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Jacob Voncannon 3 Crestwood Estates Houston, TX 77024 (713) 417-6410c

xbjective: To find a job where I can create wealth for the owners, work with innovative
thinkers and technology, and grow in experience.

 c c August 2011
Music & Entertainment Marketing GPA: ¬  Major

Work Experience:
Different Drummer 2010-Current
c Œlogger Outreach for Zac Efron, Jonas Œrothers, Walden Media
c Managed Social Mobilization Platform of over 10,000 teens
Ãentricity Music Summer 2010
Marketing Intern
c Helped develop marketing strategy for several artist releases
c Created Wikipedia presence for company and artist roster
Live Nation Summer 2009
Sales and Sponsorship Intern
c Worked to execute sponsorship at 15,000+ attendance concerts
c Authored contracts for Sponsorships at value of $10,000 plus
Ãircle J Power Washing Summer 2009
Owner and Operator
c Own and operate a small commercial pressure washing company
c Produced revenues over $8,000 over a 2 ½ month period
Pine Ãove Ãhristian Ãamps Summer 2008
c Videographer for 10 weeks during summer
c Worked 24 hours on call, producing a custom 15 minute highlight reel each week

Leadership Experience:
Baylor University
£proar Records (2008-Current)
c Currently General Manager for student run music company,
|c Manage team of 30 students in revenue generating projects
|c Create new and experimental digital and physical marketing strategies
c Formally VP of Distribution, formed distribution network of physical and digital retailers
c Produced and directed a music video for r c  c
Student Œody Presidentǯs Cabinet (2008-2009)
c Student Relations Representative
c Chair the Event Programming Council
Œaylor International Film Festival (Fall 2008)
c Head organizer for a 3-day 9-film festival
c Had 1500 plus unique visitors come to the festival

Ãareer Skills:
Mac or PC, Proficiency in all Microsoft Office programs, Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro,
Professional Selling education and experience. Familiar with SPSS, Venue Sponsorship, HTML, CSS
xther Activities:
Serve as sound engineer 10 hrs a week at Antioch Community Church. Clean £p Waco Project two
times a year. 2 year volunteer at SXSW.

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