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Owner's Manual

Customer Identification Card

This is another feature of Volk$wagan Service Ihat adds tc your convenionce. Just present this Manual wh,ne'r/fl r you 510P for S81'YiCijI ilIl veur Au\hor1zed Volks ..... Qg-l!l1l Oeoaler. "{lOur IdentificaliQn Card wlll Q1J[ckIV fUfIlish the service Advl$81 with your nama .and addre:H I:md ell p'ltrtinent vehlc:.fe datil.

Volkswag.en Owner's Manual 1968 Models

Warl'8nty \loucher for 'lh. ,new VW liIutomobU.

T~: ___

Ch ... i. No. _

Engine No. _

In eeeereeeee 'With tht term, of WIIHI! my pdnted overhNif.






I (Stunp, or $0I11~

I VWPU'llIfl

.i. __ ._. . .,__. __ •. _'w.,.~., •• ,.,i

The' w.I)Irranty comm,I'J(;i,Hi It tne date tn & 'NJ autcmobile is to' 1M o:ri;]" l!flptJ rcnasar,

",Iz. on _

eTa lb. tilled 1n by MIll!'!; WJ ~-II1iI:e.r)

iii n d covers iii per!od ,~f 24 month! or tna Q:&r1C1d before thll!!i VGhi(:;l8 h'$ tU:fen dfiv-en 2.4,000 milt.s" whieJu~ver event .sharI firs:! CKlClJr. ShQuld a nv wa rill nolo; ctaim I!I rise, yo IJ ale r-EIQU65il-ed te SU bmit th is voucher to your f Oeah3 r.

VO LISWAG.E.N 0 rAM E a! CA. ! NC·.

No warranties, express or implied, as to Volkswagen vehicles sold in the United States are made either by Volkswagen of America, Inc. or by the manufacturer or by the selling dealer. except the following warranty by Volkswagen of America, Inc.

Warranty for new Volkswagen vehicles

FrM Or' ,.pr.c:6ftUIlr'lt In United Stat •• and Caned. ot d.rec1J",.

for 2.4 mont"." 01' 2.4jOOO mn ••

M.lnt.n.nC41 and 'V.Ud.don by own.r roqu1rN to k •• p warranty In "'ect

1. WloA WllffBnts that avery VclUwi!lgen \l'8nicli!! Imported bV VWoA and sold 0lil5 II new va-nled. tc a ,otail eustemer bV lin IIIIIJth'O'tz'1!Id Unltad Stali!ls. Volk$w;a;g(lln cflt!!et will be free from defects-in materiel and workmanship under nctmal use and $srvlee rer 24 mon~h. after the dete of d&liv!try of 111Et vl!lhk:le to 1h& ariglnl!!ll I't!Itl!l_iI easterner Clr untll ~I'I. vahlc~ l1a8 been driven 24.000 mile!. whi,chlMllr comes Hrst. This 'Wsl'i'i!lnly;s limi(ed. nOWlWef, tOlh, following: If iBnv p,al1 of me wh.icle eeeom liS dar&cli~. duttng this' p*,lod undt.r nOl"l"na I' U$EI iii nd HNi~' 1I nd; the vah lcle il brough11.o tha- workllmp 0'( arrv il!lLlLhotited Votk$wlIge.n d.e.!er in the eOlltlnlnlBI Unlted Stoles, Hllwili3 or Can!-dllll" Lholt dealer will, witi'lout c;her(ls. eh:ne-r repair the d"dective pGrt or replace it with 13 new or factopY rec.otldil.!onlEld par1.

2. In order to keep thiS warranty III effect. l~' Owner mu:st do two lhings:

FIRST; Ttl, owner muSl havlIII 'hEl vEI:hlcl. mehnained and 5erv~ced '" pre:s.cribed in tna Volkswagen Mo;nt ••• nce Schedule. (S ... page 56.)

SECON 0: Every twetve months dUfirlQ the warr'nty period the owne, must obtain from an authori~ed United St.'le. Volk..swagen dealel" ValldButHl Stamp 0" the Malnlenance CArd 1.0 .show that the vehicle he" been maintained and serviced ~n accordance with the Vo[kswag:l!!ln Maint8nanC8 Schedule, Validation w)ll be made upen pre.sel'1ulltion of bUll 01 ether evidBnC4!l slJffEch!lnt to satisfy the deafer 1h8. the required service IlliQd melraenance have been performed. Tha validated Malntenance Card must bo iubmltted whenever I clelm it mlldu under this warranty.

3. VWoA's warranty d005 not cover:

(i) Defects, dim-Bilge Or detorlorstlon due to norma! use, wear and tnt or &~j;lCI:S\Jre; Cii) norma] maintenance servlcel .. S\lch as fue! system 'Cleaning and wheel, braka Of eJuteh adjuStments: (iii, 1,tllf!' reptacernent of' servtce heme, 115,. for Instance, Iilp.llrl( pl'ugs. Ignition pojnti~ V~beltt. wtper btadu Cit brakl' and c:lutch 11 nlnliJ:i,; (i'll) d'atleriorati.on 01 uphotlt.ery. &Oft trlrn end ef,'lp(!laraI'K:6 items; (v) dims fill or defec:ts due to mleuse, aneranon, n~'Il'lig;l!!InCtl or eccldent; .llrJ (vi);rtl or d ef&c:tl5l du f to lhe r'pair or the ~h i-chill bV someone ether 1han .. n I'IJ tho riled Vl'Jlkswe "en d eerer Or lh& Inst.aHal!On oJ pam ot(,,,,r titan Qenuln& Volluwl;lgll!ln ~8rt5.

Warr.nty out. Ide U nheel 5'1111 •• e,rldCaAad.

Let us explain the warranty ...


4,. If t~B vehicle Is brought to an authorized Volkswagen workshop outsld. the c:ontlntntaJ United States. Haweli or Canada, VWoA's warranty wllJ not be applicable. and eeteenve Pit1$. will be repaired or replaced free of charge with new Ot fa~ory r&Conditiol"ied ' onlv within the terms !loAd. limitlill(ioruil af 111! woIIIrranty far n ElW Votk.sw!!lgen ve-hh>.tes r n effect in the 'COUI'IW Wn&re suen EJ LIlhorizi!ld Volk&wi!l1Jlllln worksl'1op is looated.

5. This warranty I. In lI.d of _I. oth.,r .Ipr ••• 0'" implied warr.nti •• of VWoA. the m.nutactur.'rand the •• llin8 deal.r, Illeludlng_ny IlI'IpU.d warr.nty of m.:rchantabllity or fitH_ •• fot" any particUI'i.tlllr puwpoo ••.• N .hh ... VWoA nor the m._nulacturtlir •• aume., Of' authoti:r: •• Iny penon to .... um •• IOn It. "half, any other ObUga-tlOA 01' n.blllty.

Volkswagen of America. Inc. ts proud of 11\8 quatiry of automobiles it Imports. II warrants new vehicles for .. period of 2 years or 24,000 mila from tnllll date of pul"(;ha$e. oomeili fItst. In g&nerallt'k. complete vehicle including b.lnllllry Ind tires;s covete<f under the provislon-s of In. Vorks-wagsn, N&w Vehicle Warran't'f.ll will be hon,ored by anv Authorizllid Volltswi!lgen Oeal.r In !Ill 50 SUites" the Oi~trict 0' Columbia end Cen,da.

This warranty [$ uansferabl. if the owne,ship of the vehicle chllnges withIn the lIbove period,

In Ord.!f to keep t~e wirrenty in Jcrce, you 115 ttlt owner of the vIIII'11cle have Cl9'('laln 1"8spontibi1lties_ It tlli Important that tl'l. vehicl. be maintalned IPrQ~'lv· 'ro faellitlue reoord keeping. thi! bookl-et I'rovldllG on pages 56 to 5-8 Sipaoe 101 li.51ing mllnlElfll!l,I"iCie lervices and oil ch.nglB'-S !!IS til'lllY Gre peiformed. Mlllnt.n&n.c. s.Alee •• h.ourd b. "ri'orm.d by Allthorlnd Vol_k.wIIU.n DHrI'tlllr." The., oner with tlialr t.ot,ory· tr.lned Volkswagen m.chanlc:s and specl •• toOl .... f •• t, .fAclent •• rvice In aCCgrdanUi with Volk;'l:wag.n qUllhy t;ta:n.d.rd ••

ValKiatlon Is a ,aquiram&nt of the Vol1Q:w.&gen New v.r,icra Warranty. One yea' eftlH ttle dete of delivery, the warranty must b. validated 10' the 11600nd vear. Tn!, can be do-'n. !It .any Authorlz,ed VQIk.~&gen D8!11er:ship in tn. USA or Canada. For tnat purpole~ you s-hQuld prMBO'l to the Autl'lorl::z:ed Volksw".gen Dul8~ t1'I! m,[nl-enEHlC>8 I'tcord for vour vtlhJde. Provkltd Ihi!lt maintenance Arvil:ea and oil chaftQ •• w!lre pedorrned IJl accordance with Vcdk$weglllln $pI!IcifieatiOfli, dated bills of other than Authomed VolKswagen Dealers win be accepted IBiS proof that U'lese seMen were performed on tir'J\t.


No'ull (epai~. adjullm8nu: and replacements. however, are ttl. result of defects in matonal Of workman:s.hip. There are olher circumstAnces beyond the control of the manIJ1acU.n$r that might make II workshop vl$h tieceuary. These depc!:nd meinty Oil where- you drlva {lnd how veu drlvo. Thev would include w81!1thet and atmeapberte conditions, varying road $urface." individual driving ~i!IIbits and vehicle usage_

For .xampl., yOu .re required to pay for th. lollowlng:'Onlnea· :lfirvlc.el find oil Ghl_n,gll!li.J,

Wheel .ngnmeRt and wheel bl'lanclng - the frequency of s-ucn services deU'ends on driving condldoll5 5uch as rapid ,"larts al'ld 6ctOPS, tire "id~ ding. hitting pot 1'10'" and curln. etc.

Mec.hanfcal lIdjulitments - Including- br.ah,r clutch, d,IlCl' loc-k.s ere reQufr'ed IiIS iIII m!!msr OIl normi&1 operation of a motol vehlcle. Thtl protects you against eal'1y or lI)~pensive rllpIBCfl-m&nt.$.

B,.ak. and elutc;;h IInlng.s - are dirflctly affected by dtivino habits' el1d use. Th& rillplaeemerrt of these Ufllngs. end tile reconditioning or bfake drums. should be uerforrned When8Vf!f necessary.

Spar:k plug. and Ignition point. - ,roE! liiubjlB'd (0 W&.81. Periodi-c r"e,plec:ement5 ensure vou of m,g;tr;jnl1Jm Br.;infl pertorrnance .and gasolln-e economy.

Wip.r bl.des. -lif& 8)(pecLlncy wfll vary widely dlljlendino 01'1 (:nm~nic c:onditions. and ')etent ot use. You are t"o best judge to decide when th8Y s.hnl)id be replecee.

uo.,t bul b .• and tus.a. - s re HMce items.

Painl. chrom., convertible lOP, trim and other IIPpe.r.nee Item. - ate. affected by normal we.!!t and ... pOSUI •. Plopel' cere 01 these 1tems can acid to Ihell I!Ippaaran<;e and dUJBbility. (fmperiection!51 llllre normally appalent during New VehIcle _pre-delivery irUipectio·n. For your protec-tion. phl'ilS6 report any Imperfaction 10 you r DeBle r i mmedl,tely after yeu neuee It.)

n .... s .nd batt.tles - ale subjlK:t to wear. If lhere is :&I defect you pay ol'lly for the amount of USia vou have gOlt&ft_ An u.cljustment fot tires is: basad QIl the remaining t(Gad oePth, for batte.rie, on time used based en 36 motlth5: {If seNice. This 1-' known as the pro·rBU, method ot adjustment.


Gl!!lning acquelrued Winter operation Care of oat . .

Minor repairs ami edjusrrnants Trouble shootIng

How to fu bricate

Tectm,Lc,a1 dala •

IdEillufltiiUion plate. Chassls and Englnft n1Jmbera • IndOl( .•.

L!J brleatlon iii nd maintenance Maintenance Record.

22 24 28 JB 4() 47 51 52 54 56

All pictures are of the Volkswagen Deluxe Sedan with four speed synchromesh transmission. TIHt te,;l In the Owner's Manual is based en thiS vehicle. Where the contr'ots. equlpment and technical data ot the Automatic Stlekshi1t alld Convertible dlffer considerably. anentlon is drawn to the. dlffe.r-onoe.

Speoihcstiolls ate subject to alterations w~lhO\j[ notice.

ThiS sticker assures you that your 1969 Volkswagefl complie, with ,II US Motor Vehide Safety Standards which were fn effect at the time when the 'Vehicle was produced,

Volkswagenwerk AG certifies to ffie dealer that this vehicle conforms to all US federal motor vehicle safely standards applicable at time of manufacture.

Tile tir-es of you r Volkswagen conform to the US McJ.[oi' Vet! iele Safety Standards, When purchasing reptecement tires mllke &lJre ll\a, they show rho Si&Me s'p&cHications lor tire $I%.e. load carryrng ~pac:jtv etc.


Getting acquainted

Jt ls advlsable

to read thii!l Owne: r" !!. Manual caref"uUy. You will then, get to know vcur new car ~Ltlck:IV I!IItld will be eb1e to start o'f1' on your trip wrrh complete eonfidenQiI!I, VOLI wHl ncuce. your Volkswu'gen ha& many feliltt.lres designed wtth your s.afety i" mlfld.

The first pan of this manual deals with the operation of your Vol,kswagen. Everyt,hln" about winter drl'Ving. tips on Cilfe Clf the Vlhlcte 8nd numerCIJ_' poinD on CD rryl ng out s.mall rep, ;r, end, dju srmente &rlll given 1111 the eeccnd hel1. It further cont.lna Information on lubrication and malnt.r'lance~ end ecrne inter'8sting tech· ntcet dete.

Addltionally. tnte book contains the warrantv voucher end the terms of warranty ee well &5 B punehc8rd" for the fre&-ofcharge maintenance urvlca .!lind II mainten ence sen ad u ~e. An Il!ll!lsy~to~ ule malaten line. record prolylidu a stamplng nefd. so you C8n tell at Q glance when a maintenance &arvlca ;$ due, The 1it8mp:s in the square, show that the oil changes. and maintenance services have been cer-ried out regularlv.

Only one kay

Is ISQI,I i red to Open tile doors iii nd stan the el'lg[ne. a 1& :5 ur& the k,8Y number La recorded In the front of the manual. If veu should lase the kev, yo:u can obtain a raptacernsnt from your Authorized Volkswage" Oealtr.

Sit down and make yourself comfortable

When d,rvll"lg. you mu at be co mforta bfe, Tha'l IS why tP'le Volkswag-Etn has !!iap,(IIrat& front seats which are built so that you can alter seer position and backrest rake to $uit your requirements. This is qult8 simple - just 11ft the lever et the front right hand side of the Setal and $Iida 1 he seet fOM&rd Or bB"t:ikward. Afwr ,dj-u;1 i ng, be .sUI, th e se.;1'1 is 5ea.rrelv I ocked in posi lion.

The oeccest angle et!I(J. ersc be set to teu r dffferenl angles by tumfliQ the lever; T~ tl"lem our untH you find tile angle which suiU! you best.

w,rd. To relee •• lho Io<k. i"sl pull the i<I10b on the side 01 the b.!lck:rest upward,

As a .s:afety remt\J re. 11'1 It bl!lekre.s.LS or you r Volkswagen ere secured .agail"l:5t tilting rOf~

To taka the seats Out, un nook the ooil spring u ndemnath the seets, press dawn \fUIl IEI'af spring on lne rig ht run nera and .slide seaLS 10 we froi'llL

The doors ...

can be closed mOle easi1v if 80 window ls opene<l,lighlly.

1 - Vent wing fastener

To open the, .... ent win:g. tern knob of ..... ent wing fastener until lo(:king catch points In driving d]'&<:tion ana plJsh kno.b of "",ent wing fastene, lOnNa rd.

2 - Window crank

3 - Inside door handle

4 - Armrest and door closing gr'lp

5 - Locking knob

The doors cannot ee opened from Insrde Of outsl do un l.ass In& Icu::~'n'iJ knobs are raiS&d.

When leaving ine- vehicle, just Pless the loc1c;· ing knob dO'Wn end pull the trigger in the cuter handle as you close the door. The vehicle IS then locke<l.

'1 tt'le door clos-es by itself after uie locking knob nB.I been depressed. 1t will nOI lock: because the Ioc:'k:ing- knnb will spring up automatically. This is an additional I5Isrety m&aS'lJr€l 10 prtlvent you from bei I\g locked OIlJ l if tne door ;should slam iSh ut wnila tI'I a key Is still Jl'\slda the vehiele.

In front of you - the instrument panel

Even if it r-s not vcur first Volkswagan~ }ust have !I 'quiek. 1001:: at the dash end tty out the verlous knolls all d levers wtI.h tl'u~ ignition IW!tcluliI::li on:

a - red - oil :prfl.!Ssure

b - roo - 'Ilener.atof .and coolin g

e- bit] 8 - headright hig n boa m

d - green anOM ~ lIJ rn Sig nal $I

e- Hid - u.mlX!lfCi U,I re

Au IOm&lie Slic:ks:i'lif\

f - g.reeo;n - r'fa r window d.afooger

l' - Speedometer

TIl a follawi ng warning I i gtn~ aeu I n the .spCOOCl meter dial:


2 - Fuel gauge

The fuel {tlluga Io!. located In the s.pelKioms[Qr dial. When the ""diS is. on llne "R", ehera rs ~bOLl'l 1 g,non or fuel left In the tar"l't:: - time to. refuel at the ne:.t;l cpponu nity.

3 - Windshield wipers and

windshield washer system

The two-speed wipers .U& controlled bv tuming the switch. ThBY 'Part automsttcalty when :!Iwi1ched off. The ecnon in me switch knob control'S tha windsnfeld ...... 6she'.

4 - Light switch

Pull the knob OUt to the first. stop 10 switch On Ihe parking. license ptere. tail and Instrument lights. Pulling the knob out to the next stop, .switches the headlights on.

Tho tlir,lghtnes.s of [he In.s-tr,ument lights Ci!I n be IIdju.s.ted by turning tha Ugh t switch lena D.

5 - Turn sig nal switch

Lwe, up - 'i01"l1 turn stgnal

Levef down - left turn signal

The tum signals ere cancelled 81110matically upon completion cf a urro.

Pull lhe lever toward steering whllttll Ie ra I 1>0 or lower head Ii !ill ht een mil. A bluB w.rnlng light in tnll!l speedometer dial sn-oW$. wh-e I"t 1he h-e.adJig,tU hig h beams i!I re swiloCh ed on.

6 - Horn ring

7 - Steering/ignition lock

1 - Ignllion off - SlccrJng locked '2 - I Q nitlon of( - Slol!Jori rt-g fut.s-

3; - Ignitjon on

4 - To .t'~


Remove key from loe-k only 'When 'Vehicle is stationery •

8 - Fresh air ventilation

The vejume of rmsn air coming from the v ents - Sa - CI n top of lh.eo r nsiru mon· panel can be controlled by \u,ni.,o knobs [.0 lh. left o~(4ght.

Tum knobs to tne 18ft - incronin.g airUow Tum knobs to the- ri9ht - decrells.inga1rflow With the healing system ewhcbed on. warM air is also d~tlibutod thfOUgh these Ve!1t5 allowing vou to reglJlat@l the (ros" and warm air mixture to you, comfol"l..

9- Ashtray

To rem(WG ashtray, press leaf spring down and puU eetnrav out.

10- Glove compartment Tc open tum knob to l~e left.

I nsld e rhe glove comPEIctmarn r So the f'>EIlee 5.& fever - , 1 - for the from hood',

On til a cenveru ble the: glove com pa nmem Ifd c,!In bo locked. This prevents eecess to luggage and spare wheol by unaufhcrlzed persons wl'li •• the lOP is down.

11 - Release lever for front hood To r:10$8 the: front hood, just P'ftS.:S. it down fi rmly u ntil ..,.0-1) nea r jt ~jck.

12 - Wam;,nglight for dual

circuit brakes S" explanalJon page 16.

13- Emergency blinker switch

If the vehicle 1-5 disabled Or par1<ed under IJrTUJ"rgancy conditions, pull the $wilCh to make all four turn signals blink et once, A warnirJO light in the swilch knob blin'ks when .he :SYlotem is turned on .

14 - Defroster vents

15 - Release for fuel tank flap 16 - Switch for rear window

defogger (Sedan only)

The fear window defogger is actuated by (hi!i :switch .her sw~lChing o-n tt're ignition. The green conlJol 1<1 mp in the speedometer w~11 light up whe:11 th.g sV$tem [s In operation, After the rear wi ndO'W hn been el "'00. awltch c1f the rear window derogger '0 as not 10 place an unnecessary drain On lhe batlety.

Above the windshield

1 - Sun visors

You can lin lhe \l'1500r3 cut of 1he center mounli ng a nd swing them towald tho door windows. to Pfevent glare from the sleos.

On 11'11& Four Si3ater Ccnvenible the righl hand sun vlecr lnccrporates lEI ~a nily mrrror.

2 - Rear view mirrors

Outside ~nd inside- mirrors ,arl!lo ,djustable so

thaI they can be SIBil to gjo .... e des r ",isfon to dte r.e-ar at all um-e!. The outs:rde mirror is hJnged [0 fold nat upon oonta(ting anythlng_ The Inside rear view mirror 1.$ rimmed with ples~ic for s.afoty and designed 10 detach upon impact. II 1:5 equ lppee with at) a rttigli!l rl!I provf,s;lon EI nd cen be- adju$ the lower portion of the mirror. On tho Cotl-vertible. the height of the inside mi rror c;a.n be altsrecd by turning It 1 eo· so that

3 - Sliding roof

(optional equipment)

For .s.arely reasons, .he sliding roof crank should .alw.avs be in the HIC8!S, When closing the rool tUfn Iheaankasfaras it will go. then turn it beck slightly until it can be folded ,nto the recess.

YOu can sell} 10 l.I'le real property wtJen the top 1,5. cpen,


In the footwell and between front seats

1 - Clutch pedal

(Fou, speed svnchrornesh trensmlssicn only)

2 - Brake pedal

Vehicles with four speed synchromesh transmts.-sion_

2 II - B rake pedal

3 - Accelerator pedal 4 - Gearshift lever

Detefted instructions on Automatic Stickshift ara given on page 20.

5 - Handbrake

To release the h.andbrake. pull thEi lever UJ) slightly first and press the locking knob,

6 - Heating control lever

Lever up - heal on Le ..... er down - heal off

The heating wfll be- mere ef1ec1ive 'if you open erie of the vent wings 5011 ghdV ceceuse the ran cen then fOI013' the werm air lnto uie bcd'y Interior mOle easily.

7 - Control lever for heati ng in front footwall

The now of warm air into the front 100twelJ can be conlrollad :separatoly on each slde.

Push lavor (orward - open Push lever backward - closad

8 - Control lever for heating in rear footwell

This lever control$ the flow of warm air Into \~e reer footwell wtien the heating is. on.

Lever up - rear seat heat On Lever down - rear eeet heat off

At low temperatures it is advisable to leave the rear euttets otcsed w"en first moving off, Thla in ~ea.!j.&.$ the flOW of a I, to the w'lndsh leld tc p.revent !u'Eliming UP when humidity is high, As soon a.s. the windshrald los (:1I&a[. I.n8 rear footw.11 O\I~.t. should "" opon ed .0 tho' 'ho interior of tile body nests up tis qlJfckly anl:l un HOlm ly as possible.

Behind you

1 - Throwout windows

Optional rear opening throwoul wlndolHS inCfB.8Se the ventltetlan of 'Yo ur Vol~SW'ag'l3o, To open, loosen 1000I(i ng knob, pu 11 j,:n'Db 10 tl"le f,ont and outward.


2 - Rear luggage compartment

The rear luggage com:p:8J1;ment Is readily i!I cceee! ble If you fold the rear beroest down. To do .his. slmplv pun Ihs. :5\rap on the left hand sfde ot the back rest the safety catch. Aftar folding back again. the back rest Is automaticallv Iceked in place.

If V01J wlsh 10 carry tx!.ra large pleces of luggage in tbe sedan. you can strap the rear backrest down by hookmq the hold down strap to the $Mt support end 50 lncrea$1!> tho sizei' of the rea' IULlgaga compartment.

3 - tntarlcr light Sw~,ch positions:

Up - LI~ht on only whon

doorS are open ceorer - Li~hl oH

Down - L.iQtI t 01'1

On the Conl,lertrble tlH! IruertOI light II Iitted in the mlt'tOf braC~61 between the twO sun visors. The 5WII(:h pceltl ons III re:

Rig hI - Light on Cel'lter - light 011

Left - light on oflly when

doors ale open

4 - Assist straps and coat hooks

5 - Ashtrav

To remove e~htra.V', prB$S it down HghtlV and lift out. To put it bad:. in,s.en the Istmay at t!"lf!' top first. then push it in.

Seat Belts

EICh SiI!Iat in ","OIJ( Volk$w-Bgflll is &quipped wid .. a belt, Occ;upants or the veniefl'J: should wear tile bell' a.t all times.

Shoulder belts should not be worn by pef$OtI$ less than approximately 55 inch in height.

T'ns fl"ont sellts

Each f(on, ,eat is eQulppea with a combination lap/$houlder belt that IS ccreptetelv adjustable to fit dlffefe-nt size people :!Ind to allow for seat and baekrest EHljustmenl. When net in use; the lap seenon of the b-eh r'etracts. and ;,he belt should b-e hlJng on tne hook on lhg d oar post by mea ns or t he hole in tho bl1ckle tongue. This prevents the belt end from lying about. dirty and pe,mits easy entrance and exJt for the rear seat.

Operation ~ dowil end adjus;,ting the seat an:d backiresl pos-idon5. pull the b~I bucklo across: in front of vou to the center Df the car. lnun the buckle tongue- into Ih9 opening in \he haUling on the center tunnel ;a.nd PH!S! it io 11'iiJ htJy. A click: will be h""a rd when the buckl lit I Qcks. B8 sure • he b-elt Is not twisted. Pull hip belt through bud:fo unul belt IS completely unfoUnd from retracter and belt fhs 51m.lglv across lap. Take up an" ,lack by moving sJldl!'. Adjus.t shoulder btlt by pullLng belt until it fits snugly ecrees cheet. Tllke up any :slack: by mO'l,l'rng elide. To leng;lfiaJl erther seeuon or the bell. release buc:kra from houslr'lg, hold buckle at .a right angle to bett and !pull belt through buckle, No further adjustment should bo neeessarv jf the same person uses the eest belt e-a-ch lime.

To release the bilil. pull t,",>e un!od::fng levijl on the tunnel housing upward. Only 6 li'lilht pull and 8 .small mOv&ment of the lever is necessary.



The fear 5E1&te:

Each rea r Hat ~jj EI':I uipped with III'n adjust\!! bl8 Il!Ip belt,

Ope t:A'tl on ,: After :sluing down .a nd m.aki ng vouts.e-If (:om[ortable, pull the lo:nliler aecucn of lh.e befl a-ctoss In r,ont of you until tne buc:kl&s. meet. If"ISer1 ~I'I-e longUQ or 1hl3' cutuoerd buckle Into the receee r n the tebee I'd! buckle ~ nd press. rightly to-cetfJEK. A C"liek wUI h9 hei!lrd when

• he bu ektes i ntedcck. e.e is!.! fa the belt is not twi:!tl!l!l:L Pull boEll! ttacu gl"! \nlB bu ekle until betl fits; .snugly ill;CJCS.9 th-e , erea_ Ta~e up .any slack by movrng1he ;5-l1ds-" To l~ng'ti'li3"n.

• he- bah re[!UI:!i!l!l buckle. held 'bYckte 011'1 longt:r sectt Ol"i' tl I!I rjg ht ang le to ben iii nd ~u II bell ttuough buckle. No Iunhar edlusunern should be neCe5SEUV j( 11'1.& :B.!lm13 person USIiI'S tl'le s;eat beh ea-ch tLme.

To release the betl. pull the unlocking lever 011 the r nboarcli buck'll!l. 0 nly I!I I ight [pun all d a small mcvemeet of the I e'lJer is n ecessary,

'EaCh ,s·eat

is also equ lpped wilh EI thl,d mcu ntl ng pOint ic lac:iHUIII:fI eunsequen t i n.stalla.lion et com ~ b.inetiO'n I iilPlsholJ1d-e1 bel te.

Dc- not :tItl"'&P In; m,or-e, thlili1 one person willi. (Iii!! ch belt.

Cle!!llnlng: To keep bah51 clean. wash be-lts: 'With mild d8targent 'WithOut ,removing from v.ehit!e. Drv belts in the sbede end do not allow Iii! p behs to tel ra ct U ntll completely dry. D IJI net bl~l!Ichol" dye the bells 'or 1lJ:5E1 Il"Iy mater! B I to ctee i')I 'tJ'I eo bslt:!ii because scete of these I!I gents c:1!I n W-Eltt·an the! WI!! Dbing.

Check; buckles, re-:t~e(:tot&, and fittings ceriodlc<llly to me ke 5lJ re lhW fu nCllon eonectlv and b-f!lhs to ens ure thal t"e webhi ng' na!i net been dl!lml!lg,ed.

In the front luggage compartment

Whether you aft taking a lot of luggage with YCiU or net, IQad tl'le front luggage compartment first. using. the hea v last pieces of ItJ gg 8g.19' if possible. Tho correct distribution of load means lnl!l best load hofd i ng, 500 ta ke i!ldva of the possibilhies offe,ed by the VolkS"Nagen wit" its two luggage companmerlt:s.

The front hood is ope(led by pulling the lever on the left iMide the g10ve eoreparun ent. The front hood opens pertiaUy and can be opened fully by pressing the knob In thB hood handle. To dose tI1B hont hood. just I)r&$5 it down f1HIlIV unhl you hea r I ence.

1 - Tools

In the tool bag you will find:

1 fa. bell

1 hu b cap remover

, pair of combination pliel'S

1 :5Ier~Wdflver wi ttl fB\I'er5ible blade for stoned

and Phillips screws

1 epeo .. end wrench e mm 113 mm

, socht for plugs.. fan pulley and whee~ bolts 1 sockel 'W'fench 13 mm

1 for sockel wrl!tnches (alSO used to operet8 tho


Operation of 'he jack is de$'Cr,bed tOg8t.tH!H with whee! chElrlglng an paoge 2'9.

3 - Spare wheeL

It al$o serves air su~pty lor the wlndsh'eld wa-s.ner contains r, therefor ... the spare tire pressuf, should 0c(:8si,onaliV be checli:.e.d and inflated to 43 p.s.L The air flow from the spare ti r8 to th~' washer contain sr will b& interru pled if the tire pressure ever falls- belOW 26 p.s.L r.,l:s il done el,.ltomatic.allv by means of the flile r cap vejvs. As a result. the spare lire will alwe'Vs have the required pressure should It beneeded,


4 - Container for windshield


A!5I seen ElS the flrt er cap of ms container Is opened, the a I r su pp1y rio m UH3' :Sp<3 re tiea 10 the wlndsh ield, wash er container ~s i n1errupted by means of i!l: v 81'1,18 In tha rltl Ell C:C! e, The washer c;c.rnainer till n be fi lied compl-ete-Iv 'Wiln wa sher fluid. It Is .advisable 'to add! a cteen I ng Soll)llon, such as: Vol k$wa gerfs \Niiids.nieid Wash e r AruiFree%& .e il:d Solvent. 10 the weter as des r water arene FS usualfy (lot edeq ual'e to ensure that the '.'Andsh ield' i-s cteeeed qu iCkly end prope fiV.

Follow the di rectlc ns On the container 'or the amount 10 Del' used .•

After mling ccntelne. el1:9ure (hal the filler cap is .alwlIYs screwed on tightly.

5 - :Brake fluid ressrvclr

The' brake II LJi d 18\1081 .shotl ra ulwavs be ebO'/13 1iI.f! protrudi ng. .edge near tlla t,op or In, ~on ~ laine,. If lne br.ah flu~d level eve-r r.,lls; below ll'\is .dg~. tihe COfnpl'ete blake 's,y$tem 's.houhj be tl'lotou{phly 'e:Jwr:(l ln ed b'f your Au~horh;ed V'W Dealer.

'B'ra ke 11 uid 1S Wa\ef absorbs In and .50110 urd. th erefcre. be fa 1'1 awed everv .2 veers by an Autherized VW uceter.

Now you know your vehicle fairly well.

Further hints on what to do before driv.i;ng off and when on the move are given on pages 16 to .21.


If '''Iou ,81:'8 II!! Convertible owner youe.trOiJld' the f'anowing page fiflot.

When the sun is shining ...

you, can open the, Convenlble top without eHoM .. but on~v open It when it is dry and clean because sherp S)artlcle.s of dirt will damage t.ha material.

FInn. reiea 50& the I Dck:i ng leve ra for the top above the front 'Vent windows and fold top backwards. Pull lOP eOV9r and padding towards the rear and aut of the Iinkago. Clear headliner from I,n k.age ISO 1h at it does not gat ja mmed. Push In.@< locking catches dCWtl" Befo'l punillQ on the protective boot and securing it with lila press button$, press the lOp down lightly on

both sideSi until the smell ca'tche:s< engage. '1/I/tmn .sljd[ng- On the Prol80tiV9 covel, raise up top cover on both 5~de$ $0 that the top is ccmpletotv covered by the boot .!:! otheMlise there will be tricucn marks.

To close tne top. take the proteclivQ boot ott. Pres.:9 the tOP down lightly 10 that tl'le catches can be \Jnhooked and puf) the tOP fOlWard.

From lnslce the eer pull l.h (J top down to t" e windll:hield trarne with the aid of the l.evers utllil th.B gu[de pins eflg~ga in the windshield frame, Then guide the hooks into the holes (If the breehts on the windahleld teame and set the level'S"

One tip: As a las\ :step. open and clese the rear windows so that th.e weatherstri'ps. are property positioned.


Before moving off, check. , ,

th I!!I 'fu aL the brakes. the· Ughts and, a:t re gular In te N81:!., 'the ott level in, 1: h e an 9'1 ee Ii!! nd the tit.:!! infJ'ati on 'p r,9SSlJ I'III!I$.

Ths flWel

in the tan k, when lull, is :5tJ Hi clern ttl r 250--2130 m i lee. The riner neck is located ebove the rig ht front fender. HIs flap opens if you pull the '9Ieas~ 0 n the rig fu hand sid£l un dern.e<lth lilt} in !Htumen t panel.

The chc ice of fu el is. left entirely to you. The vorksweqen will run eetlstectcn lyon a II pasolin~s wnie;n fu I fill th 13' Dc.U1In n raq uil"€lm 11 nts of tl'l-e s n:gin-e-: (91 octa n 13' - R !tgi,ll a').

l f regular fuels w1\1"1 ~d equate entt- kllcck qu annes are not Bvail a ore, premlu m toets should be USM Of mixed witn the re.gular tuet,

Tho' brakes

should be chccaeo before dlj'ling off. Your Volk:swageJ'1 is equipped with i!I dual brake svstem. Bol11, systems. flO ru a nd rea r, C.;IIn runc1.iDIl"I lndop;8f1del1tly_


An lndlcetor lamp on the Instrument !J.e!nlell con trois the brake- svetems. S hcu 1 d the if! thcator ramp, light up while Bpplying; tile brakes, se.EP your Amhcnaed VW Dealer as soon es possible beea use 0 n a of the two brake svstems may have f.fli~l1d_ TI1 e brak'l3s will still 0 perare, howev,",r. a longl;lt dis ... ance is rsqurred tlJl bring \ne veonrcr-e to. a halt.

P'I.,! sJ'J indr caror 'I arn p e fte-r swdc n[ng the iQ nhlon. I J [n.& I'e rilp does no.llig nt up. \ne bu[b sh OU Id be re pi e ced.

PIEI(Jte bear in mind that brakes .ar& s.ubj.ect to wear. An increase in pedal navel will Indicate this We-Sf. Depending on individual operating eenetttens. lh.B brakes may h!l'v€i to bell adju5l'Eld belwoen SfI>elcMled m a in lenan!:.'1!1 i I"IItclV2Ils_

The lights

lncluda heodlights. back-up lights, tail ILght.S. lic.en.Si plat-alight. turn :5ignals. ana broke lights,. The tu rtJ.!lif gn 211s, brake I igtl1G and tU~Gkr up lights muS:1 be checked with the igli[tion on.

If a turn signal is defecuve. lhe warning lamp In the speedometer dial flashes much taster than usual Or goss out. The brake lights. on'v worlc: when the brah pedal is de-pr9$$@d, the back· up Ilgnts on~y when reverse gear is QnOElged.

The 0; I 1-8'11&1

5hould be between the rwc mart.:s on the: dipstick .and mus.t never be below the tower mark. Wipo the dfpstlck clean before checking.

The vehicle must be on a: leve-l surface when the- Oil level iSi checked so tht! dipstick reading will be accurate. Do nat check, the oil immediately erter stopping the englne. Wait at least 5 min utiS to give thu oi lin the- -e Ilgln.a lime to drain down tntc (he bottom of the crankeull_

To lOP up the oil leve-l. a well knavvn brand or 011 should be selected. Altl10ugh it 15: ad....isable to stick 10 coe brand of oil, u~in.g a -dinere rn brand to r-epl-ellls.h 111 EI 0 I] will not harm th.e: engine_ Details: ebO'U1 the prcpnr ell viscosities -lUG gi'Yen 011 page 41.

The correct tire pressure

is most imponanl in the interest Of 5iafIB1y. Too low 8:9" well a:5 tOQ high 8 tire pressure rElduc:ss th-e life: expectancy or the ti res, and. Iurth Sfmo teo adverselv affects t 11.& road holding of the '_'e-nrc.le. Although the tubeless [ire af you, car willl"lold lne lntlated lire pressere for I!I long time. yOu should check ~l1e preSsure before you stEirt out on a long Hip Dr at least once a week.

The speclfied tire pressure can be found in lhe table on paQe 49 and also on lh('l lab le ios-ide ttre glo ..... e compartment lid.

TwO n10~8 important flcints:

1 - If rne vehicle is used mostly in very dusty conditions. the oil bath air cleaner must be checked flequcfitly, even daily if necessary, How this is dona is descrlbe.d on page 45.

2 - 00 not crl .... e veer ear with I!t di:sconMcted bl!ltlElry. This may lead to 10 the. elec:.tro;nic compoJleMS of the electrical equipment.

Starting the engine


Before turning the ignlhon key. mah :s.ure t"at the gears.hlfl ?ev(lr is in Net.nrat Vehicles whh Automatic Stkkshift can be started in Nevll"af only.

At tempereturee ebove freazing point or when the engine is $'1111 warm, depress the accelerator pede! slowly while operetll'l'W the startst. When the enqlne is ",elY warm, depress pede! 'ully but do nat "pump" lt.

At temperatLlte,s. below freezIng point or when eng r nl lIS cold. d s;preS5 the eccalemtor pede!'! fu IIV once is I"Id then fEljea.~t!' it 50 [1'1 at t1'l s eatcrnetlc chO ke Can WOt.k. Then MtL:n ign i· ncn on and ate rt immed iately. When the weal her ls verv cold. the enOII1(1 may \ytn ove- slowly during star1ing-. In thiS CfI.s-EI depres, tha clutch while cranking.; if i1 turns over faster. hold the clutch down unt.Il the engine slam. When startfng whhoUl depressing the clutch. be s.ure the- nandbrake is on and the gearshift in neutral.

A5 soon as the engine stare. release the ignition kay so that the slarter is switchod off. Oe net try to warm the angine up by letting it idle with the vehlele $tiliClllery - dtive- off immediatelv.

0-0 not race the engine while- it is .still ('old.

H (hs engine does not start tnt rJr!i1 tim9 or nail&: at any time. 1t1-a ignition wHi have to be ~t.ched o'ff ,nd then an .gain b'ElCli use th,a nOr'Htlj)&l!It tock I n the switch preven I!- thti .sUU1'6r ftom being operated when the en-gif'ltl is runnfng and thus blfng d.amaged.

The warning lights in Ihe speedometer will come on when thelgnitJon 15- 5witch~ ed on. As soon 88 the engine etarte .. these lights will go out. Stop at once if one of tl'lGs.a lights comes on when drlv]ng:

Red watning light for generator and tooling

Cheek: lhe belt that drives the generator, If this bel [ bt&.aks, the engine cooling ta n also steps wotkil1Q. The P(OP&I way to fit a new belt is d05""bed On pago ao.

If the generstOt stops. chllorg:ing for any ether reason. you ca n d,ive on b U l try to g I3t the vehicle to an AUIh-ori%t'ld' Volkswagen Dealer ae 50011 e:5 possible bec&use the b.anery 'Will soan run down.

Gr'e-en warning light for oil preeeure

If tniS waming ITght comes on when driving thti How of ~ubricatio-n 011 1n the engine mBY be interrupted, Check the oillevttl f;rsl Should the cau:sa of the Irouble be elsewhere. contact your neal'fSt Authorized VOlkswi!g9n Dealer,

Be cerefulwhen running the engine I n co n11 ned spaces. En su re t'h at there ls emple ven'tilation so that the poisonous exhaust gase.s cen escape.

· .. it runs ... and runs ... and runs

YO\J can drive your Volkswagen at full sPfled from thl!!! firsl day. There are. however. certain perrnlssl bte speed I'lnge:s: for the various gee re:

'st aeer: 0-15 mph

2nd g •• r: , 0- 36 mph

3rd g •• r: 18- 55 mph

4th gea(; 30 mph and up

When a particular tri!ffic situariol') makes it essential to me ..... e rapidly, you can ,cCGl8rate up te 37 mph in 2nd gear 8nd up to sa mph

in 3rd gall' for brief pe/lods only. 8eiiu in mind, however, that full throttto acceleration rfises fuel ccneurnpuen c:olisidarably. It is more economica.l to drfve smoothly and keep the top s:pO'Mi f.airlv ccester-t. Very I<I:!H, racy-sporty driving, al tere ting between fun throttle B nd hard brakin.g wiiJ mean more frequent visits to iii gas staucn Elfld Increased tire and brake ~Imng wear.

You can drive wary .fIco[lomlc:all'l between: 10 and 22 mph in 2nd gear

, a end 34 mph In 3.0 ~."

30 .ne 60 mph In 4th g •• r

J U5t i f~w word:! about the dutch whll lit we are on the subject of driving_ The clutch is a very herd -wcrlc-ed pan of the vehlcle, A g oo-d driver sli~s the clutch as little as possible whan laking off end changing gears. He alwayS de presses the elute h fuliV wh e n is h iftm iii. ne chat'lges down il110 lna apprOpfrate g&ar In city nefflc Instead of illpplng the .. hitch. and never uses the. OIUlCt\ pede! as.a "rest" for hiS left teet.

Stlift into reverse ge!H only when the vehicle iii! standillg Still. aevese gear is fitted with e lock so that h cannot be engaged unlmentioflally_ To &ng.aQtI reverse. pces.s the lever down, move- it OVSl to the left and pull it bat:"k to ttle SlOp.

Volkswagen autcrncbltes hive excellent brakes which can Stop the vehicles 11" the snonest possible- distance. But do no~ forget that the

brati ng distance 1 ncreasea very rapidly as the SPHd increases. AI 60 mph for example. It Is four urnss longeI than at .30 mph, APply ttle brakes In time, but do- not use leo muen force - lod:&.d wtleels Inere~s8 the brakil'lQ dlstance.

aemember met water reducos the tire adhesion an d i n.creeH bm.aki I10g d Ista nee. Drive- cara-rully and remain at i!Ii safe dlstenc.a behind the preceding vehie-le. particularly when roads ate wer and :slip pe-ry_

Alw~vs set the h.andbrak.a aftar parking yout car. On steep hill$.1lJfn the ircm wheels roward thec:urb.

ThAt just about covers the operating of the car lind hew tc drive it p:roperIV. From pl!!llg8 22 on you find the tips for mnter d .. h/lng~ breakdowns and .all there Is wo rth K.ncw1 n!lil! a bout th II!! lu b r'ie.Il't1 on llind maintenance of the v'ehlcle.

B eta fill d .-i'lll ng 8 'l.l'ehicl& wi th AUI,Q malic Stjcksl1ift be $-uro to read the following pagel:


VW-Automatic Stickshift

At first Glance

you will noticiI!' tl'l-o lack of ill clutch pedal. DlWin.g witI'! tl'l-e Au[oml;l[ic $Ijchhih is simpler land ,hifting &a'Sie~, We suggest you C"~rer!,lIIV read the lollc'Wing i..,~trut.lons to farnil1ariu vourselr wuh the operation 0' the tran'S[TuS5:fon.

Tha Automatic Stlclc.shlft

ttansmission consiStS of a torqu& convertef. B power-operated eluleh fo, shifting, and a mechenicill uueespeed transmis.s.ion, TI"I-e torque COn ..... e-ter mu I nptles th-e torque pre!luced by the a Ilgin 13 and al!ow.50 the veblcl eo 10 be driven wit" v ery little shlf1.iflg - normally only two drivin.g ranges W1ll btl used. It ectomatically changes lhe torque from the engine in an Infinitelv variablft (aha according 10 drivmg conditions.-. Since the torque convener is a fluid couplinLl. i~ also permits 1na vehicle to be 'SlOPPed w~lIh!ll the engine is funning_ Tne cfutc:h imerruPt9 tnEi flow- or power from til e eng i ne lO perm I t tho gurs; In lnll;!l rIa nsmission to be :9hiftad. Btt,a£,.ls.e th.e pnwereperetee ch.J1ch is actuated bv the frr'St shlilnl movement ct the gearsh!fl II\"'9r. Ihere Is. nO need tor ill clutch pedal.

DrIving rang8s

YOUf AUlOmlllti(: Stlck,l'.ih ha:s three fOf'INaJd driving rEI nge:5 and one r&ver'$S'. Th&y na .... e bee-n de:5llg ned so that you will v~ry QrJ i(;~1 'i know which range to use to protllJce 'hl!!< beSt pertormence under all dnving condl~ions_



is botween all gea~ In the Hvpauem. Neutral is the only raflge that compltlely in.l~rrvp[1!ii the flow of lJ0'M3r to the r-ear wlt"l,.. It s.ho-uld be used when the- car is: standing et idle f'Or an", r8ngth of time. with Ihe hand brake set. Neutral is also the orl1y range In which the eng ina may be SH!IIU!ld,


W~lh uie hend brake Set. move t'he stlif, lever to Neu tIS I 13 nd start the en gina. Mov-e th-e .shilt lever into the ran~e vou wish to use, normallv Range 1. 13 nd then re-lease lne na nd b.ake. It ~s tmponant 10 release the bra,k.e Gifter shifting because. under certain ccnclncre. the vehicle may Cf81!P when a drivmg range is: selected. AfUrr !ihifllng. be sure to remove your h;;md from the gearshift lever to anow the crutch to engage.

Low Range

or 1ho IOi!ld rang.e is net normally ue ed in. d ~y 10 day d nvl ng. It is onlv used to !iii et the car mOving on steep slopes Wflh a full loa-d or when descending a very Sleep hill to- take ad~ vantage of the additiollal engine braking. low is etsc recommended for p.aniculaf[V slow CrlVlng ever rough ground. SiPeed-5 from 0";35 mph can be obl.ain.ed in this r.a-ngil!l.

Crlving Renge 1

is for sl.anlng and accalerattng. and eoverS: the .sp~<,d range from 0-36 mph. Under normal

dl'ivlng C:CI.nditfons. rho vahlclo is startM In Ihrs nlnQEI' befOn) shifting to Range 2.. Range 1 is also reccrnmended for use in eitv traffic. =dow moving llees of v-etlrcles and whenever ffii3;11]mum accetereucn is requlre-d for pas.'IIlQ. If tlHl vehicle 15 in Riilng€ 2. you m,v dcwnsnrh Into Range 1 at any speed under 55 mph.

Driving Range 2

IS. the range that shclI.J'd l"Lormaliv be used for highway drivIng. While th~$ range may be us-ad i!U any speed [10m O-top speed, It Is thn only range thaI can be used above 55 rnph. At low speeds. hOWOV6'f. It is better to use Range 1 [0 take ad'\lantllge of hs battel acceleration.

"the aaveree Range

!iJlould onlv uc engaged whell the vehicle ia standing $blL The gearshih lever must be depressed to '001 past lh& safety 5tOP lei :shih ~nto Reverse.


is easy. SImfl1y release tne eccetereret pedal and move the gearshift lever from the range yO\! ere in to the fange YGU want, remove vcur nand from the gearshift lever, .and again step Oil the ecceterator,

If you like qutat, smooth driving.

which saves fuel. we re-commend that "IOU shih to Range '2 soon after Glanlng off at about ~O '0 25 mph.

n you want to drive fast

and want maximum acceleration, you can stay In 'Range 1 right up to 65 mph end tlHI", shift 1I1:to Range 2. Naturally. ~f')i$ will \J5G more gasoline,

Drivillg downhill

I r you makfll full us B of the bUlldng p·OWEl' of the engine. just select & lowe.r driving range as witt-. a ccnveotreeel tran$mj~siQn, When l:I.aJidn.g in tight speees. it is edvisable to U5.S the driving ·ranges Reverse and Low, Shift into aeveree 0 n~v Whlill1 the 'Vehicl iii is SlOP ped,

WB~nlng Hght 11'\ aeeedcrnetar

There 1$ a red w6ming light in the right halld 'S id 13 of ttl eo spcedcmetsr di a I (see page 7), U the light f!NfU goes on, it indicates that the ATF (Automatic Tranemesten Fluid) has reached roc nig h a tern cerauee. I f yo u d rive for a longer time under heavy load coedttions. ,such oil!; when pulling 13 Hailer up a hili. aiid the warntng light goa; on. Shift to a Jower driving JBllge. However. if the oer is loaded so hea .... lly that it barfly moves or does not move al eU. .s;l'<Iift \0 a lower gear immediately withou~ wdiil1ng for the woming light to go on.


Release the aeeeienncr and applv brake. If you ;Ire. going to. starr off again in ano,ner range, you may shrh into the new r<lllg6 wllila tne vehlcle is stendl ng stili. but ~J you remam ina driving range. ap.ply the foot 01 hand brake to prevent tho- vehicle from creeping.


It Iii; po!sible 10 tOw a trailer or another v~hiellt with lila Automatic SllckshifL. However. fa ls better to stan ill the low driving range with this: extra load, Whafl c:llmbi IlQ 0 r descendlllg stoep hills. shii[ to a 100w range early.

PU5h starting

If uie englnl9 should ev-et fl!li' to start, me lew driving range should be used ~n such Instances Md the vehicle rnoved .l a rnlnhtwm speed of 15 mph.

For further hints: about towln.g and PIJ:shfng page 37.

seme baSIC ectee

1. when parking, apply the hand brake.

2. When idling fer an extended pertod of tlrns, shift intc Neutral and eppfv the hand brake. Whell stopped 1.,. uetnc. apply either the hand Or 100' brake to prevent creep,

,3" When sterti Ilg out. shift into a dri .... mg r InDD before releasing In.e hand brak.e.

4. After shifting. rernc .... e- your hand hom the gearshift 'ever. 00 net try to drive with your h.and rasting on the lever',

An a Am p. fuse

in II fuse holder above the ignition coil protects the control '\I8h ... e of the Automatic Stic:k!hift. If thIS fuee shQuld ever bum OUI. the tra.n!-mission cannot be shifted.


When it snows and freezes

Your eat has two features whkh you will appraclata in the wintef: Ai, cooling and hearing.. You can reeve your oat out in the bitter cold whho\Jl fear - the aircooled eflgil'le will always stan readily and supply warm air for the i mertor or ttl s body.

Do net, under ,ny cjrcumstencee. try to intrl.lence the heating or the vehicle by coveting IJ~ the :s.!o~ b-alow tl'le I' wif\dow. ThEl:5E1 sfcte mlJSt alwi!lYS be clear SO th6[ i!llr CBn Ilcw in!o ttJe carbUfe.tor and to the en-aiM cooling fan.


Tlfes w.t" b.adly WVrn ttoads are very danger· ous. partl(:!,ll.arly In tile!' winter. so ensure tllav are rEtPlaeed in tirna,

M+S tires W~ln special heavy treads give good nacticn in snow and slush, Th~y can be fitted (0 !llil (cur wheets bu t never use I hem on the flOnt whools only.

Better still are M+S tires with spihs which increaso the safetv ma,gin even on hard snow end Ice. These ti res s-hould afwavs be fitted on all four whlte1s. Check your state Jaws berote !Ising spiked l~r .. s.

~f M -+- S ti tee arSo mounted, tl'1 ay should have tl'le same ply f"liIilir'llg (PR) as tires of tne original equipment.

The -speolfic charsoCte!Ihnics of winter tires can be impr'O'VEId by raising 1 he tire preaau rea to 3 psi (0.2 ko/cm2) above the normal operating pressure for 11'1e tir-a concerned, This inflation press.ure than covers me recommended pressi,J re In crease of 3 psl ror fast hig hw.av driving, MtS thu with 5-pike'!; s.hould be run at mcderate speeds when new in order to gill9 the ectkes time 10 settl-e.

In gene-lOll. winte, llre.:~ only have real ed"ant~ ages when conditions on the road are really

wintry. For $afe-ty reescns. It is I\ot advisable [0 duve e yehiel. fined With iHl'r' I'YPS of winter t.ire 81 lO~ speed, You ca nn ot expect e· wirt ter li,e. to heve tile "me dBgre.e of adhesion 01"1 dry, wet or snow-f(es roads as 8 normal l(ro. In edduton, under these c:onditjon~. M+S thes wear r.apidly, particularly at high speeds,

Mud &: Snow tires do not fulfJI their pt.lrpose if rho tread d09,h I. I." 'han 5/32" (4 mm).

Radial plV li,es ale suueble all year round, If wloter conditions are nOI too severe, they mav very wet! replace eenventional "Snow tkes. Evan. me,e "Suitable ror oparaucn of ttle yah ide du rino tile wi nter s.eason are redia I ply Mud &. Snow and tires with s.pikes.

An increased tire pressure of 3 psi (0,2 kg/crn~) iii ppl ies to these ti res B!SO.

Snow chelns can be fitted to the rear Wheels onlv. Onlv thin chains whIch dQ net protrude from the ti re LT"'ad and i nne, :9 iere wall more than- ~ Inch tncludmg t9ns:~oner. are suitable When driving ever lon:Q stretches 01 road wl'llch are f/es or SIlOW, thE! chains should be rernc .... m;I bece use they serve nc U $,rU I purpose and merely damage the rses and wear out qU'ickIV,

Engine; 011 of SAE 30 grada will te.,d 10 thIcken at temperatures around freezing point and mav cause diHicult starting. As loon as winter tern peratur&.S me expecled. ch ange 10 a th i nner grad e of eng i IlO oLI, D etaM~ of the various oils to be used are oiven On page 41. If you drive mostfy short distances end In ciry traffic. especteuv 10 the winter, we reccmmend that yOI,J have the eng i n.1SI oil cha naed at shorter IOlervels. laY avery 1600 mil-es. AI other times, roese addi110nal changes. are unMcessary and uneconomical.

In countries with arctio eumatee and temperaturK be~ow a bout - '[ :3' F. the engi ne oil she .. Jld be changed every 71)0 miles,

Transmission oil of SAE '90 grade- can gene~ raU.., M used aU year round. Only in c:o.l.lrIlfllI!!S with arctic climates is it nacessarv to tJse the thinner SAE 80 tTans.Mf!5;$[on oil.

When the temaereture is below -13· F for long periods. It is advluble to use Automatic:

Transmission Fluid (ATF) in the tri~lns.mi$$iotl. The vehicle mU:Jt only be run with this i1uld during the cctd pencd. As $oon as the temperalurGtisllS to nearfJeezin.g point, this fluld rnustbe rEi pi aced by SAE BO or SAE 90 Ira nem ission cl I.

Tho battery not 01\1'1 lends to drop in c-apaC:ilY " the temperature deops, it also haS' to work mu(:h narder in tile cold weather. Current con $umpllon is higher when starting a lid [he ILghl! are On IOliger. A rea~l" cold baltery which may not be fully charged has oniv 8> fraC110n of the capacity that a barterv at norma! temperenne has, and tl'lis mlghl not be en.ough to stan i!Ii cold a-ngifle-. If tti(l car is only driven short distances and ill c-hV t,affil::. the betterv may nave to be cherued from .!In external SOUI-c-e from "lime to time. For mere dotalls see 36.

The s.park plug5 should Mt l'Iave excesslvelv large gaps ~pecially in the winter, Tho gl!lp isnormally .028 fn., but when the weather is 'Very cold. the gap can be temporarily reduced to ,02.0 in. to lacilit.1lo0 starting,

DoOr' locks can freeze- in winter if wale, get-s into the lock when washing the vehicle, so do not 611'11 the water Jot dlrectlv at the loc'l<s. It is a good id a41 10 tOV(l' (I'I-n k-ayh ole&: bGiforGh:lllnd. A frozen l.,;icl:: c-an be opflned by warmfn'll the key we1l before inserting it- An antl-f'tfizo sohJtion or glycerin.e s.hould thun be squirted into th9lo-c'k cylindel as soon es possible.

It i$ a good ide8 to carry a s.liovel or a shQrt~hai'tdled spade in the car to erear away ~mOW if you get stuck, A ISmail hand bllJ:5h fOf swoflping anew or, the vehicl-e and a ~Iastic scraper for the wind5lh l-sld ar-a I!IlsQ u seru I.

Ice on windows can be removed quickly by using Volk!iwa-gen's Splay De-leer - Part No. 'ZV'W 241113.


A clean smart car looks better

WB have provided your vehicle with enamel """'i.e,", IS not onlv extremely' durable and has :I V&ry hlgl"l gloss, but which also hu a long servlce m,·. This has been ech ievlid bv ,pecial chemica! uealMs-nlof the body melal .en.d tlHl use of a synthetic resin enamer paint techmQlJo.

But even lhe fines1 palnr requires a CE!tt.ain amount of care. This is eai5iV to apprecrate if YOU ocns.idot for EI mcmenlll'u!, influences 10 which lhB paint is exposed, Sunlight. rain. industrial fumes. scot, djrt and dus.t are constantly attackillg Ih8,:1aintwork.

In In, wi nter all pa rte of the vehlc:! eo are- ecu. jected to 8Vi:!1\ mora severe climatic conditions and tf'le effect of corrosive salt s.olutlofi!>_ It is .!dvisab1e to clean and wax the vehicle more rrequently in thls period"

Every Authorized Voll::swagen Dealer stocks cat' cleaning rna1erlals. These materials nave been lasted by us af)d foutld to give the be5t 'Ss.vlts. The order numbll!lr.!i of theso matarials ir'oEI give n on page 26.

NeVEl r wu h, wax, or po' ish the CiiII e I n the sunshine, Befere 'Wax.lng lind polishing. the vehicle must b. wAshed and dried fhoroughly.


Wash a. newty painted vehicle frequen.tly with clar water particularly In the first two Or three months IS this will help lO harden tho paintwork. usc a soft spc n ge 0' nQ~B bru sh for til-a boody. a long handled brush for tne wn.,.lJls ~nd plentY 0' waUIr, Spray the body panel and wheels with a fina soft spray r~rs,t to loosen the dirt. then :Start iiIIl tho lOP and wash down· ward. A I n.a.11h iii' s:pongf3 out frequ Bnlly to a .... oid $Cf3lching the paint,

Later on. the vehicle should a1ways be washed whftl\ it is dirty. The long-er the dirt is fen on the peirlI tne gre~tl9'r ~s the risk of il damaging the og lossv finish. The din pan,leles QB.n have ;IIi cl1emieal effect on (he paint surface or tl'ley can cause seretehes .r tubbed into the paint If the dirt c:annOt be removed with clear water, .!II suitable shampoo can be added to th-e water, AfI6JWi!lni,. rinse all ttat9!. 01 tha shampoo off wlth eraar water and Inen wipe the vehicle dry to avoid water 5,pOt5.

C'I es e fre,'" II!I i r' v.antllatio n sy nom befo re wuhlng the c ar.

Wu:lng should bf3 c,a,!'I'[sd oot ror the fiBl time ahe:r about 8 to 10 weeks, Waxing is HI means ofputUngb8ckinio the paintcetlain substances wllich kHP It flexible and are 'OSlin ~h8 course 0'1 time du! to weathering and wa:!ihing. partlcu l.arlY wnan ''fOU U,5,!3' 011 !:Iete rgefLl. The wax coating seals tn. pores of the paint and makes it waler-repellent

The paint should be re-waxed when water remains in Ia.rge patches on the surtece and d-oS'! nor form beads ;tInd mil oft, Regular we)cing will ensure Inet thoe paint retains i~ orIginal high gloss fer Ii long tima.

Another wav of waxing the paint is to use a wesh-and-wax-sejutton. This IS easier than wa~ing in the rtcrrna I way. Just wnb the vehicle first th-en put the wesh-and-wa»solution in .91 bucket of water and applv It to ll'te painrwork. AlllhtU remains is to leather off the paitHuntil it is dry. Thl'$ typo of wiJii will only protect the paint ad-eClu.:uf!lIV if it Is. used ev(lry 11 me !f113 ve hi de i.50 was h9d end the interval between washes Is nOt mote than two or three weeks .

Polishing $hOt,lld otLly be done when In ... pelrn has I05t its glo$-$ dUB to weathering or lack 0' peeper care .find the gloss een no longer 'be restored by woIi:l!iing in ~hilllnarmal way. Aftar ueatmem with pelish, wD);'lhe palm thorought'f '0 retaIn ltld whiCh ha; eeen obtal(ied.

M ino r pa int d ern 8ge.,. sueh as ICf atel'les, :s.tOM chips III-nd the like. can i!t2lSlly 00 toucned

up w~lh a paint stick IIvailable at your Autho- " nzed VW Oealer.

~ n thl9l $,pS re 11m cam pe rtment you will fi nO iii sticker besid-e the vehicle id'e-nlifioatlon pfa te showing til number. This is the code number for the p.a!nc color of the vehicle.

Tar &pots tend to 'penstrate into the paint in e VfJty short tlme. They ~nould be r-em Oved iii II; soon as possible. pr'efs-rablv with a tar remover. Afte:I'W',;ud, the area concarned should bfl" wa:shed Wilh a solution of shampcc and water and rin Uld well to remove all traces of tar rernc ..... er.

fn5ects: tend to stick on lhe front of the 'Io'ehlc!e .ami On HUI: windshIeld In the summertene. T11 eae s.hou'd I!I!:!IO be we s.hed err th 0 paint as soon as possible. When rei) 11'1 dried on, the insects Collin be rerneved with in insect remover. Afterward, the paintwork 'Should be washed, r1 nsed and wlned dry with a chamois,

Purlo;.ing un,der trees. which are pafked unde~ certain trees in tl'le summer are often roul'ld to be covered with Slicky spots. ThflS€ .spo'ts can be taken oH easily with i!Io ahampoo if t.he Lr~atment i.s. net d elaYEId too long. It is Bdvi50able to wax the paint afterwatd.

Chrome parts snould be tteau!d with 8 chrome eleanor or polish. To give lasling pretecrlcn in lhe wlntor, tne chrcrne pa I'U Cl!I n be coaled with Volkswagll'n·s Ctuome Clea.ner and Protection.

The windows: can be cle:ar"l&d with a spon~e and clear water. Always \J5& a dean c:hamofs to dry the 'lNindO'INS. Th~s: cl'lam ois must not be used on. tl'l~ paintw'Or1e: in allv circumstances as m051 paint deane", and polishes cont.:lin ingredi&.nts-wh!(:;hwtll cause unplea:s.;lJ'It strea.ks to .fI pp-ear 0 n th-e wtnd.shil9l d when it rains. (lv9n if only the smallesltra.ce ls present. These Slte.aks can only be temovodwith a good wind shiel cI cl ean er, Do J'lOl fClfgoBt 10 clean the wiper blad .. ,

The, windshield wl5)sr btadel'J. tll'lould be taic&n off from lime to time and cleaned wjth II ha1d bru-sh and 6tOOl'l01 or a strong d e-torg cnt solulion. Du ring long dry pi!I"riods thev lend to get clogged wit" tar splashes. oil and Insects. New blades sl'lould be fitted as oho" as necessary.

Thu Con,v.rtlble top does not require eny special care. It is Important however. to clean the plastiC material regu1arly. When very ditty'. .he lOP can be cleaned with a soap powder soiuuon or Volkswagen's All Purpose Cle6n~r, A hard bn.~:9 n will help to remove dirt lrorn the grained siJrlace of the materia' but Cate must be laken at the edges to avoid scratC'hing the pe i m with the brjstl.e", Ah:e-r wI!I;9.hing the top. the tOmpl.le vehicle muSI be rini-ild 1horo\){Jhly wilh clear water.

Spots in the lOP m!teriai' must i\evet be removed with paint tt1lnner, chlorine-baud Spel remo ..... ers 01 si mi I lilt se! uticns. as l'his ~II damage 11'18 material. Sll.lbborn spats can be removed by wiping with a cloth moistened with ben:t[ne .and then rins:in.g w~1 with B I ukewerrn loa p solution.

The pivot points of the t.op linkage should be cleaned occessionalty end a few drops of oU ,pplil!td. Af1efIN.a,d the joints should eu w[ped drv to ensure that 011 dGBS not drip on to the top maletlaL

Noises caused by flictioll between the window frama:il of the Conv,a-nible and the rubber weathersulps can be ehmlneted by n.Jbb[ng Iii some talcum powder or silicone :spray.

The front 5eaU. If the front seets become ha,d to slide. lhe runners should be lubed lightly at top end bottom ahoSr bel"Q <:leaned with iii! cloth. After unnooklng .. he roil spri[lg underneatl'l tho seam and ptessing down the !flaf springs on the rlgt'l t tunners. me- *.ani CI!I n boa sflded forward out of rna runners. Whltn pUlting the seEn bade, do net forget to hook the spring In again,

Door Bnd window weetherstrtps must be undamaged end supple 10 ensure t.hat they seal properly. To tl'ta[n 1hao original He:w:ibJliI.Y of \tie rubber, coal lhe weetl'lefs,·rips with talcum powder Dr silicone spray occasioflally.


Car care materiels for the Volkswagen


The' ilems listed below will help you preserve the buih~i" boauty ct your Volk$wagafL Compounded esp.e-cia1!y for use on ycurVW.1hey aUli aVilillablt:!l at your local Authorized VoIkSW3gen Dealer, Detailed illS-lNclions on how to use the various products are imptlnled on tl1fi individuaf comain.e!s.

Vol en PIGduct

Cer Washing. Convertible Top Clearling. Upholstery Cleaning. Whit.ewall Tlre Clollning

Paint Potis.hing: and Pmint Wa)Cing Paint Fo[lshlnQ'

Paint Waxing

Care end Cleanirlg of Chrome Parts Windshield Clea "'ng.

Paint Touch up

AoemQ'ving let! frO'm windows

All Purpose Cleaner - ZV'IN 243101

Com bination Cos r C leaner a nd Wax - ZVW 2.41109 Paint Polish - 000096001

Paint Preservative - 000096011

Chrome Clee net a nd Protection - 000 096 001

Wln.dsllield Wesner Anti·Freezl3' 8. Sol,.,em - 'ZVW 241 '0' Toych up Paint. all colors

Spray De-Ioor-ZVW 241113

Thee-loth uphols1;aryshouJd be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a fairlv hard brush. Spots can ustJslly be removed with a lukewarm SDa.p $ohJtion. Grease and oil spotS can be treated WIth :SpOt remover. Do not 'Pour the liquid on to the material as this will cause mar'ks. Dampen a clean, plain c:lotl1 with the cleane-r and remove the spot by rubbing witn a circular movement .l!Jrtd working inwards.

The leath.rene pans of the headlining. side trim panels and seats can be cleaned best with a soft cloth or brush. When very dirty use volksweuans All PUtpOl$Et Cleaner. Vse only a dry foam cleaner on the featherette 01 the ''la's and backrests because the materia! used for these parts is air-permeable and liquid c:leaner.s would penetrate into the textile backing.

Gruse or pelm spcrs sholJld b~ 'Wip(!ld oN bafcre thev dry when possible, OIlC,e dlY. they can be removed by rubbll\g ci3Ief'ul'y with is c:lotl"l mclstened WIth benzine (If alcohol. Shoe polish marks can be removed witn turpentine but ~ careful because this wsll damage the du:SIt repellent surface of the lealh.eretta if allowed to wOik on i1 too fong. After cleaning. rub the material dry with a sott cloth. So-calltd preSBNBtives are hOt suitable rot leatherette lney do nOt soak Into the mate-nil I aftc m-ell!l'ly collect dust end make c:!otning dirty.

Arrlng the body. If lhe whlcle ts left in the garage for long pe-liods. 1ne garage and car doots must be opened from time 10 time to prevent the formation of mole1 and damp stains Inside the vehiclo.



In addition to checking pressures regu[culV and driving c.amfully, the following points should be remembered in connectiol'L with trre$~

1 - Check: tires fot damage occasionally and remove- imbedded materfaL 2 - Keep oil and ga$oline away from thg lire'S.

3 - Tty not to Q-)[POS6 tires to sunshfnc 10f IOllg periods. 4 - R9pli!lctl missing valve dust ceps as soon as possible.

The ariginal equipment tifes Of"! your votksweqen lnccrpcrete bUIII~io true wear lndlcetors to assist you in determining when your tires have been wom to the pafnt of needing replacement. 'these indlcators are moldild into the bottom of the tread qooves and will appear BS B'PplOx.imately %-Inc:h wide bands when UtI3 tire tread depth be:come:s.'/,III. of an inch. When tho Indicators appear in tw'o or more i!ldjatent g,ooves, tire repi aearneru due 'to traad WIl!' is rscc rnmencee.

Wfj ;!iI,dvis-e you h.owfliver no 1,0 lot the tires wear down lO thi!; extent as tires with treads if] this eondltfofJ cannot g,ip the road $urfac8 propS:rlV when drMng at hlgh speeds en wet roads, lf you notfc~ that the tires ere wearing unevenly. ge-t advice from your A\Jlho,i.z;ed VW Dca~8r_

Trel!lld worn out


Just in case ...

you have to CBrry out a repefr yourself Wtl haVE! included soma information on the ne)ft few page's which s hQU ld hefp yo u.

Allow er reps Irs should elweys bil performed by iii n Autho riled Vollc.swl3.g:~n O.aale:r. The Vol kswag e-n Isrvic8 organization offers you ill wide spread natwofk of authorized dealers Maffed by skitled mecbenlcs and equipped wtlh a~1 the epeciel to.ol$ and eapflences required. Whellever you M!EI the fa mi liar VW s.lgl"I on the loadsid'8. you can be sure of G>:Pfrt ad v i C(I and qu i ct. efficient assistance.


Wheel changing

Before lB1r::i ng OIJ l the scare wheel, dlscon n,e-et the h nee lead! ng to the verve of th e 5Ipare wh e,-el. UH wheel so that you have better access to the wedge&: hoi din.g tJH~ was her come I nero After removing lhe wedtJes. the wasfnrr container can be taken ott.

ApplV the hend brake.

Remove hub cap with puller and jack bar by hooklng the puller IlHO the holes if! the edq~ of .he cap and levefrng fI ga i nst the wheel rim With the jacK bill.

LOGs!n fill wheel bela B bcu lone turn wlttJ sockst wrench and bar.

Insert jack inro socket and push the jack tube down until it touches the ground"

PlaCtl' bar in up 1=1 er 'II n Ii( -A- 0 r 1 act< and ra tee \,I'8hk;ie by pumpjng handle up and down.

Un$CrErW whee~ bol" and take wheal off. Place s.pare wheel BQ:sinst drum and raise or tower vs-niel e un til a hole III the wh-eel i:!i roughlv i ... lin e with .a uueeoed hore.

Insert. !ill bolt lind tighten it untll tho whee! can be SW\J/lg: arQund to slign the O1h{lf hO)81.

Insert rem lining bolts.

Tighten bette unt.1 the wheel. centered by the III htlneal eh !!I,pe of \he boll h.aad:s. conl;eCl$ IWInly !Ill round.

Place bar ln lowef link -B- of Jack. and lower the vehicle by pumping handle up !tld down. Insert bar into wrench and tigl'uen the whee! bolts diagonally 8t1 10ft. Ib:ii. Heve It checked at iii servics saaucn wi1h ill torqua wrench because conect tightness of the whEle~ bo'ts i!il Important for. safety.

'nstall hub cap with a blow of the harld"

Boa sura to check the pri&$:sur-e in the tire you hav.o' just put on. For correct ll'9 pressure sa-a. 49,


Adjusting or replacing the fan belt The fa." belt tension is correct when the bah can be prel5!ii~ inward about .6 in. at the center. The belt must not be too tig hi or teo sJack... A new be-It may stretch slighUy at first so il .should be ched:l!td after about 600 mil-es .a n d the tens! ell c:cm-e-eted if necesserv.

To adjust the be'". remove the fear of lile pull.ey on the generator. Whfrll loosentna and tightening the nlJo't, p18(:9 a i5crewdrivet in tho slOt in the front half of pulley and support the s,crewdl'fYElt against the upper screw in the


gener~tar h01Jsing. To fit a new bell. tne eevnr plata fer the crankshaft pL1llsy must also be removed erter taking Out the three screws.

The b.elt is tensioned by varying the number of wasners- between the pullay halves. Taking washers out lnereases the len.sion, putting them in it .



Although th. III. expoot, ncy of (h. Ian b.1 ( of your WI 1$ very high. yO\J should always c:-atfy I!I replacement belt in the car.


CI ea n in 9 fuel pu mp filter

'FIt:mcv~ plLFg a nd take filter cu I..,

Reif'lS-tllll plug j mmeditmllV to prevent fUBI leakage.

When inS:tell[ing the filter. ,en5iUHII that the was-her for the p!ug. is located prop.elrlY_

Remov.lng and Installing spark plugs Pull connecter oH.

Screw pfu IJ out with seeker wrench I!I nd bar.

Dirty plugs should be cleaned with a eand blaster but in an etme.rgBney,lhtl ceten can be 'removed with a chlp of wood. D a net u S:81 .1 wire 'brush_ The pi ugs should ejsc be ,r::188 n .an d dry on nu~ OU1'~id6 as well in CI rdtU to avoid :fi not! ing and lIa~ti ng·. The g i!lp C8 n be set by bend ing the outside electrcd D_ The gap should ,",crmallybe ,02,8 In •• b\,! l wtulin ttl [} weather is. ~@ry cold' it can b8 reduced to .020 in.t9mporaril .... t.o fa.c:WIst-e G:U!!rtir"lg.

rab! caro not to CtOSSlnfll!<!Id ~ne plugs: wh-ell Ins:anlng tf:Jem. and tig:t'l:t:en them firmly. b'Jt not o ..... e.rtig.,t~

Now plug •• nould bo roU.d ... ,.. 12.000 mil".

.028 in.



v v

---rl ---+r-1E=J------.;;-----J--,...-Jo--.----H



Headlight adjustment

Il j:!; best to check the hesdligtlt alJgn me-n't with a regulation screen or aiming cle:yjce, H none is available. proceed .as fanaws:

Adjust tires to correct pressures and park vehlcle on IlNel s.urfac:e squarely facing .;II wall or SiCJ19l1tn 25 fS:(It In front ct the hl9'i:!dligl'lt:!':i_ Tne d,lver' musl be fceded with ono p.eI'sor-. OJ • weigh, of 154 lb s;

Measure heighl Ca) of oenter of headllg-hts from ground and draw a horizontal line (H) Dn screen et thi, height the full WIdth of the 'I,IOhICIEL

OPPOSitE! LhI3l centsr of oI!Iach tleadiig nt, draw vertical linos (V) intlD'rse:etir'lg 111 eo hcrizcnte L These Jines should Ila 41.1 in . scan. ~rawing


• venice I line for the center of the v &nic.le might h-alp a1lgning- v.ehicle with seresn, tccsen the screw in the center b~low tf'le headfight and take the uim ring off.

Aim the headlights individually by turning the two aimfng $Crews wit" low beams s:wnehed on, Covar up Ih& s!&Cone headlight

Th9' nead!lghlS £Ire correctlv aimed when the lOP eclg s- of the h[gh intensity :rone I;' on tho horizon.tal llne H and the left edge is 2 in. to lhe right of the vertlca.line V,

Ch&ek with your SUitS Bureiu or MolDr VehIcles fOI vartatlons rrom lne501f11 dimEtn.sion.s.

A- Latera! elm B - verrlcar .!lim

•• "'.11:1I1.t of Ii(Ildll!'l\~ an,'er rrom floor b '. Olstanc. brtMlllOIiln l!oI.ad1B rnps '41.1 In.) Q 0lI0:2 in.

Bulb replacement seetee- B eam

A double nrament. type 2. seven inch sa-Bledbeam unIt of domestic manufocture is used in yOur Volk$wagen. Should it become necessary tc replace the- unit. lccaen screw In \t':Je eanrer b~IClw the l'Ieadlig In and take the ltim rl ng ott.

Remove three screws in seeted-beem retaining ring .and take rin,g off.

Ta~e seeled-beem unit out of suppon ring and pun cable connecter off.

Wh@-n inst!!lliing new sealed-beam units. ensure thAt the rheee glass ~lJg S -E!f1Q,£IiQe Jl rop9rlv in the support rlng_

Check heedlight .. 111.go_

Front tur'n signal and !!:larkIng light bulb Remove Philflps Sf:JSW,

rake housing and lens off.

Pre~Si bulb lnro holder lighlhf. turn and tak; out Install new bulb.

When inserting the bufb. the lower retaining pin should fa ce to the real' of the 'Vehicle. When fittin'g nou:siIlQ. ensure that gasket i$ located properly.

Rear turn >5i9n.el~ stop and t8i' IIli1ht~·up IIgh, bulb.

Unscr-ew three Phillips screws SO that tho lens can be taken off.

Bu I b pcsfuons:

Top - tum signal

Center - stOP and tail light geuom - b,o'-up IIgh!

Press bulb ligllUV iflto holder. tum iIInd1JJk8 out. lruiil.all new bulb.

TlQf'lte:n lens>I:\J ring s..cr8WI evenly but do not overtighten.


License pl'ate light bulb

Open rear Ilood.

Berncve s.crews on eeeh slde -of lens and lake off tens with bulb holde,.

Pull bulb hold., out of tens,

Press. bulb IlOhtlyin:to holder. turn end lake cut. Install new bulb.

When installing. on sum that the cable grommet fits pIO~.rlv,


Another B amp fuse in a. secerete fuse holder on thel.rt ond'e-mead, the rear "at is for the maIn curront of the rear window defogger.

Bulb· Chart

U, S. Ropf' DBrnent bulbs

WI P.~ Number


Front parkftum. tell/stop Hear tum slgnaf

UC!n:se , light. • . . Inil1'urnenl and warning lighu Intefior l,ght: Seda.n

ConvertIble .

W.I!Irning IIgors for emergency blinker. brake operation. rear windOW defogger and Au\on-Jati-c: Slicks.hirt

6012 1034 1073

89 10n

111941251 A N 177382

N 177322

N 177192

N 171332

N 177222

N 177232 N177252

N 177512

FU.filll3 bOJ[ Turn$ign.lJ:t. Horn,


brak. I;IJMr~Or'l. Al,ilotn.a.1IO $lkK:!r.blh .lnd reM \.'dl'ldgw dlt,f09'U1~ ~ .wltll:'!; cl.u.,.. .... d

P .. ~iI;lnlir II,,!!,. 11!!Itr. llill;lilhl.l.h

II11.riOl!lgkl Emlfig8-I1CiV bHl1brliih"tl

High bllllm Wit:rllin~IIIiIM .. HIgh bifllklrl,la1t

Replacing fuses

The fuse bo:w: whtch ha'!l a trans.P3f1t1nt cover is located under the .nstfUment panel near 1he :steeri no coh.! mn,

When a fuse bJows, it is not sutficietlt to merely replaCli It with .a new fun_ The cause or the shon circuit Of overload must be establls.hed. On no eccouot should fUl5e:s be patched with llnfoil or wire as this can cause serious damBge

s!sewhere in the iVStem_ It is advisable to alwavs carry a few epera 8 ampere rvse'S in the vel"lielll_ Two additional fuses- are locat~d on the Ian housing In the engine compartment:

The 8 Amp. fuse in the holder (A) located ibove the gl;lnfHalor crctecte the back-up li!iJhts_ The,a. ii!i an adtlitional S Amp. ruts (8) above the ignilion cell for th4 eontrcl valV80fthe Automatic Stick,s.nifL Ir this fuse shourd ever burn out. the uenemfssron cannot bll shihad.

Checking ba,ttery

The ebl Iltv 01111 EIo a-nginc to start readilv depn nds to 8 great extent on the ccndhion .of Hie bi!lUery_ Fe r thi5 rca son tho battery s;l'Iould btl' check,ad' regu I :ul'y and giv&n ,I!I c~'l'UIjn amou rU or ,trent, on,

Whe-.n the rear seat is lifted, the Wier pluQ5i can be removed from tile baltl3'ry. The 61ectrolylelevsl shou!d always be jU.s1 BbcV8 the plate tops. If the tever is toe tow, add distilled watur,


When. working, on ll'le, battol"y" lak& care nOt to s.hof1 c:ifCuit l1'Ie U!lrmiI1E11S1. This would CEI'USa. the blltl.ry to heat u,p very q_uickly which c:o'Uld lead \0 darna !iJe,

The el'ec:troly~e lelJel drops whan the battery i:5 charged due lO the di&;socrat,oll of the water used 10 d ih,ne the electrolyte and 10 alesser extent, to evapcretfon. How often the battery he e to be topped Uj;iI depends malnlv Or-. ,operal~n~ condltlcna and incHrectlv an the thne of y.ear. When .a vehicle is etten driven rcn~ clstances in the devtlme 'Mth hBrdly 3ny current being used, tim battery will have to be tOppedi up with di snneo water much more often lnan in tne case of I!I veh ide which i:! operated under di tf13fent condition!l. ~ a g aneee! rule. the bmte-ry s:'I.eel re lylS: level must b& ch13ck,sd more etten In the -sum mar Ina n in thll!l wint!!tf. VW d rlv~rs in ho\ (::oOun.l,i es who do <!I l'e1 or d,iving ·!I,e advi!ioo t9 cherJ: tna battery .~ Isa.~ enea II WMik.

Do not put I n more distilled water than ia nece$$i!:I'V beea IJse if 11'1 B levfll i!i roo njg h. tl"lle &'1 eel rol"/te w[11 c ..... erttow wh Ei n tl'l-lll' balt9:ry is bil!lingo charged eI ~d O<!l1J 5.& d.ama-g &.

The t(llrminilll$ and conneclion:! should be ltept dean E!lld g'l;I'a~d: 'With b&lt9.1"'1j term~nal g.r'oase., Ensu re ttl et tne gtOIJ nd con nl9"c.tion to thl9l body Is. fftlri) or co'roSlon ,;nd tight.

If YDU store your vohicle for !!II prolonged periad.It is ad'Vis.aDrSl tc !.at,s the baUi!IfY to an AI,!I~o'i~d Vol~w<!lg&n d'nl&r. A ban-sry (s net in con;lfInt us.a will dis.-ct'll!l'ge itseJf in lim·! andttils carl eause eermanem damage. to ttl!) pll!ltl!s it lhe- battery;l$ not c.heockad about every tour ~.IG an a :c n<!l rg.ed ,QIS necessary.



At the rear. 8 towing rope can bIB' stteehed to thfl bumper support provfded thai no u nd 1,IG1 strop will be applied and that no jerking rnevem-el'll$ will occur. Wl'I e n lowlng or1 the load. it is possibl~ that undue stroEJS:S will ca cse damag iii to ,he body.

The drivOl of the 'Vohicle tha.t is Qytlil'l!jJ m\J51 be paftlcula(t'i careful when S~anHl!ii1 aU and sniftil''I'Q. Thee drlver of the \l'ehi~e ,nat is being must tGke Care to keep the tow rope taut

AI the front. the rope should be attached to the lewer .!Ixle l\Jbe i!I1 .netu to lOB fram-e heAd as oosslb!o.

On page 21 you Will find "ints 10 obs.~:uva when towtngo with the WI AutomatIc Stiekshlft.


Here is what to do when trouble troubles you

Your Volkswagell should repay you with tJouble fre8 driving if It recelv@s regular melruenanee,

Should you ever encounter difficulty in 5tal1ing your engine Or have ttouble on the road, there are a few simple rspairs which you Can make to ge'l your VW going again. Locale tho problem artd probBble cause of '{our trouble in the guide on the fOllowing page!; and follow the direCti.of'lS 'On wtLat to do.

It the trouble is: serious or you a~e uncertain as to its origin. be sure to see an ALJthorized Volk..swagen Dealer as SOOn as. possible.

Note: The adjustment of idling, ignition timing and - on ventctee with four speed synchromesh tr8Jl$mi$$ion - t"'rattle positioner requites .spacial equipment and training. We sugges.t that you con.!ult your AuthQrlzed VolklwBgen Dealer.


VW 'Will not "tilJ1:

IIIng'nlillwill no,'u.rn.o'oltlr or i'llli'IIS ,o ... ~. 100 Sll'Jwl.,.

Whlll r~ 000

L Run dawn or dud tJut.erv

2. Loo.5. cOlhniK!bOI"l A..Alb.llttiY :B,AtBIIllrtn

Co Al eonn.lllctlOftl bll''hin.d .g,,~1'1 boerd

3. Starter d.lwc1Jl,r.

4. On. "thiele, ""'IiI'! A.utom.atie Slick$"ih:

T"e gear shUt lewr i. no! In NI!IlJlrl!ll

1. A. F~~: :'i:'~p:d~~~o::~~r::~;;!2~n,;,:.,~!~:~r~'~~~~~Iy~~urn Or] !r3"ition, 1M in 1hlrd

~,"a b.!lt[ll"" eharged lIr]d, QI"I$'& 01 1'1191'1 eurrent ccneu ""~II.(;JI"I ehed:&d.

B. ~h~~~!!r;~i~~~'~~:hrn~~nl~: :~~n~ h~:~ ~~aN~rln III O;i~:'I:Sp~~ ~,'f ~ d~;~. range L

Have bOlll!l1V t!harged sJld C::"I"II1i4! ot high il::l..Ifr!l!nl COnltll11ptig,n cl)~ek.ed_

t. Ma~iI IUf. [hilt all oc;.onn.c'tion~ .arlli tight

~ ChlteJc both ClI.blll -oonn.l;tior\S 01'1 bl!lltt4lry II.Bd gf"otmd.d el1d.ol grOI:l~d Ilrllp

B. Ch.~ etlnn~Cln!, .! &lOIlarKIi.;F, l'I'Ioun!llid on &!IlIftlif. und'<lt rig'" ~ rear 0.1 "'l!'l'Iichl

C. Chtc:k PV1oh~ori COMEM:1,0Hi b9hll'ld du.n bciaro

3. Haw vehicle :s.tl1"ed bV !lI1I,It;l'Iing (It!lIt pirswaph 1) .ndi Iillke JI 10 n.Bllllut Authg,i~d VW Outer ._ Shift 10 Neu'r*1

'iJWwilll'lOl.ts.rt: fln.gll"llltiJrnl~er


$, l...Qe~a, connection in jgnltlon ..... Sltfl"l

6. ~:'i:' (Onnee1jon In primary circuit to

7. If I~rk 081 bl..i!clc: ccel lJ'(Iubr. ~ inlgnjtjQ{j~.t.rr'i

s.. C.nKk for loo-M COI"IfIClCIJG,M HI CDi). d~bu"QI ;end 15fNI~ DI~.g:I

6. Twn on ion1tinn. Ramo .... .,uti l:ltaek cable IrGlm 1~I'I.tiQn eQIJ. hold it by im:l,I'.(II,ron and IlIi'. 11 ."min5-t blower nOYSonO 01 o1;D1!f grollnd, bei"!) c"I'.'ul of guo-lIne .nd ita fumes.

~~$~fo:.l1~:~~~~. =:&th~~;~;l~ ~~l:h=:S~~,,~~~k pvsh·on cDrrna~lOIrs bebind deeh

? Ch.~ 1111 ttl4 $oO~tr.u:

A. !~~,:,~nb~n ~n~ad~i:s.~fI~~~~ ::fn":~¥:~l :::i~~[h ~1~::!~~I~~~g1~~jbtD~~~

audibl. $J)IIP; ~II aooe .. r bel\Wert the pc;iintl

If tlt41.s not Iklll t:1:$i!'.1ha c.!Ibin on Ignitlot:l el)lIlnd dl!itributgr Jl'lould b& ch:&c:kll'd for tlgh:tMM. II 1'10 Bp.!Irk. ~ 'IIisible,.aIJ!ll ... our n-e,are-:!otAu'EilorindWI Olt-itlllf.

Eli, II ~rk .. .ppe-~r!. .!I.t ipa[ntl., I'tIrncI'14 hililh UMilOA ""'«1 from c:8ffCal 0' dt!oi:flbutor 'c.IiOI' Ind l'101d it ~&lnBI .fI mat.lll Pill" of lt1a ongillt ,rn I dl!:tMOII 01 .app.r.g:ilrTJo\!l:$l~ ""'. Switch 01'1 ig:nllloo and 'urn 0'0'''' engili'l (If O~Cln 19:nlilQn points .Ii deKrikd I,In.{kIr A. A. Blrano blue ~flGd: mlO&t iIIj;1P'U. It Ihit i, 1"101 .1'111 ease. Me vour Al.llhcwUod Wi OI:IIII.r.

'I/W wiEi nO\ U:a!I"I: lIogin. turn, over

Wl"!.,lo 00

13.:! =~~~~r:~ ~od~~gS. tr~l.

A.. by Impr~ If'tllrtlng erocedura. I' LhIfI gB:!. PIId.a1 iE l:ie.lJrN68>d tDO !IIoft .. n, thlll Beovll11"l'OI .pump ln ()'J. CoDrDvl'l101 h"i}Kr, IO<!I mlJeh g.solma

S, CoIrbul1IItgr m-v be f.h~r;>dld.. flO'~ or nHe11 ..... I v 1t m~ to& Il'lf~'klng

C, I' •• ~rr.: iJ.ppnq; III .... llii1tl ttlntlon ",br .. , 1M dl~tJ1butnr cap 11I0l.l1d' b. cI.a ..... d i)1lr.l£1d Of.Ib;idt, Ae~n"""t "Ion t.wQn t.a~_ Alimo.,.. il.1I IlJllfk. IJh~L II plug •• rt ~.rt o;nd *'I. rer:annact

~~I~O~c:.~e:.,:~ 'r,;k :::: :~d~=~Q[:~~aI:U~~!k.~:r~.h~~d ::~,(~~~nc:h

Sj)"~ pl1,19 eCKvod", wh~ the Mgilne is turned 0 ...... r. If not, cl._" 'l1d dty tOfti'don eal)IM and

=~g.I~~, Se~n;::rA:~rf~~ ~6~~~tJ~~h~·:::"':':UlP~hJl~n n:it:!.=~~: ;:':I:n~~

0, ~!~I:' '":' :ru~~~~~:~~n-: ~I!::e;!~~: :!i'sUl;;I~1I tl4tw .plu9. it M(iHSlry. Unburn~

I. Cbtcl!; ruti Sy$t .. m in ttl. fOIIO""';flQ SOCIl,ltMa:

A. Depreu 1;1" pl!ldl.' completel", .a'ld o~.fI'. 'W~N for IJ prolonged period. If .n~n. dg.1 nOt Nrt. rOITlOV. Ind d" $Qp'k plvgl, rl,jlrn .fI'i-llf Mgirle wtth plugl remowd for II)QolOJ(.JmlllA!iIV lO !leOQndl_ Ral"I.UlII plu!jpll B.Md rIm em;,:ina

B. 11(:1 .around ou'l!(.d1t 01 cerburetcr wi(h "IoI'oII:IDd,.n or plasm. tOol MInd ... WlI"j! II fellY mlmllolll !too "trY S1.1r1JP1Ip I9gin u· du~:rib'ld iI~ -B A.

9. Poor (flel wpplV Eli, SM· JNlIIQr1Pl'1 , 2. through, 4.

, 0, Aw.gmll1.i:c (::bOk:oi! doO$ nO\ aplin, 10. Clwleli: whltruir chMe 'VoIIVI' ia In ... 1I:ltit;11 PQ:ii,hm .'tOt 19nry;OfI 1'1181: blHft s'WftcnEid on lor 2-5

b(lI!.uiVl fUll supply ~b~~ln~dl~~:!~dg~~~o!'D:~~:i~~kJl. ~iI~o;. WO~':~~~M~:. !!:~ ~~~o~ ~~':!

Al.rt.horf2i!di VW Delklr

H. Oflf"ed. 1ft Ign!tlo.A &yS-tlm 11. See 5-lJvouliitl 7

12. Fuel Iupplv il 8!dlaulit.d 112;, C-heclt whe!,hlr anv 98sollfWI la 18ft in tank

13, Fuel ~l,Imp fillM may boa clog-.;ed 13. Attar r.moving the I~"W plug. the 'Llel lilt!!' I!I.I'i b~ tlll!:ln OUI for cklaning

14. GnolilMl m!lV b. eotJ.t.rnt .... '..:I!by '4. SID. Vou:r VW d •• ltrIOl clelmlng or 0111 -oomponantl Clf tn. f'll., :sys1em.

wtt.,. elu .. Of dll1


Proper lubrication ...

means regular and cererullcbncatton. Page 54 shows you at which intervals the veetevs pornt'l require anenliOJl.


Regular oil chan.ges are oecesserv even if the very best brand of eil is used because dirty oi' in !lie engine means increased wear, and reduces servlee life.

The oil is. d ralned. when werm, by remcvln ~ the .plug In the oil strehter collar plate. Flushing is not neee~ary but the strainer must M 10- moved and cleaned at fIVer"{ oil chango. The gaskels and the copper washors under tho cap fluts must always be renewed. Tn.e engine 1$ then filled with 5.3 US pinls C, HD oll (4.4 Imp, plnu} - fabalad "For Service MS".

Due '0 the det&rg.Qnl properties or HD oil. ll\e fresh ojl will look 'IIQ~ dark afler the vehicle h ill'S bee I'll run nlng for onlv Q is non .'lm e. Th is n.oed nO-I WOlrvvOI,J end urtder normElI operatillg condf'lion.illthere: rs ncreaecnwhetever rc change lhe oil elSnOrter intervals than every 3000 miles, We only recommend more frequent oil chinges - every l500 miles - in the winter it you drhl'e m-ostly ahen distances and tn citv ualft.o. If you onlv drive a rew hundf@(i mil.,.$: a month under thl!lstl conditions.. It is .!!Idvls-able to have ttU!i ojl ehe nged e v ery 6 to 8 we-e k:5l. In C"OUlilliH with ercttc climate-51 wbere average lempl'rU\Jre:s: are abo\J1 -13- F t:he oil ehcvld b. ch,nged OV.ry 760 mil ...


Some more information about oil

AtwlDYS use a branded HD oil lab{!led "For Service MS" for the engine of 'Y0~t Volkswagen. The quaUty of oil produeed by raputabte firms is. 500 goO<l tnat tl108 chOI-ce of brand is entir.ely up to you. The Volks.wege:n en-131M maks:s no specie! demands in respect to oil quality whlch cannot 00 met by the wen-known and pcpular hrands. It is :sugges.ted that you select "VO\Jr·· brand of oil at the first 011 change at &00 mll&;& and that you stick to this brand if pos5ible.

The classification of 0,1 Into various viscosity grades is. shown by the des.ignations SAE 30, SAE 20 W120 and 500 en. The viscosity 01 a lubricant indicates its resistance to (low at .a g~ven tcmpaHI nJ re. The VW engine USU anv reqllJ I res on Iy two duterent vlsccsltv (I rades wh ich a', u.s-ed, ~c:co'dinQ to season of year. as fellows:

Temperature ranges of SAE grades

SAE 30

SAE 20 W/20 0' SAE10W·)

SAE 5 W·)

In warm seasons and .all year round in countries with hot clim,nas.

In th.e winter.

In ereas where the a ..... erage lEimperllure bed'OW 6· F

In countries with arene climates and temperatures below~' 3- F

.j A._-old dt!";ng at I'Itgn sj).od$ 'or IOI'lCl perlodt [f u"Jng SAl: '0 W oil and (lillt IJlJtRde !On'I~to:!!l"Ir. h ebc v e :3.2" f cr il uiS-inlil SAE !:i W IJn....mull \II.Q '~I'!'1~r'~ur.l. "bo ... ", S· F.

All SAE gtadM COver a temperature- range of about 60· F end the ranges. of 1WO neighboring grades overlap by at least 30~ F. Brief variatiol'\S in temperature between seasons can thorefore be disleg:arded. For the same l'e.aSOn. ills .also alngl" to mix oils of different v~5cositie:s when ail ha5 to he adde-d between oil changes and the lIi-s.CO$ity or the oil in rhe engine nc longer ectreeponds to the ectce I tern per ature.

No additiv&S of anv sere should be m[x8d with HD 011.

General use

SA' 30

Cold conditions onlv


g,aw SA'




Transmission and final drive are combined In One housing end both lubricated with the same hVpoid oiL The oil $hourd be up to the edge of the fill", hole (A).

At 011 cheng •• overy 30000 ma •• , the old on should be drained when warm, The magl1etic oil drain plugs - two on the four speed svn-


chrornesh transmission (0011t B) and one only on Automatic Sticksh.ift (C) - rnuet be cleaned carefully. On vehicles with Automatic Stickshifl. addi'ionaltv tile trarlsmission otl p.afi has 10 be removed and the ait pan gasket must be replaced. Fiji up 5.3 US pints on four speB<l $'yncoromesh trBl"Ismis$ion and 6.3 US pintS Of! Automatic StickstJift of quahty SAE 90 hypold oil. O.nry in c:olI,Jnlri&.s with artie: Climates is 11 n<'BC8SSa ry \0 use lne till nner SAE SO transm lsslon oil.

The 011 sometfme51 runs into, the WUl smlsetcn h-ou:sJn g yery ,I O'MV. If 0 ne attempts to put \t'L9 oiIlln too Qureklv. it may overflow and give t119 imples.s.lon thEit the hOlJsing is already full althourgh actuellv only about :2-3 pints nave been put in. I t is. essential to th.a :s.ervi(:11!1 life and silenl running of the transmission that tile correct emou nr of oil is used,

The oil level in thO' lti3nsmi:SSlon 5hould be checked QV8ry 6000 miles. At the same time the transmission should be checked for leaks and. on vellicies whh Automatic Stickshiff. addit10nally the mounting belts of tile transmiss-iotl ojillan have to be checked fortignln.e.s.s,

Addhiv'e.J Ihourd nQot be IUs.e:d with "Vpold all.

On vtlhides VrT.ith Auto ma tic Stl cluh lft, .ddltlonally tl1. ATf 1"",1 In ,1\. 10"10. con'IJ'erte-r shcu Id !be chocked eV9ry 6,000 rn i 'es w[lh engine switched off,

An ATF tank fille, (D) with , dlp'ti~ .tt,<h.d

(0 its cover ie provided fot thi5 purpose on the right side in the engine ccmperunent. The fluid level should be kept between tho two marks (In lhe dipS1ick and should novar faU below the lower mark. If necessarv, fin up with eUlornetlc: transmissJon fluid and cheok. fOl leaks.

II i:!!l imperative that only t~os.e ATF':s be used which iohow on the container t n." JoU owing d(l$ignations:

1) Brand name


3) 6 d nu mber preceded bV the I suer "B·· Note: Additives. must not be used with ATF.

Front axle

The front axle cen only be lubricated proparlv when tha axle is free of toad, that I, with tho fro nt en d lifted ill! nd the wheels h ing free,

There are four nippl~s on the axJe tulles which must be IlJblicated with So lithiumrNsed muhlpurpose grea:se., The .nIpples and the gre8$e gun nonfe should be c:leaned carefully before greasing comrnences, Place qun on nipples and inject great~ until fresh Q{s.a:se starts to como out at the torsion arm :sealing rings,

Grease af'Jd oil must not be left On 11re$ an.d brake neeee for long periods. Evon small t,aees: s.hould be wiped off Immedia1elv,

If the vehrc.l-o is driven less than 6000 miles per ye.s,. thn front axle ml,J~t 00 lubriellilod once a Y'Elar,


000'$, and 'hoods

Thl!lo pl,stic: plug: Or'll top of the hi ng e- pIn cl cses iii n 0,1 pecket, C heC-k the- oi I su pply every three months by remcvln iiJ the pi (jg wit" a e crew dr~vBr. IF necesaa ry. the oil pocket should be f6lfill&d with SAE 30 BngiM oil. P,e~:!; plug in and wi PII) oU ~){ees.s CI ll with a c: lOll'll.

The doo, and f'ioodloC;k!i iii nd the hood hi ng-EiS $1'10 uld b,a IlJb nee ted iii t th-e sa rn~ 1 ruervals. Tile' door leek should be give-n iii rew drops of e ll!iillf11J1 oil through ,eI hole if"! the!' edljl6 or the dCQJ Wh.i'!:ll is normally seated with a pl!Jg. The hood .hfng.cs are a! so Dirad and thlll hood locks

I ig~t!V fu bri c~tsdl. Surplus o! I on th e. hOOd hing., 'hO" I d b. wi pod off-

Th-e lock c:ylf nder IS uee ted v.rith graph,te 815; neeeeaerv, The hV ca 11 be dipped into the graphite 811d then turned in tile I@'k a faw umes. The friction surtaces of UHl' slIilo::er pll!ltas s.hClurd bt1 lub-ed IightlV.

Oil bath air cleaner

A dirty cleaner e'emen\ no~ only ,edutGs the engine output. it can also CGiuSflI preneture engine wear. If local condu:1ons are 811Jch \na11he vehlcle IS orten driven QIl very dusty foeds. \nil!l cleaner must be chocked fre.qlJentlv. evell daily if necessary.

The dust present In t~e air drawn In by tho engine is retained by the filter element in lhu upper pan 0' the Bir cleaner and washed out 'When thD vehicle r$ In mO'lion. by the otlln the lower pan. In ti me, tl'1 i S cau aes a lever or :sludgi(ll (0 form at I he be rtcm of I he- I O~'Vt'I' pan. Wtle n lhere i So on Iy ~J •• in. or 011 abov(] the sludge layer, tne lowar part mu-st be cleaned and filled with lresh oil.

Tho cleaner must be removed to do this:

Pull crankcasE! IJentil,ation hose -A- en Ihe- eh c:liI!Iall''!Ier.

Loosen clip -B- on hose (or preheated intilke ;;lit and pull hose ort connection on air cleaner. Remove retaJnino etamp - C - of cable (or warm arr control flap and drsoonnoct cable.

Loosen screw -0- on outer cable retainer end pull cable out.

Loosen scew -E- jn air cleaner !SulJPon bracket.

loosen elr clean@r clamp screw -eocw- and take cleaner off carburetor.

Release Ule e-lips. and tak:tltop cart off. Tn9 lOP part must "Of be laid down wuh the frlter element upward.

Clean bottom part C'..a,e:futiy and fIll 10 m:uk wdh fresh Bflgil1t1 cd. Oil vis;c.os~ty~ SAE 30 all filev.ear, 10 countries wi,h ,atthC enmates onlv. SAE lOW should be used all If'll) vear.

Ctreck that the flaps in (he lntake pipe- on the top part of the cleaner me ..... 9 easdv. The lOP part do" nor normally need cleaning. Ordv if th-EI fUte, o-lem.enl has b,;ec:crneo :;;0 dirtY' due to d-alave:d clnning 01 the bottom part or oil s-hon,age tn,;ill 11"re air Inlet holes On \I're underside are pan1y b~oek.ed. thtl encrusted drrt s.hould be scrape.d oH WI11t piece of wood.

Whf;ln Installing the cleaner. ensure that the space betwoen the intake pipe and the fan housing [:so \J n rf clm sa that the srew Q! the air clea ner su PPOI"t blell:'kel ca n be inserted. Tig h1 EI n III e cia mp S:cr&w carefullv but de not overtighton. To reecnnect the (abla f0l1hu warm air CQntrol Hap in the mtake pipe push the outer cable- into. the retainer. as filr as [t will go. After fi~ino 1he $(FeW -D.attach tlte end et the inner cable witlt tho damp -C- to the lever of the right flap.


Approved Accessories Accessolres A9r'e~s Accessori Approvall Acoesorfos AprObBdos Utp,ovade Tlilbehor Ae·ess.6rios AprovadOs Beproe1de Acccssofres


'ii •• Ii\;f/\ Austauschd lenst Exchange Service Service

d"echa nge-standard Servi:tio rotazlone Servielo de Canjeo

UtbytesS'jSlem Servi90 de Tram Run-Systeem

VW EXCHANGE P"AFtTS Elfe .also repleeemeru Pi!lrt$ for vourVolkswa.gen just like the G8"rminfl' VW Parts. They are covered bV the sama WaHanly condn.1ol'ls es Genuine VW Parts and ere available in every VW Dea!tuship, But there 1$ one difference: The price. VW ElI:change Part! are less expensive than Ganuina WI Pans but exactlv lha same qU811ty, The e-~ctJ;!!Illg-e peru are no! n9'l,ll,l' parts, but pal'\!i which have been!id in the VolbwCIIgen factory. The t is why you l'Iave to hand in lila old roepaltable pan to gel an OxchBllge part.

APPAOVED \fOLKS,WAGEN ACCESSORIES IW9 not ju s.t .any old accessones. They have either b&el'l dasig.n.&d especleflv fOl tt'1e vorkswi!lgen Or selel;ted from the vast raltge of accesscdes available and tested fot use on the Volkswagen In the Volkswagen fac1ory. The trademark "Approved Accesacrtes" is yout guarantee far rnaterlal ~(Jalltv. good wcrkmansh ip and reliabili IY-

Approved VVV aeel9"s,s.ories .ar& .supplied by your AuthorizlIl'd VW D e:aler who will also install Ihllm (OJ you if neces:ssfY. You cen fit martv ,of the aCce&$ories vcursett.

GENUINE 1M PARTS ere tho proper reptaeernent parts for the Vol!ciw8gen. Tiley guarantee aoc:uracy, qual~ly and roflhability. Every :part of the Volkswagen is available .!IS a Genuine WI Part and an .life naturafly of the same high quality as the originaJ pans on the vehicle when it reeves lila f<lctOry. Th, ga-nUIi'1& pans are eJ(pert~ Installed at any Autno,lzed Volk!5lw,flgen,.hlp.

Genuine Volkswagen parts. new and rebuilt ... .and approved Vo~hweg8n eeeessenes ;!ite covered by a warranty gUDranteofng tham to be free of defect. In material and wQl"kmanahlp fer 8 period of 6 month!. Of &.000 mllea: whichever com&! first.,

Plene consult your Authortz:ed Volkswagen OeBler Oil all questlcne concerning .. e~l!!Ilt5. Me will be pleased to advise you and your vehicle will I::I.B In good hAnds.


Technical data


four cvllnder, four 5.ti'oh, .nori'Zontaolly opposed. ill fe-ar. Air cooling by fan. therrncstat controlled. Press.Uf(l oil feed with aear-wpe pump. 011 cooler, Mechanical fuel pump.

Downdraft carburetcr w~lh automatic choke and eccejer "tor pump.

Oil bath air cleane-r with thormostat controlled elr pre-heating. Exhaust emission COntrol evsrem.

Bore • :3.27 in. (:83 mm)

Sttok. 2.12 In. (fi9 mm)

C'p,ei,,! 91,10 cu.Jn. (He. cc)

Compression reuc . . 7.5:1

Maximum output SAE 53 bhp. at 42.00 rpm.

M ex imum torque SAE 78.1 II>. ft,,, 2600 rpm.

Valve clearance With engine cold, intake and exl\$ust ,004 In. {O_lO mm)

Fuel consvm ptl On I)

F ou r speed :sync-nromE!sf'I uansm lsstc n:

Ll.S. - 25.7 miles per 9,llon Metric - 8.S liters. per 100 km Imp_ - 32.1 miles per ga'lol\

Fuel rating

Oll consu mpUO n • •

AlJfomillic: Suc:ks.hift:

U.S, - 15.3 milo, per g,lIon Metric: - 9,3 htars per tOO k.m Im,P. - 30.0 miles. pc, gaUon 91 Octane Regular

u.s. - 1.7-3.4 pint. por 1000 mil •• Metric - 0.&-1.0 Itter par 1000 km

l'np. - 1.4-2:.9 f;1In1lS plBr 1000 miles ') Measured ccnsurrcnon p1U$1 O%,. with hall load at a sleady % of maximum spee-d On road.

Power transmissions

a - Four sp-eed svnchromeeh transmission:

Sln~le pl'to. dry clutch. Clutch pedal free play: .4-.B in, (1 ~20 mm).

Baulk :SVI1 C hronize-!j fo ut- speed gearbox a nd bevel gsa r differen t i ell in One hQ.l)stng

Gear ratios: H:t gear 3.80: 1. 2nd gear 2..06: 1. 3rd gear 1.26: 1. 4th gear 0,69: 1. Reverse gear 3.61:1 Differential retlo: 4.125 :1. Drive shafts with tWe conSlI'!lr1Il v elocity jointi per s.h,aft_

b - Automatic Stick-sh.ift:

Hydtodynamic torque converter with three speed synchromesh tJa Mml:!isio n. oomblnod wlth final drive in one housing

GOtH ratios: Driviflg range L: 2.0B:1. Driving rallge 1: 1.26:1.

Driving ran~e 2: 0,99:1. Reverse range: 3.07:1

DlffomntiaJ ratio: 4.375; 1. Drive shafts with two constant veloelfy' joints per shaft


Engine with four speed synchromosh transmission

1 .. 4U~ spcHili Ollt,er. 2: - 3rd tp,Nd Qt.,' 3 - 2nd '!=I.teI VNn

.4 _ M IIjn !:IrM !ohaf1. f,O'U S - FI.'o'1HU lijilllU e-Mrindrl'r-e!!'

7 - Chlteh ret •• Je' bitarlp!) 8. .. TrOAlM1$t;loo ~i" Ilvcr fI-' .. ISj)ftCllour• 10-011 d,. .. IJloplU!II1o

11 .. Orift ~r3!gn

12 - Olff.fillllti.laidl liI;!!ar 13 - C,ff.r.nIi.1 nOllt.lng


14- OrHj)' .... rJa! pfr'lkln 16 - Ff'ywh •• 1 16-C:r.lIIQ; 17-hn 1!!1-GlIDllrllltor

19 - Carburetor wi,." (hU)[I't

p05l-bOf'itr ttl-liilllU ,....mtoltl '2' -lgnlliO!lcOJI -:ill- Of$tlibulOf ::i!l-o.!-r;ooler

24 -fUIII pu:mp

25- - O~ tiller and brult1.r 215-PI!lon


27 -Cylind-er heed 28 .. Spe,1( ~1\,I9 :ZS-C~lfJ.fl

30 ~ 0,1 .. triJf.Mf

31 -C.amshlliftdn\le'C!t.r-;. :l.l-Ol.! pump

33-v .. lv-e

34 - H"lU t~fwmijil!lr 31S-flJlf1 rod tub!-

36 - 011 preuufe I'IIli,d 'Ir.!lkrtl 31 - COl'I'I9(!lino IOIJ

31 -Thfltll"j~~.l

31- CyllllOor



19 20



22 23





Platform frame 'With tunnel-shaped center member

Front axle bolted (0 frame head, engine/transmission unit bolted to frame fork

Independent vffle'el !ius,pension: twin Cf8n'ked link arms at fronl. trailing [urns and dl.agonallink~ at rear

TOfs.ion bar sp-ringing. telescopic shock absorbets. stabilizer at front

'Roller G1Gerlng Vlith mailllellElnee free lie~rod5 and hydraulic steering damper Hydrau 11c: du a t-eireu i t loot brake.&.

Mechalltea1 hand brake eHet:ti:ve on rear wheels

Wheelb •• e 94.S in. (2400 mm)

Turning circle diameulI 36 ft. <1' m)

Track ilU front 151.6 ln. (1310 mm)

TQ~&in .08 to .HJ in. {2 "0 4.5 rnm) unladen

Camber 30'*20' unladen

Treek., eeer 53.3 in. (1350 mm)

WhHls 4 J )( 1 5 safety ri rn wheets

Tlres. tu beless Bia s Ply Ti res Or Radle I Ply Ti res

5.60-15-loadcapaelty 970 lbs. 155 SA 15

at 32 psi.


Ti re pressures. cold

with 1 or 2 occupants

fully load.d

E lectri ca I "yorte m

Voltage S.U·tV Starter GrartP)r,a\or

Ignition distrihutor Firing order

Basic ig nilion tim i ng C ontect brea ke r giS P Spark plugs

front rear



16 ""I 24 p.i

(1.1 kg/em') (1.7 kg/em'.)

17 psi 26 psi

(1.2 kg/em') (l.B kg/em')

For Ion!!:!. higl1 5pe-ed trips. the tlre prGS$f_m!::!i should be 'ncreased by

3 psi (0.2 kg/em') et I,pn, .nd


12 vel .. 44Ah 0.7 bhp

max. 350 watts. e-afly cut in with vacuum spark advanca 1-4-3-2

TDC - engine at operating temperature .016 in. (0.4 m m)

Bosch W 145 T 1 } or plu9' witl1

Bcru 145/14 similar vahJM from other m.1nUracNrers.

27 psi (1.9 kg/em') 27 pal (1.9 ~g/em')

18 pel (1.3 kg/em') 18 psi (1.3 kg/<m')


Dimensions and weights




PI"9 tn, •• d Plug gap

Sr.ak,e system

all bath .air cleaner Wind5t1ie'd wl5het'

Mexlmum and cruising speed

Acceleration ti rna from 0- 50 mp h. (0- eo !<ph.) Climbing abjhry

'51 gea,

2nd ge~H

:lId gOl!lf

4th gear

14 mm

.028 in. (0.7 mm)


Con v ertible

158.6 in. 61.0 In. 59.1 In. 5.'&ln, 180711),.

(4030 mm) (1550 mm) (1500 mm) (150mm) (820 '9)

Length Width Heigl"lt

Ground clearance Unlade" welghL (ret! elV for use)

Permissible load a 3a rbs

Gms:! Wlhicle weight '2845Ib'S.

P~rrn issibla flo I'Ll i!J::<1 a load 10:80 IDS. Perm lssibl a rear a..xl SI load 1609 I ba, 'Permi:9s1bIG roof and lfaller weights

Roof woigh" 0) , 1 0 lbs, (50 I<,g)

Trailer without b •• kes a80 lbs. (400 1c.9) 8aO lb.. (400 kg)

'1 Applin 01'11", ~o 101)( 'Ie:k mo.tmted 10 ro 1'1 1;I.tJIHlr! Oj9~rlbut9 kla:1i lIvwnlyl

Fuel tank 10.6 U.S. g.ll, (40 Ht.", 8.a Imp. gail.)

Engin. 5.3 U.S. PII"!> (2.5 hters: 4.4 Imp. pinl$)

Transmission and final dnve 5.3 U.S. pints (2.,5 tuers)

On vtlhfcl8Si with Automahc Suckehltt:

TotQue convenot circtJit approxima.tely 7.6 U.S. pints ATF (3.8 htars: 6.3 Imp, pin IS) Transmis,$lon and final drive-

approximatelv 6.3 U.S. pints Hypcld oil (3.0 liter$; 5.3 Imp. pints, IIpprox •. 53 U.S. pin13 (0.25 liter: 44 Imp. pints)

apprcx, ,B U,S. pint!; {O_4 liter)

appsex, 3.6 U.S. plrus (aoprox. 1.7 htets: 3 Imp. pints)

Four sp~ed synchrOM@'!in transmission Automatic Stlc:k:s:nift

18 mpn. (125 kph.) 74.6 mph. (120 !<ph.)

(380kv) (1 200 ~g) (490 kg) 1730 kg)

lEI ppro.ll;, 13 second 5

Sedan Convertible

4S% 45%

24% 23%

13% 13%

a% 8%

158.6 in. (4030 mm)

61.0 in. (1550 mm)

59.1 in. (1500 mm)

5.9 in. (150 mm)

1 g, 8 lbs. (810 kg)

794 lb •. 2712 lb s, 1102 lb •. 1~3' lb s.

(360 kg) (1230 kg) 1500 kg) (140 kg)

,D rivl rig ra n ge L D rivln~ HInge 1 DriVing ra.nge 2

II pprox, 1 6 :5~C:O.n ds

Sed-an Convertibl a-

l8% 3M.

23% 22%

16% 1~%

The identification plato IS found under the The Chas,sis Nl,Jmber IS also round on the The Engine Number is on .he genetator

(ront hood behind tho spare tiro. Tho 9 digit ftame tunnel under the rear seat. support flange.

numbor .after tho words "Falug:ost. Nr." Is the

chassis number. It describes the modelllumber.

model vea.r end serial number of the vehicle as

shown in this semple:

" 9 000186

I' "- "-

Modal Yelr S.fItial Number


Aeo.tora"ng 19 Cold weather hint5 . 22 Front ede - dlll'&l:rrption 49
Ai, c[&.a.ner - cleaning. 45 Ccmpresslon retlo of engifllil 47 -elubrlcatlon 43
Ash,,,,y. 7{10 Convertibfe tOp 1. - technical data , 49
Autom.atio Stfcl<:$hlft 20121 Front hood - knob .
Dimel1s;ions 50 Front seats - a-cijl.,.l:S-tmer'lt 4 up ligfn. 33 Dim ming - h 91!1dltgh ts Fuel - co "sum PlJon 47
Bonoty - chocking 36 Dipstick ~ Englne 17 - filter cleaning 31
- winter operatiol'! 23 ~ Al,llomatic Stiekshift 42 ~ gauge 7
Body - airing . 26 DOO'$- - lank capacitY .0
B,aKes - applicatrOn 19 - inslda he ndle . fus& bo)!; _ 35
- che.c:kfng 15 ~ lubrication poi n ts 44 Fu sn - rapracing 35
- de.scriPtion 49 - loeb; r'O~Gn 23
- nuld rf):$GNoir 14 Driving - 19
Breaking in . 19 OeafshitHng 19
Bulb eh.~ 34 - Automatic S1ick$hift 20/21 Generator 49
- repl.cS'm'l'IIt 33 Ground clearance eo
iEcol'lomy 1B
C,arbl.J reter - type 47 Engino - c85crlplion 47
H-and brake - deacrlpticn 49
Cam bar 49 - desigra 47
-lubrication 40 HeadJlght - switch . 7
Care of - C8t 24
- number 51 - a~ming . 32
- ctuome. 25
- convertible to p 26 - ell -chang 13> in winter . 23 Heating - operlHiclil
- leethere11Q 26 - oil changfl 40 Hood look
- oil :s:lfaine, 40 - release I aver
- weathefSulps 25
Car care - rrUHerials 26 - sectlcnet view _ 48
Chlll"lS - descrIptIon . 49 - technlcel data 47 ld'srnificeUon gllta . 51
- number 51 - typo 01011 41 Igl"litJon - d IS1ributo, 49
Climbing ability 50 - firing ord.o, . 49
Clutc~ - d."gn 47 Foot brake - description _ 49 Instrumont fight
- ped.llr •• ·pl.y . 47 Fresh air ventilation Interior light 10
52 Jack - operation, 29 Safety bel", '1112 Tools 13
S Bats - adI-ustmen.t 4 Towing 37
K"'I. _ maintens nee 26 Track 49
Shock absorber - d6sign 49 Trailer - ope.rrnis$ibfa weight 60
Lighting 32 Sliding roof. 8 Transmission - descnption _ 47
- cnacldng 17 Snow chains n - oil changs end cillpac.ity • 42
lubricant - addilives 41/42 Spare wheel 13 ~ seCiion.1 viww 48
Lubrication eervree . 54 S park. plugs - remcvl n g CI nd eta-an i ng , 31 Trouble shooting 38
Ll,Igga lJe ccmcetmenrs 10/13 - g.~ 23150 TurninQ errore , 49
MalntenMce service ~4 Speedometer 6 Turn .sig.na5 switch 7
- record. ,6 Sp-eEld r!!l nge9 . 19-21
Maximum output 47 Spots - removal . 26/2' U ph otsaeev - clean ing 26
Maximum -speed _ ~O Starting the engine. I S/20
Starter motor 49
on ecnsu rnp tlen , 47 S teerin g/ig nltlon I cck • Valve'S - clea~-anc;fI _ 47
Oil level - engine 17 Steeri ng - type 49 V .. belt - replacing and adjvstlng 30
OU - speeifications , 41 Stop lig Itt - checldng . 17 Vontwil'l!iiil
- tran$mi as! on 42 Sun visor 8
SU!ip(lnslon - front, 49
Pelntwork - waxing 24 - rear 49 Warning lights
- polishtng 24 - bfa'ko operation 16
Pirkino lig his Wash i Ilg veu r car 14
Technical data 47 WeJghts 50
Ra.tios - rear axle 47 Tire:s. - in Iledcn preS$UU!I . 49 Wheal base. 49
- trensmlsslcn • 47 - mel i men ance 27 Wheel:s. - c:hanQi r"Q ' 28
Rear a:d& - description 47149 - Winter- 22 -rlms.tzEi 4~
- techn lea I data 47/49 - R.d;,1 Ply- 22/49 WindoW$ - cleaning 25
Re:at vilB'lN mirrors B -5[:19 , 49 Window reran k
Rear window defogger -wear 27 WlndsJiield wiper swlrch 7
ROVet.$8 gear 19/20 Toe-in. Ml Winds.hield weaher . 7/14
53 Lubrication and maintenance

A. The free maintenance service at 600 mites » W 1 • consists of the following:'

Oil Ch.ange

1 - Er'lgil\e; Cllange oil. clean oil straine" Cneck for leaks.

2 - Transmission: Chal"kge 011, clean magnetic drain plugs. Check ror leaks.

3 - Windshield washer: Check: fluid.

MeintenanC8 S$l'"vice

Tho Mechanic.:

1 - Cho!]ek slcned nut of both nl'!!I r bloke

drums. tighten if necessary.

2 - Cha-ck v-belt. adjust if necessary.

3.- ChflCk oonlaCl pofrus. lubricate alst~bl;tor. 4 - Check an.d adjust valve clearance.

5 - C hack and crutch p.ed a I free -pl ay (four speed .sYl\chromesh transrnlsstcn only).

(i - ReI!! r ore: Check terq ue of bolts for conS'lant velocity joint$,

7 - Drhl'jI} sna.fts; Check boot.s fot reaks. 54

8 - Check: dusl saills and proper fit of pi\lg on ball joints. Chad: o'us1 seets on lie tod ends. Check tio rods, tighten if ne-ceS5:Sry.

9 - Check lite pressures. Chock: wheel bohs. torque to factory speciflCBliorlis if neeessarv.

lO - Check brake sY$1em for damage end lea ka. chee k br.a:ke nu id level. add If necesserv, Adju$t foot and hand brakes.

11 - Cheek cpereticn of II!IllIcttical system i!lnd headlig hl adllJlnmant

Tb s S&rvic:e Ad\llur (Quality Conllol)

During rc aotes r-

Chm:ik; e-Hidencv of br.a:krng- . .sleering. h-eatl[JQ and veruiiation svsrems. Check cveral! perfo/mance.

Artel rcadt8:!it~

Adjust ignition timing. whh eucbcscopl t: light. C net'k and adjus t i jjlrng. Check mrome positioner for correct fUl1clJonlng (four speed sync:tuome:sl'l tr8fismission oI'lIV). Check L:'{linde-f head covero5o for lea ks.

. Lubrlcllntt and fluids are pilid by the c uste mer.

B. An oil change service every 3,OOOmiies· WS 5· consists of:

1 - Engine~ Cn.allge oil. clean oil strainer.

ChEU::1c for leaks"

:2 - Door and hood rocks, door hingO$:


3 - BauCity: Ch Bck. add dis tllltid water fl9cessary, clean and grease terminals.

-4 - Wincrs.rueld washer: Check fluid.

C. A lubrication and maintenance service every 6,000 miles ·Wl0· consists of:

Lubrication S~rvlc:e

Pi:!"rl' crm WS 15 P 11,1 50 the following ite-ms:

Ii - Traosmission: Check 011 'evet add if necessarv. Cneck fOJ leaks.

6 - fto:nl end: Lubricate.

7 - Ali' cleaner: Check. creen lower paft if

necessary lrnd JiO wj\h fresh 011.

In additIon. on vehicles with A\JtomattC Stickshih:

8 - Check ATF level. lill up If necessarv.

Check IO/qUB converter circuit for loaks.

9 - OJ! pan: Ch.eek bolt.s. light.a-n Jf nCCQE:Sery.

Mllinten811ce Service

The Mechanic:

1 - Check. V·b-all. ndjust if IiIl!'Cessary.

2 ~ Check contact points. reotece if necessev. lubr~c!3te distfibu!Of.

3 - Check end !ldjust valve clearance.

4 - C heck !Spark plug 5. check and adjust ph'! g go!! p, Ctl-e<:k cempresslc n.

5: - Check ccnee! flaps on ollba(h air cleaner.

6 - Check rubber valvl3 tor crollln"kOi!l.!l:-IJ ventltaucn, replace if necessary. Check exhaust evstem for damage.

7 - Chad: and adJ uSt clu tIC" pedal fr~e~ play (four speed synchromesh transmission only].

a - Check dust seals and proper fit of pluQ$ in baU JOifUS, Check dust seals on tie rod ends. Ched:: ue rods, tighten if necessary.

9 - Check. axial ?I BY of bu II joints.

10 - Check: rrcm wheel camber and lOe·il'l.

11 - Steering gear: Check and pt!!lY betw-een roller and worm.

12 - Chock tires 10i wear and damage. cheek lhe tile pressures.

,:3 - Cheek bmke system for d8mage and leaks. checK b~ak.e fluid level. add if necessary, AdjLisl foot eed hand brakes, Chock oper~tion of brake w~rning IiQht.

14 - Check. lhieki"1ISS of brake linings.

15 - Flrl".!lf exle: Chec-k torque of boilS for constant vetocltv [o! nts.

, 6 ~ Drive &"hafts: Check bools for leaks.

17 - Check operetlon of etectrlca! system .end headlight a<ljustment.

1 B - Check wipe, blades and replace if neeessarv.

In addition. On vehicles with AtJtomstic Sticks-nift:

19 - Servo ell;tc.h: Chock clearance on dutch servo rod and adjust. if necessary.

20 - Control valve: Clean .air ftlter.

21 - Shift lever: Cheek and clean contacts. replace if necessarv, Adjust creerence.

The Service Advis-er (QualilY Control)

Doring roedtast:

Chl$l;.k. efficiency of blaldng. stBtulng, helting a.nd veetil ill ti on systems. Check. OV-Elta II pertormence.

Aft-er roadtest~

Adjust. ignition timing with stroboscopic light. Check .and m:llu5l idling. Chock til route polSl ciOM! for correct fUl"ICti on i f1;g (tou r speed svnchfOmesh tri!lmliminlOl'l onlv). Chec'k C'f~ Under head covers- for leaks.

D. In addition. every 30000 miles change the transmission oil (includes removing and installing oil pan on. vehicle. with Automatic Stickshift) - W 10. Repack front wheel bearings. clean and lubricate rear wheel' bearings - W 51.

E. Every two years, repia.ce brake fluid. Check funC1ioning of brake warning light switch.


Maintenance Record

Malnlenl!lrn:;~ [5 only .lI word, It covets many things, Proper maintenance guarll'lteeSll\e best aconomy. dependability. safely and convenience. All kinds of "melatenance" ere i;\'v.ailaMB (0 you. Nilturally, we- belle-ve that thfl best maintenanu is cbtelneble from ALllhoriUJd VoLksw.aglln Dealers.

t - You expect VCUf Volksweg&n to be fe'li,obla and ecoilomiC81 ,(lind to last I!I lo'ng tlme, no metterhcw mmr'tv mi les "Iou lJ'"aWJ1. now you dfivl1 or how bad the wMlhs;'r and roads B reo Ttl Is Maintana 1lC<& ReCQrd In the Owner's Manual 'Wi',h its remlncere for r'lI!Igurar lubrications BOO maifltenanc:e .servloCD!i wHi help you achleve this...

2 - Tho empty S)'JIB'C85i will teU you when 011 changes, lubrications and ma.[ntenancfJ ssrvices are due. These maintenance $Grvit" kaep yOur Vol.kswoligen in good running condition, contribute to your safety end h&lp retain YOUI vehicle's value. The mileages: p,intlKS In the spaces tell you at e g18(1C$ when the next 011 chenge, Jubriccrtion or mainten~mt:a :!'i:8Mce ~!Ii due.

:3 - Just hand this Ownlt-r's Maousl to an AulfiCtrud Volk.swagen Oenl81 - he will do tl'le relSt. Tha delan.s:

Ire !S!UbjeC-1 to .Iteration without neuec.

4 - Th m- [jIll o'il C 11:8 nge 0110 d me im,enanee $ElM~& Sol GOO miles e nd the oil change at 3.000 rnlles ale paruculfl r1V lmpone nt for oI!I tong. troublft ~freo service life. Ttl B' rear cover tlf th i:s, Ow r'IIl9 f"'s Man uet co rUains. 8 punchcliJ.rO for I,he. freg-of-charge rrtalntenence serdce et 600 mll&.$.

5 - From 6,000 mite$ cnwelld. 1he combJnad lubric:a,licn and mainumancl!I urIIlce should be padormed every 6,000 miles, Engine oil should be changed every 3.000 mites. If your Volk.swa.gefl ts driven tess thl!ltl 3.000 miles in 3 months. heV$1h& oil changod every 3 months; jf cdven less than 6.000 milas in 12 months, have the frcm end lubricated once a year.

S - Every Authorized Vol~5wagen Deafer ,u homu 0' abroad guarantees 10 perform all the operations llsted '0' JJlainlel'lsnce !!I'\d lubricotlon services in eeccreeaee witn Volk~'W.agan quality stenderde,

Delivery Inspection

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3000 miles

Free Mo'ilntel'lanCG WS 5 011 change


Brake Fluid Renewal

and checking of brak.e werning Ught twitch

EnU'lne .and Tr<11lsmis$lDn ola change

after 2 ve{lrS of operation

after 4 veers of operation

after 6 yaar!i ot operatiQn

(O ... I.o8r Stamp)



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Mil ...

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6000 miles 9000 miles 12000 miles 15000 miles 18000 miles 21000 miles
W 10 Lubrlc.-tlon WS 5 Oil change W 10 lubric.!ltion WS 5 Oil change W 10 Lubrication. Wi IS 0'11 chang III
and Maintenance and Maintenance an.d Maintenance
rvlce Service Secl"Vir;:e
~D.ili. S~m:p) (O'll'ller S,.eMp) (OlJilfer Scamp) (Dc,,-1e:t Stamp) (DIIIBler Stamp) (Doller Stalllp)
0." 011118- DIIIt! One Dlitt) Calli
Mite! Mlkill M~I!!II Mllel Mil.
24000 miles 27000 miles 30000 miles 30000 miles 33000 miles 36000 miles
W 10 LubrlC-:ltlon WS 6 011 c:hllflgE" W 10 Lubrication W61 Repal::k fronl WS 5 Oil chango W 10 Ll.briCJ!rtio"
nd Mainteflllilnr;o • nd M a inten.l!lnC-fI QQd rear w'heto1 "nd
Service Sar'll'lce bearings San.rlc:a
Oil change
{CdlerStBmp) (DMlllrStamp) (OElIlo'INS .... mp) (OlhklrS1amp) (CluiINSltmp} (O •• ler $tlImp)
C;atlll Oat. D." 0111'1 00"'1 Om
." .. MiI_ Mil", Mil," Milll MI~J.
39000 miles 42000 miles 45000 miles 48000 miles 51000 miles 54000 milecs
WS 5 011 r;::h.§lngll! W 10 Lubdc:a1:ion WS 5 on chan~a W 10 Lubr! I:.IIItioo WS 5 Oil ch.nge W '10 LubrlGiJtI on
and Maintanenc4I and Maintenance .nd Maintenan-ce
S.nic. Sel"lice Servie
(DIAr., Srll.inp) (0.111..- S~.iIlp) (C.alw St.M:I) (ONt4i1 Slimp) (DQ~lm Slamp' {OoMl e r Stamp)
O.llUI C .. r. DIt' Oilll[1II Oot< """
Miln .. , .. MIlos Mi.l1!II Miles Mil_ 57000 miles 60000 miles 60000 miles 63000 miles 66000 miles 89000 miles
WS5 WIg .b 1 WSl ~ 0 WS50 Wl0 WS 50
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(DNre,SUmp) [DRiM Stamp) (OI(l;)i.,S •• m1l') (()1I"ll(Ir-s'~mp) (OlNief $tlii'lp) ~D-fl~IClr $t8mp)
o .. ~. 0 ... n ... D ... 01[. O.etdl
"" .. NhlM ~MeB Milo MI,.. Mil.
72000 miles 75000 miles 78000 miles 81000 miles 84000 miles 87000 miles
WIO ; WS5 WIO WS5 Wl0 , , WS5
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D ... 0,1'" D.'l1l C.ta 001 .. DMe
MJIN MJlel Milqf Miles Mlle. Mit'"
90000 miles 90000 miles 93000 miles 96000 miles 100000 miles
WID WSI wss Wl0 , WID
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O.te O.lil O.,\a Dillte O~U!I
Mi_ Mlle. MIlK MIIMI Mlle. The "National Traffic&. Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966" requires manula~urer .. to be in a position to contact vehicle owners II • correctlon of a product defect becomes ne~ .. sary.

Plea se Ii II in the attached postea rd if yo U change your address or purchase a Used Volkswagen.

You need no I use t his card if you p u rch ased yo ur car through an Authorized Volkswagen Dealer.

Please Quote the VW chassis number as lt appear" on the idemi'fication plate of the vehicle, its location is shown on page 51. Do not use the abbreviated serial number as shown on the vehicle regisualion.

Additional cards can be obtained from any Authorized Volkswagan Dealer.

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May not be rtrprod\l~d QI' Irart!tlu.d In wko1!11i ar In een without mill written conS-i'll of Vg[hwa.vllnwtl'iI; AG

$pKJficalion l.i.lbJ4'!;t to I!Ihflrii1ian 'Nltl'lo-U' neue ••

P,! noled In Go£I'rm ~n ~ 8.66

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