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Upon soning ha Aare. Ameren Aspe wl ‘Schange br Your services, for sting ns ‘Slee You av fave acuta Aretean Asora Sd ‘American Anparel fas dlecussed in more detail blow. ‘ecetvod he Payment You had not aprd to, and ‘Sone, tna Aorsement. ‘You agree to sete and relaese any anda cisime You ‘hove, ormay have, saint American Anbar ana a of Mathew trecora emsioyees anrmes, ome alone, paren, subaanic,succacsori ‘erect, and al of ts rlted erste cohectvol {teu nerormad orice for American Ansar with {ho Stan of Calfomin, You recs viv a ot ‘Sher Calforsa Gul Code Section Y642 wich stata: ‘rican Apparel does forth purpose of screrisna prose l he cory oroarn {fany photographs aed video footage maybe used there rin or secronc (nctuaing iss-beced Imad. The onal ana aw afated ree rood ae alo te bo convalod,stord,malnainod, End awed by American Appar’ ft osignated nents. You aoknowaioe ane understand tat Your ovmloaced bv anv ncn wm acess othe \tebete (Dot interny and externa Amatican Rebar! wil ot bea frase of he macs ‘9, AGREEMENT TO BINDING ARBITRATION ‘You and American Apparel agros tht ery cam or “Soputo betwaon You tnd American Apparel andor any stAmorcan Aonarets osemt corratons.sweeeceor rave, preset andor former subaiares, dvisone, ‘Sn ote ones: wl as nah ofr resent Sndlortormar shareholders decors oes ployee, atta, agents and representatives shal fe ettrmined sna be datormned eeoxshey by Sina aruration. You an Aman Aobarel hereby Covenant not fea twat again! each other in ‘Staverton ofthis Aareemant ‘The part chal boone oa ofthe came remedies 22 .cos alone for comoerable eons m ours. ‘Thanarton anal bm ented wo be rorecentad be ‘rdependent counsel of teu choosing Choi shal be submited to and determina conform withthe apcabs state's Code of ‘rocedue"blraton aralb the axclove etos Shotebie states Code of Cl Prose. 4, noma ano vouuNTaRY CONSENT TO ‘itoavG ARBITRATION AND WANER OF RIGHT TO SOR TRIAL Youand american Apparat hereby scknowed Youve reagan uncertain ems oe You and ‘ina uo sv nah thev maw have om sod08 oF ‘al '3. CONRDENTIALITY OF ARBITRATION. ProceEDmas: ‘Yu and Ararcan Aooarel erty aor that nw ‘rbaton precaedge ital hereunder sal be forint stot of sowidon, msi tet You ltndamercanAoosralnarby aor ot {evout in cartevern ofthe groomer, or ‘tran dno ones oe Sarees othe ‘torr oer rd ory herent {Papectna storeys and ate agers wh ae ceecy {rvoved'n the abut ceo be artes Siceroanges ong each lA nao ‘acing, locover record ores, Seooeion wanserote and gees esas. ‘You and Amaican Apparel further agre not to Ceparage sock aterm pubic or onina on Bone oF Sea sire pace sonoerirathor date, You 'Sg708 not oepeck with eportars or anyone tom te ‘cl, of mats any pubs ststementy reer sy Goutal may aise between You anc Amara pal ‘You seknowteda that Your breach of he oarearanh Sha constitute a mata broach of tie Agresmart Which shalloause American Anpael lrenerabie harm, ech Yoga th cert ou betes ne pragach, American ave the ight to Irmacaty ss aon a ter rncesn iw meat atomooray and oarmanrt ‘estaining cdr the enforcement of te paregranh. (6. SELECTION OF NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR ‘The partes wil solsct a noutalarbiratorby mut {Scteomant the artes are unable so ears ona outlerivator, to paras shal btn om te ‘atta Arotraton an Mecston Servos IANS) = istor nine ootentalabivstors. sn each party shat ‘eke four avatar, with You pong Your trikes {rst and Amerean Apparel sg four ames. {etefier, The emarina named eter chat eon nave read and understand this Aaresment and by sianina below. hereby aaree the tome and contions ‘ontanas Inte hareerant ‘ton and Oat ba uO a Scour Ynpella 2, SURETANTIVE AND PROCEDURAL LAW TO RE ‘The arate shal anol achosbe stats anor nd damages regarding al cle to be abitated. The Shee a beet cont vata ‘aetna documents and reouosting esponsos 6 IRereamones alm comarmancs wn saosin {Gado of Gl Proceaur The applcatie state's Code {FCha Proceaure shal govern sk orosedrel ane ‘Steooveresuee betwen te part, ‘Te arbrator shal eer motions for summary [rotator the orto da iaye awttan lion Sn award when sal be signed and date, and he reason rivet shal ‘Senne to sward on thoes reece mi or sfotai may bo ontared sm cour hina Sree Iirecton ', COSTS OF ARBITRATION SHALL BE BORNE BY [AMEROCAN APPAREL. ‘The cost of he abistor ane other incidental costs ot

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