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IFirSit Edi:tiiolil, 2009

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

GldballMedia, 1S,19" Blilagira~h iPal!ace, Chcandlli Clilo'A!k, Delhi-11O 006 Em;:til: c~laioo'lliIJed'iao@dI!.RJj.~Qirn

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

Polley Clone
Instantiate apolicyelass with. ImI!lJyoUfterent pesslhle lypes wlthout arll-hocl:imi.~lti,01lliSon tYlPe of'thepollcy classes ..

Highly 00I]S1I1b1.e, flexiMe !lind externiMe classes ean he bLliilt'LIs:iing !J:mlky based class dJesi;g~le>dhni.q!JlelL Some~ime,s, 11ITie class ofthe policies need to make an exact !J1elP~ica hast of oneof itspolicies but i:ms:tall!t.]8I~dIwi,tlJJ ,oIifFerent type 1l'8Il"aIme~'T"UnfOil'~LIIl!atety.~h.e W.!'ii:l\e,T of thlBhos~ ,dasstem.lP~a:te dloesno~knO\l;' thetempiate n!llme toimrn:ntialte heforehan:iL M,meDver, tillepo!l.icy elass m8lyor may nd bea temlPE!lIrein the first place. If iJ~ Is 11 temp~!lI~. tlil.lI[I th.e host d8iSS may not l{[lOrw how man:ymillim!Jlm tj!ipe parameters are reC!)'LIireolro :irus:tlul!l-l8lreruhe par1l!mee.izedpdicy class, If thepohcy class isnot 8J template, H m1l!yrlo~lbe alb!l.ero 1l'1I!rtidpaitelIS 111P0l]cyclllss" This situaJtian !is q]!Jl:it'e anailogo!!llsro the sitlJiat.]on :in tlile~a,otory Method! ~GoF)1P8Ittern \\ihme lypeof the objecl to, 'be created Isnet knOW!Il 11Il':rimi
template <class cl;ass Host


:11WW'iN.ebook,-converter.colm be Delma Versi

DiPiJ~:Ed"ifionsaCTonvelffer Apo I iCY <i:T> common_, ; IS€! Apo 1 iCY <Some nterna 1Type> I:ntern:::!l lone; I C 1/ Can do this now bu.t 1/ Problem 2: po l a,c that requ more than one type parameter can't part1c:lpate.

Apo 11cy d:lr· _LJ,se ; Apol icy <i:SomelnternaIType> I:ntern.:;aIClone;

1/ P!:'oblem L: Can't


SohJliliml.and SamlPie Code

A member template 5,t[ll]CJ{clllleolrebi!Jl!jl) !is used to pass Il'o]k:y class template. :Forexamll'le.
template <typename T> class N'tftyAl1oc


to the

public: tentpl.:;a.te<typename Other:,. strllct !:'ebind /1 The PoLtcy Clone

{ typedef }; [!h£tyAlloc <'iJtn'E!I"::- ther; o

II. _.
}; template <typen~8 T. class Alloc = IhftyAlloc <T:.> ::Wh8!:"8HasR'E!b rrid <.A.lloc:.> / / CanQepts: on 1y :Ln C++Ox Qlass Vecto!:" { publ ic: typedef' typename Alloc: : teJ1lplate rebl.nik 10n:8>: : other ClorllE!Policy; II He!:"8. Alloc may nat: be .::lte~pla.te class or a pa!:"amet!:":l..zed l.nst.:antl.a.t of' I I a c l.::lsS that takes ! mkrso..... nllmber rt of t)'pE parameters. };

Here, the Cm:ulll:unlBT ~emrup:~1I!re needsarepliea of the a.UoclItionpoHcy Hisillst1l!!lItiaJteol with. Therefore,ilt uses the nilb~nd mechaaism exposed by the NiifityAUoc The type AUocc rebind-dong» ::oth.e[ Is sanae as NiirtyAUoc.d.olltp.E-Ss:f;!lItid.y, it says, "I dlain.'tkn.ow wh'1I!nkiind .of!!l]omtm thiis type :us,!I!nd ] don'tll:llow 1i;!.!'hat i:~1I!Hocates, but I w!I!nt aIJJ!!I]ocaltm j !!.1st .~i.k.eit that alloeates.Jongs." Usillg C+i-lb: COllcepts, the Vector class can wr.ilte type oOlloept that checks wh.ethlBTthe AUocp.oHcy tYlPe:slI]ppmts rebled concept.

:IIWWWrQtMO*"£9RVeR:l8fiGOl~me and remp.~!I!reill the Glonf:iPoHcy tYlPeolf:f.The rule is as fo[lows: Ifthe mime m.emiber template . ofa e.· I. ... ... tl'_']II!IM.* 1110[..•... ··~~J.I2.·~:·II.:R .·.. . .•e••... ' b......O-e···.· l.a.~1W I.:' ..J:w... ~~::C JUN¥"'t.WwoU.lltl.1ilW V.· rsi .
lli .•.
~.~J '~. ••••


··p:"~~~ ......•

' wo:J1ol. typell!l!me is ailso, neoess1I!ry in the dypedefbec!I!lIiSe "other" lsa dype, [lot an v1I!mii.aMe.

Known. ruses
.•. .•. St!l!!ldard Template Library Compilers thal 01.0net support templatetemplate l181ramf:te:rs

Meta . .:functi.o[lw[!I!p!per idiom th!l!npoliicy Clone.Policy Clone idiom iilldkaites ilts p!!.llrposein a. mere lIiblSiraotfashion thsn melta-fu[lct.iJon w.rapper ..The rebind template .isesselllti.lIHylihe l1!lIf:t!!-funct~oll1i;\!'rap'per.

To irll.C[1ea:s.e fl1exfli:t~ntyaf thei[l[ter.faae ora class lemp~alt: by allow:ing: thetemplate class tQpal:t.kiplll!:e ln the slIImne~mp,~k:il twe (JOirnve:rsmm (ooerdoll) that are otherwlse possible on]y Or!. the lypepal:a:met:ers ,oifllil.eclass template,

It is often useful tiD 'exremil' the :Belatiol1Shipib€,tween two types to. thei!: respec;~i!ve templatedass lypeswhe:n they are ~:n:5!t! :Forexa[lilpllE!:;sup(Jl'OIs.e' tha~ class D dJem1ive~s. from class R So. a pointer to an diJjeot oftype D canhe a.:ssignedi to. apolnter


D< :

type. B. These semantics are imp.~k:iny M1ppmted by C-t+piBogrnmmruinglangu!lIgti .. Un~oTrul]1lljtel.y,types ttiJlII~are.composed ,of on.e. ofthese types do not share the rda~ionsih[p or thedrecmposed types, The rule is a!Jlplka.blero templates as ,.wel] anD!therefore,

be Digitalt~EUitions Converter Delma Versi

B ~bptr; D ~dptr;
= dp1:r;

pllbl:1.c. B {(;

/ j This


a l Lo..... by thE! languagE!. ed

~E!lper<:B:> rib; HiE!lper<:D:>hd; hb = hd : 1/ ThiS

~"s not



C,CM rl.d

be VE!y r

~sefiJ1 .

There are caseswhere e·xceiJlltionsro this rule]d more benefits and n.ex~.b:ility~arnno~ aUow.illgit ::'It1Iillfor example, we "wol]~dl[ke toaHow convers]on from auw_ptr-..:;D)ow auro_:ptr..,-::;B>~ UisC!]l]it:e :intuitive bu~ no~ s!JIppon:ed try thelangJl]!lIgti wilil:lOut using

coerelon by membertemplate


Define independent rnem~e:r ternplaie irmpl:idt type conve:rs]on supportedby

runotmm :ins:idJea class remp.~!I!1:e anduse HIe theparnm.ete:r type ][IttiJe :irnplem.en~t~o!ll ofthe

tE!mplate <c.lass class Ptr




U {J

Ptr {

(Ptr const ptr (p.ptr) std: :co Lit «




:Its copy-constructor\ll"

!I SLipport1rJ;g coercion USl:ng member templatoe constnJ.ct.or. tentpl:;a.te <c l:;ass U> Ptr (Ptr d.h c-onst & p) : ptr (p. ptr) / j I mplllc l.t convers lton f'rom U t.o T mList boe allowed. { std: :co Lit -c "conversl1on f'rl.endl)., member template " "constr1lctor lis not; a. c~py- constr1lctor\n." ; } !I ME!mboer copy-aS:Sl,gnment
&. operator

:llwww .{~LttJ<.~~OWfae:tt~r~gm
retllrn *th~ts:

= (Ptr

operator. c-onst &. p)

be 0 i9


tentpl:;a.te <c Las.s U::. Ptr &. operator = (Ptr <u> const & p) { ptr = p. ptr; j / I III pi a.c~t c-omrers1 ..on from V to T IllLlst 'be allowed. t std: :co Lit « : conversion f'rl.endl)., member temp13te asslBnme~ " .operator l.s not a c-opy-aS:Slgrunent operator\:n. ; return *thlS: } T *ptr;




1nt marn (va1·d)

Ptr <D> d_ptr: Ptr <B> 'b_ptr b_p1::r= d_ptr: (d_ptr);
j/ j/

No allowed ..... Thl-s is a.ho


Even tilmLlgb class D is-a class 13,01[18Irn:ay of D ol:!jectsilll-not-ilflJ 8Irlray of B objects, This itsprohfbitedln C+·+ ~1I1l]guagebecause ,ofli~ki[" Quite often rceliaxi:ng rrlITi!i.:s rule for 1I[f1l1Y of'potaters COl!] idol si;g~iflcamf1lE,x~.IiJ~Hty y ..For ee,xample.;1I1!li. i!llrmyoif pointers to D silmLlilcl. assignable to !lin .array of p(]li!]~ to B ..Tl:uisicliorn. Col!]achieve tillat:.iElItra. care be silndcl. be tsken ~o'cliisaUo'Wcopying: of i!llrrny,of oibjectsoif dedved type to base, !Plnt~.ail
~·I .. ..





'~_.IiI, IL~J"'"





1U'",," !L_I~'-"U



't .... 'U,L1;;I,Lioii,.., ~.,~~,

.• ~


eX!l!mp~e uses a. partial specia~izalionof

template <class cl;as;s Arr:ay { !publlc: T>

U '" to ollUyal]mv

COPY' of ar.myof

PO:iirutErs. .

Arr;ay Arr;ay
{ std: }

0 {}
(Arr;ay : copy cnnst .& ::l) a.arr::l}'_ + SIZE. ::l:rr:ay_): (a.;array_.

tsm:pl:a.te <c Las.s U> Arr;ay (Arr;ay <.": U const & 3) { std: : copy (a. array_. a. arr::l),_ }




:llwwwl!1mok';..cunl1erter:colm be Digila' ~jtipns Converter

st·d: : copy (a.3rray_. a.arr::ly_ + SIZE. arr:ay_); T ::l:rr:ay_[SIZEJ ; };


<c l:ass


Delma Versi

A] miJstakEillJ [Mp,Uemenlationof the Coercion by Mernibe:r Templateidiom is all mpmv.irlie ie:mp~!I!reoopy-ODI1S~nldm (]If templ3ie8.lSsignment opeeatnr w~Mll]}ul Ilrov:idillg~eifnoo-tEn'Plateve'TSilDl18" A Ii:JOiMpiiler il~.1I!!JIlto:m<a.t.i:cal.Uy w generate ddauJtcopy-construcioT lIInrllliDI: oOIlY-8.lSs~r.ume:l1it operator versiJo!ls arenet pnDvi{ilErli,amI ilt may C!J!JIS'El hiddellJ!I!nrlinollobvi.Q1]S fa:u~~..

Knerwn. Uses
'.' '.' si\d:;3I1]IDo_ptr boost.::sharerli_plr


Gene:rl.C CDlJJt:aine[ [dlioms

Scope 'Gual'd

be D


To e:nsl[]re that a. iBe90tlOCeSa!l'e1l1w8!YSreleased

i:rI. face ,oif8!n exception



iQ1!n~~ (R~~l!:lYow~ur!~qrJ!~!!! tl~ffiq!!! 9 Versi

conSltrLu::I.'iDr1lm:l e]eacse t~em.ilJi the clesimctJln when scope ends s!lI.ccess:fuUly or dueto all r exeeptlon ..]I w.iI] a~ways releaseresourees ..This isnot veryf1lE.x[lh]e" Sometime we don't: w1InJt torelease reseueces if no exception ls tfuiwVl.'[lbut we do want: to release tfuiem :if exception .is~rowra,

IEalhan(Je t~e typie.a:1 iimplemenl:aJtioll ofRe~o!lll)ae iu; Initi..a:lizaltioll (RAn) idiom wiHJJlI (Joincii,tiiDn1l1heek, c
cl:il8S ScopeGuard

SCDPE!GU,:;:,rd () : eng;;!;8ed_. {t!:"LJE!)

{ /'10





-ScopeGllard () { ~t:f (E!n;¥lgE!d_)

{ /* Rele::iJ'Se }
vord { rE!le':;:'sE!


bere . "A

/*~R~sa~rces )



be rele:a.sed ~/

v<01.d somE! l:n1.t_fimct:lDn


SC~PE!GL.I,:<Irdgll~!:"d.; fl .. _ .. Something . iE:u,:;ard release _ execlltton. lrI:<Iy t:h!:"ow' here. .ResoL.l!:"c)es .",l_ll If not: t1: dOE!s we be releasE!r-e!slJIIlr"ces _

(}; !j

[""E!le.:<IsE!d ~tn nO!:"IrI:<II

Known. U:'!les





"'~""nlr,_,...nn.d'~~~r Q.UU..,~';JMtMtli,tld.&;I(lAI}lJ~"~


., _ .01 E!r·ame\\ior~ an

be Dig·ital Ed if'i.on.......•.•·.... ".i. I.e r Demo Versi .•. .•....•... 00·v.e... · .••.'. C .•.••••.• • s .•..•.. . ... Expr,esslon-Templat,e.•.•.



To create a. domaill-s-pecilic embeddedlallg'uage {DSEt}ill c++ To s!lIpport lazy £l'fa.il1aticm ,of C++ eJlpressions (e.g", malll:JemaJ~ical.expr'essimls), , '!,';'Ihi.dhenbe executed m!Jich laterin th.::progrnm. from the point ortheir c ol.::l'illitlin, .. o To.pass a:!I.expsesslon -- not the-result [)If the expression -- as a param.eter to !'II function ..

Doma.iin-specifk: .U1I!ng!Jiages (DSLs) is a. way ofole\'elopillgpmgmms where the problem to be solved is expressed uslng llot8l~ion till1l!~ism!ll.dhcloser to the domatn oHli"ie jliroiiJ:Uem [ather than the usl[]al.!II!]I~tio[l (]oops, cond~timl1l~;s,etc.jpmv.ided by jliroooourn[ .Uangu..ages.DO!llJ1I!ill-speci:l'ic emheddedlsngueges {DSEls.) ls !'II special ease ,oifDSLs whemMle Ilota!~"ionis em.bedlllledin a ho&tlangll]age' (,e.. .. C+·+]. Two promin.::nl ex amp lees g, of DSELs based on. C++ are tlile sclentlflc ,rnmp!llting Hbra!rY. Sjliiritprov.idJes !'II not!ll~ion to w.rHe EBNF gram!llJar diir.ect:Uynio. a. C++pmgram. BI:ilz·++ dows a Ilotalionto i jlierror.m :m8ltli"iemalica~. opertlons 0[1 m!!Jisly, such notation is not provldedJn




lintellt.i!m1l. the prograJIIme:r 1Jl!ldte~:!lI,t!li:iti.yel.y of maHrlg tilt: :poogr8im much mere ["€i1rl!a!i:J,]e. n redueesthe development as wen as maintenance costs IIllrammati:caHy. So,llowdio tlleselihr8!!1i.'es (Sp,iJrit8!nrl!BmZ++) achieve sueh a..~e8!pin tile albstrac;~"iol!l..~evell? heaaswer is -- YOLI g,uessooit rigli1lt-- Ex:p~essi.on Tmnp13Jtes" T The key idea b el:ui il.,expression templates islJa:Z;y 'ev<illluJati.on,of eJlpressiorls, C++ does m not SLiPPODil: ~,1I!Z.y evai.l]8!l"io!ll. ,expressions r!lIti.'I'ely. Fer e:xampl,e, ~:nlihe code snippet: of below, tlile arlJdI:itiollle:KpD'eeSsio!ll. (x+J!-t'l!) is execlJ!~di before the f!linctimI foo is. cdoo.
int line. x; does not exist



.L 1I,lw


1U'w,Ii~"".L,I!L ~I,

'U....:!II,~Jl!:; '.:I'u/~~",


IL~"""'''' !L~",,",




roo ex + x + x) : II The addit~tanExpressli.on

beyorsd thlE

l''LInct±Oi!ll.~OO never leaUy Imowshow the parameter it I'oc€;lves Jsecmputed, The 8idld~l"iorl. expressinnnever I'e:aUy e.xi.:sts8!He:r its first snd tlil.eon~y ,eva~!liatiolJi,. his ,dle:fauUliJeh1lJv~,or T

: IIWWWtehAok,iii(!e'A¥~MJ~lftoheal.c~odd, !progr8!ms~ver, somt:poograms


to evaluate :utaga:un8!rld


return x + )( + x : /1 Nate tn-e S3meExp'

Delma Versi
cooe here

} 1/


Lot of
tnt [If




A[NJ = { 1. 2, 3, 4. 5};

.5 ;

std: : tr:an.srorrn {A, A+N. A. std: inteHer.



II Tr- ip les every'

This is tlile con¥enlt~o[lail. way oFs1Llp!porting lucY eVl1:~llIalti.on maJthe;ma.t.i!cail. of lin C/C++. The expression .iswlr8!ppooilll 11 rLlIlc:t.i!oi!li the funot~o[l ~;spaseed around asa and ll'8!ramed'eT.Tffilere isoverhead offlllnd"io!ll. calls .8!nrl! reatiolll oOf te:mporndeeS.ilJl tMs c teclilnique, 1IIndqJ!li:ite ofie:rI, the loc8!lion or lli1.eexpeession .in the source code is ql]ite Fa:r [rom tile call site, which adv·er:s.eJJY8!ffeds the readahHH.y aad rn.:a:il1!~\!pre-ss:iori templllressol.¥e tile problem. by ~:!l.~i!ll[ng theexpressioi!ll, wl:uicl1elim.]ootes theneed for a. fLlnc;t.]orlll'oin~'T !lind hlringl> togetht:[ the exp:J1e8siolll8!ndithe cd. slte,

SOh.llitlmt. and SamlPie Code

Expression te:mp'~!lI~slll:s.ethe Recm:sive Type Compmitionidiiom., Rerur:siY,e lype composltlon useeinstances of class templates that oOinl8!inothe:r ilJiS~naes of the same tern illIreas member vllIriaiMes. Multi Ie ["€! ' [nstal]t:i1ll~ionof t~le same template Ives

rlse to a!lJIabSltracl sy.ntal!,! tree

(AST) of lypes"Recu!rSi,ve tjllpe c(JImpos~t.ii01n, ibeen, used has ~o',crea~I~l1.ear Type lists asweMas hi nary eJ!!IJlressiontreesased [11. the foUomng examJll~e"
,N'lnc1L.I,de<l.astrec:am> ~'lnc1u,.de <vector> stn.lct }: struct Constant {' dOllb1e c; Constant (double dOllb1e operator V;:],r {' dOllb1e




{ :return



: e (d) (double)

{} { return

c: )

}: template < c1;:];ss L, class stn.lct DB:1n ryExpre;ssl.on a H, { class

OP :>

L 1_:
DB:1n;:]ry(;:xprE!;ss:1on (L L ~ h) : 1_ (1), dOllb1e operator 0 (double d) { :return

H h_: }


{} (1_ Cd).

OP:: 3pply


:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

struct Add {' :st.:;:"tle dOllble ,",pply (double



{ return

1 + h;

tE!mplate < cl;:];ss E =" struct { E.e'xpr _,: D<ExpreSS:1on (E e) : expr _ (e) {} doulble operatorO (doulble d) { retum

eXp'r _ (d);

template -c cl;:];ss Ltir , class Fu:ne =" voad ev::aluate (I tr 1bE!81:n" Itr end. F urto Tunc) { for (I tr :1 = bea:l.n: 1 != end: ++ 1) std: :couc <<:: Tunc (*1) <::< std: } lnt { ma rn (val,d) IImxpr-ess aon <:: Var:> Var:l.;:]1be; I [(Express~,on <::Const.:;:,nt> L1teral: [(Bln3:ry£xpreS:S:l.on <V;:]:r~:ilble , Literal. [(Expr-ess~,on <::VarL1tAddle'r> MyAdder;


typede:f typede:f typede:f typede:f

I-. 'I

,Add:> VarLnAddE!r;


Ll.ter:al 1 (Con.staTJt (50.00)); VarLit:A.dd;er vl_adder(x. 1); 1'yAdder expr (vi_adder); std: :vector :::l p.~sh~back .. :::l pnsh~back .. <d.ouhlE!:> :::l .. {W}; {2:o};


eV:::luate l (:a. beE l.fl () . :::l E!nd 0 .E!xpr); .. n.ot: leek 1. ., t

I ! It: 1.s (50.00

+ x)


An a:!lIalogy tn the Composite .ollBS.ig!ll.]plltterri.useful. here ..ThefrempLate DE!l:poossio:n can is be oonsnoler-ed as tihe 1Iibstna.ctbaseelassin the Compositepattern .. It captl]r'e,s the commollal.ity [Ill the interface. lnexpressioin. templates, the common n:rllterfa.ceils the overloaded functkm call ope:r8!I.oL[}BiJnExpress~on its a real composite as wen as an ad8!pioT, whk:haDlap~ ArlJDl'snlllteria.ce to that ofDExlPre-s&.io!ll. (olltS~nlllm:1 VaT 1100 two . dlifferent lype-sof leaf nod!es~ Theyelse Mn'cil;: the DE!!:pr"s ilntlllrface. DExpr hides the to compllexiltyoif [}BiJIJIExpressioirl; COl1StalI~8!rldValr be.h!i:nd! . !:Inifled Interface to make a them wmk ioge~heL AlIylbiina:ryo[perat'oTC8!n. ta!rep]aceoir Add, :fOlrexample Di!v.idle, Multi.piyetc. The a;!bovlB ,exam!l:ll.edoes not show' ho.w r"fCl]r&.i!ve types .are ge:nem, compfle-tlme. Also,expr doesnot ~,ook.likea m1ltlilemalical. eJo!IPoossionat all, b!lllitlt ls Indeed one, The i

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

code that fo]l, sho.w ho.w types arerec!lIIlrsi.vely com pose d u;si:ng repet.irti.'I'ei:ns,tallltnatti,on of the rol.lowing overloaded + opemltoT.
t:E!mplate< class A" class B> DExpress ian.<DB1.naryExpI"<DEx(press1 .. n<A> . DExpr-E!SS1.0fl<B>" Add> > o oper:::lt'lJ!r- + (DExpress~.on.<A> a .. DExpress1 .. n<B> b) o { t:ypedef [[}n <[iExpr-ess 10fl<A>" DE:xpr8ss<B>. Add:> ExprT; :return Dfu:pr8SSl.on<Ex:prT> (Ex:prT{a. b)) ; }

The a;ibovlB o'l'er'1'oadled operame- does two things -ilt adds sjI"IIlJa.cHc !lllglllr' enables S and 'oompoiSiiltij,olI, bounded by theoom.pilelr's :Inmit&.. canlherefure be usedto It T"epl,acethe call ta.eva~!lIIateas follows:
evalllate (a. bE!gl:n (). a. en.d () . x + 1 + x) ; It 1..s (2~x + :5D.OO). whllch does look LtkE! a rnat:h.erna.ttcal expreSS1.·lJ!n .



'I' 'I' 'I'

BliJlz++ Lib:Fairy Bm:~st Spidt Parser Frameworl\: &mtB.asic Linear A.lgebra.


Many tlmes Hm:8JlI::e~s. oonse teprevem DOppn,g of objects of a. class.Fer eX8imp~e, class thalt eneapsulates net'!;;\!1OIlI:: comluactions. CO!Jllyi[lgcan't be mealn:in,g;fu[ly dlefined! for s!lI.dh classes, So,ilt ~muM. be exp~~dtly Ilreve:nied wi:tilmLltreilpn,g I[)IJi gu~oleiines or di.:sd.pHne on Ilroglralmmer's part The intent silmLlildalso beeasily .idlel'llti:fiabil,e bylooki:ng at the jmllt deelsratton of a. d8JSS to impmv,ere!lldabil:ity. S4!lh.llitlml. and SamlPie Code

:llwww.ebookl-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

A class c8JUeol.non~,oo!Jllyaibleisdefined '!;;vhichhas apelvaee DOpy cOlJiSi!r!llcior nd copy a ass]gnme!ll~ ,opernior.

cl:il8S N'onCopyalble { !protE!cted: NonCopyalble 0 {} .-N"c-nCapy:ilble () {} !/ j Pr-ot:ected non- \f~t['"tll:J.l dest::nJc.tor !p:Lt fa.t:e \ : NonCopyalble (c.nnst: NonCopyalble .&) : NonCopyalble.& operator = (const N"onCopyablE! &);

cl:il8S C:ilntCapy


: prl:V:ilte NonCopyalble

Call11COipyobjec:ts can't be aOlliedllJecame the copy constructce 8Indlcopy lIss:ignmerut operators I[)f~e pDiiwlte base class NionCopyabile alre not: access~.IiJ;]e to~e derived elass,

HIe (fald:UIiI:mal. W8IY tn OJea.l. wUlh mesers Siim[p11flI!lind! deaBer,and. NOIlGo!pyalbleneeol. from-1Ioo\'e copyailbiiHty" because notbe doesn't

to dec]81re apnvate

copy con:5ltrucrofan.d. Iloncopyable j):r:i'!f~t.e members


1IssiJgnrn.e!IJ~, nd then. dioclllm.erut: wh:y this ls {ilol1e. B!lIt d!er:iJvilJlgfrom a relJl!ll:ire addilHolllll. NonCop'Y·lIlb]e fmm "above" docum.erumltiolJl. can also • A CRTP defined.



81 mj!!!ilJl-

it defines

11 fOOSailiJ]emoollLl~e tIDi8l~ "miixes-[IJ"

lIDieife<alhlre of " g~ve[l

into th.e dleri:ved




class {




protEcted: NonCo;pyalb1e 0 {} -[1onCopy:::lbls () {} !/ j P!:"crtected non- \LtrO 1:;].1 destnlctor pr~t\!:;].te: NonCopyalb1e (cDnst NonCopyalble .til) ; T &. ·ops!:"ator = {const T .til} ;
}; class



: pr:t:V:ilte onCop}':<Ilble N


Known. ruses

Relil!ltedl Idiems

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

Also Known As



To extra.ot O!JIt a lypeillolepe!ld)en~ b!JIlttype customizable fllrlictiorua][~y ][111base class and to mix . in {halt iintema.ce/plBopertylbelina.v.ioril]w a. d]eD1ivedi class, CUSmmiiZied fm the derived class,

S4!l~udml. n.d SamlPie Code a


T : pllblic. Xd:> {...l :

This is v:.a]~ol. 0111.)"]fM:JeS]lie ·oif X<T)o eaa be determined iindepe!lderlUy of T.. Typliic1Il]y, the. base class ~empll1l~e'!.'i':uU taike1lolv1l!n1t1lgt: ofMle fact that miemiiber fanctlon bodies (defiI]JiJt~om) are not ~nstllmu1l!redl untllJong afiter their docl!!lIratiorus, and will use members of the .oJea:iveol. lass. wi:Ih~:nits own member f!JI:!lIctions,v ia theuse ·oif 11statl.C_C."iSt, e.g.: c tE1l1plate <class iStn.l.ct base
{ {

O'er:tved:> 0

vo rd l.nterface

/! ... statl.C_c.aiSt<lDer~.vE!d (t:h 1.s) -> tmplem.entat Lon 0 ; ~> /! ... } sta.t

vo ad st:<l.tI.'I:_ ~nterface 0 :

:llwww .ebO~ogvarter
/! ...

cla.sseiS {see bE!low)


DigitalEdiJ~.QllitCQ,QVute~r:rQJ~JDO (otnerW:Lse) !I averrj.den by :I;nherl1t:ln8 j.n derived void : 0


1,'1: VO

ad sta.t


~.mplE1l1entat 0 ; ion

II The Cur l.Ollsly Recurr ing Template Pattern iStn.l.ct de!:"l.ved i : base<de!:"lved_.U>


!I Thl.iS C l,",ss LJiSeS base varj.ant !Iva ad lmplem.entat l.on0 ;

of ll111plem.'E!ntatl.on

stat: 1C vo ad st:;].t :I£_ nnp'l.emerrcat; loOn0

/I This

el:;ass oOverr~.dE!s impleJ1lentat:l.orl impleJ1lent:;].tl.orl 0 ;

/I ... and b:;::,sE! v:::.ri:<lnt af''PlemE!nt::l.tli.on

/Ist:at:ic val.d stat:l.c_l1mplement:at:.:1.oOn


Parameterized Base Class

To 1Iibs~act out an aspect requfred.
][111 rewlIfu!,]e


comib]ne ilt


gi\'e:n type whe:n.

Also Known As
'.' '.' Mixin-[rnm-helow P!lIrametertizec:llnhe:rit'!lnoe


tE!mplate <class class Seriali~ble {

pub he T. pub 1 ~.e I Ser

I I! P::<irarnetE!r1:zed Base Class


Id aom


pub l rc :

Ser:1.a.ll.z:ilble (const T &t:. = TO) : T (t) V:l.rt:LJ,:;::,lnt serial.ue i (char "'& bu:ffE!'r" { canst s:l.:ze_t s:l.:ze = s:l.:zeo:f' (T);

{} SIlZE!_t & buf_SiZ£!)



~:SlZ8 :> IDLrr_SJ.ZJ3) thr·ow st.d: : ru:ntiDlE!_8r:r·ar ("


lI1emory! ") ;

rrueltlCpy (buf'fer , stzt:.~tc_C;];st<c:onst: T *::>- (th~t:s), b'lf'fer +<= size; bllf~:slZ8 - = sl.Z'E;
return s1;;!;E!;

Sl.ze) ;

} );

Se:ri;a.~~.zajble<T> C8! useolpol.ymorphkaUyas a T aswe]las eX8!mp~e\i'OOd\:s best wn.en T ils 11 user-defined POD tj!ipe"


]Se!,ijaliJzab.~e" Albove


OLlr.imlsly RBoo[[.illg TempjatePettern

Move 'Constructor
To tmnsfer the m\lne:rshii[p of'arescurce held ~y8!n. 13bject t13a.newai~jBDt

Abo Known As

C13ivin-Giblbolls trick

:IIWWVlL,~I2Q,gJshi,gn)lgtlC[~~gQJ, be DiGJtiiJJ;1!tvpjii tYelmo

b bj <eCp8!rrvener
;std: :aut:·o_ptr <:I:nt> a (b};






Olhvwrnly,M1e copy censteuetm 13faLlto_plr Isnot reaH.y a cop,y constwcoor1l!n.d hence H dJOesllO~ lake a cons,t reference as 11 par.1I!rb1:eter., [pO&eSIl13[poo· aibOr\'e code ]it the beeanse olbjiect bisnl!ll~ a.oollS~ object But It creates a.pooblell:lll.willen. a. tell:lll[pOI!lIryis ! ]Il.volveol, W.hen 11 runct.i:oirb.retnsns an obj,ect byvalue all(jl~8i~ret!JIr.rbed obj,ect ]s used t13 construct anothoc object 13fl:he same class, ODII:IlI[pi.lers ,cre1l!~ a.~rn;PQi[.1I!ryof the retLirneciloibject These te;mnJpornries aT"€JeaUy ShOT~ lived and. tille moment after the l.eft hand side olbjec~ ls


.•~ •.• . -.--~~~, _

••.•- ~~- •• --~_.

- .•.••• _ .•_ •.••I:"._._.•-' .- -- •.•__ ...••.• ~.• _ •.••!I:'_ .•.-._.

._ ••• _

owner ofhus !J1e8ot:lrcesFoT 11 '>'ery short time, The hOilill~ .is~mpornries are const objects illy default, Therefore, they c8J[JJ'~lbe 'Used to ca]l~li1Ie conSitrucmr~ki!lg non-ecnst mFerence .. Mml'e {:lI]ootrilotm is usedhere,

SohJl!t1ml.and SamlPiJ.e C9de

tEmplate <class T> cl;ass IfoveRe&D!I[r.-ce

pr~tvatE stn : ICt: proxy

T '" re&D!llrce_


T '"


; (MoveResD!llrce (m , resource_] &rn) t:hrow

1bveReso! Irce : resource_


1~ove constrLJctor

m, resource_


1bveResource Cp:roxy p) throw : reso! Irce_ Cp_resourcE!_)




move constnJctar

{ }
1bveResource & oper~.t·Dir = (MoveResourcE &m) throw ()


copy ;and swap t.d rom M'oveRe&D!llrce tEmp em); temp. swap return (~t:h1S); "'thiS;

:llwww~k~verter:colm be DigitmR~tJfis Converter Delma Versi

c~py ;and swap t.d ~.orn return thiS.




O.(aVE!RESOllrce &rn) t:hrow (thl..s->resourcE_.

st·d: : swap

; function

m, rE!sD!llr'ce_) j

opE'rat:or proxy


f A.



p:r·O'xy !p; p_ resource_ t:hlS,-:>r'E!SOl]r.-ce_; t:h1s,->rE!SOllrCe_ = 0; return p:


HisirlTpmt8!rd that these f!J.mdiollsiben.on....:tilnomng, to gua[l1n!:ee ~Iit:~eas~basic except.]on gu['a:niee,. The col:IiI!P'i.ler figures OI]~Ift1e:.ight seq]!llenooof oOinver,sij!D1JJfunctlcas when 11 r Move:Resm:l[{:e iis being oOlflstn:ncted ffoO-ID8! returned value ,OiIT 8!functij,olJ1"It first: calls tlile ope,ratmpoo.xy· conversion OpenlJror ;and then .itinvok:es lffile proxy move cOlJiSlnJdoT" No e'l\,'jGeJl'tiolls hould be thmwnill therll1€!8lJ1wihijle, the, themwiil.l. be: resousoe leaks, s o The upcoming feature-of C+-t09 ~8!nguage standard, R'!f.a.~uerefeoolJ1oes. w.iU eliminate the

need of the Mo,¥e Comtru.ctoridiom"

'.' '.' '.' Resource ACq]ui:s.]tiolJJb lruiH;alizalt~alJ1(RAn) S(Jope G!lIam Resource Retmn

Safe Bool
To provide boo~e8!n tests :~OT class but restrlctlng ill I]nw.lIIlJte:rn 'expresliioins" It from tllking ll!llrti.cip;atij,olJ1 iin

5tru,ct TEst::l1b1e { OpEr"rtor 0001 ()


corest; {



} }; 5tru,ct AnotherTestalb1e { opE'rat:or 0001 () const { retl.lrn tn IE; } }; int ma rn (\!Oi·d) ( Testalble ,",.; A!1OtherTestalb Ie b ; l.f· Ca. =,= b) { /~ bl<1hbl~h bhh~/

} if' Ca <: 0) { /~ blan blah bl<1h$/ } j I The ,",baV'E comp.:arl.sons are :<!ccldental
c>ornp:l.les them.

,",nd are



but the

c"{]fl1p~tlE!r happily

return 0; }

S4!lh.lliti~n. and SamlPie Code

Safe 0001. :idiiom.a]~o<.,\!'s sy[J!tadica~ {:lo!J]enlenoe of tes~ing US,]ng, an intuitive ]fs~lternent .... ~!lIt ~Iittile same time prevents u[J!inl:endiedistal\eme:rlts]y geWngoom!fli.led i:rI.. Here !is tile code for the safe bool ..idiem,
cla85 TestablE { bool olo:._; typedef' voad (Testable:: ~oool_type) 0 '::O[1st; void this_type_does_rlfot_support_cIDfl1p.:<1r~tsons 0 c;onst expli'::l.t TestablE{oool b=trIlE): ok_ (b) {}


puhLrc :

oper;;!.tor oool_type 0 CO[1st { return ·ok_,==t::rue ? &Test;;!lble: :thl.s_t)lpe_does_nat_sLJppart_cornpartson-s } }; cla85 Another-TestablE ...


l.nt, lI1~l.l\!Ql.d)




:llwww~ook,-converter.calm be Digji~'~l;IUti~g=:~......nverter Delma Versi .•.. ~~'r!~ .• ··.· ·.···n. l'Etff

A!lOth.erTestalble 1:2; < to cm~ :return 0;

Getl!sabL'e Soorn.tti:on
There are t.,V'op.UaJ!lIsibleS.{J)~:!lIt~,ons:liIsill!g ; ahsse class with 1li v.k~ulll. functioll! for theaetusl .bg~,c, or ~.base class that know'Swhi.dh Funct.i:oirlto call on the de,rivedi elass, Asv:irtu,al runct.iions rome ~l ill cos~ (especially ifthe class ymi.'re ~lJglne!J]ting witli"l. Boo]earl tests dJoem't conteln ~[J!yothec Y.inJl]1I1 functions), Seeboth versions be~,Or'iv;
cla85 safe~bool~base { ()

pub l rc :
typedef' Y,ol.d Csafe~bool~b=e:: ~bool_type) void this_type_does_rlfot_support_cDfllp:ilLtsons protEcted.:

canst; C'D-nst {}

safe~boal_b=e 0 {} safe~boal_b=e (cDnst safe_'bool~base&) {} Dperator= (conat; s;;!.fE_oool_bc.:ase&) {!:etur:n -sa.fE!_oool_b:lseO {} };


I FDir testalb:l.ll.ty ..... ~thOHt virtual ftsnctn.on, tE1l1pl3te <t_ypename T=10 id> cl~ss safe_.bool : pr:l.vate safe_bool_base { j I prj;v~te ·Dirpr·otected. j.nher:l:l:.:iln.ce j.S very ~lITlportant: here triggers the j I access c'ontrol vj.olat:Lon a.n rna.m , publ tc: opera.tor bool_type 0 conzst; { return (S=.tic_ca:st<c-onst T"'> (th:l.s)) ->boole~T1_test 0 ? &s:ilfe~bool_ba:se: :th:lE_t}'pe_does_:not_sllpport_com.par1Eons



protected. : -sa:fE!_oool };

o {}

:IlwwvtJmlll)tt,.:; 0 be Digitilmtion9-GeRvertermDemo
opera.tor bool_type
conet, {

I FDir test alb:I.ll.ty ..... :<l V:l.rtLJ=<Il'LJT1Ct . f l.on tE1l1pl3te<i:> cl~ss ~.fie_.bool<i:vol.d> : pr~tv~tE! s:afE!_bool_base { j I prlv~te ·Dirprotected. inher:l.t=<Ince j.S very illTlportant: here tr:l.ggers the




: th lB_type_:does_not_.Sl



protE!cted. : v~rtLJ,:al boo I boolean_test v~rtLJ,:al ~S:iI£e_bool 0 {} };




tE1l1pl3te <typename T> bool operator== (COl1:5t safe_bool<T>& if (b) { l.f (lhs} rE!turn trlle; elsE! retLJrn f:..lse; } E!lse { l.f (lhs} rE!turn false; elsE! retLJrn trUE!; }


booI b) {

tE1l1pl:ilte <typename T> bool operator== (bool b. canst if (b) { l.f (rhs} retu.rn trlle; ;1",,1

s:af:E! bool<i:T:::.-t.. rhs)

} E!lse {

l.f (rns} rE!tu.rn false; elsE! retLJrn trUE!; } }

template <tYIPsname T. tYIPE!n=e lb vo rd operator== (conat, saFe_boo:kT:>& ins. conat; safe 1hs. thl.S_.tYPE!_does_rlot_sllpport_compar:l.sorls 0; }


vou.d oper.:a.tar!=

tE1l1pl3"te <tYIPsname T. typerl, a rne U::. (COrlst sa:fE!_oool<T>& lhs .COrlst s ...:fE!_oool<U>& r-hs) lh·s _ 1S_:type_doE!s_:not_sl lpport_compar th lSOrlS 0 ; }



be Digjtl=afi-diti·0AsIlGoJRvet1er Delma Versi

v j_rtu, a l _TestablE!_:.W1th_:v~trtllal () protE!cted: v:1.rtLJ, l boo 1 boolean_ test 0 const .. /I Perfarm Boolean Loga.c hE!re return true; } }; class {} {

publ, ic safe~boCll
{ publiC:

TE!st.:able_wl_thCH v irtl ia l, : It_ <Testable_wl! thout_:Vl_rtu


I! CRTP xd iom

/~ }

NOT vlrt:rJal ~/ 0001 boolean_test /I Perfarm Boolean l0Ktc hE!re

return fa lse ;


1nt main (vo1·d) { Testalble_w1th_vl_rtLJal t.l , t2:; Testalb1e_W1 thOllt_ v lrtlla1 pl. p2; if' (tI) () 1.f' (pI== false}

std: :COllt « "p l f'a.lse \:n.· ;

j_f' (pl p2) 1f' (tl != t2)

return 0"

{} II lDaes flot CDrnptlE!. :<IS expE!cted {} II lDaes flot compa Ie, as expE!cted

II!1I. ,address of :pmteeredi mernibers fUl!1IctioMC8!I!1I.'t taken .il!1l.derived class, Derived C++ ibe a. class could be a s1anolar-d class, a Class tEmpl.aJte or <l specia]!llor a class t.ernplalte" s.ome·imp~,emeintat.iiO:l!1Is sarfe bool ~o1iiom I3f decllllre· salfe_I:]o[ml._base:;~!his--,type_does_llo{_S~pport_:oomplllrilsons aspmt.eeredi, address or which c!}r1'~lbetallrera.iin th.e derti:ved class - a Jl::quhernel]till rem8ible safe limo,l.idiom, Un~oTru[l;aJte~y.;ruhere a. access contooll!Y.g. ~:n. iis g+'+ comp:ii~er thalt a[lows~k~:l!1Ig eddressof sa:lfe_oool._base:::ruh~s--,type_does_llot~s~pport_:oompalr:ilsonsi!ll !'II class iemp:~alre'even when lin Is deda!redpmteeredl"

:lIwwW~~"6Q,9Js, be Digit81~:~bESi\ions onverter Delma Versi C


Sometimes h beecenesnecessary to ~:raiinia~.izebase class froma data memhee onh.e a. cumerdJdJeri v ed class, ]t smJm:ilscOlJitra.dliDtorynothe rules I3FC++I.a!llgml_ge because base classes are i1J.~waysil]i,tia]~:redl efore an:y I3ftihe data members get !lJ chaaee ~o exeeate i b thE~roorus~r~,otms, if 8!IlY.TIiI.eidiom ibo:b dlownm p~slil!i:l]gthepar.ame,te:r data member ln a. pr.ivat.e base elassaad p"~Uillg tih8!lpr.iva!re base class before the dlepe!lloleTIlliJaseclass ~I] the derivat.i:o:rI.orner. The~8!ng~.a:g,e rules dictate that base classes lIIre· hwys ~niitia~.izedl:1!1I a i the order ,of declaearlon,

FO[iIDW.illg ode Js obta!illeo1. rom. BooiSt:I~.IiJTary,. c f Fo[low:iing cocieillolicalresruhe ooq]uimmeinL

N' <st'f"E!3rribu.f> N'inc:l.u.·de <CI5tre~> class Fdmrcbuf publ1C std::

I I for I I for

std: std:

: strE!3m'buf : ostream


( pulbLtc: explic~.t






c1;:<1ss fdost!:"eam

: pub'l ac std:: {


II,. ,

protected: fd~ ribuf b!llf'; pLJIbLtc: expl1c ~.t fdostream ( l.nt fd ) : bllf'( fd ). ostd: :ostnE!3111( &bLJf')

!I This

l.s IlOt allowed. 1,n1tl.a.lized


DiQ!!!I,",~~!!tc!~!.£~~verter Versi Demo

N' N' <str·E!3rribu.f:> <ostream>

I! for I! for

std: std:

: strE!3m'buf : ostream

c1;:<1ss Fdmrcbuf
publl,c ( pLJIbLtc: explic~.t std:: streambLJf'






ostruct fdastf"-E!3rn_poose { fd~ ribuf sibuff:E!'f"; expl1cl.t fdostream_pbaosE! : sbuff's!:"C fd } {) ); ( t.rrt; fd )

c1;:<1ss fdost!:"eam
pr r 'late f'dastrE!3rn_poose publl,c std:: '05tr-e,:;arn {


,~,·I..I'_'~'-I, ·'""..:.;iIIIW_t-'I,J. ..... ~




: ostrea!J11


pLJIbLtc: ex:pl1c l.t fdastre:;]111 C l.nt: fd ) : pbase_type ( fiJ )" b:<iSe_t:ype ( &Sbllf'fer {}

II ...

Construction Trucker

:IIwww.eboo k-converter.corn b e 0••n~hmJt"~"~~5PR'm!i'~~w~°rl~! ••


...•. .....

V···· ..ersi

W.hen two OJ more objects are illitiJaili2lelll constructor's ]nitia:~i:z;a)tiol:l ill a llst and. an of them ,c:a:!1I. thrm"" the same ex=ptioll (sM.:~except~on) .•trad":iing 'Ol.!'h:ichoneofthe:m failed t.eoome a tr.ickyisS1LIe as there can. be onlyone try block s!lI!rm!llnclingthe .i!lHia~izatiolllu5L Sueha try blocklillas a. specia.U Ilame caUed 'coimlslbl(]cmr 1)1block', which is [lothing bl:llt.a 1 'flinctiollctryh.Uook' ..

SohJlJtJml. and SamlPiJ.e Cude

Construction Traeker Jdlomuses a. simp,Ue ~edu:uiqr!lle tFaick successfu] CO!lSltruc~iJon to 01:1 olbjeclls .in the .i:n~tiializ!lltionliist A CQurulie[Js s~mp,ly incremented <1S col1&an:!lIdmsof olbjeclls fiinisih sl:lloClfSSfuHy ,ane-il:Jy~ane" n cleverly uses ~:m1.ckelt opeeatnr to i:nj:ect the CO!llllO increments ~:n. between c:a.Uls the ca:nsltrl:llctmsalU being ~otihe user or ~Q the class,
#'inclLlde #·
struct <l.astre,:am>



B (ch:::.r c'onst


{ throw


: n llYl:.:tme_error (" B E;rrar");

struct }:

C {'

C (ch:;:,r C'1}DSt "') { throw d;ass A {


: n llYt.:tm.e_error

(" C !i;r:['"Q["""): }

IB b_; Cc ; enulTIi Tr;ackE!rTypE! { N"ON"E. ON"E. T\\'O }; pLl!bLtc: A ( Tracker-Type tr:<lcke["" = NONE) try /! A const:rHctor try !bloc.k. b_ ( (tr:< ON"E"· he 110")} / / (;an thr·o-w st:d: : except c_ ((tr:<lcker = 1\\'0" ·warld")} 1/ (an thr·o-w st:d: : { :<Issert{trackE!r ,== nID} : /! ._. CDnst:rHctor body } =.tch (std:: excE!pt:ton consst; & e) { 1f (t:rac.ker == ON"E) {" st:·d: : COLlt: <<[ • B threw: • <[ <IE! _what 0 <[< st:d: :E!nd 1; }

be Digi~alrEditions Converter DelmaVersi

int: {
ma rn

:llwww .ebook-converter .com 0

st:·d: : COLlt: <<[ • C threw: • <[ <IE! _what « st:d: (\lOi·d) {

:E!nd 1;

try } catch

(st:·d:: c-anst std: : CDLI.t <I< "C:<II sght.:

&. e)

{ " <[<E! _what

} }

<I< st:·d: : end 1 :

The dOIl]Ib:.~e parentheses .ishowtlITie ~mcke,t operator iisusedto placein the assigm:neIdro the tracker .. ThisJdlom cdtka.~~y depe·nrns!llpon theaorutru.ctm ofB8!ndl C t8Jik:iJng,t ~e8.&1 a oneparnlIle~er.[f elass B8!l!!d C doesnol tak!e paremeters, then anadapter elassnseds to be wr.itJtel1 such thal H the !lJola(JJl\f,r dassw:iU accept a.dl]mrnl.y parameter and C!lJI.I]ng the dJeflll!ll]t arameters of B anal C. Sl(]ch1l!n.adl8!p~ercarl be wdUen 1]S~:ng p M,me (++ lidi:mmfPlIJlIImel\f[ized B1I!SeClassid~,olIl 'U:s.ingmixi:n._;frornl.-be~mc\!' tooJ:u]!iqJ!lIe The adapter .. class ceaalso beeampletely enc1l!pMiI.ated..i:m.:ideclass A. lllitlile con:s.tuIcrorof class A.• the tracker plllrllrnlet'er 1:J1IiS a. dlefllu]Jt\'1I!'Iu:e nd theeefore itdoes no botiher theaser .. a

Runtime Statlc Initialization Order

Control. tlil.eorder ofilliti1liljjz~njJoll and destruetian ofm:m-lm::1Ii1.S~\1Jti.cohjects across compii~,at.iml.'U[l!ibthat are otherwise mdereolill alll .imrupillementilltion {ilf:[pen.dlenlt ma[l!nf:[,

'.' O:rdf:roif ~:nmaHz\1tiolJi'of 5,t1l!l"icbjec~ spread across dilfli''eR~llIt o comrupii~,at.i:oin iis unlts nO~Wf:n ,olf:f'illeoL O!J)dif:roif deeteuctlou Is the reverse of.i:n~tial:izaltion order 'but , .iIlH.ial:izalion order iltsf:~:f is ]m[pllfme]]~tjon dlef~:rled,.Bring order to thiis chaos, i The destruetm of s~ltk ,ohjeots al:enon"~rivLal andhave impOl;t1lJn~ sidle-effeots that h.a.vero happen


S41hJlihmt.and SamlPiJ.e Code

Tille foUomngidiiorns olbjieclls, aBe oOllImoin~y used! ~Ci control the ofinH.i1lJ1:iz1I!lion f sl:altk o

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

'.' '.' Coruslnl.ot On First Use N]ny COlillllterIdiom (a,ka. Schwarz Counter J.ol:iom)

Construct On First Use

Ensure that 1I1lJ objoot iis ]I]i,tia]ized before ills firsi use, Specifleafly, ensure thatnon-Iocel st1l!~icobject Is ~:niJ~ia~izedlbe¥o:reits first use,




Static objects that h1lve no:n-triv.ia~. cons,blUlctorsm!llst be ][I!itid.zedl before they 1Ire used .. It iis possiiblem access 1IIlI!lInin:itiaH7EdnolJi-~.,oca~. static obJect: before ]~ i:niJ~ia~izatiolJiif proper care is [tot exercised, r


• Bar:

COLIt -c

: 8.:ilr{} \11 " ;

vord f
} }; struct



. Bar: : fO \[1" ;

Foo { F= 0 {" bar_. f } st::l.trc Ba!:" h:ilr._



Foo f'; Bar F00: :ba!:"

int marn () {}

1111. theabove rode, Ba:r:::fO gets celled bi=$ol'e COl]S(tl:!JldOL n should! beaeolded ... its

Soh.llJtJml.and SamlPiJ.e Cude

There am .2p08siMe sol/l]~ior:Js,which. depBIIds!Jlpo!1l whether the destruetm oflfue object: iln eonslderstlon hssnon-trtvisl destnretlen sema:rllti.cs ..W['8JP the otherwise st8Jtic o~ject irl a. fUIlC~iolI so that function .i!1litu8Jlizes Hlbe:foreilt ils used,



Foo {" F= 0 {" barO .f ();


} Bar



!:"eturn }

() { B:ar "b ~b;




If theoibject has


desl!r!JldOT wilhllollc~livi.8J1

serlll8J!1IliciS-; locel stalk obJect ]5 used Instead

of dymlm:ic lIIHocat.i:oi!1l g~ve[l below, as '.'


COI1S'tru:ct 011first IilSEl 1I!i~llg 1 IDeal static

Foo {" F= 0 { barO .f ();


& b;;].~ ()

static Bar b; ~et!Il:~n b ;

} );

Known. ruses
'.' '.' Singleto!l. :p8JttEr!!pleme,n~tnolJlS often !lire this .idnom : AGE_TSS<'f> cl8JSStemplate in Ada!ptiV'e COmM!lInn.caltnollEni'i.!:Uronme!lt(ACE) fOf c[-Baltnngand accessing objects in thread specific storage (ISS) 'Uses this .id~oim.

'.. '..

Schw!IIr:l;Cmml:er Nilny (o!:lnter

iEnsme 11 non-~l!l<Ca] lhll~ic S o~jed ls .irlnti8Jlizedlbef.oreiits firsl!l.llS-ea:nd destroyed .~8JSl .of th.e olbjec~. use

.only aHer

Also Known As

:IlwwW:el)uorok,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

W.hen static objiects 'Use other s~!nlC:obj-e.cts.llhe nn.itiaH:mti.o1l!prcoM.em becomes more compl~e:)!..Stlll~ic oibjecl must be :il1!ilti.a.ln.ud ibefme iris use if Hhas!llon-fiu:ivnal iJl1!iIHa.ln.~tj,on" I!lI:Utial.izatioIl!OTo1er 'ofs,t1l!l"lcoibjec~aCl'05S Clompilaltioll! urlHs ls not wd~-def~:m::d. Mme than one static oibjeds, spr-Barli!licross mlLllliple compi]!lI~ion 'Unilts, migj]lbe !:Ising a. s;ing~e Slt!lltico·bjed ..for EX1II:IiIple., ;CO!l.llt~ ;CO!lllt 00 'Used!in the any namher ,oifother snd: snd: can Slt!llticobjeds" Therefore. iltmust be inil"!l.llse ..

S41h.lliti~n. nd SamlPiJ.e Code a

Nifty co!llnter i·diiom is an e:Jo!arn!ple reool'ence coun~ingidliorn. a!pp:I~edto the of iJnHia.~i.zaJti·onf static o~jec~" o

-I ..;) '-~.






cl;as;s Stre~ { f'!:"1E!ndclass Stre::JIllInl.tiall.:zer; p"lbll.c: StrE!3m 0 { I I COrlst!:"ucto!:" mnst 'be c::J.lled before .. ~. } }; st;at~tc cl::as;s Stream.l.n:ttializer { public: Stre::J1I11 i tiall.zsr I rt 0; -StrE!::alril. 1 n t:l..:a l1ZE!r 0; } in~tt131izer; IIN"otE! object n'E!rE!a.n thE! n-eader. /ISt!:"e::Jlll.cpp st;at~tc tnt nlfty_c-lJ!Ilnte!:" = 0; / I The counter :Is in 1t:l..:a iZE!d ::at lo:::.d-t lillle :I e. , 'befo:re 1 .. st;at~tc obJ ects a!:"e 1nl.tia11zed. Stre::aIriInitl..:alize!:": :Stre':;:'!:" 0 { 1f' (0 =,= n1fty_c-O'llnte!:"++) { I I Initi31ize Stre~ dbJ ect' s statl.c IDelribers. } } Stre':;:'lriI nit l..:a ize!:": :-St:re;;rmI ru, ti31 l.zer 0 1 { 1f' (0 =,= --n1f't:y_c-ounter) { II Clean-LJp. }

::Jny of






that the constructer of the ]rniIH,1IJIiilie:r oliljiec:th


befere the S~re1l!mobject is used,

Known. U:'!les








Dyn8!m~.c.Binol:ing:DlIrl!llg Kn~tializ8ltionidli()1I:IiI

Soll:liletimes Itis desirable to ~:rlv·oke v.irwal. functions of dlerived classeswhile a. derived! oibjied hibeing ilniti;a.~~.l Languegemles e.xpli:cite~.ypoohibit this fooll:lil.h!llppel]ing became camngmnember flmcrlons of der:iJved oibject before d1er:iJvedipartof the object is ilnHi;a.~~.zedI il5d!angerrous .. It ils not apmblemIf ttile virtual funot~oll d1oesno~ accessdata membe:rsof' the ,o~jecl he:ing: consteucted .. [But thereisnogem~ra:~ way of e!llslIJIn'ing it.
cl;;ISS B.. se p!lIbll.c: B.:=lsE!{) ; (

.... ~trtll l vo rd foo < ant; n) canst:; a .... ~trtllal doulble b.:ilrO oonat; ;

I! often !! often

purE! purE!

ir-tllal ~tr-tllal

Boase: : B.. se ()

:Ilwww:e1:):ooJIr-tortverter: cam
be DigtJal Edillons Converter Delma Versi

... fba(~2) ... Ib :r-O . _. .. I! thE!se w 111 not usedyn.:z.mic



v ~trtl...l vo ad foo < arrt, n) canst:; .... ~trtll l doulble a b.:ilr{} c·onst;


SohJl!tlml.and SamlPie Code

There aremu.ltiple'W3ys of achieving rrtil.e iesil'ed eJIecL ElIchhlls ills own pros and cons, d In g;f:neJflll.he .ap[Jl'ooacihe:s. bedivlded into two C!lItagOr.llfs •. One uslng two phase t COUI in:iti;a:~~:z;aJtwn otlsercne usingoin~y single: Ilhaseirlit~.ailirz;ati:oi!l. and

Such 11 separationmay not be always possfble, huiti,1IIirza:ti,on of o~jed's state Is clit]lbbeo1 tag,eUhlerin 11 se~8!mre functlon, wh.iJch CDuld! he 11 rnerniber f!J.mction 0[11 free slJanding runet:uon"
class Base {" p"lbl:1.c: VO:1.dlnl.t (); \Ltrtual v~trtu:al }; vo ad Base: : init 0 { . .. TOO (42) ... !bar 0 . _. I !m.ost af' thiS l.s cap led f'rolll the } cl:;a;ss DE!r:1.ved : puibl:1.c BasE! (

I /rnay




'be virtllal

vo rd foo (lnt douible b.arO

n) canst; c,onst;

I! often I! often

purE! \Ltrtual purE! v~trtual


Baae : : IB:<ISE!{)

pub'la.c :
!DerivE!d (c'Dnst char ~); v~trtHa.l vo ad foo (lnt n); v~trtu::JJ. doub'Ie b.:ilr{} c·onst; };

:IIWWYT:moo k-converter.corn be DiPII]:Eli1iUI:hC()fn~'!"l!rD1m'l) Versi

class Base {" pu'bl ic: tem:pl:<l.te <cl:<lss D. class P.:arameter> sta.t:l.c st·d: : :<Il.I.to_ptr <Base> Cr-e:<ltE! (, {" st.d: : 3uto_pt:r ~B.:<ISE!>t.r (new D (p)); p ptr->init (); r'E!turn ptr; p)

tE!mplate <class Derl:ved, class Parameter.> std: : auto__ptr ~B.:<ISE!'" f'act·[}r-y (ParametE!r p) { std: : 3utO_ptr<BaSE!:>ptr (new' Dert \fE!d (p)); ptr-:> aru, t ();

}; int { ma rn ()

Con:5!trucrorsaf class Ile,riveol should! 00 maolepriJ",ate top:VeV'erntusers froam accidently !]Sing them .. [nefaces should be easy t13use correctly andhard toase .inoorreclJiy rememeer? The factory function should then be frilf:nd ,of the derived class, In ease 13f member create f!llnc~"ion.;Ba8e lass can be frlend of'Derlved, c

Acnieving, desiredeffect IJsing!lhe]pe,r l:uiera!J1chy described hem bl]~11!n. exLT!Iclass is l:iilf,rarchy has toO be Im:irntai:l1eci,which Js undesirabLe .. iP'assillgpointers tostatic m.emiber runct.iionsis C'isn" Cl]riousUyRlECJI]rlf.ill.g 'femp,UareP8JttErJ!1l.idiom ca[llim u:5!f:fu~ ill tibis s.iit!llatio[l.

B<as.e {"

}: template <c.lass D> cl;as;s InltTimeCallE!r protE!cted: InttTirneCa.ller D: :fbo

: publllc


D: :b..r



cl;as;s O'eri \led { publtc: Derived } public In IItT~tmeCa.ller <O'erHrE!cib


I nltTl.meC;aller <IDerl:ved:::. 0 { cout; -c • ICIer ~.vE!d: :[)E!r~:ved () \1:1" ;

:llwww.SE!1l0Mc[~{OfWe.:r .com be Di~ifil E'Ertt1cJrrs.€"'Ot1verter Demo Versi

Usi:ng Base-&oim-memiber :idiom mere ,oom[plex;. 13ftihis idioiirn. can be

PrO'!l~rneca. maet poiinter oibjed that traruspa[{~:!1Iny s eXif01]l:esact~ol[ls before and ca:f'te[each rum::t.iio:n. '01[1 1I1l1 objed; g~vel[l that the actions pe:roonnedi are the same FOl:lIU fum:::~ions, can

Also Known As

Often times iit is necessalJi' to e:!!ecu~ a. fU! befoee and a:l'1:erevelJ" member , rum::t.iio:n. ,of 1'1 class, Fer ,e.xarn!Flle;in ca.mrIJu]ti-threaded a!JlPI~~c:.alt~OI[l can iil.isneeessary to .~ock ibefme rnodifyiing the data structure and 'UlJJlockilt afi::env1I!IDs"n adata stru.ctilJlre I v.isual.izfltioIJJ1I!p!pl:iea~ionmrIJigl:tt ]l]ter'€'.5ltern the size oftihe data strueture a:fd.e,T every be ..ln iin8eTU'de:leteoperation,
US1.!liBfl3l111eSp:<lCe std; class V:1.S11al1.zer { sed: :vect:'lJir -c l.nt::> &; vact; : !pub1 rc : Vl.,suall.zer (vect:or<::1.nt~ &v) void data_ch:anoged 0{ std: : CDIIlt <:: "No!'1' s1.z)e 1.s: '"


{} s1.zoe 0

• <:: veet:. <

}; 1.nt: ma rn () 1/ A dat::a V1.sLJaLt=.t:~.ono applj.c:a.tllon. { std: : vector <lnt:> vector; (vector);

II ...

:llwww:etrQ_ak.d&.onverter.colm be Digifii1:emtioAs f:oRverter Demo Versi






Sueba re[petitionof functien cans is e,TJm-poone1l!nd tedious. H would! be Ideal ..if c!!llls to v.isual.izeroould! be aUlto:mateci"Vlsualiaer could be used fOT stdclist <:il11l> !;'\!IellSu,ell as fum::iJto:naHty W!hi.cll iis not apart of single class but rather cross ruts I:I1IlI]lHpille classes is eo:mmon.~yknm\llll as aspects, This.paetleular io1iom its rnsefll]lfor dlesigruing1l!mI :iJrnpleme!J]~ingsimpJe: aspects, SohJlltlml. an,d SamlPie Code
class V:1.S11al1.zable:lfector {

pub I rc : proxy { plllbll.C: p!:oxy {vector<l:nt:> *v} std: : CDLIt « "Bexars

: vect, (If) s:tzs l.,s:

{ <<:: y,ect->size


vector~:I:nt:> '" ope-r3tar return \fE!et; } -proxy 0{ std: : CQU.t <~ "AftE!r } private: vector <~nt> ~ ve-ct; -:>






Vls ...:all.z::ilb1e-Vect·Oir (\fE!ctar< ::I.nt> ~v) proxy oper::iltar -:> 0 { rE!turn proxy (vect); ) pr~t \fa.tE!: vector <~nt> ~ VE!ct; }; ~nt lilain




vect·ar (10); (20); (new vectar< ::I.m» ; opE!rator lnstead of' .

Y lSu a.L rzsab lE!Yectar fl ... vectur->pllsh_b:ack ope:,.:a.t·ar vect·ar->pllsh_b:ack }

ff NotE! use- of->

./1 ,•...0I··•• .' 'WW'W'Fa:~tlll"

be Di

Overloaded -> opermtm!lla~izabl.eV,ooto:r creates a temporaeyproxyebject and it is returned, Cons:I!r!lIdm o:fpOORY objedlogs size ,af tile,The o",er~,aaded-> oper!lll:or ~''OR.t.J...·iIlill~,1.iqll.I.nrn.·, ccJl ..· ·.
t e:'¥UfI.

..·W'l..·"'..~ ·..···, .. :Ra UOI' '' ..~.J(


.bgll the size a:g1l1in"'f.1l11].S thelogg~nglfo[

.• (~ng. to.rO~je.d w.~·UIPN dlestr!lldm o:rpooxy . ·'.· 'i.'Be. ..IbY.·.· :ils transpareet and the main

1:i1~letfIUlU!l:onv~nl!rcOOrho Versi

The real power of theldksneaa be. deri.ved if weoornlbi:!Ie :illjudi.cio:us:~y w:ilth. templates and dhain the o'i.'e:r~,Qaded-> opera&ors,.
tE!mplate <class Ne-)(tAspect" cl.:ass class .Aspect { p["QtE!et~d. : Aspect (Para p): para_{p} {} Par::il para_.; publ ic: Ne-)(tAspeet ope-r::iItOr-:> 0 {

}; tE!mplate <class Ne-)(tAspect. struct Yisu.:a llz ang : Aspect cl.:ass P.:ara:> <Nel'[tAspect,


{ pub l rc :

V1.s.u:all:Z, (Par;;]. p) : Aspect: <N"E!xtAspect:, { std: : COl It « • Before }


P.:ara:::. (p)
V::I,S! lall.Z21:.1.on




a ()

{ std: } ); t:emplate <class Next:AEpect. cl,:;:,ss P,:;:,ra::. struct : As{pect < NsxtPtspE!ct , P::<!ra> { publ rc : Lock ina (Par,:;:, p) Aspect: <N"E!xtAspect:, Para::. (p) { st:d : : couc « . Befor'E! Loc.k aspect : COl It • After Vl.sua Ltzat:



:end 1 ;


endl ;

} -Lock.rog
{ std: }

: cout; « • After Lock



be Digi,attEWtigASaConverter
st:d : } 0 { std: : COl It « • After • BeforE!

publ ic:

Delma Versi
:end 1 ;

Loa aspect"


Log aspect:"

st:·d:: end 1;

); t:emplate <class Aspect:. class .AEpectWE!::iI\fer class Para>

pulbLtc: Aspectllleave:r p) para_{p) Aspect operator -> 0 { rE!turn Aspect: (p:;:,r;;]._) ; } pr1.v,:;:,tE!: Par3 para_; ); {}

N'dei'~tnE! AW~(1, IJ} As{pect'l'fe;;].vE!r <1 <U, U>, U > N,def'~tnE!AW2:1, IJ. V} AspectWeaver ( <T -c U <V. V> V>. N'dertnE! A'l'f3(1 , IJ• V.X) Aspect\'l'eaver <T < U <V <X, X>. l.nt: lila in

V ;> X> . X>, X >

AWE tV LSllaliZirliB" II ...

Locking. LOB8IlnS. vector X (new vector<:l.r:rt>) ;

'"j_nt> .,)

X->pLlsh_b:ack (1.0); X->pLlsh_b:ack (20); :return 0; }

I I NotE! Lise of' ._> operator

:l:nstead -of' . apE!r:ator

Smart fibi:nier

: IlwwW:efJooK~C~Onnvener:ec~oimred


be Di~LEditi:QIlS:oCOtlve.rtEt(teDel1lO[Versi
a. w.ho~e fam:i[y of'elasses, .[af that fami~y till~l ls .insl~nti~JtelllreC!l:u~resiits mloTI oibjec~oocie ..Wh.el1eyer ca. lass or fli:nctio[l tempE~reisil1-Slia:ntia!teul.objoot cede is C gem::r.altecl. pedfl:eaiHy for that type. More the number of'parameteeised s types, more is the gener.altecl.aibject code, Good opt~:mi7:ing, cornpflers ol:lly gener.alte oibjee~ DOciefor runet.]o:ns for class iemp~~~~liIl11~are usedJn thepoogram" Duplteate oibjec:t code ool]ld Sltm p0Sie1llpmble:m i:11 env.imnments wheee m.emmy is not re-a]I.y abIJlI1d.:ant..Relllsillg tille same object code couM.alw :improve :instrillctio[l cadle pe!fur.m.a:noe aad ti:teBelb-y app!~ic,jJJtiollperformance ..Therefore, it its desi:r1llMe to reduce duplicate object ,oode"


SOh.llitimt. and SamlPie Code

Thin template ~!oI:i:oim used reduce ,oIlL1pl:i:eate ls objec~ oodJe" Oibjieel codeJevelreasable code iis writrell on]yonoe. gen.era~[yilJi 11 baseclass, and :is compi.~eol.inll :s.e!p~r3ilely dJepl~Q'y3ible.dn.ox "rome" This base elass Jsnot lype s~fe b!Jittne safe "thin tefl]p]~re" . wrnppe[ adds the missing type s~fedy, wi:l!hout c~llIsing much (o[l]o}aibject code dilll(fllic!}tion .. II Nat 3 temp13te
cl;as:s VectorBase { vord insert (vo ad "'); vord ~a.t (int ~tndex); };

template <class T> cl:il8S Vsct:m:-<T"> !/ Than

: VE!c:tarIlase





: l_nsE!rt

(T ~t) {" (t); {

inll_ne T ~at (int } };

rE!tLJ ~n VE!ctor8<:i!se:

andex) : at


The base dassmay be :f~t:H m8!Y DD[I!taill8!rI arbih'a:ry amount OF,aDdle. Because this class uses oll~y iml~.i:neFunc:t.i:mls,. ilt gene[;at:esno extra cede .. But because the cas1ti:!lIg is eneepsulstedin tbei[lHne fimctlon, the class is type-safe to ~tS!llSffS. The templated class is thin

:11~ebg£tk:cgIJYI:r1e.r.colm be Digitatc:Ettitio'nsFConve.rtereDelmo Versi

wbe[e CArrayFixBaseoloes aU tillewor-k

Known. ruses

Non-,throwing swap!
'.' '.' To.imjdement an except.]o!ll. safe and! efHcient: swap opem~ioll, Toprovide lIn:ifonn Interface to, it to fadliJl.:1lJtege!ll.eri~ progJr~:mmi:n,g.

Also Known As

tj!] ~mplernel]!altiiO[I


s'Ol.!'8!Pould c


give.n. as


voad sw.ap (T { T t:emp (a); :iI ,= b;

T &b)

Ib }


Swapping of two :Iarge, complex objects of nae same type could be quite iJne..fficielJJl cillUie to a.cquisitrml and release of resources for iJrute[rnu~dia:teersporary ,albjelDt The abo\'e t ilmpleme!J]IJaJt~!On ofsw8Ip, m!l!y also thl'oW ilfl'esources arenet 8Iv,a]~aMe.Such a lbeill1l!Vilm

dJoes!!o~ make sense where .inrad no, new resoarees should have been re(!j.lUiesredi tne iln Ifirs~p~8/ae.

SohJlJhml. and SamlPiJ.e Code

Non-thrcow~:ngsw!l!p idiom. 'Uses J.bndlle .Bodyidiom. to 8Jcnreve thedesired effect, The abstract:ion. ILInderconsldeestlon is spliJtlbetween ·lwo imp,~emerutation classes ..On.eis handle and other oneis boo)y. The h!l!lldJ~elJolds apolmer to a.imoly ol!ject The sWaJPils ilmpleme!J]1:edi s a. simpl,e .swap ofpoi:nt,e:rs, which !lire glJar!l!nlteolto not thmw exroJJ~iolls a

narnespaCE! 0!:":<1[188 (
. .

be Digq~n~.ditions Converter Delma Versi .

publiC: void ;sw.::.p {Strllng { st:d : : ;swap (this} &s} >.str. t:h!:"ow·


5. 5t:r)

}; }

AI~hOlLlgihn em dent and exeeptlon-sefe swap functlen can. be :impleme!J]~dI (as shown a abo,\'e) as a. member funct~,on,n.on-~row:ing, swap ldlcm goesfurtille:r tha:n. thaltfox s:im[pl:idty, consistency, anal toradHt8lre g~ller.icpmgMmm:ilJig, An exp.~idt specialization of s1d, :swap snmdd. be added iilJi~n.e stdnamespaeeas wel~ as thenarsespaeeof the class ill:self.
narnespaCE! Onl[188 ( j / n::lf[lE!;space of Strl.n8 vou.d ;sw.::.p (St:ring &. sl" St!:"l:n8 & 52) throw 0 { ;s ~ . ;sw.::.p {s2}; } } narnespaCE! std { t:e:mplat£! <> ;sw.::.p {Ora:ngE!:: Str .& 5 1. Oran8E!:: StrinE {


.& s2} throw

} }

AcilrlIing ~:~in MO places h'llre.s cam ,of two rlIi:ffeoon~Gommon usage styles air swap (1) I]nqu;a][fied swap (2) f!ll.I~Yi:!jl]aliifiecl. S'Wll[P(e,g,. s,td!.::sw.a[p),When 'Urti:!j.l]al:ifieol . S'Wll[Pis used, r.ughitSW8!pis lookeol. up using iK:mmiig~(mkl]p' {prO'vicillfdi ne is .a]r..eady defined), ]f o lfuUy qualified S1m1PJs used, Koen~.glookupis s!lI(JJpiBesseol8!rldOirleiinM1e stdnamespaee ' ls !]Seol.ins~ead" n lsa ve'f)' enmmon pfa(tu(le"Rema~:n~ng diiscussuonl:iere I]sesr!ll]ly q]!lIa]if~edswap only" It gi¥e8 a uniform look and feelbecause C++pmgrnmme,rs often use SW1I!p function .inan ~,ciI:iJomaltk:'WllY fuBy 'I:!ll]alifyhlg ~:~wjjth.std::: as shown below, by

<class T> voad zoo (T cr , T t2) { II _ .. template int std: std: H, 12; : sv.r:ap(l.l . 12); : sv.r:ap(tl . t2);

I I note I I Dl.tto

m.~tf'-ormj_ ty here


be 0- " .. 1m m·.

,;"QQ,Y,gJ1~f...&,gm.b ••

.ii.m.tiill'. w ~. .' ..... ".1. ~:i8.sdJ .... Itr. .'i ... ... ·efine .. e 8:i·'·· '..' 0 M11 ise.... :IiI: ...e..~. '!lI!lI.ISM:;:'."iliP fu ne.tJ.'on· d ... .. er.w.. :•. .... t .. ...•. '1 .' .: .l,nl""l,C',,~1 , ., e. U ' .. ' " Ill'Vll'O" 'V' .. ' . I '1, '.' IJId. J'IIi"' ••••• .... mber S'Wllp 1I!n narnespace scope s.wap: unction, Ihis ~,ol:iom0:. dJefi:mng, explrc"t s:pec:ia.~i7.\1lti,01Ji sW1I!pin8M. namepspsce is pastlcularly usefalfngeneric pmgr1l!mmi:ng" of Such!ll:ni:fomil:i!~y ][1 usingno[l" the example below.
cl::ilss USE!!:"IDeTlned { String str;



£IiI,Jmo Versi

S'Wllp ~o1:i(]lm ~,eads to Its :rec! use as gi.velJl.i:rI.

pub l rc :
void sw ...P {UserDE!T1:ned &. u) { std : : swap (str, u, str-) ; } throw

}; name.spaCE!· std { I I Full spec ia1 ~_Z2t:l.ons of the tE111pl::iltes 1.n std name.spacE! added in std namesFJQce. tE111p1ate <> vord sw...p (Use!:"[)E!Tlned &. LJ1" UserDef:l.ned & u2) throw ()

=no !bE!

II U . sw...p


} cl;ass If),c lass

{ USErDef'~nEd char" name;


void sw'"'p (Myclass & m) throw 0 { st,d : :swap (u ,ITI- u) ; I j recurs use af' thoe id rom due to Im~fbr,1lli1ty std : :swap (narne, Ill. rl2Ill.oe); I j D l.tto hoerE } } nalllespaCE std { I! Full SpECl..:a iza,tl.ans .of thE templates 1 in std rlalIi€space can be added in std rlalIi€space. templa,te <> va led swap (Mye lass & m1" 11y.:: lass & 1ll2) throw 0

pub l rc :

:llwww}.ebook,-converter.colm sr, :L,'!sJt,,::_,'!U: ',,~bjJ]", I .... awWM ~lllr¥tIfIlnlE*! 1+-+W_IlI~ Versi be O -g"enW, :,'"".,,.,jt,:u~,.~*,1.1
t,' ,Il
,~~"',.,a~,',, "'00,'

m1 _swap (1ll2:);

).$l, ~ 'I,.!l

~."". ".'

, ,,' cl]menUy 1IHoW!liSto addnew tem.piat.e.s, to U'riestd m:mespaoe, ilmt it does dow us to s:pecia,~ize templates (e,g, stdcswap] from that m:mespace and a.dJdi,ruhem baekin ~L

Using nOI1-th!J1Q!\\!',i:ngswa.p iJdiom~oT ~empl~8I1;e classes (,e,g", Ma~rix<T>) ean he 11 slllibt~e issue" As per the C+-t98 s~I1Dl:~I!J1di. the fi:D1l peda]~zalt~,o11 of std: :swa.p is a]lowed to ml~Y s he definedi, ins±Dleski l1aJrII1es:pa,ce tlhleuser-defined types, Pastlal s:pecia~,i7.\llions o:r for rUI1c:t.iion veI"lollldi:illJgisnolaHowedi,iby thelallJg1l]a,g~" Trying to aebieve tlil,esiJm~]a[ eff'eot o fo[remp~!ate classes (e,g". Maltrb:-=::T:>jIeeults into overloading ofstd;:swaJpil1sM r l1aJmepspaL:e,Vlifuii:chis tl::chnkaUY!limiefll1edi. bel:cav~,o[, This Is not neceiSSadUy~e idi.ea~. Slt8lreof alffa:irsas ~Ill:llkaJte[jl some peoplein a s!pocl!lJc!li.~8Ir.Uylollg, by diseuseion threadon comp.lang.ea-e.mcderated :rII.ews: gBOUp: N8imespace, :isrues wilth speciaol:izeol S'Wll!R" The solution is: eitil:mrto dlefll1e tfuieove,Tloadi.edlsw8!pf!lll1c~ion tEm[p~at:e:illJ~fuJ.e sam.e l1amespa.ce as that oHIiI.e class or ignore I]ndlefilnerllbefuJalv.imliloping thalt [Iothiil1gw:iUlilappelJJ8!ndi wa:it fo[a fix i:n.then.ex~la!llgu!lJge slal1dianJ..

Known. ruses


Exception safety Jsa ve'Tyimpmt1l!nt co:meT stone o:f lIi:g~ly relliable C++ sofl.w8Ire that uses e~c:ep~ions 'Windicate ",except~onaln (londiHolJJS"l]ilere a[e8tl.eM~ 3 typesoif e~aeJl'tion s8lfe~yleve~s: B1ISi.c.Stron:g~ and e:l{ceptron ne!llltrn]ily" Bask Ell{Ceptioin. .a:lTety s slIOU~,d! offered always as It iJsommal]y oetiJelllpw:implem.ent GU1lirnn~eing strong be

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be
S41hJlit1mt. and Sa:mlPile Code

Create 8J temporalrY and swap ~,dI:iom 8Jol:!j.I]~:rell :Be50tlOCe efo:reil forieits ~:!:s'C!lI[relJit new b [es;omce. To acquise the new reSO!llBOe, t! RA]J idiom. If the .acq]uis.itionof the new ~ [es;omce is &I:Ioc:essful. it exchanges the resources using '@:Ie non-th:Bow~:ng SW8lpidiom" Fin81Uy, the (J)1],rn reseurceIs relessedas 11 side effect of l]S!i:ngRAJ[ iJ[Ithel'ilrsl step"


publ ic: String


& ·Gpe~ator





telTllp. SW;]!P }/ vt»

(s); !/ Copy-c'Onst:rLJctor RAJ I (~t:hiS}; j I Nan-throwing swap return *this; j Old n;!SOllrCes re IE!ased when dE!structor o:f temp 1s c:;aied _ l rd sw:;ap{St:ring &s} throw' 0; / j I See non-throw 1n8 S'1'l:;ap adaom


Ml:lile '!i'lIir,illltionsof the aitJ,o'!i'e !i:mplernelltatiQIJJ8Ire alsopossjjh.~e. A chock FOTseif ass.ignlllelJi~ isnot strci,ct]ynecess8Jry itJ,!lIIt caIJJgi ...e smnepeirfo:rrn1lnC:e :illlpro ...,emerlts"
class Strin

{ pub l rc :
Str1ng & 'ope~ator (St:r~irlfB const &.s) { if' (th:t . .s != &s) St:r1ng (s) . SW:lp (~t:h ~.s): I / Cop)l-eonst::r-LJ~tar


non-thr·QW ing of the

1/ Old resou.rcE!S t:Empar:lry above return *t:h1S: }

void sw~p {St:rlmg

~rE! released






0; II/



sw~p 1dHl-m


Stddly s.peak:ing,expl.kit C[;ealt~onor a. tEmporary insijole the assignment I[)pETarorJs not neeessary, Thepetameter (dglillt !lJandisiole) of the ass:ig[l!menl operaltor caohepassed-byvalll]e ~o the funot~an" The parsmeter ij:~]f servesas 11 ~empj(J)rary.
Str-1:ng & apera.t:o~ a t:empo<r:lry = (St~



/1 the


.1.11e pa~ameter



s. swap (~t:h1s);

/1 N"an-t:hrow'1ng SW:l!p

-conve be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

return "t:hiS; released when dest:nJctor of S ts ca l1ed .

} 1/ Old resources

This is not j ust a. matler I[)f{:loIlVE:nie,n~elb'lltin fact an optimizatiou, If thepsrametee (s) binds ~o a.lv8Jlue (a:nothe:r non-const object), a.oopy I[)ftlil.eolbjec~ ls made all~orn.aMca.l~y whilec:rea~"ing thepsraenetsr {s.).&1Io.wever,wlilen s t.illds to a. rvalae IGtempooraryI[)bject, litE[-al~. the copy itS typkaUy e]ijoledl,whkh saves a. cd. to a. copy constracter and a dJesLT!lII.otm" In~e ear~.ier verslon of theassigrument operator whereb~ parameter is accepted as eonstrefeeence, copy dision does [lot happen. when the referenoelb'inolsro a rva~!lIe, This results ijntoan. additil[)mlll[)~jecllbe]ng Cl'e!8lteol.andldestroyed. An exampLe fl[)lll[)ws"
St::r-1:ng ereat:eS,t:r1ngO; !I a fu:nctl.on t:ha.t: returns a abJ ect:. St::r:lng s: S = crE!ateSt:r ina; 0 : / I Light: hand :t.s a rvaille. Pass·-b),f-valuE! st:yle ass1gnllliEnt: -[}iPE~at:or / I cou.Ld be mare eff'te 1ent: than pass,- b),'-eonst- re£>er'E!DCEst:yle ass:lJBnlment: /1 operatar.

Nat e¥ery dasslbellefHs foom. tillis styUe of assilgnrnellt ,ope:raJoor.Consider 8JStr.illg . as&ilgnrnell~aperntor, which releases 10M mem(]ll)'8!ndl8Jl]ocat:e~s new memmyoi!l~yi:lftlim

a. case,ilt iJsadlviJsahle to usethe pa&S-by-CGrus~_;refemncestyle ofthe .acssl:gpment operator because fhe~as:s.-lhy-v1lI/lle style !lIss:ignmemtope:f1l1.mwill a.lway.s.c['OOite 1I1le\l,i S~ing .olbjec~nlllm(Ying the memory doc1lti.on oiJJ~imjjzatjjorl" Rel:iI!ItedIdiems


Resouree ACq]uis.ltionblnitia:li.zaltwll N.on-thooVII.i[lgS1!i')lP

Shrink -te-Ilt

STL containers .ofiten1lHoc1IItemore memory then the a.otualnumlbe[ .aif elements in '~em" Such 11 poHey [{l8uUSin all opt~miz1ltiolJi of savillg sOirl1'El1l1]ocaJtiorus when 11 omllailler grows. .ill s,,12le" Onthe other hand, when size of the eOIJ~.lneT redaces, there is often .leflOrverca!Jl'adtyill the ro[J!t1l~l]e[,Thelefl:ove'f c1lpacHy of'theeonteiner csnhe


I:DnlleaessarY'Wa:wlI,ge" memory resources. S,hlr.illk-:ro-Eitidiom has boon dievello[peolm of reduce the eztra cap!lldtyro 11 :milli:m!ll:mrequured capadty ~lJ[ld theBehy s.av.irlg memmy [-es;o usces,

Shdllk_;ro-flt idiom iJsas. sim~.~e as the one gi\'erl. below,

std: : VE!ctar<1.nt:> v:

1/ _.. Lots af' pL.lsh_lb:;]cks and then lats of' ["81TlOV!e an v . 1/ As a resL.ll t:, s~tz;e ·of' v ~s low' but c:;](p:;]c l.ty l.s h~tiE!h._
std: : VE!ctar<1.nt:> (v) _swap (v) :

The first half of the statEment:. :sid ::vecror<i:ni> (v) crea00s1l ~emp.orary vectm of irlieg,ers. amil.ilt is g!ll1llra:nieedtOllUocaite mem.oryj!llst: enough tn hold a.ll the dements ill the 1l'1I!rBlme:reT vector v, The second! hlllfoir the staiement 8W.a~S the rem~.ornry veetm wHih v !]Sing Iloll-thrco,wi:rlgswap idiom, whi,oh itS efficien:t; AftEr s'Wa[ppilJi.g.he: ~emp>DmlJi' t created by tile compiler g;oosout of sc.ope a:rldth.e: chullkof memory mi:g~na.l~yh.eld by v,

Original vedor v :g,ets timem.emary a]~,ocated ~y[lme temporary,whi.dh to hold a.~~th.e original elementsJn v,

iis again j ust eno1]glm

Remited! Ih::liomls
'.' '.' Clear-;a:m:l.-m:illiim:ize swap

Clear-and -mlnlmlze
Clear a conltainer ;anDImirliJm~.zelhe c!llpacHy oftlhe oonta:iner.

STL eentainers oftenallacate more mem,o), than the actual number ofelements .in them. Such .11 poHey results in an opt~:mizatiolJJ ,of smne1lnocatioIJJS wlmen a liJOirltainer grows .in size, Onlhe otlherlmand, wherll. size of the ,oon~.ineT redaees, llm.ereis ofi:e1JJ .~eflo.ver capacity in the contstner. Thelefl:ove,r capacHy of'theeentainer eanhe I:DnneaessarywasJt8ige of memory resources. dear-alJ:riI_;mi:n~m~.zeidliol:l1l.liIas. been dJeve~a!peolto clear a cOrilltainer and reduce the ex~r.1Icapacity to. amlnlmum of'zero amil. the,]1eby saving memory re-SOUl1aes,

SohJlJtiml.and SamlPie Code

be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

std: :v'E!ctor
j / _..

< tnt>


lots of' pllsh_Ibi:lCks and then lots

std: :vE!ctor<:lnt:>

0 . Sw::<lp Cv;;



an v .

The fir:StIm8~:f of the statEmem. sM::vecror.;:;i:nb 0 creates: 8itemporary vector ,aifi:nlt-eger:s anrn.ilt is gua[a:nteedi t01lUocaite 2lero raw m.emo:ry or an ~.mpleme[J!tatio[l l:I1I]nil:l1ll:Dm" The second hailfa:f the s.1:atemeraltswaps the tempomry vector w~~ v IJsi:ngnolJJ-thnr!i;V'.ingswap jjolio:rn, which is effldent" After s'l'i'appiing, the tempomry creeted by the cOl:l1lpi]ergoes: out of ;S.IC;QpoBarilOichunk of memory or:igin8iHy he]rillb,y v, the

'.' '.' Shri'nk-to,-Ht


To ellminate elements from;} ST.L (;o:nlt1l!ine:ro redace the size t

stdnremove a.lgor.lltl:umdoes Il(JI~ eliminate elements frem the co:nlt1l!im~r!It s,umpl.y q]!JIalr.a:nti:neshemat the end! ofthe ,aon!)a:ine:r. T.hi.:s is beeausestdnreraeve]m wocks t on]y using a pa,]r offonvaBdi. lterarers (Ue:r8loorP8Ii:r i!ol:iom) and gene:ri1c aonaept of£o:r'Wl100 iJeat.ors does not know llo'Wm data demel:U!s from .a:rI.}rbi!Jrary data sh11]e;tJl]re. ; Only eontainer member fundiolls (;8!n.e~~mi:n8lre ,oolJ!la:une[ elements as only m.embe:rs. know th.e dletailsof ~ntern8!l. data structure. &,8JSe-JR; i,01:io:m used to r>Bany is eUmin8!re data. ,elemel:U!s fmm a. ,ool]~,uner.

SohJl!tlml. and Sam!pie Code

Sttd.:::rern.ovealgo:rHl:um returns 8111 iJterato:r to. theibegi:rlning ,oirthe I8!nge of "removed" elements, It does not dI8!nge the emil0 :ite:nlImrOir the contelner nm does the s'ii2leof :it.. Member eraeefunctlon can be used to rreally eliminate the members from tile cO!]ta!i:ne!r~:rI the folno,w~:rlg i,01:io:mat,1:c way.
std: : vE!ctar<:lnt:> v:

:IIWWW .i!b'011k~~converter .com 0 -"~·rGdw.rin~'~~' be DIr.','F&I;uh,MrA.~.MU~ •• •• ·"UIIVCIILer


I! i'~t 1 lip sOJIlehow 11 t v . er':::'SE!{std: : r9maVE! (v _beg in 0"

v . end



v . end





Ie 0:. '.rde.[.or.'e.",.alll]• t,]'iOri .h.'.,e,n•d. a... ..•... ..voca ... ,, , .a o . :n.,.rl i:rI tion ...::re..move. .is..' 'Uni. m



rta.'ri.' here q.!lI. It.


Smart Pointer
To rel~eve the li]:l]rne:n.ofdlLlpli:cat:iJng:chia!nges to the s~:gpatJl]re of the body classJn handle class wherl. H8!m:llie Body idiom or Envelope Letter idiom :is ]n use, ~ts



En Masse (whole) Delegatlon

W.helll H~ndlelliJOoly idiom its used, [tmllji' beeomenecessery ~oollllp:lk:<lJte theinl:e~faoe of the bO'dy class [Il.dh'e handle class because I:HI!!lClllfsarcesed by the mer CO' This u ole, dl!!l!fllicalion .isoften tedious and error pmne ..SmarllPO'i:nter i!ol:iomis used to relieve this b!!ll'olen"Sm!l!rt !Pointer idiom. is ofle[l!!lsOO some S!!JT~f ~sm;a[tr!eiss'" .in the o 1l!l!Ildieclass such as reference coueting, lIut:om1l1l-io '!NlIlerslli.:prn.:anllgeme!J]~.11111(1] so on. o S41h.llitimt. and SamlPiJ.e Code

class class

Body; HandIe / j Complete ly po 1:nt:e'r like

semant: llcs

publiC: void set (Body ~b) { body:_ b; } Body " operator -> 0 CDnst throw 0 { return body:_; } Body .& operator '" 0 conet, t:hrow 0 { return "'body _ ; }

PLtV:J.t:E! :

lI1utable Body ~body_ ; d

:IIWWW. eti.D b k-converter .com be Di~iGl~aJti.n,~GftI\"fJ1~r Demo Versi



Hand Le h :

Using the-::- oper!l!wraiIO'lle!llii,H:gf)les the problem. O'fdllLlpilkatillg ]lJtedace ofbO'oly class ]n th.e 1l!l!!Ic:11I.e An aIiE[!J]!lirriV'e to overbid deference (*) opera,toT as show ][1 th.e class" Is

code srl~piPe~above butil is not as :natLlr.a]as tilJe e!l!r4.ilfron.e" If the Handle ahs~ract:rOi!l.iis a some sort ofpoinliET 8ibs.1I'ad~on then both the oVlf"dO'lIolec:ll operatees slITioLlJ~.ibe provided (e.. ., std: :!li!!lltl])_aJ~r, g boost: :sIl!llred_p([) .Jf tlil.e]bndl.e albslr1lo~"io!l.i~nO~lIpoilliterl[k.e ahs~acti:o:n then ~ operator need not be Il'rovided" Irus:read, irt <OOlLIld mefl:dm provide <OOMl overloadedset of a[mw operaters became dientlllw!I!jfS .in~Tacts wHIl the IITi 11 III Ide class O'ibjeoll:s ..For~e d:iernt code, handle Is. theobject and hence const-ness aif tlile handle
~. • 'I •
I, 'I .'; ,I

~,IUU~,'U1, UII[;' !P.IJU,.HfI~al!.ll[;U

l'Ui il...AJl,~,'~,l-lIjJll.IJJrul~J~



.Ii!!..:."! !llItI:',l-l~,·uiP.IJ.l!aU:::il ,1~,1,t;'~IiU::iI,IlU~


obiS01Jlre behavior ·of being ableto rnodi:fy a non-eenst body object fcOJI],w:illlirna oO!ll5lan.t handle shoald beavoided. Unlike p!lII'epoi:nlter semaraics, in, some c1I5es,a:uiom.altk dype C(ln'i'er5:10!l,FrOrlllJ Handle class to Body elassis also desirable,
cl:il8S Body; cl:i18S H;and / j Less painter Ie

1ikE! semaTJtj_c;s }

publ ic: void set: (Body ~b) { body:... = b; Body " QPE!r~tor -> () t:hrow'()



Body canst

oper:<itar ->

corest; t:hrOl'lO

return body:...: } opE!'rator const Body




c)Qnst: !/ t:YlPecnnversion


"'body_ ; Body &. "'body_ ;





!pLt vat:E!' :

!/ No oper:<itar ~ 0 II1l,I,t3bleBody




rn (\fQi,d)

Hand lE! c)Qnst: h: : 11~~mt~Gonver&elbi€Qlmnst: function,

be DiQi,taIVE~C1I.tMm&r:s~0A¥eReFn-QemQn ersi V
;;;JIstiJOW!Il below ThecPi'erj)_·aadleol non-membee getUWunCU:Oinsmust

be in the S8ime

ll8!mespace as the Han:ille class aoomcil:iJngto Ute Irlierface P'fi:ndllille"

nallle.spaCE! { H Cb8S Body; cl;a8S H;andle { _" }: /! ,~ per above , Body cnnst .& get (H;and consst; &h) Ie

:ret:urn "h, body_;



8E!t (Handle &h)


I end nameSIPace !I-I.

ma rn

int {

(vai·d) C'Dnst h;

[J.I: : Handle

h. set {new Body 0) ; ;Bet (h) . foo (); !I cornpi le:s only

j_E Body: : foo ()


a const


Known. ruses

sl.d::aJl]m_ptr (CDm.lPk~tfdYlPoi!lt.e.r.~i.lIi:e s.eman~ics) limost::shared!_lPtr {CoIDlPl,etEIYlPoinrer I.i.kes.emanlks} CORM Yar typesin C++ ('IA:!J:_Seq_ Yar_Bas.e:. .. 'r.;:; T _ ACE ORB) .. less pointeellke s:emardics.)



][1 'fAa


·1· ·1·

RaniHe Badly Envelope!Letler Re-$e:rence Counting

Constauto ptr

:llwww~lbcok\;"CQ.laveder com . be Digita+Editions Converter Delma Versi

Often. it is dlesi!ra:b]e ~o.enforce a. desi:gn decision ofn.on~t[.a:ns:~,:raMe O\\ine:rshri[pin code a mil.enforce ]twith the he~pof cmr.updil,e:r" cons±o1lf!rat.i!oin here iis of any mSII:mrce slI]clilas. memory, database eormections and! so on. ccmst aut:O_[pLT i:dI:iomcan be mseoliF' we don'l warn! ownerS-hi.p of nll.e acqLJiredre~soul'cem be transfered outside the scope or from one object to tlil.eanothee, a.u:m_:lPtrwHilmLlt 8I1l.Y· ... uallfler (fancy namefor const and volatile) has move semarnl'ics cv q as described! ilnlihe Morve COinstrJl]ctmid!iOll:l1l"U baiSic1' eans that O'wne:rsl:ui[p m or memor;y ]S 'LIncondliltiolli~I.~[Y transfeered f['(J)ID ri:g~:dhano1.side object to the left 1:l1md! s~de olbjec~of 8In1liSSi:g~m;enlt, hutit ensures tli'llallhereis. .1IlwllYs.a. single oHIiI.e tesousce, canst all]w_lPtr can preven~ the tmrusfeL


Soh.ll!tlml. and SamlPiJ.e Code

;]J1to_ptr ",x> xptr 3uto_ptr <x> y!ptr (xptr); xptr . rE!lE!:<Ise0 ; xptr . rE!sE!t ( nE!..... 0 ); X

(new X ()) ; /1 Not 3 I lowed . camp ion error. / I Not allowed. camp r Lat; ion error. !/ Not :<I 11owed, comp :11atj.onE!rror

Comptile:r issues 8J wamillglil.ere becasse theaopy"aolJlStmci:m ofyp~ is nat redly a. copycon;S1tmcl.mlin]t i:n.fact it is a move {}orus~ru.ot(](r, whichl!.:akes a Ilon.-com:! re:ferenaero all a.u:l:o_:ptr,asgi'i'e:n.i[l MOr'i'e COlJ1Structm idiom. Anon.-CGIl8~refemnoe c8Jn't bind w.ilth 8J const v8Jr:illli}~e therefore, compiik~rlflags an e:rm[, end


OFeenst !lI!!.IIt.o_p~ ~o1:iom {halt comptile:r C8!Il"~p:J1Orvwe is Class that has a. 'oorus~au~o'_pt[ member ][1 lt; This is bec8J!!.IIselllle compiil.e:rge:ner.alteo1.'oolPY-c;Qrus;~r!!.llotor al.will.}'S lakes a. const RHS as a. parameter, which. ca[l'tib:ino1.w~ln.a.llon-roll1S~ move consh:Uicl:or ,oif!lI!!.IIlto_p~r. The so,lutimlis to use V:iril.ual Constructor wro:mo:r use liIoos:t: :~ooped_,tr, which explk~Hypl'oihibitsao[IJyi[lg by denyillgacce-ss to ass:ignmeni a:ndaopy,oorus~rlli.otm.
11 o1re:fauUoo[IJy-oons~ru:otor to 11

All u:m:iJesi:rlliiJ:.lie consequence


Move Corustr!!.lloto:r

:llwww.ebookl-c8U¥Ie~~Ite~f>lm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

Increase safuty of delete expression,

The c++ Shmrl!8!rd allows, i:n..!i35J.!i,pointe:rs to in~o:mp.~ele class type-s to 00 o1e]eledlw.ilth a. rl!e:lete-expr-es.sio[l,.W~en th.e class has 11 nQIl-tr:iv:ialo1es:trucmr. Of a. clMs"8pedf~.c operator delete, thebeh8!vior is I]ndefilnec:l. Some oompilers lssae a. w8Jmi:ng w~.e[l8Jn iJncomlllete type ls de~elred, bl]~!lI[Jfmil:!!.IIn8!~~y. aUlo1o, a:ndpmgroamme:rs sometimes IlOt iJgnme or disaMew.a[.n.iJl1gll.,

Soh.llltlmi. amI SamlPiJ.e Code

Cheeked delete idiom FOl'ooscompilel:eITo[ if llil.etype onwihi;e:h delete ls i:n\'okeol.isno~ funy d!efiJnecl TIiI.efoHow.il1gislihe i:mplel:lilentatiolJi of chookecLde]ere fhnctiolJil:emptatE iJnboffi1:, It forcesa enmpiler -enro[ib.,y dJedaring ial1arl:lIY ofnegat:iJve elemenesif iy!Jl'e T its not d!efined! l.e, only 11 FOrwllrd! dec:huaJtiolJi is present
tE!ll1plate<cl.:Zlss T> an l ane vo rd checked_deletE!('T ~ x)
S ~zeD:f' (1)?

tYp8def' char tWE!_1DI1st_be_comp letE! [ (\!D~d) ;; delete x;
I.: -U


} tE!ll1plate<cl.:Zlss T> struct checked de IE!tE!!"": std::, 1l1ary_f'LJl1ct lOn { vo rd operator () ('T ~ x) const { boost: : checkE!d_delete ex) ;

<T ~

lID l.c'l>


The supplied fl]noti.on lIInd class templates ClII!1 e used to Ilreve:nt these proli:J.lel:lils., they b as requfrea (lomp.~ere type;1I!fll:ll caase a. oOOl1!lI!Jl'ilatiolJlenro[oth'fJf'W]se.U ls simi.llIdy appl~i.calblero ar.rlllYdelete ope[ia.tJJlr as wen,

·II~.· .. '~t\.'.".' '"..' .. ~ "'.'g".~'' ·r'. '.'....•'.... be Digitar~ditiolls Converter Delma Versi
." . . ".
0: . . ca,

NOTE std;:auto_!Jl'ir doesnotuse a:nythin.g e.(!r~~V1Ikmlt drrleckf:d delete. Therefoee, toO

, . '.'


.'~"~ ~ "'


.• '.. OC;


r :.'.




.,~' '.


.,: ". _~, . ill"

· ..


,. lnf:.dbE.ihlll.'\Il! . .'.io:riJlJI.'.its tE'p8lr1ll:lilf:ler type liS

Inner Class

.•. [11!lI!Jl1e:me:ntillg u],,e Interfaces witillout l:IiIulJtlp]eil]hec1l~l1ae1l!n(l yetpoov.ide m mIt!lll:lIl.looM:ng up-casHng. .•. Poov.idJe I1!lIlll,ti.p~e:mp:lel1!llf:rn~Horus ~ of'the same interface ilJlllsi:l1gleab~tractiolJi.

SignaJtme of 11 virtul. functiol1ulll1;,\!\o.il1ole,p~m(lel]ltill!iE[faaespmv.idedlby two undependent class lihr8lr:res l1!lIay(lo~l.idJe. U lsa pBoble:m especiallywhelJlll si:ngle classhas to .imp.~eme:llit both the com,ol:ing: r!llllctions .il1(li:rrereTI~'W;lys depending 1:1pm] the :irntErfaoe ym] consider. F'OT e.x.amp~e,
cl;ass B<ase! j / j

Prov l.ded

by 110011

{ publiC:

vlrtu.::l 1 lrrt
/~ V1.rt:j}~.J


UpE!D (HIt) -Basel 0

= 0;

1/ No polyrnDirp.h1cdeletton


}; cl::il85 &i.s.e2: I I I Provided by Jup:ltor

{ publ ~.c:
Vl.rtl.l.::l1 arrt ·ctpE!D (HIt) / ~ v1.rt:j}~J "'/ -Base2 {) }; cl::il85 O'erl ved public Basel, pllbll.c B::i!se2:

= 0; 0 1/

No po IyrnDirp.h1cde

let ton


{ publ rc :
vl.rt:LJ.:;a1 lnt apE!D (l:nt 1) { I I Call from whl.c.h ~s.e class? return 00; } /'" V1rtH~J "'/ -DE!rl.ved 0 {} };

:11WW\V~nverter.colm be Di~t:editftmsndeonverter'BemodVersi
cl::i185 O'erlved

The ~n!J]erclass hil:iom ca!llhe.~p solve this prDIb:~em.

I I NotE! no iDherltancE

cl.::lSS li:;asel_Impl; fr~tend cl.::lSS B:;asE!I_Impl; c:bss li:;ase I_I mp1: pHbl s.c li:;ase 1 1/ NcttE! pubLa.c l:nhE!'r l:tanCE! { pulbllC: p:;a:rE!nt_ (p) {} Basel_.Irnpl (DE!riVed '" p) vtrtll::ill l:nt open (tnt) { return pa:rE!Dt_-:>!basel_P'Pen 0; } prlV.::lte: DE!rl.ved !< pa:rE!Dt_; } basel_obJ; /1 NotemelTlber dbJect here. c:1.::lSS li:;ase2_Impl; fr~tend cl.::lsS B:;asE!2_.I.~pl; c:bss li:;ase2_1 mp1: publ r.c li:;ase2 1/ NotE! publ a,c anher


pulbllC: p:;arE!nt_ Base2_Irnpl (DE!riVed '" p) vtrtll::ill ant; open (tnt) { return pa:rE!Dt_ - :>!base2_:lJ!Pen 0; (p) {}

prl:v:;ate: DE!~l.ved !< pa:rE!Dt_; } base2_obJ; I! Note 1Tl8m'bE!~bJ eet a

1m oose '_open 1m base2_open


() ()

{} {}

!pu'bllc: Derl:ved () : b;<Ji5E!l_obJ (tnli5).

& &


(thlS) } }


apE!r;<Jto~ 8.ase' apE!rato~ 8.ase2 };

O{ O{

rE!tLJ~D b;<JSel_dbJ; l:"E!tU~Db=e2_p'bJ;

:llwww~aonverter.colm be Dignfafze=ClltionsConverter Delma Versi


ln.t basel_open. (Basel { :return b ] . open (l); }

& bl ]

ln.t {

ma rn


Der aved d:
b=el_:o<pen (d); b;<JSe2_:D'pen (d);
j/ j/

LlkE! LJp=i5tj.ns LlkE! LJp=i5tj.ns

:l.n lnherlt:<1nce. in lnherlt:<1nce.

Note: the 'LIseor roni'ilersion ope:ratars i!1l. class Derived. (Oerilved class its [·ea.~~yn()l~ a dle:m'ivedl lassl) The conversion ope:mwrsaUow c con",e:rsim~. of Derilvedi to Basel eve:n though they don't share [nhem'iIl.:8[1liJere~,at.iio:nsihilP themselvesl Use ofme:mlber objiects hlacset.:olbj end hlacse2:_:olbj elill:lll]naitesthe concern OF obJect .~[retime, Llfetlme of member olbjecll:s ls slIIme as. that ofM:Je IDIET.i.vedobJoot,

'.' [l]reiJaGe Glass



Sped:fy8Jran_ge of data va,hle'Sw:utlilo!JItwa:r.ry.illgabo!JIlt the!JIlloled.y.i!lg date S1truc~ure'Used ~ylle data v8JllLles"


Itis well 'Ulloler.srooo that it is useful to creaJre8Jveda:r.;:;]rnD- from a:noller vecl:or,,,d:nt> msi:n,ga copy construetnr, Sum[i;a[[ly,it is useful to creetea vedm..::dlouhle> fmm. a. ¥ectm...::illb ming Coercion by MemliJe[ TemplaJte .idiam1l!Plllieol. 'all a. me:mlbe[~mpl,ate conS1trucl:or..A.oodle exam.p~e Is given below,
t:ell1plate <cl3-SS T> cla85lf8ct:or {

pub l rc :
vect:or (c'onst: vect:or<:T> t:sm:pl.:;a.te <c Las.s U> vect:or (c'Dnst: vect:or<:U> TE!ll1plate Id~orn_
&); &);

I j cop),' constrLJctor I j constn.lctar

lls~tng Coerc1on

by Merdber


Dini~a1 ,;~fi1oiisaeonverterDelma Versi tln

p:PIate -cc 3-SS"ft cla85lf8ct:or { publiC: vect:or (const:<:T> &) ; !I const:ructor musst; know ho ..... j,s j.rmplem,~mt:ed- too bad! vect:·or (c'Dnst: set<T> &); !I const:n.lctor Il1L.lstknow ho .....0581: 105 tmplE!ll1e'ntedl - t:oo badl vect:·or (C'Dnst: T "" pod_array); !I another const:n Ict:or - does not know where pod_array ends ~n:flex:ible! };




- t:oo

Iterator-peir is a[l id~om that8Jolrllre~ til1~ chdenge;. It is based 10[1 the I~,:rator !p1I!~tem (lObvrous]y!) Irre:ratmpatterrl. ul1!tel1!l: ProvrDle an oliJjied wihi,dh traverses some a.ggreg~re s~r!JI,otme.aillstmct.iJng,a:W8JJ' ssum(Jlltio:nsabo!JIt theim:pl,emen,t1l!~'ion. i[)n1il1l!~ a

A pairoif i:rerat:msis 'Used lIDdesi:gn1l!re a beginn:iJng andan ~:mol.oif range IOF a values ..By vif~ue ofthe .it:emltm designpaltdeTH whaev·e:r (in O!J]!J1 eJI:am,pl,evecio:r) uses :iJler.1I!ror :pai.r idiom canaccessthe range wHlimut wlOHy.illgabout theill1J1~,ementat:uo:n.IOflie aggreg1l!1e d!1I!ta. structure ..The ,oin~yr:e(!j'Ui:rel:l1le:ntis the Jterators ihouJol. expose aflxed, minima] that

tE!lllplate <class cl:ilssV8ct:o["


{ publ rc :
t:entpl:;a.te <c l:;ass I np11t I tE!["at:or.:» vectI}[" (Inpl1t:Iteratar bE!B~:n. Inpl1t:..I.ter:;a.tIlr" end) j I Iter:;a.tar-p;;].~tr c"Onst:rL.lctar


for {

:;allocate E!noHa;h mem:ary and. store (~nt:. ~. = 0; be a;in ! = end; ++ :1.) ~begl.n;

~tn 1llE!:J11.

11lIE!1rI(~] +-+be8in;

:llwwWt-.~~II ..converter r011'1l be Di§ifaJ~euttiaos£onMerter:inem-o Versi


}; l.nt

ma rn










std: : VE!ctar<:1.nt:> vl {l .beg un ~ter:;a.tar paar techniq!le. std: : VE!ctar<~nt:> v2 {s. bag an }

O. O.

1. end ());
s. end ());

/j /j

cr-e:ilte cr-e:ilte

vect·o[" :;another

llsing VE!ctar.

Iteraltof-[p8lir ~Iol:iom often cornbi!"leol.w:iJ~lilmemlber~mpL8!!:e-s becaese the 'eJllIct iy[peo:f ls theiJterntars is !"lot kllowfl!. 1I[p]1j.arL cou]dlbe set<T>: :iite:r8!mrorl:iSlt<T;:.: il:era.t:or or a. ]it POD8!ITay" IrrrespecHve ,o:IT type,8!nyge:ner:iJc lI~:g~r:iJthm. the in terms ef'the it:erntor 1l'8!I!:S WQ[[iks.,[t is often useful to,i!"lolic8!retiheoonoept thalt H\f[atm type-s are supposed to model. [[I the example above, thelteeatcrs are reqelred to moole:~at least the [!"IptilHer8!l.or concept, Morei!"lformaJtio[l lIlib>Dut:iteraIDr ategnrles (~gsJ!I!rlldi their 'Uses are descrlbedin e Tag Ilh:p!l!dclling i.d:uoim, Sometlme a. bufferef .itemllta:rp!l!lI:~duaim Js u:n8lvollolaillle,for examp:le, to cOrllstmc;~a skl:,s~.i!"lg from charaeters with. embedded nun\ersiJ!.e,:ratm-1P1Iif idiom is 1]1l;a'l'oiidab~e,

char- buf'{] = { 'A', 'B', 0" 'C'. O. 'DO}; st:.d: : st::r ina; st::r I (huf); 1/ ·an 1y cr-e.".tE!S 'A.B" st:.d: : st::r1na; st::r2 (buf'. buf + S~ZE!Of' (b!lIf)); / j Us~tng 1t:er.ator pa.t.r . Creat:es "AB_C_D" j / buf" l.s st:art of' the rangE! and buf + s~nmf (but) ~s the end of t:n.€ ranae.

&td: : C:D!Irt. <;:< s1;::r.-l



lengt:.h lengt:.h

<;:< <;:<

st:11 st:12.

lengt:.hO lengt:.hO


;sed: :£0001 ;sed: :£0001


<;-<; <;-<;


&td: : C[}!I rt. <;:< st::r.-.2

AB_C_D lE!ngth


Known. ruses
AU standard containers

'.' •

(oercroin. ~y Member Tempill!llre 'fag Dispaltch.iillg

be Di{fi6a1Editions Converter Demo Versi
To con¥ey OW!le[;sJiI~.p t[;a:ns:re,r(of.8Jre~so~"ce) expiidU1' ~11 return l1'pe of8J facoo!r)" the runct.iion"

Fadmy firnctlons !lireoftenused io. create new l'esotlrce~s andreturn themJ 00 the G8JHeLA new BesOtlrce·couldbe I!lIWmemm}'. dyl1J8!mJi.caUy dlDcaJ~cI olbject database cussors/ceenectlons, .Ioch anal so. ,on" An impmt8!nt q]~e;st~Jon !lIooutresOU[ces is Who. oW.ns the resource andwhoreleases it? 11.4111111' ]nt:erJacesare developed wherethe celleris times, impUdlt1y res:Jl'ains~h.lerlD["eereilBase.,[fl!he clIlleris!lio~ .aware of this fa.ct or sim:Jl'[Y rlD[g:etsio, tlll!:,eaor.rec~ s~p.s,ilt gives tise to !lI[le8l>"Y~tD~we-~l]cor[-ecUyk~:!Ic1 ]ntErfare, of Fo[ mae sni(Jlpet silmws an e:x:amplJe,
&truct X

{ vord


{} 0
/! Re.sourc.E! ·Dwnersh j:p
:l.ll1p11c j.t]:y

X ~ Xf'act:.ary caller.
:return new





!/ D::,ma!J1ll.c:ally:allocated


{ }


0 ->f'oo ();

[)ynall11 Lcally


:lmstance of X leaks


Resou[ce RetarnIdiom provides different alternetlves into (s;omewlmt)hi1l!roJ-~o.c!! ~l'lIterfa.ces~

to recli:fyDfue .s:ii~u1lllion1l!nd results

Soh.llJhml. and SamlPiJ.e Code

The soletlon .is~liI.ewI1llp,~liIe resource in a. resmJ['OB-:nl1l!nilge:men~sm.a!r~poi:nier illlol retU[1!1I the smast pO]ntEf Jnstead of the [ilW poiilIter.s,. S]m!pllfi51t~OT.m Reso!!ll'ClB of Return Idlomis :s.howlJi.i!1l. theoodJesni!Jlpet below,
strl.lct { X

vord f'1JQ

0 {}




Difiilal:Ea°iflons xCorlve'He=rDemo
lE!ak }



0 ->f'oo ();

[)ynall11 Lcally



of .X does


There are several issues io. be considered wl:uHedet:emIi[l!illg tli'le type of Be50tlOCEmilmlgern.elll sm1l!rt 1l0]n~E[to ILIseto retum a. resource, Pesslble optiorus !lire; '.' '.' '.' '.' s~:~all]ro_ptr iboost::slmrec:ll_ptr s~"lLIniqr!!l.e~ptf In C+,+Dix User diefilled. Handle/Body ~diom

An IBxoeUent c:Il~scussionofpms8!nc:ll OOinsof cliloo&.iingone over the ather are dlseussed at :Sco~t Meyer ~:nlil~sartkle.The R,esoUirceRe~urn. Pmib:~em" As ]on,g 1IIS custom deletion runotwllality (other than !pli~dlJi 'iJldere) is nat required, a:uio.~ptrs1l!re a qruick ,a~d wlIY to use [1iI,e Resource!!l[nidiom as shown. above. woo_ptr.s give exdus'iive ibtlt transferalbie ow.nerslilipaf rero!!l:rcoes\\lihik:~. eecmes ve[j' dea:rjust by looking at the b int:er.i"ace;,[For dy.nam,i!caHYllnoca,teolpoillreT-[-etJl]millg fa~rory F!!Illdions, boosts :silla:reol._pt[ 11 also good! chnieehecaase ilt offers. 1l000rna~, ls oo,py"sernal1!t:i~ (e,g, , :ul canbe stored in. ST.L conlt1l!ille:rs)"It a:~so 1II1.loW5 c~1IIng,estore-so!JircClBre~.Basepol:i~y from Ilmmal. !ile]ere operation to ~11S1omdlelet~.ollw.ifh.out distUl:bing cH.e,n~,.

W.hen eJl:d!!.lsi\'e O\l;'ne:rstui!Jl' ill1vol\' C8iSeof l;;tesou[-ce Rel!!.l[]lid!io[lil,Mo\'e is Censtmctor .idiDmi~ ,afi:en useful to prevemannecessary c[€'ialtimJl Illd dJeslT!!.I.oti.on 8 of ~emp,or~[y objects 1,;\!'hil~et!ran:s,Je:rdng ,owne~IiI[Jl' ,!!.ll'ces.

Known. ruses
Rel:iI!Itedi[diomls '.' .•. Resource ACq]ui:s.iJtiolJlbI[UiJti;a]i.~lt~a!ll (RAn) M,ove C,oIJiS~r!li.otm

TO' dist:ullguish be:t'\!Ie€in. n integer nand! a

Il!!.lU pointer ..



Di9.'!!!"~~h~~.~~rr~m~.~~~.~C~!..~~ Versi
!Jl'a~[Uter. Latest c++ standard C++Oxpoornises to elimlnate the embaerassment. C++ can't use NUl.l.m;a,OI1o of G because of strong type checklng of C++ makes iltlllmoslt useless .in expressions !lIS below ..
~'def'~tnE! NULL ({ vo ~,d &td: : str 1.nE! ~ &t.r = &td: : strinE! ~ voad (C:: "prof") 0= lf (pmf =,= NULL) {} t.o rDen:iber frmcc aon . "') d)

NULL; I! Can ' t ::ll.l.tol11i:ilt.~tc.:;]J.l y cast

&C: : f'unc ;

vo rd

" to

!I Can" t; aircomat; tcall),

c:;]&t rrom. vo 10d


po inter

So C++ usesllteeal int:eger [I to desi.gnate SO called n!!.l:~~. pDin~er.. U ,\!Io:[ksi!] ovenl;'heh:niing~yl;a[ge number ·of eases b!!.l~ometimes cOinrnsin(g iin nile !Jlre~senceof s overloaded fundions~For ex,a:mple. th€' func(int) overload belowtakes the precedence because fhe type ,or liJtern~. 1Js Int. 0
voad rune (~:nt) ; v·old rune (doub'l.e ~);
lnt ma rn .func

{stat lC_C2st pointer cdoub'l.e ~> (0));

.func {O); I! c.:all& func (:1.nt) but

a1&0 a null

I! ca 11s fu:nc (double ~) a;SE!xpected double " lTl~y bedes~t'E!d becauae 0 IS

Mo:re oOinrusa,on arises wh~n. NULL maerc Isusedl, C++ :rce(!j.lJli:rces macro NULLlbe U:J1I!t defined as 11[1 i:n,tegral constaneexpression having, thevalae of 0. So un~nke ][1 C, NULL c!uun.ol be defined as (voad *)0 ][llh.e C++ sltam:i!8!rdm:muy. Furthermcre, the exaetfoem or definitio[l tis ~efl:'1:0 thepart.i:cdllrim!p~,eMe:nlat.i:oi!1l, which mealJJS th1lt e.g. both [land Ol are wilalil~eoptlons, amolJlg some others, Thtis a trolLllbileas i:tcan calLl8.e eonfusdon in overload resolll]~ion,Worse, the way confLls:ing: overloadresolutlon m8!n:ifests itself vary d~enda:ng on. the eompiler snd ills se~liingll used, An iUlustrntive case is this :digihl: mooi:fi:cat.tOirl of the exampl,ealiJove:



N· <cstddef> V-Did f'LInC(l:nt) ; v-oid f'LInC(double


int main 0 { Tunc {st:at: iC_C.::lst <dollble ~> (0)); Tunc {o); 1/ C.::ll1;5 Tunc (int:) but al;5o a null pOint:er

1/ ca lis TLJ:nc (double ~) asE!xpEct:ed doub Le " lJliay bedeSirE!d becauea 0 IS


Tunc (NULL) II call;5 Func Ctnt:) j_f' NULL is defin-ed as 0 TLJnC (dO!llble ~) w.:as intendE!d!) - logic error at runt rme .

be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

II but
(yet lrIorE! confusion tn-e call i;5 arribl.gUO!IISl.f NULL 1;5 defined to t:hE! unwary l) .- ccmpa Lac ron error as OL

[m]~.ptridiorn. so,Uves some of the albowe IlmliJ]ems i[la ~iihrary of nll]lllloilJD. A recent dlraft [!roOOS1l~(NZ4]]) by Herb SlI]ltErand Bj1lme Stmmstruprceoomm.enols that a [le\\I bejf!ic\!'o[\o)liIIi1Uptf' added 1:0 C++. nuHpt[ ~clioimIs the closest match possiiMe tooaYlLIsi[lg be e·xist!i:ngC+·+ OOaltUlBes. The fo[low.i[lgnll]l.lp~ amp,~ementation lsa varlant of the·la.liJ:rary based appmsch


Sma Meyeri[l

l:uislbook More EJIect.iJve G+v ..


c-onst: /1 It is a cnnst abJ ect: .. _ class n1l11pt:r_t { !publ rc : t:em:pl.:a.te«class T> .opE!at:or T'" 0 1/ convert r pOint:er_ .. { return 00; )

tblE! to any

ty!pE! of



tentpl.:<l.te<el~s C, c:.las.s T> apE!'r:.1tor- T C: : '" 0 eanst !/ { return 00; } pLtvatE! : void aperator-& } mIll pt:r &truet { vord }; C func () ;
= {};


an),' type


m.i l.L

mE!lrIber pal.ntE!r- ...



I! C:<!on' take t


·O,T nullptr

tE!ll1plate<typen;amE! T> v-oid B( P t ) {} tE!ll1plate<typen;amE! T> voad n ( T t ) {} v-oid Fune v·ol.d Fune int { (doub Ie "') (int) {} {}

lI1ain(void) cn::lr

~ en



.func (nullptr);
(O); vetd (C:: ~prnf'2:) () = 0; vord {c:: ~pl1lf} (} = nullptr; mIllpt:r_t nl , n2; n! n2;

!/ 1/ !/ !/ 1/

Calls Calls ok

func (doub Le "')

func (:tnt)



1/ Ad.d:rE!&s c:m' t be taken. /Inullptr_t "nllil = &ni; iF Cnll11ptr ch) {} 1/ ok iF (nll11ptr == prnT) {} 1/ Va1:Ld statement; buc fa i ls on g++ 4-. I . IdllE! to h"B~ 33990 canst lnt n = 0; 1/ Should not eOl11lp11e; but only COIllE!.:<IU if' Cnll11ptr == n) {} &hows an err-or. /I~tnt p = 0; /ILf (nullptr 1/ not ok p) {} 1/ Can't dedllc:.E! T /Ig (nLJllptr); l.ntE!Xpr- ,= 00; cn::lr* eh3 = expr ? nullptr : nullptr; /1 chI is th.e null pOinter value / Iena:r* ch·4 = eXpir ? 0 : nlll1ptr; /1 err·or-, types ar·E! nat

/ I~tnt n3 ,= ·E!Xpr- nul1ptr ? : nlillpt:r; converted to rrrt, / I~tnt nol .E!Xpr-? 00 : rm l.Lpt.r ;

/1 error-, /1 error-,

nLJllptr types

e.:<ln't bE! ar·E! nat


.,i.i \.



h ( !'1iul1pt!:" ); h ( (flD.:<Je) null pt:r };


W"~=~ ,~ II deduces T I I deduces T

......_ ......

null pt:r _t f'Ioat; ~

:l:zeo,f ( r111l1pt!:" ); t:ypetd( r1111lpt!:" ); t:n!:"ow rlllilptr;

II ok II ok II ok

UII~oTwnaJtel.y,ruhere seems to bea ~ in g~c 4.1.1aorn:pilel:~liI8Jt does not I'ooognir2ie tlil.e comperlsonof l1u.UlplrwWIl pOiim to m.emlber f!!l:ndion {pmruf). The alimve eode aompiles on VC++8,O and COmie8l!!l. Ll,U:Ulbe,ta. 4

There are some di.s8Jo1v8Inltagifs tlililSteC:lilnique1l!ndi !:liredI~scuss.edi ln the N.2431 lJoolQoslIl ,of dimft [[I .su:mmary, the .rn:isadw[J!~ges !lire· '.' '.' Aheader mus~lbeilldlEo1edl ~o''Use nulUp11:ldiom. Thatmeans ]t ~sdeal: tlilat langu8Jge does not have a.fil:st class keyword for nullpointer, COmi[pilers oC1I!n."tpooducemeaningf!J.d. enor messages lO\(llelJJ nuUlptrisimplemented as 8J ~.ilbral"j.,

Generic 'Container Idioms

:IIWWIl:I!fJYJO rt-rcDnV1mer!cum

To create gif,ne:ri,c oanta:iner classes (vector. list, stack:) thalt ]mpo:s.emin~m1lil.requ~remiel]ts 8lndi a non-thmw[ng

be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

DevelJopi:nggeneric containers ][1 c++ cain. beeome eoreplex ~nruiy g;eneric D[m~a:i!nlf'Ts (Iilre ST1.) are desired, Re:U!II!!illg req!lll:iremell!l!son type: Tis the lrey behind dieve.Uo,ping the truly geneelc containers, There a rew C++ ~ol:i(]lm<sQoaDtua.~iy achieve tile "lowest t dJe:nom~:naioT"'possiMe mr.ith requirements 0[1 iy[pe 1[,

t:elllplate<cl.:<J;ss T:.> class



~tnt tap_; !pu'bl 1C: Stack Ctnt s~tz;e=lO} size_.(s~.:ze) . aEray_ (new T [s ~.ze])" tap_{oG)
vo rd push


T mLJst Sllpport





(cDnst: J

T .& v31lle)
val! IE! !j ;

arr::ay_[top_++ }

T must: support


igrunent: operat:or.

T pop

copy-constrLJction. No

return arr::ay_[ --top_J; I! T mllst support dE!stru.ct:or is callE!d here } ·-Stac k () t:hrow () { dE!lE!te [] ar:ra)i_; ) /j t:h:rOl'll.flg letor };

T mnst: support

nton- tih8!n. ome alrJBlyliJoundlsproliJ]em, abov€irnple]nen~jt~Qn looles pre~ty obvious, But s iJ~ Is qui:ren8Ji.v€. It has more r-eq]uk-.ernl:mts n type T thalli th.ere needs to be. The 8JliJove o irnplemen~Jti,on f"eq]ukes foUmniJng opBTat.i:oins defined on type T: '.' '.'
'.' '.'

A default constructor for T A copy cnnstructer for T

.Am:m.-tjI:Jrowi!n;g deslruC!JJlrfor T .A copy assignme,nlo,perntor for T

:11'.n.~ ..••. ..~ ·.I.l!~~. ....... It.~', •... .

Asladk. idea.~[y..should [lot constmd more objects In iJ~~h8J[lnllJmbe:r f push o[pe:mtions o on It, Simi.lady, after every p0[P oper~t~Qn, an oliJjec~ fool:lil. s~ackshol]ld be


' .•..

: ... "." 1m '.1 1i-6..1i "




,''P ... ··\A"I~o ..•..,OiUthe ne

reasons is


.A copy' constructor
Anon-:tjI:Jrowi!n;g, d.eslructm.

To achfeve this, a. generlc container should! beable w d.>Dc8JI:e!Jmirll~ti1i~ized mell:l1lmy8!nrli unvol\:e constfLIcw[ts)on[y once on each. e~eme:rlit1;,\!'hu~e ~iJrlili;a.~~zil1Jg" them., Tbisis pmssihllB!lIs.]n;g(o:l~o! three g~nericool1!ta:iJnlE'T wroims,






L.~ ~1I1l~

helper LJsJ:na; pl,",cEDlE!nt nE!.... .: tE!Dlplate <class Tt , class 12> V,01.d cnnstnlct (Ti &p. const T.2 &valuE!) { new (&p) rr (valL1E!); I I T mllst support copy-c"{](nstrLJctor }

1/ CDnstruct

1/ destr.oy

helper to tE!Dlplate <class T::.v,01.d dE!stroy (1 const { t ..- TO; I I T IDIlst }

:I.!Woke destructor &t}




{} destrLJctor


nan -throw

tE!Dlplate<cl,",ss T> class S,t;ii,ck { ~tnt s1.zoe T ;;]rr,",y_; ~tnt top_; publ ic: St.ack (1.nt s1.2;E!=lO) : S1.zoe_.(sj.ze). ;;]rr,",y_ (:stat ic_cast <T ":> (: : op8r::i1tor 1/ T nE!ed not SL.lpport def':;]!11t construct ton top_CoO)

nE!W (05lzeo:f


'" S1.ze})),

void push { 1 &v::<Illle) { constrllct (arr;;]y _ (top_ ++ 1. valuE!); ass:1Jgrlllltent opE!rator.


I I T nEed not


T top

:Ilwww .ebook-converter ~B1Y

} }


be Digifi(:tdit~gQ~ Con~erJer elma Versi D

-St;;]c k () throw ()
{ std:: for_e:3ch{;;]:rr,",y_" array_ + top_ .. dE!stroy<T»; : :·operator d.E!lE!te(arE'"ay~; II Global scope opE!'E'"ator ·deletE!. }

}; class


X (1.nt) {} II No default constrllctor fbr X. pLtvatE!' : X &, ·operator = {const X &}; /1 ,",ss:l. .rnent ·0 erato:,

pub I rc :


r l.vate

}; ~nt: marn


St::Jck. <IX> s;






opeeator new allocates un~n:itia.~~7lfc:ll memm}," n Js a faney way of caU~ng ma~,loc" The conSltrLIdlle~pE[ temp'~lIIrefunction lnvokes placement new anal I:rI, um I:rI.YOR!es copy t a conSltrLIcl.mon theinitiJal:i2ledl, Memory., Thepotater pus rupposedl, to be om:: of'the l]n:i[l!ilt~,alii-2iedme:molJl c:hurlks alloeated !!Ising opeml.m new " If endl,i~an :iier8lwrpointing at an element ,one past the last: u[I!ilti.a.lii-2ied e]emeHit ofthe oont.a:ine:r, then, pointers unl:H1,e ra:nge end to. e,nd~oCaHocaltiiDIIlishouldlnot poin~ro olbjiec~ ,oiftype T, bl]~ro I]n:ii[l!iIH.a.l~:red m.emmy"Whe:n, an element is remeved from the (, dles~[!j.l,otm ~o'llM, be :unIVok.ed! onlihem" A d)es~roy Ilel,per function ca:rI,be helpfullsere as shoVl':rI"S~,milady, t,o,dlelet.e a, ra:nge, anotller oQcverJoa.dJedl, destroy function whi,c:h takes t.,l.!'Ooi,t,e:rllJwr.s be useful, lit cotlkl eS~!J]tiaUy i:nvolke~ first destroy helper on each element ,in the seC!jl]ence.

Known, ruses
AU ST.L cl!llrltllline:~smploy ~:im:ul.a[ecn[l!iq]!!IIB'S., 1l1llveminimal pl!llSsiMe req]!!Iureme,nls e i They onl!he iemp~8Irepar.ameter types. Dorl,he other hand, rome popular C++I:ibmr1:es halVe t stricter [€q]uimme:nts onparameteriizab~,e types thallinece~s~ry.

be Digita~SHitioR& Converter Delma Versi
'.' ,Maki:rlg New fr,ielldis


Ind!!uji:ng tfuJesame leadie,x me in. same oompilatio[l!!mHisaplrcaMem because it V~,o~~!liresa bask rule of C++: One Definition Rule (ODR) , Aheade:r may get :illdlUloledmuilt.i!ple timnes became of dhe:c~!I!nd i:ndi:rcectindlUlS~,oIl"

Ind!Ju:ile GuaOOlmacro idiom its 11[1 old ~dli(JIm, \vhich Is alSiDapphcable in. a. Cprogram" It \ used sim;rop]e#'define 1:0 preve:nt [Ilch!.lsioll ofa header file nm~tiple times ~.naCiompila,ti,01JJ IUlnitil'oUow.illg macros are put at the very begurnniln:g and at very end of aheader me"
h:fndef _MYHEAIDER_iH

II be8l1nn~tl1g

~'def'~tne _MYiHEAIDER_iH MYMEAIDE.R_H !I end

Note that pfO_g[!I!mmers often have the.]rim::llUldieguard macro's start with one oO'D[l:Q]1e IUlllrlierscmes, fO[~o\l,ied.Ib.,.y IUlprperr1lisee~ters, even tho!!.lgj:! uclil idelltifiers are of:l'idaHy J s reserved for the implemeneatlon of the ,oompi.ler1l!n.d tfuJeStam~iud Lib:rnr.y, accordillg to the C++ S~lld;a!l'di.(lSO{[EC 14882::2003),

as a!ll effi.ciellt a~te'[I]aIHve ~oInelude gU!I!rnls.It does not requiretn open theheadee fi~e more thal1 once, un:~il\:.e trndilt~,o!llalilld!]dle g,llard macro ~:n. ome cornpHers,. On. ImI!lJy s modernearapllers Wl<!e GCC40lr MSC++2008 #pr!llgm;a.ollCiew:iU no~ givebet~,x oOlmpile tlmepeefeemance as U'leyrecog,uize header _g1]!I!rdK

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Demo Versi

To cmlV,en~Je:nnycontml ~:n:~i:n.e-!Iless off!!.l:n.c~iolls!lIsillga enmpller oom:m!l!nd line macro deflnifinn sw:utdl"

il'or ,did:mggillgpl]D'pose, Itis often necessary to l'urn off [d:n~llg of f!!.lllctiolls~oou.gJ:to:t]~ the.pmgrnrn,[B:ut forreleaseversdon, .inH:ne runct.i:olns am ,dies]rnilde"Thisilldi:iJc1l!resaneed of a. ql] way of tlUlmi:ngi:rlUne-lless oll/off.a5 1I!Ilrli 'lO'ihendesired. Moreover, such. rullct.iions sfuJmddlbe. defined :in headerflles W'hen they !lire inlillrollnd otlilerwise should! be in lfuJesource (.opp) fi]e" If Iloln.-inl:ine functions !lire inhearlJe:r mes, a:~mos~alw!l!ysiJt ends I]pc:feat:ung mu.~ti!ple defilJ!iJt~mlSor the function. On. the other 1l!l!llrli, are

Ilot :in header fHes then c(mllp:i~;a:t.i:oin caln'~finl:l them. III bo~ the cases Hnikl:lrt~romrs un:its

Therefore, a fl!ex:ible way of .in~illing is o:fl:.en. des~:rlllbl.e~!!It C+·+ .~8Ing!!l;age does not: SiU!Jlport u~without oorne lllil.crDmagic. 'I~e Ialine Gmlrd M8!cro ~di:rCiimac~reve~s tillis.

SohJlJtJml. and SamlPiJ.e Cude

The soluliolll .i~ro Il!!lta.~~~.e inl!i:nef!tlllctions .in 11. ~arnre [He c1l.~ledi.i!Jlpme and diecOI'Blre t . each functlon '!1i':it~. amaero [NUNE. Header me andi.ruhe~mp'lernel]taliolli nile ls ere1llre as usual amil the .:ippfi]e :in selectively included ln one -of the two files (header o:r implementaJN!On) depemflilJJg 'Upon whether innn~ng is deslred ..An exa:mpl~e o:f a. cl8!SS TeS1t is gi.venlbeb;.v.
/ I test_ ipp f'ile INLINE voad Teat; : : f~mcO

/1 test_hpp f'ile ·hf'ndef _TEST_H !I Note include ~,def'~tne _TEST_H el;as;s Test


!publ1.e: void Furic () ;


~'end~tf' /It:eet. epp fl1e ~· "te;st_npp" 1/ Include hE! f'ile


be Digi.taf Editions Converter Delma Versi hf'ndef INLINE_ ~'dertne' INLINE 1/ INU NE 1;s c:!efl_ned a5empty ;strl:na "te;st_ app" 1/ It 1.s l:nelnd.ed only when _INLINE_ ls NOT def':l:ned _ ~'end~t:f

The effect of using Ind!tlile Guard Macro is tlilal doe!pel1i1ing upon whether_[NUNE_i~ defined o:r l1o:t;reS1t.ipp ge~ mergedi. w~tlil.e:il:lilerte~st.cpp or te-s,t.illpp.W.hoe,nulgets m.oe,rged with rest:.oIlP, funct~ollS arenot .inil.inedi.bec8l!!lSie INUNE ls ·diefilledi. S8!1!lempty s~ring> On a the other haad when re&tiJpp ismerged w.ilthlest~hpp, [NUNE lsdeflned as hdine (the bej!1i;\!1ol'di). Now, WOOlt'emai!l1S:is to ,diefille _[NUNE_m<I.C[\o,. Genemlly, d. modern I C1C++ OIJ)rn!Jli.le~lIl]ow dlefijlIingm< commandIiae ..for example to oOimpile tille

abm'e progr.amolJ1 gaa lIsing .iIJ1HlJ1ing, -ID_IiN~UNiE:_ optil!lln.i~ used, IflJ10 such macro is defined, th€' functions 1IIre·llJ!wma.ticaH.y treated asnon-lnline andprogr1llm compiles, a

Known. ruses
'.' • ACE (Ad!1IIpti.veCom;romun:icatll!lln.Envil'OlJ1ment) 'fAD (The ACE ORB)


Include Gu;~m:il.Macro E!!pl!lIrl G1JI1IIn:1i Mac['Oo

Multi-statement Macro
To w.!ii:rre a multi-statenaens {mlLllti-li:ne}macm,


N,def'~tnE!UACRO (X • Y)




MACRO( 10, 20); statel11lent3;

f / Corep







SE!D1-·co lon i

The ailimve sl:a.t:emel:Utexpands

j.f (cond)
{ else statel11lent3; statement 1;





Comp lllerE!'rror





gi.v~ng a. cornpller fe[.ror" Tlilere$o:re. people came 'LIPwlfha w.idel.y used idiom. fax mullti.S1t8l~m.elJ1tneceos, which is onade-while r loop"

S4!l~udml. an.d SamlPie Code

Here :iis

exam:pl:eaf the muUti,-S~ltement macroIdlore,




do {




st::l,tE!mE!:nt 1 ; st::l,tE!mE!nt2 ; /~ _, _ .ot/ } whilE! (d)

\ \ \ \ \



I::.ra:1.11TJg ; )


W.hen the callerappends a, S'Emlcolon. th:i!5eXJl!aru~,onbecomes a, single statement regllln::llllfssof the cOIl~ed, Optim:izing conllJliilers l1Su.:dy remove all!Ydeed tests, sach as 1<!.!'hile(O). This ~o1:iom nat l1Seful, '!lifue:n, is nNi,C[O is!JiSlfc:ll ;a,parnm.e~er to a funcl.rOin.can, as Mmeover.lliltis ~:cl:iom allowsretuen stat,e:me:n.,t.
rune (MACRO(UJ ,2d)}; /1 Synt::<ix error hE!rE!_

:11'WW'i1i12 ahonk ,"'O.ot1-ver&ecrF~eOlltve , ... . '.' .••.•. •••• gv~~1:If' .••..

be Diruf,., -.::,aJ. ,-" ..EEdittg,A~rC~~~r S·"W I{" " _n;~W·~(Ii~~


Delma Versi

if' (PJINTER } while (oO)



{ err-no

ENOIJEIJ; r-etur:n

Making N ew Friends

Frien.d fl:lnot~m]g are often!Ji~c:Il topl'a,v~de wm.e au)!:ilial]1 a.diolitioool interfaces for a, class, I'or mmm[ple. in:sert.rain,«<), exlrac~'ion., (») operators snd O'!ler]wdeo1,aritlhme~ic operators are ·afl:e,nIT~rI.ds. f'm'i:e:ndl functions of a Glass template tis a. ]!i:Mi:e mml:: compl~k:aledoom:p1l!red to diecla[inga friend functiou for ;an.on-~m:plat:e class, There are rOl]rl\;:inrllsof nilalt~,oIlSh:ip;s between classes end the:k fdemil:swhen templates are lnvolved: .•' .•' Olle-t.o...:m1l!n..y~ rlol1-tem:pl,ate r!Jindion.,may he a :[r~:endto, all temJl'~1I!relass A c inst1l!Ilitialt~:aru . Ma!lly..:ro-olle: AlliMt.a:!ltiati,01J!S of a. template funot~,on may be friends to a regular



Olle-t,o~m:u::, A template runoN,on iinstarnl-i!llnec:ll GrI.e set of'template !lI!'g!llme:rlts w.iH:1l m!lly be a. friend ~o,one km:up'~!lIl:edassimta:rltia,ted w~dll:i the s!lIme se~aif te:mnJP~!lI1:e aJgLlmern!s ..This Jsalsc the re~;at~o!llShip between a :r,:egul;alr on-t.empl~!lI1:eclass a:rld n a reg!ll]8Irrlllrl....:templi8Jtefiie,nd fimctlon, Mllnycro-ma:!1IY; An irlsi8lrlltiaJti·om of a.remplaJte FLinCUOrimay be 81 fiie:rld tID d. insi8lrlitialtwllS of th:etem.p]8!re class,

The llrlf:-hHlI!1I.e1':ela1ions~iJp .iso¥ interest here because se~t.iing thalt I]P ln C++ req]!ldre.s adcl:i!tiona.] s,},l]tax ..An eX!llmple~Ol~~.Ci'!i;lfS.
t:E!ll1plat.e<t:ypenarne class FOD { T value; T>

Fao(const: T& t:) { valuE! f'!:"1E!Dd Cl5t:re~&«


} canst Fao<:T:>&} ;

:llwwW.ebook,-converter.colm be Digmtftirtfions Con<verter Demo Versi

t:E!ll1plat.e<t:ypen:ilrne T>


The !liliJIDve' ,example is riO good for us because the .imeDiterisnot: a.rempla:t:e ~!lIltii1stlll uses a. ternplste 8Irg!llmen1, Thtis is 1IIlroli}~em since .if'snolll rnem~:er f!lindion. The ope,ratm-.::.,;:') must be 11 te:mp]lI~ SI() that d:iistinc~ spedalirz;ati:o:n.folr eadll. T ·can ~e cre8lte.l


So~!litilon here is ~o'declarea ~nse,:rt.i!o:n perator templalte o!ll!tstidetheelassbefore :friend o dJedaraJtwn and adorn the fr.ienol declaration with <>. Hinol:ic8li:es U\i!ll~lIte:mp~8I1:e declared elld~JfT should be made frlend,
f'arw:arc'l decla!:"atlons t:E!ll1plate<cl~ss T> cl~ss t:E!ll1plat.e<cl~ss t:E!ll1plat.e<cl~ss class FOD { T val; T> T>

f'oo; (ost:ream:&. C"ODSt: Foo<T>&);

ostr-e.::lrnii;. operator«

f'ao(const: T& t:} { val


} <:> (ost:rE!3m:&" C"ODSt:FOD<T>&) ;

f'!:"1E!Dd Cl5t:rea!JJl& operatm-<:<

t:E!ll1plate<cl~ss ost:ream:& T> as. canst Foo<:T:>&

aper~t:o!:"< <:(ostre~Il1&.


S4!lh.ll!tlml.and SamlPie


D1I!n. Salli:ss~ggest:ed1l! a.:pproach to ov'e:romne~e veTliJOs,iJ~y ofthe 1Illbove so,~ut:iOrll" His solutiorll.isll:nown as "MlIlk:ing, Niew Friends" Idiom ..The Idea is io olefine Uli.efrl.end the dMS template as sil1ownlbdCiw.
telllplate<typename T> class Foo {
T value;


foo(const T& t} { valuE! = t; } £~ lcE!ndastream&« ( os"


Foo<T;.& b)

:llwww~ebaok~eBnverter.colm be 0 i

gjtiL,tEr!_tiQtQ§e~gllXer1CJ;hOae(QP fr~e:rII.ds" Ile\V llorll.-templaJte functioll its created for each specl,al]zat.iJon. of Foo, A


Resource Acquisition Is Inttiallzatten

'.' '.' To g,1:D1mmleeelease ,of res.omce{s) 11!~ tlil.eend of a. soo[pe r Toprovide basic e:l!:joe:ptioll! safety gt:n1l!!1Jnt:ee

'.' iEh!l::cutf:~ArouriidObJect ,.,Resouroe Release Is F:ina]~.zat~lo!ll

Resou['Ces acquired :ina filnot~DIl scope sJllou.~[jllbeBelf:asedlb>Efomlf:av.illg Ullescope unless the ,0.w.nlf,Tship being t['a:rIIsre, another scope or dilject Quite often it means is to apalr off!JIlldion ca.~1s- ,aile to aCq]!JI.ire. resource andl.8!l1Ioliher ne to release ~tFor a o eX1l!mpl~e, Ilewfde~ere. maUodfree, a.cq]~.imfre[,eaSiB.iLe-operurfl.~e-dDse .. f

llesllBdJ_;CO!lHIt++lllesIDedJ_;CO!lUlt--, etc, the resoLiocem<a:!I81gemne!lt


]S. q]llme

easy to mrg;e[ ro wnIDElmtle "":Bele8lse ""part


"contract" .. Some~"irne,s theresmsree release fuactlon Isnever illIvoked became of centrol flbw ]ellves. the scope because ,of return 'OT11111 ,except~O!ll. H ls too c:llIIngero!lls t.o trust programmers thathelshe wm illIvolke I'esomce release opernltiDI[I ~:!1 allpossllale cases ]lIruhe present anrn ill the fut.l]re. Someexamplesaee gi.vel1lbeUow. ..
vo1d O { eh::",r ~ ch


new ch;;]r



C. - ")
l_f ( ... ) return; elsE! l.f (. .. )1f C ...

else throw delete "ERROR";

:11ww\r#d.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital. Editions Converter Delma Versi

lock . :ilcgu~trE!() ; retllrn; else throw lock. } This "ERROR"; /j ThiS may :not rE!le,:;z,sE!); (



!I Th:ts

m;;]), not

be ~tl"lvoked..



be :l.nvoked. _. dead lock!

Is ~ng,ellmal. control f]o'W albstrnctimll.problem. (RAm ils all extremely pi3(fm:l8lridi.orn.illl C++ that release" opeeationin 11 dever way.


Aequlsnlon is ]1l~ti8lIiz1ll~ioll

reMellve.-s the Ib:ulrc:lelloir":rcesomce

S4!l~udml. nd SamlPie Code a

The idea


to '!1i'!r1l!P theresearee gLl8lrnlltIBe,s w~elll


ope'rlll~"ion.illl 11desrur!llC~OT an obJectilli of


scope ..llllng!llage an eJ!cep~"ion"

j/ j/

that thedestructer

wilUa~way.s. be


(of a. s!llccessruUy smt.emelJit or


oOlltml. nowlea'i'es

tile scope becaese of 11retarn

PrlV;;].t:e copy constrllctor and fr·CID1 l,:;z,ss NanCopyab IE! cannot c class N·onCopy;;]lble


3SS:lcBI"lm.ent: ensure
copd ed


der aved


const!:"ucto:r priva.t:e

NanCopyablE! NanCopyablE!
& oper::<ltar

(NonCopy,:;z,ble canst &); j / p!:":I:V3te copy = (NanCopy:ablE! canst &); /j

ass:!cgnlm.ent ape'rator }; template <class T> cla85 AutalDelete : WonCopy:<lb1e

{ puhLrc :
Al1toDelete (T P = 0) ,-A.utIlDe1ete 0 throw() P:LtV:;il,te: T *ptr_; }; cla85

pt._(p) {} { d£!lete ptr _;


WonCopy:ab1e! j

Seeped Lock ad ~0JJl

{ puhI rc :

SCDpedlack (Lock & 1} : lock_ (l) { lock_, acql1:.tre {}; -ScopedLock 0 throw' () {' lock_, release (); } pr:.tvate': LocU" lack_,;

:llwwwr:.ebook,-converter.colm be Dim~'~i0n9mGo·nverter
{ :.t:f (. , ,) return; call delete here. ...... t1l
j j


Demo Versi

I [10 need to I Destruct,or

of' safe_del



} v,o~d X: : b.:;ar () { Sc:apedLack s,;a£e_lock (1};

I! Lock W'l.11 be rele.:;ased


~f' (..,)' (. , ,) throw . ERROR" ; j I [1'0 need to call re1e;;]se j I [)estructIlr of' safe_lock }

nere. w~ 11 re lease



Acql]i:rirlgre,so!lll'ce(S}il1 ~(JIrlst[ll]do[ Isno[ m!llnd!lld'o[j'][1 RAJ[ idiom 1J!lI,t releasing msom~es :lin~jhedes1l:!lIdo:r is thekey. Thf'Be:fhre,it is alsol\:l1olwn {r.al1el.y ttJou;g~) as Nieso:1llralilelaise !is FimaUzatiDm, icliiOim" It ls ijrl]poril:!IIn~ iJ[I~nis idiom that the destructor sil:mu~cl,no~lftIrowex~eptijolJlS. Therefore, tlillediestruct:orsn8lYe no~ttJl'OW specification lin]~It ils op'tlliomll,.,s,t(jt:au~o_ptl:8!ndilJoost:sc(JIped_aJ~r!llre W8!YSOiIT quk:k~Y!llsi[lg RAU ijdrOirl] or f memo[j' I'es!o:urces"AA]] is !!IIsOI used to eirlsurre exception s8!fe~y. RA]] makes ltpesslble ~ollvoid I'es!o:urce Jelli!:swij~out eJ!ltelJJSi,¥e se 'OiIT u trylcatdl Mocks 1IInd:lisw,iddy 'USed,in the software indi!lls"t[j'.

Many classes that mal1!a,g,eTeslDl]rce8W[!lig RAIL 010 not 1l1l!'!Ie legiJtiDlte copysernal]l"ics (e.g. ne~'lI'oiLJ;OOl]nedions, datsbaseeursees, mLl~ex)..The NanCopyalJle class S~OVi'lIl befere !Fueve:nls copy.ingof olbjects~181~imp~ement RAltU s,iimply prevents aeeess to the copy-constrLIcoor8lndi the copy-assigm:ne]]~o!pe:rntoT]g fhIfIl1pT.iv1I!re. ooost:::scopetic._ptl'is an exampl..eof one SLlCI:i d;}ss!!h1l!~pl'ewel1!tsoopying ",hile hoMing memory I'es!OtlOCf-S. NOf}:CDPJ.:iJ'ble class states thls intentiollJeJ!1P1idI:lJY1l!Ill:ll The preve:!lils compibt.iiorl. if!JIsedi [1]{::OrTlf;DUy .. Such classes shoulol no~liJe used .in STL mi!lit8!iners~ However, every resoLiTcem8!nage:me:nt class t~at ~:mp,lernems RAn does.notheve to t.e nO!l1-copY1lliJ.le the above two eX8! <copy semsntlcsate desired, ]ilke .ooost:::shaf'elic_pt.rc!(Jifl beused to m8lllage memo:ry resources. In g~neT1I1.; cn-tntruslve n reference cO!JI:nti!l1g Jsused ~O,pl'o,v.idecopy semall!l-ics as well asRAJL


'~W~OZL=~::!:bY c+·+ dJes~!JIdOT.s" lhi1lfs because a C++ dle.s~Tuot(JIJ T C1l11!'~Pl'op8lgaite erm:rs io the enclosing

Di~llIhiLiEmll=~~QmJJrli:t:M!LlfmlJJO e"'(lf1Ption.a.~case w.iJti:ui!l1 ~~]f sOimelimw, Nevedlhidess,RAU!n1lgemne:n.t·ol:iomin C+ ..... i

rem8!ins the mos~'!.'i':ide]y


'.. To separate 81[1int·erface or a. class :from ir~ [mp~emenhlitio:n. '.. Invoke irnp~eme;nlat.iion. of8!!li.albstrnction/dass!JIsil1!g fU!litill1.epolymo!1]lhism.

Sep8lrnli!lg8!nilIuf1l(Je of 11 class from its .impl.eme!lJt1l!~-ion.isfu:nd1l!melllt1l1ro : good 'C!lu1I1:iJty olbject ,oT.lel1!redi software de~:ig~pmgrnmm:ing. for object (JIJlented Ilrogr8!mm:iJn;g~ the Ilr:illcip:le mechaeism of separalt~o!l1is the Interfaee Class, Hiowe¥er C+·+ (when compared ~o"say, Jav1I) provides no exeluslve mechaelsm :foire.xpressing sach a separation .. ]n Ja:v8I, imlterl'a.ce keYOll'ol'di.isused to specify on~y the public methods that are supported by 11[1 ahstr.act.i:Qin,C++ does not have wch !(Jkeywon::llb!JIltris funotrnn8llir~y calli be Expressed i closeJJy!JIsilIg the ]nierface Class Jdlcm ..The idea is ~o ·express ollJly thepl[liiJ:.~kme~~oos of an 1IIbst!faot~,I[)n provide !liD irmpleme]]l!iJlt~o!l1 !(J!I1Y tlilem..Aliso, ]ack of and or aif

Soh.llJtJml. and SamlPJ.e Cude AnilJ~,Tfa(Je class oOIJI!.:~drus on]Yll Virtlllll. destructor 1IlJ!jl~lJIre virtu1l~.funot~o!llS, tjtnJ~ Il'rov:idillgll eensteuet sim]Lar ~ulH1ei:llitern.a.ce onstructs of o~he[11IIJiglllages (e"g" Jav.lI)" An c ilnt:edare classJs ill class that specifles the I:ml.ymmplilk lnterface Le.jmre v.i:r~u!lil. fl:lI]{;t~.o1Ji dieclarnJti.oruslntea baseelass, Theprogeammer lIsillgllcl1ls~hilerarohy 'C-liHl then diu sovia 11. ase class th1lt (Join1lml!lllk.a!tesnly the ilnterfaoooil" classes in. the :hierarchy, b o
class sh;;]pe


A.n tnterf:<lce


publ H::
v l.rtLJ,:;:' 1 v :trtLJ,:;:' 1 V 1rtLJ,:;:' 1 v 1rtLJ.:;:'1 -sshape () ; v·oid mOVE!_X (l.nt: x) voad mov'E!_Y(HIt: y) v·oid draw {} = 0;

0. 0.

II ...
c::l:<lss line

pub'l a,c


:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digilal1l;id~Jions Converter Demo Versi

v :trtLJ,:;:' voad movE!_x (l.nt: x); I I lmplE!ments 1 1TtO\fe_K v l.rtL.I,:;:' voad movE!_Y (l.nt: y); I I ~tmplE!mentslTtO\fe_Y 1 v:trtLJ.:;:,l void drawO; I I ~tmplE!ments draw potITt end_polnt_l. end_pol:nt:_2;
!p:Lt V;;].t:E!:

II ...
}; int: {
ma rn



: v'E!ctar<sn,:;:,pE!


sn,;;]!PE!S; so:mehow.


Fill iter

1I!p sn,:;:'PE!S VectIll:

(vE!ctar<sn,:;:,pE! ++iter)

*>: : l.ter t != shapes. end 0 ;

l. ter



O} ;

{ }

E¥ery ~:nJtem.ace ass s-hou~'olh.a.vell v.l!:tulIl.deatsueter, Vilrtu;al dlestructor makes sure that d when 11 shapeIs de~.etedp>Diymo[~hic1lU.y, conect dies~rl!ldor of'thederlved class ils ilnvok.ed" OtheF!r;\!'.isehere ]S 11. ood! chsnee of resouree ~,eak Benefit of 'expreSS:lIlg: di~i:g~ t g !].Sing [lJIterna.ce· lasses aren1l1l!ny: c


'.. '..

New s~e abstl:aot~oru ClIIJJIDedded w.ilthOll]~hang~ng the mae tlilald!If~e:nrlls a c only 0[1 shape il1Jterna.ce Fm eX8!mpl~e.Sql]8!!'f:C8lIJJ .. lnherlt from sJilIape8!!Id irnpl,eme:nt theinterface methods i:!I.ils 0'!.'i'1Il way. The fanctlon m8!inO needs no. : C:hang~~s. all, at Sepal:at]o!ll. ofind:e,rfll(!e from .iD[Up.ueme:nt!ll~ionp[eventsrceoorn!Jlilalion cQif arts of p M:Je program that depend only on the Interface classes, Oepe:!lIde:!lIcyInversion Principle (DIP) states thatlmplementatkm classes silmLlId no~ depend on each other" [ll!Slead, they sho:uM depeadcn comreonabstractlon representeol!Jising an ]IJJterFace class" DIP reduces DDup.~i:ngi:n.a. object-oriented system.

Known. ruses

Rel:mtedl Idiems
• '.. Ga,pllib]HltyQllery lnaer Glass

be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

Se:p1llmting interface Frmn implemel1!~ltion is 11 goom. diJjeot oriented 80:fl:war:e design practlce. In Gt-+·,]nlfffll(!e Class ldlom lsssed to separate interface from. ]rn!Jlk:me:nlat.i:oin anm.involreM:Je public methods ohnyabs,tradionusillig m!lltimepo~ymo!iPl:uiSITl. Ex~nding th.e exa:mp]e in the i:rlierrace class i:d!:iom,a. cenerete classm1Ij' ]m!Jllemen~ muiltipleilJJrerfllaesas sho.wnibeilow"
class Sh"pe pub l ac : II ...

I An ~.nterface

e L..;ss

v 1.rt:LJ,:;:' -.Sh;<tpe0 : 1 v 1.rt:u.:;:,1 voad draw {}


c~L:<!ssRolhiblE! ( 1/ One mar"E! l:nt:E!rr':::'cE! cl;;];5s publ rc : vl.rt:LJ,:;:,l -RollablE!{):

vl.rt:u,:;:,l void r·ol1U = 0: }: cl;as;s eire Ie : publ, ic Shape. ci:lnc["ete cl,",ss

p1lbl j_c Rol1;able

{ I I circles

ro 11 -

II. _. II. _.

vo rd dr,",.w() void ["011 () }: cl;as;s


Squ,:;:,re : pub l, ic dr,",.w() const;


{' If sqllares

d.on' t: ["011 - concrete

c l:lsS

II. _.

II. _. }:

Now !ifwe 8Ir-eg~ven a container ofpolnters tD8JlbiSltra.ct Ronab~e dass,we can simply ]n'!loke I'O,~~fl:m.ot~,I)non every pO]rutEras desceihed.Jn theini.'8Tf8JI!lB elass ldlom.

: v'E!ctor<Roll,",ble "> roll,",b1e.s; F 1.11 up r·o11,",b1es vector soll1ehow·. flJir (vE!ctor<Roll,",ble ">:: ~t:E! "ator l_ter [ l.ter ! ,= rollablE!s. end 0 : ++iter) { iter->roll 0;


:llbles . bE!gl nO) :

Sometlme It iis !lot poss!i.Ib:~eolli:nowunadv8!nce wlil.ether8!n. o~ject impillements a.p\lrt:te!JI.~8Ir t ]ntEdace. Sm::n. siJtu:alt~,I)nommon]yar!i:s~ c !if a[l objieetinillBTiJts from mllUipieintErf8l0e classes, To prec~;sel:y flndoutat rantlme whether an objeetimpl,emenlts a[l interface orno~ capalbmty query lsused,

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Di ital Editions Converter Demo Versi

S41h.llit1mt. and

SamlPiJ.e Code

In C++, 81 .e8!p8lbi]ity query types.

typi:e8ll]y expressedas

81dlyn8Jmk_c8iSt between unrelated

Sh;ape *s= getSOlT1E"Sh:l(pe : 0 if CRolbble *ro11E!'r = d'yn31T1~tc_c:lstdl:.ol1;able :rollE!r-::>roll () :

~> (s))

This use ,of dj'!Il8!mk_=t ls ,oilTl:e,n c8IUed8J ,c.mss-,c.a~t, because ]t8!~tempts81 ,oo!llveJrsiolJJ across a :n~,e:r8!rch:y., :rnther lli18!Il!JIp dOWIJJ8J:uiera!J1eny"n om example hie,Tarchy of or l I s!h8ipes a:l!1Idollables, dlym:mic_;cast t:oRo,~~.aMe'!.'l'iinsucceed QlJJly'1"01: Ci"de a!llDl ot for r : n Square as thelater one does not ] mmRollsble .in~l'f8l(Je class. f

'I' 'I'

h:ul:eiJace Class. h:uner Class.

Handle Body
'I' 'I'

Sep!8lr.a:t:ing Interface :from lmp:lemel]tatiolJJ lnsalete l(aJrevenlrecompii~,at.i:O!ll 00 the c~.iil:m~of a. dass[mm the changes ini,ts impl,eme:llItation ,olelail

Also Known As

CiDI]lI!J1i.llItiolJlflrewa]~ C~.esl:uil'e Coat prurnpl.idiom.


-/1-. n' _' , VV'VV'WIlU'I.J:UW


In C++,
-'ip. a.1IIt~.

11 ,das.s.

1s.!lIs.edFOlrollfdariing iintelface as. wellas

de:fi:nl:ng implemell!tation"


be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

'Ira.~t~ .•.·I1· "'. I:~." ..WI "Ie.. .. ..' u '~.' UbI:..1 da.s8:. mus.fb ..• p ,'I ~; ~ 1\;rI1l:#Y.loVlJSllfj.~~II.llImtlolJJ of !J1!'lwlte d!8!,or signature ofll'r.iv:ate Functi:oirllsrceqll]i:rce clients to recompile code. It Is

III. ibo.A... ,.c.' ·ft!A.f

.~.s.s.., '.~

thlf,l'efme useful to separate iruterface .aif II]n!J]eoe-ssaryrecompii~.a.t~o!lls.


class nOim its.impl,emerbtat.]orb. andprevenc

SohJliliml.and SamlPie Code

S.p.~iti1J!J] abstr.act±Oirb.l]to two tmplementatlon classes, One tllke~ on t~e l'D]e of all! i i:ollf!lltiFielrand!presents. theelass interface t,o,the user, U .iseaiHeol. the handle. The oliher class ernbodies~~e iimplernell!!:a:tioll!aed iis called the body" Thelsandle fOr\\\I'ards rn.erniber runct.lion. inlllocati,ollS to the body,
1/ rt IE! St:nng
class _rupp Stri!l;gRE!p; 1/ Fo:rw':<lrodec la:rat: l.on only.

f'uIbLtc: StrinaO; Str ina (canst Str ing &5) ; Str ina &oper20tor= (canst Str &s) ; -Stnna;O; Str ina (canst char *s) ; f'rj.v~tE!: Str inaRep };
j/ j/





~.mplententat ion

(p ~.mpl}

f'~t1.E! String.

hpp ends


:EtIE! String. cpp "Stir rng . hpp" name.spacE! ( j / Anonymous n3m.esp;ace cl::il85 StrirlgRE!p { j / Th l..s shollld be in ::iI sep3r~te sourCE! file than class can 'be compilE!d j /" and made l.nv ~,sab 1E! to the cliE!nt friend cl~85 String; StrinaRep (const char "05); -Str tnaPep () ; ~tm cou:nt; char *r'E!p; }; } j I anonylDm~s n:alDE!sp3CEE!nd:s Str l:na: :String () 1/ COn.stT1lctors ;andE!vE!r.:yt:h ing elSE!

Str ina; , so

~t t

Data. dl1l!l1ges earn now s1I!fel.ybe m.adefro the .implemenlt1l!l-!(JIri. (lb>Ddy)w.itboutrceoom!fliliin;g, dilf,n~ (JIfthe handle, The impilementaltio[lliJ€c(JImes ":moTe hidcle[l~ behind apolater, lienee thename: GOlnpil;aJt[>Dn Fimw1I!Il

:llwww~~bgQkr~gtl1)lcrt~ri?~plm 'BIS" I. • -t' 1 be 0-QIIII' ft mD~re ~sstll. '" ,~tye~ro' . 0 Versi

'I' .


'f bJ'i, i.!,.. '.. dl. '" 'tJldl· oI[,.es i.b. is.s.;g....0 'f.".de. ve I'S.usSba[I>D"W'..11" '•. in.d .. ~S. e . e.p.' '00.' ..ot.~.]e:.r Id ,o''i'ercome tlflis :sIlm~'DDming"
",I .•




,I ;,: .•


ot '.' '. '.'


.. I





This idiom lias ]imiJtsi[l marn;a:g~:llg the dy.namiJcllHYllUoc-.aJteol.memory (If the body class: S€e CIiJ!lIn~dl Body" U alsOoin~[{Qdl!ll.ces need foroccastionlll. rern:undarut upolatefro thehandle and bool)' tile das:ses;lI problem addressed ][Ip;a[~ by Eruve~ope l.eUe[1I!m:1iS:ma:r~Pointer,

Known. U:'!les

Vas,t maJority of l1oin~trivia] C++ sofl:'!1i'am~

Counted Body/Reference 'Counting (intrusive)

M1lIna,ge~gica~ sha:r~:ng of a. :Be5otloce/oibjed, pre''i'enlt e.xpell8ive., and dow propeeresoaree {ilea~loca:t:ionof ,o;bjects thst we. dyn1l!mi.cllUy 1I,nOC1ll1.edi resmnees,

'.' '.' Reference Counting {~lJIt[IIJS[ve) COlmteol Body

W.llen HamllelBody idiom. is used, qJ!lI:it,eo:f'lle,nlsnotlced thia! copy.ingaf bodiesIs :iil expensive, This is because of ibQdI~esin",o]vesaUacatio[lo:f memory and DlJ)PY c(m;s,trnc~ion, Copying can ooa.voide.o1.Ib.,y!]Sing poillJlt.e.fS1I!mrl. reIDe,l'e:nces, lJlt~ese. b the pmiDIemafwhio is responsiilble For cleaning !lip the olbject Samehano1]e m!]StliJe m·sponsible(m r-e~e.1I!Sing m.emmy resources allocated for the body, USLIaily ~,asl onIB.\i\i'"illho!lllt a.uliom!lltic rceelamatiolll of memory [-eool]rces o[memaTy.. itleevesauserv.isihle diistincl'ion. betweenbullt-ia types1l!n.dluse:r-d1e.f[necl twes.

Soh.lliliml.and SamlPie Code

namespaCE! { I / ~nonymous [l31Tl,eSp:ilce cl:i1ss StrirligRE!p { fr1end cl:;ass Str1ng; Stri[l8Rep (C-ODSt char *s): COLJnt{ u) { strcpy (rep=nE! .....Cn,::II:" [strlen (s)+ Ul , ;5): }

-Str lna,Rep ~tnt count: }:


dE!lE!te "'rE!p;



} II a[lonylDm~s n:alDE!spaC)E!



St.nng 0 : ["ep{new Stnn8Rep (" ")) {} St.[" 1n8 (canst Str &5): rep (05 . re:p} { ["e:p- >COllm:.++; } St.[" 1n8 &oper.:<lt.or= (cm\5t St.r :1.n8 &s) { Str:l:na; (05) _ sw"'-p(*th1S); !I c'op'y-and-sw~p j.d.1C11T1 r·E!tl.lrn ~th is ;


-Str ina; of' scape_


II StnnSRep

de lE!ted


when the




:II.f,(["ep && -·-rep-x:oLJnt <:= 0) delete ["ep; ) St.[" 1n8 (canst char *s}: rep (nE!w St.["l.n8Rep (05)) {} voad swap (Str1na; & a) t:hrow 0 { std: : swap {th:l.s->rE!p " s. re:p} ; } pr1\f~tE!': St.[" 1n8Rep }; 1nt: lila in { "rep;

St.["1n8 ~. ,= "hello",


~. ,= b;

:llwwW:l!book,-converter.colm be jlgmg Versi


Gmtu]wus copying Isavoided, ~eadi:ng toa :mo:re" 'I1iIi.s ~dI:iJoilim Ilres.I]mes that thepmgrnmllmr can edHlle SOUl'ClB code for tl:teibody.,Whe:n that's not Il'o.ssihie. use Detaclil.ed Cmmteol Body, When. counter its sto:reol.ins~ole boo}' class, illls celled ~:n~rus~vereference emmti:ng end when the couni:ec[ is stored external ~olle bodly class ~:~ lsknewnes [lon-untms.iJve reference oount.iJng, Tlilits:iJmlllernenmltiolJiis ill valiat.iJon of slilal.lowooi?Y w[th. the semanlti,csoilf deep copy and the ,efficiency ,oilf ma:lh:a:lknarne, S

DigilaiJrn~dit1QnswiCQDVuerte~[ whkh .isu:nde-fin.edl.,. are mast betaken tn 8Jvoidl. l'eat.i!n:g C C muUuple reference counts to tli1l.e same bodly" Intrusive referenee ,ool]nN:ng e&S~I.y· supports [~,Wutlilru:m_:in~flJ8i:\'erefurcence coun~ing. prco·gramm:er diisdpl:iJne .isrequuredwpreV'e:nt dlu!Jl'Hc!!oo refie,mnce oounl!s,
Known. ruses

'.' '.' '.'

iboos.t::slmredl_ptr (nolJi-~:n~rusivereference cou!lti!lg) ibOolSl::inh'usiV'e-llh' (in~T!J.lsi\'eefie,]1fmceCOUI1!~iJng) r sid: :trl: :s.li1Iaredl_!Jl'tr

- --


._. - -.--.--


._ .. _ oJ .• _._ --_._



Counting (non- Iatruslve)

AcilrlIingreference addled" CIIJ!l.lIlting an object: to w~k~ to a. refereneeeount cannot d~redl.y be

Abo Known As

Re-Je:rence Cmmling {no[l-ilntrus:i!ve) Oetacliledl. Counted Body

Some times Counted Booy ~J(iljjo:m be appill~oo to certain clesseswhen their SO!lll'OOS cain."! are IIO~1Ii'ilaHaible, e might only hllve oibjecl oodeaindi11 l1eader Hie" Detached Counted W Boo,}' or nairll.-il1!~!lI:siverefure.:nce mUl1!t.]Ilg, can be used in s!lIcl1 cases to prevent expenslve cepies of'bodies.

Assoc:illrebo~~, a, s~aredl COUIl~,and a, :s.e,parnte shsred commonfula[ld.~e a;ibsi!raotwll;

cl:il8S S,tr1ng pLJIbLtc: {

body, wHh e!lle~,illS~IlQe of a,

:llwww .ebc:rok~conve!rter:com be Digita:rlEljtmn~: on\,.~!rrerDelmo Versi C

} Str 1ng &opsr::<rotar= (canst Str &s) s,tr~trlig temp (s) ; thiiS->sw-ap(temp) ; r8'O II:'TI ~ thl..s ; } va:l.d S\II;<tp (St:r-1:na & o5) throw 0{ o5t,d: : o5W:;]!p {th :l.s- :>CDl irrt, , o5. counn) o5t,d: : o5W:;]!p {th :l.s-:> rep, is. rep) ; } -StrinaO { if'(-,-~comrt <:= O} { dlE!lE!tE! [1 rep; dIE!E!tE!' COL.!nt; l {



char *s): count (new ~trrt:. l))o , { rep (new char [strlE!D (s) + 1]) st:rcpy (rep, s) ;



ch:::!r ":rep; ~tnt *COllrrt:.; }; 1.nt:

111 a

in 0 {"


,= b;

,= "he'l Io ". b

. world" ;


H8!ndlle-sa:rcesH:gJJdy mme expensi'i'e to cop,y trul:l!liIJJCOl]ntedi.Body ..memory IT8Igme<nlat.i:m~. may incroe8s:e, end il:Uiti;a.l. construction ,m'emea.di is ihi:gJIe<r ecame ·we are b anOC8!~"in,gm!!.l]ti!p11El blocks"

Known. ruses
'.' '.' liJOoi!it::slmredl_ptr AGE_R.ef:oountedi AUiq_Plr

:llwww.~~E,9s~,-converter.colm be DigitiirUi£ClitionsConverter Delma Versi

Envelope Letter
Supportlng I:IiII]~Hple :i1:lil!pllflnBII~lt~olJlS a single sbstraet data type {ADTj Jnstanee across of its ~.i~et:ime


W.hen using Handi]e Booy idi:oim1l!n.dllO[COl]ll!tedi.iBodyidiioml, 'C!luitf: ften .'We. come aeross o s:it!liatiolJJSwh.erre not ollily Il1I]lt.iJpl.e im!plemeIl~tions of an AOT slJa[e .11 GOIllmon s:ignlll!li[e. bat allsoail:l thelmjdementetions '( :g~ven ADT share sigrualtme! Hie ADT""s inter.l"aoe (handle), In. such eases, 8Iddi:ng 11 new opoEr1l!~"i(]lrrl ih8!ndileJbodyplll:r causes tn 11 [lfdu:ndi8!nltupc:l!8!reo bothelasses.H t we W8Il:Ut C8!pt!liBe to thils [e]8ItiolJiShiplbet'Ween hsndle a mil. body interfaces. enV'elopeliJ,etter idiom. ]8 used,

Soh.ll!tlml. and Sam!pie C9de Derive an body classes :from 111 common base class, To reflect the rnl:l1lmolNl]i~y U[l s:igrl1ll!lll'elbe~e[l the l:J!Jndl~e1l!nd body, we theli!1IInd~e <class as th.e common base class the rO[1II1Ite:m1l!~irvebodies~ ake handle memlber fundiorus vl!:tJl]1II1, M E1IIcha]~e:malti:ve umpleme!J]~JtilDll derlved fIDomruhe handle class (in uts oo~e1l&the class dle:f[n:ing the unterface to theim~:de:me:nt1l!~-iOlns)OIVerddes M1ltahle viriuldfunct.t!Jins" The base class umpleme!J]~JtilDll ofthese member functiJons defines U'I.eh1l!nOlIe class :r!lllldimm&ity,i1t rOf\\l1IirOlsequests toils asseciated body class ins,t1l!nce~ r
c1385 c1385 c1385

Re;;].lNllmber; COl11iplexNurriber; N'! n:be!:" n mult1p1y (Nllmber

publ ic: V1.rt:u,:;:,l Number pr-atecced: Numbe!:" ~ npt!:";



11<) ;


COl11iplexNurriber : pub.l i.c Nllmber mult1p1y (Nllmber

= new Re,:;:,lNllmbe!:" (_. _); } };

publ ic: V1.rt:u,:;:,l Number

CJonst: II< n)

/1 lJ1leL2IlThOrphize

be Digital/E-ditions Converter Delma Versi

c1385 { 1/


: pulbl1c


The ADT :irus:bllloecain. 1l0W OJme~I1mrpl:!!ize'OJ between ,rn:ifir:e:re:nt body classesae run time, Fo[ 'eJ!am!ple. A CompllE!'.xNumbe:r ca[l cha!llgeitself toa Realmnnberff Its :imagimuy part beeomes ze"I1O a:f'I:e!: ome l:I1Iafhe·matica.~ s opaa.tiJoll~ A[lao1v~mt1llge of sueh a. dly.mlimk ch1l!nge .in type us often Ineeeased ,efficiellcy, MoreoveI:, Ilew signaJtures 1l00d be added ..ill onele~ssp~ac:eruh!lll1.if the :infmm!lJtiol1.were dl]p,~k,aJtern.,. This .iOlilDmisruJlebasis for Vif~U!lJ~. COln~t[IJJcroridi,om, ]11 AigelbT1I!icHleearehy, this pattern ferms the basis fOir 11 Promot.t!Jin Ladder.

HandUe Badly

To hide rnltlltiJp,lecloselyretated al;g,ehr1l!icalbslr1l!c~ions [numhers] I::iofjh~:fldl1II siJng~ege'IIer:i:c: abstract.ton anollPoovidie 111 generic irnterface to ~~.

IrllPlJD'eobjecJ"ox.ilfnI:edlU1I!ngllagesUH\;e Sma:UHaUk, arlablesaee run-timelb~ndirn;gll to v objec:~ n~1II~actlfkeI1llbe]5.BiIldiirng :a vanaiMe teaa o~jecl is ~.ike5Hcki:ng a ~.aibe~. oflit Assi:g~melJit ][1 these .U1I!I1gu.:agesanalogoOus tOlPeel:i[lg aIabel off one oO~jed alm:IIlIllUing ]s ir~Gfl.another. Onlftle other ham:ll,in C and C++, variables are synonyms (ox addresses 'OT offsetsinstead ofbei:flg labels foOroibjeds. Ass:ignrnelJJ~does not mean re~labeniflg. jj~ means lDVenvriting ·o~doon~IIts wili1new ofle. A~gehra~.cHJiernrchy .idi~mTI ses delegsted u llo;lymoTplh~sm to s~:mlll.Ualre weakvadahle to objiect bindi:ng [fl.C++. A]gelbrnk Hiernrchy uses Envelope Let~'T i:,di:i:oim ~:nils irnp]emen~ltwn. TIiI.em.oHV1l!~iJml behind this idiom Js ro be lIMe wrlre code likelJhe one below,

". 110)"""'~ I'lAW· . N : II VVVVVVl~~U.,:-"'Ult:V£t:l:Iber:~CWJmn3 .

NLJmber n 1 = Complex (1" 2);

!/ Labe-L

m1 Tor

a co~p lE!x numba r

H .,.,.~~

1 .. '



= n3;

!/ RE!-l:;abE!lLt!li£

be DigitalnfiJijtians Converter Delma Versi

Comp,Uere code showingimlP~emelJitaitiml
N·inclu . de <~.ostre,:;am>

of .A]gelibraic:Hier:arcJiIy ~di:oimis sl:mw below ..

stru,ct class class class class

BaseConstrLlct:ar Rea.1Nllmber; Complex; N'umiber; N'umiber friend friend ,class ,class

{' !kJ.seConst:n





RE!alNulI1lbE!r; Complex;

publiC: NumbE!r 0; NumbE!r .& ·operator = (const NumbE!r (c'Dnst Number &n) ; vl.rt:u,:;al -NumberO;

W'olLJmbe:r- ; &n)

vl_rt:u,:;al Number oper~.t·[lr + (W'olumber consrt void sw,:;ap {Nllmber &n} t:hrow' 0;


ccms.c ;


Num'be!:"mrakeRoea1 (dollble




Num'be!:" mrakeComplE!'x (double




pr-atE!ctoed. : Num'bE!!:" (B:;]seConstnlct,al:") pr~t v at: E!:

vo rd !:edef1.r1e (~ulllboer "n); vl.rt::LJ,:;al ~ulllboer cDIllplexAdd

(~LJlllboer c'Onst &n)


ccms.c ;

Vl.rt::LJ,:;a1~LJlllboer :rE!::aIAdd (NulmbE!r const Num'bE!!: ~:r'E!P ; snart :r-eTE!'rene.E!Co.llnt;


c1;as;s Complex : public Num'bs!:"

:IlwwW:eli:g~dJt':~lOJ1yerter .com


c l:;ass


be D' -I,ona;1' ~UIIL &ns"",Converter Demo Versi 'C~I,'I~ 5G~,;c~",P-llE!O",X",





+ (Nlllllber




vl.!:"tu:il1 v l,!:"tu31 dOllb1e

Nlllllber Nlllllber !:"p:;art,


(~LJl11ber canst


consrt ; canst: ;

e.DIllplexAdd l.part;

e.'Onst: .&n)

cl;as;s Re:;],lNlllllber cl,",ss cl,",ss : pLJbl1.e. ~LJl11ber

:fr~tend :fr~tend ComplE!x; Nllmber;

Re,",IN'Hnlbe!:" Vl,!:"tu31 Vl,!:"tu31 Vl.!:"tu31 v:l.!:"tu31

(doub Le


Re,",IN'Hnlbe!:" (canst -RealNllmber Nlllllber Nlllllber Nlllllber val;




oper::atar + (Nlllllber e.'Onst: .&n) canst:; rE!::al.ll.dd (~LJl11ber canst &n) c,onst; e.'DIllplexAdd (Nlllllber c,onst: .&n) canst:;



USE!d anly by the lettE!r-s. NLJlllboer:: NllIDber (BaseConstT1lctO!:") :rep (0). :referenceCount


{} I I I USE!d by I~ser and st:zJ.t lie fact:.ary NLJmber: : Nllidber 0 rep (o}, referenceCount (0)


III USE!d by I~ser and st:zJ.t~.C fact:-ary NLJmber: : Nllidber (const N'llmber &n) :rep (n , rep) , :referenceCoL.lnt (0)
{ cont;



«<I "Constn.l.ct: ang a NLJl11bernSll1g (n_rep) n. rep->referel1ceCou:nt++ ; r)

Nuidber: :NUl11ibE!r ; \Irn."

NLJmber NLJl11ber: m:;;JkE!RE!;:<Il : (doLJble


:return n ;



Delma Versi
(rpart:, l_part:)};

CIlul11bE!r :n; n , redefine

:return n ;

(new Complex

NLJmber: : -Nul11ibE!r 0


(rep delete


--rep->rei''E!rE!DCeCDllnt: rep;


NL.lmber & NUl11ibE!r: :ope13tar


(c)Qnst: NumbE!r &11)

\Irn." ;

cout, «<I "Ass:ta;n long ;:<I L.lmbE!']S ling N'LJmber::-OPE! N r rator= CIlul11bE!r t8l11!p (11); t:n:ts->swap (t:8I11p); :return "th is ;

voad N'L.lmber:: swap (Number &n) throw { std: :sw.::.p (th l.s- >:rE!p" 11.:rE!p) ; NLJmber NLJl11ber: oper2tor :
+ (Number


c)Qnst: &11) conzst;

Number- Number: : c~mplexA.dd { :return !:ep->cOI1lple)(Add (Number (n); c~nst &n) conat;

NLJmber NLJmber: : realAdd ( :return !:ep->re,:;a1.Add (Number en); CDnst &n) canst

v,oid { iF Number: : redeFinE! (NumbE!!: ~n) 0)

(rep && delete!:ep; :rep = n:


:11~:l ~=~erter.colm be Digl~~~"~,,!!!RQ.~J~onverter Demo Versi

} COOlplex.: : COI1l!plex (conet; CDIllplex &c) NumbE!!: (BaseConstn,l,ct,al:" O) . !:part (c _rpar t.) . ~tpa:rt (,c _ipa!:t) { COllt « "Constnlct ina a Comp Lex us } CDIllplex.: :-Complex { COllt « "I nSide } () Comp lex: : -COI1l!plex () \1}" ;



: Comp lex\I}"

NLJmber Complex: : apE!'rator + (NumibE!r ,const { :returnn. ,comp lexAdd (~th1..s); } Number- Comp l.ex; : realAdd

&n) c-anst



&n) conet;

cont; « "Complex: :realAdd\mI," ; Re,:;aIN'lCmber corest; ~rn ,= ,dyn.:z.mic_caost <RealNLJmber Qonst :return Numbar : : makeCOI1lple)( (th lls- :.>:rFJQrt + rn- :.> ,:;a. v1 th~S-:'>l.FJQrt) ;



Number Complex: :complexAdd


(NulmibE!r onst c

&n) c"{](nst

COllt « "Complex:: :colDplE!xA.dd\n"; COlIlplex crmst; "'en = dynamllc_cast: <Complex conat; "':> (&In); :return NUlmibE!r: :lDakE!COlIlplex(th~s- >rp3rt + cn- >rpart " thlls->tp3rt + cn->:1:part):

RE!alNumbE!: :RE!alNu:mber (drn Ible :r) r NumbE!r (BaseConstn.lct·al: 0) . val (r} { cont; « "ConstrLlCt:inB a RE!.::llNllmber\n": }

RE!31Numbe : :RE!31Nu:mber (const :RealN"lllDber &r) r : Number (BaseConstn.lctmO) . val (r. val) : IlwwWCieb·ook1!"J!convJalter~~mRE!alNulmbE!'r\n·

be Digita+:Edt'Dons Converter Delma Versi 0


• I ns1de

ReaJNlllDber: :.-RE!a INumbE!r \:n" ;

} Number RE!.::llNumber::oper.::l.t·ar + (W'lumbe:rconst


~n) const:

n , realAdd.

(*d'l1s); &n) c"{](nst *::. (&n):

NLJmber RE!.::llNumber:::rE!31Add (NulmibE!r onst c


COllt « " RealNlllDber: : rea.1A.dd\n" ; Re':;)lN'umiberconat; ~rn .=dyn.::l1D1c_Ca:st <RealN"LJmber const :return NUlmiber::lDakE!Re':;) (th l.iS - :>yal + rn- >va.l) : 1

NLJmber RE!.::llNumber::c-arnplexAdd

(Number c-onst

~n) const:

COllt « "RealNlllDber:: complexAdd\IJJ" ; Compl ex const: "'en = d.ynamic_cast: <Complex conat; "':> (&In); :return NUlmiber::lDakE!COlIlplex(thlls->va.l ,. cn-::o-rpart:. cn-:>1p.:art):

n::Jme.spaCE! td s

t:E!mplate <> y·o1d S\'l::<lp (Number &.



NLJmber & n2:)



•• r. ......


....'......./ ,

int: ma rri { ~ulIlbE!r ~ulIlbE!r C\lulIlbE!r cont; « (\!Oi·d) n] = C\lulIlbE!r: : ID:=lkE!CDIIlplex (l" n2 = C\lulIlbE!r: : IDakE!RE!al {LO}; n3 = ri] + n2; "Finished\:n."; 2);

:return 0;

,0, ,0,

Hand.Ue Bodly Envelope iL:etler

be Di{fi6a1Editions Converter Demo Versi
Abol{nown As

Uses of caning memlber filnctilDlllS ~naelass h:iernr-dhypo~ymol1]lhk:81Uy are li,\!\el] nIOWn. :ill! k the object-on1icenltecl.pmgrllimming: commlll[J!ity.. ]it iJs a. way ,oir~:mplememt.iJng theis-a {or morep!ra.ctka][y.. re.]1I!tio:n:iliip..Someflmesjt :is mefllli. to call IiJfe-cyde manag~rne[J!t {creation, copy, and destruct.roin) fun.ctiorus of a. class himarchy ll'oly.moxphk·a:~iy.. C+·+ natiive.UysUPiPoxi!:spoiymol1]ll:uic dles~ru.ot~on of o~jeci!:s using 11 virtual desiru.ct.or ..An eq!Ji:iv.a.~entsupport :ro[ .crealion and oOo!Jl'i:ngof objects ls :missi:rlg. In. C++, oere1l!l-ion. of olbjec~(S} alwaysB:e(!jlli:res ~i!:sypero be Imm .... at oOimpiile-~ime. The Vij:rtua~ Constm.ctm l n roliom allowspolymotpbic creation of and oopingoif obj,eclsin C++.

Soh.ll!tlml. and Sam!pie C9de

The e:ffoot of avirtual conS!trucrorliJ.,y a. c[-eiaJteOmember fu[tct.i:ain.~oTcreatio:Hand doneO memberrunc:t.]on~oT oorpy ennstruction as ihrnli'!Jl below ..
c1;ass EmployeE! { !publ1.c: V1.rt:LJ,:;:,1 -EmployeE! 0 {} !polymorph:1c dE!st!:"llCt:lon. v 1.rt:u.:;:, EmplaYE!e ,. crE!3te 1 (cre~tlon) v 1.rt:LJ,:;:' EmplaYE!e " clonE! 1


Ij :Nat1:ve support
() const const = 0; = 0;


I j V1.rt:u31


}; c13ss { If3n.:;:,ger public

I j V:l.rt:LJ31 c,onstrllctor
re l~.t: lonsi-U!p


I I "1.s-a" II II II II

publ ~.c:
Manager (); }.~an3ger (~3n:;:,gE!r const &) ; -M;<)l1;<);ger 0 {} }.~an3ger ~ create () c,onst { return new M;<)l1;<)ger ; () } }.~an3ger ~ clanE! () const Def' constrL.lctor Copy construct:or Destructor If a.r-tu al constructIlir



I I V1.rtual



:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

return new M;<)l1;<)ger "thl.s); (

}; c1;ass Progr~mmer : !pLJIbI1.C ElTrplaYE!e {' /~ Very .sil'1'li1~'l"" t:o b7e M~:maser d~'Ss "'/ }; EmplaYE!e " dupll.cate {Employee c-onst &. E!) { return e. clone (); II Us lln8 v:l.rtlla1 constructor rd aom . }

The Ma!1lag€f class ~mp:le[lilel]ts the two p!llmv:irtu:al f!llndions8!!1Id uses the type name (Mallag~r) to create them ..The fI:DI]d~,o11 d!lll!Jl1lic1llre shows how virtual constructer ~cl]o:mls used, ]it dio€sllotre8l11y krmw whatit is d!ll!Jl1I:icatillg. only knows tihati,t its don~:!1Ig,UI ]it EIIlp~o}'ee ..TbereeS!Jl1oins~b:iHly creating the ri.ght :iirustalloe.iscle]igllierl to timedierived of classes, 'IHJe d!ll!Jl1I:ic8Ile fimctlon Js therefo[eCiosecl. for mndiflcadonseven tho!llgj:! t~le d1lSS Ilie,ra:rchy morred! at Employee g~ts more sub-classes aJcldlecl file futJl]re. ..ill The return type 'OiIT done end creere member :IT!lIlldions'OiIT the timeMlIInager d8iSS iis Ilot: lEl:nplo}'eeliJ:ut tlITielass itself .. c++ allows thi.s fI:exiiDi.IHy]nlypeswihe:re the re:tur.n.type of c the o\'e:r-ddden.f!llllc~'io!1l. calli ooaJcler.iViecl.typlElonh8l~of the f!llllc~'ion.ill the base class. This language feature isikllo!!O\!'ns 1J000V3J[[Lal1t [[,ettilrn type!!. a

.UIJ)~: ~U~1i:: ~.'t:tJLIJIU lj!l:Ji~

m. L.IU'UIi::'!J~IlI..1 U:t:iU~'lJIu.m"';lIUUi:!; ~


':II:t:I.!lL;LU~)' n.lI.Lt;L~,U'JI-:l" .l[ useu,

the retum

ty~es. (sh>a!l'oo_ptr-.:;:Employee>1I!ndisl:iJareol._ptN:M1I!nageT» are 1l0IiOng~[ covlu.i!llmrce~um ty~es allol~["Qgral:lll S901!dd fafl to comp~~e,In. such a case, the virD1lIl.l;a:~ conSltruc!:or fuactlons in the ,iJlJB[.iveol. Glass sholl.l.~d.retll.lmlihe exact tj!ipe as iintli"le parent



{ publ ~.c:
typedef" ;std: : t.r 1 : : shared_pt:ro;Emfl lO),'E!e> Ptr-; v:1.rtu:;al -EmployeE! 0 {} II Nat:1.v8 ;sLJPport for polymorph1c dE!;stnlCtl.on" v j.rtLJ,:;a Ptr- crE!::iIte 0 c-anst = 0; / j VtrtLJ31 const:n.lctor 1 (crE!a1:.~ton) v :1.rtLJ,:;a Ptr- c l ona 0 coriat; = 0" 1 / j VtrtLJ31 const:n.lctor (copy l[1B) ); c1385 If3n:;ager 1/ "1s-a" rel:;a.t1onsi"up pub l.rc Employee

{ !pub1 rc :
j/ Man3g!E!r }.~an3g!E!r (M3n:;agE!"r const j/ &.) {) -M:an:a;88r Ptr cr8,:;z,.tE! 0 con;st I j Vl.rtLJ31 { return Pt.r (nE!w Manager ()) ; } Pt.r clone () c"onst I j Vl.rt.LJ31

o {} o {}

IDef":aul t


Copy constrllctor
constrllctor (crE!a1:.10n)


(copy l[1B)

:llwww.ebook,-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

{ return } ); Pt.r (nE!w Manager (~thl.S));

'I' 'I'

Resouree Ret"m'iJ1 PO:I.ymorpHJi:c EXOEJJtion

Concrete Data Type

To control.oliJjoot's soope and! ]ifetimie by 8iUow:ung Of diis8iUm.... :ung dly.n8irnk aUocaJt~oll !].Sing the free store (li"Ieap)


c+·+ prov:iidos~wo'!.Wys of contmllinglffetlme (If an dbjoot 1IIndt.i:ndii!lg it wWh a.!Jrngr1lirli1l ~eve] ~JC~en~if'ier {v.11:riaMe) Fi!rsl Js 111 scoperl vadaible andae object, ..vhichare destl'oyed " :immiediaJtely alfl:er~e scope ends (e:g_ ...fimctlon soo'pe ~lJitege!rs).,Second Jsa 8coped v.1Iim'i.aMe (ofil:en1l!po~:n,terl11indi I:UjIIII1IImi,ca.~[y a i1I.~loc1llred oibjec~ .in the free store, I[I tlilis case, at the endef tm.escope of tlile vadable, the var.iaiib:leceases t,o,e:xi.:stib:ultHJeo~jed's~i:fetime continues (e,g.•singllf,tons.1I! w.ill!]owoibjed).,[t :iis pnssibleto :ro:r"Cehe choice oHne t .~ife~ime of1li!l.o~jecl dither wayOil' the second !]Sing the Concrete Data. Type.idiom,

S41hJlit1mt. and SamlPiJ.e Code

This id:roirli1l uses class levelaccess modl~f~e:rs (p:rivalle. piBot:ecredl)to achieve the goa.~"The eode shows how 111 MOLISeEveinfHalld~e:r dacssifo:rcesolynam:ic al]m;1I!~'ion.,
class EV'E!ntJlandler { publiC: v:trt:u.:;:,l -EventHandler 0 {} }; class Ifouse(;:v'E!nt~andler publiC Eventl-landler I! Note inherit:ance { protE!cted: -MouseEvent:H,:;:,ndlE!r 0 {} /! A protect:ed v1rtu.:::.l destructor. publiC: 1'ousE!Evenrl-bndler 0 {} !/ PulbliC Constructor. }; int: main (\!Cii·d) {

:llwww.ebookl-converter.colm be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi

MOllsE!EventlHandler rn; !/ Pi sC)QpE!civar:l.alble Its not; a.llowE!d .:::.s dE!strLl.ct:or is protE!cted. Eventl-la:ndler "e = new MouseEvent:H,:;:,ndlE!r 0; I! Dyn:<!lrliCallocatiIJin allOl'led delete e; If Polymorphic delete. [)oes nat lE!.:ak mE!mory. }


Anofher WllYw JonJe .oJywII1:1c 1IHoca~ionis to [Jlrf:Y5nldirect aeeess to the (lomtru:ct.o:r anrn :ins1e1lldpirca,v~de static fu:n.ction.illst1lince(i tc retom 11. diynamkaUy allccated o~ject.. It Is 11. :in many W1IiYSimi~!1Irto tne Sillg]e~on desig[lpat~,:rn, M.o:r€ove,:r,it is [lat str.icUy s neeessaryjo use po,~y.mor.phi.cdelete to n::da:iml.memoiry, A member Fum::t.iion. destroyO calli servetlile !J1lI!rpOS:e savi:ng~liI:e Sp1ll00required for a. v~table'poil]~,:r"
class IfouseEv'E!nt~andler

/1 Note

no lnherl.


protE!cted: 1'ousE!Evenclb:ndler

0 {)

!/ Protected


·-M[}!I ~se~ventH,:antd lE!'r" U (,} ! I A protected. nIJ!n-v irt:u,:;:,l dE!stn.l.ct·or. !publ1.c: stat ic l!oLJse(;\""E!J:rcl.!andler ~ inst::mce {} { rE!turn new MlJlllseEventH::andler vo td destroy () { d.e lE!tE! th j,s; ) j! R.ecla 11111 lI11emory. };

o. }

An opposlte extreme of this .idiiomis to force seoped vlllri1lih.~e(a,k.a, lII!l1tJllm1l!liic variable] OIl]Y,. It: can beaoh~eye(jll!.lsing1llp:riv1I!1:e!liewo,pemtQ:r.
{ !pr:.tva.te : static vo rd '" -operator new (LJns:.tBned ant, size); j I [hsallow dynalJ11ic allocati·[}n stat ic vo rd '" -operator new (unargned l:nt size, vo ad * 'nl.€III); !! D1sallow pl':;:'QE!D1entne .....~s ..... E!ll. }; int ma rn (\I'Oi·d) { Scopedl.ock s; I! Allowed ScopedLock " ;51 = new' Sc-opedLock (); j I Standard new and nothrownew are not allo ..... , ad \I'Olod * birf = :: -operator new {sj.zeof (Sc.opE!dlLac.k)); Scopedl.ock " ;52: = new'(huf) Sc-opedLock; I! Placem.e1Yt new 1o.s also not allowed }


SoopBdlock o~jec~ c,a:n't he aUoc.atedol.ym:micaU.y no,thiruw new .•llIlldithe :pUaaemerat new.

witl:l.st1l!nd!ard!llS'BSof new operatee,

:llwww.ebook Non- .tVirtuifInteri"ace'..•. ...•.•.•..... .....•• c..•••.•..••. -.. . ...·•..... e 1 . O I.m c.o n v.·.· .....•. .. ·. .. .... r...... e./rt be Digital Editions Converter Demo Versi


To mod!ular.izeJ:Bl~fllCOO['ClOlTIm{)IJJ hEF0:J1e1l!1ldi aRer code fr.agl:liieruis (e.g.;illv,arr.ia[d[ele1lSi:ng leeks) fair lIIJJenJtire class hier.,a[cny lIIt one ~'Qclltion.

Abo Known As
'.' • PuMi.c Overloaded 'femp,~8Jre MethDd NOin-Vi:rtuaLs Cal] P.rotI:ctifd NOIl-Ove:doaciledi Vi!rtJl]1II1s


Pre- anolpost-conrliIN,on checkin.g is know!J] io, be 11. useful objoot-or.iernt:ed.pmgp1Tllming ~echniquepan.i:c!ll.~8Jf.~yat deve;~opme!J]~time" Pre~an.dI postcondttions ensure that ]nvlllr]8Jnitsof a. dasshi:erllird:ry (!lind ][1 albstrnc~ion) 1IIrenot vi,o'~!lI~di t a dJesi;g~t:erlpoillits di!llring eJ!ecu:~ion.of1lJpl'ogra[lil.lIsingllhem at development time m di!ll!r.i:ng {illflb!ll;g: buiMshdp' in ClIItclilingan:y' ViOI~lII~ions €adier .. ']['0 mllintain oOi! .1mdi ease orma:il]~nance of'sucbpee- a[lcl.pos~-oOinditiDns, they sho~j]dbeidJeany :ma(iu:iar]2lecl. at one .~ocaltiml"In the context of a. class hierarchy, where Hs .invalr.iants rnusfbe held before end a:fi:e!revery me,thodi in the suhclasses, :rnodi!Jdlllr.iz8J~io!1i. , beeomes .import8Jllit. Sim·brly .. aoquil:.ingandi re]easi:ngIDd~s on. a. data. slIuoture common.. to !lJ class hiiera!J1clily calli 'be eonslderedas a pre- a:n.dp;()st-condiiti,on, whiicl:ll:lilus~be e,nsurern.eve[lalpmdi!lldi;()[1 time .. ]1 is useful io separate the I'esponsibi.lirly of lock a.cq[!lIir.i[lg a:nrlre~'e8sing fool:lil subclasses anrn.p1]~it aJtnne-place .- j1otenti.lIl]y .in the base class,

SohJliliml.and SamlPie Code

Non- VirtLla~ InieTfa(Je (NiV1)irlio[lil a~lmi'llsus to refadoribeFo[1Elandi afler code fragments at one convenlentlecatton - Hlle baseelass. NV] based 'Olrl4g!ll:ide:~[ne-soumned. by Herb S'LIUeT Ms articienlllmern. "'VirruaHty", Q!JlIOlingHerb: in '.' '.' '.' '.' Gl]ide~ine #1: [Prefer to rnal!!e Interfaces nOinviirlJl]lIl.using Template Method cl.e-siJgn.j1111~t:ern" Gl]ideline #.2: [Prefer to rnak:evirt.ual f!llnctiollspr.iv8Ire, Gl]ide~ine #.1: OnDy if derivern. elasseaneedto ]nvlll\:.e theibasei[lilj1leone<ntat.i:oin.of a. virtual f!llnc~ion. make the vl!rtJl]1IJ1 fuactlonproteeted. Gl]ideline #4: A.b:ase cllIISS destrueter slilo! editherptlib,lk and! V.i:r~LllI~, Of;iQ:gr,;~i~lfil~~gm
ReadE!!:"~lI!:"iter.Loek lock_; Som.eComplE!:i'([).;a.t.aType daca ;

be DigjlplEditions Converter Delma Versi




!:"e,:;ad_f'rom ( st:d::

llst!:"e,:;aOl &


{/ I Note


Lee k_ . aegL.lirE! () ; assert (dat::l~ . c::hee.k_llnv,:;arl:ilnt:s read_fmrn_impl assert (dat::l~





(:I.) :
. c::heck_ invari;:<lnt:s

Loc k_ . r'E!le,:;asE!




/1 I




loc k_ . () ; wr1te_to_.~.mpl (0) ; loc k_ . rE!le.::lsE! () ;

Vl.rtH::ll class. pr~""'.::ltE!·: vl.rtL.I,::ll Vl.rtH::ll -8.:iIse () {} /



BasE! 1;5 a polyrnm:phl.c



rE!ad_f"!:'om_l1mpl { st.d: : :1.strealTl &. ) = 0; V·Oid. wr~t.e_to_ilTlpJ. ( std.:: ·ost:re.::lm & ) const pLJIbLtc Base {

cl;ass .xMLRe,:;z,dE! priV.::ltE!: V1.rtH::ll V·Oid. rE!ad_.f'rom_.llmpl (st.d::



f/Re,:;z,d )

(std.:: ·ost:re,:;z,m&) CDDst -{

Vl.rtH::ll v-oid. writ.e_to_ilTlpl f I 'I'Ir~tE! n~l.

) };
class TextReader'i\fr~.tE!r Vl.rtLJ,::ll Vl.rtH::ll : p...bll.c 8.:iIse { (st.d:: (std.:: pr~""'.::ltE!: V·Oid. rE!ad_,f'rom_.l!mpl void. wr~t.e_to_ilTlpJ.





. 11"___..,,!. b e O·
• ..

Tille aliJove .imp,~emellit8l~ionaif the h8JSeclass ea:phll'es seve,T!!1design intents that are central toaclil~ev:ing thebenefitsof NV]idlilDm., This class ]rutenolsw he used as !! 1iJ1ls.e class and the:rce:fore,it has a virwal. ,ol.e-s,trucroran.d.some pure virtual :f!lll1c~ions (reaol_f!, wdt,e_,to_iimlll), mast be :implem.e111:ec:1l an the concrete d1eriiVifdl ~y classes, 'Ih.e :interface for cllems {ie~;reaol_f[{Cim1l!n.dI rHe_ro} Is sepllrateITOm the w :intedace for the sabclasses {Le, read_foom~imp,~ and \"',e_lo_~:mpl~.,AUhlDu.g~ the r~ea :r:f~ro.'\;! PI.~.nd.. riile_. ~a.'] .. t.·.:1ii :'.' :f!lll1ct.ion.s. e h8JSec.l.:ass.~ .. ~ . :.imm .li. are .. ,.a'ii. ',ate " '. tho ,.can.:inl'ii'ok.e IPpi~!ft11:tese[wa,fullctilDns give 'lieneoessary eJ!: eris:irin.p1;f~rs 'a,",;"£=.]1 y off.en\'~~~~t lJ-foweveT, they are
.dl.' __ r :.~

• . WW~

••. '.'





ina I .y, .. ·..1 i· 10m suggests IJIseof ex:cmy ,al1e pnvate vmua .ex . jler publlc rlOn..:v:irtu.:a.~ F!lIl1ctil]]!I,

:.Ei··. ·.·ite , h e.d].ent].irI.. te".: e ..{ H.·.'. rjj~e_.~.a.) ~ .•. :.tethalt,i,t i.lS'.. .. .•8~' [ .!-IORS.eAlV I'ef,i·'. 0



Cllents .invoke on~y the puM:ic :int.ed"ace;wihkli"l.][I~urn.iruvokf:s v:irtu.:a.~ _impl. functicns as "' :in tli"leTemplate Metihad dlesigPJ pattern, Before and a.fu::r.i:n.vaki:ng t~e "'_Jmpl. mnoHam, .bDk ope!ra.t~am; and .il1va[.ialI~c~ecking, operai\:lons are perfomsed by thebase class. [[I this w!!y,h:iiernrOl:rywme before andafter codeITagments clIllJliJeput together all ,al1e place,

s:impl:ifyijng ma:iilItenaI10e~C~ie!J]~af the Bas.eli"l~er1l!rchyst.ilUgelpo~ym0f!ll:uic even tholJlgh they dlal1'tinvolke 'ili:rtua~ mnctij,am diBect]y,.IDm.i.l'ii'eol. elasses S:ho!ll.~d nsure e thet direct access to thf:implem.enlat.i:a:nf!llllc~ions {*!Ols ,olisa[llDwedito~.e clients by making thf:m.priv.ate :i[l the dle:!ii.Vf:dI elass as well

Using NY] .id~,omm1lJyle1lJoI.mfrillgi]e class hierarelsies i:f Ilropf,r care itS daserihed ~:n, in Fragi.~e Base Class {FBC} Interface pmb.~em, subclass's ma.yget ;acdole'IJ~]~yillvokec:ll \\!'h.e1Ji base Glas:simlPi,e:me:ntat.]ora.d:l1mges For 'eJll1mllle, the~o]ww.illgoodie sll!ilPpet (inspi:BOOby) uses NVl idiem CoulltingSet,whi,oh has Set as a, base class,
class Set { sed: :set:< 1nt;> s_.; !pub1 ic: vo rd .:;:,dd (irrt ll) { s_ .. insert (~_); add_l.Ill!p1 (i}; /1 Note

Ilot exercised, As v.irwal. functkms w.ithou:~no~k:e. ioimlPLemenlt

Lrrt; ~, .

void .:;:,ddAll (HIt " begin, j_nsert (be;2:1T1 end); ~ add All_.iOlpl (lbE!iJ::p:n" end);


II .-----.---(1) /1 Note v l.rtLJ:ill c.a 11.

) !p:r:tva.t:E!: Vl.rtLJ,:;:,l voad vl.rtLJ,:;:,l v'Did

add_l_lDpl (lint :l_) o· addAll_~:mpl (int ~ bE!811n" :l.nt: ~ end)


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-~thmw'-.~~[~lKtfiijJ~·.·~:nl5· b e D•• •• I~~~tllf~ '.~ (~W):eIh~Cu~mD .
v.i:r~ua& ilIoIdlllmct.i:ml.~oTeve,ryillleger from beg~nro end, then tm.e die.rived class, Coull~ingSet, breaks. As ;arlJolAU calls add, the derlved das:s's extf:l1Siollipoint ad.d~imlP] is celled fur every ~ntege[ ,1I!ndi1'i1l1lJ1Uy aDldlA]I._]mpl.is1IJIso called (loutillg tn.if: range of lint:e:gfTStw:I(le, lOIihkh silellt:~y ,i:rahoollUloesllb!!i,g~n the de,riveol.dass! The so]uHori ii5 to i observe a. sllriot cooling, diisci[pl:ineof ~n"o,l\:ii:llg ex:;a.otl.yollepT.ivill~ viirt!!i;a.~densioll! polint e lin .1I!ny p!!iilll:icIlOin.v~rt!!ia] interface of '@]e base elass, However,~he .solutlon depends Oil Ilrogr1l!mmer di.:sd:lPiille and hence d~:ffi:cu]tm(o,~IO<\\!'~nlP[adi.oo, Note how NY]: .id~om~eats Bach class hierarchyas a ti:ny (oomf: may ]~kf: to C1I!U tr:iJvia~) oibjecl~o:r.ieilledlfr1llme'!.'i'Ork,whe:Be ii:n'i'e:rsroira. cOlltmi (~oc) rim", :Us of commonly observeo),

}; cl;ass COLJntingSet: : publ r.c Set { !p:r:tv at: E!: :tnt. count: _ ; vl_rtLJ,:;:,l v-oid add_:l_lDpl (:tnt i) { cOL.lnt_++; ) Vl.rtL.l,:;:,l voad addAll_~:mpl (arrt; ~ beg rn , 1nt: courrt., += std: :dl.stance (beg:l_n, end) ;

~ end)

V··'.'., ersi

.- ..•. --

.•.-.- ..• - -.-


- - - .•.-.- -~ .. _h_ -

.h -.-



.-- .•.-


-,0-..-- ... .--

_.r.,r-. -.-.-

.-. -.-

.h_ .•._

._.,_.- •._.-._.-

- - .•-.





w.rii:ltf:[lD.,y· client, whiich is why Hisll:lmwnas the ~:!1IV'ersionf control. In NV[, tbebase o class c(lI!1Iholsthe ll[ugI'8!m flow., [[I the eX8!mpilleabove, the Set class does lh.e I'eqlLlimd commonjoib, ofinsert~,on ibefme calling the *~imp,~ virtual. fl]notwm (the eJlitension Iloii[l!ts)"The Se,t class mlLlst not !inV'ocke any oflts oWrI.llubikinlBrfaoew Ilroh.~em" JJfe'V'enltthe FBC

Finail:Uy,NYI .id~omlJe;}ds toa moderate degree of rude iiJ:.~oat][1 tliTie lass lIierarcchy as the c n!!l:mberof funot~om diouble whle,n 81p'piied..Size oftherefadol'ed codein the bese class should be ruibst:al]i:ial.w jus~-ify the use of NVt

Named 'Constructor
'.. 'foliTia.vearead!8M,e1l!ndi !intuitive way of Great:ing: o~jecls of a. class Toimpose oe:rt1l!incOrls,tra~nJtswhiHe crellltillig objects of a. class,


In C++ ,oomtr!!l,otors a[eciliisti:rlguiShlfd from each. olheroril.y based Oil the type .•the order ami!.the number of parameters ..Of course when a Glass has :m!!l.~ti[ple OIJiS~!!IdOirS, D each construcbarhas a. ,dl:iflr:erent p!!l:rpm;e.However, iJ[IGr+ itishaOOl to G8!pi!!ll'e [ ·th8i~"semarufric'"
.' . • .. 111 ..


Dii'if.l!;;tti~~;~eae;~~ Versi . :~~~o

H.l!I~ ~MM

g,;. dttr~i~Ih!~~JtAF'~~(dth

the same name !.ots ofrul1S~!lIdm

SOh.llitimt. and SamlPie Code

The named constructor Idlomusese set of s,t8!~'icmember f!!mdions w:urrlil meaningful names io, create o~jecls ~:ns"tellcil. eonstruetees, COI1SI!r!llc~ms are eitherpdvate of 'CiT protected and diJe:nbliTiave access ol1ily io,ruhe public s"t8ltic:f!!lnc~'iorls.The statlc functions are ca]l,ed "named ooinshll]clors" 8iS eachanique way of meaJti:ng lIIn object has 11 di:l'ferenfr ]rutuitivename" Consider the exemple bel,o,w;
cl:il8S C~1II1l1e

{ puhLrc :
stat ic C'1}nstrL.lctar Game crE!;3teSinglE!P I.:aYE!rG.amE! 0


Game (0);

) !I named

:stat 1c Game CrE!2teMlll t1PlayerGa!J1le constrL.lctar !protE!cted: Game (l:nt ;Ba!J1le_type) ; }; 1nt maln(V01d)



Game (l};}

!I named

G~IrIE! 51 ,= {;QIDe: : createS1nglePl:ilyerG:ilme 1 0; 1/ U:S1ng named CDnstrllctor G~IrIE! 2 ,= (;QIDe C 1); I! mIll t l.p layer 8 83me; ONi thol1t n:i!lDed c'onstructar (does not cDmp11e} }

WiU1Dut 'Us,]ng, he named con~t[ll]cI.m Idiom ln the class albove,il is difficu.~lm cOIlV'eythe t 'Il1eall!ingof wli1l3tGame(1) aad GaJIN!!tO) m,eans" The idiom makes :UlIDUDI. clesrl a:!1Id Arildi[t.iJo!1la~ly. is pmssihle to put celil8!in con;S1tra:ill!ts the o~jec~ Gre8!~"ion.pmoess 1]S~:ng it 0[1 thisidiiDm"For eX8!mp,le,rIiam.ed -oonstru.ctms could a~w!liYS creail:e8!rIi. o~ject dyna:minUy 1]S~:n,g lI'€W, In SlI]cfui. ease, Resouece Re~um idiom cOiJi,ldlbe·line~,pfut a,

Resou[1(;e RetiJi![IJ

Polymorphi.c Exception

:llwww..ebgok~nveder.colm be Digital Editions Converter Delma Versi

'.' To decouple a, :modliJi.l.efrlllm concrete de~d;s of'theexeeptlcns the it may thmw De~endenfj' InV'e:rslliOirli. Pd:!1Id(llle (DW), apopular olbjed"o:r.iil3n~d wfl:wa!J1edlesign giJi:ide]ine S~ltes that hi:g~eT ~mle~ modl/U~.e-s should net dJepe[ldi.d~redl.y on. IO'!h'erleV'el modules. Instead, both should! depend 0[1 ,common 1libs~.actti,onsk~lu[ed :U1l! th.efo[.m (If wel.l-diefinedi ~llIterna.ces.),Forexllm!llle;8!n object of type Person (say John) should [lot create and we al:l'olbjed of type .Ho'adaCil(ic butirusl'eadl John sl:tou~dIsimpiyoomm:i!t ~o,a. Ca{'[llIternace, which is al:lailbstrad base da~of HoadaClvlc.. This .ail]ow.sJo~:mto upgrade toa Corve,Ue eas'][yillJ ru~ure wHhout !lny dl1l!11ges~o the class Peerson, JoJil!lJC8!rIi. be "ool]f~.g1l1lred" with !licencrete [n;S1hmce' a. Gar (any Gar) 'Us:ing,de~eTlolencyiniecliDIlJ of . technique,. Useof DIPleadis to flexible and exbsnsihle m(]o[h:lles~8i~a:re easyro I]nil ~es~, Unit testing: is simJl'lifled by D[PlbeclllJSerea~. objects can beeasilyreplaced w:utlil.mock olbjedsiJising dependency .i:nj-oct~,on" Hm!.!'ever, there ace several. occaslonswhen DIP :Us w.lal:edl: (l) whi~!eiJising~e Sing,~erol:l v Il'a~tem and (2) wh[le throw:ing eJ!1aeptiDiIlS:i Singleton patternhreeks DKP because ~tforces the use of the ceacrete classname whi:le aoaessi:ngllile Sltaltic Instaace(j rul1ct.l:o:n" A sin:g~erol:lshould! be passed as apsrametee whi]e cal.l[ng a.f!llndiion. Dr a aonsiructm" A

s<im:iila[siJ~u8ltiol1a:rises wH1ile delllilJJg wilill e~ceJItions in. C+·+" The thmwda:us.ein requires a concrete l)ipellal:ne (class) toraise an ,exceplti,olJl" exampi,e, Foe
throw If~tConcrE!teExcept1.on (. B~t8 Bang l ") ;

G ..+

An.y module tm.oomrse:!l:l:ept:ionsl:iike this immed:iakil.y eeselts .illw a. v~o]a~iol1 of' DIP" Na:tJl]rnU.y,i1tits harder to, 'Ullit:test such. a.m{)c:II~debecame rea] exeeption ,ahjects Clll]no~ easijl.y be replacedwithmock elH:eJI~im1l. objects" A solution Ilke th.e one below m:iiseralbl.y as thmw.ill C++ usesstaeic typing 8Illdll:nows nothiillgabo!llit po,lymo:rphism"
5truct 5truct ExceoptloriBase ExcepttoriDerived { }; Exceptt.orlBase e) r.c type .o:f' e wh llle ra511'n8 an excE!pt1.0n. { };

v·D1.d foo (Except~.orl~se& { thr.ow e; 1/ Uses stat } l.nt ma rn (vo1.·d) { ExceptlorlDer1.ved e; try { faD{E!) ;

_/1 .' '.' . £ :r~.De. .. d.I.. . .... -' ,YIW'W _1::UOefttl.ie0nver9leF~eemh. be Di~itateoEtJttitJl1S ~CO'l1Verter Delma Versi .... h E e.IP.'.t. ..)()ol.'.~c. :I ... ( &. E!) .{ ...
r ' .. '


( ... )

SohJlJtiml.and SamlPie Code

Polymorpl:uic exception ~ol:ioms!i:mpl.y delegates the job ,of ra.ising the exeeptton back to the derived class lJ!,Sij:ng virtual fl]nctwlJi ralse() 81
5truct Except ~.onBase { v:l.rtual vo1.·d :r~~"se 0 virtu:ill -Exceptn ..on~se }; 5truct EXiC8ptioriDerived { virtual vo1.·d r~~"se 0 }; voad Foo (E)(cept~.orl~se&

throw () {}

.,th~.s; }

: EXiC8ptlonBase

{ throw



1/ Uses



af' e wn~tlE! r~:l.s1.n2 ~n exceptlon.

l.nt ma rn (vo1.·d)

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