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Piedmont Middle School

955 Piedmont Rd. - San Jose, CA 95132-2890

(408) 923-1800 ext 4420 Fax: (408) 251-2392
Mr. R Curry – Grade 6 Teacher / Language Arts/Social Studies Core

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

This year, we will be using the computer and internet in class very often. I have
assigned each student with a unique user name and password.

The password will be used on my class’ secure web-based grade book at, on our Accelerated Reading program and on our new
password protected Class Wiki at

The User ID for __________________ is _______________________

The password is ___________________________

Throughout the year, I send weekly assignment sheet and grade book updates, so I
am requesting for your email addresses, if you have them. If you don’t have access,
I will know to print copies for you to send home.

Please complete and detach the section below and send back to Mr. Curry, whether
or not you have web access.

Mr. Curry

Student/Family Contact Info (Please print)

Student Name: ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian: __________________________________

We have __no email access ___home email access __work email access
e-Mail addresses (if any)

Student: __________________________@___________._______

Parent/Guardian 1: ________________________@___________._______

Parent/Guardian 2: _______________________@___________.________

Other: ________________________________@____________._______

RMI: rmi

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