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6:30- Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
-7:00- Morning devotional Morning Morning Morning devotional Morning
8:30 devotional devotional devotional
Courtesy Call with Pre-conference
8:30- the College Pre-Conference Pre-conference Pre-conference
9:40 President and Nursing Rounds
Enlightenment of Nursing Nursing Rounds with chief nurse, Nursing Rounds
the vision, mission, Rounds(Assisting with chief nurse giving instructions with chief nurse,
objectives, goals of the Chief nurse on and reminders to Checks on how
9:40- the institution checking on waste Discussion on head nurses and head nurses
9:50 segregation on planning and staff and directing coordinates their
Courtesy Call of the different units) effectiveness in them assignments to tasks and also the
9:50- Chief Nurse having make jobs of the staff
10:30 Organizational preliminaries in nurses
Nursing Rounds andChart presentation staffing. And its Discussion on how
Orientation to importance. directions have been Lectures on
different Medical LUNCH BREAK emphasized on controlling
and Surgical Units, directing
Including their Chief Nurse LUNCH BREAK
Special emphasize and LUNCH BREAK
departments(OR,ER narrates the Roles Lectures and
,NICU,ICU, and Functions on Distribution of the discussions on
Hemodialysis. the different unit handouts on the job controlling
10:30- managers LUNCH BREAK descriptions of each
12 Administrative nurses including Discussion on
Council Meeting Programs have Discussion on the unit managers how the regulation
12:00- been presented by criteria to become of activities and
1:00 LUNCH the chief nurse on the unit head and Rewards and set of standards
BREAKPersonal how she manage to be supervisor punishments being uphold
1:00- hygiene and Nap on organizing the discussion and
1:30 employees with Discussion on the problems and Lecture on the
Introduction of regards to their training programs, solutions in how performance
Strategic Planning time and work Question and directing are being
by the chief nurse schedules answer measured,
1:30- Question and Questions and
4:30 Reviewing the BREAK answerBREAK answers
Hospital Policy and
the Nurses code of BREAK BREAK

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