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National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

2011 Budget
Approved by the BoD at 12/09/2010 meeting

Operating Revenues
Private Support
Board Support           750,000
Individuals           303,000
Corporations           625,000
Trust/Foundations/Charities           650,000
Total Private Support        2,328,000
Department of Education           275,000
OCFC           850,000
State ‐ Admissions/School Groups                    ‐
City of Cincinnati           300,000
Total Government        1,425,000
Earned Income
Admissions           595,000
Facility Rental           190,000
Retail           140,000
Membership              40,000
Cafe`              15,000
Total Earned Income           980,000
Special Events
MLK              38,900
Berlin Wall                    ‐
IFCA, net                    ‐
Total Special Events              38,900
Other Income
Return on Investments              30,000
Miscellaneous              40,000
Extraordinary                    ‐
Total Other Income              70,000

Total Revenues        4,841,900

Operating Expenses
Total Personnel Costs        2,453,173
Total Non‐personnel Costs        2,709,243
Total Operating Expenses        5,162,416
Non‐operating Expenses
Depreciation & Amortization                    ‐
Interest Expense                    ‐
Total Non‐operating Expenses                    ‐
Total Expenses        5,162,416

Net Assets Released
Schooled on Freedom                    ‐
Partnership for Human Freedoms                    ‐
Internship Programs                    ‐
Museum Operations                    ‐
Released From Restriction                    ‐
Total Net Assets Released                     ‐
NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)          (320,516)

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