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Learning Target Review

“I focused on applying
multiplication and division facts

to my learning.”
Learning Target Progress Graph
I got really
confident at my

Sit Crawl Walk Jog Run Fly

Missed multiplication

Progress of Learning Target

and division

It was holidays
I hit my target and so I did not do

applied it to my
learning by January Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

27, 2011. Alard

Number of Weeks

What was positive about this experience? What were some challenges I faced?

 I showed that I hit my target.  Balancing my commitments.

 I should always have a goal.  Time management.
 I worked hard.  Getting home late.
 Using the blog.

What steps did I take to apply my Learning Target to enhance my learning and understanding? How well did I apply my target to my learning?
 Organizing myself at home.
 A shower curtain with all the times tables on it.
 Times tables on my mirror and in the car.

How do I feel and why?


I feel proud because I can apply my learning target to my learning.

What evidence of learning can my parents share?

 Photos
 Internet
 Worksheets

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