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1) Strength
- Theraband resistance: inversion / eversion / palantarflexion / dorsiflexion
- SL squat
- Riverdance squat ( SL squat to calf raise and 2 sec hold)
- Calf raises > weighted calf raise > incline calf raise > weighted incline calf raise
2) Mobility
- Wall knee taps
- Straight legged jumps
- Kneeling Tibialis Anterior stretch
- Standing inversion stretch
3) Proprioception / neuromuscular control
- SLS > SLS on uneven surface> SLS eyes closed
- Theraband star point
- SLS on BOSU ball
- Forward hop for distance/ hop for height
- Lateral Hop for distance/ hop for height
- Recovery from landing from low box / BOSU ball

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