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Eldora Gold Resources Canada Developed New Proprietary Separation Technique

Eldora Gold has developed and is offering a proprietary separation technique for extracting
mineral content from mining tailings. Our technology has no up-front cost to the client due to
the low capital cost of the equipment.

Eldora Gold will start by verifying the mineral content of the tailings through certified sample
testing and, if successful, we will supply the equipment and training necessary to extract the
mineral concentrate. We also provide the buyer for the extracted concentrate.

The fee for these services is an agreed upon percentage of the mineral concentrate sale which
is typically in the range of one third of the concentrate sale price. The fee to Eldora Gold is only
payable after the sale of the concentrate resulting in no risk to the customer.

The technology behind our processing technique is completely chemical free and proprietary.
Extensive development and years of experience have resulted in a technique that not only
extracts the majority of valuable mineral content of the tailings, it leaves the remaining tailings
with a significantly lower content of the acid forming minerals from the original ores.

Tailings have always been an unwanted by-product of mining from an environmental

standpoint. These tailings are left in piles and leach environmentally destructive materials into
the surrounding soil.

This greatly affects wildlife and water tables for years to come. Our process drastically reduces
the acid forming mineral content of these tailings during the mineral extraction process.

The result is cleaner tailings and the extraction of significant amounts of valuable minerals. The
sale of the mineral concentrate provides significant profit to the customer and provides the
incentive to use our technology to stop the destruction of the environment.

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