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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJEC MAF . Af > p> : h afioso(/Eme —_Tee : Baers San Francisco teletype to the Bureau/dated _ LB 8731/73, captioned "EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES ~ PENAL [INSTITUTIONS — DISTURBANCE AT SAN QUENTIN PRISON, 8/29-8/30/73," and San ‘Prancisco teletype to the Bureau dated ons =f captioned “EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES - PENAL INSTITUTIONS -| DISTURBANCE ~ \‘T Bax. QUENTIN PRISON, 11/9-11/10/79". T5T. 6-47. 1630 4 \ / a Enclosed for the Bureau gré eight (8) copies of anda LHM captioned as above. ~ be 4 “eghtaty, gh y7/ 2 of LHM® bo ce utilized in the Lim ic J”) located () b2 7 elo a 04:20 copies of three letters: etter from deceased former San Quentin /'¢ \ SS \ are‘stapled to two ‘opi Two (2) copies inmate RUDY GADENA, #A-56586, former leader of the Mexican Mafia, to the representatives of the Mexican Mafia and the New Family (a Mexican-American militant revolutionary group ia Prison System) ; Jetters from.’ \ BO By, ¢ Copies of the LHM are being disseminate -locall; USS. Secret Service and the U. S. Attorney, Sali Franc: All, receiving offices will contdct avi aes Sources at prisons (1) for any additionay info 2 cerning os eee Mafia, (2) 2 ‘Mexican ‘Mai 3) conia [co He 2 prises 15uQ- 18 @ Bureau_(Enes.! 8) =,Los Angeles (Encs,' 5) 8 ~‘Sacramento (Encs. 8) (. On 4), $an_ Francisco \ IG - ae , Me a , Be i 5% | | Oy SF 157-9754 JEC/sad information concerning the Mexican Mafia and forward same to the Bureau and offices covering prisons in California Department of Corrections System. ‘LEADS: LOS ANGELES AT CHINO, CALIFORNIA. 1. Contact sources at California Institute for Nei 2. Contact sources at Southern Conservation Center. AT _CORONA, CALIFORNI California Institute for Women: 1. Contact sources at 2. Contact sources at California Rehabilitation Center. ‘A, Contact sources AT_SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFO! at California Men's Colony. SACRAMENTO AT_JAMESTOWN, CALIFORNIA. Contact sources at Sierra Conservation Center. AT_LASSEN, CALIFORNIA. Contact sources at California Conservation Center. AT_TEHACHAPI, CALIFORNIA, Contact sources at california Correctional institute. — AT_TRACY, CALIFORNIA. Contact sources at Duell Vocational fnstitute. AT_REPRESSA, CALIFORNIA. Contact sources a’ Folsom State Prison. AT VACAVILLE, CALIFORNIA, Contact sources at California Medical Facility. oA SF 157-9754 JEC/sad SAN_FRANCISCO SA ERAT ims AT_SOLEDAD, CALIFORNIA. Contact sources at California Training Facility. AT _TAMAL, CALIFORNIA. Maintain contact with sources at San Quentin State Prison. oy San BET @. i or UI ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF. :TICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 December 7, 1973 Director a 2 United States Secret Service | L- Department of the Treasury ! as : Washington, D.C. 20220 RE: MEXICAN MAFIA i Dear Sir: - ° ~ \ ‘The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization verted 7 q to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. S l 1. (Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. (Attempts ot threats to redrese grievances. a 3. (J Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. a — 4. Kj Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. $. demonstrations or hostile | fe ; incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. ! _— 5. (]Mlegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. (Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. {5 Potenilaliy dangerous because Of Background, emotional iétdbility’or~ i in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph (] has been furnished (enclosed (is not available. Very truly yours, Clarence M. Kelley 7 Ml TION CONTAINED y ° Director HEREIN SIF ATE BY (EPI00 \ 44196 445627 (5. Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) 1 + U.S. Secret Service, San Francisco (RM) vsure(s) 1. UN -ED STATES: DEPARTMENT OF STICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION f San Francisco, California | , In Reply, Please Refer to : Fue Ne December 7, 1973 CONTAIHED., aa er SE re MEXICAN MAFIA HEREIN 5, USS Ps BE Also Known As El me, La Ene, La Mafia, Mafioso, Eme | this investigation is based on information that the Mexican Mafia's activities may be in violation of Title 8, U. S. Code, Section 2383 (Rebellion or Insurrection), and Section 2364 (Seditious Conspiracy). A confidential source who has furnished reliable information in the past has . informed that the organization uses force and violence in | 6 connection with racial problems, advocates violent attacks | and disruptive activities’ against California Department of t Corrections authority, and engages in rebellion, insurrection t ané destruction at San Quentin Prison. ! On November 5, 1973, a reliable source furnished the following: California penal institutions are violently experiencing the powers of criminally oriented groups now ( j operating both within and outside the correctional system. > Individuals have grouped themselves into organizations that reflect their ethnic background and language and are ,\\}\ directed at prisoner self-protection and control of illegai Gctivities within prison walls and on the streets. These 0” formal tight-knit organizations are composed of convicts fA and ex-convicts and are known to be involved in narcotics, (a, extortion, contract killing, robbery, forgery and receiving. wes \ To be effective at self-protection, these groups | Q\ must acquire positions of power within the prison system. { /\\ Prison Billings, control of narcotic traffic within the i system, crimes committed by members on the outside and the i building of a strong organization on the street enables \ these. groups to maintain a powerful position within the fo, . Penal institutions. La o iA Ty oe t CO This document” Contains neither recommendations nor conclusions \ of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to \ your agency; it and its contents: are not to be distributed outside your agency. Potosi fo ssst-| MEXICAN MAFIA Also Known As El Eme, La Eme, La Mafia, Mafioso, Ene, While the different groups are warring among themselves in prison they keep building organizations on the streets. on the outside the gangs are spreading their power to the community, dealing in narcotics but have even enjoyed some success in taking over Federally funded. programs and foundations. = Maoists have captured the interest of the gangs, who see themselves as oppressed members of the third world Teady to join the revolution. ‘The Venceremos has written the Mexican Mafia Family members urging them to stop their warring and kill "pigs". Formed in December, 1970, the Venceremos Organization (VO), also known as Venceremos, is a militant Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organization composed of third world and white revolutionaries operating in the San Francisco Peninsula area. The publicly stated goal of the VO is to build a united front against the imperialist United States leading to the overthrow of the United States Government by force and violence, armed struggle, and urban guerrilla warfare. The VO has publicly stated that all members must know how to operate and service weapons and have weapons available. The California Department of Corrections has no * idea of the strength of these groups in the streets. the Mexican Mafia is only onecf the many prison roups that are violently demonstrating their powers; — $GGPaithin the penal institutions and on the streets, It appears that their influence over numerous criminal areas will pose a major problem in the future to both the prison torrestional officer and the on-the-street law enforcement f Officer. As the balance of power shifts in the various {nstitutions due to transfers, new arrivals and deaths, < violence of various degrees can be expected to continue. | MEXICAN MAFIA Also Knéwn As El Eme, La Eme, La Mafia, Mafioso, ‘The Mexican Mafia is comprised primarily of Mexican~ American convicts and ex-convicts from the barrios of East Los Angeles and is felt to be the most powerful of the prison groups. In its beginning, the Mexican Mafia was referred to as any group of Mexican prisoners who banned together to prey on loner inmates... In the late 1960's, however, the . Mexican Mafia emerged as an organized group and considered as an opponent any prisoner, regardless of his surname, who was not a member. The group now appears to have a formal leadership structure both within the system and on the street; however, it is difficult to pinpoint such individuals as leaders because of the great degree of mobility demonstrated by the members. The Mexican Mafia is aimed ¢ at narcotic traffic control within state penal institutions as well as on the streets. In 1961 the Mexican Mafia began building strength, worked its way to power at San Quentin and extended its reach to every prison in the state system. In 1966 the Mexican Mafia started organizing with the idea of taking over all illegal activities in prison. _ Prison officials feel the Mexican Mafia controls the major lines of narcotics into California prisons, although the extent of their influence varies from institution to institution. The group is making attempts to control j the narcotic traffic from Mexico to California, but at this “ time appears incapable of such an endeavor. The Mexican Mafia is anti-black and at this time heavily populates San Quentin and Folsom Prisons. The Mexican Mafia numbering approximately 750 in the California Department of Corrections System, is allied with the Aryan Brotherhood, an anti-black group in the California Prison System, who support white supremacy. The Mexican Mafia's plans on the street include the takeover of drugs in California. In Los Angeles they move in and slowly take over. When members get out of prison they contact a man in the Mexican Mafia on the street- for work. e MEXICAN MAFIA Also Known As El Eme, La Eme, La Mafia, Mafioso, foo The Mexican Mafia has become so dophisticatea J \ that it has put together an efficient intelligence organiza~ \ tion, pools of sympathetic lawyers, has used‘revolutionary groups for its own ends, and has taken over respectable a Mexican-American social action groups. The Mexican Mafia has a plan to manipulate the media to convince barrio residents they are being victimized by white society. There is no known constitution of the Mexican Mafia but membership requirements include the following: | io with the exception of ii 2 bic 2. Must have made at least one hit or stabbing. 3. Status is based on how much time in the group as well as how many hits member has made. 4, Once in the group a member cannot get out. In letters between inmate members of the Mexican Mafia and supporters on the outside, the present main goal discussed is the total destruction of the prison system and the need for it. The following is a list of members of the Mexican Mafia in the California Department of Corrections: Z oe & ' Dissemination Rovting Slips FDAIT O26) . leis won Toc a t ‘io fu. INTD, Room’*?42~p: = TEXSAC. 5. . Dara Oktahoms ci Ey Alveaterase omaha Atenas FE ENetatnia S Piitsburen Dete 6/21/74 SS MEXICAN MAPIA, aka EX Re Bu 0-7 dated 6/11/74. SF letter and LHM 12/7/73. REWARKS Attached for the Bureau are eight copies of pages 5 thru 46* of referenced LHM which were inadvertently omitted from LIM. Attached for Los Angeles are five copies and for Sacramento eight copies of LiiM. ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED BY | HIG 445421 oe 4 eS yt 7 YFfounruzs w. Bares SF 157-9754 BU 157-3117 SAN FRANCISCO FILE OFFICE oe ® e or XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET UY 2. Pagets) withheld entirely at this location in the file, One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. $2 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available f release to you. Section $52. D way D wmar 0 @o) D 2) D OMe) 5 Oe 3 @@) RK HNC) 5 wm. HE oyeTID) 5 we) 2 we 5 we) 0 Omer D wa) 5 wa RO) DB we) 5 (ys) DB mo 5 we 2 (bye6) Bw) 1D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(Ges) for review and direct response to you. ages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): Se The flowing munper [sto bent for reference segrng these pags "9-3 ti=1 Pages 5 = Ye XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X Deleted Page(s) =X. X no uplenise Pee X forthispage —-X XXAXXXAXXAXAXXXK XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FBuDor 1 J LIC ow may 15, 1974, at 7:40 ot, ‘YECURAL BUREAU OF ENUESTONTR COMMUNICATIONS SECTION: iiAY 185974 : @ TEL 5 WR 928 SF PLAINTEXT meee 20488 SENT 5/18/74 DiW ty? oe S/\T/T4 NEB ERE NST ‘ Te — TOs DIRECTOR ——— Tiles Se Ritossa — Director See'y — W587 FROM: SAN FRANCISCO (157-5724) (P) 5 PAGES : . bie. DISTURBANCES AT SAN QUENTIN PRISON, MAY 15 - 16, 1974, CIVIL. UNREST. ON MAY 17, 1974, A SOURCE WHO HAS FURNISHED RELIABLE INFOR- MATION IN THE PAST PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING: THE VIOLENCES IN SAN QUENTIN PRISON CONTINUES ( WITH THE BLACK GUERRILLA FANILY (BGF) (AN ANT I~ E GROUP IN THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (CDC) WHO CONSIDEI COURTS, ADMINISTRATION AND THE CDC AS THEIR ENEMIES), ALLIED WITH THE KEW FAMILY (A MEXICAN AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY GROUP IN THE CDC) IN WARFARE AGAINST TH extent MAFIA (iM) CA’ MEX ICA’ AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY GROUP IN THE CDC) WHO ARE ALLIED WITH THE ARYAN BROTHERHOOD CAB) CAN ANTI-BLACK GROUP IW THE PRESeHNOeFUREORT 5 : WHITE SUPREMACY). eae RD 00: GD 2102, es gravee twice py ay co OG END OF PAGE ONE 158 E06, COS Sem ~, Bw. SF 157-5724 PAGE THO WENOUN ASSAILANT. AT 4216 PH en» Dos ap Ses, WAS STABBED THREE TIMES WHILE IN THE EAST LOCK. IT IS FELT SY SAN QUENTIN AUTHORITIES THAT BOTH OF ”~ bic THESE STABBINGS WERE THE RESULT OF RACIAL PROBLEMS. = on MAY 16, 1974, aT 9:50 an, rieiaTe QU GR» ERED 12, a associate oF THE AB, STABBED LOUIS VWROMR ‘BROWN, BSSTAG, DOB JUNE 4, 1938, BLACKS TO DEATH 18 THE PRISOW YaRD. QQBMMMBMBRtTAcKED a GUARD WHILE BEING APPREHENDED, 17 IS THE OPINION OF SAN QUENTIN OFFICIALS THAT THIS MURDER WAS IN RETALIATION FOR THE TWO STABBINGS ON MAY 15, 1974. ON WAY 16, 1974, THE IKNATES ISOLATED IN THE ADJUSTMENT CENTER WERE EXERCISED TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE APRIL £ 4, 1974 WHEN THE LAST DISTURBANCE IN THE ADJUSTNENT CENTER EXERCISE & YARD OCCURRED + AT 10345 Atl IMMEDIATELY UPON ENTERING THE EXERCISE YARD, 15 INMATES BECAME INVOLVED IN A DISTURBANCE WHICH RESULTED IN SIX INMATES RECEIVING STAB WOUNDS. i OF PAGE TWO OFCA20 (123.96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file, One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. FOIPA XXXXXK XXXXKX XXXXXX TH Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section $52 5 wa) O we) 0 @)G) oO we) ows) 2 wo, Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. 1 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as Bena) 5 OB) OVC) B wo) OD @one) DOM 2 we) 5 OV Section $52a Geo Ooo) Geo) oO a (sy O@) woo we) we) wa) ws) we) wa) to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). disposition at a later date. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You willbe advised as to the 1D The following number is to be used for referes - 31 - lad XXXXXX, XXXXXK sgarding these pages: os rs XXXKXXXXXXXXXXKK, X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X for this page =X “SF 157-5724 aj) PAGE FOUR IT-IS THE OPINION OF SAN QUENTIN OFFICIALS THAT THIS DISTURBANCE IS THE CONTINUANCE OF THE GANG WARFARE EXISITING ‘AT SAN QUENTIN PRISON. It 100% QBs vera curve GUN FIRE TO BREAK UP THE DISTURBANCE. THE INMATES REFUSED TO SURRENDER ANY WEAPONS AND A SUBSEQUENT SEARCH TURNED UP SEVEN PRISON MADE KNIVES. SEED > 0: A 5 2008 Fon tue routs TIER IN THE EAST BLOCK. IT IS. THE OPINION OF THE SAN QUENTIN |. END OF PAGE FOUR 4 ' Soe, SF 157-5724 PAGE FIVE PROBLEMS. ALL INMATES WERE RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL CARE AFTER BEING TREATED FOR STAB WOUNDS. THE GENERAL POPULATION AT SAN QUENTIN REMAINS LOCKED Down. ADMINISTRATIVE: ‘source uriLizeo 18 17%, 15 THES INFORMATION IS BEING DISSEMINATED LOCALLY TO THE U.S. ATTORNEY AND U.S, SECRET SERVICE. EN MSI FBIHQ ACKB R RELAY 5 PLS’ HOLD ; yey 4 —_ ° = OFFICIALS THAT THIS STABBING AND THROWING WERE THE RESULT GF RACIAL b2 nO | NITED STATES GO\(™ mur A-~ soraNg ' s Memoranaam wen ene srown | ° IRECTOR; FBI nol 74h 1 SAN FRANCISCO (157- 9754. ofS 01 pject: MICAN MAPIA aka Ohi te a Bme Gta Mafia hafioso a EXTREMIST MATTER mE TELED BY_b02bT NIS/EP/DO Ha Om, 399 alae Re San Francisco letter and LHM to the Bureal 4 445097 12/7/73. poy f © i i Enclosed for the Bureau are eight (8) copies of an ‘ste | LEM captioned as above. Enclosed for Los Angeles and e i] Sacramento are two (2) copies of the Lilt captioned as above.(4) ye / Two copies of an FD-376 are stapled to copies of a ‘ag_the a. 0) B 1 Sources utilized in the LHM are: | IDENTITY FILE WHERE LOCATE! “i 5 2 | pO see nonsymbol sources page 2. - Bureau (Fnels. 8) “(RM Los Angeles (Encls. 2) (RM) Sacramento (Encls. 2) (RM) 2_~ San Francisco JEC/pkv Copy to Maken + Otte. (8) y (se Bo U.S; Savings. Bonds Regularly on the ‘Payroll. Savings Plan BF 157-9754 SORFIBENTIA JEC/pkv. Aue TEKAS. and neck with a prison-made weapon. (K) advised that|itembers of the were fighting against members ‘of ‘van Brotherhood (AB) ri(plack Guersitia, Family “is an anti ute group i ‘California Department geil ef Corrections who consider courts, ae administration, and the partment of ‘fons as'their engrfies. ARION BROTHERH COD: faryan Brotherhaod/is-an anti=black — froup-in the California -Departnent of. Corrections who support white = rors catBE OF On 3/29/74, a revie records concerning MN member reflected the following evaluation: BLACK GUERRILLA GR opel sP 157-9754 SEC/Pkv, Cale. Source advised that Nwe stR A FAniliay is a Mexican-American \Woyeue PAWILIAL revo! ‘ionaty group in ehe Californi: WEVE FAMILIA, San Quentin Prison, advis: lal records are ‘kept at San Quentin separating gang related violence from other violence. : urnished the following estimates concerning violence at San Quentin: 1973 - 52 assaults including seven murders, of which: approximately 65% yere prison gang relate: neefpie _ CONFIDENTIAL 1974 - 13 assaults including one murder, of which the majority 2 vere prison gang related 12 : dvised that] “- 13 inmates isolated an the Fajustment Center he ed in a disturbance which resulted in six inmates receiveing star wounds. The following inmates vere involved: TEMBER OF SUBJECT QRGANIZATION en OPCA.20 (12:3.96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. 1 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no sepregable material avilablefor release (0 you. Section 552 ‘Section $520 Dom) 1 HA) 5 @s) DB w)2) 1 7B) 2 O@ BD Oo BONO) 0 wa DOM) 5 we) i Om) D we) 8 OMF 0 wa) way Oo we) o we) mo) 0 Ho) a Ho B Oo) a wa Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response 10 you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You witl be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at 2 later date. Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): The Leow pee is to be used for reference regarding these pages: * [5a-31hi=2~ page XXXXXXXXKXXKKAAK, X Deleted Page(s) X. X No Duplication Fee X X — forthis page X. XXXXXXXXXXXAXAXK XXXXXK, XXXXXK SF 157-9754 ‘ Tc/okw CORABETAC It is the opinion of San Quentin officials that WF ‘this disturhance is the continuance of the gang warfare Lay i existing at San Quentin Prison. - : i a - It took Thompson submachine gun fire to hreak up & Z | the disturbance. The inmates refused to surrender any 7 3. = weapons, and a subsequent search turned up seven prison-made ~~ 2. knives. 7 rurnished [1 wing bic trap San Quentin 7 "MEMBER OE SUBJECT ORGANIZATION bop: " (0FCA20 (123.96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FORA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET e XXXXXK XXXXXX, XXXXXX Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. (Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions i release to you. Section $52 BO 8 me 2 we) Dw D wo) OO) mena) OB) wrnc) o o mB BR OKO) 8 we 8 war) B® o OO cated below with no segregable material available for Section $520 2 oo 0 02 5 way D we) 0 we) 0 we 2 wo) 2 we aw 1 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. 1 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You willbe advised by the FBI as disposition at a later date. Page(s) withheld forthe fellowing reason(s) Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of, to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(tes).. Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the (The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Q= 187= 3U01- 2 pas XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXAKAX X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page =X XAXAAXXXXKXXXAKK, 4 SF 157-9754 sTEC/pkv hie The following investigation was conducted in the Sacramento Pivision: bd The following inyes jon was conducted at Pepresa, California by SA ; Drovaced ene antor! ding the Mexican Yafia at Folsom Prison: | i i 13 | OPCA20 (123.96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET ‘A rages wie enya his oalon inte fle, One or more ofthe following semen, whee ind, copa is dln BS Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a 2 wt) B wma) 0 @) - 0 He) 2 ane) 2 0@ 5 me) & MMO a wa 5 HM) 5 we) 3 OMe 8 we) BD OM) 0 wey OD wa) 0 He 0 WO) 3 ys) 2 Oo 0 wo ROG) Bw 1 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. 1D Documents originated with ancther Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as, to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition ata later date Pages were not considered for release as they ate duplicative of Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 182-31) = 2 pgs. 14 — AXXXXXKXXAXKAAAK X Deleted Pages) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page -X HXKAAAKKAAAKKNAK XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXKKX FBUDOS RCDimml The following investigation was conducted by ce ) me AT SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA: . a California State Bureau of Crimina lentification and Investigation (CII) provided the following information : regerd fis ond New Families to Special | Agent advised thet information developed by his office determined that the Mexicen “efia, although comprised primarily of inmates at California prisons was suspected of being involved in some savings end loan office robberies in the Los Angeles area lest year. This suspicion ves based on the fact that a series of these robberies was conducted by a gang of Chicanoes who seemed to be working in an organization. Thero were Tumors attributing these robberies to the Mexican Mefie although no positive evidence linking the two was ever developed. GREE «2:50 that his files showed the Mexican Mafia to be centered in Best Los Angeles inasmuch es this is an area lergely inhabited by the Chicano Community and is the area to which Chicano inmates returi after being peroled from California prisons. The Nexican Mafia is suspected of being involved-in specialized type of crime such as that involving violence as in lone sharkin, narcotics, etc, There are currently about six unsolved ., Murders in the Sast Los Angeles area which could be the result of threats let out by inmates in Calfornia prisous. “To date, no positive identifications have been-made of 18 ’ Be RCD: tam 2 Mexican Mefia members outside the California Prisons. RD: 811005, 2h0 the New Family has been similerly Investigated by his department with no positive identifications having been made outside the prisons. He ; advised that Alcohol, Tobscco and Firearms (ATF) investigated the New Femily about six months ago as the New Femily vas suspected of dealing in illegal guns. The results of the ATF investigation identified no New Femily members on the street. ap. of the opinion that the best pert of Mexicen Mefia and New Family violence will and has occurred within the Celifornia prisons and will continue to » } be contained therein, He advised that the structure of this organizetion is such that there is little control over the activities of members once they ere paroled from the prisons and therefore the orgenizetion does not pose a serious criminal threat at this time, finally gave the name of three girls who used to reside in Sacramento who he believed wera linked to the Aryan Brotherhood, a third splinter group. comprised of radicels who associated themselves with inmates of follows: SC 92-607 Shik | The following: inv: ation was conducted at Jemestovn, California by SA in 2/7/74, Ae eo :-: extremist groups, Sierra Conservation ; Center (SCC), Jamestown, California, advised there is no : current activity of the Mexican Mafia or the New Family at ' SCC. He stated that through contact with other institutional investigators at the various State of California prison \ facilities, information has been developed indicating that SCC is considered a sanctuary" by the various extremist : groups and that the Nexican Mafia and the New Family have i agreed that in this facility they will mt be active, The following investigation yas conducted at Tracy, California by 54 Qaim bic on 20/11/73, Intelligence al Division, San Joaquin County Sher: Ss ce, advised that he had obtained copy of the bylaws of the New Fanily. He advised these bylaws described the power structure of the + New Family and may be relevant to any current investigation being conducted due to the alleged presence of the ilew Family at Devel Vocational Institute, Tracy. The following investigation was_ganducted at Vacaville, California by 5 On 12/27/73 GGRID security ana Investharions ; or teal Facility, Vacaville, advised that information concerning . above organizations in California tedical Facility as well aa Other California penal institutions could best be obtained through the Special Services U; ifornia Departwent of Corrections in Sacramento, econmended that NTH l 20 SC 92-807 —:: this Special Services Unit be contacted since this Unit has conducted extensive investigation into the captioned organizations. The following investipatt ed at --- Susanville,.California by: SA — Information contained in x conminications urnished to ce of the California Conservation Center, Susanville, California and to his offi, inmate organizations at the fecility ¥ \ The New Family has had a few members in confine- ment at Susanville from time to time, but not active as a Currently there are no leaders here, t Kc a Reporte ou fl =. the first name on Page 16 of LIN sccompanying referenced letter dated 12/12/73, ile vas transported on 1/3/74 to the California Training Facility at Soledad, California, a... furhished a copy of the list of Nuestra Fanilia as contained in the ili, ie advised that he will make it a point to review this ist regarding any innstes transferred into the institution, San Francisco may re to interview California Prison Numbe: at California Training ~~ Facility, Soledad, Califo: in view of the fact that he has been considered to be a "a se - a, eourin 2. SC 92-807 Zhe folloving investigation was conducted by : i>: Tehachapi, “el fornia: 1/18/74 , California Correctional Institution A vis. tthe CCI is a Hedium and-Minimum Security Unit, which allows inmates free access to the grounds, and , all prisoners sleep in dormitories which are opened to : other inmates, Therefore, CCI has not experienced any recent ‘problems involving the Mexican Mafia and the New Family, as the authorities of the California Penal System are careful to place individuals that are bélieved to be deeply involved with these two organizations in facilities where tighter control might be exercised with regards to, their freedom of movement. GREED. 01200 that the proper authorities at bic the CCI are definitely avare of the element of trouble which potentially exists regarding these two organizations, and efforts to properly supervise any individuals auspected of belonging to the Mexican Mafia or the Nueve Familia are always manifested. GB cesczs00 the two organizations as groups which are fighting for supremacy within the penal institutions, and although both are comprised primarily of Mexican-Americans, their basic differences result from the b from which they are derived. For éxample, RE orn the majority of those affiliated with e can Mafia as individuals raised in barrios of various metropolitan areas, whereas the individual associated with the Nueva Familia is from the rural, farm-labor environment, * and as such, are not held in high esteem by their fellow Mexican-Americans, who feel that their background causes them to be more prestigious. ‘ SC 92-807 ‘urther advised that once an inmate becomes connected with me of the two aforementioned groups, it is practically an impossibility to disassociate himself with that organization, therefore, upon his release from the penal instituion, he continues to maintain his former connections with those associates on the outside i. world. No outbreak of violence has occurred at CCI as a result of these two organizations, 1 tion of an incident which occurred on 10/19/7: described this incident as a knifing petpetrated by alleged members of the Mexican Mafia, who had somehow been forwarded of the arrival of a prisoner from another institution, and 7 within 24 hours of his arrival from that institution, San be uentin, the inmate was dead. The victin, LOONARD JOSEPH ARIAS, had experienced difficulty with members of the Nextean Mafia at San Quentin, and a contract was placed with c others of that organization upon his arrival at Tehachapi, a CCI, The following subjects wer subsequently arrested, tried and convicted for the murder of ARIAS, and they have since been transferred to mre secure facilities: | crr, Inmat idd SC 92-807 DUNT UG sy On 2/27/74 er, 7 advised that the identities of several members 0! Mexican !fafia are mown to the prison authorities, primarily as a result of a pHotograph of the group that was taken shortly before Christmas, 1973 and intercepted by prison — officials’ as it was being sent to an outside source for duplication purposes, A copy of the photo was obtained and is currently maintained in the 1 Section of the file. ‘the Bd sein the photo are as follows: 7 On 2/7/74, Records Officer III, CCI, provided the followi: mation regarding the aforementioned inmates at CCI Name Prison Number ight Weight FBI ¢ SSAN Offense Home of Record Seca Secugiry

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