in the teaching of men and the pronouncing of God’s will to the multitude, is for My apostles and prophets... For
only they who hear the voice of God, through His Spirit, receive knowledge surpassing man’s understanding. Their
doctrine is given as a rod, by which all is measured, understood, and corrected, to bring even greater glory to the
God of Heaven and earth.

These chosen are the beacons and lights among men,

To lead My people from the dark to The True Light,
Which is Christ Jesus, The Lord and Savior...

He, called Christ and the Spirit,

Is that very same Light shown in the darkness...

And He is the Spirit that moved upon the face of the deep,
And separated the light from the dark.

All who know Him live in the day...

And all, who reject Him, abide in the darkness.

His Day is coming, and is already here,

When He will become The Light of the World...

All encompassing, no darkness found...

Even the sun, the moon and the stars will not be seen,
For only the light of The Lord remains...

The old order of things has passed away...

The New Day, without end, begun. Amen.

Volume Three 253 Letters from God and His Christ

10/17/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
You Have Asked, and So You Have Received

Why, Trina, do you seek after Me in words and phrases?... Seek Me from within, I now reside in you. That feeling
of love, that overwhelms your mind and spirit, is My Spirit.

You have asked, so you have received,

For that which you seek is in line with My will...

My will is love.

I am not far, I am with My people...

I in them, they in Me.

You wish to hear My words?... They are before you in My New Covenant, called the New Testament... Read them.
For as I spoke to those in My day upon the earth, these same words I knew then would be spoken to you. Even
then, My beloved daughter, did I know you.

All, that is, was first in The Father, The Father of all...

And those, in The Father, were in Me,

Because that desired of The Father was made through Me...

Nothing was made, that was not made through Me.

So then, beloved, read My words, for every word is part of that same love letter to My people, that you so desire... The
Bible. My peace be with you, and fill you with faith and understanding, so you may rest in the true hope of knowing...


Letters from God and His Christ 254 Volume Three

11/16/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Everything, That Was Made, Exists Because of God Who Created All Things...
With All Things Being In Subjection To His Absolute Authority

Have understanding of miracles...

For what The Father wills comes to pass,

And whatsoever, He commands, heeds His commandment...

For all is in The Father, and The Father is in all things...

He is the Maker of all things, and by His understanding do they exist.

So then, what you call miracles are only the will of The Father made manifest in the world, for The Father need only
say to the stones, “Become children of Abraham”, and it is so; or to the water, “Become wine.”
All things, that exist, are made from that which is unseen. So then, for the water to become wine, The Father
commands water itself, or the molecules, the very atoms, to change their positions and come together as wine,
and it is so. All things obey The Father and are under God’s control, save that which is given free will. But even that
formed from the dust (atoms, molecules, elements, carbon, etc.) does not have life, unless His spirit of breath is
given. That, which has life, has God’s life-giving spirit within it... And that, which is given, returns to The Father at
death. But that, which has His breath and image, becomes a living soul... To these is given understanding and free
will. And the rest (plants, animals, etc.) only know that which they already have written in their being (DNA).

For all have the fingerprint of God,

But only to Adam was God’s breath and image given...

For man has the breath (consciousness and life) and image I gave him...
And to all other things, alive on the earth, is another kind of breath given.

To man, God’s breath through His Son...

And to the creatures and plants, another, each after their kind...
And man’s after the kind that is in Me, that I have shared with you.

By Me, all things were made that were made...

Even all the worlds you see in the heavens,

I have created them for you.

Volume Three 255 Letters from God and His Christ

10/17/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Lindell, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Worship The Lord Your God as I Am, Not as Men Would Have You Worship

[God The Father] Lindell, you lack understanding of My purpose for Timothy and why I have sent him to you. I have
sent him out, among the peoples and churches, bearing My Word and My message. He carries My warning, and
you do not harken. Yea, even I have sent him to a man who would also serve Me as Timothy serves Me.
You both are lights among men, two lights that shall shine for Me... One outside shining in, and the other shining
from within... Both shedding light upon the darkness in men, and bringing that which The Lord desires of all, who
come together in My name, to come out and meet The Lord, and be then separate...

Do not intermingle the traditions of men with the truth of My Word...

I, The Lord your God, have commanded all, everywhere,

To repent and come to Me in The Christ’s name,
And build Me a church, a church of men, not by men...

A church, all in all, in Christ...

One God...

One Son...

One Church...

One Name...

The only name given, by which you must be saved!

Lindell, you have drawn close to Me, and from the Kingdom you are not far, yet this I hold against you: You do not
accept this word given you. I have sent to you a prophet, who is not yet mature. He only knows that which is given
him and revealed to you. To doubt the messenger is to doubt He who has sent him to you.
Has God stopped speaking, and is His Word only to be found in His Book, you call the Bible?... Not so, My son.
You also have heard My voice and believed. This age is at its end... Shall I be silent? Who shall announce My
coming? Who prepares the way of The Holy One of Israel?... God, the angels, and the sons of men chosen. Timothy
prepares the way and his like!

So then, you churches of disobedience,

The time has come for your judgment, in preparation for your Husband...

His bride must become clean and separate, from the world and men...

Her adulteries must cease.

Letters from God and His Christ 256 Volume Three

10/17/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Lindell, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Worship The Lord Your God as I Am, Not as Men Would Have You Worship cont.

[Jesus The Christ] Indeed, I wish for My people to come together and worship Me...

Where two or three come together in My name, I am there.

To the churches of these deceitful times, you all shall fall. I dwell not in temples made with hands... I dwell in men,
and you shall dwell in Me. In these churches of men, built by human hands, have you separated yourself from one
another, and in so doing, separated yourself from Me.

Where did My apostles go? And where did they abide and give worship?...

They went out from house to house, field to field, street to street,
Sea to sea, and now, land to land...

Wheresoever you call on My name, I am there also.

Lindell, why do you fight against The Lord? Look past My servant, if you will, and read all he has written, and then
will you have understanding of whose words they are and why I have written them. Tempt Me no more, and come
into My fullness.

The prophets are sent, the churches judged...

The end is near...

The harvest separated, the Bride cleansed...

All walls torn down...

Only The Lord remains, and in Him shall all find sanctuary.


Volume Three 257 Letters from God and His Christ

10/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, Moved by the Spirit of God -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Word of God is Truth... Leading to Life

Dear loved ones, who are my friends and family, and to those who I do not know and who will receive these
words, I greet you and plead with you for your sakes... So we might become one in Christ, for The Father’s glory,
who resides in Heaven... Hallowed be His name... And all blessings, dominion and thanksgiving to His Son, called
The Christ and Jesus. Amen.
I write to you this day, as a man moved by the Spirit of God, which is received through Christ, so those who have
heard might hear more and be given greater understanding... Also, to those who have heard yet resist, so that they
may no longer resist, but come into that joy which is in Christ, by way of His words spoken through mere men who
have become His servants and vessels shaped by His hands, having been engrafted with His words for His glory,
so you may be saved from the Day of Troubles.
And to those, who reject these words and speak evil of me, a warning: Know who it is you reject and whose doings
you speak evil of. I forgive you for those things spoken evil of me, as I am commanded by Him who has forgiven me in
His blood and suffering, Who has also forgiven you if you so choose to accept that forgiveness. For we are commanded
to forgive every one who sins against us, as we are forgiven by Him who all have sinned against. Even so, be careful
that you do not blaspheme the Spirit, out of ignorance or your own evil desires to hold onto your sin, for whether you
believe me or believe me not, I know who it is I serve and who it is speaking to me... His will shall be done.

The time, when we shall be judged, has come,

And has been already, since The Christ was upon the earth and died and rose again.

Since that day, we have all fallen under judgment, or passed from judgment,
According to our belief and faith and those works worked in that faith.

In times past, all peoples lived in and with sin... And in their ignorance of the Truth did God wink. Now the Truth has
come into the world, and has been present in the world for over two thousand years. The Word came into the world
speaking the truth, as He heard from God. The children of disobedience would not listen, and held fast to their sin.
They are us, and we are still them. So then He, called the Truth, was persecuted, then violently opposed and killed
for His testimony. Then did He sleep and rise again on the third day. So likewise, Christ’s followers in the past and His
followers still living, who have the truth within them, were and are still persecuted, violently opposed and killed for
their testimony. Know this: All truth is first ridiculed, then violently opposed, then accepted as self-evident... The day
of violence is upon us all.

And the Day quickly approaches,

When the Truth shall shine, from the east unto the west, in all His glory...

All will then accept Him as the Truth undeniable...

And those, who fall to their knees in repentance and great wailing,
They will be set at His right hand...

Those, who gnash their teeth and fight against the Truth,
Even though they accept He IS, will be cast into the fire.

Letters from God and His Christ 258 Volume Three

10/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, Moved by the Spirit of God -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Word of God is Truth... Leading to Life cont.

One day has passed, the second is ending,

And just before the third, The Lord’s elect shall rise and live...

In the third day, they shall be established and live in His sight.

Also, five days have passed, the sixth is ending, and the seventh is coming quickly. Then comes judgment, the first
and the second, for a day in The Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day. In these first and second
days, all those who have died remain dead; and all those who have not accepted Life, who are still living, are also
dead. So then nothing is your own, all is The Lord’s. If you live, your life is God’s; and if you die, your life is taken
away because you have not lived unto God. So repent, therefore, because all the dead in Christ, and those still living
in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting. All the rest of the dead, who rejected Him or
did not know Him, will also be raised and live at the end of the Millennial Kingdom. In that Day, the penitent will
receive life everlasting... And the wicked, condemnation, forever separated from God. This is the second chance for
those who will choose Christ and repent; or the second death, for all those who will not accept the Truth nor repent
of their evil deeds. So yes, fear Him who has given you life, because He can also take it away.
What, then, of all these things we have and hold onto in this life? What do they matter?... They are nothing.
Otherwise, why did The Lord say, “All these things shall pass away, but My words shall never pass away, for in My
words all have life, life without end.” So only life matters and the salvation of your souls. You say, “Everything is
fine. The world isn’t that bad.” The Lord God says, “The earth abides forever, but this world shall pass away... Then
behold, the new earth and the new heavens.“ If The Lord was pleased with this world, there would be no need of
a new one. He has given the earth to men, and men have made it a world of evil and sin. It must be wiped away
in preparation for the coming of His Kingdom.

All, that leads God’s people into sin, must be wiped away, so they can abide forever...

Only those, without sin, live forever...

Christ has abolished sin,

And has taken sin from you, if you accept His sacrifice.

How then can God have His people, who have been cleansed from sin,
Abide forever in a world of sin?...

All must pass away...

Sin itself must die and evil blotted out!

You say, “I believe in God”. Many of you say, “I believe in Jesus”... This is good and the beginning of wisdom. I say
to you, do you really believe? If you really believed, then you would have faith; and if you had faith, your works
would follow. In obedience to God is faith and love perfected. If, then, you obey not, and hold fast to this world
and your worldly life, are you a friend of God or the world? Know this: All those, who are friends of the world,
are enemies of God! So how can you say you believe in The One True God and His Only Begotten, if your lives
remain unchanged?

Volume Three 259 Letters from God and His Christ

10/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, Moved by the Spirit of God -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Word of God is Truth... Leading to Life cont.

Don’t you know, that you must sacrifice the world to have life with Christ?... He is greater than the world and overcame
it by sacrificing His life for you. If you accept Him, who is greater than the world, into your heart, and separate yourself
from the world, then it is your reasonable duty to live your life according to the Spirit, that is now within you. Shall we
obey men or the commands of The Father?... We shall obey the commands of The Father... Every one!
The Bridegroom is coming, and His return is very close. I have been sent out ahead of Him, with a multitude of
others who hear His voice. We go out to prepare His bride, so she shall be fit for The King. I must make a straight
path for The Lord to follow and announce His coming! John went out baptizing with water, unto repentance, in
preparation of The One coming after Him, whose sandals John was not worthy to loose. The One coming, is coming
again. And so I, together with all those who would be His Trumpet Call, are going out baptizing with Spirit and
Truth, according to that Spirit and truth given us, so you might be spared from the Day of Troubles that is coming
upon the whole world. Correction and guidance, through testimony and proclamation, must be given.
God is The Perfect Father. He has called unto His children, who have become, all in all, the children of disobedience...
They have not harkened. He has also poured out His Spirit, in these last days, so they might come to Him... They have
not come. So then, God must correct and discipline those He loves. First, a correction given through His prophets;
then, discipline for those who would revel in their disobedience. In God’s mighty discipline will they come to Him,
those who would call on His name. God will send twenty-one judgments in that Day, each consecutively greater than
the last. In between each, He will listen for those who would call on Him, in His Son’s name. Does The Good Father
continue His discipline, upon the children who have repented? What of those who need not suffer His wrath, because
they had repented and gave heed to The Lord’s correction, before the time of judgment? They shall not suffer God’s
wrath, nor shall they be taken through... To be taken through is still to suffer. To be in a world under God’s wrath is
still to suffer, because of the storm around you, in which you behold great suffering and tribulation. Shall God leave
His children as prey for the lion, who goes out amongst the people devouring and seeking to devour whom he will?
If you say yes, then forgiveness is no more forgiveness, and God’s love has become enmity.
I hear those who say I have only copied these words from the Bible. I testify that the Spirit, who has written all these
Letters, is the same Spirit who wrote the Bible. Though I testify, it is still not I that testifies, but that Spirit within me
who testifies of Himself. Even if I had copied these words out of the Bible, would they still not be God’s words? So
then, if the Letters agree with the Bible, they are God’s words; and if I had somehow taken them from the Bible,
they are still His words. Know this: I do not write something new or some new testimony of God and His Christ.
God, Jesus and Their Spirit, are the same today, yesterday and all tomorrows to come. My testimony is the same
testimony that has always been. My testimony is this...

God created man...

Man became separated from God through sin...

God sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ,

To suffer, die, and be raised, so we may return to The Father,
By Him who The Father sent as The only Way back to Himself...

So by believing in Him The Father sent, we may not die,

But have eternal life and forever be with The Lord.

So everyone who reads this, who is against me, stop accusing me and holding onto the world’s doctrine. See
the Letters for what they are, and turn to the Bible, where all was already written for your benefit. Give yourself
completely to The Lord, and cause your life to follow suit.
To everyone who stands with me... Thank you. I will gladly suffer for you, as you have suffered for me. Let us not
forget on whose behalf we all suffer... Let us rejoice that we have suffered for Him, who had first suffered for us. In
Christ is our salvation. Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 260 Volume Three

10/30/05 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
In and By the Word are God’s Prophets Sent Out For His Glory, To Glorify Him Who Is Coming Quickly

Timothy, lift up your head. You are freed from your sin, and will soon be freed from temptation wrought in sin. All
sin is forgiven through Me, and forgiven are those who are penitent before Me. Though you stumble, I will lift you
up, until that day which is coming quickly, where you shall stand and walk the way of the sanctified, which you
will and have become, standing on your own accord by the strength I have placed in you because of your faith,
nothing doubting. I am The Beginning of your faith... Its Source, its Author and its Finisher. You are he who must
accept, walk, and follow Me wherever I shall lead you.
There is a battle within you that must be waged, and through your faith in Me, won. All men have and do battle
with satan and their own sin, that has become a part of them. I have taken your sin from you... It is only you, who
holds onto that which is already forgiven you... So the battle rages.
Cut these cords that bind you to this evil world... In the world is no life at all. For even the world, in which you live,
must die... It will pass away. Then will you behold that which is made new. Cut all these cords... They tether you to
satan. He is cast down, and fights to hold onto that which is not his, wishing all become fallen as he is fallen. You
belong to Me and were given Me by The Father. All were created and belong to the Creator... Even lucifer, called
satan. His fate is securely in The Father’s hands. Do not take counsel with him who is damned, nor take part in
anything he has touched. All of his making is poison and become a sore and malignant ailment. Hold fast, to that
which is created by God and is filled with Spirit and Truth.
I am coming quickly. And yes, My beloved Timothy, you are that prophet, one of 144,000 sent out ahead of Me. Be
as John, and baptize with My words and spirit... Be as bold as a lion and gentle as a lamb. And they, who would
hear, will hear; and those, who would come, will come... To these have I sent you, these are the hungry and
starving. To the rest, proclaim My warning only, with a mighty shout. But dwell firmly among the sheep you must
feed, and especially spend time with the wounded and ailing sheep... This is your calling.
Doubt not, only obey... In your obedience will, in time, doubt, and finally, temptation, flee from you. For once I
am fully established in you, and shown in your eyes as fire, and from your mouth a scorching wind, will all they,
seen and unseen, flee from you in terror... For they will see Me there, and know their time is at its end. For once The
Master has stole away His special flock, and sent out His shepherds to gather together His wild flock, these who
gather shall gather, and none can come against them... For as I AM are they who I send, for I am shown upon and
within them. Whatsoever they ask of Me, I will do. Their flames shall burn bright, drawing all to their light, which is
My light shown through them. Woe to those, who come against these sealed ones... They shall be burned and cut
to the heart by My witness’ words spoken, My words that are able to separate flesh from sinew, and sinew from
bone, and soul from body... For My words carry life for those who love Me, and death for those who hate Me.

From My mouth is the sharp, double-edged sword...

And also to those, who are chosen, shall they possess that which I also possess...
In this sword is there salvation and death...

All will be slain in their hearts...

Many unto life, their hearts pierced and awakened...

And many more unto death, those who will not turn,
So with great sadness to the dust shall they go...

Dust to dust, and life to glory, forever and ever.

Volume Three 261 Letters from God and His Christ

10/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, written with understanding received by the Spirit -
A Letter to Lindell, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the Modern Earthly Churches and Who the True Church Is

The Lord’s perfect church, for and in His name, would be all one in Christ...

No divisions, no walls...

A bride without spot from the world.

With that being said, men are far from perfect; and so their creation of churches, imperfect. So the churches remain
as they are, because of man’s free will and evil in the world, which is against all things in and for Christ. So then,
Christ does not forsake His Bride, though she wears many dresses... None being completely white, all are dirty. He
only asks that they strive to become completely clean, in preparation for His return, which is very near. They will
never become completely clean before His return. In fact, He, Himself, said many will fall away in the last days,
giving heed to seducing spirits.

So the members, not the earthly church, become the true bride,
Because individually we can become completely clean, in spite of ourselves,
Because of Christ‘s shed blood which washes us.

He calls each of us to repentance,

And knows our hearts individually... Every one.

So then, when Jesus calls His people, or Bride, to Himself,

They will be a multitude from every tribe, nation, land, church,
And many, who are members of no church of men at all...

All together become the True Church and perfect Bride, on that day...

Because Jesus overcame the world, and we accepted Him as Lord and Savior.

But since the earthly church exists, and speaks for Him in His name, they are held to a much higher standard,
because of the position in which they have put themselves. So The Lord must correct and discipline those He loves,
and even more so, to those who would speak for Him and represent Him. The cleansing must start at the temple
first, (we, as individuals, being the true temple of God), then that which man has built calling it the temple.
Many of those, who would find Him, seek Him in the churches... What a great responsibility the churches have.
They must continually strive to greater heights of servitude in Christ, and be as the wise man who listens and gives
heed to correction, so he may be wiser still. It is the prideful, arrogant man who becomes the fool, because he
refuses reproof and guidance... Eventually dying through starvation and sickness, because he no longer accepts the
food from God, but will only eat the food he has prepared with unclean hands, which has begun to spoil.

I am who I am, Lindell... A man who had lived in great sin, pride and arrogance. I was the dog who continually
returned to his own vomit. NO LONGER! I am cleansed and made new in the blood of The Lamb, as I know
beyond doubt you are. I now serve The Lord, as He would have me serve Him. If you turn away from me because
of my message, which is not my own, you will not fulfill the purpose that God has asked of you and the reason He
sent me to you. If I do not deliver the message God has given me to deliver, it is upon my own head; but if I deliver
His message, it then falls upon the heads of those to whom it is given, to obey or obey not... My hands are clean.

Letters from God and His Christ 262 Volume Three

10/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, written with understanding received by the Spirit -
A Letter to Lindell, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the Modern Earthly Churches and Who the True Church Is cont.

The Lord’s message to you is this: That you continue as you have been. Read ALL the Letters from God and His
Christ. Continue in study of the Bible, with even greater effort and zeal. Come into greater discernment of God’s
Truth. Trumpet Christ’s second coming. Finally, God wants you to be His catalyst, in the very church to which you
belong, in all correction, guidance and change, in preparation for His return.

This is what The Lord says to you, “Make a straight path for The Lord to follow! You have been called and are now
commissioned. What do you say, My beloved servant in Christ? You must see your church being separate, with My
eyes, and you one in Me, before you can return to your flock and make them also as you are with Me. Feed My
sheep and prepare the Bride, which you are and also love, and have become accustomed to. Lindell, I am with
you... Even to the end of this age which is upon you.”

Here is part of a letter, that speaks of the True Church (“The Seas Rage; The Earth, It Trembles... All is Quiet For
Those Who Rest In The Lord” - Volume One)...

[Jesus The Christ] This knowledge you seek of Me, and salvation of your loved ones, you will find not in the
church of men. Only their doctrine resides, intermingled with truth and misleadings, set forth by the evil
one. I am The Church... Its roof, its walls, its pews, its pulpit, its very foundation. When sitting in My church,
you can behold Heaven... There is no ceiling to keep you from enlightenment.
If I am your Shelter, your Four Walls of Faith, your Resting Place of Worship, The Word and The Spirit, The
very Cornerstone of Life, then Heaven is open before the eyes of all, who dwell in Me and become My
body. I have told Timothy, and say to you, when someone asks, “To what church do you belong?”, you shall
answer, “I belong to no church named of men. Rather, I belong to My Lord Jesus Christ, and together with
all those who are His, is the Church in which I dwell. Amen.”

Forever your brother in Christ, Timothy

Volume Three 263 Letters from God and His Christ

11/2/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Timothy, write these words to the multitude, all those who would hear what The Lord of Heaven and earth says to
those who dwell upon the earth, under the earth, and they in the heavens..

Ears open, My people, the trumpet is sounding...

And The Lord of Lords, King of Kings, is come...

And is yet come unseen, though seen...

And is yet coming in the brightness of His being,

Where every eye shall behold His image, for it is the image of God!

Every eye shall see Him...

Those asleep, those awake, those who are condemned,

And those already in the Sanctuary.

And oh yes, you foul and detestable birds, flying in the midst of the earth, you shall see Him... And that very same
hour, you shall all perish, along with all those who gave heed to your transgressions and followed after you. All
you spirits fallen, and unseen by My children, your existence is gone from you, you have been blotted out. For
you have led My sheep to the slaughter, and have slaughtered My lambs... You shall be utterly consumed by the
unquenchable fire, that goes before Him who is and was The very Son of Man, The Holy One, The Mighty One,
The Spirit of God, The Beginning and End.
All darkness is swallowed up, in the glory of The Lamb forever and ever, for He is worthy. He alone is worthy and
has broken the seal, and brought all things to fulfillment, because by Him, first, were all things made. Nothing was
made, that was made, that was not made through Him. He is the Beginning and is coming quickly, and quickly
shall He make the end. His sword is in His mouth, His sickle is in His hand.

Reap, oh Son of God Most High...

Reap Your mighty harvest before the eyes of men...

Cast Your judgment, in the name of The Most High.

Again, My Son, reap, and gather together the remnant...

Hide them away for a time, and times and half a time.

Second angel, take your sickle,

And gather together the clusters of grapes from all the earth...

Gather them together, into My winepress, which is also called Armageddon...

Letters from God and His Christ 264 Volume Three

11/2/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Armageddon cont.

Thoroughly tread Your feet upon them, My Begotten...

Split them asunder, with the sword of Your mouth...

In Your words are the power of God, separating their flesh from their sinew,
And their sinew from their bones, and their very souls from their bodies.

Their flesh shall be as a banquet for all the birds and the beasts of the field, for they fed upon the flesh of My saints,
followed after every unclean bird, and worshipped the beast who became man. And so they, who acted in such a
manner, shall be left and devoured in the very same manner, for in this is their due reward. Strong is The Lord your
God, and fiery is His anger... Who can cool His hot countenance once aroused in wrath?

Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord!... Vengeance is Mine.

Even so, I call to you now, My precious children...

You have become a wasteland in your disobedience and sin...

Your wickedness and its stench rises to Heaven, yet I call to you still.

My very Spirit have I poured out, so you would remember and come to Me... You choose death, you choose death...
What bitter, bitter sorrow. Life has become death and the dead made alive. My children, Christ is your salvation! It
is He I have sent, and send again, to save you. Turn not away to destruction... Abide in love, through My Word who
has eternal life in Him, and through My words which have eternal life in them. I give you the Manna from Heaven
and the Spring of Living Water from the Rock, once again... You have chosen starvation and dehydration. The first
harvest is lowly... The second shall be plenteous. The workers are already in the field... Listen to them! ...They speak
for Me. The lowly shall be taken... The mighty, abased.

The battle of the ages is waged... The victory, sure...

The end of evil written before the foundation of the world.

Give glory to Christ... His name is Jesus...

For it is He I have glorified in My name, and My glory is the same glory He owns.

By Him is all in all...

And all, that is, is in Me, your Father, your God, forever and ever, days without end.

Come one, come all... Now is the appointed time. Amen.

Volume Three 265 Letters from God and His Christ

11/11/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am God, and My Son is The Christ... You All Stand Upon the Doorstep of Revelation

[God The Father] I am The God of your fathers, The Only One True God. All things, that have been written, have
come to pass, save these of the latter days. The Lord’s Day approaches... He comes as a Thief, stealing away all
those in His right hand, and casting judgment from His left upon all those who dwell upon the earth, who did not
heed My calling, for they did not repent of their evil deeds. This stiff-necked, wicked generation will not repent
of their covetousness, their false-witnessing, their thefts, their adulteries, their murders, their dishonoring of their
parents, their forsaking of My Sabbath, their desecration of My name, their worshipping of idols, their detestable
idols!... Nor did they worship their One True God, Creator of Heaven and earth and all that is within them. So they
are left standing in the midst of their sin, drowning in their sorrow, for their hearts are cut to pieces. And on the
horizon, they behold the storm approaching quickly, for the sky has already become all but dark.

My children, the latter days are here...

Is there any question? Can The Son of Salvation be in error?..

For all, He has spoken, has come to pass,

Since the beginning of time and from the foundation of the earth...

And that which is yet to come, and is written by He, Himself, through the prophets,
Is also coming and will soon come to pass, for He is The One who shall accomplish it.

[Jesus The Christ] I am the All in All, and you are part of My body... Shall I not protect and cover the healed and
cleansed in My body, and thoroughly purge that which is not of My body and I do not know? What of that part of
My body I had cast away, that now longs to return to Me in all faithfulness? Shall I not welcome them and cleanse
them as the rest of My body?... Yea, even more will I do. For they have fallen from even a greater height of pride
and arrogance, and in their falling did they land hard and were broken atop The Cornerstone...

Rejoicing and much thanksgiving!...

The sons and daughters,

Who went and wasted and forsook their inheritance, have returned home.

And to those, who fill their Father with sorrows...

They, too, shall be broken and ground to dust

Beneath the weight of The Cornerstone turned Mountain,
Which fills the entire world, forever and ever...

Even so, amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 266 Volume Three

11/19/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Who Have Ears to Hear
Judgment Into Life

I am come, and am yet come, and have come already. I am amongst you in spirit, bestowing Truth... You of this
world will not hear Me. You, who have heard Me, will hear Me again.

The Day is coming, the day is already here,

When the dead shall hear My voice and come forth.

And all you, who are alive and remain,

You shall also hear and come out, all together unified as one body,
Securely reunited in My body, in life and joy, forever and ever. Amen.

You shall be spared, for you had placed your full faith in the hands of My Father, and He has given you to Me. You
shall share in My joy, which is The Father’s joy, He shares with you because of Me. You came from God by Me,
and by Me shall you return to The Father and live in His house, where I had prepared a place for you from the
beginning. You will be taken out of this world, which has all together become liken to that Babylon, I will
destroy in the hour of My God’s judgment. Many more will I take out after the elect have been lifted up... They will
be martyrs. And yet, a remnant will remain who shall be hidden in the earth for a time, times and the dividing of
time... To these, it is reserved to be taken through.
Everyone, who loves Me and will come to love Me, will come because of Me, for your places in eternity have been
prepared, and forever shall you be with Me. Your places have always been, and were prepared by My death and
resurrection, for no one may enter into My Father’s joy, except by Me...

I am Life Without End...

By My death, you have accepted, will you be as I am.

My body was broken for you, so you would not suffer judgment for your sin...

My body is without sin, in the same way you have become My body without sin...

You have passed from judgment into life!

Come and sing praises to The Lord in His tabernacle!...

Sing praises and give worship to The Holy One,

Who keeps all the promises, and brings them to pass, through Me.

Amen and amen.

Volume Three 267 Letters from God and His Christ

11/6/05 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Aaron, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come and Share in My Joy... Be No Longer Separated Through Disobedience

Aaron, why do you resist your father and flee from My presence? Do not forsake Me, for I am with you and now
dwell in your house, and in your father will you see Me. Your father has come to Me, for he was first called and
drawn of My Father who is in Heaven. Why do you resist and dishonor your father? To dishonor your father is
to dishonor My Father, who is your God and My God... Break His commands no more. You only rebel out of
ignorance of the Truth. The Truth is now within your father... Listen to him... He is called and chosen. You have I
also called... You have not harkened.

Aaron, you are beloved of My heart,

For I am also your Father, your everlasting Father.

I created you, out of the desire of The One True God,

That you come into being and live...

Not living unto sin, leading to death, but to life saved from sin...

Forever separated from death...

For all those who believe in Me, and accept My sacrifice for them,
From them death has fled away.

Have you sinned? Have you broken the commandments of The Father? They hang upon the wall, next to the door of
your room. Read them, and ask yourself if you are guilty or innocent, according to the Law of God. Do not shrug.
Know that you have broken them all, save one. Does one, who has broken the law, deserve punishment? What
of the one, who has only broken one of the commands?... Both are guilty. Know this, My son: All, who have ever
lived, have broken them. None are righteous in all the world... No, not one... This is why I was sent...

I became man, a man without sin,

Who is in The Father and who The Father is in...

I gave of Myself in all humility,

Relinquishing My glory and power, that is all together as God...

To suffer and die for you!

Aaron, I know you and have always known you. Have understanding: I am your Father, who gave of His life for
you, so the penalty of your sin, which is death, would be paid from now and forever. I then rose again, the third
day, forever putting your sin and your death beneath My feet. You only need accept this gift I have, and give to you,
freely. This is what your father of your flesh wishes to teach you.
So then, My beloved child, what is it that you are escaping from, and what is it you resist? Know who your
adversary is!... It is the devil, who wishes you to flee and resist the Truth, and hold fast to this world. Even this world
will pass away and a new earth put in its place. You are deceived, and have given into principalities of deceptive
winds blowing from within the world, which is altogether filled with sin and enmity.
I offer life through forgiveness, by acceptance of My sacrifice in love. God is love... And His love, through His only
Begotten Son, was poured out for you in blood. This is what your father offers you, through his understanding,
given by Me to share with you. Aaron, you only need accept this gift, of which there is none greater, and return
that love through obedience.

Letters from God and His Christ 268 Volume Three

11/6/05 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Aaron, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come and Share in My Joy... Be No Longer Separated Through Disobedience cont.

I, The Christ and King, am The Way to The Father, The Word of Truth...

And in Me is life eternal...

For from Me were you first made alive,

And by Me, only, shall you be made alive once more,
Because of My sacrifice that separates you from sin, which leads to death.

Aaron, I know your heart. Within it, I hear you crying out for love and companionship... I am that Love for all time...
I am The Very Meaning of Life. Through Me have all things been made manifest, and shortly all things must return
and abide forever in Me. Those, who will not, will not abide, but cease.
Aaron, I have weighed you, and found in you a bounty of love. I have also seen in you a division, a heart divided,
and yet seeking to understand. That place inside you, that is empty and void, cannot be filled with these things of
the world. This separation you feel is your separation from Me, because of sin.

I am your Savior, your Helper, your closest Friend...

I call you friend, because I see us together in My Kingdom.

I am also your Father, because I must correct and discipline those I love,
So you may come into My fullness, which is joy prepared for you by God...

In obedience is perfect love established.

Know this, Aaron: You are always obeying a master. It is only you, who chooses which master you will obey... By
disobeying one, you are obeying the other. You cannot serve two masters... You will either love the one, and hate
the other; or be joined to the one, and forever separated from the other. My command to you is this...

Love your parents...

Show your love through obedience...

Then will you come into the fullness of love, life, and the joy you seek,
Through understanding, belief, faith, and finally...

Knowing that, indeed, I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me!

Your life is Mine, and Mine I gave for you...

Come and share My joy in the Kingdom to come,
Where I had already prepared a place for you,
From the very foundation of the world, now and forever.


Volume Three 269 Letters from God and His Christ

The Lord’s Prayer
(As spoken by Timothy, with understanding received from the Spirit)

Our Father in Heaven, holy is Your name...

And by Your name do all things exist and have life.

Your Kingdom is coming...

Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread...

Not just earthly bread that sustains us for the moment,

But the True Bread, The Bread that never passes away.

Your words are the true bread...

And Your Son, The Very Bread from Heaven,

Who we must accept to have eternal life.

You have forgiven our sins, by sacrificing Your Son, Jesus... Thank you...

And so we will strive, continually, to forgive all those who have sinned against us.

Please, Holy Father, give us the strength to avoid temptation...

And we anxiously await the day,

When You send Your Son to deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the Kingdom...

You have given it to Your Son...

And He, Himself, is the Kingdom...

And shares it with us, forever and ever. Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 270 Volume Three

11/17/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Who Have Ears to Hear
The Lord’s Prayer Answered

[Jesus The Christ] This prayer is the prayer I have given, and to you have I also given these words of supplication,
strength and hope. These words you have spoken have come from your heart, through understanding I have given
you to share with those you love, so they might come into the understanding of My prayer’s meaning... As My
words come to light and will soon reach their fulfillment, before the eyes of the faithful and wicked alike...

For nothing can stay My words, once they have been spoken before The Father...

Not principalities, nor powers, nor anything in the heavens,

Nor anything in the earth, nor under the earth...

Your will be done, Father!

The prayer prayed is now become the prayer answered,

Through its fulfillment, as it is and was written...

By The Son of Man, and in and for His glory, it is come to pass...

Father, glorify your name!

[God The Father] I have glorified it, and I shall glorify it, once again...

For all time...

By Him, in whom I am well pleased...


And so shall all be, as He who is in Me, and I in He, forever and ever.


Volume Three 271 Letters from God and His Christ

11/23/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Letter Regarding Submissiveness in Marriage

Thus says The Lord to His people, who abide in marriage as they should: Listen to My servant and apostle, Paul,
and have understanding...

As I have given up of My body, for all those I love, even unto death...

Likewise should all those, who love one another, love them as I have loved you.

In all ways did I submit unto My bride, which is also My body, even unto the relinquishing of My power over her,
nor did I judge My bride. Because of this, she has become My bride. In the same manner, she must give of herself
unto Me, to make the union complete and everlasting. The Father has given her hand to Me, and I have called unto
her, saying, “How I long to gather you into My arms, and love you as My own, and make you My bride. Come and
see... I have already prepared a place for you. Become My virgin and accept these robes of white, and walk in them
and wear them well, so we can walk together in the Garden, forever and ever.” Now listen, with ears open...

As I have done, do likewise...

For any bride, joined, must be cleansed and made fit for her husband...

Also, all earthly husbands must also become clean,

Lest your holy union be unclean.

The Father gave you marriage, by which you come together as one, in His name. So then, when there is division
or separation, how then can two come together, as one in the flesh, when a division in spirit remains? I have told
you already, and you also know within your hearts, that all those in marriage must first come together in spiritual
intimacy, closer than flesh... Then can you fulfill this closeness through that which is fleshly. This is also a gift from
The Father, and should be treated as such, according to how He has commanded you and how you should receive
it and experience it. Those in marriage can reach new heights of ecstasy, through the unification of flesh... Only
by this union, being that which is a completion, or a finishing, of love’s desire that you become completely one,
because you had first become one in the Spirit, with all thankfulness to God for bringing you together in His name,
under His commandments.

One can not give into complete abandonment of oneself,

Melding into the love of another,
Unless, first, absolute trust is established...

Trust is earned, not given...

Letters from God and His Christ 272 Volume Three

11/23/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Letter Regarding Submissiveness in Marriage cont.

So all those who first trust in God,

Because of what He has done by way of Me,
Have placed The Cornerstone in their marriage...

And from this Foundation can all new and shining houses be built,
And those, that already exist, be strengthened.

When one of you two has an obstacle or stumbling block, then you both have fallen... And as two together, as one,
must all these adversities be overcome. All those, who overcome together in Me, will receive even greater things
than these, which they now think will lead them into happiness.

As We, The Father and The Son, are long-suffering,

So then shall you be...

Love is patient.

Remember that any rent, which is not quickly mended, is made worse with time, further tearing away from the fabric
of your marriage. Mend all rents speedily, and with a greater thread, and with more tender hands than in the past.

As all things are made new in Me...

So then, all those who believe in Me,

Must be remade in My image, walking in My ways...

So goes restoration in marriage...

Your marriage of old must die, and be forgotten through forgiveness,

And be completely remade on a new foundation...

This is a process, My beloved little ones.

Volume Three 273 Letters from God and His Christ

11/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
God is Spirit and Love... Let Us Worship and Obey Him, According to That Which He Is

Remember this, when reading the Word of God, in the Bible or in the Letters...

God is spirit...

His Christ, spirit...

The very Holy Spirit, which is given of Christ,

To all those who love and believe in Him.

So then, faith is also spiritual, being spiritually received as a gift, because of the Truth you have accepted. The
Truth is also spiritual, because it can only be understood and received by the Spirit, according to the will of God.
This very understanding is also given by God, and therefore, is spiritual as well. No one can have anything unless
God gives it. Human power and understanding is of no use at all and is earthly. What God gives is spiritual,
and discerned in a spiritual way. Earthly understanding resists the Truth. So all those, who seek to understand
through earthly wisdom, will doubt, because that which God offers must be received spiritually, in humbleness
and complete abandonment of oneself before God.
To offer yourself before God, in Jesus’ name, as a confession of the sin within you, is the way into life, because
that offering is met with love and forgiveness, proven by Christ’s death and resurrection. In this same way, you and
your life as it was must die, and you must be reborn in the Spirit. We are first born of human parents by water and
blood. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must be born again, spiritually, by water (Jesus), blood (His sacrifice),
and spirit (Holy Spirit). In our acceptance of the three will we come into the knowledge leading to eternal life.
When these three are truly received into our hearts, the process is not yet finished...

When you have received of God‘s Spirit,

You must now listen to what the Spirit is saying to your heart... And obey...

For everyone, who trusts and loves The Lord, will obey...

Perfect love of God is established, in you, through obedience,

Leading those around you into the Truth by your example.

The greatest testament to that love, now within you, is shown to others not by your words but by your example.
I ask you: Do your life and your ways reflect the Truth, you say is in your heart? Though that, which you have
accepted, is spiritual, it must be shown to others in an earthly way, because they can not yet understand that which
is spiritually discerned. Show those you love, show God at work in your life, by making your life a shining example,
bright and pure... This will open the hearts of those you love in time. All things, that are not acceptable before God,
must be overcome in your life. This is our reasonable duty as servants of God, because He first overcame our sins
and our death, by the death and resurrection of His Only Begotten Son.

No one can come to The Father unless He first draws them;

And when drawn, they come to Christ, for He is The Way to The Father...

And all those drawn must strive to live by, and walk in, the ways of Him who has saved them.

Letters from God and His Christ 274 Volume Three

11/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
God is Spirit and Love... Let Us Worship and Obey Him, According to That Which He Is cont.

This is how you will know if the Spirit resides in you... All those, fully converted in their hearts, will come to
see the world as a foreigner in a strange land. This is the beginning sign of the division in yourself, and is also
the beginning of your separation from the world... Ending in your complete separation from this world, being
united with Christ in Heaven.

Blessed is the man or woman, who has received salvation, by grace, through faith...

Even more blessed is the man or woman,

Who has shared their faith and led another into salvation...

They shall cover a multitude of sins...

So let us all be doers of The Word, and not just hearers.

Those, who only hear The Word and abide, assuredly, they have their reward, for they had abided in Christ. But
even they, who abide in Christ, are doers, because one can not abide in the Truth if one’s life is not clean and
purified because of Him who has cleansed us. As the five virgins, in Matthew 25, were left standing outside, saying,
“Lord, Lord, open to us!”, The Lord said He did not know them, because their mere proclamation of faith was not

Faith without works is dead...

And likewise, works done without faith are also dead.

So then, even more blessed are those,

Who do what they have heard, for these live by faith...

And by their doings, and by their example, will many be led to salvation.

Do you also wish to be part of the Trumpet Call?... You already are. I have been chosen as the watchman, and the
trumpet God placed in my hands are these very Letters from God and His Christ. But these were only made manifest,
because God had first put His voice in me. So then, I am only God’s vessel and messenger, His servant who must
obey. So all those, who receive God’s message I have delivered, to them it is a gift. And to all those, who will not
receive His words, to them it has become a warning. I have, and will continue, to trumpet God’s message.
In this same way, if you shared what I have shared with you, you also become that trumpet. We are called to
trumpet His message. If we don’t, it is on our heads, for we know the Truth of salvation and must share it with
those who are drowning in this world. If we sit idly by, and do nothing, it will fall on our heads, having become
unequally yoked, being held accountable for our sin equal to those for whom our message was intended.
I credit all to God. Although we are all servants of God, because of the position He has appointed unto me, it is
important for everyone to heed my words, because they are not my own... They are The Lord’s.

Volume Three 275 Letters from God and His Christ

11/21/05 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
God is Spirit and Love... Let Us Worship and Obey Him, According to That Which He Is cont.

Know this: We are all servants, serving either God or the devil. We can not serve two masters. Even when people
deceive themselves into thinking they serve neither, by default they serve the devil. For not to serve and obey God
is sin. And the devil is the very father of sin, being the first to disobey and turn from Him who had created him.

God’s sword is coming!... It shall come upon the whole world very soon... And with it will He send another Sword,
when it is nearly finished. And by this Sword will all be done, and come to its conclusion, as it was written. For
in this Sword is there two edges, sharp and gleaming... One side slaying us in our hearts unto life; and the other
side slaying, unto death, all who would come against the King of kings and Lord of lords, who followed after the
“abomination who causes desolation”. These, who follow the antichrist in that Day, will be destroyed and cast
asunder, driven through by the sword of Christ’s mouth and the brightness of His coming... For it is He who carries
the sharp, double-edged sword, which proceeds from His mouth. All glory and power and dominion to Christ, our
Lord, forever and ever... Amen...

Let us worship God as He really is...

God is Spirit...

Let us worship through Him, whom God has sent,

For He is that Spirit called Holy and True...

Life Without End.


Also read: John 4:23,24

Letters from God and His Christ 276 Volume Three

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