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Praying the Satanic Rosary

The Satanic Rosary should first be prepared by obtaining a rosary consecrated by a priest from a Catholic
church. The cross is removed, inverted, and re-attached. An inverted pentagram can optionally be added as the
rosary circle (which sometimes is an image of the virgin Mary, which can also be inverted). The rosary must then
be desecrated for Satan, by contact with the sexual organs, urinating upon it, et cetera. Desecrating it again
should be done whenever the Satanic Rosary is prayed. Starting with the Inverted Crucifix, the following prayers
are said as the fingers move from one bead to the next, around the circle of the Satanic Rosary and back to the

Which prayers to say on each bead, beginning with the Inverted Crucifix:

State or mentally form any intentions
Kiss the Inverted Crucifix
Make and say the Sign of the Inverted Cross while holding the Inverted Crucifix in the Left hand
Say the Satanic Apostles' Creed

Say the Pater Noster (Our Father Satan)

Say an Ave (Hail Lilith) on each of the three beads

Large beads:
Say a Gloria (Glory Be)
Say a Pater

Small beads:
Say an Ave, one on each bead, while meditating on a relevant Mystery of Satan
You will end up back at the first large bead with its accompanying prayers.
The Satanic Rosary Prayers
1. On the Inverted Cross

When Making The Sign of the Inverted Cross

Using the left hand in the Sing of the Horns:

Sign of the Inverted Cross

In the name of Satanas [touch right shoulder], and of Lucifer [touch left shoulder], and of the Serpent's Spirit
[touch forehead, then sex organs]. Amen.

Signum Crucis Inversis

In nómine Sátanae [touch right shoulder] et Luciféri [touch left shoulder] et Spíritus Serpénti [touch forehead,
then sex organs]. Amen.

The Satanic Apostles' Creed

Symbolum Apostolorum Sátanae

Crédo in Sátanan, Pátrem omnipoténtem, Creatórem Inferi et térræ. Et in Lúciferum, Fílium Lúcis unícum,
Dóminum nóstrum, qui concéptus est de Spíritu Serpénti, nátus ex Lux Aetérna, ascéndit ad cáelos, pássus sub
Rex Judaeorum, descéndit ad ínferos, sédet ad sinístram Sátanae Pátris omnipoténtis, índe ventúrus est judicáre
mórtuos et vívos. + Crédo in Spíritum Serpéntum, inférnam Ecclésiam Satánicam, Daemonórum communiónem,
commisiónem peccatórum, cárnis fornicatiónem, delectatiónem aetérnam in hoc mundo. Amen.

Satanic Apostles Creed

I believe in Satan, the all-powerful Father, creator of Hell and earth. And in Lucifer, the only Son of Light, our
Lord, who was conceived by the Serpent’s Spirit, born from Eternal Light, ascended into heaven, suffered under
the King of the Jews, descended into Hell, sits on the left hand of Satan the all-powerful Father, from where he
will judge the dead and the living. + I believe in the Serpent’s Spirit, the infernal Satanic Church, the
Communion of Demons, the commission of Sins, the fornication of the Flesh, and eternal pleasure in this World.

2. On the First Bead

The Our Father

Pater Noster
Pater Noster, Qui es in Inferis, Sanctificétur nomen Tuum; Advéniat regnum Tuum; Fiat volúntas Tua, sicut in
Infero et in Terra; + Lucem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie; Emítte spíritum Tuum et renovábis fáciem
terrae; Líbera nos ad luxúria; Líbera nos ad ubertáte domus Tuae; Sicut in die ambulémus; Comédite pínguia et
bíbite mulsum; Fornicémur; Adquae ut fervéntius corda nostra praeparéntur, flammis adúre Tuae caritátis,
Dómine Sátanas. Amen.

Our Father
Our Father, Who art in Hell, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in
Hell. + Give us this day our daily light. Send out your spirit and renew the earth. Give us unto luxury, give us
unto the fullness of your house. As in the day let us walk. Let us eat good food and drink fine wine. Let us
fornicate. And in order that our hearts may be more fervent, inflame them with the flame of your love, Lord
Satan. Amen.
3. On Each of the Three Small Beads

Hail Lilith
Áve Lilith
Áve Lilith, spérma Serpénti pléna, Sátanas técum. Benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi,
Daemónum. + Sedúctrix Lilith, Máter Succubárum, óra pro nobis tuis servéntibus, nunc et in hóra Fornicatiónis
nóstrae. Ámen.

Hail Lilith
Hail Lilith, full of the Serpent’s seed, Satan be with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit
of your womb, the Demons. + Seductress Lilith, mother of Succubi, pray for us that are serving you, now and in
the time of our Fornication. Amen.

4. On the Large Beads


Gloria (Doxologia Minor)

Glória Sátanae, et Luciféro, et Spirítui Serpénto. + Sícut érat in princípio et nunc et sémper et in sáecula
sæculórum. Amen.

Gloria (Doxology)
Glory be to Satan, and to Lucifer, and to the Serpent’s Spirit. + As it was in the beginning, and now and always,
and for ever and ever. Amen.
Pater Noster

Pater Noster
Pater Noster, Qui es in Inferis, Sanctificétur nomen Tuum; Advéniat regnum Tuum; Fiat volúntas Tua, sicut in
Infero et in Terra; + Lucem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie; Emítte spíritum Tuum et renovábis fáciem
terrae; Líbera nos ad luxúria; Líbera nos ad ubertáte domus Tuae; Sicut in die ambulémus; Comédite pínguia et
bíbite mulsum; Fornicémur; Adquae ut fervéntius corda nostra praeparéntur, flammis adúre Tuae caritátis,
Dómine Sátanas. Amen.

Our Father
Our Father, Who art in Hell, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in
Hell. + Give us this day our daily light. Send out your spirit and renew the earth. Give us unto luxury, give us
unto the fullness of your house. As in the day let us walk. Let us eat good food and drink fine wine. Let us
fornicate. And in order that our hearts may be more fervent, inflame them with the flame of your love, Lord
Satan. Amen.

5. Small Beads

Ave Lilith

Áve Lilith
Áve Lilith, spérma Serpénti pléna, Sátanas técum. Benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi,
Daemónum. + Sedúctrix Lilith, Máter Succubárum, óra pro nobis tuis servéntibus, nunc et in hóra Fornicatiónis
nóstrae. Ámen.

Hail Lilith
Hail Lilith, full of the Serpent’s seed, Satan be with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit
of your womb, the Demons. + Seductress Lilith, mother of Succubi, pray for us that are serving you, now and in
the time of our Fornication. Amen.
Synagoga Satanae

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