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Q.T.P. 8.


• Developed by Mercury Interactive
• Functionality Testing Tool
• Derived from Win Runner.
• Support all Win Runner 7.0 Supported technologies including .Net, XML, SAP, People Soft, Oracle
Apps and multimedia technologies.
• Records our manual test cases in VB Script
• Short navigations to Edit VB Script programs.

QTP Testing Process:-

Select manual test cases to be automated.

Receive stable build from development team

Convert manual test procedures in to VB script programs.

Edit programs with control statement, Data Driven Test. Statements, Reusable
actions--- etc.

Make VB Script programs as test batch. After required editing.

Run test batches

Analyze test results manually.

ADD-IN MANAGER:- These window list out all QTP supported technologies with respect to license.

NOTE:- In QTP, Every test maintains, global excel sheet likes Win Runner. In Win Runner excel sheet
opening is explicit, but In QTP Excel sheet opening Implicit.

Recording Modes:- To convert our manual test case procedure into VB Script program. QTP is providing
3 Types of modes.
1. General Recording.
2. Analog Recording.
3. Low level Recording.

(1) General Recording:

In this mode QTP records mouse and Keyboard Operations with respect to
Objects and Windows in our application build like as context Sensitive mode in Win Runner. It is a
different mode in QTP when you click start recording icon, After click start recording icon, test
Engineers can try to browse path of testing build, when he is planning more than one Software to use
while creating test. This process is called Selective recording.

(2) Analog Recording: -

To record mouse pointer movement on the desktop we can use analog recording
mode Ex:- Digital Signatures recording, Graphs drawing recording image movement recording. To
select this mode, we can use below Navigation.
Navigation:- Text menu  Analog recording mode (or) Ctrl+Shift+f4

(3) Low Level Recording: -

In This mode QTP is recording mouse pointer movements on the desktop
along with time to select this mode we can use.
Text menu  Low Level recording (or) Ctrl+Shift+F3.

QTP maintains two types of Visibilities such as
(1) Expert View (VB Script)
(2) Key word view (English)
Expert View: -
Expert view is only allowing Editing and running of the Script.

QTP is a functionality-testing tool and it provides facilities to automate below
Coverage’s on application build.
(1) GUI Coverage or Behavioral Coverage
(2) Error handling coverage
(3) Input domain coverage
(4) Manipulations or out put coverage
(5) Back End coverage
(6) Service levels coverage
(7) Links coverage
(8) Static text/context coverage.
To automate above coverage’s we can use 7 checkpoints in QTP.
(1) Standard checkpoint
(2) Text check point
(3) Text area checkpoint
(4) Bitmap checkpoint
(5) Database checkpoint
(6) Accessibility checkpoint
(7) XML checkpoint

(1) Standard Checkpoint: -

We can use this Checkpoint to verify Properties of Objects like as GUI check
point in Winrunner.
Example: - Manual test case.
1) Test case id: TC-id
2) Test case Name: Verify delete button
3) Feature to be test: Flight Reservation
4) Test suite Id: TS-FR
5) Priority: Po
6) Pre-condition: Existing records to be deleted.
7) Test procedure:

Step Action I/P required Expected


1 Focus to Flight reservation ------- Delete button Disabled


2 Open Existing record ValidOrder No Delete button enabled

Automation Program:-
Window (“Flight Reservation”).Activate
Window (“Flight Reservation”).Winbutton (“Delete order). Check Checkpoint (“ Delete order”).
Window (“Flight Reservation”).WinMenu (“Menu”). Select “File ; open order….”
Window (“Flight Reservation”).Dialog (“Open order”).WincheckBox (“Order No”). Set “ON”
Window (“Flight Reservation”).Dialog (“Open order”).WinEdit (“Edit”).Set “1”
Window (“Flight Reservation”).Dialog (“Open order”).WinButton (“ok”).Click.
Window (“FlightReservation”).Winbutton (“Deleteorder”).Check Checkpoint (“Delete Order-2”)

Check Point Syntax:-

Window (“WindowName”).Winobject (“ObjectName”).CheckCheckpoint (“CheckpointName”)

Check Point Insertion Navigation:-

Select Position in Script  Insert menu checkpoint
 Standard check point select testable object  click “ok” after confirmation  Select required
properties with expected values  click “OK”.
(a) One check point allows one object at a time unlike WinRunner.
(b) Check point insertion is possible before click stop recording except database
Checkpoint and XMI check point.
(c) Object selection is mandatory before insert any type of checkpoint.
(d) Whenever check point is pass (or) fail, but QTP continues test execution up to end.
(e) If any type of Checkpoint inserted into VB Script QTP is showing a common Syntax as above.
Example 2:- Manual test Case:-

Test Case id : Tc-2

Test case Name: verify “OK” button
Feature to be tested: verify employee recruitment
Test suite ID: Ts_ER
Priority: Po
Pre – condition I/P objects are taking values
Test Procedure

Step no Action I/P required Expected

1 Focus to Employee window ------ “OK” button disabled.

2 Enter Employee Name Valid value “OK” button disabled.

3 Select department No ------ “OK” button enabled.

Build :-

Emp. Name

Dept no


Automation Program:-
Window (“Employee”).Activate
Window (“Employee”).Winbutton(“ok).check checkpoint (“ok”)
Window (“Employee”).Winedit (“Empname”).Set “xxx”
Window (“Employee”).Winbutton(“ok).check checkpoint (“ok.2”)
Window (“Employee”).Winbutton(“Department no”).select “xxx”
Window (“Employee”).Wincombobox(“ok).check checkpoint (“ok.3”)

Note1: -
Unlike WinRunner every QTP checkpoint is taking two types of expected values form test
engineer’s, such as constant value and parameters (excel sheet column name).
Note2: -
Our checkpoint is executing one tire when our checkpoint expected is constant. Our checkpoint is
executing more than one time. Depending on no of rows in excel sheet.
To compare images, we can use this check point. Unlike use QTP is
supporting static and dynamic images for comparison. But test Engineers have to select multimedia option
in adding manager to compare dynamic images. QTP supports 10 sec. As maximum play time of images.
Example: Logo Testing
Old Version New Version

$ $
Expected Actual
= = Pass
! = Fail
Open old Version of build  starting recording  open expected image in old version of
build Insert menu  Check point  Bit map Checkpoint  show Expected image in old version in build
- click “OK” after confirmation - Select area of image if required  Click “OK”  Close old build
version  Open new build version  click run- Analyze result manually.

(3) Database Check Point:-

We can use this checkpoint to verify the impact front-end operation on
backend tables content in terms data validation and data integrate. This checkpoint option is exactly equal to
default checkpoint in database checkpoint of Win Runner.
• Create database check point (Current content of database tables selected as expected) Valid differences
• Perform front-end operation
• Run database check point (Current content of database tables selected Actual).

To apply data base testing, Test Engineer’s are collecting below information from development team.
connectivity name in between fortend and backend in our application build  Names of tables and their
column. Screens vs. Tables.
Above information is available Database design document development Team.
Insert menu  Check point  DB checkpoint  Specified connect to DB using ODBC or
Data Junction - Select SQL statement manually  click “Next” click create to select connectivity
(Ex.Flight32) write select statement  click finish click “OK” after conformation of Database Table
content  Perform Front-end Operation  run Database checkpoint  analysis results manually.

(4) Text Check Point: -

To verify content of an object in terms of match upper case, lower case ignore
spaces exact match and text not displayed, we can use these check points.

Navigation: -
Select position Script Insert menu checkpoint  Text checkpoint  select Testable
object- click configure if we have to apply testing on selected part object value (using text before and text
after)- Select Test (match case, Ignore spaces, exact match , Text not displayed)- click “OK”.

(5) Text Area Check point: -

To Verify content of screen area value in terms of match case, ignore spaces,
Exact match, Text not displayed, we can use these check point.

Select position script  Insert menu  checkpoint Text area check point  select value
region  click “OK” after conformation  click configure if we have to apply testing on selected part 
Select test to be applied  click “OK”.

Control Statements in VB Script:

(a). if Statement :-
If condition Then
End if
(b) if else if Statement :
If condition Then
Else if condition2 Then
Else if condition3 Then
End if
(C) While Loop:-
While condition
(D)For Loop:-
For I=1 to n Step 1

(E)Input Statement :-
Input box (“message”)

(F)Output statement


(G)Test Result statement:-

Reporter.ReportEvent 0/1, “step name”, “Description”
0 = Pass
1 = Fail

(H) Capture Object value:-

Option explicit
Dim x
X= Window (“Windownames”).Winedit (“Objectname “).getvisibletext

Example 1: -

Out put = input *100

Automation Program:-

Option Explicit
Dim X, Y
Window (“Sample”).Activate
X=Window (“Sample”).Winedit (“Input”).getvisibletext
Y=Window (“Sample”).Winedit (“Output”).getvisibletext
If Y = X * 100 Then
Reporter.Reportevent 0, “S1”, “Pass”
Reporter.ReportEvent 1, “S1” “fail”
End if

Example 2:- Shopping

Input xxxx Total = Price * quantity

Output xxxx
Automation Program:-

Option Explicit
Dim q, p, and tot
Window (“Shopping”).Activate
q=Window (“Shopping”).Winedit (“Quantity”).getvisibletext
p=Window (“Shopping”).Winedit (“Price”).getvisibletext
p= mid (P,2 Len (p)-1)
tot = Window(“shopping”).Winedit(“total”).getvisibletext
Tot=mid (tot, 2, Len (p)-1)
Cdbl(tot) = Cdbl (p) * q Then
Reporter.Reportevent 0, “S1” ,“calc is pass”
Reporter. ReportEvent 1, “S1”, “calc is fail”
End if
Note: - Variable declaration and type conversion are mandatory tasks in VB script.
• To convert text value to numberic we can use “Cdbl ( )”
• To convert numeric into value, we can use “Cstr ( )”

Data Driven Testing:-

The re-execution of a test with multiple text data is called data driven testing or
retesting or Iterative testing there are 3 types.
(1) From Key board
(2) From front-End objects
(3) From excel sheet.
From Key board:-

Some times test engineer’s are re executing VB Script automation depending on

multiple input values through dynamic submission using Key board. To read a value from key board input
box ( )
Example: - multiply
Input 1
Result = input 1 * input 2.
Input 2

Text data: - 10 pairs of inputs

Automation program:-

Option explicit
Dim I, x, y, r
For I = 1 to 10 Step 1
x=input box (“Enter input1”)
y= input box (“Enter input2”)
Window (“multiply”).Activate
Window (“multiply”).Winedit (“Input1”).set X
Window (“multiply”).Winedit (“Input2”).set Y
Window (“multiply”).Win button (“OK”).click
R = Window (“multiply”).Winedit (“Result”).getvisibletext

If R = X*Y Then
reporter.Reportevent 0, “S1”, “calc is pass”
reporter.Reportevent 1, “S1”, “calc is fail”
End if
Example 2:- Audit
No: of – files


Xxx KB

Total – size
Eepected: - Total – size = No-of-files * file-size.
Test data: - 10 pairs of inputs
Automation program:-
Option explicit
Dim I, x, y, tot
For I = 1 to 10 Step 1
x=input box (“Enter no of files”)
y= input box (“Enter file size”)
Window (“Audit”).Activate
Window (“Audit”).Winedit (“no of files”).set X
Window (“Audit”).Winedit (“file size”).set Y
Window (“Audit”).Win button (“OK”).click
Tot = Window (“Audit”).Winedit (“Total -size”).getvisibletext
Tot = mid (tot, 1, Len (tot) – 2)

If Cdbl (Tot) = X*Y Then

reporter.Reportevent 0, “S1”, “calc is pass”
reporter.Reportevent 1, “S1”, “calc is fail”
End if
(2) From Front end objects:-
Some times test Engineer’s are re-executing automation programs depending
on multiple objects such as list box, menu, table, data window, activex controls.

------ Build
VB Script
Test data

Example :-

Age Gender Qualification

If Type is ‘A’ age is focused, If Type is ‘B’ then gender is focused and if any other Type is
Qualification is focused.

Automation program:-
Option explicit
Dim I, x, n
Window (“Insurance”).Activate
N = Window(“Insurance”).Wincombo box(“Type”).getitemcount
For I = 0 to n-1 step 1
X = Window(“Insurance”). Wincombo box(“Type”).getitem(i)
Window(“Insurance”).Wincombobox(“Type”).Select X
If x = ‘A’ Then
Window(“Insurance”).Winedit(“Age”).Check checkpoint (“Age”)
Else if x = ‘B’ Then
Window(“Insurance”).wincombobox(“Gender”).check checkpoint (“Gender”)
Window (“Insurance”).wincombobox(“Qualification”).check checkpoint(“Qualifiacaion”)

End if



It is a library of VB Script statement. To search unknown VB script we can follow below


Navigation: -
Insert menu  Step  Step Generator  Select category (Functions, test objects, utility
objects)  Select required operation  Fill arguments required  Click “OK”.


In general Test Engineer’s are using Excel sheet oriented data driven test
to validate completeness and correctness our build functionality with multiple inputs value because QTP is
providing a ready made process for these excel sheet oriented data driven test.
From the above model Test Engineer’s are Populating test data. In excel
sheet through import data from database through typing collected data.

Populate Test data in Excel sheet  convert our manually Test case into automation
Program for sample inputs  Tools menu  Data driver  Select sample Input value to Parameterize 
Click “Parameterize”  Click “Next”  browse excel sheet column name to replace that sample inputs 
click “OK”  Click “finish”.

To fill Excel sheet with data base content, Test Engineer’s are using below navigation.


Place mouse pointer on Excel sheet  Right click  Sheet  Import  From database-
Specify connective  Select specify SQL statement manually  Click “Next”  Click create to select
connectivity (Ex:-Flight 32)  Write Select statement to import data from base  Click “finish”.

After completion of automation program creation with required
editing, Test Engineer’s are concentrating on time mapping in b/w Tool and build to conduct complete
testing .They are 3 ways to synchronize Tool and build such as

(1) Wait ()
(2) Properties of object
(3) Changes in Settings.

(1) Wait (): -

We can use this function to define fixed waiting time in test Execution.

Syntax:- Wait (Time in seconds)  Wait (10)

Wait Time in seconds  Wait 10

This function defines fixed waiting time out, but our application operations are taking
variable time to complete.

(2) Properties of Object:-

We can use this concept to define time mapping between Tool and build with the
help of changes in properties of objects in our application build.

Example: - Status (or) Progress bar.

100% color filled out  Process completed  able to continue Test Execution
< 100 color filling  In Process  continue Wait state.
Select Position in Script  Insert menu  Step  Syncronization Point  Select Status
(or) progress bar  Click “OK” after conformation  Specified property with Expected value (Enabled
True)  Specify maximum time in milliseconds  Click “OK”.

Window (“Window Name”).win object (“Stausbarname”).Wait property
“Enable”, TRUE, maximum time to wait

(3) Changes in settings:-

Some times our application build is not Supporting wait function and
properties of objects like Synconizaiton.
In this situation test Engineer’s are changing the runtime settings of QTP
through below navigation.

Test menu  Settings  Run tab  Change timeout form 20.000 milliseconds to more 
Click “Apply”  Click “OK”

Above 3 options are require in automation test Execution when our build background
operations are taking more than 20,000 milliseconds of time, because QTS is maintaining 20,000
milliseconds as default time out.

In general test Engineer’s are executing automation program as test batches to
increase intension of bugs finding.
Every test batch consists of multiple test cases with dependency. One test case
End state is base State to next test case, to make batches in QTP .Test Engineer’s are using below statement.

RUNACTION “Action Name [Test name]”

Above statement is applicable on Reusable actions only. A program is

created as reusable action, which is callable in other programs (or) Invoke able to other program.

---- ------
------ -------
------- ---------
--------- ----------
RunAction “xxxx” -------------
-------- SubTest/Reusable
Action --------

From the above diagram Test Engineer’s are giving Reusable action Permission to
Corresponding sub test.
Create automation program individually and same then with Unique test names Open
subtest in that programs list (Ex. batch 8a.m) Step menu- Action properties  General tab Select
Reusable action checkpoint click “OK”follow above navigation for all sub Test. To give reusable
action permissionOpen main Test in that programs listInsert menuCall to existing ActionBrowse
corresponding Subtest to call in main test.

Parameter Submission:-
Like as WinRunner, QTP VB Script are also allowing parameters from one to
other. Unlike win Runner main test is passing more than one parameter subtest and subtest. is returning
more than one output parameters to main test.

Main Test

RunAction “Action [SubTest]”, one iteration 10, 20, X, Y


A, b, 30, 40
I P Parameters O/P Parameters

To create above like i/p, o/p parameters we can follow below Navigation.

Open Subtest Step menu Action properties Select parameters tab Create required
no of i/p and o/p ParametersUse that Parameters in required place of Sub test program (Parameter
(“Parameter Name”))

Note: - In QTP Test Engineer’s are using reusable Actions Concept for repeatable Operation in Build.
Instead of user defined function in Win Runner


(1) Paths of files :-

QTP is maintaining all automation tests in below folder by default.

[C:/program files/mercuryInteractive/QTP/tests/testName (default/name1)]

(2) object repository (or) QTP Architecture:

Like as WinRunner, QTP is also recognize objects and Windows in our

application build during recording. In this recognize QTP create Entries for corresponding objects and
Windows for future reference.

This all entries are maintaining in a Storage area is called an object repository. This
concept exactly Equal to GUI map.

1 to 3 during Recording
4 and 5 during Running

To see and Edit Recognization entries of objects and Windows, We can follow bellow

Navigation: - Tools menu  object repository

This repository maintains entries of objects and windows in Per test mode only. Unlike Win

Note :- No Extension to VB Script program of Entries files. It support only Per test mode. Does not
support Global GUI map Entries.

(2) Changes in object Respository:-

Some times our application objects (or) Windows Labels are
variating depending on given i/p values w.r. to customer requirement. To define common ness on that
objects and windows labels test Engineers are following below navigation.

Tools menu  Object Repository  Select corresponding Entry  Click “Browse” 
Specify Regular Expression  Select Regular Expression option  Click “OK”.


Logical Name: Fax order NO.1 Logical Name: Fax order NO.1
{ {
Class: Window Class: Window
Label: “Fax order No.1” Label: “Fax order No. [0.9]”
} }

(4) Virtual object Wizard:-

Some times the QTP is not able to recognize objects and windows in our
application build .Due to the utilization of Advanced Technologies/Unknown Technologies. To recognize
that type of object also forcibly. Test Engineers we can follow below navigation.

Navigation :-
Tools menu  Virtual object  New virtual object  Click “Next”  Select expected
type depending on the nature of that non recognized object  Click “Next”  Mark that non recognized
object area  Click “Next “after conformation  Specify logical Name to that virtual object  Say
yes/no to create multiple Virtual objects  Click “Finish”.

QTP maintains Virtual objects information in a storage area is called virtual object manager.

(5) Objects Identification:-

Some times our application build windows consist of more than one objects
as similar. To distinguish this type of objects in test execution. Test Engineer’s are directing QTP with
object identification option in tools menu.



Navigation :-
Tools menu  Object identification  Select object type  Select MSWID (windowId)
as assistive property  Click “OK”.

Windows operating system is maintaining ID’s for Every two objects in our application build.

Logical Name: OK Logical Name: OK-1

{ {
Class: Pushbutton Class: Push button
Label: “OK” Label: “OK”
MSWID: “xxxx” MSWID: “xxxx”
} }


This concept is equal to exceptional handling win Runner. Test
Engineers are using this concept. To recover form abnormal situation while running test.

QTP allow you to create 4 types of recovery scenario such as

(1) POPUP:- To Skip unwanted window (popup means  Close window)

(2) Object state: To Recover build depending on properties of object (Ex. Status bar)

(3) Test Run Error: To Recover from VB script Runtime

(4) Application Crash: - To open build when that build crashed.

We can follow below steps to create recovery scenario w.r.t our application builds.

Select type of Recovery Scenario

Define Abnormal Situation in our application build

Select Recovery solution

Define Post Recovery to continue remaining test Execution

Save Recovery Scenario for Future Reference..

Navigation to Create recovery Scenario:-

Tools menu  Recovery Scenario manage  Click “New”
Scenario icon  Click “Next”  Select Scenario Type  Click “Next”  Enter required details to
define Abnormal situation  Click “Next”  Select Recovery type  Enter required details to recover
from Abnormal situation  Click “Next “  Select Post Recovery type continue remaining test
Execution  Click “Next”  Enter Scenario Name for future reference  Click “Finish”.

Scenario Type :-
Any problem related to build defined through 4 types of Scenario’s.

(1) Pop up Window:-

To delete unwanted window which opened during the test run?

(2) Object state :

To define problem depending on properties of values of object.

(3) Test Run Error:-

To define problem using Runtime Errors w.r.t VB Script.
(4) Application Crash:-
To define problem when an open application build fails during the test Run.

Recovery Type:-
QTP allows you to define 4 Types of recoveries to recover from above defined Scenario
(or) problems.

(a) Key board or Mouse Operation :- To defined Recovery

(b) Close Application process: To defined Recovery (Ex :EndTask)

(c) Function call :- To defined Recovery using Reusable actions in QTP

(d) Restart Microsoft windows:- To define Recovery.

Post Recovery Types :-

After Recovery form specified problem during Test Run QTP allows you to
Select Post Recovery Types for remaining test execution. There are 6 Types of Post recoveries such as.

(1) Repeat current step and continue.

(2) Proceed to Next Step
(3) Proceed to Next action (or) Component iteration (Ex batch test)
(4) Proceed to Next test iteration means loop (Ex. Data driven test)
(5) Restart current test Run
(6) Stop the test Run.

NOTE 1:- QTP allows you to Export and Import VB Script programs using ZIP process (To store VB
Script programs with less amount of space in disk)

NOTE 2: - QTP allows you to Rename Actions in VB Script programs one Action means is a program (or)
Path of Program

NOTE 3:- To remove repetation in VB Script statement we can use “With” statement.

Navigation: - Edit menu  Apply “With” statement to Script

• Remove with Statement is also possible.

NOTE4:- Book Marks for Mark in Running

NOTE 5:- Check points are comparing tester given Expected value with Project Actual. But output value
statements are returning output state of object without any comparison.

NOTE 6: QTP test allows you to divide one VB Script program into multiple actions.

Navigation:- Insert menu  call to New Action

NOTE 7:- QTP 8.2 is supporting Win Runner launching to Run TSL programs. Wise versa is not possible.

Navigation: - Insert menu  call to Win Runner  Test (or) Function

NOTE 8:- QTP allows you to calculate VB Script execution time using Start and End Transaction point.

Navigation :- Insert menu  Start Transaction

NOTE 9:- QTP allows you to debug VB Script program (F11) as short key.

Navigation: - Debug menu

NOTE 10:- QTP Supports quality center S/W to save VB Script program permanently.

NOTE 11: Object spy used by test Engineer’s to identify reorganization of object (or) window.

Navigation: - Tools menu  Object Spy


During web functionality testing, Test Engineers are concentrating on more
coverage’s than generate application functionality testing such as Links Coverage and Static Test

To automate these two coverage’s, Test Engineer’s are using below check points in QTP


Coverage WinRunner7.0 QTP 8.2

HTML Links GUI Check point Standard check point

(Text link, image Link)

XML Links NOT Applicable XML Checkpoint

Static text Coverage “get text “ option Text checkpoint ,Text area check

NOTE 1:- To automate functionality test in web pages we can select web option in Add- In-Manager

NOTE 2:- During Website testing, development team and testing team are working in an offline mode
(offline means Local host (or) Local network)

NOTE 3: QTP is restricting record and own test on specified web site if required.

NOTE 4:- If you create check point on link object, QTP maintains below VB Script maintains.

Browser (“Browser Name”).page (“Page Name”).Link (“Link Name”).check
check point (“checkpoint Name”)
NOTE 5:- Win Runner allows Links testing at one link levels (or) cell Links Levels (or) Page Links level.

QTP supports one Link Level or page Links Level.

NOTE 6: QTP Provides Fitter links check in Page Level testing to apply. Check point on all links (or)
Selected links in page.

Statement: Browser (“Browser Name”).Page (“Page name”).Check Checkpoint (“Checkpoint Name”)

NOTE 7: To conduct testing on content of web page, Test engineer’s are using text check point (or) text
area check point.
These Check point allows you to apply below test on that selected test.


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