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Change any dimension on the grid to rows and columns

Go to the View in The FR Studio click on Property sheet you can find the

Ride side you can find dimension layout you can change the dimensions just drang and
drop as per your requirement column/row/page

2. Header and footer used on the reports are standard and should be equal for all reports
Right click on the report you can click on text enter the text as required as header footer

Example :FY2010: <<MemberName("Grid1", "Year")>>.

Period: <<MemberName("Grid1", "Period")>>.

Saved the text as a saved object and import every time when you are creating a new report it will be
5. Do not delete the grid because header links will get broken

If you delete gird it wont any impact on the header links the links coming from the saved objects

6 and 7 Make sure to keep the first column grey and hidden. The dimensions on the first columns
should always show the current member for the point of view

Make sure to keep the first row grey and hidden. The dimensions on the first row should always
show the current member for the point fo view

Select the total colum/Row like excel and right click on the column/row select format
board&shading selct the click on the shading box select the colour you which ever you

For Hidden you have to go to the view select property sheet right side you can fide the
hidden check box check which ever colum/row you want to hide

current member for the point fo view you have to double click on the dimension go to members tab you can
select the current point of view for entity ( Dimension name) click to right side
8. First row and column are used to be refered to in the header and will always show the members of
the book point of view

When you create the book it auto matically give the header and footer as per the report

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