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Dan Zhao 12540528

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Physical Needs

Rosdahl and Kowalski (2008) state that once the basic survival needs are met progress
to more complex needs can happen afterwards. Safety and security are the physical
needs of a shelter and protection from harm. Extended care facility provides residents
their own bed to sleep and rest on either in their own private room or with a
roommate. To demonstrate this theory, introducing the insurance program to
customers is an obvious example. The most important point is to focus on safety to
attract customers.

Psychosocial Needs

The physical needs in the Maslow’s hierarchy are followed by love, affection and
belongings. According to Acello (2004, p. 34), “the most basic emotional need is the
need to give love and receive love from others.” We provide them with easy to
perform tasks to help them keep busy and prevent feeling lonely; they also organize
social events for residents to interact and play together (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008).
For instance, when marketer introduces a service of delivering presents, the main job
is to ensure the time, place and the interest of customers in order to follow the theory
of emotional needs.

Self-esteem Needs

This also allows residents to meet their self-esteem needs. Even though the approach
of care they receive could be interdisciplinary in nature, residents are given the choice
in making the final decision. It is obviously that selling beauty products like cosmetics
is the most common example of motivating customers’ self-esteem needs. Describe
the main function and features of the product to customers and to enhance how the
product can improve the condition of the skin such as anti-wrinkle or treatment of
Dan Zhao 12540528

List of References:

Acello, B. (2004). Nursing Assisting Essentials for Long-Term Care (2nd ed.). New
York,NY: Delmar Publications.

Rosdahl, C. B., & Kowalski, M. T. (2008). Textbook of Basic Nursing (9th ed.).
Philadelphia,PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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