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aram righteous anger

atcha personal honor

atchot to look someone in the eye

avrahk sehn fog riders
non-commital agreement,
ban "yeah"
cazhaak draal stonelands
chaat'oor "defiler"
chib boss or big man
"there is strength in honoring
Chit guulen pamuut ran sacrifice"
cho informal agreement, "yes"

daashor goblin artificer

dar "the People"
Darguun "land of the People"
duur'kala dirge singer
duur'shaarat blade of sorrows
gaa'ma "wax babies"
gaanu duur daughter of the dirge

gaa'taat someone of low status

gath'atcha without honor
ghaal mighty
ghaal'dar mighty people
ghaal'duur mighty dirge
golin quick

golin'dar "quick people", the goblin race

gurrthau patience
guul strong
guula'khesh silent master
il'khesh silent eye
itaa attack!
ja'khor black bloods
ja'shaarat bright blade
"a sharp sword hurts less when
je'shaarat mi pa kotanaa you fall on it"
kaas five, hand, we
kech shaarat bladebearers
kech volaar wordbearers
khaar draguus blood of the dragon
khaar mbar'ost red house
khaari skuurz'taat bloody pathetic drunkard

khaavolaar a curse
traditional goblin stringed
kiirin instrument
korluaat hero's blood
lhesh high warlord
lhesh shaarat warlord's sword
lhevk warlord
lhevket elder warlord
lhevk-rhu skilled warlord
lhikor warblade
lhurusk war leader
maabet a curse
marguul warrior kings
marhu emperor
matshuc zaal stolen fortress
mazo strong "yes"
mula'duur bringers of sorrow
honor in doing one's job
muut properly
noon starchy grain

olhirot spear bearer or spear catcher

orces orc
paaldaask "spell warrior"

paatcha to offer honor

"the story stops but never
raat shan gath'kal dor ends"
raat shi anaa "the story continues"
rhu skilled or experienced
rhukaan taash razor crown
roo friendly stranger
saa a greeting
saa'atcha it is a pleasure to meet you
shaarat'khesh silent knives
shaarat'kor scarlet blade
shaarul dull blade
sweet bun filled with honey
shaat'aar cream

shava "sword brother"

"even an emperor must think
shii marhu polto huuntad ka twice when looking into the
ruuska atchot eye of a tiger"
bugbear canine tooth lashed
shusk to a stick
skai shaarat great blade
taarka'khesh silent wolves
someone much lower in status
taat than the speaker
tar'khesh silent hand
thradaask shock trooper
toh beware
tohiish dangerous
tsash ghaal'dar "strength to your arms"
tuuv to buy or own
tuuvoto slave
ulvregt bathach great hunter
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
The Goblin Language (WotC website)

The Goblin Language (WotC website)

elite mounted goblinoid unit Forge of War

Killing Song
Eberron Campaign Setting
used for non-native races to Khorvaire The Goblin Language (WotC website)
used colloquially to refer to taller races Killing Song

goblin expression The Goblin Language (WotC website)

The Goblin Language (WotC website)
largely forgotten profession from the time of the
Dhakaani empire, usually male Killing Song
collective word for the goblinoid races The Goblin Language (WotC website)
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
bard of the Kech Volaar Heirs of Dhakaan (Dragonshards: WotC website)
Sharn: City of Towers
derogatory term for changelings Killing Song
equivalent to duur'kala The Goblin Language (WotC website)
extreme insult suggesting that someone is less than a
child The Goblin Language (WotC website)
form of apology or insult The Goblin Language (WotC website)
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
Eberron Campaign Setting
Eberron Campaign Setting
also means "smart" to goblins The Goblin Language (WotC website)

the word "goblin" is a bastardization of "golin'dar" The Goblin Language (WotC website)
Explorer's Handbook
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
council elder of the Shaarat'khesh Monastic Orders (Dragonshards: WotC website)
spy of the Shaarat'khesh Monastic Orders (Dragonshards: WotC website)
Killing Song
mercenary gang in Sharn Sharn: City of Towers
Sharn: City of Towers

goblin expression The Goblin Language (WotC website)

The Goblin Language (WotC website)
Eberron Campaign Setting
Eberron Campaign Setting
lake of fire/magma under Sharn Sharn: City of Towers
literally "blood-colored fortified dwelling" Eberron Campaign Setting
Killing Song
derived from khaar volaar, meaning "blood of the
word" Killing Song

dates to the Dhakaani Empire The Goblin Language (WotC website)

strong alcoholic beverage City of Towers
rank equivalent of general (only held by Haruuc) Eberron Campaign Setting
suitable only for the greatest heroes The Goblin Language (WotC website)
rank equivalent of lieutenant Forge of War
rank equivalent of colonel Forge of War
rank equivalent of captain Forge of War
rank equivalent of corporal Forge of War
rank equivalent of sergeant Forge of War
ancient goblin curse with no known translation The Goblin Language (WotC website)
Eberron Campaign Setting
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
Forge of War
used when discussing plans Killing Song
assassins of the Shaarat'khesh Monastic Orders (Dragonshards: WotC website)

The Goblin Language (WotC website)

staple of goblin diet The Goblin Language (WotC website)

rank equivalent of private Forge of War

Killing Song
a spell caster The Goblin Language (WotC website)

compliment or, when directed at troops, a command The Goblin Language (WotC website)

traditional ending to legends Killing Song

traditional opening to stories The Goblin Language (WotC website)
suffix added to rank to indicate prestige Forge of War
largest Ghaal'dar clan Eberron Campaign Setting
plural is rooz Killing Song
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
Dhakaani clan of monks Player's Guide to Eberron
title of Haruuc, sometimes used as an oath Eberron Campaign Setting
lowest rank of the Shaarat'khesh Monastic Orders (Dragonshards: WotC website)

popular goblin dessert in Sharn The Goblin Language (WotC website)

someone a warrior trusts with his life, involves
expectations and duties The Goblin Language (WotC website)
goblin expression The Goblin Language (WotC website)

Explorer's Handbook
Player's Guide to Eberron
wolf riding Dhakaani clan Heirs of Dhakaan (Dragonshards: WotC website)

derogatory, used as an insult Killing Song

fighting monk of the Shaarat'khesh Monastic Orders (Dragonshards: WotC website)
rank equivalent of private Forge of War
goblin warning The Goblin Language (WotC website)
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
a greeting City of Towers
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
The Goblin Language (WotC website)
elite Ghaal'dar mercenary unit Forge of War

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