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7.1 The Reynolds number, pVD/y, is a very important pa- rameter in fluid mechanics. Verify that the Reynolds mumber is dimensionless, using both the FLT system and the MLT system for basic dimensions, and determine its value for water (at 70 °C) flowing ata velocity of 2 m/s through a 1-in.-diameter pipe. ovo . (eet VET Ve) 2 peyere Reynolds number = (= FIT a MAT ML"T for water at 10°C, w= Kove x10" WS and 7m p= FIT8 3f (Table 8.2 si Appendus) . Thus, , pve. (9708 £8, (2 2) a a Nes00 Sa EAP OFT aa a / HOw? x lo 5 = 423 x/0 x S 7.2 What are the dimensions of density, pressure, spe- irface tension, and dynamic viscosity in (a) em and (b) the MLT system? Compare your re sults with those given in Table 1.1 in Chapter 1 : a : geass ee ae eae) density = i Zs tore EF = Metre 2 MoM area Le ca ~ 0 unit volume u (Pressure* weight = unit volume “2 Ys specific weight = = iy = HE = surface tension = et ‘ign - Dr Jee dynam viscosity = stress FE 3b, , Me Velocity gradient Tr Tr LT Thus, (a) tn the FLT system, (b) th The MILT system, ae pee? 73 7.3. Forthe flow ofa thin film ofa liquid with e depth and a fee surface, two important dimensionless parameters are the Froude number, V/V, and the Weber number, pVh/o. De- termine the value ofthese two parameters for glycerin (at 20°C) flowing with a velocity of 0.5 m/s ata depth of 2 mm. (981 %)(o.tem) 65 F 357 ave ign Z 6.33 eo? pvth . (1260 3h los #) (ocor) | aS ~ 14 18 Fig. P7.4. The frequency of sloshing, «, is assumed to be a function of the acceleration of gravity, g, the average depth of the water, h, and the length of the tank, €. Develop a suit- able set of dimensionless parameters for this problem using Water sloshes back and forth in a tank as shown in g and € as repeating variables w=f(3,4, 4) wet gout hel £51 From the pi theorem, 4-2=2 dimensionless Parameters reguired « Use g ana kh as repeating variables , Thus. ’ ne wgtn? ae) ae Gee se thal orn (Gr L) he 1) a ae Lt fllows tht a= -'lz, b= V2 , and therefore m= oo |E Check dimensions: Lye °T : = "OK w\e2 z lo 7 i ° 2 & fr Thi eh 30° ge [+ atb=0 Ger L) —24a50 Cor T) Lt follows tat a=0, b=-1, and therebre ned 2° % and Ty #3 ebviously dimensionless, Thus, w= 4 B) 4 Ts 7.5 Assume that the power, 9, required to drive a fan is a function of the fan diameter, D, the fluid density, p, the rotational speed, w, and the flowrate, Q. Use D, «, and p as repeating variables to determine a suitable set of pi terms P= £( DP, 0, Q) Pz FLT" DAL psectr® wer our From The pé theorem , 5-3=2 pi terms reguired- Use. D,@, and a as repeating variables. Thus, bee TF C D*w p and Crete) (ry (eur) = FLT So Thai 1+0=0 (fer F) 1 +& ~#0520 (er L) ~/-6 #200 (for T) Lt follows Thet @=-5, b=-3, C#-/, and Therbre Ge "1" ape Check dimensions using MLT system : @ . _mlzr? = ler? ok 3 p ofa? “(ue Va) fr Ti? The @ D*aie® Csr) oY eer) 2 Pure cz0 (fr F) 3ra-#ero (fr L) ~/-b +2070 Cher T) (Cont ) 7S ZS (cont ) Lt fellows That a=-3, b=~-l, C=0, and Merefore - —@ 2 D3 Check dimensions using MLT system - 3qet oa: tts tr? ok Dw = (L)° (7) Thus, —S. “4 a ) 7-6 H 7.6 Ibis desired to determine the wave height when wind blows across a lake. The wave height, Mf, is assumed to be a function of the wind speed, V; the water density, p, the ait density, pq. the water depth, d, the distance from the shore, 6, and the acceleration of gravity, g, as shown in Fig. P76 Use d, V, and p as repeating variables to determine a suit. able set of pi terms that could be used to describe this problem, m FIGURE P7.6 Met YE 2,4, 0, 3) wil VELT parte? geretr® del hel gale? From The pi theorem, 7-3 = 4 pi terms required. Use A, Vi and p as repeating variables. Thus, ns Hatvia® ana Mayle) ser) (pert?) = FLT So That Ae (for F) i +arh—4e=0 Chr L) —b +2020 Ger T) TF filews that a2-1, 6-0, €=0, and Therehre # Uy 7 Which 13 ebvieusly diinensionless. hr 7, * c m= Q atvp oe Cetra ar Yer): PUT Ger Fr) (hr L) Chr T) [4 e70 pas) etl a L-br2ze =0 Lt follows that azo, b=0, we - Which is cbviously dimension less. (cont) 7-7 [ze] (Con't) for Tx: r 3 T= 2 Atv *pS ann as fr W,, as-l, b=0, C=0 50 That 3° Por Wy: 4,¢ me gd Va (er adr’ Gey ss PLT C20 for F) l+artvh — 4050 Gr L) 2-6 +2020 (fr 7) tt follows Tut @= | b=-2, C=0, ana Therefre me 34 + Ve Check climensions : arty) ~ AT7VHD «jr + ok a ar)» a ° Thus 2 £ ga aa (4 a? is) 7a: 7.7 The pressure rise, Ap, across a pump can be expressed as Ap = f(D, p. , Q) where D is the impeller diameter. p the fluid den- sity, @ the rotational speed, and Q the flowrate. Determine a suitable set of dimensionless param- eters. 2 Hee bps ee bel ps ret wet gxlirt From the pi theorem, 5-3 = 2 pi terms reguired. Use Df and Ww as repeating variables. Thus, Te ApD*p%a ¢ and re oe Cre (Pe Cr) a PLT It bz0 Gor F) ~2 +a ~45 (hr l) 2b-¢ =0 er 7) St follows That a2 -2, b= -1, ¢=-2 , ana there bre m= 2 i” Deoet Check dimensions usiiig MLT system * APs ME"T™ os eT? sok Diee — (4)? luk ir-)* For ™% abe R= PD pw (L37-Yl)* (p2-¥7*) (p= PLT? b=o (hr F) 3p 4-#b=0 Ofer L) =142b-¢=0 (for T) Tt follows Mat a=-3, b= 0, C=-I, and Therebre = Check dimensions using Mut system * OD = kT. = yyero Ok i 2 Bry 7 Me ve Thus, sth +4 GE) de 78 7.8 The drag. ©, on a washer shaped plate placed normal to a stream of fuid can be ex- pressed as @ = fd dr, Vs we) where d; is the outer diameter, d; the inner di- ameter, V the fluid velocity, u the fluid viscosity, and p the fluid density. Some experiments are to be performed in a wind tunnel to determine the drag. What dimensionless parameters would you use to organize these data? Oar Azl abel Vet tre _- From the pi theorem, 6-3=3 pi terms reguired . Use dV, and p as repeating variables. Thus, 2 hoe me Ba Ve ley) * lar) (extr4) *= FLT* so that 1+ C=0 (fr F) ath-#c=0 (hr L) —b+2¢=0 a) Lt follows Mat a=-2, b=-2, 67-1, and terebre 4 i ave Check dimensions using MLT system: a 4 : MLT 4s = MLT? apvie | h) rT (ae) ee en Gen a or Th Ths oa (cya)* (ar)? (Futr 3) 6 = Fel eT qo (hr F) [tarbh— #0=0 Chr Ll) ~ brteco Chr 7) (cont) qle TE (cont ) Lt fellows That |a@=-l, 520, 670, and Therefre - a Ta a, which is obviously dimensionless . for T° @ Ts Ad ecaa Tg ig) a ala) = eal ee (te =0 (hr F) -d tats ~#0=0 (hr L) (bh 720 56 (for T) Lt follows That a=-!, b*-1, 02-1, and Therefore 3° Uvp Check dimensions using MLT system © ae) FA HET aye ne a, Ve CL) T"') (A) Thas, = 4 , Le ) tn give a’ a, Vp Since PVA is a standard dimensionless parameter (Reynolds number), Eg. (1) would more commonly be ex pressed as vd: -4 (4, 4) ts As far as dimensional analysis 13 concerned , Egs. 0) Iy ,*f ena (2) gre eguwvalent. a TH 77 19 Under certain conditions, wind blowing past a rec~ tangular speed limit sign can cause the sign to oscillate with ‘LLMIT a frequency w (See Fig. P7,9 and Video V9.6.) Assume that @ is a function of the sign width, b, sign height, A, wind ve- locity, V, air density, p, and an elastic constant, &, for the supporting pole. The constant, k, has dimensions of FL, De- velop a suitable set of pi terms for this problem. cox f(b, 4,V, 6b) "FIGURE P7.9 wer! bel Ash vslT" psrly* AFFL From the pi theorem 6-3= 3 pi terms reguired. Use bY, and p as repeating variables, Thus, = wb Vioe a ore pM aT Cort) = FUT so Tht a (Ly F) a+b -40=0 (Ar L) —|-b +20 =0 Chr 7) Lt follows tut a1, 5=-1, 6=0, and therehre wb me Check dimeassens : (TOL) 2 UT? Ok ve Ar Th: m= 4b Vip (4 (0)* Cer)? (FET) = pees @=0 fr F) | tath-H¥Cro for +) ~ 520 =0 Chr TD Lt bllows That @=-], 50, C=0, ana there bre me A 6 which 13 Obviously climenspaless Ge) 7-12 77 Ceent ) For TTs* Tz: he by ps Creeye(Lr-)* (rer?) SS FLT l4+¢=0 (Lr F) I+tatb-4e =o (for L) ~b+2¢ =o (fer T) It follows Wat Q=-3, b*-2,C=-1, and Therebre och 1 ~ $3 VP Check dimensens using MLT system: AMT? Lepore Soo FL “0 By > (eye) eee ce Thus, wh 4 (4 k 7.10 The velocity, c, at which pressure pulses travel through arteries (pulse-wave velocity) is a function of the artery diameter, D, and wall thick- ness, h, the density of blood, p, and the modulus of elasticity, £, of the arterial wall. Determine a set of nondimensional parameters that can be used to stucy experimentally the relationship be- ‘tween the pulse-wave velocity and the variables listed. Form the nondimensional parameters by inspection. c2LT77 OFL Rak = FutT* ES Fee From the pe theorem , 5-3=2 pi terms reguired. By imspechon, for T (containing c) ¢ & Mar MeuT) FeLere (FL3) we Cle a ve Check using MLT: , 4 WE 2 fer) VE (eT 2 MPL T? 0K For Th let 2 oa which 1s obviously dimensionless. Thus, eZ -+(4) 714 TAL 7.11 Assume that the drag, 9, on an aircraft flying at supersonic speeds is a function of its, velocity, V, fluid density, p, speed of sound, c, anda series of lengths, f,,.. . , £4, which describe the geometry of the aircraft. Develop a set of pi terms that could be used to investigate experi- mentally how the drag is affected by the various factors listed. Form the pi terms by inspection, B= FO, p 6,4 he) oe ———— «== From the pi theorem, Ueri)-3 = Iet pl terms veguired, where LS The number of length terms (1'=4 2, 4,e4.). By inspection , for Ti if Confemng 8): eee m= Fae (eer Mary) Check using MLT ¢ oO _ MALT = MpLPT? on pve — Gar?ir-')*()* ~ For 1, (containing c) : ¢ - <= v ee ce and both ave obviously dimensionless . For all other pt terms contenrig Ap Foyer? .2 Ae wd and these terms inveling The £5 are obviously dimensionless. Th us, yey =¢(¥, 4) pris 8 le) Rr! where Le 5 series of pi terms, As | ds ete. h ae 7 rs qai2s 7.42 Asshown in Fig. P7.12 and Video V5.4, a jet of lig- uid directed against a block can tip over the block: Assune thatthe velocity, V, needed to tip over the block is a func- tion of the uid density, p, the diameter of the jet, D, the weight ofthe block, W, the width of the block, b, and the distance, d, between the jet and the bottom of te block. (a) Determine a set of dimensionless parameters for this prob- Jem, Form the dimensionless parameters by inspection, (b) : i Use the momentum equation to determine an equation for Vin terms of the other variables, (e) Compare the results of B FIGURE P7.12 pasts (a) and (b), (a) v= £ (p, 0,W, bd) pent p2ee*T* p2l W2F bel del From the pi Theorem , 6-3 = 3 pi terms refuired . By ispectien for tt, (contains rv) m= V0 2 = rl) (=) © PLT Check using MLT? = . yo z= ria fZE) 2 nr 7 Bor 7, let 4 ne 2 7 d ana fer TR e 3° 5 Gnd beth Tr 4nd Ty are ebviously dimension less , Thus, volZ = 44, $) k bl () For impending tppiig aveuna 0 o = M, =e So lat Fd=W(2) w oO (ont) 7-16 712 Ctent) From momentum considerations asing The CV shown S Win (Uy, -,) = & Fe t where tm =PAV and 470 Se That cv ev7A = F is Thus, from Fg.) vO P (pvtA)(a) = 20 (4) so tnat 1 ye be (b) \° Zpad oe | ana with A= Th D* ye [2 b (2) pd D® C6) From part Ca) a d v= (44 (3.4) &9.(2) can be written as ve \Z% (VIG) “) Lt follows by Comparing Egs, (2) ana (3) Mat $ (2,8) B® so tat (3,2) ss actually independent of 2. 77 7.13 The buoyant force, Fy, acting on a body submerged in a fluid is a function of the specific weight, 7, of the fluid and the volume, ¥, of the body. Show, by dimensional analysis, that the buoyant force must be directly proportional to the specific weight. f= £(e,%) At F yee? #21? From the pi theorem, 3-2=! pi tem reguired- By inspection : fo FE we 3 = foe (ye = gpg) = ** Check using MLT* Fos Mere MeL? 7? : ok Th oar Ue) Since There 1s only | pe term, it follows That gz poe 1G xe where Cis @ constant. Thus, erg aad Bx ¥ 7-18 TALE 7.14 The viscosity, #2, of a liquid can be measured by determining the time, f, it takes for a sphere of diameter, d, to settle slowly through a distance, €, in a vertical cylinder of diameter, D, containing the liquid (see Fig. P7.14). As- sume that 1=f(6,4,D,n, Ay) where Ay is the difference in specific weights between the sphere and the liquid. Use dimensional analysis to show how is related to 1, and describe how such an apparatus might be used to measure viscosity. . . @ FIGURE P7.14 tsp f2L 0 det bel are Re? ge iT From ‘The pi Theorem, 6-3 = 3 pi'derms veguired . By In2pection Ar 1, Ceonteinig ): E4YA . CMF) © popere BO Tecepy 7 PLT Ww Check ussi J eck using MLT Eads METI y yapape oo gp Caer) “ Por Th, (containing D): 2 mr Which 18 obviously dimensionless , hr 1 Ceontainis 2) a : Ta7 which 1s obviously dimensionless. Thus, 4 . 4atd . g(2,4) ana for « fiked geometry £4td ec where CB @ Constant, or 2 daxt = C det Cc & Constant for a fixed geometry. Thus, hr Me G bet Q) The tonstant C, tan be determiied by tal bratiey wih « Plat of Anown Vistesrly, byte C, Rnewn the Vseesty of other Fluids Cam be dekermned Through & megsuvement of The tiie & ri Conjunchon with Bg li). where C= A c this device 7-14 Zi 7.1S* The pressure drop across a short hol- lowed plug placed in a circular tube through which a liquid is flowing (see Fig. P7.15) can be expressed as Ap = f(p, V, Dd) Plot the results of these tests, using suitable di- mensionless parameters, on log-log graph paper. Use a standard curve-fitting technique to deter- mine a general equation for Ap. What are the limits of applicability of the equation? where p is the fluid density, and V is the mean velocity in the tube. Some experimental data ob- tained with D = 0.2 ft, p = 2.0 slugs/ft’, and V = 2 ft/s are given in the following table: a(t) Ap (Ib/t FIGURE P7.15 veLT" pek dS From the pj Theorem, 5-3 =2 pi terms reguired: By inspection for 1, ( containing Sp) * oe Ce ys Check using MLT* a “Ap 2 MET PYe (ager? V(LT- For ly, (containing Dand a)! rm: F z (which % obviously dimenstenless ). Thus, 4+ #(3) Ape FLA ps FLT? FL? Fer? CPT LTH) = MeL*7? 1 Ok PY Fr The data given: D/d 2.50 433 A log-log plot of These data i shown on the following page Cont) 97-20 1a Since The data plot as a straight line on a (e4-loy plot, The eguatioa tor The data is of The form A 1, = 27 where 11,= Mp/2V? and z= D/d. A power law #)# of The data gives As 0.505 ant b=594 i 397 Thi epuaten ts applicable over The range of dete 1.334 BS 333. 7-21 716 7.16 A liquid flows with a velocity V through ~ a hole in the side of a large tank. Assume that V = f(h, 8. p90) where A is the depth of fluid above the hole, g is the acceleration of gravity, p the fluid density, V (m/s) hk (m) Plot these data by using appropriate dimension- less variables. Could any of the original variables have been omitted? 4.43 | 5.42 | 6.25 | 7.00 1.50 | 2.00 | 2.50 and the surface tension. The following data were obtained by changing h and measuring V, with a fluid having a density = 10° kg/m? and surface tension = 0.074 Nim. Hoe veer Rel gilt? sat over! From The pi Theorem, S-3= 2 pi terms vegured. By inspection for 1 ( tontamins vy): vo: Lr! 3 ere m2 “Ss 40 = pz Vek tar ti* For T, (conkinng and 0): ae -# “AL, 2/2 ro me Pek, Geter". pep rc FL Check MLT: 2 eck using aah baer VL)? gener? ok F mr * Thus Vv dZ a —~ =: 2 (ge ¢ (4) Por the data given: egh'/c| 3.3ixio" | 13.3 x10 | 24.8x10" | saoxwt | 929x0°| VAVEh 141 | Lae 141 18 14 12 1 Mae ga 06 04 02 ° hal | Av Can = o 10 «42 30 40 50 60 70 8 90 The graph and table show that V/Igh 1s wndependent of Pgh’ /o- Thus, the variables p_and 7 could have been onutted. 7-22 FIT *7.17 As shown in Fig. 2.16, Fig. P7.17, and Video 2.0 0.10 0.833 V2.7, a rectangular barge floats in a stable ‘configuration 4.0 0.10 0.833 provided the distance between the center of gravity, CG, of 20 0.20 o4i7 the object (boat and load) and the center of buoyancy, C. is 40 0:20 0.17 less than a certain amount, H. If this distance is greater than 2.0 0.35 0.238 A, the boat will tip over. Assume Hf is a function of the 40 035 0.238 boat's width, b, length, & and draft, h. (a) Put this rela- tionship into dimensionless form. (b) The results of a set of experiments with a model barge with a width of 1.0 m are shown in the table, Plot these data in dimensionless form and determine a power-law equation relating the dimensionless parameters, = FIGURE P7.17 (a) Hz £(b 2,4) From the pé theorem, ¥-I = 3 pi terms reguived . By inspection A 2g 7 4 6 Zs ) All of the Pi Perms are obviiusly dimensionless. (4) For the dela given, tabulated values for Hb, h/y, ana &/o are shown below, bio Hib a (= Fe | 010 © 0.833 4.0 020 © 0.417 20 | 020 «0417 840 | (oes) = 0.206) 201 | 035 «0238 4.0 | | 0.00 0.10 020 0.30 040 An inspects of these cate reveals thet H/b does not clepend on L/p, 0.0, the same value of Hlb 4s obtamied for different values of £/. Thus, $= 4(4) and from tre plt of the deta, usuig a power-law eguaton loo 4 = 0.0933(4) 9-23 DARE 7.18 The pressure drop, Ap, over a certain length of hor- iomtal pipe is assumed 10 be a function of the velocity, V, of the fluid inthe pipe, the pipe diameter, D, and the fluid density and viscosity, p and y. (a) Show that this flow can be described in dimensionless form as a “pressure coefi- cient,” G, = Ap/(OS pV?) that depends on the Reynolds number, Re = pVDij.(b) The following data were obtained in an experiment involving a fluid with p = 2 slugs/t, = 2X 10 Ib-v, and D = 0.1 ft Plot a dimensionless graph and use a power law equation to determine the fune- tional relationship between the pressure coefficient and the Reynolds number. €) What are the limitations on the ap- plicabilty of your equation obtained in part (5)? (a) 4p= £(4,0,2 -) Op2Pe* VFlT" pel ese ye (Je POT From the pj theorem, 5-3= 2 pi terms reguirea By saspection for TI, -2 A = Fe ST? Ms a a PPT? 1. OK 1” py Crete > ; Check using MLT system? Ap, Ie MeleT? 1. ok PV” (Mea)(iT)* For Te: wie (eet TT au) PLT Check usiig MLT system : PVP 2 MeBVOT Hs Wer ox & Cae Thus, 4p. F (/eve ant Ft (4) Since 4 is an unknown functor, @ Factor of 05 Can be jneluded ih TT, Cif desired ) so Mat Ab ip pre espy* (ee ) Thus, Cp = 4 (Pe) there Gy ti The pressure coefficient and Re The Reynolds num ber. Coon t) 7-24 7/3* Clon t) (6) Usiig tre data quen, c= AP = _4P ss 4p POG — 5)(a Hem) Vv v? ean PYP = (ee Ly) (0.1) _ ov es bs 2xor Be Tabulatea values for G and Pe and a4 plot of the data are shown behuw. Vis Apps Re. cp 3 492 300 21.3 1" 704 1100 5.82 7 1090 1700S 3.77 20 1280 © 2000 3.20 ST a) g 2580 | | 8 20 | | Bg 160 | e@° 100 7 co & 00 | 0 = 800 1000-1500 2000 ©2500 Reynolds number, Re The powr law relationship i _ 638 ; Cpt “ee ” (¢) Based on The variables Used ank the given date , the ernpirical Velatonship, EZ.) , would only be applicable ji the Regnolds number range 300% Re < Loco Mote: Al though The equation tmignt be valid outvide this range, results Should not- be extrapolated beyond “ne range of déta used. 1-25 7.19 The time, 1, ittakes to pour a certain volume of liq- uid from a cylindrical container depends on several factors, including the viscosity of the liquid. (See Video V1.1.) As sume that for very viscous liquids the time it takes to pour out 2/3 of the initial volume depends on the initial liquid depth, ¢, the cylinder diameter, D, the liquid viscosity, p., and the liquid specific weight, 7. The data shown in the fol- lowing table were obtained in the laboratory. For these tests € = 45mm, D = 67 mm, and y = 9.60 kN/mn’ (a) Perform a dimensional analysis and based on the data given, deter- tine if variables used for this problem appear to be correct. Explain how you arrived at your answer. (b) If possible, de- termine an equation relating the pouring time and viscosity for the cylinder and liquids used in these tests. If it is not possible, indicate what additional information is needed w(Nvm’) | | 17 | 39 tt {102 13) 13 ees 29 lesa eels tlt 27 £240, 4,4) (aie De a ye FL? From the pi Theorem 5-3=2 pr terms regaried. 84 saspection, or Ti, ( contaimng £) 7 ted » Fel) bh (FL-*T) Check using MLT system: m2 ok £r0 2 MMO TIVO, ge pepe Fer? + WF {OOK a” (aT) For Tle (containing £) he % Which 1s obviously dimensionless, Thus, Zrd. g(4) a) For the data given $= Som =0.b12 (a constut). Thus, From E901) with 4/D a eonstant rt follows That BaP = Constant. For the data given: (cont ) 7-2 TAF Ceen'Z > EXP | 977] 97 # | 7 874 | sx5 872 Since 1, ts essentially constant over The range of the experimental data the variables used for the problem appear te be correct. tL) The average value for TT, 1s 874 30 thet EXD og 7y There Gna oe ‘ine he 914 aD (Bax (cr ) t= Lab with tin seconds when fm is ta ums of M5 Jon? Note that This restricted eguation 13 only valed for “p= 0.672, D* b2mm, and ¥* F.60kN Joy? wits 2/3 ef The Inihal volume being poured. 27 2£0 7.20 SAE 20 ol at 60°F is pumped through 2 3-i-diameter pipeline at a rate of $700 gal/min. A model of this pipeline is to be designed using a 2-in.diameter pipe and water at 60 °F as the working fuid, To maintain Reynolds number similarity between these two systems, what fluid velocity will be required in the model? For Feynolds number similarity , Yn Pm, YD Yn wv or y.Rey = Vv 2 wn Since, 0 © aren. and a! \ (23) ine Le.) ge C70 NEL) ap ey se 5 then 12.7 = so Thus, trom £3.01) “5 42 Vy (1.21 216° £7) (344) (ize &) (45x? £°*)(Z te) 4 721 7.21 A liguid contained in a steadily rotating cylinder with a vertical axis moves as a rigid body. In this case, as shown in Fig. P7.21 and Video V7.1, the fluid velocity, V, varies directly with the radius r so that V = rw where « is the angular velocity of the rotating cylinder. Assume that the characteristic Reynolds number for this system is based on the radius and velocity at the wall of the cylinder. (a) For a 12-in, diameter cylinder rotating with an angular velocity © = 0.4 radis calculate the Reynolds number if the liquid has a kinematic viscosity of ()) 0.33 ft/s or (ii) 0.33 X 10"? £%¥s, (b) Ifthe cylinder were suddenly stopped, would ‘you expect the motion of the liquids to be similar for the mS FIGURE P7.21 ‘wo liquids of part (a)? Explain, Do the results shown in the Video V7.1 support your conclusions? (ay Ree PER = VR where Ri The radus. id fee Gwlk . Ro ba lo4 F)_ (01 #) Vv ° yy VE) () For Vs 0.33, Re OIFZ) OBrZ) (0) For V= 0.331 HE, Re = = 303 (2) As tndicated in Table 7.1, the Reynelds number 13 an index of the ratio of Te inertia force on a fluid element to the vistous force on the element. For zmall Re, such as th (L) above, viscous Forces are deminant so when the rotating “cylinder shps The Fluid steps. However, for larger Re, such asin ('C) above, inertia forces are dominant 30 when The rotating Cylindey steps The Fluid eeps rotating fr a short penbid of time. Thus, The motion of the Jiguics Is not similar dor The tho Niguids of part ca). No. The results shown on Video V7.1 support This conclusion, Yes. ee 7.22 The design of a river model is to be based on Froude number similarity, and a river depth of 3 m is to correspond to ‘a model depth of 100 mm. Under these conditions what is the prototype velocity corresponding to a model velocity of 2 m/s? For Froude number similarity, Vom v V fom Vad where d is the Flu! depth. Thus, 24 VY, TS and with 874m = |/4 = [/3m mM) = m Vs on Vo 0./00m (2) = ies 7-30 723 7.23. The fluid dynamic characteristics of an airplane flying at 240 mph at 10,000 ft are to be investigated with the aid of a 1:20 scale model. If the model tests are to be performed in 3 ‘wind tunnel using standard air, what is the required air velocity in the wind tunnel? Is this a realistic velocity? For dynamic similarity, The Reynolds numbr must be the same fer model and prototype. Thus, Gon bn Am PVA om a bar Ho gf 7 so Tet Sunce 2 wa asae xi” bE os (7st "sls (Tobe c.) 2374x107 = Am re Af I 2.3510" ss (Table 1.6) aud A/l,, =20, 1+ follows from 24.0) thet (3.74¢.06" 4s) (1.756% 16° slugs (3. say06T lee ) (232x10" sit) Vat (20) (240 mph) = 3950 mph No, it 15 not a realishé velocity — much teo high. 7-3] 72H 7.24 If an airplane travels at a speed of 1120 kmvr at ‘an altitude of 15 km, what is the required speed at an alti tude of 7 km to satisfy Mach number similarity? Assume the air properties correspond to those for the U.S. standard atmosphere. For Mach num ber similarity, v a (%) 4. 2 The speed of sound can be calculated trom The Spuaticn = V&RT (23. 15) and fr air, B=hHo, R= 286.9 S/4g-k . At (Skm alh tude , Win io boo ce # 273s a Jick = lable Giz) and af Tham T= 30,45 C4 ATIIS = ART (Table C2) Thus, at (Shkm altitude Scant ] liven atea (207k) = 295 % and at Thin Ca #0) (286 3 ) 42.71) = 312 # From &g.0) : c 312 na ss ) (ire *) V, =( Th. Sham ” Cee = 1180 Se 22o 7.25 The flowrate over the spillway of a dam is 27,000 10°/min, Determine the required flowrate for a 1:30 scale model that is operated in accordance with Froude number similarity For Froude number similarity, Since ‘the Flowrate , Q, 4 obtained from the velationsoip Q=VA, Where A is an appropriate cross- sectiona] area, it follows That . - Gee Yad « | (2) FY" x (4 )Garom£ ) 1733 7.26 7.2 The lift and drag developed on a hydro- foil are to be determined through wind tunnel tests using standard air. If full scale tests are to be run, what is the required wind tunnel velocity corresponding to a hydrofoil velocity in seawater of 20 mph? Assume Reynolds number similarity is required. For Reynolds number similars Vom fon. VE Yr Vv where £ is some characterishi length of the hydrot Thus, i Un = masa v Y= So and with Lfdin=! (Full scale test) | Up (57 xt) 1 Go mph) ys By = az (1.26 x10* fe") = 249 mph 7-34 727 7.21 The drag on a 2-m-diameter satellite dish due to an 80 km/hr wind is to be determined through a wind tunnel test using a geometrically similar 0.4-m-diameter model dish. Assume stan- dard air for both model and prototype. (a) At what air speed should the model test be run? (b) With all similarity conditions satisfied, the mea- sured drag on the model was determined to be 170 N. What is the predicted drag on the pro- totype dish? (ay From &%.7. 16, Reynolds number similarity is reguired. Thus, VBu VD Van Vv where DO &s the dish diameter. It follows thet - md Ym? oF BV and with Y% fpet an - Me, = (22 Vigo 5) = Hoo ten 6b) From Eg. 7.16, Lm Shae 9,” so tt (with 2-2) ae b&b: BRA me (80 48)” Cam)" (400 *%.)* (04m)? (Note tht 0 2Dy in tris problem, sirce from the condibon of Reynolds number similarity , V/V = Om [Dt This is net true in general. ) (iow) = Ion Zoe 7.28 7.28 Asillustrated in Video V7.2, models are commonly Used to study the dispersion of a gaseous pollutant from an exhaust stack located near a building complex. Similarity re- quirements for the pollutant source involve the following in- dependent variables: the stack gas speed, V, the wind speed, U, the density of the atmospheric air, p, the difference in densities between the air and the stack gas, p ~ py the ac- celeration of gravity, g, the kinematic viscosity of the stack 228, ¥», and the stack diameter, D. (a) Based on these vari- ables, determine a suitable set of similarity requirements for modeling the pollutant source. (b) For this type of model a typical length scale might be 1:200. If the same fluids were used in model and prototype, would the similarity require- ments be satisfied? Explain and support your answer with the necessary calculations. @Since v gy Lt psectr? P-g# FLAT 247% LAr pth, it follows trom the pé theorem that 7-3 = % py terms are reguived. A dimensional analysis ylelds % Po gb) and LA as & possible set of pi rims, Thus, the stinlarity rejuurements would be 1X Vin. V. Vm Dm. VP Vm? p V2 PB me Cog) Em hm Ue Jay JP Zz i (3) For and K= Yo The second similarity reguiremeat 63 Vom 200 (see abo) v However, From the Third similarity reguivement with lim = b. Vm _)/Bn T a EVE: oh This result conflicts with thet from the stead Simlanty reguirement and Therefore the similarity reguiremerts Cannot be satishéea under The stated Conditions, Ne. 7-36 7.274 7.29 As shown in Fig, P7.29, a thin, flat plate contain: ing a seties of holes is to be placed in a pipe to filter out any particles in the liquid owing through the pipe. There is some concem about the large pressure drop that may develop across, the plate, and it is proposed to study this problem with a geo- metrically similar model. The following data apply. Prototype Model d—hole diameter = 1.0 mm 2 D—pipe diameter = 50 mm 0 mm viscosity = 0,002 N-sim? = 0.002 Nes? | p—density = 1000 kg/m? 1000 kg/m? V—velocity = 0.1 m/s to 2 m/s ? (a) Ap= # Cd, D, p From the pi Theorem, 6-3> 3 dimensional analysis ysl. (6) For semilarity , aS (NF bh he | Bu Won fs Abn ‘bp ‘uaa aver PY" the ApsFL* dst pet Ae FLRT pe FL™ ye Soe. (ENE) = (a) Assuming that the pressure drop, Ap, depends on the vari- ables listed, use dimensional analysis to develop a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem. (b) Deter tine values for the model indicated in the list with a ques- ‘ion mark, What will be the pressure drop scale, Ap,/Ap? m FIGURE P7.29 bY) fe pi terms reguiredd, and a ds, d ‘b Be = #(£, Of) dm. ol Dm ~D Qnnx with the date given dn a d ‘eet 1.0m) = 0,200 mm Also, 2 py 7 and with Pm=P, Mm=M it follows That = Dy = [50mm = 5V Vom a Tone )Y 2%) = 0.500% 10.0% With tre similarity reguiremests sahstied, Mme predichan ()(5)" = 25.0 7-37 730 7.30 Atalarge fish hatchery the fish are reared in open, water-filled tanks. Each tank is approximately square in shape with curved comers, and the walls are smooth, To cre- ate motion in the tanks, water is supplied through a pipe at the edge of the tank. ‘The water is drained from the tank through an opening at the center. (See Video V7.3.) A model with a length scale of 1:13 is to be used to determine the velocity, V; at various locations within the tank. Assume that V = F(6, 6; p, wg, O) where €is some characteristic length such as the tank width, €, represents a series of other perti- nent lengths, such as inlet pipe diameter, fluid depth, etc, p is the fluid density, pis the fluid viscosity, g is the acceler- (a) bem — Se tates the Qu and Qn @ te Aon dnd be satished. No. VEL Le, p, From The py Theorem ,7-3= Cimensronal analysis yrelds ve? _ Le _Q* @ @ g (Fo ey se ) Lon om 2 Predichon eguation bs VO Ven Lo @ Qua From the Last similanty reguirement with 2. =P and yy A fm = ation’ of gravity, and Q is the discharge through the tank. (a) Determine a stable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem and the prediction equation for the velocity. If, water is to be used for the model, can all of the similarity requirements be satisfied? Explain and support your answer with the necessary calculations. (b) If the flowrate into the. full-sized tank is 250 gpm, determine the required value for the model discharge assuming Froude number similarity What model depth will correspond to a depth of 32 in. in the full-sized tank? 9) 4 pe terms reguired and a ras Thas, the similarity reguirements are ee Ged) Jom 4m 78 x a However, trom the second similarity veguwement lity Gm (dem f @ - Svice These two reguirements are si Confit it follows Theb the similarity reguirements Cannot (cont ) 138 (730) (ton't) (L) Fer Froude nurnber simi larity Ven Ve Vm bm Van a Vom = \[Eox V we Thus, From the predictien Lp uation Vb 2= Van Som @ ® ‘é follows thet ™ E 5/, Ce eee Neral lee een aa He ~ te (Se)*~ Fe (2) » (5) so that with hm fy ='/13 On? (5) (250 gpm) = 0.410 apm Note that this same result Can be obtames from the second slim larity reguirement ( thich corresponds fo Froude hum ber similarity) Since Om = __O* Ein FG ank There hre ye Om ® ) @ Geemetnz simi lan'ty reguires that tm = dé Lm or cee lon eel ¢ Ok So Tat all lengths scale as the length Seale. Thus, eal (depth), = (ae) Gepth Dproirkype = (5) (32 in) = 2.46 in 734 7.31 7.31 During a storm, a snow drftis formed behind some bushes as shown in Fig. P7.31 and Video V9.4, Assume that the height of the drift, A, is a function of the number of inches of snow deposited by the storm, d, the height of -he bush, , the width of the bush, 8, the wind speed, V, the ac celeration of gravity, g, the air density, p, the specific weight of the snow, 7 and the porosity of the bush, 7, Not that porosity is defined as the percentage of open area of the bush. (a) Determine a suitable set of dimensionless variables for this problem. (b) A storm with 30 mph winds deposits 16 in. of snow having a specific weight of 5.0 Ib/ft, A half- sized scale model bush is to be used to investigate the drift- ing behind the bush. If the air density is the same for the ‘model and the storm, determine the required specific weight of the model snow, the required wind speed for the model, and the number of inches of model snow to be deposited. Bush Bushes t egy | H m FIGURE P7.31 (@) A= £041, 6,', B, P, %, 7) nel dz sl | b2L VFLT 4 ps rets* o,3 FOR) 42 Fur? / b | 3] From the pi theorem, 9-326 pi terns required, and a dimensional analysis yields | i Ae dj b a Vv 4 ! RAS a Beet) | ara | (b) Thus, for similarity between the model ond Prototl pe bala | Tm | Wg, Ve 0 that with gm= 9 ane Hm = Vu? [BE Y= and | faa |e ea aaa ena | 732 7.32 The drag on a sphere moving in a fluid is known to be a function of the sphere diameter, the velocity, and the fluid viscosity and density Laboratory tests on a 4-in.-diameter sphere were performed in a water tunnel and some model data are plotted in Fig. P7.32. For these tests the vis- cosity of the water was 2.3 x 10~* Ib-s/ft? and the water density was 1.94 slugs/ft’, Estimate the drag on an 8-ft diameter balloon moving in air at a velocity of 3 ft/s. Assume the air to have a viscosity of 3.7 x 10-7 Ibvs/ft? and a density of Model velocity, fs 2.38 x 10~ slugs/ft’. FIGURE P7.32 Mode! drag, 10 OF (d,V, 6 1) where: A9n drags F, d~sphere diameter =L, V~ velecity 2 LT! pe Fluid density 2 FE*T? few fluid iscosity = FLAT, From the pi theorem, 5-3= 2 pi terms reguived, and 2 dimension! analysis gields LO. Vd aire (GE) Thus, Reynolds number similarity 13 reguired so tht Lan ben don = p¥A, pom x or lm pd Vom ® AE ao (4.3 x 20239010 * stew ) (38) ecdeemen eee naa / fi © (T1077 tes ) ice He) A Ge (5) OF) = 54g From the graph, for Vm = £49 45 | chy = 1.30 1b, Since Bm Pr tae Pan Von chan or y* 2 b4EBS so thet bj (a.3euie? “B&) (3) (age) (1304) = (1449 HB) (S49 Bt “GRY 4 0.274 Ib AEFI 7.33 The pressure rise, Ap, across a blast wave, as shown in Fig. P7.33, is assumed to be a function of the amount of energy released in the explosion, E, the air density, p, speed of sound, c, and the distance from the blast, d (a) Put this relationship in dimensionless form. (b) Consider two blasts: the prototype blast with energy release E and a model Sscoctnancnitinid blast with 1/1000th the energy release (Ey = 0.001 E). At a what distance from the model blast will the pressure rise be m FIGURE P7.33 the same as that at a distance I mile from the prototype blast? (a) p= £( 8,0, 4) Lyeigbe: (Mah EN aa ake (as ape © Pf From the py theorem ,5-3= 2 pi terms reguived, and @ crnenata! hai ylelds Sf = 4 (ae) (8) For similarity , Em = _E& Cm Se ip PCE and with BrP) Con=C, tt Follows, That dg = = d? E,, /E = 2 eehand d= limi 3 i. is 6.001) (1m; ) ay, = 2100 mi heyth this symilanty regaivement setished, the Prediction Oguation 13 Afm > AP. Pn Gr ipe® Gna Therehre at Weeks 7.34 As winds blow past buildings, complex flow pat- tems can develop due to various factors such as flow sepa- ration and interactions between adjacent buildings. (See Video V7.4.) Assume that the local gage pressure, p, at a particular location on a building is a function of the air den- sity, p, the wind speed, V, some characteristic length, €, and all other pertinent lengths, €, needed to characterize the geometry of the building or building complex. (a) Deter- mine a suitable set of dimensionless parameters that can be used to study the pressure distribution. (b) An eight-story building that is 100 ft tall is to be modeled in a wind tun- nel. Ifa length scale of 1:300 is to be used, how tall should the model building be? (¢) How will a measured pressure in the model be related to the corresponding prototype pres- sure? Assume the same air density in model and prototype. Based on the assumed variables, does the model wind speed have to be equal to the prototype wind speed? Explain. (a) p=Ff (ey, 4, 0;) PSFL* psretr* yslt LoL Se From the pi Theorem, 5-322 pe terms veguired, 4nd & ai mensionel Qnalgsis yields ~ £ Tz t(z) (b) For geometric similarity dm . £ Lim — 4e so thet fn, Him i TR . Gnd tt follows teat all pertinent lengths are scaled wit the Lengtn seale Lm /2. Thus, with Lm [2 = fae0 dott = 0.333 ft 300 model height (C) With geometne similarity setished it follows Tat Po fm PY* Pom Vik Thus, with Pm=? va ae (%) Fm With the set of given variables There Is no, vegairemenct for the velocity scale, Vm/V, se the model Wikd speed does not have to be cut the The prototype Wind Speed. No. 7-43 [ae (@) (4) 7.35 Flow patterns that develop as winds blow past a vehicle, such as a train, are often studied in low-speed en vironmental (meteorological) wind tunnels. (See Video V7.5.) Typically, the air velocities in these tunnels are in the range of 0.1 m/s to 30 mis. Consider a cross wind blowing past a train locomotive, Assume that the local wind veloc- ity, V, is @ function of the approaching wind velocity (at some distance from the locomotive), U, the locomotive length, €, height, A, and width, b, the air density, p, and the air viscosity, .. (a) Establish the similarity requirements and prediction equation for 2 model to be used in the wind tunnel to study the air velocity, V, around the locomotive. (b) IF the model is to be used for cross winds gusting to U = 25 mis, explain why it is not practical to maintain Reynolds number similarity for a typical length scale 1:50. ve t(D, 44, be pw) ek veLr sit! fel heh bs PS PO pore From the pé Theovem, 7-3= ‘+ pi terms reguived, and a dimensinal analysis ‘yields Vv 4(4,4 4b, phi BY) U Thus, ae similavcty rains — pho bm a & On Img Un RAZ -f Ga TREE The v pradiahin eguainen ts VM ‘n vt Since The density and viscosrty of the air Flowig around the train ana the aie in the wiid tunnel would be prachially the same (fm% Pp) Mm* wu), 16 Follows From the last Similarity Veguirement Cwhich 1s the Reynolds number) that us (4)u Thus, with a length scale of 1250 and with Ue 2sm/s 1 Ga) lesmh) = 1,2507%s eA This reguited model velocity 13 auch higher Than Can be acheived 14 The wind Lunne| and Therefore 1& 1s not practical te mainte Rey nolds ee similarity. The reguired model velocity too high. 7-44 7.36 736 River models are used to study many different types of flow situations. (See, for example, Video V7.6.) A certain small river has an average width and depth of 60 ft and 4 ft, respectively, and carries water at a flowrate of 700 £0/s, A model is to be designed based on Froude number similarity so that the discharge scale is 1/250. At what depth and flowrate would the model operate? Por Froude number similarrty Lom =z VEn'm = ‘Vk where L 13 seme characterise Aength, and with $m> 3 Von =. \m _ . Swice The Flowrate 13 D=VA, Where A ti the appropriate Cross sectional Gre 4, anne [ln" Pm e VA a Also, So thet Ge, (Lan) a 01) qh = 0.110 Gnd for a prototype depth of 4H The Corresponding model depth is bm OMI GFE) = 0.440 The model flowrate is obtanea trom ©, C1): 6, = (a5 Y700 #) 3 2.80 # as 7.33 ~ and the kinematic viscosity, v. Some model tests run in a Pabee laboratory using water in a 0.2-ft-diameter pipe yield the 1, ice aa 7, vs. Q data shown in Fig, P7.38b. Perform a dimensional 05 analysis and use model data to predict the wall shear stress gos (— in a 0.3-ft-diameter pipe through which water flows at the 8.03 Me rate of 1.5 fs. Fle ZL. zo ae % 05 1 15 Flowrate, Q, fis w m FIGURE P7.38 TH FIDO) Aw 8 ‘ yet ge ppte? er Tet FE* D=L GST" pare r* Us UT From the pé theorem, S5-3=2 pi terms vequired, and @ Aimensionat analysis yields fee 4 (s0) Thus, The wiktevity requirement I's Que @ Dee ae so tet with 4,=V ank Pal. One (22) (Ye) @ = ( = 1,00 #? SHY, (424 (us) lb From tne graph (Fig, Pree), Lr Out 008, Tat 029 G2 Thus, Torm Dat _ Pom Oe te TE, and 4 Tn D 7 oF Db ae 3 we s + Tim 4’ 0.2ft lb oak) (0.28 ) 7-46 7.37 _|7.34 The pressure rise, Ap. across a centrifugal pump of a given shape (see Fig. P7.34a) can be expressed as 8s$——_—__————_ Mose ta = f(D. @, p.Q) ayn 40nradis | Where D is the impeller diameter, w the angular velocity of the impelier, p the fluid density, and Q the volume rate of flow through the pump. A model pump having a diameter of 8 in. is tested in the laboratory using water. When operated at an an- gular velocity of 40 rad/s the model pressure rise asa function of Q is shown in Fig. P7.3%b. Use this curve to predict the pressure rise across @ geometrically similar pump (prototype) fora prototype flowrate of 6 ft/s. The prototype has a diameter of [2 in, and operates at an angular velocity of 607 rad/s. The prototype fluid is also water. | FIGURE P7.34 CCentritugal pump © dps (0,42, @) spire’ ofl wert pe retrt gt Laz! From the pe “er S-F= 2 pe terms reguived, and a dimensione! analgsis grelds Abs = (abe, Thus, the similarity Oma as Gm = @, ad? 2 “ae so That 3 (BNR) @ ana tor The dade sie 2 or 8 tin. 27, ) = 1 19 ee eae ee 4a = L194 (oor 124 ) a)c 2 ) Fron the Graph (Fig. 27-394) 4, = 5:50 pst ter G, gt Dus, 4p. bP 7a Ayu D> and with p ~ _ Cor tt J20h.\* pe ENB) OB, * eer) 2 Gm) = 27.8 pst 740 7.40 A.1/50 scale model is to be used in a towing tank to study the water motion near the bottom of a shallow chan nel as a large barge passes over. (See Video V7.7.) Assume that the model is operated in accordance with the Froude number criteria for dynamic similitude, The prototype barge moves at a typical speed of 15 knots. (a) At what speed (in {l/s) should the model be towed? (b) Near the bottom of the model channel a small particle is found to move 0.15 fein fone second so that the fluid velocity at that point is ap- proximately 0.15 fs. Determine the velocity at the corre- sponding point in the prototype channel. (a) For Froude number similarity Vv Vern Vim bm — VBE where L ts some chareckerishe length, and with Jm= 3. CS Vim = zh (is-tenots) = 2,12 Anots Po From Table Al 1 Anot = (0.514 %)(4282)= LAS a So that Voy (2.12 deo )(ien £4, = 353 (5) Since from EG. (1) ee Vv so that V " 7-48 THI TAL A very viscous fluid flows slowly past the sub- Pte with = merged rectangular plate of Fig. P71. The drag, 2, is — Known to be a function of the plate height, h, plate width, , fluid velocity, V, and fluid viscosity, 4. A model is — to be used to predict the drag and during a certain model test using glycerin (jij = 0.03 Ibss/f), with hy = 1 in. — and By = 3in., it was found that %, = 0.2 ib when v o—|s V,, = 6.5 fUs. If possible, predict the drag on a geometri- _ | cally similar larger plate with ht = 4 in, and & = 12 in, im- | mersed in the same glycerin moving with a velocity of 2 fs — | If it is not possible, explain why. — m FIGURE P7.41 B= Fk, b, V, A) Bee el bel vert “trerr From the pi theorem, 5-3 2 pi terms reguired, and 4 diimensione! qnalysis yields ay Ge) The required similarity Condition 1s = Jo Fat ana From the data gwen a A 4in Lome ge tit this tondstien i satsstied, Thus, The prediction eguation 's 4 Ba Bap AV Foy se Pee er a YV B=4EGe ann for the deta given A: (#2 tin. 7-44 2A 7.82 A square parking lot of width w is bounded on all sides by a curb of height d with only one opening of width as shown in Fig. P7.42. During a heavy rain the lot fills with water and it is of interest to determine the time, , it takes for the water to completely drain from the lot after the rain stops. A scale model is to be used fo study this prob- Jem, and it is assumed that t= f(w,b.d, 8, usp) where g is the acceleration of gravity, 4 isthe fluid viscos- ity, and p is the fluid density, (a) A dimensional analysis in- dicates that two important dimensionless parameters are b/w and d/w. What additional dimensionless parameters are re- quired? (b) For a geometrically similar model having a length scale of 1/10, what is the relationship between the m FIGURE P7.42 drain time for the model and the corresponding drain time for the actual parking lot? Assume all similarity require ments are satisfied. Can water be used as the model fluid? Explain and justify your answer, (ay 227 wet beh del geir* KiFe'T piFt rT” From The pi theorem, 7-5 = 4 Pr terms reguived. Since tue of the pi terms aré b/ur and dlur, two additing/ pi terms are reguired. By inipectien , for Ti, Ceontainig )* atl =T ie, 2 Ler? wt, ok By mipecter, for Th, (Contuinig Ye anap) : 5 = fers peers "2 pig ~ (area Check using MLT* “1-1 A Met T = MeL. Ok Pre lair) Thus, two additonal pi terms are mete Te ae 242. Clont) (b) Zz all similarity requirements are setished Then om Ti ton fo" = tVZ and tm \E' |e EF bm or Since didm ana Wm [ur Sie | tren ton \ fT 4 lo and tans the time stale 15 TF ©, 316 so That 3), 4 4 (i) (@) F ana br J=Jm 3 Len z (ite S* bs Since Win Jur #10, Then Mmp, Cannot be the same as Ale Gnd there fre water cannot be used 4s Tre mode! Fluid. No. 2.73 7.43, Plow from a Tank Objective: When the drain hole in the bottom of the tank shown in Fig. opened, the liquid will drain out at a rate which is a function of many parameters. The purpose of this experiment is to measure the liquid depth, 4, 2s a function of time, ¢ for wo geometri- cally similar tanks and to learn how dimensional analysis can be of use in situations such as this Equipme ‘Two geometrically similar cylindrical tanks; stop watch; thermometer; ruler. Experimental Procedure: Make appropriate measuremests to show that the two tanks are geometrically similar. That i, show that the lange tank is twice the size ofthe small tank (twice the height; twice the diameter; twice the hole diameter in the bottom). Fill the large tank with cold water of a known temperature, 7, and determine the water depth, h, in the tank as a function of time, ¢, after the drain hole is opened. Thas, obtain h = f(t). Note that ‘ranges from 1 = 0 when h = H (where H isthe intial depth of the water), t0 1 = fay then the tank is completely drained (h = 0). Repeat the measurements using the small tank with the same temperature water. To ensure geometric similarity, the initial water level inthe small tank must be one-half of wht it was in the large tank, Repeat the experiment for each tank with hot water. Thus you will have a total of four sets of hi) data, Calculations: Assume that the depth, h, of water in the tank is a function of its initial depth, H, the diameter of the tank, D, the diameter of the drain hole in the bottom of the tank, d, the time, 1, after the drain is opened, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the fluid den- sity, p, and viscosity, 4. Develop a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem using H, g, and p as repeating variables. Use r as the dependent parameter. For each of the four conditions tested, calculate the dimensionless time, 1g'"/4"*, as a function of the die rmensionless depth, A/H. Graph: Ona single graph, plot the depth, h, as ordinates and time, 1, as abscissas for each of the four sets of data Results: On another graph, plot the dimensionless water depth, A/H, as a function of di- mensionless time, 1g"7/H"", for each of the four sets of data. Based on your results, com- ‘ment on the importance of density and viscosity for your experiment and on the usefulness of dimensional analysis. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. w FIGURE P7.43 (cont ) 1-52 7.43 Ceon't ) Solution for Problem 7.43: Flow from a Tank H for big tank, in. H for small tank, in 16.0 80 hin. ts Big Tank with T 16.0 12.0 8.0 40 00 Big Tank with T = 20 deg C 16.0 0.0 12.0 9.0 80 20.3 40 33.0 00 372 ‘Small Tank with T = 57 deg C 80 00 70 3.4 50 95 30 182 1.0 30.1 00 a4 ‘Small Tank with T = 20 deg C 8.0 0.0 70 30 5.0 10.0 30 181 10 325 0.0 43.0 y (Coat) tom"? 0.0 45.2 98.3 168.1 280.1 0.0 442 99.8 162.2 281.1 0.0 215 66.0 126.5 209.2 287.7 0.0 20.8 695 1258 225.9 298.8 nH 4.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 1.000 0.875 0.625 0.375 0.125 0.000 1,000 0.875 0.625 0.375 0.125 0.000 7-53 RYE tH Coont) Problem 7.43 Water depth, h, vs time, t Problom 7.43, Dimensionless Depth, hil, ve Dimensionless Time, t(g/H)*0.5, 0.20 0.00 == Big tank, T= 57 deg C = Big tank, T= 20 deg C |—a— Small tank, T= 87 deg C | X_Smail tank, T= 20 deg C | Ts |— 4 smal tank, degC eC T= 67 degC X__Smalltank, T= 20 deg C Big tank, ° 100 200 © 300 = 400 tr(glH)*0.5 7-54 LEY 7.44 Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder Objective: Under certain conditions, the flow of fluid past a circular eylinder will pro- duce a Karman vortex street behind the cylinder. As shown in Fig. P7.44, this vortex street consists of a set of vortices (swirls) that are shed alternately from opposite sides of the cylin- der and then swept downstream with the fluid. The purpose of this experiment is to deter- ‘mine the shedding frequency, « eyeles (vortices) per second, of these vortices as a function of the Reynolds number, Re, and to compare the measured results with published data. ‘Equipment: Water channel with an adjustable flowrate; flow meter, set of four different diameter eylinders; dye injection system; stopwatch, Experimental Procedure: Insert a cylinder of diameter D into the holder on the bot- tom of the water channel, Adjust the contzol valve and the downstream gate on the channel to produce the desired flowrate, Q, and velocity, . Make sure that the flow-straightening screens (not shown in the figure) are in place to reduce unwanted turbulence in the flowing ‘water, Measure the width, b, of the channel and the depth, y, 0° the water in the channel so that the water velocity inthe channel, V = 0/(by), ean be determined. Carefully adjust the control valve on the dye injection system to inject a thin stream of dye slightly upstream of the cylinder. By viewing down onto the top of the water channel, observe the vortex shed ding and measure the time, that it takes for N vortices to be shed trom the eylinder. For a given velocity, repest the experiment for different diameter eylinders. Repeat the experiment Using different velocities. Measure the water temperature so that che viscosity can be Looked up in Table B.1 Calculations: For each of your data sets calculate the vortex shedding frequency, w= N/t, which is expressed as vortices (or eycles) per second, Also caleulute the dimen- sionless frequency called the Swrouhsl number, St = @D/V, and the Reynolds number, Re = pVD/. Graph: On a single graph, plot the vortex shedding frequency, w, a8 ordinates and the ‘water velocity, V, as abseissas for each of the four eylinders you tested. On another graph, plot the Strouhal number as ordinates and the Reynolds number as abseissas for each of the four sets of dats Side view _ W FIGURE P74 74H (cont) Results: On your Stroubal uumber verses Reynolds number graph, plot the results taken from the literature and shown in the following table. st Re 0 <30 016 100 ols 150 19 200 020 300 021400 021600 ie 0 Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, Solution for Problem 7.44: Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder T.degF by ft 70 0.50 Data from Literature Qias yf Df N ts acyoless V,fls Re st Re St 0.036 0.82 (0.0202 100 132 0758 0.0878 169 0.174 50 0.00 0.036 0.82 0.0314 100 199 0503 0.0878 263. «0.180100 0.16 0.036 0.82 0.0421 100 246 0408 0.0878 352 0.196150 0.18 0.036 ©0.82 0.0518 100 301 0932 0.0878 433 «0.196 = 200 0.19 300 0.20 4000.21 0.082 0.79 0.0202 100 63 1.887 0.1670 302 0204 600 0.21 0062 079 00314 100 96 1.042 0.1570 469 0.208 800 ot 0.082 0.79 0.0421 100 126 0800 0.1570 329 0.215 0.082 0.79 0.0518 100 161 0662 0.1570 774 0.219 0.028 0.86 0.0202 100 192 0621 0.0674 130 0.186 0.029 0.86 (0.0314 100 282 0.365 0.0674 202 0.165 0.029 «0.86 0.0421 100 331 0302 0.0674 270 0.189 0.029 «0.86 0.0518 100 367 0272 0.0674 333 (0.209 0.018 092 0.0202 100 31.2 0321 00301 75 0.165 0.018 092 0.0314 100 413 0242 00391 117 0.194 0018 0.92 0.0421 100 622 0192 0.0391 187 0.206 0.018 0.92 0.0518 100 65.3 0153 0.0391 193 0.203 (by) eDIV and Re = DV/v, where 052E-5 fr'2/s (Cont) Tse TE ©, eyclesis: sR Rae (con't ) Problem 7.44 Shedding Frequency, w, vs Velocity, V 0.05 0.00 IL 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 V, fis Problem: 7.1 Strouhal Number, St, vs Reynolds Number, Re + Expermnenal —] mata fom iterate | 400 600 800 ©1000 7-547 24S 7.45 Head Loss across a Valve Objective: A valve in pipeline like that shown in Fig. P7.48 acts like @ variable resis- tor in an electrical circuit. The amount of resistance or head loss across a valve depends on the amount that the valve is open. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the head loss characteristics of a valve by measuring the pressure drop, Ap, across the valve as a func tion of flowrate, Q, and to learn how dimensional analysis can be of use in situations such as this. Equipment: Air supply with flow meter, valve connected to a pipe; manometer connected. to a static pressure tap upstream of the valve; barometer, thermometer. Experimental Procedure: Measure the pipe diameter, D. Record the barometer read- ing, Hyg in inches of mercury end the air temperature, 7, so that the air density can be cal- callated by use ofthe perfect gas law. Completely close the valve and then open it turns from its closed positon. Adjust the air supply to provide the desited flowrate, Q, of wi through the valve. Rezord the manometer reading, hi, so thatthe pressure drop, Ap, across the valve can be determined. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates. Repeat the experiment for various valve settings, N, ranging from barely open to wide open. Calculations: For each dataset calculate the average velocity in the pipe, V = /A, where ‘A= mD¥/4 is the pipe area, Also calculate the pressure drop across the valve, Ap = aj, ‘where Yq is the specific weight of the manometer fluid. For each data set also caleulate the loss coefficient, K,, where the head loss is given by hy, = Ap/y = K,V2/2g and is the specific weight ofthe flowing ar. Graph: On a single graph, plot the pressure drop, Ap, as ordinates and the flowrate, Q, as abscissas for each of the valve seitings, NV, tested. Results: On another graph, plot the loss coefficient, K,, as a function of valve setting, N, for all of the data sets. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. Nraeit MW FIGURE P7485 (cont ) 7-58 Ctont) Solution for Problem 7.45: Head Loss across a Valve Din, Hem inHg T, deg F 0.81 287 70 hain, Q. f3/s Ap, lbt'2 Vv, tus N=2 Tums Open Data 9.20 0.235 478 «687 6.50 0.195 338 545 5.04 0.169 262 © 472 N=3 Tums Open Data 9.40 0.478 489 © 1339 6.33 0.386 329 ©1078 5.01 0.341 261 95.3, 3.62 0.289 188 © 808 1.92 0.214 100 59.8 N=4 Tums Open Data 9.35 0.827 486 231.4 7.65 0.767 3982143 6.01 0.691 3 1934 432 0.578 225 1615 324 0.504 168 = 1408 262 0.456 136 ©1274 185 0.391 96 109.3, 0.98 0.283 4 79.4 N= 5 Turns Open Data 3.03 0.897 168 250.7 237 0.799 123-2233 1.79 0.701 93 1959 1.39 0618 720 1727 0.97 0517 50 144.5 064 0.426 33 119.0 AP = vHa20"" K, = api(pV42) where V=QIA= Qi(x"D7/4) and P= Pain/RT where aim = Yip" Haan = 847 Ib/M*3*(28.7/12 ft) = 2026 lbvtt"2 R= 1716 ftib/slug deg R T= 70+ 460 = 830 deg R Thus, p = 0.00223 slugift"3 (cont ) ARDRRARR wowoe K 9.95 10.21 10.54 2.45 2.54 257 2.59 250 0.816 0777 0.752 0.72 0.762 0.752 0.723 0.731 0.225 0.222 0.218 0.217 0217 0.211 7-SF LIS Cconk ) | Problem 7.45 Pressure Drop, Ap, vs Flowrate, Q |--N ‘Ap, Ibift*2 | Problem 7.45 | Loss Coefficient, K., | vs | Number of Turns Open, N | N , 60 246 7.46 Calibration of a Rotameter Objective: The flowrate, Q, through a rotameter can be determined from the scale read- ing, SR, which indicates the vertical position of the float within the tapered tube of the ro- tameter as shown in Fig. P7.75. Clearly, for a given scale reading, the flowrate depends on the density of the flowing fluid. The purpose of this experiment is to calibrate a rotameter so that it can be used for both water and air, Equipment: —Rotameter, air supply with a calibrated flow meter, water supply, weighing seale, stop watch, thermometer, barometer. Experimental Procedure: Connect the rotameter to the water supply and adjust the flowrate, Q, 10 the desired value, Record the scale reading, SR, on the rotameter and mea sure the flowrate by collecting a given weight, W, of water that pesses through the rotame- ter in a given time, t, Repeat for several flow rates. Connect the rotameter to the air supply and adjust the flowrate to the desired value as indicated by the flow meter. Record the scale reading on the rotameter. Repeat for several flowrates, Record the barometer reading, Hy in inches of mercury and the air temperature, 7, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Calculations: For the water portion of the experiment, use the weight, W, and time, 4, data to determine the volumetric flowrate, Q = W/yt. The equilibrium position of the float is a result of a balance between the fluid drag force on the float, the weight of the float, and the buoyant force on the float. Thus, a typical dimensionless flowrate can be written as Qftalp/Velp, — ))*@], where dis the diameter of the float, V is the volume of the float, g is the acceleration of gravity, p is the uid density, and p, is the float density. Determine this dimensionless flowrate for esch condition tested. Graph: On a single graph, plot the lowrate, Q, as ordinates and scale reading, SR, as ab- seissas for both the water and air data Results: On another graph, plot the dimensionless flowrate as « function of scale reading for both the water and air data, Note thet the scale reading is a percent of full scale and, hence, is a dimensionless quantity. Based on your results, comment on the usefulness of di- mensional analysis. Data: ‘To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and elick here to bring up an EXCEL page wit the date for this problem, 109 scale readin Fat “ye d (cont) Ter 2.46 (ont) ‘Solution for Problem 7.48: Calibration of a Rotameter din, Viin43 py slugitt"3 140 1.50 Air Flow Data SR Q, fis 146 0.229 215 0.321 281 0.413, 336 © 0.491 39.2 0.564 448 0.644 502 0.714 559 0.798 631 0.888 686 © 0.973, 735 1.05 fe2) | 1105) Water Flow Data sR W,lb 134 6.52 185 8.01 zag 72 282 07.81 374 8.20 457 9.21 626 © 8.19 P= Pain/RT where Pan Thus, p = 0.00222 slugitt"3 154 ts 19.9 WT 10.4 40.4 a4 78 BT Hains in 29.05 Q, fais 0.0053 0.0073 0.0108 0.0124 0.0156 0.0197 0.0230 (con't) (Qid)lp(Va(pren1v2 0.142 0.200 0.257 0.305 0.351 0.400 0.444 0.496 0.552 0.605 0.653 os71 (Qid){p/(Valerp))11/2 0.103 0.143 0.213 0.284 0.308 0.387 0.453 ie" Ham = 847 Ibift®3*(29,06/12 ff) = 2050 Ioit"2 716 ft Ibisiug deg R T=78 + 460 = 938 deg R T-6r 726 (Qid)fpAValprp MN" ee °o 6s o8 Cont) 0.01 0.001 oF Gale ey Problem 7.46 Flowrate, Q, vs Scale Reading, SR 10 100 SR Problem 7.46 | Dimensionless Flowrate vs Scale Reading ° 20 40 60 80 100 sR 7-63

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