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NAME: DATE: yo pese pegsr yopese & Beer a eese Te: __ PD: ‘WHE HW Quiz pgs. 300-307 ‘Which two thinkers from the 17" century most heavily influenced the Enlightenment? ‘Newton and Hobbes Hobbes and Locke Locke and Voltaire ‘Newton and Locke ‘The economic philosophy in which the state should leave the economy alone is calle... Capitalism Lissez-faire Keynesian Economics Mercantilism Voltaire was most noted for his. Criticism of absolute monarchies and the feudal system Criticism of religion and his beliefs in religious toleration Criticism of feudal tax systems and the Three Estates Criticism of England and constitutional monarchies Rousseau proposed a social contract in which, ‘The government creates individual contracts with it’s people People write contracts with each other to enforce the law “An entire society agrees to be governed by its general will ‘Monarchs agree to protect the rights and property of it’s people ‘During the Enlightenment period, what percentage ofthe Catholic population attended Sunday mass? 90-95 85.90 80-85 75-80 ‘Where were the ideas ofthe Enlightenment debated and exchanged? Taverns Universities Salons Legislatures 7. Which Enlightenment thinker is considered the founder of the movement for women’s rights? Voltaire Mary Wollstonecraft (Cesare Beccaria Godwin Shelley pprr All ofthe following types of governments were identified by Montesquieu as basic governments excent Republics ‘Tyrannies Despotisms ‘Monarchies pese [Diderot considered the purpose of his work the Eneyelopedia to ‘Change the general way of thinking Change the French government ‘Change European society (Change the relationship between the people and their government peer 10, Montesquieu’s most significant contribution to poltial thought was his analysis and support of. Constitutional monarchies Federalism Feudalism Separation of Power 11. The French writers, professors, journalists, and ete. who advocated social reform during the Enlightenment were called Socialists Reformers Revolutionaries Philosopnes

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