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Properties of the Group 14 Elements

Group 14 Elements - ns2p2 (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb)

Common oxidation states

C -4 to +4 7 non-metal

Si -4, +2,±

Ge -4, +2,±

Sn -4,±
+2 ,±

Pb -4,±
+2 , +4


C - Naturally occuring; diamonds, graphite, coal

Si - SiO2 (quartz); silicates

SiO2 % C 6 Si % CO2
Purification: Si + 2Cl2 6 SiCl4 (liquid, can be distilled)

SiCl4 + 2H2 6 Si + 4HCl

a 99.9% pure

Zone refinement 6 semiconductor grade (99.99999%)

Ge - by-product of silicon refinement

Sn - SnO

SnO2 % C 6 Sn % CO2 "& Sn º $& Sn
gray white

Pb - PbS (galena)

2PbS + 2O2 6 2PbO + SO2 (roasting)

2PbO + C 6 2Pb + CO2

Allotropes of Carbon

Graphite Diamond
C60 and the Fullerenes
SiO2: $-Cristobalite and "-Quartz
Representative Silicate Structures
Zeolites - An Aluminosilicate
A Lead Storage Battery

C) hydrocarbons, Cn H2n+2 (alkanes), etc.

Mg2C + H2O 6 Mg(OH)2 + CH4 (methane)

CaC2 + H2O 6 Ca(OH)2 + C2H2 (acetylene)

Si) polysilanes

Mg2Si(s) + HX 6 SinH2n+2 + MgX2

a pyrophoric

R2SiCl2 + 2Na 6 (R2Si)N

a organic groups a very stable, general hydrocarbon soluble

Some bond strengths: (kJ/mole)

C-C 356 Si-Si 226

C-H 413 Si-H 298

C-O 336 Si-O 368

Ge) similar to silicon

Sn, Pb) hydrides are unstable


CO2, SiO2, GeO2, SnO2, PGO

9 9
acidic acidic amphoteric

SiO2 6 many polymorphs, "-quartz, $-cristallobite

a helical

Silicates: Al2Be3Si6O18 (beryl, with Fe3+ 6 aquamarine)

Li Al(SiO3)2 - spodumene 6 one of few important Li ores

Si4O611G 6 asbestos

5 6 talc, soapstone

aluminosilates: zeolites: Na4[(AlO2)x(SiO2)4]

_ _ cage structures

application: ion exchange materials, catalysts (size selective),


mica: KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2
a anionic sheets

vermiculite - hydrated mica (packing materials)


CCl4 6 stable

SiCl4 volatile

GeCl4 reactive MCl4 + 4H2O 6 M(OH)4 + 4HCl

SnCl4 liquids

PbCl2 6 stable ionic solid


C) fuels, pharmaceuticals, polymers, etc.

Si) semiconductors !
silicones: (R2SiCl2 x6 (R2Si - O)n)

biomedical, structural, lubricants, etc

Ge) semiconductors
Sn) metallurgy, tin plating, algicides

Pb) fuel additives (PbEt4), batteries

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