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‘CBPS1 2010 hhutpitvww-aesieap0910.078/2010fwebdata_v.asp?ID=21 &Tre aa CEPSL arn | ‘About CEPSt 2010 + Welcome tessage + CEPS! aoavetion + Organising comitos + Whe Shous tens Conteencs + Program ata glance + Bul Progam + Cooterence Venue News Working Group it call for Papers + apsiact Sutmssion > Paper Submission Exribition + Exton Venue + Beption nro 3 Toes tor Panicigaton % Exton Manual even + S00. Progam 43 Technical Tour 4 per Conlerence Registration ‘Accommodation Transporation Sponsocship + Panel Sponsorship > General Sponsorship Discover Taiwan + Abou Tainan > fvoot Tae 3 Genoa nlormation + Photo Gallery Dounioads Contact Us CEPS! Introduction “The Contrance cf he Elecire Power Suply Industy (CEPSD has become ore ofthe pramier events in Asia net just win ls own industry but thoughout tha Asian bueiness community, This bran conference and exntion finleumental inthe ‘velopment ofthe electicty Industry inthe regen. Member counties are appcinies to host the conerence en a otaonal basis ‘CES! is undor the patronage of tho Associaton of the Eleersy Supply Incuaty of East Asia ond the Weetem Pacife (AESIEAP) ~ a regina non-government ‘organization founced in 1976, whose main objectives include facitating exchange of jexpertse bawean elctic poner companies of various counties an trove inthe Fedlor; prometing co-peration among member oiganiations: and seeking and roving sohrions ta problems that te industry i cng in this aea ofthe wore ‘The AESIEAP members ate argarizaions responsible fr proving or aeminsting pubic etecroty supply inthe Asa Pacts cegin and ether arganzatons related to tint (CEPS! i te main commuricaons plattoum of ABSIEAP. CEPSI 2010 wil be helt “alpo, Talwar. Engin x Sata ehecrnis rok Galley Lord 05-Mar-10 9:24 AM CHPSI 2010 hutpuwww.aesieap0910.0rg/2010/webdata_e.asp?ID=29& Tre Ste English ¢a | ‘About CEPSI 2010 + Welsome Heseage Peer en) 3 CEPS!nveduction Cee cea eee ere reread nee Sore row Gatry commivee Astraet Submnission 7 "> Whe Should Alena Conference cx ae or vers have not registered yet, posse to submit absvacs onine + Program at glance Perret aa 3 Ful Progam For vsors have already registered, please cick > Conference venue News Download Working Group 1 Abstract Template Call for Papare + fst Submission + Pacer Suomssion Exnbition + Exnibton iio Guidelines fr Abstract Submission (CEPS! 2010 Techrical Sessions wil bo organized based on accepted arate, ease submit abstracts (2 maximum of to payee in length; ove page Ie highly > Fleer Pan ‘recommended, comping (1) an evewen. (2) motes, 3) resus, and (4) eacaaee conctsons, Posse also akach a shot CV of at most one gage. The auth Paricigaton suiting the abstract must provide complete contact detais: masing adress, "> Exibion Manual hove ar. mat et. Even + Sosa Program ‘Atleast one athe fan accepted paper must pay te rgitraon fe before Luly 26, 4 Techical Toor 2010 in eer to ete th conference, Aathors wil be noted by Mey 25,2010 of gor 7 Mer Conterence thar papers seus, Authors whose abstracts ave accepted wl have to submit tel eee futtength papers no ner han Jy 26,206, ‘Accomnmadaton Transportation Sponsorship + Pane! Sponsorenip + General Sponsorship irae mutipe submissions by lcucuals or groups of autre are welcome, the absuast selection process wal geek to. enture tat gartcpaton 26 broad 26 poset: each epeake eta make ony one srecetation a he conferonce,H mule submissions ere sccepied, then s sere co-author wll be requied to pay the reds0e6 tegen fo and present the paper. Discover Taman is + About Tawa + About Tipe * Aout Teal Kindy note that we ONLY accopt cbovecle which ute ou ABSTRACT a prereanieay TEMPLATE! (Le, Word documents only: fle enterson is dc; NO pat tes) Please aise femell the completed abstact to OEPSIZO‘O@olereousw eneled wih “ADstract etd SSubmissioe-Your Name" after completion. The wih the tile “Abetact, ‘Submissioe-Your Name’. The ont submission sytem wit also be aud soon IMPORTANT DEADLINES Submission of Abstract ‘Api 25, 2010 tay 25, 2010 ‘Nobfoaton of Abstract Acoepiance ‘Sutmissicn of Full Paper Fegisation for Cotorencer * One for each accopted paper Atleast one autor mus register before July 26, 2010 units a lator dato agroed upon by te Orgenzey ose the accepted pane wl be else hy the Organizer 28,2010 say 25, 2010 “The tosis af the paper tobe prosentedin the Tachnga Sesser ‘Area : Business & Utlty Management 1 Asset ena sk management 2 Longwange eneirive rescue planning bor3. 05-Mar-10 9:25 AM CEPSI2010 hupy/!ID=298Tre 8 Utiy ncusey civersiieaion 4 Bower system economies, investment, on pricing 5 Energy martets and regulation {8 Custemortormation and reatonship management 7. Enduser energy ficiency, energy coneervaton and demand ede management © Uthyprocustvty and performance management 8. Regional elect supaiy and demand 0.0mers ‘Area: Power Generation & Distributed Energy 1 Conventions power pant Savalogment 2. Fezncing and investment 9, Energy euppyefeieney provement 4. Clean coa technologies 8, Superrtical (SC) and uta supercritical (USO) teormeiogies ens evelopmont 6.Gas tutine ane combined cyle 7. Coal combustion, coal blrcing and cea gasiaton 8 Pr and post. combustion technalgies 8. Life assessment, ture analysand cheminy 10, Boler ana steam ttine 11, Balance of pian issues 12 Distited power generation, renewable energy and new energy 13, Omer. ‘Area il: Nuclear Generation & Advanced Development 1. Now reactors, tue recyeing ane now technology 2. Nuclear poly and publi aoceptance 8, Radosctve waste disposal and spent uel manegement 4. Fue portormance & reliably 65. Risk information toonciogy 6. Plant satay assessmar and roglatoy issues 7. Radiation protection and shiising 8. Matoile segredaten and aging 9, Nondostuetve evasion (NDE) 10, Others ‘rea V: Power Grid & Information Technology 1. Planning end develcpmont of rarsmission and astibuton syste 2 Sma gid AM and demand response 8. System otabily seourty and quatty 4, Power sysem dynamics and sysom madetng 65. System protection ane ineligertcortral eaten 6. Equipment diagnosis testroagies 7. Modein contel cener technologies, suostaton automaton, energy ‘managerers system (EMS) ana stbrion management ester (OMS) 8. Blackout preventon, estraton and cunaiinant expeiancas 8. Lang: are shorten system operation 10 Integration ana impact of dieibuted ganecation onthe power estan 11. Unity communication rehiecture 12 Practices of congeston management 13, Impacts of eitbuos and ranewable genestion on the power aystem ens patting 14.0008 ‘rea V: Green Energy & Envicorment 1. Gieoneneeay 2. Carbon suas 3. Sustenbie development 4 Energy and enviranmertal poles 8. Environmental management 8. Envrocmentenpac asessmart 7.002 capture and storage 2. GHGs conta! and marketinsvumen ogy 2003 05-Mar-10 9:25 AM CEPSI 2010 hupsswww. .esieap0910.0rg/2010/webdata_e.asp?ID=29&Tree=1&. 8. Emission monitoring and corto! 10. Trace Seren conta 11 Electromagnetic fle 12. ohers 3003 (05-Mar-10 9:25 AM * Please indicate ONE specific topic which BEST describes your abstract (eg, 1-5): ** Please submit before April 25, 2010 within 2 Ad pages; 1 Ad page is highly recommended. (PAPER TITLE) [Format: single space, 14 point font, Times New Roman, Capitalized, Bold, Italics] [Lead Author's Name, Affiition, Phone, {2nd Author's Name, Affilinion, Phone {Oler Author's Name, Afilation, Phone email] {Format: single space, 10 point font, ‘Times New Rosnan] [Overview] [Format single space, 10 pont font Times New Roman} [Methods] {Format single space, 10 point font Times New Roman, [Results] {Format single space, 10 point font Times New Roman} [Conclusions] { Format: single space, 10 pit font Times New Roman} Please also attach a short CV within one page. Call-for-paper Topics Area I: Business & Utility Management 1. Asset and risk management 2. Long-range enterprise resource planning 3. Utility industry diversification 4, Power system economics, investment, and pricing 5. Energy markets and regulation 6. Customer information and relationship management, 7, End-user energy efficiency, energy conservation and demand side management 8, Utility productivity and performance management 9, Regional electricity supply and demand 10. Others (please specify) Area II: Power Generation & Distributed Energy 1. Conventional power plant development 2. Financing and investment 3. Energy supply efficiency improvement 4, Clean coal technologies 5. Supercritical (SC) and ultra supercritical (USC) technologies and development 6. Gas turbine and combined cycle 7. Coal combustion, coal blending and coal gasification 8, Pre- and post- combustion technologies ©. Life assessments, failure analysis and chemistry 10. Boiler and steam turbine 11. Balance of plant issues 12, Distributed power generation, renewable energy and new energy 13. Others (please specify) Area III: Nuclear Generation & Advanced Development 1, New reactor, fuel recycle and new technology 2, Nuclear policy and public acceptance 3, Radioactive waste disposal and spent fuel management 4, Puel Performance & Reliability 5. Risk information technology 6, Plant safety assessment and regulatory issues Radiation protection and shielding 8. Materials degradation and aging 9, Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) 10. Others (please specify) Area IV: Power Grid & Information Technology 1. Planning and development of transmission and distribution system 2. Smart grid, AMI and demand response 3. System reliability, security and quality 4, Power system dynamics and system modeling 5, System protection and intelligent control sy: 6. Equipment diagnosis technologies m stem 7. Modern control center technologies, substation automation, energy management s (EMS) and distribution management system (DMS) 8, Blackout prevention, restoration and curtailment experiences 9. Long and short term system operation 10. Integration and impacts of distributed generation in the power system 11. Utility communication architecture 12. Practices of congestion management 15. Impacts of distributed and renewable generation on the power system and dispatching 14, Others (please specify) Area V: Green Energy & Environment 1. Green energy 2. Carbon issues 3, Sustainable development 4, Energy and environmental policies 5, Environmental management 6. Environment impact assessment 7. CO; capture and storage 8, GHGs control and market-instrument design 9, Emission monitoring and control 10. Trace element control 11, Electromagnetic field 12. Others (please specify)

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