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The Sunday Post, March 27 2011, Moggie denies he is behind SNAP revival Gennes KUCHING: Dayak Chamber of ‘Gormmerce aud Indsiey (DCC), president Tan Sis Date Arar {Leo Moms hs come out strongly to deny any volvement ‘apisamiing Seay feral Ban Nowa HN) sllged by an online epurt ‘Th nline blog ened hata ‘crotdeal forged between ‘oth pees, wana desperate attempt hy BN to deus he opposition an uten ecceon's pen thot afer he ing te Seton (The repore stad tthe dat soil ve the esl BN Posting oaey tothe ney Fevivel NAB" pars whieh crema bepar lie Sppostion alan ise es | mentioned that SNAP ou Shere sap ippeon foreson the eu De tecton 9 es Mogae toa ot we | as onge involved apes, tinh ats broker between | Unno an SNAP co rope the ale BN ws aw ition ofthe ea water Tg or ota ub smnanw a mors in pois Be Said when met ar DECTs dinner Function on Fay ‘Moggiesemmed the supposed ‘ghost write’ o Sura epor's atc inkng him tan poate baseless poli omepay a3 ter rubbish, | teat an Ua SNAP pct | Sinica toto tbe Ste | ENohota ie tue ie ere (Bessa PBB Sara Usted Papi Paty QUPP Par abate CS) a Srsrak Pogeshe Dance Party (SPDP), vine eh rom ative pel sae 280 xm tts bapa pak (Pas nv detie rein i lt een Eethenighed ofa ‘plot even existed. “canst ave she mn Surat Somes leseux inven polis vem see Silat he pre "The problem rearing the | online port ute do moe | Figur what these people weate nha chee Bis of wring ‘& Tpevple want w sate a lot | Stents we owe noe vat hy wrote? Ha alirays ‘bean a problem hero" tae Ue © FromPage 1 idee Aad ta “Touching on SNAP's mission to ‘unite the Dayal, Moggie pointed ‘out that it would be much better if the whole country unites and not ‘only among the Dayak themselves. “BN is trying to do this. Unity is ‘good for the country,” he ‘Bighlighted, acing that he ‘preferred the community to be ‘more involved in finding ways 19 ‘eam a better living, instead of ‘potting too much fdcus on polities “If you ask me personally, Ido not want to see 199 many people involved in politics It is better that vwe focts on helping people to earn alte bit of living. Too invelved in polities might miake us less focused on other (non-political) fields. After my retirement, 1 realised that there is more to life other than polities, My main concern now is on bow: to earn good fving for my family. Taking care of my health, read as rmuch as possle to see the happenings of the world,” he continued, "The waar aleges ‘Tenaya Nesional Mid chairman fe the media before the start of ‘DOC! bh Annual General ‘Meting at Telang Osan hol ‘eve eae. (2 Tum rage Cali ‘When asked on the possibility of SNAP reviving Dayakism, Moggie, while maintaining that he ‘vas completely out of polities, | ciestioned whether such revival swouuld be a good idea. He also stressed that he was not the sight pesson to-ask sogarding the matter Meanwhile, SNAP secretary general Edmund Stanley Jugol described the blog article as “a {absication ofthe worst odes”. On Thursday, Jugal sid: “The ‘truth is that there lias been no deal ‘between SNAP and BN, Farther, there was never any meeting ‘between Umno information chief Abmad Mazlan and SNAP leaders ‘or representatives recently, nor has there been any meeting with any BN representative to negotiate any farangemert.” Ina strongly worded press statement, Fugol sid the article ‘was clearly the work of a department of ditty tricks desianed ‘0 weaken SNAP jus as the party Yeas in resurgence end gesting seady for the coming state election.

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