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J. Beon. Taxon, Bot. Vol. 38 No. 1 (2009) FURTHER ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF GOA PRABHUGAONKAR, A., MM. SARDBSAI* & MK, JANARTHANAN? Department of Botany, Goa University, Goa- 408 206 Department of Botany, M.E.S.'s Abasaheb Garware College, Pune-411 004 For correspondence: ABSTRACT ‘The existing Floras of Goa are inadequate i their coverage, Hence, occasional articles dealing with additions to the flora of Goa have been published by various authors. ‘The present: paper ‘adds 35 species more to the list of lowering plants of the State of Goa. INTRODUCTION ‘Taxonomie aceount of plants of Goa after its liberation has been dealt in three important Floras by Vartak (1966), Rao (1985-86) and Naithani et ai. (1997). The exploration of flora of Goa seem to be inadequate as publications adding species to these Ploras have been regularly coming out (Kulkarni & Janarthanam, 1995; Joshi et al., 1997, 2001; Patil & Yadav, 1998; Rajkumar et al, 1998, 1999; Datar et al., 2005; Gad & Janarthanam, 2007). During our ongoing work on digital documentation of flowering plants of Goa, we collected some plants that ‘were not recorded earlier for Goa. ‘METHODS Periodic field trips were carried out to various habitats. Specimens were collected ‘and processed using standard herbarium techniques. They were identified using various regional and State floras, revisions and monographs wherever available. Identified specimens were screened with existing literature for their earlier record in the State of Goa. All the specimens are deposited in the herbarium, Department of Botany, Goa Universily. OBSERVATIONS ‘The following 85 species formed further additions to the State of Goa and they belong to 33 genera and 26 families. They are ‘arranged here in alphabetical sequence. For each species, relevant literature that indicate to their present distribution from adjacent States are included under nomenclature along with other essential citations. Field notes and specimens examined are also given. a Prabhugoonkar etal Since collectors are the authors of this paper, ‘their names have been abbreviated with their initials Actephila excelsa Dalz.) MucllArg. in Linnaea 2: 78, 1868 & in DC., Prodr. 222. 1866; Cooke, FI. Bombay 3:71. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Saldanha, Fl ‘Karnataka 2: 114, 1996; Londhe in Singh et al., Fl, Maharashtra. Dicotyledones 2; 858, 2001 (Buphorbiaceae) ‘Small shrub with thick, coriaceous leaves, Flowers axillary solitary or in clusters. Capsule 3+ valved, ‘Specimens examined: Savar falls, Netravah, 26.3.2006, AP 457. ‘Adenoon indicum Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot. & Kew Gard, Mise. 5 : 244. 1850; Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 64, 1958 (Rep ed); Shirodkar & Lakshmi- narasimhan in Singh et al., Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 180. 2001. (Asteraceae) Annual, erect herbs. Leaves serrate along ‘margins, Heads purple, homogamous, in terminal panicles, Specimens examined: 2.10.2005, AP & MK 251. Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch. in Ann, Mus. Hist. Nat, Paris 16: 478. t 22, 1810; Cooke, Fl Bombay 3: 156, 1958 Repr.ed); Saldanha & Ramesh in Saldanha, Fl. Karnataka 1; 109. 1984; Lakshminarasimhan & Venkanna in Singh et al, Fl, Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 28. ZODL. (Moraceae) ‘Tall trees with straight bole. Leaves with serrate margin and acuminate apex, veins eovered with rusty brown hairs, Surla table land, ‘Specimens examined: Savar falls, Netravali, 268.2006, AP & MS 470. Archidendron monadelphum (Roxb) Nielsen in ‘Adansonia 19: 21. 1979; Saldanha & Singh in Saldanha, Fl, Karnataka 1: 405. 1984; Londhe in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dieoty~ lanes 1: 819. 2000. Mimosa monadelpha Roxb, Fl, Ind. 2: 644, 1882. Pithecelobium bigeminum ‘uct, non, (L:) Mart. ex Benth, 1844; Cooke, Fl Bombay 1: 485, 1958 (Repr. ed). Mlimosaceae) ‘Small troes. Leaves bipinnately compound with gland on petiole and between the leailets Flowers white, in panicles. ‘Specimens examined: Anmode, 25.1.2005, AP 200. Axgostemma verticillatum Wall. in Roxb, Fl ‘nd, 2: 425, 1824; Cooke, FL. Bombay 2: 18, 1955 (Repr. ed); Mudaliar & Prasad in Singh et al., Fl, Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2118. 2001 (Rubiaceae) ‘Herbs, up to 16 cm high. Leaves in whorls of 4, ‘unequal, subsessile, Umbels few flowered. Specimens Bhati, 28.2008, AP 77, Aristolochia tagala Cham. in Linnaea 7: 207. t 5. 8, 1892; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 4: 17. 1958 (Repr ed); Ramesh in Saldanha, Fl. Karnataka 1: 82. 1984; Lakshminarasimhan & Godbole in Singh at al, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2 815, 2001. (Aristolochiaceae) Large twinners. Leaves very large, cordate at base. Flowers axillary solitary. ‘Specimens examined: Gaondongri-Ambeghat, 16.7.2005,AP 31, Begonia concanensis A. DC., Prod. 15 (1): 814 1864, Cooke, Fl. Bombay 1: 585. 1958 (Repr ed); Saldanha & Singh in Saldanha, Fi. Karnataka 1: 288. 1984; Rao in Singh et al, Fl Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2:77. 2001 (Begoniaceac) Succulent herbs. Leaves esi), very oblique at base, hairy. Fruit unequally 3-winged, Specimens examined: Surla sacred grove, 10,10. 2005, AP 206. Begonia cordifolia (Wight) Thw., Enum. Pl. Zeyl 129. 1859; Gamble, Fl. Madras 1: 385, 1967 (repr. ed), Diploetinium eordifolium Wight, Te. t 1816, 1852, (Begoniaceac). ‘Small herbs on cut edges of road. Leaves thick, fleshy with ordate base. examined: Sanguem, 38 Specimens examined: 99.2007, AP & MS 539. Chandreshwar, Ceropegia hirsuta Wight & Arn. in Wight, Contrib. 30, 1834; Cooke, FL. Bombay 2: 242, 1958 (Repr. ed.); Jagtap & Das in Singh et al Fl. Maharashtra Dieotyledonos 2: 850. 2001. (Aselopiadaceae). ‘Tuberous, twining herb. Leaves opposite ‘ovate to lancoolate, hairy. Flowers on peduncled tumbels; peduncle hirsute, Corollaclobes.shorier than the corolla-tube, ‘Specimens examined: Paroda hills, 99.2007, AP 536. Ceropegia vineaofolia Hook, Bot. Mag. t. 3740. 1839, emend. Ansari in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 13: 187-191, 1971; Jagtap & Das in Singh et ai, FL Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2 857. 2001. C. stocksii Hook. £, Fl, Brit. India 4: 74. 1883; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 248. 1958 (Repr. ed). (sclepiadaceae), Perennial, twining herbs with tubers. Leaves opposite, succulent. Flowers on peduneled umbels. Corolla Tobes as long as the corolla tube. examined Specimens Porvorim 7.9.2007, AP 537. Christisonia ealearata Wight, Ie. t. 1428. 1849; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 385. 1958 (Repr. ed); Londhe in Singh et af, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyl- cedones 2: 58. 2001. (Orobanchaceae) Root parasite on Strobidanthes caltosus Flowers on’ long pedicols. Corolla 2ygomorphic, white with yellow centre, Stigma thiek, Specimens examined: Surla, 31,7.2005, AP & MK © Cleisostoma tenuifolium (L.) Garay in Bot. Mus. Leafl, Harv. Univ. 28 (4): 175. 1972; Lakshmi narasimhan in Sharma et al, Fl. Maharashtra ‘Monocotyledones 18. 1996. Kpidendrum tenuif- olium L., Sp. Pl. 952. 1753. Sareanthus penins- ularis Dalz. in Hook, Kew J. Bot, 3: 343. 1861; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 8: 210. 1958 (Repr. ed. (Orchidaceae) slopes, 1d. Heon. Taxon, Bot, Vol, 33 No, 1(2009) Bpiphytie herb. Leaves linear, thick, succulent, pointed at apex, Perianth yellow with reddish brown margin; labellum often pink. ‘Speeimene examined: Tamnamal, Cotigao, 5.7.2008, AP 7. Crotalaria berteroana DC., Prod. 2: 127. 1825; Saldanha & Singh in Saldanha, F. Karnataka 4: 481, 1984; Kothari in Singh & Karthik, FL Maharashtra Dicotyledones 1: 625. 2000. C- fulua Roxb,, Fl. Ind, : 268, 1832; Cooke, FL Bombay 1: $21. 1958 (Repr. ed). (Fabaceae) Undershrubs; branches covered with brown silky hairs. Flowers in terminal and axillary racemes. Pods as long as or scarsely longer than sepals with only two seeds ‘Specimens examined: Verlem, 8.1.2006, AP & MEI 307. Cynometra iripa Kostel, Allg. Med. Pharm. Bl. 4 1341. 1835; Moorthy in Singh & Karthik, FL Maharashtra Diectyledones. 1: 792.2000. C. ramiffora Wight & Arn. var. mimosoides Baker Hook. £, Fl. Brit, India 2: 267. 1878; Cooke, Fl, Bombay 1: 455. 1958 (Repr. ed). (Caesalpin- iaceae) Shrubs, Leaves pinnate with two pair of leatlets. Flowers in axillary, corymbose racemes. Netravali, Specimens examined: Savar fa 26.8.2006, AP 461 Dendrobium lawianum Lindl. in J. Linn, Soe. 3: 10, 1859 Clawanum’); Lakshminarasimhan in Sharma ef sl, FI, Maharashtra Monocotyl- tedones 22, 19986, (Orchidaceae) ‘A small epiphytic herb. Stom white-streaked Flowers 2-8 from each node, white. Specimens 21.4,2006, AP 510. Dendrophthoe trigona (Wight & Arn.) Danser ex Sant. in Ree. Bot. Surv. India 16: 163. 1958; Londhe in Singh ef a, FI. Maharashtra Dicotyl- tdones 2: 840. 2001, Loranthus trigonus Wight & Arn., Prodr, Fl Ind, Orient. 386. 1834; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 8:43. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Saldanha, Fl Karnataka 2:76, 1996. (Loranthaccae) examined: Todou, Netravali, 39 Prabluguonkar et at Parasitie shrubs, branches trigonous. Leaves opposite, thick, succulent. Flowers in racemes, Specimens examined: Netravali, 2.2.2005, AP 360. Euonymus indicus Heyne ex Wall. in Roxb. Fl Ind. 2 409. 1824; Cooke, FL. Bombay 1: 242, 1958 (Repr. ed); Saldanha & Singh in Saldanha, Fl. Karnataka 2: 95. 1996; Londhe in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyle- dones 1: 523, 2000. (Celastraceae). ‘Small tress with opposite leaves. Flowors 1.3 inaxillary cymes, Fruit a 5-winged eapsule. ‘Speetmiens examined: Chorla, 101.2005, AP 24, Pxacum tetragonum Roxb., FL Ind. ed Carey & Wall. 1: 413, 1820; Jadhav in Singh et al, FL Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 408. 2001. B. bicolor Roxb, Fl. Ind. ed Carey & Wall. 1: 413, 1820; Cooke, FIL Bombay 2: 252. 1958 (Repr. ed), (Gentianacene) Herbs. Stems tangled. Leaves opposite, 3. nerved. Inflorescence terminal. Flowers regular Petals 4, white and violet-culoured, Specimens examined: Asnora, 9.102005, AP 208. Gouania microcarpa DC., Prodr. 2: 40, 1825; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 1: 262. 1958 (Repr. ed): Saldanha & Ramesh in Saldanha, Fl. Karn- ataka 2 167. 1996; Pradhan in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 1: 535. 2000. (Rhaminacewe) Large climbing shrubs with axillary, circinate tendrils, Flowers in distant clusters on axillary or terminal panicles Specimens examined: Verlom, 8.1.2006, AP & MES 281. Gynura nitida DO. in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 24 1884; Shirodkar & Lakshminarasimban in Singh e¢ af., Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 219, 2001. (Asteraceae) Succulent herbs. Leaves long petiolate. Heads homogamous, orange to yellow in colour. Specimens examined: Surla 37.2005, AP & ME 505, Hugonia mystax L., Sp. Pl. 675. 1753 (mystras’ Cooke, FL Bombay 1: 166. 1958 (Repr. ed); Saldanha & Ajaya Kumar in Saldanha, Fl Karnataka 2 262. 1996; Kothari in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 1: 411, 2000. (Linacoae) Scandlent shrubs or small trees with opposite circinate hooks on branches. Leaves erowded near the apex. Flowers yellow, terminal and axillary. ‘Specimens examined: Paroda hills, 99.2007, MEI & AP 530. Mitrasaeme pygmaea R, Br, var. malaecen: (Wight) H. Hara in J. Jap. Bot. 30: 24. 1955; Bhat, Fl. Udupi 379. 2003. Mitrasaeme mata ceensis Wight, Te, PL. Ind, Orient. d(4): 15. t 1601. 1850, (Loganiaceae) Small annual herb. Leaves opposite. Flowers totramerous, in lax, torminal umbols. Seeds Specimens examined: Paroda hills, 99.2007, MS & AP 588, ‘Noanotis laneifolia (Hook. £) W.HL Lewis in Ann, Missouri Bot. Gard. §8: 89. 1966; Mudaliar & Prasad in Singh ef al, FI. Maharashtra Dieoty- ledones 2:151. 2001. Anotis laneifalia Hook. f, FI. Brit, India 8: 73. 1880; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 20, 1958 (Repr. ed). (Rubiaceae) Small, annual herbs. Stem ‘oppunit,limear to lanceolate. ‘Specimens examined: Chorla, 7.11.2005, AP 292, Passiflora suberosa L., Sp. Pl. 2: 958. 1763; Laks: ‘hminarasimhan in Singh ef a., FL. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 992. 2001. (Passifloraceae), ‘Small climbers, Leaves variable, leathery, entire to deeply lobed. Flowers small. Fruits spherical, up to 1.6 em across Specimens examined: Harmal hill slopes, 2.9.2007, AP & MS table land, angled. Leaves 40 Pimpinella adseendens Dalz. in Hook., J. Bot Kew Gard, Mise, 2: 261, 1850; Cooke, Fl. Bom: bay 1: 608. 1958 (Repr. ed); Saldanha, FL. Karn- taka 2: 283, 1996; Pradhan in Singh et al, Fl Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2:100, 2001. (Apiaceae) Herbs, up to 15 em tall. Leaves pinnately compound. Flowers small, in terminal, compound umbels Specimens examined: Asnora, 9.10.2005, AP & MES 202. Prunus ceylaniea (Wight) Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat, 1: ‘368, 1855; Singh in Saldanha, Fl, Karnataka 1: 369, 1984; Mudaliar & Prasad in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 1: 829. 2000, Polydontia ceylaniea Wight, Il. 1 : 203. 1840. Pygeum wightionum BI. ex Muell. in Walp. Ann. 4: 642. 1857; Cooke, FI. Bombay 1 487. 1958 (Repr. ed). P. gardeneri Hook. f, Fl. Brit. India 2: 21. 1878; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 1: 488, 1958 (Repr. ed). (Rosaceae) Medium-sized tree, Leaves ovate to oblong: lanceolate, oblique at base. Flowers in racemes. Fruit bilobed, mucronate, broader than long. Specimens examined: Verlem, 28.3.2008, AP 458, Psychotria truncata Wall, in Roxb,, Fl. Ind. 2: 162, 1824; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 44. 1958 (Repr. ed); Mudaliar & Prasad in Singh et al, Fl Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2:162. 2001, (Rubiaceae) Shrubs; an undergrowth in forests. Leaves ‘opposite with interpetiolar stipules, thick. Flowers in terminal eymose panicles. Specimens examined: Chorla, 24.2.2006, AP 395, Pyenospora Iutescens (Poir.) Sehindl. in J. Bot. 64: 145.1926; Saldanha & Singh in Saldanha, Fl, Kamataka 1: 484, 1984; Kothari in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 1: 731, 2000. Hedysarum lutescens Poir. in Lam., Eneyel. §: 417. 1805. Pyenosporu hedysaroides R. Br. ex Wight & Arn,, Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 197. J. Feon, Taxon. Bot, Vol. 33 No. 1 (2009) 1884; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 1: 865. 1958 (Repr. ced). (Fabaceae) Annual trailing herb. Leaves tifuliolate Corolla violet. Peds oblongoid, < 1 em long, turgid. Specimens examined: Parcda hills, 9.9:2007, MS & AP 531 Senecio bombayensis Balakr. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 87: 61. 1970; Shirodkar & Lakshmi- narasimhan in Singh et al., Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 297, 2001. S'grahamaii Hook. £, FL Brit, India 8: 347. 1881, non Bonth.1887; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 110,'1958 (Repr. ed.) (Asteraceae) Annual herbs. Leaves silvery white abaxially. Heads yellow, in terminal panicles, Specimens examined: Chorla ghat, 7.11.2005, AP 235, Sonerila rheedei Wight & Am, Prodr. Fl. Ind Orient. 821. 1834; Cooke, FI. Bombay 1: 533, 1958 (Repr. ed.); Saldanha & Ramesh in Saldanha, Fl. Karnataka 2: 44. 1996; Pradhan in Singh ef al, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 28. 2001. (Melastomatacoue) ‘Small herbs on vertical rocks and tree trunks. Leaves hairy on upper surface. Flowers pink. Seeds tuberculate, Specimens examined. 919.2007, AP & MS 632. Stomodia viscosa Roxb., Pl. Cor. 2 38. t. 163, 1802 & FI Ind. 8:94. 1889; Cooke, PL Romboy 2: 359. 1968 (Repr. ed.); Godbole & Prasad in Singh et al, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyledones 2: 549, 2001. (Serophulariaceae), ‘Small annual viseid herbs. Leaves opposite Flowers axillary, solitary. Corolla blue to violet. Specimens examined: Bhatpal, Talpona river bed, 31:3.2006,AP 473, Symphorema involucratum Roxb,, PL. Cor. 2:4 186, 1786; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 515. 1958 (Repr. ed); Prasanna in Singh et al, Fl. Mahar- ashtra Dicotyledones 2: 707. 2001, (Symphor- emataveac). Chandreshwar, a Prabhugaonkar etal Large scandent shrubs, Leaves opposite with serrate margin. Flowors clustered at tip. Sepals ‘acereseont. Specimens examined: Netravali, 263.2008, AP &MS 456, ‘Toona hexandra (Wall. ex Roxb.) M. Roem, Syn. Hesp. 189. 1849 var. hexandra; Moorthy in Singh & Karthik, Fl. Maharashtra Dicotyled- ‘ones 1: 508. 2000, Cedrela toona Roxb. ex Rott & Willd. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neve. Schr. 2: 198 1803; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 1: 230, 1958 (Repr. ed). C, hexandra Wall. ex Roxb,, Fl Ind 2 : 435, 1824. Toona ciliata M. Room., Sya, Hesper. 139, 3846; Saldanha, Fl. Karnataka 2: 296, 1006, Gseliaccac). ‘Tall trees. Leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets ovate to lanceolate, oblique at base, Flowers white, in large drooping terminal panicles, Stamens 5; filaments free Specimens examined: Anmode, 9.3:2006, AP 416, Vallaris solanacea (Roth) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl 2417. 1891; Pradhan in Singh ef al., Fl. Maha rashtra Dicotyledones 2: 326. 2001. Peltanthera solanacea Roth, Nov, PL. Sp. 182, 1821, Vallaris hheynet Spr, Syst. Vog. 635. 1824; Cooke, Fl Bombay 2: 199. 1958 (Repr- ed). (Apocynaceae) Large twining shrubs with milky latex. Leaves opposite. Flowers dull white Specimens 214.2008, AP 488, Zouxine gracilis (Breda) BL, Fl. Jav.n.s, 56.1. 18. £2. t. 28D. 1858; Yadav & Sardesai, Fl. Kolha- pur 474. 2002, Psyehechilos gracile Breda, Gen. Sp. Orchid. t. 9. 1827, (Orehidaceae). Small, terrestrial, dolicate orbs _ with subterrancan rhizomes. Flowers few. Lip bilobed; lobes orbicular, wide spread, Specimens examined: Savar fall, Netravali, 26.3.2006, AP & MS 463. examined: Chandreshwar, DISCUSSION The flora of Goa is dealt in three Floras published after liberation and several articles adding new records to tho State. The present addition of 35 species shows that floristic ‘work in the State of Goa is far from complete. Goa State occupying 8,702 sq. km area harbours diverse ecosystems, that range from coastal sand dune vegetation to evergreen forests, and innumerable microhabitats, Evergreen forests of Goa represent a good transitional zone between northern belt. and climax vegetation seen in North Kanara (Rao, 1985). The diversity of ceosystems and transitional zone add to the richness of flora Hence, further intensive fieldwork in this area is expected to add many more new distributional records to this small state, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors (AP'& MJ) are thankful to the Planning Commission, New Delhi for funding. REFERENCES DATAR, MN. P. MANIKANDAN & P. LAKSH- MINARASIMHAN 2005. Now Plant Records for Goa and Karnataka. Rheedea 165 (2k 123- 136, GAD, H. & MK. JANARTHANAM 2007, New distributional records of grasses to the State of Goa. J. Heon. Taxon. Bot. 31 (1): 154-189, JOSHI, V.C., 8. RAJKUMAR & MLK. JANARTHA- ‘NAM 2001. New records of the family Brioeaula- eae from Goa. J. Bombay Nat. Hist, Soc. 98: 155-156, = & 1997, Additions to the Dicotyledonous Flora of Goa. J. Eoon, Tavon, Bot, 21: 495-500. KULKARNI, R.A. & MK. JANARTHANAM 1995, Additions to the Scrophulariacese of Goa. J. Bombay Nat. Hist, Soe. 923): 440 — 441. 1995, 42 J. Boon, Taxon. Bot. Vol. 33 No. 1 (2009) NAITHANI, HB, KC. SAHNI & SSR. BENNET ——, —___ & —__—- 1099 1997. Forest Flora of Goa. International Book Additions to the Grasses of Goa J. Bombay Nat. Distributors, Dehra Dun, Hist, Soe. 91): 181-183, PATIL, B.B. & 8. R. YADAV 1998, Additions to the RAO, RS. 1985-86. Flot of Goa, Dit, Daman, ‘roids of Goa. J. Eon. Taxon, Bot. 22: 191-192. Dadra & Nagarhavelt, 2 vols. Botanical Survey RAJKUMAR, S., VAISHALI C. JOSHI & MK. of India, Calcutta. “JANARTHANAM 1998. Additions to the sedges VARTAK, V.D. 1966, Enumeration of Plants from ‘of Goa, J. Beon, Taxon, Bot. 22: 688-690. Gomantak. Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Seienee, Poona. 43

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