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'-V--O-L X'V'V· .··I~I' . A.· ,,?,.T· ···I'O'LI . "C'I ,D

"._---j -- _ •. -"',~ _. \~ __ ' - _' -~, g'~


R. -1' ~ ,-'.,

The praetieal importence of having au acenrateseand-

ard of Induetanee has lately been felt in measurements rel.ating to alternate currents and electric waves, and aHfen'cut formuhc have been dec1u,cJed for expressing" the iuduet.atlee, coeffi ... · eients of solenotda, .A .. moog the nUD1:(-n'QllS esprossions which have Il'om time to time been given by dIff'"er,ent physicists, £oro~lou]at .. mg the mutllalind.uetanoe of eeaxal circles or coiIs,we may mention those b~a_rl~g the names of ~[a(x\VcU, 'v~einsteill" ..

. side"Ro.iti, Sea-de and .Airey ,Himstedt, Jones, :L'C),rClllZ"G:r.ay, " Collen., RusseU,.an.d Rosa, Thcs:e fo'rmul00 eaabe eoaveniently divided into' two classes; the first makes use of Legendre's tables of elliptic in.tegl'als,whHe tho second utilizes the: expansion in

- ,

. series, . which takes different forms, seeording fe the methed of



al1d.C'oh.en ,\i'ashington.,

1\.. few. years agO',. I g.~tVe a simpleseries for caleulatfng the Dlutualin~dctan~e of two cQgX~a ci.re1es:,Ni whiohis, remarkable

They hsve been examined a:oltl eritieised by Rosa (1.) in- :th.e : Bulletin of ehe ·Bureau of Standmt'ds,

U) Bwm,Dmi.U~ Bnr:. Standards, 4, 3iO'l~JL907 i Rasa rrD.d Cbhen, 5~ 1, 1908.

(2) U •. NagltokaJ J'ouJtn. csn, Sci.I, IS!, .Art~ •. 15~, 1.9031 I)b1l. )I~g'j [6] 6, p. 19,1fJ!(W.


for its, rapid convergence : the obje,ct 01 the present communion .. ' tion is to shew 'thnt thassme )lJJethod may boecnvenientlyemploylec1 fhr expressing the mutual inductance of solenoids of any length.

For the self-induetanee of solenoids, the formula can be put in a form convenient for practical calc. ul ation, and by tabn.'latitlg a certaln factor 1! as a function of the (~,f diameter to length, we can dispense with, the rather in,trl.e:R,te formula, that has hithertobeon employed fOor the same purpose.

§2'., The mutual inductance for two circuits js given by

I-f- ,', d' ti'

.11l...., " - ~C08 £~.8' ':~;_ , (1)

where eisthc n,ngle, bet,ween tbe, elements .t18anc1 dl" and l' the distaneabetween the two, In the ease of' tWQcoa xal solenoids of' the :radii (tand ...4., length 2l, 21', placed in saeh a position thalt the distance between fhe centres is (~"

~.2 = aP + A.'l + ,1,2- 2aA oo« (Y'-tp'), e =''/ - 1£'; ds'= at.if;. cls' = A cl'p',

F'or two (,~ful'ele.s, 'whoso planes are at the distances z, .z' from the centre of' tho ,con (a,)

~,-' JI!!'~:f· 2tt . Au co.s (tp- c;I) d!R' dip'

Mo= . ,. ,_'~_)Ai·+ ai+ (z- zi l-~2:.r~~C~08~-(·· ~;i,.~-'" ;~j).-

1.1', 1(.1 V ,_. T


C'onsequeutly the mutual inductance .Df of t.wo' solenoids with the number of turns per unit length n . and ~t',


ductanee for two eoaxal eirclesJ.1ffJl at the distance (J from each other ean be writtcn from (2) in the form

11, 4'~

, ==.r."i' (1 + s)




lo'" e~-e..! . (A-af+c2 ... '>i.' ._. ~= e'I-leG, =-(~4+lat+c'l- =co,s-r

lVhen k~ or lo'jJ) ,Ter" ism all ,\\10 may .•. ·•. ealculate 1 or 11 by., the



U M 2;IU 3'~

J . 1'tJ .t:~,,~ - 'L ,Iii I' ' _"J,,/iiL ,

t·= -fir + '16 +512- + 10"..3,4+ .••• , .•

ltP l;:/~ 2:U:l~~ BIt'iS'

. ,ll =8' + 16" +-5i2 +r-1024 +." .... ,

It i:s to be remarked that fOfw'ol;tpl.·actieal lJurposes" iL, is


gene,raUy f:n:dHci{~llt to put 'fJ= .;. OF ~b'= -~: For lG=li,i~!, 45Ia,~ = 0',0432139, and (~.y'= '0.00000015:, .sO' that th,esixth -decimal is not afie,cted by negleeting the second term.


ART. 6.· -=U.; NAGA:O:KA.: THE]NDUCTlu'liCtE

Looking at the table'" of q,we find that,q varies from. 0 to O.~n5 us r Jnereasos from 0° to 73°.1; sirnilarlythera>llgo or ljl is from. 0 to 0.01, as r dblr3illishe.s from 90(;j to 6;7°,,4.

F'or ,the calculation of'the mutual inductance of coaxal eoils, it ia thereforo convenient to use (4) for'. values, of' q from Oto 0.15, and {4') for {it £1'0.1:0 .0 to O.01.,\Vhel1. 21 Is very. SOlan" we can write (4') ill the form

:Ii' i {' (- I' .) }'

j,!10 .. . . ,I __ . . , --'- ".:"', ." _.' - f. .'

-4-. y'.A .' =:'2(1- 2 ).'i '.' lOY'lll, .. - .. _ (1+B!'h:+el)~4.

7r. ..a - i'. -,~.q_J.,. , Q, •. - ,


. ,- - .8.' ". :~+. 3· ·2····· . :~4n", 4+ ,.10 _ 5 _ ... _. (3111)

e"l - ~'1b I - fb -v~[, ':tio'lJ! + ., .... ,..,":11 ' •.

§ 4. For ftH:ilitt~tin,g thecalculation of mutual induetanee, it would bell convenien t to eenstrnct fhe tables of ,thefoUowing quantities.

I. 'Table of q-' ~ from. q=O.02 to 0.15, and of t and 1091:0 (1 + e) for the same interval.

II. Table ofe:! 3nc1-€/=8q_/-'£1 £'01" ~l=Ll.Ol to .q1 = 0.00.

These tables 'co vceall values of r from. 100.2 to 90Q, thus -cnabling us to oalcnlate 111 for any value of ..4" a and 0, \vitbolllt using the tables of elli pUc integrals which by ordinary methods of oalenlation must always be resorted to. The s[le,eial ucl.vautage of'tho f()rmul~: (4), (4') or (4") lies rapid convergence; we may also dispense with the calculation of i" which -is a gl'ea't disadvantaze of the method usuallv employed,

,:t..." r jj. ttl

'rile foHowingtahlcs have beenealcu] uted by Mr. C. H,a:l'~u:la~


O'JM:O O~Q42 0.044 0.046 0.048 It050 0.05'2

0..0.54 o.~056 (tOGS

0.:060 0,062 O~064 0,066 O.Qi.1S o.~(Ji'Q

, 0.072

6.074. 0.076 0. • .078

0:.080 '1).082

I 0.0'84 0.086 (),OSS

0.090 0.092 0.004 '1),&J6 0.008 O.U}()

: 0.00000.156

, I O.QOO' 00183 0.,000 00215 O~OOO 002451

, O~OOO t)0291

0.000 OO&3G !)~OOO 001)881 0,,00000144 OJOOOI)050'1 0.000 00517

0.00000055 0.00000r;r41 0.1000' 00836- 0.000 00041 0.000 01055 Q~OO(} 0.1:081 O~OOO 01:31$ i).GOO 0.1468 ueoo 01~6,SO' 0.000 0:1807 O~OOij' 02000

18 86 95,

105 114 126 137 :ItS!) 16.,2

.177 193:

00.000 OOj~6 0. . .00000931 0.,000 00112,2- 0..000 01.339 O~(i)GO 01,588 0.:000 0.1868 0.000 02:186- O~OOO 0254::1 0.,000029'38 0..000 0S8S0

(tOOO OfJ810 O~(lOO ,0441 ij

0.000 05006 0.000 (}5660 O~OOO OH375 OJ)ijO .07]06, 0 . .00008007 0..000.08931 O~OOO 109933 (tOGO 110'1.6

aeoe 1:2185 0.0001344:4 O~OOO ].4798 O.QOO 16251 (}.OO01'7808 0,.000 19474

.: {tOGO 21253 0,000 231S2 0,000 .2517oj!· 0..000278.24 0.000 29609


0.0000 00332 . 11'[ .. 1 O. oeo 00404 ~I


0.000 00487 III

o.~ooo 0.058] 'I

0'.'000006'90 ·ill .0,.000 OOfU'2 'I

o.GOO 00050 ]

o~ooo 01104 '.


0.000 01'276



i I



1 ~

OJ)OO' 001681 o..OOO®19.15 0. .. 000 012174 oO.000®24.5L7 {I.O(H) 021,a9' O.()OO 08108 0.:0000847"7 (~~OOO onS7S 00.000 04814 0'.000 ~784

0.00005293 0.000 0'5838 0.000 00420, f).GOO 01i0.37 e 000 0'773.1, 0.00008457 o.o@o 09.2~9 0.000 100M 0.000 109.32 O.O@O 11869 o.noo 1:2807

g 13 16 21 20)

3.1 ~~8 44 1)3

61 7'2 83 94

10.9 1:22 lfl,8,

154 1'72

. 192

2lS 2'34 :2:59 283 $.12:

,I 38i9

009 !I'

,101 I

436 47(jl'

,500 ~i4·5 M,9

631 676 ~24 7'1'.2 825 878 [1:37


- - - I



I !

I q-~~- I 4 I

__ I -!

~ .. --. -_ .. , .. ,,_. -"I ~-- .. j- .. -


0.100 : 0.000 02000 l

0.101 0.0000.2102 I

0.102 0.000 02208 ~

0.103 {I.DOO 02:nS I

0.104 0.000 02433 I,

'0.105 0.000 02552 !

0.106 I 0.00002675 I,

0.107 I 0.000 .02804 I

0,108 0.000 02938 !

0.100 , o.eoo 03070 l

I ! !

O .. l1~ I O.lll •

0.112 I 0.113 1


0.114 0.115 0.116 0.117 0.118 0.119

OJ 20 0'],21 o.l2'l (U23 0.124 0.125 0.126 0.127 '0.128 0.129

0.130 0.131 0.132 0.1.38 .0.134 0.la5 .0;136 0.13', O.lS,Q OJ3V

0 • .140 0.141 0.142 0.143 0.114: 0..145 0.,1,:16 0.147- 0.148 0.14'!J o..15G I


0.00003220 0.000 OSSU!) I.·.· 0.000 08523 0.000 03683 i 0..000 03849 !

0.000 04021 I

0.000 MID!.! 1

0.000 04383 1

1 0:000 04S74 ! ! 0;000 04770 I


I !




: 0.000 04n74

I O.{IOO 05184

0.000 05402 0.0000.5628 i

0;000 05S60i

0.000 00 100 I' 0.000 06348 _ 0.,000 06{)03 0,,000 06868 i 0.000 07140 1



~ !




i i j


I ~


0.000 Oi'420 0/00007710 0.00008009 0.00008317 0.00008634

i 0.000 08061 0.000 09207 I 0.000 09644 0.000 ] 0001 0.000 10368

0.000107116 0.00011135 0.000101&36 0.000- 11947 0.;000 12g70 i

0.000- 12805 ~

(tOO!) 1:3253 ! 0.000 1m 12 ~

'1 0.000 14185 I

o~ooo l-iG70 i, .. 0.000 15168 j

; I

280 200 299 30S 317

327 j

336 ~

389 401 411 423 435 4·18 459 473 485 4fjS

0.000 482.:13 0.00044814 0.0(1) 46438

OJl.{)048105 ,ii

0.000 4.9816- 0.000 51572 J

O.Q()O 5ua74 '

0.000 1),?,22'l ! 0.00057117 ' (I,OO@ 59060 I

'~ 0.000 26501 I 0.0002'7392 ~ 0.000 28800

j 0.000 2tH~30

;, 0,000 30188 ~ 0.000 ~n158 i '0.000 32156 0.00033178 0.000 342,24 0.000 3,5.295

102 roo no 115,

11:0 123 129 134, 138

14.4: 149 154 160 1,60 172 178 184 lUI 196

204 210 218 226 23:2 240 248 255 265 272

(),0002g609 0.000308013 l o.eoo ~m033 I 0.000 38299 ~, 0.000 Mtl02 ~~',;'

:1 0.000 B5th12

~, 0.000 :'li321 ~ 0.000 38781 I 0.000 40H16 ~ 0.000 '11694'

I ! ! ! [





If,'. 0.000 M052 0.009 ,68093

i, 0.00065184

i 0.000 67 :12;7

0.000 fI!J522 I 0..00071769 , 0.000 74n70 1 0.000 764.25

"0.000 78835

1 o.OO{) 81301








:~M:7 :357 :11}7'

0.000 83824 0.000 8640;) 0.00089044 0.00091742 0;000941)01 0;000 97321 0.00100202

0.001 OHI4.7 I O~OOl 1)6100


! 0.001 (lV22S




~I: (1.001155':(0

, 0.00118842

i 1),,001 22181

II' 25590

0.00129069 I (tOOl 82618 ~ 0.00136239 I 0.001 39933 i (},OOl 43701 ! O.OOl 47548 ! ~ !

"I .----


0.0001'2857 O.(JOO 13376 0.00013909 ! 0.000 144t~n t 0.000 15025 I 0.000. 1560'7

~ 0'.000 16205

I,', 0,000 16821 ! (tOGO 17453

~ O,O@18104





0.00018172 0;00019458 0.00020103 0.0002(1887 (WOO :!1629 0.00022391 a. 00023174 010002:3976 0.00024'199 0.00025642

I !

! ~

! 0..000 H6MV -i 0.000 ~~7509 i

I 0..000 3865:1;,

, I) 000 m}825

I 0.0004102:1 I 0.000 42:245 i 0.000 4;~96 ; 0.00044773 I o..(}OO 40mB i 0:000 '17411 i

1 ! j




i i !


0.00048773 O,.000501H2 1).000 ~1{)82 0..000 530g0 0.00054509- 0.000 560]S o.n{)Q 57557 OJJl)O 59128 0.000 ~0730 0.000' (J,2364 o.oao 64030

I !
I .ti, I
! ,
I 533
.1 550
j 5136
i 582
:~ ,')98
.! 616
I 632
ssr 1
'I G68
, 7015
1 7t4
': 762
j 78:J
j 802
! 8'7'"
1 843
~: 8t)D
j !lOS
! 1130
I 0;}3 ,
I !H5
! 1046
i 1071
-~ 100:4
i 1120
~ 114.5
! 1171
I J224
. 12'71
i 1305
i 13U3
! I
~ 1362
! '1,[;89 I
! ,1509
~ 1602
~ J634
, 1666- I

II. Table of !,1 and ...... er.

!h !i'li 6. .... ·a' ! :~
1 I
0.0100 0 . .000 03160 193 0.000 7,6840 1499
0,0099 f).OOO oa061 92: 0 .. 0{)9 75·341 14M
OJ)098 0.006 02,975 I 0.000 7,38fj7
89 ~ 1471
0.0097 01000 {)2886 g9 ~ 0 • .000 72386 1455
I 0;0006 0;000 0279,7 SIJ j 0..1)00 709Bl 1442
0;0095 eeoc 02711 R4 0.'000 {}9489 14;28
().OOO4 0,000 02627 83 0.000, 68061 1413
0.0003 0.000 (12544 81 neoe 60648 1399
0.0092 0..000 02:46:~ 78 0.000 6524'91 1380
a.OOlll 0..000 02385 7S 6.000 t63R63 1310
0..0.000 0..000 0.2307 oneo '132·49.3
7·6 1356
O.OOS9 '6.1)00 02231 '74 0..000 61137 1342
0,0.088 0.000 02157 73, 0.000 59795 1321
(L0087 0,000 0.2084, 71 0.000 58468 1313
0.0086 0.000 02013 69 0.000 5711)(. 1299
0.(1085 O.MO 01944 67 o,@oo 5m:J56 12:85,
0.0084 0.000 0:1877 67' 0.000 54571 1261J
Q.O{J83 0.000 111810 M 0.000 5m31)2 12~W
0.·00B2 0.000. 01'746 {ii'). ~).OOO 52o-:t6 .1242
0,0081 0 .. 000 01084 .. 0.000 I)OS()i!
0 .. 0080 0.000 01.622 6.2 0.000 495'78 1'2:l6
60 1212
0.0079' 0.000 01562 59, O.QOO 48366 lllJ17
0;00'18 0.000 01503, 06, 0.000 47169 1184
O.Off17 0.000 014&7 55 0.000 45~85 U69
0.0016 I 0.000 .01392 51': 0.000 44816 B.53
CtOO75, :1 0.000 0:1,3>37 .[) 0.000 431)63
62 114.0
0.0074 :i 0.000 01285 51 0.000 4'2523 H2iJ
.0.0[113 0.000 0123-·1 51 0.000 41r.flS :n09
0..0072 I 0.000 m.1S3 0.000 40289
, 48 1000
0.0011 0.000 '01135 41 0,000 39193 1081
.0.0070 :' 0;000 01088 0..000 38112
, 46 1066
0.006.9 I 0'.000 0'W42 o.~ooo 87046
I; 45 1051
0.0008 'I 0.000 00991 43 0..000 ·&~99,5 1037
0,0007' 0.000 00904 OiOOO ,:341958
0;()066 0.000 00.912 42 0.000 3~W3G 1022
O~OOO5 0 .. 000 00-8,,2, 40 0.000 32928 1008
I 40 9192
0.0064 1:1.000 0083'2 38 0.000 31:9,36, '078
0.00133 0.000 00794 ,37 0.000 Hoo5S '963
0.0002 I (WOO 00757 ,37 0.000 29995 '94"t
0..0061 'I 0.000 007'20 84 0.000 29048 934
0..0060 I 0,,00(1 00080 0.000 28U4
34 918
0..00.59' .1 0. •. 000 00652 33 0.000. 2n96 903
0..0.0.58 Ii coco 00619 , 0..000. 26298,
, , 30 890
0.00.57 " 0.000 00589 0.000 2M03
0.0056 0. .. 000 00558 31 0.000. 24530 873
0.,0055 I! 0.000 00528 so. 0.000 2'3672 858
CWOM !, 0.000 (10501 27 0.000 22827 845,
28' 8~S
0..0053 0.0.00 00.473 26 0.000 2:1999 814
0..0052 0.000 00447 ~'6 0.000. 21Hs5 798
0..000,1 0.000 00421 0.000. 2OSS7 7



0.000 02866 0.000 O~5173 0 .. 000 Q2296 0.00002035 0.000 01789 0.00001559 0.00001845 0 •. 000 {)114.6 0.000 Q09H4 0 . .000·00797

acoo 00646 0.00000510 0.000 (1039'1 0.000 00287 0.000 00200 0.000 00128 0.00000072 0.000 00002 0.00000008


fit ii1 ,I 11
0'.0050 0;000 00891]" ~ 24
0.0049 OJIOO 00874 23
0.0048 0.000 O{)W;2 ~ 22
0.0047 OiOOO 00330 ~ 22
0,004'6 0.000 00309 19
0,0045, 0.!000 00290 ~
i J.S
OJ}{)44: 0.000 00272 I 19'
0.004.3. 0,000 00253 i 17
0.0042 0;000 00236 I 16
O.OC).U 0.000 00220 ~
i 16
(i),OO4O 0.000 00.,204 ~
O.D039 0 . .000 001B9 I 14
0.0038 0.000 00.1:76 14
0.0037 0.000 00161 t 13
0.0036 0.000 00148
0.0035 0,000 {lO136 I 12
0..0034 (i).BOO 00125 I 11
0 • .0033 0.000 00114 .. 11
I 9
0.0032 0 . .000 00105 10
o.oo:n 0.000 00095 I !J
0.0030 0.000 00086
O.{I029' 0.000 00078 B
0.00'28 0.000 .00070 7
0..0027 0.000 OOQ63 7
0.0026 0..000 00056 '13
0.0005 0.000 00050 ,6
0.0024 0.000 00044 5
0.002.1 0.000. 00039 5
0.011'22:·· OJIDO· OOOo'14 4
0.0021 0..000 00030
0.0020 0,000' 000-26 4
0 .. 0019 0,.000 00022 3
0.0018 O.OO() 00019
0.0017 0..000 000113, S
0.00]0 0.000 00013 0)
0.0015 01000. 00011 2
0.0014 0;000·.0000.9 2
0,0013 O~OOO 00007 i 2
0.0012 0.1000 00006; 1
0.00'11 0,000. 00004: . ~ 2
.0 . .0010 (101)0.0 oeoas ! 1
0.0000 OllOO 00002: ~
, o
0.0008 0.000 00002 ,
OJlOO7 0,,000, 00001 I 1
0.0006 0.000 00001 0
0.0005, 0.000 ,00000 1
0.0004 0.000 000.00 O·
0.1)003 0.000' 00000 0
0.0002 0.000 00000 0
0.0001 0.000 00000' o ! l

-~- i-. ~~~-~~-~7-84-· ----iI'

~ 0.000 196·03 . .

I.. 0.000 188M ~:

0.00018080 738

! 0.000 17,342: .' • .

I 0.000 1(1619 723

! 0,000115910 709

, ~4

0.000 15216 077

0.000 14639 663

0.000 1387,6 648

0.000 13228 032


617 .0.000 11979

602 0..000. 11377

5S6 O~OOO 10791

0.000 10220 .~~~

'0.000·'09664 541

OJ1IOO 00123 525

.0.000 08598 511

O~OOO 00087 494

0,.000 0,(,593 419

0 • .0000711>1


0.000 06650 448

0.00006202 4'"'''

0.000' 05769 0.)

0.000 05352 ~6~

0.000 Q4:D50

. . . . li'A 886

0.000 0456·t 371

0.00004193 355

0.000 0.3838 (HO

0.000 00498 OOA

10.000 00174 0.'f~i:


293 277 261 246 :230 214 199 18.2 167

151 136- 1]9 104 87 72 56 40 24

I ·1


§5. The eol1owillgtw()exampll~s will servn to illustrate the present method of calcnlatlon.

(1) ForM = 0.34202,01:= sin 700, we: ,nnd hy. (5) q-:O.1310618

Tab~,e I gives ,[091.0 (1+ s) = O~OOO3758

P~rlect calculation gi vee ZO!llG4 'It ql =1,77542:42

By addition [OSlQ 114 =1.7758000.


which eoincides with-the value found by 1:{,ax'well,who calculated it by using Legendre's tables.

(2) For i:=O.9g,70,641=sin 860." W(~, "find by ( .. 5) fit;: 0,.0003048'651.

Or from (5')


~- :=0,000 000789i)


~~k"~=o.!ooo 0000024 ,10.'24

91 =0.,,0003048651

which is the same as found by (5) Dy dlreercaleoletlon

l~gn (~l. ) =' 8.115378 !h '

Table n giV'1lS -C' ~ II:;:!;O.OOOOOO7

Consequen,tly l .... Sq\ +$'~ -1.,0024382

and ] -'2q 1-0.99193903

as give,n by 1\IaxweU ..

It may be remarked that a slight ,eHsadvantage ,of' the: present, method lies in the . f~ict that ,(j'1 must a\lliw~ys beca1culatec] with gre,at acc1..u:acy, however small it may be.


§ 6. When two circles arc near each other and of near]y equalradj'i, :fGO that Z and 'J/ in


. ,A=a;+,w ,

nrc smaU,t,he mutual inducemee 1~1l bo expressed in a series,

11,' .AI .1" Sa 1"1 ,Ix , W+ 31J~ ~!I+3an/~ .1 . 'l,1

UJ'Q= "t'lZ''((' .. og' -.-- .' C -+- r- ~ _. . + " .' ,; ..- "'. t ... + ,. ". "

,"~" 'Q n 1,Cr'.~ 02',~s,

", ~l '\.I~' :____'. U~IJ. i.l .~ If;' ~'

. .41 - -'.' { . 2-' . 1 :~ I. ,3x2, ...... 1Jc &f- 6x'/l, '}'

+ . .,,--"1 ._ - - -- ,_, - + ~-,.. 418(,~~" '+'" ,_'.' •. c';··.·.' .....

-.'.~.,,~ . , -:2- - . ,-' ·.16'.·· ;)

_'Cl -,' ':'ct".

as shown by Maxwoll.


'We can easily S]10W 'that (4t) can be so transformed that it

coincides with J\fa,xwell"s eXIJTOSsion. Evidently

. ~


k'2 ' ,7i'~ , (jjJ;::' t' 6,,'+'-3:')+"·

11- ,~


-'SI 11

' .. ' .X +1

t'!<TjIk-,' o""e .,J,l =:: _. _ .. . . .

.:' ~h:M, 1", . (' .. {i! .' §

.. '. -".' o. 2".1: +~~~'_:".'+.·c .. 1t) .... · ..

.;;:,n ,'I ~+4"

. . a :_a~'


'1 8" ( '_2' ")" (. 1",,)

" ." ..·a .' . -. ro.. w 4- tr . . '. It'"

'].00":- r - , ..... 2,ZOn ~,--+lon "l+.~.·+ .; . -IOni: 1+, "<-.'

C' i'i "".' ,;{ " a',! 4a.2, j'J, 'J

~I If ' ,__ _'. , ,j;_;

-.' (. \\C 1 W'ii :3 ar'" )

y A.a ,=:i ttl,.l+~n· _. :8" .(~ + ~ 4S":Cf?- •.• ':: •

Tb first, approximation

;fu =4~V'Aa~ ,~.lOlJql.,:. (1+ 12!11)-2(1+ 4!b) '}:'. '

l , , 1

and by expansion

.~,- a : . Sa

~ / Au (. 1 + 12.o~) If'Wl1 ,~-

v .. :.L '" -;, ".

:8.···.a· (., ,... . '2 L ," .. '1 .--s + '!}-...A:)

,'. .-" t , 1 • ''''' • .m T i,J,'1/ ~,!;- c '= '')~"rf .

=c, log- -- ! 1 1 +.~ -~.' + . "." ,_ , '-"'. . .. "- .....

• 7' 2a 16ag ~J2al!:·

c.-(l + IPn: .), (.. ..". ".s' .), (.,... ... s +- .",2 "",(ro2 + 9'lJ~))'

"'(,I. Aa" . I 'i'i:l:1.: go " II+- _ +_ .•.. ~ .. _ .'.1 =c=,O!: ~w."._. +- """~~f -+ """':'.' '~. ~_~ .' .

If '2, fI, a: 4a:.! . :24 Sa' !)6a$ '.'

.. .

+v' ~ (1 + 12ql) log .. ,,(i i + . .let:.) = -,a(" re"'+u'J _w {W2:+?l2~).·." .. '

,. -- . 2 --', ,. n Ii ..• 16';' 3';2' ," ,I

, . ~ -, ., ..... ' .. ' .... ""

,_. • _~. " :. _._ "~1 .:' ._~'~



A.d,ding thefJe four expressions, we obtain fhe £or~ula (S)ag given by MRxweU.Proce.ecling" to the second approximation

M. = 41-, r; Ios •. & .... J·S1+ _.'w .. +,xZ+3:if~o;_:+g~x~l+ T7ar+42a:S~?f~15?t".t

o ",.a; ogrl 2a 16a2 32a~' lOO4a~ - " S

'.'. '.- -{.I .. x .. ' ,Sx .. -.· ~.- y'JX3 - 6.'. x y'.!. __ 19:v~:+584.,- .•. ::t 1r .. ' ~ 9Bi(!I'}". ""'_" ,

+41ta. -2~- ..... -+ - l' 6- -:li~~ 48 ,:1 ~ ------~:1-4-4- 4 . ' (6 )

, wa . a -~··a ~',- ,-a _

T'his extension of Max,W'elP's formula was nrs,t giv'cn by Rosa andCohel1.:!l),

II. mu.tual ,Inductance 'of Coa,xal Solenolds.

§ 7. RctllTningto formula (8) for the mutnal Indnctanoe of two. coaxal solenoids with the number or turns per unit leugtl1


11, a nd n/ - wehave

JI . - - -

ij.1._ ,bJ; ~1,", .(.Lv <.', .. (.If",.


8ubstltutingior, (2) " the int,egraJ ean he easily tra:ns£or,llie<l into

JJJ == 41r -rr: _ .I~C;~ C08t/!fl~ d'll "di! ~ _

- - - --'- . ..... ~,' ' .... / -1~,+" '('ts+"~ ·( .. i_:f/)~ifJ:2: 1'(.i"_..,V-l th

d:-," -l '0 "y ,L;J: " .' . '. T - ,..t,jL "'"..." ,

_, _ " -df,d+vf-'+U!, .1t Afa2 sin2 t/J' t,l"Zdt"d¢J

~ 4.~ non _' " .... . '. " -(I '.iji+,-;',)i+ (.' z:_; ~I'f- ';2:' ACt oos ~,~")·I"

,d'-t'-' (IT

IIltegratingwHh respect to z and /I,

1J1' == 4n m.'.lJri (l1-:h, _.:: 18 +1.)



,~ "fl Hir/'~;ifJ',I A2+-i:l?+c~~2Aaa08'¥- ,'.~

1 ~ Aa .' '-'·---(Ai+(t~-'·~'2LJa C08'¢I)~"'-' ~- dtp,

ill - . ,

I =-,11 for c:=(il.+ 1 + II 1

= I',l H c=a-tZ-·l' ,

= 1.,0 =a._ ,Z + l'

'~ N }




-- ,~

12 ,ART. ,S.-II. N:A.CfAOK .. \: THE lNDUO'..c:A,NC'E

1 call be wr,itten

'r,' 2f'..., sln2,p do/) , ' " - ('8"/)'

.+ c' . - .. -, - -"' •• ""'.

, " (.tP+all ...... 2Aa coe 4'),1 A2:+a;~:,+,{,2':"2Aaoo8¢.

cos¢' = a~ +"


. _ 1+t9

ea::: -, " •

- '.' (l'"

so that


~~:c_ 4 (' .. 1 +.:-B,r'.3'J).

g"" _ 0, C' e ~ + .. J' ::: .+. c ,,.If).... ~

_2-~"1 -'"z·'!.'a' -I



'-~~.-',fl' '


so that

lit,,; . __ .. _

and let

.cP'" ., A '9" . 1'" U") ..

, ',"" , :,"" ,'> ' .. , ."."'. "'-

, "~ '~" 'l.'£.I' -, I "~U _'v

. . . " _. + (1. 2.. i 2 (..-: +_. .

P v::;' . '2 A(t (l'- = f) ,,Aa (J.-~. -- ,


, ('A' 'W ,~,

'. h' . .-,-'+ aJ +(l'" r ) ....

W ,e:noeC1 _,-cs :; ,4Aa. ' 'I,. c~- ClJ; ,



(10) .



. - -

By simple substitution

1 fllOs- - . . . - '. J'. ~ I-llJ---Q(.l.Bptt~IPU, c

. ...= . l.l-{il:- 2a{3 p~'~U~fJ~:l') £Z.l~- (p.'. 'v- 01). .- - ~. J . ' .. ' at'"

Aa, la' \. . . . .. '.~ ,. I I j)V'_'P'U

W"JI 00.2

Since :i~'u=: _~P'f fit; +. l~~(j'Ptl;nd l/wz =0,. 11 ~ = 0,

( .e, ......... '). .' fUlS e"', .

. v-- e· . -, -, ., ._ v.

~""P_" ... f.(1~ff'-2aljpv-o.17'V) .. '_ •. 1'_. dtt.

rlv -" . - .~. pv~pu-


A -" gam

1~· jS2 -- ~f.lt9:l'J;v - (_fp~v = -- a~ (iiV~' (2) (pv·_ Cs.). 'rhus by integration

...... J('g~ .. ,,) .. -.' . [lV(' ,,' ··1 .'C:

1= 2t,));l, .~ Jrli.' (rJ'~ +jJV.'1l + . 2-<1'1. V-,C-Vi;' (v)) •.. (11)

This expression for to 00 substituted for' 11, 1'J" l~ afi:(l lij in (7)" fore\'ahmting the mutual inductauee .lil of coaxal solenoids,

§ 8. EvIdently the flrst two tel'ms. of' 1

( ~~-lrv)wl

and PV'~I,

are easily expre.s~dby· means of complete ellipt,ic Integrals of


the firatand. second kinds, while ~hc third term corresponds tc to an in.tegra] of the third. kind 8,11(1 . forms the chief tUfficulty in calculation ..

lntbe reflned experiments of the present Clay" :3 formula w hieh admi .. ts o·r exact ealeulatlon is found essential. 'The usual fornmla for 1ll expressed in terms of elliptic integrals of three (lifi'el'en t "kinds is not easy to '~va]llate. . .. Th.e calculation 'O:r the integral of the third kind" 'which is usually. expressed. by incomplete i.ntegrals ofthe nrst and second kinds requires a good deal of labour, even when Legendre's table is accessible, as it is of double entry, vVhen the integral is; expanded iUP'O\V'81·S of 1;, ,8:S. in Russen's formula, the convergence is. rather slow and the calculation of successive coefflcients hythe formula of recursion is not easy;' ID. place of tbe nsnuJmet.hod. of reduotlon, the: evaluation, by means of the g-series:, '\vhi,ah is rapidly convergent; may be used with great. advantage.

,§: 9. The expression for l:ill the ebove form (~1) leads to eumbrously Iarge values of fh and pfJv,so that fbr exactcafeuladou, His convenient to reduce the above to a simpler form. It can be thrown :into val'iollls, forms sodltable for. nnmerieal calculation,


1 &/1( . .0)-,'.

-, n.... ~o~~

=- ":; ..... 1·- -:4WI -"(lO')' J

we remark thu.t the first two terms in 1 involve ,a.::,; the rcoeJficirent of aJj elther



B t" (}.i~ .2(3~+ 1)1 . h .. ' ..

-, u .~'-~;:::::; .. !).-2'·" w·' e.nce

v va

..!'(·A2.+. e!l;) m'j' (:)

rh· _ .:s., '_ . _ {7' ._'. -,- a· .r'~.. .~,

-. -,--~p' V~,e:l'l¥.!L~--- .~~ + .~~~ +-,- (t-.

,f!. .' .• 'J;." ~ 4AA2J'l.~ 2a ,_.,J; - a ~(J.'"

v ----, __ ~~. Mr 'i~'" '

. rr

P"._ L)'._ ~ - _,en Ll')' - p'.'-

v '''.l- 4-.- A. " .. ··2-··';'!' _'. H


(A + ... -)~!l;

_ ; '_, ,,",,.1". (L.,,- .( •. , ') _ D'

p'V~ef!. -Ae2~ea ' ..... .£9i " ' 4·a . '.'

we: easily uncI that

dl{ _A2:+ ail) __ (2''0'- el,H (pv ,_ e2)+ ('{JV-e::~)) 4,A.!{~,~:a~ -'2'


,+,~+ .~-.,.,...;~

a ga~

Con&lequently the Qrsttwo terms of I i,ntb@pa:rent~esis are

( ) ( -- ).- .011'(-")

r/'J _ .', '. _ .. ;.... -.- I' Y2 _, 'l " - ,- .'. _ 'P'V U"a' 0,',

~ .. --ptv. 'flO. ~pv.7J' 1-== -.,_._.q), v~"eiP. v .1~!9"-·~ .• _-.· - ~O.·.' - =-

~ ,. . -- ~ T, . . - "i!!' .l."" ,'. . .• 4 )

. u _. , . _ 'u"- , .-' (d1 ;" ('/,0,


('-' ) -f} "(0)'

g., . '2. ,---.'. - FV', II ,".'

== ,'6; '-p v-' 63fi'V11,(91-4(lJl ·liJ..of

{12') .

The quantities within the parenthesis in (1.2) and' -(12') are


€!RSUy calculated from. thekn.own dimensiens and pos:it'ion of the coils, and.


-. _ -"."(.1 +.Qn ... - .. + .. '2'· fJ .•.• +. o'n ... "+·. )-. '9-

""_'~.~~= ... ,Jl .. ~" -,'2,' 1,1.~I::t '''4I'tI·,'

2,/e.l- e3 - - -



&r(g~4q4+ 9fl+ .•. ) 1-'2q+ 2~t- 2lf'+. "0

F9T longcoi1s., dlreet calculati():nof fh. involves ct, whi:ch is in COlD vell]cntl y large; but in the above iorm.,ther,e only -remalns cP.A( or C2,:(J~'l" and the expression becomes fre,e of. one source of' error ~

Anether advan uage of theaboy,etra:nsformatillcis that we ean check the result of calol11a~lon for the terms (-~.-- ~'v) {/1ll +'pv.,~ by taking either form requires little labour as soon .8S ptJ-e1, p'V-,e'_2, pv-e'3, are once calculated. By summing these;ntities :and.b,oticing that ed"c:dr,fla=O, we find pIi_; mutua] subtraction. gives e1- e:u t:[-e$I ,e2~e3; this again leads to the evaluation of q~ which.Ie ,generally verysmaU. These being known, ,(Ot and eonseqnently 1):1 js.calcmlai,ed. by means of the fo.rmuloo already given.

It is also w-orthy ,of"remarktha:t

or .'~ . -p2v- e1.pv ,

ean be expressed in terms 0'£ d ... funetffions·by utilizing the formnla



(1).2 '.' _ pv-e>.= ~-(V') ;

where A=I,2,:3.

§ 10., The numerical ev~lu;a;tion of the ,term p1v("lv- (tlr~{v)) requires little explanation. By ,mca,11.IS, ot' the formula'

p'v= ~,!4{pv- e1) (pv-,e2) (pV-6;1) ;

ll'v ean be calculated from the val~es' ,o£tne three quantities under the radical ; but it is more aceurata fo calculate it by the relation (10.)

(.42 ",.22.

.' .4,--I~

p'v,,__ -1i- ,'_ -, _ . :;


S- ·


it is neceJ!sSary to calculate s from, the: known values 0:[ pv,. Praetically the quamt,ity within the parenthesis is D1early equal toL so ,th,at only for very aecuratedeterminationa is, it necessal'yto,tnllc'le tbefiirst term, of l;'s into account.

Ill, the, presen t case' e2<p'v<e,; then

}_ 'Ve,- (}s l/jHI-e1!- t(e;=e;-';.I;v-~··,e; gC08~~liL1,-gOcQS6:rw _

2 '~e~-~ 68 Vp·v- e~+ :V<l1-,e2 ,1~lJV~,e~ '= --:1+21cols4~-+~.~~·-=8

W'rth great approximation

_--Os C'Ui!i~7tUJ::=- -,

.. fl

since 9 is generally small; sometimes (c08'4mD m.ay Cllreras a small 'oorri6ction. Knowlag ,8" we can aeenrately ftnd ,cos2'1l'm,= ,_ OJ.


w enee



«'. : (11) - >;~'" = i~( .J t;: ~ - + 4Q"y'1J ~ i {l- if(2T> -1)) J (13)

in which the term. involving" Is g,ene,raHy negligibly small, and the whole lex pression is nearly equal toii~ in most pra,eti'ca] eases,

Aahol1.g~. the rexpr1essionB (12) and (IS) a].)pear abstruse :Cor, numerical calculation, tbe calculation is not so la]bo'fi .. ous as In dooHng with a formula iuvohling" incomplete eHipti.c Integrels, even when Tegendre's table is accessible, iTaking tbe ease (z·=o, 2l=200~ 2l':::20,.A=15, a~10,]I found Jll=4m1n'x 6213.51,0> which. eoineides with the value deduced from Roiti's formula,

It is evident without proof that the formula, given by:V:irbimu Jones lor a helix. and a eirele, and tho formula arrived t\L,t by Russell for the: mutua] inductance of' a eylindrical current sheet, and a eoaxal helix can be deduced in a similar manner, and e:xpressadin terms of .p ... functions,

§ 11~, For the sel£~induetan,ce:of solenoids, several formulre have, bsen ded need _by diff'OI.~en t phyiSicists~ ]They generally assume (ume·r'ent forms according as ,t.he solenoid is short, or Iong, lfos,t of them are, however, complicated and not suitable for the use of experimental .physicists and engineers. In the foUo:wing Lpropose to show that the self-induetanee ofa solenoid can be easily calculated by tabulating a certain eoeffieient 2. Evidently the self ... , i nductanee of a \'!ery long solenoid is gi:ven by



L =4ITn~x Area of' Oross Section x Length

where n. is the number oif turns per' unit length ; for' solenoids of ,any length, .i.t win be shown that

L c --. 4i:m2 x A.I'ea of Cross !Section x Length x 2.

where 2 can be tabulated once for all as H, function ,of angular aperture or of the ratio of diameter to lengtb of the solenoid. 1Vhen once the .vallL1es of ~ ar,a known. the ealeulation is greatly fa,eiUtatecl, as the r'est of the operatioaIs a simple multi plication.

§ 12., It has already been shown in. '§ 7. that the mutua] inductance 0.£ coaxal solenoids


Y'l here 1-: ;2[( ~:! -I"V}"1 +pV'1}l + J)~' (1)'J.iV ~·Wct· ~'('U»)J (II)

Theesse wb.ic]l deserves speeial uttentlon is, when the radii and the lengths of the solenoids coincide; Le., when (Jl~o; A = a:: l=l:', n=''Ti. In this special casa,1I1 is transformed into L


"",1\ ,.LI.IUS

L.=I.· =2~j.··.~el(e'i~eii)-. e3(c.I-e;:l) .. ' " l.'

. 1 . -l .-1 3 (1).1 + e2'J)1 j

IT" 4a

. :l~.J:I= •. ~.,_ . '. 01


Utilizing the relation K

(0.1= -,_ ~ ~'--~'. ,

. y'e1-es.


where It and 11 are complete elliptic integrals oftbe first and second kinds resp., we find. .that

4: ,; 2+Z2.- ,

. X,,'='"'''' .:.~':)-;,'.'- a ... '."~ '(E'I K + (a2_ rr).E)',. ,

.• ~ a-' , . .'-

t; -k=-3.'~"iJ~·~'~ (l2K+ (a2-IJ)B) _a3 .. 1•·.••.. •

al -~ .. ' j



which is jdentieal with the formula 0 btained by I ... orenz('~ and!

Cohen .. (2),

11-12: =:,' . k~:r {k'2 (K- E) + vs: -l"~J .' The self Ind uetancc of thesolenoid is thus



A· f' O'S' t"

I. I . . 'I - - : -' -,~' :; ~.; :- r: I~ I i I

= 4itN~.' rea. 0 ... "Ji o~;. ,- eol~.~_ 2



where 1fJ is the total numberof wlndiu gs.

P· tti , °1 a;' k . '. t It"" 1 t - - u _ lll!g J~ ~811!,(;(, tf/a,...... -r :Z;~kT Jw-es~e . '. l1a"a lei equi va en .•

tria semiangular apertullte of the solenoid .at· the cent,T,e.' Thus .e can be generally expressed asa function ~£allgular aperture, Inprac:tioe,it will be convenient to tabulate il·as a function.

t .~renz,Wit>d.AnD.,. J,p. 170'. 1879' ~ O<:nvres, 2:, p .. 19tt

"J' T' '., ,n.,II"e"" "1')'u111 'D'ur S·',n-d 3· .'. ~·og. ']110

~ .LI.Ii. 1IJrJJJ, ',,:.., .Ll .~I .. ",D. I, .• : -.lrdo!U C _I.,~I ',' ,tl P.' 0. ,.U, : ,-;1 - ..



Thcs:e tables are given ,at,~he end, of the


§ 13. The coolllcient fJ can be expressed in various ways.



- 4 1 (' 'k"}; lifE .),

~==-, '. ' -.~", .. I. _ --'.- -.- ,,- + ,E-1t ..

' 9... 1.;1 '" '1::. ,;17" . ~I

,""., Ii.> . . Ii- V{~


4 1 ,(..0 (k/11) '.' "

='-;3. ~'-~';=--./J I -'O·.'lr,.~-k) ... : ,.

c".... ,I' . 1.1 '.'

1 ,J·i· , ~ '. 1","Jtl"


"fhe, .expressien (19) csn be conveniently used when the length isvery large as compared with the diameter of the solenoid, while thesecond expressien (19") wiU be found u:sefu] when the said ratio is very small.

By d:Hfer,e,nti,atin,g thepower series in TG''J :for E

we ~,- a. h '(1' 9- ,). " . JJ n _ ,_ y _ . .

1. {' .. 4- .( 1 ))J 3 ~:(' ' l.3 ')2 5 ,1:' ,( .. , 1.3.5 )}~ 1 1#

~1=k,,1-'3n"~-'2"~f·-i--;~2::~f'· -3'~,~f"",2:.4.1) •.... ',' 4' '5,=

_ ('.,.,1.3:.5,"'7,')' ,:2 9,; , _~ ~(." 1 •. 3.,5.7.9",_. ),211. __ ~."','.".'1~ ,}.,

~ , 2-4 6 8 I "'_ 7" '. 2' <1 D' 8 10' ,I 6'"' u-~ - ••• ' ••.

. _ 1.- _ .' _ .. c ,,':.l '. _ -, _-~. .. - • - ~_. ' ~" ~1 I


For eonvenienee in ,caloulating the coeffieleuts, the fonotVing table ;a .11' d .:J no-l

Jl:Q I_:_~',- ,U\;i'~~~,

22 ART. 6.-· .II •. N.AGAOICA.: '.raE, IfNDUCTANCE

lO{;(fo[ k2J --~ .1S,740313, l09'lo[ lc~] ,==,~~5S37'681, lOY1o['iiU1] ..... 2".0912009'"

ZO§llO[ 7t4] __ 2.8 9g78 '90, l0rJl0[ 1..~=2.283890'B:t lOU10[kl2] ~S.92807'77.

The above a/eries is only 810w]y convergent when the angular aperture is large, so that Itsapplieetlon ,is limited to, small values of. ,(l.

'The sec,?udo'Peratl'on (19") above i udica,te<l ean he applied to the expression for E under the form given by iSohlomUch.

~. 7"_' _c-_ ,(., 1 ~.:I;!,-c a .(.. 1). 9~~/';i_c_ (. i.s ').2 5 .~.16_. ,,- 4

E-l+2 k +~4~2~ k + ']~;40 7;+ ..... ,.)loYl(l


_ _ '%l "-f~ _ ( 1)" ,2 3, C- '." .). '1,,, __ ( r 1.3')"~5( . ' ,.). '1./6

~-2-'''- '. -!;f'l· 4'S2+;S4 'Fe --1-2;.4 _'I ,6' $!.I,+8&' Iii - .

III 1 1

$~ =~r-7:f +-3- 4'+ ., ••• , .. -"'2';i"


'This foxni111a corresponds tothat usually given for short solenoids. The above expression can only be used for values 'of I.}, close: to




§20. On aCC01l111t, of the simplieity of calculation in series proceeding according to powers of ,Tc or l{ t the two series (20) and (20')a.bove given will ,find special favour among practical seientifle men, but the limitswi.thillwhlchthese:dc(smay be

'II .,

safe]y :appBedis so narrow that it, is necessary to' deduce other

series which can be easily used within a" 'wide ra.n_ge in the value of' ai, For thls purposaexpauslons in q-series ar'espceiaUy to be: recommended.

21"') o

Starting ii-o.m the well-known @xpfcssions(l)

K (K- E) = 2,f,q(1 +2q+ 4Q'~ + 4q3+ 6q4 + 8t + )

'l _

K B =~: [i + 8t (1-- fl';.:+ 4t:i- fJlf + · .... '. )} -

7"'K" 2,_, A-'No'+'-4'.n3+,' V,ii;+'-- 8,,./1 _L ) I,~ "l..., - ·~j:;li-\~.t-, "'::t---:-U~" _'. "-'::L'-'T"IIi""I!!~oI!l",.'

we easilyHnd by (I)-

£! = 1_~!j4,- •. ~~:.~_. +2q+12qi:+44q~+116~i+260rt'+5716!'t+.; ...• , (21)

u~'~ ,.~

Tho limits of a, within which the aboy€. series can be convenient ... ly nsed ure wider than jhe expansions already glven ; Iora=4,5° 5'7u:~ii = 0 . .000003.75, so that the values ofS are right to abc deeima] places for the above argument. By the way, ~t . may be noted that for the same value of' «, the term affected with llJ in (20)~O.0001324J' Burl the convergeney .of (20) is slower than that of (21).

§ 21. In order to arrive at expressions" which would give more exact value.s of1!" it is necessary to trausform formula (1'7) into ~functions.



'We flnd



X-,R _ 1 19'0"'(0) ,_ 1 b:u"(o)

k -4- ,,-, / ,',' .. _ ~'~., 1Jlo)~ '--2;!'(8,,~~o),' I '. '-;lJ~_I(',O) •• '-

·' :IV "'1' ~~; "), ' .... \, .,


Exprfssingthis in terms of q"8" we find for U

'-7 " 2' ) _8(q2+3q!l+ 6gj!2+,'.i)

e - ~3(l- 2g + 2114 ~ '2</l 11 + -- --1 + t+ qG; + qi~ - .

8{q~4q'!+ 9,~t-,: •• ). 1;/2;! __ 4 k + 1-2q+2t-'2~l'+ i,i" -_tL3-S -"B,tt l~'


The above expression is applicable within 'wide limits of ,a" and, is rapid'Iy conv,erg,eut; although (/2 is retained, :it is generaUy sldneient for practical calculation from a,~ 0 to a == 45(') to snpp,ress terms beyond 'it. For a;:;45°,. t'::;:O~0000034'91 and t=o . .oOOOOOO066'" so t'ha,t, between the said limits

wUl give values accurate to six decimal places, which is superflu.ou~ in practice, Si.n~ce c~ - cot~{J. enters into the ca:lc111ation before finding q, ,it would' be more convenient to retain it i:n this form than to change it into a q-series.

T'onnd an expression of 2 in. terms olga, hy· which tll(~~ calculation of self .. inductance for valnee of, a from 45° .t;o 90° m~y be easily "effected" we hare to lexpress It and K-E by meana 0·£ «(1s and iJ(,Q,TIYS •.

S- t,





ftT'iO find bv ('l,r-:,CC)

'¥l'"" lLI..l . Y ', .... ,

. 4 k: -s~'ll'

1! l' [{"(' . S~!l12+,3qIG+ 6q~1~+~ )'" ,7;;'<j,

•.... = "3;;yq~(i+gF+ql+qll12'+ ... y~ r • 1+ - ::f+Ql+g~ii+'ql12 '- '7~2"

8(q:I-4gt4+ :9'1/'- .•• ) 1 •• 1 .,.' 1 ." 'h/2 J" _. 4 l~

+ -'I' ". . .,';il ,.'. 7 ~- I .- 7l0(l -:7+ 1- --:- • ~ '·~= .. I .'

.1- 2~11 -t 2:ql ~ 2ql + ,n ,2 !b kil: .'. air k

For practical ca;lClllation,i t is su ]pe'r~ftno~s 'to retain te:rnlS beyond gil; whenee the simplified expresslcu fo,r .2 becomes


o 1 [. 'I' ('}" .... 8'( ? AI .. ,,). )" .le''1. I S(q I: ~ 4,qioJ) '-1.' 1 1', 1

.-' 0_ I (.' '-2 " I .. ' II, ' . + - 91 ,~ "..Ital '. " '-ci .. ~ + ·~lll '-2"0 +-" 0) ..... 4.' --:0. ,og .~~.

d~V ,q! \_1+qlY" ".'., . TO. . - _c'::H . ~qj, I ... '~I:

'1:""'J" 4 k'

,I ~.' jl .':- ,J"

+ l,~ -~'i;!"' .. II-"u _, 1,.1'·

ur,; ,~,1r .1"


It is needless to remark that, the eonvargsnee is extrc:mely rapid. The slight ineouvenience whieh is felt itt,t'hecvaluation of the

above expression is due to the presence of the term .' ..... ~. ··log 1'1.1 .. , .. '


E,ven for small values of flit it mustbe aeeurately known ; in fa,ct,

we shall 'have to push the calculations tor ql to several decimal

. ,

plaees, \\' hieh is quite unnecessary fbr fillclingthe values or rl s, for the simple reason that the expressiou contalns terms, multiplied

'b" 1_ 1 I' . l' 1 f 7 'I

y =» --log '-.. It is convenient to CU!ICU ate (b trom 61, W aere

. :,/i; (jl .

,.... 1- y7c k:!2

~I; ='.' .' , .. _,= '.""., . •

. 1 +- _/7~ ( ·1 +., ~. /'1.." )2 ('11 + '."').

--' =v N I .. .' ,""'IV .'11 . _'_ , Ibl I

Tbetwo expressions (21) and (22) for ,e, in terms of ''1 and. qi resp, wiU enable us to calcnleta fhe self-induetance ,L 'by the formula (1.8) with a.ny desirable accuracy, 'while for practical purposes, the simpler expressions (2:1') and (22'), will generally suffice.

§ ,22~ Th,e a.pplication of quadric transformssion to the elliptic integrals whleh enter Into ~ win lead; to an expression, whieh is expedient. fOor the! evaluation of the eoe:fficiel1t" but for the use of physleists and en gIn eers, those already given would 'be efficient fornumerieaJ. calculation. It would however not. be out ofplaec to notice the different ,gn,tes"which Eu:e ~pen for expres .. sing Sin, ,R convenient manner,

§ 28. The fbllowin g n umerical examples are given for' the sake of comparison. of formulre (20.) and (21)

For «=4,5°, formula (2(Y,) gives

1 - 1.00000

-[ J kil::. -0.18150

- [ I k:· ~ -0..0111153;

- [ ]] kl := -'O . .oO{'27

,_ f ] he. -0.00120

- ( J 1\10= -o.oo~~ _',[ ] k:U =r -0.00013

,0:186:9:8 '1' 1'1"'''''

kI :11;1" . ;.:;011

4: 1.;. 0; A~',IA

_. _ ~ - ',..-';1...1_:

3ft 1:,.'

The, fourth fignre j,s slightly in error as; formula (21) will

h- sow.

For a == 45°, ''1 == 0 . .04:32,(392; by formula (2t)r



1 == 1.0000000 ,2'1 = 0.0864278 12] a =: (l,02:24093 44q I == 0.0035509' 1]6q":;; O.OOGY104,5 2l}0r]'~ = 0.0000392

~7'6qe;::: 3760 ';B"I:h =


-4 It. 3n 7~'"

].n2S35{~ ~' O.4:24U,32

This eoineides with the yalues found, from (2:2) or from (17) by using Legendre's tables of . elliptic int,egrals ..

§24", ~{ost oftbeformulre above deduced admit of easy calc L11 ati.on, but when the values o.f i for differ,enta's are enee tabulated, they win have only It theoretical interest, In the eyes, of praetleal men, tbeI'esult of the various calculations above giv~eu forflnding .£! will be of Ii t,tle: value, when the: tablets constructed.

:The following tables. of loglo !; and. .2 as fnnetiens of ,(Z were caI:culatiedby_!vl1\G. 8u,gimQt.o from formula (17}, by maki:jfJ.,g use of Legendre's tables of elliptle integrals given in 'Exercises" vol, 3. It is given for every degree .of (1". but in pr,Dl,eti.ceit will be more eonvenient totablllate2 as a function of

Dla meter '2a

tflll. ~ --:r;e"u gth .. ~. 21-

The last, table givles f.with tg a as argument, It, was obtained frcmthe .ibreg,oiugta'hle by iuterpola.tiou.,


(I. "1 S Q


10· !'

1'1 II

- - Ii

12 1

.. - I



13- l'fl 17,

1S .1

19 I


~:!i 26



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3 ~ 0"978 1m I -"007 1681+'000 003111 S ~ 0·:875 1.28, ~ -'006, 'SOii +'000010

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_' I 0096' 3 825 ' .:. A' O'86~ 822

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wound, 'withwir'@s or strips" inasmuch as the calculation is based on the:", eopposirlon that the solenoid forms a ,cylind,r:jeal eerrent sheet, In the praetieal problem, we haNe to' take into account the: thickness of the wir-e and of the insulation, fo.r \,~h.ich i,t will

be necessary to add emalt correetions to then[lmbers· whieh ure

obtained :fro:rn tbe tables already gh'l"8n. Impo'rtant formulse a's wen aatahles 'to 'meet, sueh practicalproblema ha ve been ealeulated hy Rosa{I)' ana 'Cohen(2).

(1) Ro~ Bull. :Su.r. SEood.a.tds, 2, 16,1) 19'06; 4j 869, isoa (2) Cohen, TI:ll]J .• Dill'. ·Sttl'lldaIds, 4, 183, 1908,.

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