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Jesus not Preached because Jesus not Known

Jesus is not preached in very many of the pulpits of today. Anything and everything but Christ
is preached, for the very reason that the preacher is not acquainted with Christ. Some make it a
practice to study different authors, and think this will help them greatly in their discourses. They
flatter themselves that they have a very intellectual discourse, and so they may have; but the flock
is not fed with the bread of life; the crib was placed above their reach. That which the world and
churches need to day is the preaching of the blood of Christ and the virtue of his atonement, and
to be taught what constitutes sin, and to have the spirit of Christ interwoven in all their labors.
What the world needs to-day is to know what they must do to be saved. There are many
interesting and pleasing discourses given that the speaker counts the very height of success, but
they are not thus registered by Him who weighs the thoughts and motives of men, who looketh
not at outward appearances but at the heart, who weighs such discourses in the balances of the
Sanctuary and pronounces them wanting. The only element which could make them a success is
lacking--Jesus, the Light of the world. – RH 02-22-87

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