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Chapter 10 – Photosynthesis – Homework

1. Write the basic equation for Photosynthesis (Ps).

6H2O+6CO2=>C6H12O6+ 6O2

2. Some students define Ps as the process by which plants use light energy as food. Is this
a correct statement that would be accepted by an AP Bio Reader? Explain.
No, Ps is the process by which light, water, and carbon dioxide are converted into
chemical energy stored in stored in sugar. The definition given by the student is too
simplistic and misrepresentative of the process.

3. During Ps, do the electrons decrease or increase in energy as they move from water to
Electrons increase in energy because the light excites the energy in outer orbitals, and the
manufacturing of sugar in the Calvin cycle requires energy, which means the electrons in
the sugar molecule have a greater potential energy.

4. Contrast and compare an absorption spectra versus an action spectra for Ps.
Absorption spectra graph has three curves that show the wavelengths of the light best
absorbed by the three types of chloroplast pigments. Chlorophyll a works best at violet or
red (appears dark green), chlorophyll b works best at dark blues and oranges (appears
light green), and carotenoids work best at blues (appears yellow or orange).The action
spectrum graph plots the rate of photosynthesis versus wavelength. This spectrum does
not match any of the other pigments spectra because it is a combination of all them. Both
are similar in that they extremely similar and amount to basically the same information.
Both are different in that the absorption spectra shows the differentiation of the pigments,
while the action spectra combines all pigments in plant.

5. Why is the narrow area of electromagnetic radiation between 380-750 nm the best
choice to power Ps?
Because the pigments utilized in photosynthesis (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and et
cetera) are receptive to visible light and are excited by this spectrum of light.

6. What is the function of the chlorophyll pigments in Ps? The function of the accessory
The function of the chlorophyll pigment and accessory pigments in Ps is to absorb light,
causing their electrons to get excited and then go back down to ground state, giving off
heat and florescence light. This energy is then spread throughout the photosystem until it
reaches the two special chlorophyll a in the center which oxidize (give off their Hs). They
absorb different spectra of light and are the first step in Ps and the conversion of chemical
energy from light.

7. What is the adaptive value for plants to have their leaves change color in the fall before
the leaves drop off?
The adaptive value of the leaves changing colors is due to the chlorophyll breaking down
because of environmental reasons. However, carotenoids remain and still absorb light
allowing photosynthesis to still occur, but because of their absorption spectrum is
different making the leaves appear red, orange, and yellow.

8. What is the task or purpose of the Light Reaction? Of the Dark Reaction?
The purpose of the light reaction is to produce ATP and NADPH. The purpose of the
dark reaction is to convert CO2 to an organic carbon molecule (G3P) which requires ATP
and NADPH produced in the light reactions.

9. When electrons are in a cyclic flow using photosystem I and P700, is Oxygen
produced? Is NADPH produced? Explain.
In a strictly cyclic photosynthesis, oxygen and NADPH are not produced, only ATP is
because the cyclic photosynthesis uses only the first ETC and not the second ETC. The
electrons are recycled, but initially came from the H2O in Ps II.

10. During the light reaction the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane can be as
great as 3 pH units. On which side of the membrane is the pH the lowest?
The pH is lowest inside the thylakoid membrane because the more H are there from Ps
II, and then the gradient is used in chemiosmosis where ATP synthesis produces ATP.

11. If photorespiration costs the plant as much as 50% of the carbon fixed in the Calvin
cycle, why has this process not been selected against (or has it?)
Photorespiration is ineffective, but occurs because the rubisco enzyme will fix either
CO2 or O2 to RuBP. There have been adaptive features in evolution to reduce the
problem of photorespiration, which is evidenced by the CAM and C4 plants.

12. Under what environmental conditions is C4 Ps adaptive?

Hot, dry areas. C4 Ps is when a C3 molecule fixates with CO2 and then transporting it to
the burrow-sheath cell via the plasmadesmata where the CO2 is then released and used in
the Calvin cycle. The significance of C4 Ps is their efficiency in getting CO2 to the
Calvin cycle so that photorespiration doesn’t occur.

13. In science fiction stories, plants that live on planets far from the sun are often
described as
having black foliage, while those that live on plants close to the sun are described as
having shiny reflective foliage. Based on what you know about Ps, would these be good
adaptive features? Explain.
I believe these qualities to be theoretically accurate. Plants farther from the sun are going
to need to absorb more light, so they would appear darker. While the plants closer to the
sun are going to need to eliminate their intake of light so that they do not "over heat" and
mess up the photosystem reactions, so they would absorb less light making them appear a
lighter color.

14. In order for Miss Miller's classroom plants to grow and flower, what photosynthesis
to respiration ratio (Ps:Rs) must she create for them? Explain.
Ps>Rs, so that the plants have energy for growth and reproduction. If Ps=Rs, then no
growth would occur. If Ps<Rs, the plants would die.

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