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( RPP)


Materi Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VIII ( delapan ) / 1
Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog
pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Dasar: 4.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pend-
Ek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
Akurat, lancar,dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
Lingkungan sekitar.
- Merespon ungkapan tentang dialog.
- Menyimak teks yang dibacakan oleh guru dan menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan materi.
- Mengidentifikasikan nama-nama hewan berdasarkan gambar.

Jenis teks : Descriptive text

Tema : Flora and Fauna
Aspek / skil : Speaking
Alokasi waktu : 2 x 30 menit.

1.Tujuan Pembelajaran
Diakhir pelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat :
1. Merespon ungkapan tentang binatang
2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut
3. Menemukan informasi – informasi baik umum / khusus dalam dialog.

2. Materi Pembelajaran
- LKS cerah bahasa inggris kelas 8 / V111, semester 1.
a. Materi: Task 2, task 3, task 5, dan task 6.
Complete the dialogue with suitable adjectives of animals. Mention the name of each animal.
The following pictures might help you.

An animal that lives in

water and breathes
through gills.


2. An animal that is often

kept as a pet. Its colour
is usually white. It eats
carrots or leaves. It looks


A tall African animal with
a very long neck. It eats
leaves and twigs from

A long reptile with a long
body and sharp teeth.

A very big, grey animal with along trunk and two long
teeth called tusks. It eats grass and parts of trees which
they tear off with their trunks.

Answer the following questions orally.
1. Your friend wants you to describe your pet. How do you describe it?
2. Your friend doesn’t know about the jasmine flower. She wants you to describe it. How do you
describe it?
3. What do you usually say to describe things?

Complete the dialogue with the sentences that are provided in the box!
a. I thikn so, too. We have to prevent animals from extinction. We can join an organization which
supports the wildlife reservation.
b. Oh, why is that so?
c. Yes, I do. I have three cats at home . How about you? Do you have ani pets?
d. Yes, I like them a lot.
e. What do you thikn about wildlife reservation in our country?

Lisa : Do you like animals, Sarah?

Sarah : ................................................................................................................
Lisa : Do you have ani pets at home? ...............................................................
Sarah : No, I don’t. I really like birds. I want to have merek as pet, but I can’t.
Lisa : ...................................................................................................................
Sarah : Wol, the merek is an endangered spesies. Our goverment protects theme.
Lisa : ....................................................................................................................
Sarah : Oh, I think that’s not only our goverment’s task to reserve that wildlife.
We have to do something.
Lisa : ....................................................................................................................
Sarah : I think it’s a good idea

Role Plat. Act the following dialogue with your friend.
Budi : Hi, Dika. How are you today?
Dika : Hi, Budi. Fine, and a bit excited.
Budi : Are you? Excited about what?
Dika : Well, my pet cat has had kittens. They’re cute, small, and very adorable.
Oh you should have seen them.
Budi : Sure, I’d lob to!

Kunci jawaban
1. Fish
2. Rabbit


3. Metode Pembelajaran
- Three phase of technique

4. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre – activity
- Apersepsi ( Pembukaan, salam dan tegur sapa, mengapsen siswa, dan menyampai-
Kan tujuan pembelajaran, Tanya jawab kosakata terkait tema )
b. Whilst Activity
- Guru memberi ungkapan yang digunakan dalam bentuk dialog.
- Siswa mendengarkan dialog yang dibacakan oleh guru
- Mengidentifikasikan nama – nama hewan berdasarkan gambar
- Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan dialog.
- Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama – sama.
c. Post activity
1. Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya.
2. Membimbing siswa dalam manyampaikan materi
3. Closing

5. Sumber belajar
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII semester 1.

6. Penilaiyan
a. Teknik : Tes lisan dan tes tulis
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja dan menjawab pertanyaan.
c. Instrument : Task 2, Task 3, Task 5, dan Task 6.

7. Pedoman penilaiyan.
a. Answer the question part 1
1. Tiap nomor di beri skor 1
2. Skor maksimal 10 x 1 = 10
b. Answer the question part 2
1. Tiap nomor di beri skor 2
2. Skor maksimal 2 x 5 = 10
Nilai akhir = nilai 1 + nilai 2
Mengetahui …………………,….
Dosen mata kuliah TEFL-2 Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dra. Hj. Rahayu, A. M. Ed. TESOL Rini Erina

NIM. F42109025


( RPP )


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VIII ( delapan ) / 1
Standar Kompetensi : 9.Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan-
interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Dasar : 9.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinter-
eraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur
meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat.
- Menggunakan ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris dalam bentuk dialog.
- Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta, memberi dan menolak pendapat
tentang suatu barang / jasa.
- Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta, memberi dan menolak pendapat.
- Mengungkapkan kalimat dengan kata tanya yang tepat.

Jenis teks : Transaksional dan Interpersonal

Tema : Traveling
Aspek / skill : Speaking.
Alokasi waktu : 2 x 30 menit.

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Diakhir Pelajaran siswa dapat:
- Merespon ungkapan tentang meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat tentang
suatu barang / jasa.
- Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog.
- Menemukan informasi – informasi baik umum / khusus dalam dialog.

2. Materi pembelajaran
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII, semester 1.
- Speech Act, task 2, task 3, task 4, dan task 5 dihalaman 21-22

Speech Act
You can these expressions to ask for items from someone.
- Can I have ….?
- Can you give me …?
- May I have …?
You can use these expressions to give items to someone.
- Here you are.
- This is for you
- I’d like to give you …
- Please accept ….
You can use these expressions to reject items from someone.
- No, thanks you.
- Not for me, thanks.
- Not this time, thanks.
You can use these expressions to ask for opinions
- What do you think ….?
- What’s your opinion …?
- How do you feel about …?

You can use these expressions to give opinions.

- I think ….
- I must say ….
- From my point of view ….
You can use these expressions to say that you agree.
- Yes I agree
- That’s true.

You can use these expressions to say that you disagree

- I don’t agree
- No, I don’t think ….

Read this short dialogue, then study the italicized words.

Dimas : What do you think about the plan to cut down the trees in the school yard?
Rian : I don’t know. I think it is sounds strange but I really don’t know what to say.
Dimas : What do you say about this?
Rian : Sorry, I don’t want to say anything about that.
Dimas : Oh, OK. No problem.


Role play
Act out the following dialogue with your friend.
Ali and all his classmates are going to Dufan. Ali is chatting with his best friend, Dani
Ali : It’s very exciting today.
Dani : Yes, it is. I’m having so much fun.
Ali : Which is the most exciting game for you here?
Dani : Well, I must say that rolle coaster is the most exciting game.
Ali : Yes, I agree. The roller coaster gave me an unforgettable experience
I think I want to ride it again.
Dani : Yes, me too. By the way, are you chewing gum? Can I have some?
Ali : Yes, of course. Here you are
Dani : Thanks
Ali : Do you want the new banana flavor? It tastes good.
Dani : Not for me, thanks. I don’t like bananas

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue in Task 3.
1. What is Dani’s opinion about the most exciting game?
2. What about Ali’s opinion about it?
3. Who is chewing gum in the dialogue?
4. Which flavor doesn’t Dani like?

Expressing Giving Instruction

Read the dialogue carefull!
Situation: The children are busy preparing for their picnic.
Andi : Jock, have you checked the gasoline in the car?
Joko : Yes, I do. Don’t worry. It’s full
Dian : Where should I put the food container?
Andi : Just put it in the back of the car.
Sandi : Let me help you take it, Dian.
Dian : Thank you.
Farah : And don’t forget to bring your camera, Andi!
Andi : Sure, I won’t.
O.K. Is everything ready?
The children : Yes, it is
Andi : Let’s getting the car, and go for our picnic.
The children : O.K. Let’s go!

Kunci jawaban
1. He having so much fun
2. He agree the roller coaster is the most exciting game
3. Ali
4. Banana

4. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre – activity
- Tegur sapa, mengapsen siswa, dan menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran, tanya-
Jawab terkait tema dalam dialog.
b. While activity
- Meniru ungkapan – ungkapan terkait materi yang diucapkan guru.
- Siswa mendengarkan dialog yang dibacakan oleh guru
- Guru menjelaskan tentang Speech Act.
- Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan dialog.
- Guru menunjukan beberapa siswa untuk membaca dialog.
- Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama – sama
c. Post activity.
- Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya
- Membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi
- Closing : Memberikan PR ditask 8 dan task 9 yang terdapat didalam buku LKS
halamam 28
kelas 8 semester 1.

5. Sumber belajar.
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII, semester 1.

6. Penilaiyan
a. Teknik : Tes lisan dan tes tulis
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja dan menjawab pertanyaan.
c. Instrument : Speech Act, task 2, task 3, task 4, dan task 5.

7. Pedoman Penilaiyaan
Untuk setiap jawaban benar skor : 2
Jumblah skor maksimal : 10
Nilai maksimal : 10

Acknowledge by Pontianak, 2009

Guidance teacher Arranged by
Teaching Practice Student
Mustika Sari, S.Pd Lusiana

Approved by
Guidance teacher

Drs. Luwandi S.,M. Hum


( RPP )


Materi Pembelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII ( delapan ) / 1
Standar kompetensi: 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
Interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
Lingkungan sekitar
Kompetensi dasar: 4.1. Mengunkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pendek
Sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
Akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingku-
Ngsn sekitar.
- Menyimak dan memahami dialog tentang persahabatan.
- Menggunakan ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk dialog.
- Merespon ungkapan dalam teks dialog.
- Menyimak teks yang dibacakan guru.

Jenis teks : Descriptive text

Tema : Friendship
Aspek / skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 menit

1. Tujuan pembelajaran
Diakhiri pelajaran siswa dapat :
- Merespon ungkapan dalam teks dialog
- Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut
- Menemukan informasi – informasi baik umum / khususdidalam teks dialog.
2. Materi pembelajaran
- LKS cerah bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1
- Task dialog tentang Frienship ( Speech Act, task 1, task 2, task 3, task 4,task 5, dan
task 6 yang ada dihalam 45-47.

Speech Act
Here are some expressions used for inviting someone in informal and formal ways.
You can use these expressions to invite someone.
- Shall we …?
- Can you come to ….
- Would you like to come to my graduation party?
- I’d very much like you to come
You can use these expressions to accept an invitation
- Yes, certainly I will come - I would, very much
- Absolutely, count me in. - Yes, I’d like noting better.
You can use these expressions to decline an invitation.
- I’m terribly sorry. I don’t think I can
- I’m very sorry, I can’t.
- Thank you very much, but …
These expressions are used to congratulate someone.
- Congratulations.
- Well done.
- Fantastic
These expressions are used to compliment someone.
- That’s a nice …. ( appearance )
- You’re looking good. ( appearance )
- Wow. You’re very clever.
Answer these questions orally.
1. Do you like going to parties? What kind of party?
2. What must we consider if we want to have a party?
3. Do you have plans to have a party? Explain!

Read and study the dialogue!
Situation : Two friends met each other on their way home.
Roni : Hi, Rudi! How are things with you?
Didik : I’m fine. Thank you. How about you?
Roni : I’m fain too.
By the way, do you have a plan next Saturday?
Didik : No. What’s the matter?
Roni : If you don’t have a plan, would you come to my birthday party.
Didik : I’d love to. What time it will begin?
Roni : At about 6.30. Here’s the invitation?
If you don’t mind, I want you to ask Deni, your brother to join with you.
Didik : Thank you, but I’m afraid he can’t.
He has something to do at that time.
Roni : That’s all right. O.K. Rudi. See you next Saturday.
Didik : See you. Bye!

Answer the question!
1. Who are in the dialogue about?
2. Where did they meet?
3. What is Roni give to Didik?
4. When will the party hold?
5. Practice the dialogue above with your partner!

Tell your experience when you were in one of the following situations or places.
A party
- Tell about a party you enjoyed.
- What did you eat?
- What did you drink?
- What did people do at the party?
I was at my friend’s birthday party last weekend.
We ate a lot of food and drank many kinds of drink.
We danced and talked about funny things.

Dialogue 1
Dina, her friends Sarah and Reihan are walking home from school.
They are talking about a party at Dina’s house tonight.
Dina : Sarah, I’m going to have a party tonight.
Would you like to come?
Sarah : I’d love to! By the way, what are you cellaring?
Dina : I won the Science Olympics last week.
Rarah : Congratulations. Wow, you’re very clever.
Dina : Not at all. You just have to study harder. Will you come to my party?
Reihan : I may be late getting to your party, is that all right?
Dina : Yes, it’s all right as long as you are allowed by your parents.
Sarah : Hmm, speaking about parents, I have to call my father to ask his permission.

Dialog 2.
Sarah is using her cell phone to call her father at her house.
Sarah : Hello, good afternoon, Dad!
Mr. Rusdi : Afternoon, Sarah.
Sarah : Dad, can I go to Diana’s party tonight, please tomorrow is a holiday. I don’t have any
Mr. Rusdi : Yes, certainly, but what time will the party be over?
Sarah : I think about 11 p.m., Dad.
]Mr. Rusdi : Well, I’m afraid I can’t let you stay until 11, Sarah. We are going to go your grandparents
the next morning. How about if pick you up at 10, so you’ll have time to rest before you
go for the trip.
Sarah : All right, Dad. Thanks. See you later.

Kunci jawaban
1. Roni and Didik
2. on their way home
3. invitation
4. on Saturday at 6.30.
5. all students practice in the classroom.
3. Metode pembelajaran
- Three phase of technique

4. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre-activity
- Apersepsi ( tegur sapa, mengapsen siswa dan menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran,
tanya jawab terkait tema dalam teks dan dialog.
b. While activity
- Siswa mendengarkan pada saat guru menjelaskan materi tentang dialog
- Siswa mendengarkan dialog yang dibacakan oleh guru.
- Guru menunjukan beberapa siswa untuk membaca dialog
- Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama – sama
c. Post activity
- Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya
- Membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi
- Menyimpulkan materi
- Closing : Memberi PR dihalaman 47, task 6 yang terdapat dalam buku LKS cerah.

5. Sumber belajar
- LKS cerah bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII semester 1, hal 45, 46 dan 47.

6. Penilaiyan
a. Teknik : Tes lisan dan tes tulis.
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja dan menjawab pertanyaan.
c. Instrumen t : Task 1, task 2, task 3, task 4, task 5 dan task 6.

7. Pedoman penilaiyan

Untuk setiap jawaban benar skor : 2

Jumblah skor maksimal : 10
Nilai maksimal : 10
Acknowledge by Pontianak, october 21. 2009
Guidance teacher Arranged by
Teaching Practice Student

Mustika Sari, S.Pd Lusiana


Approved by
Guidance teacher

Drs. Luwandi S.,M. Hum


( RPP)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Standar : VIII (delapan) /1
Standar Kompetensi : 6.Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional
dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan-
Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Indikator :
- Menulis surat kepada sahabat
- Melengkapi kalimat atau isi surat dengan kata yang berhubungan
dengan persahabatan yang ada di dalam kotak.

Jenis teks : Descriptive text

Tema : Friendship
Aspek/Skill : Writing
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 30 menit.

1.Tujuan Pembelajaran
Diakhiri Pelajaran siswa dapat :
1. Merespons ungkapan dalam teks surat
2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut.
3. Menemukan informasi – informasi baik umum / khusus dalam teks surat
(informasi rinci dan factual)

2. Materi Pembelajaran.
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII, semester 1.
Read and study the following letter from rahmat.

Surabaya, June 4 2009

Dear Ardian,
I’m very happy to write you letter. As you see, usually after we receive a report book
at the and of this semester we will have a holiday. I will receive the report book next
week, then I will have a long day. If you don’t mind I want to visit you, then we will
have spend our holiday together.
I’m sure my parents will let me go because I’m going to go with my uncle and anut.
We will stay at my uncle’s house. He’s Mr Mada whose on the same street as yours.
Oh how happy I am! We will go to the Kuta beach and swim together there every
morning. Then we’ll visit Bali Museum, Tampaksiring, Bedugul and some
other famous places. I’m sure that there will be many people because it’s a holiday.
We are going to go to Bali by car and we will stay there for five days.
Well, Ardian. I hope I will see you.

Your sincerely

Make a short composition in your diary.
Do you like this illustration!

Medi writes his diary every night. He writes everything that happens in his days.
Here is a part of Medi’s diary.
March 14th, Friday
Dear Tora
I had a story to you. Last month, I got a new friend. His name was Hamid.
I met him in my classmate’s house, Rudi. He was his cousin. Hamid was twelve-
years old. He had twin brother. His name was Hanif. Both of them were smart and
hansome. They could sing very beautifully.
They were also good at playing music instrumental, especially guitar.
I was very happy they became my new friends because I could learn singing-
and playing gitar from them.
I also talked to their parents. Their mother was the best music teacher.
She had a populer studio in this town. Actually, I wanted to be singer too.
So I had to take a music course in his studio.

Your sincerely,

Alia writes a letter to her pen pals. Dania, some of the word are missing.
You are to complete it by using in your own words!

Jl. Dahlia 28
West Java
Dear Dania,
My name is Alia, I am twelve .........old. I go to a Junior High ...... I am in the
second grade. .......... our name from Pintar Magazine which I .......I also want to be
your ...... I think we have the same ......... I know you like ........ and I too.
If you don’t mind please ........ some of your copied album so we
can axchange our collection.
I hope you answer my letter soon.

Your sincerely,


2. School
3. know
4. Read
5. Friend
6. Hobby
7. Sing
8. Send
1. Having a holiday in Bandung
2.To enjoy the night life
3. Activities on the first and second day
4.Yes, I do
5. She want to go Bandung for a short vaction nest Saturday

3. Metode Pembelajaran
- Three phase technique

4. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre-activity
- Apersepsi ( Tegur sapa, mengabsen siswa dan menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran,
tanya jawab terkait tema dalam teks)
b. While – activity
- Siswa mendengarkan teks surat yang dibacakan oleh guru
- Guru menjelaskan bagian – bagian isi surat
- Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan isi surat
- Guru menujukan beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks surat.
- Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama – sama.
c. Post – activity
- Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya
- Membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran
- Closing : Memberikan PR pada siswa.

5. Sumber belajar
-LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII

6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes tulis dan tes tulis
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja dan menjawab pertanyaan.
c. Instrumen : Writing task 1, task 3 dan task 4

7. Pedoman Penilaian
a. Answer the question part 1
1. Tiap nomor di beri skor 1
2. Skor maksimal 10 x 1 = 10
b. Answer the question part 2
1. Tiap nomor di beri skor 2
2. Skor maksimal 2 x 5 = 10
Nilai akhir = nilai 1 + nilai 2

Acknowledge by Pontianak, November 25. 2009

Guidance teacher Arranged by
Teaching Practice Student

Mustika Sari, S.Pd Lusiana


Approved by
Guidance teacher
Drs. Luwandi S.,M.Hum


( RPP)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Standar : VIII (delapan) /1
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog-
pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Indikator :
- Menggunakan ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi dalam bentuk dialog.
- Merespons ungkapan dalam teks descriptive.
- Merespons ungkapan dalam teks dialog yang berkaitan denga Describing Animal.
Jenis teks : Descriptive text
Tema : Animals
Aspek / Skill : Speking
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Diakhiri pelajaran siswa dapat :
1. Merespons ungkapan dalam teks descriptive
2. menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut.
3. menemukan informasi – informasi baik umum / khusus di dalam dialog dan teks descriptive
( informasi rinci dan faktual )
2. Materi Pembelajaran.
a. Materi
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII, semester 1.
- Hal 6-7 di Task 5, task 6 dan task 7 yang ada pada halaman 6-7
- Text Descriptive dan dialog tentang Describing Animals.

Complete the dialogue with the sentences that are provided in the box!
f. I thikn so, too. We have to prevent animals from extinction. We can join an organization which
supports the wildlife reservation.
g. Oh, why is that so?
h. Yes, I do. I have three cats at home . How about you? Do you have ani pets?
i. Yes, I like them a lot.
j. What do you thikn about wildlife reservation in our country?

Lisa : Do you like animals, Sarah?

Sarah : ................................................................................................................
Lisa : Do you have ani pets at home? ...............................................................
Sarah : No, I don’t. I really like birds. I want to have merek as pet, but I can’t.
Lisa : ...................................................................................................................
Sarah : Wol, the merek is an endangered spesies. Our goverment protects theme.
Lisa : ....................................................................................................................
Sarah : Oh, I think that’s not only our goverment’s task to reserve that wildlife.
We have to do something.
Lisa : ....................................................................................................................
Sarah : I think it’s a good idea

Role Plat. Act the following dialogue with your friend.
Budi : Hi, Dika. How are you today?
Dika : Hi, Budi. Fine, and a bit excited.
Budi : Are you? Excited about what?
Dika : Well, my pet cat has had kittens. They’re cute, small, and very adorable.
Oh you should have seen them.
Budi : Sure, I’d lob to!

Study the following texts!
It a cat. It is very cute and cuddly. It has white en
Black fur. Its tail is long with white stripes.

The tiger is the largest member of the cat family. There were once eight subspecies: Caspian,
Begal, Indochinese, Chinese, Seberian, Sumatra, Java and Bali. Three subspecies are exttinct
Animals, the rest are endangered, so we must to protect them.
Tigers have reddish skin, a white belly, and black tail. The head, body and tail have black brown and
gram stripes. Tigers usually eat deer, buffaloes, and rabbits. Tigers are now protected spesies so the
hunters continue to kill them for their skins. In Asia, some parts of a tiger’s body are used as medicines.

b. Kosakata terkait tema dalam teks descriptive and dialog

- Graffe : jerapah - Hunter : pemburu
- Cat : kucing - Medicines : Ilmu kedokteran
- Adorable : menarik - Kittens : anak kucing
- Tiger : macan - etc
Kunci jawaban
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. E
3. Metode pembelajaran
- Three phase of technique

4. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre-activity
- Apersepsi ( Pembukaan, salam dan tegur sapa, mengabsen siswa dan menyampaikan tujuan
Pembelajaran, tanya jawab terkait tema dalam teks dan dialog.
b. While activity
- Guru memberi ungkapan yang digunakan.
- Guru memberikan dialog dan membacanya.
- Siswa mendengarkan dialog yang dibacakan oleh guru.
- Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama – sama
- Guru menujukan beberapa siswa untuk membaca dialog
- Guru menujukan beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks tentang Describing of Animals.
c. Post activity
1. Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya.
2. Membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi.
3. Menyimpulkan materi.
4. Closing: Memberikan PR di hal 7 , task 7 dan task 9 yang terdapat dalam buku LKS.
5. Sumber belajar
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII semester 1.
6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes tulis dan tes lisan
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja, bermain peran dan menjawab pertanyaan
c. Instrumen : Task 5, task 6, dan task 8.
7. Pedoman penilaian
Untuk setiap jawaban benar skor : 2.
Jumblah skor maksimal : 10
Nilai maksimal : 10

Acknowledge by Pontianak, August 18. 2009

Guidance teacher Arranged by
Teaching Practice Student

Mustika Sari, S.Pd Lusiana


Approved by
Guidance teacher

Drs. Luwandi S.,M. Hum


( RPP)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Standar : VIII (delapan) /1
Standar Kompetensi : 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional
dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan-
Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Indikator :
- Menulis surat kepada sahabat
- Melengkapi kalimat atau isi surat dengan kata yang berhubungan
dengan persahabatan yang ada di dalam kotak.

Jenis teks : Descriptive text

Tema : Friendship
Aspek/Skill : Writing
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 30 menit.
1.Tujuan Pembelajaran
Diakhiri Pelajaran siswa dapat :
1.Merespons ungkapan dalam teks surat
2.Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut.
3.Menemukan informasi – informasi baik umum / khusus dalam teks surat
(informasi rinci dan factual)

2. Materi Pembelajaran.
- LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII, semester 1.
Read and study the following letter from rahmat.

Surabaya, June 4 2009

Dear Ardian,
I’m very happy to write you letter. As you see, usually after we receive a report book
at the and of this semester we will have a holiday. I will receive the report book next
week, then I will have a long day. If you don’t mind I want to visit you, then we will
have spend our holiday together.
I’m sure my parents will let me go because I’m going to go with my uncle
and anut. We will stay at my uncle’s house. He’s Mr Mada whose on the same street
as yours.
Oh how happy I am! We will go to the Kuta beach and swim together there
every morning. Then we’ll visit Bali Museum, Tampaksiring, Bedugul and some
other famous places. I’m sure that there will be many people because it’s a holiday.
We are going to go to Bali by car and we will stay there for five days.
Well, Ardian. I hope I will see you.

Your sincerel


Make a short composition in your diary.
Do you like this illustration!

Medi writes his diary every night. He writes everything that happens in his days.
Here is a part of Medi’s diary.
March 14th, Friday
Dear Tora
I had a story to you. Last month, I got a new friend. His name was Hamid.
I met him in my classmate’s house, Rudi. He was his cousin. Hamid was twelve-
years old. He had twin brother. His name was Hanif. Both of them were smart and
hansome. They could sing very beautifully.
They were also good at playing music instrumental, especially guitar.
I was very happy they became my new friends because I could learn singing
and playing gitar from them.
I also talked to their parents. Their mother was the best music teacher.
She had a populer studio in this town. Actually, I wanted to be singer too.
So I had to take a music course in his studio.

Your sincerely,


Alia writes a letter to her pen pals. Dania, some of the word are missing.
You are to complete it by using in your own words!

Jl. Dahlia 28
West Java
Dear Dania,
My name is Alia, I am twelve .........old. I go to a Junior High ...... I am
in the second grade. .......... our name from Pintar Magazine which I ........ I also
want to be your ...... I think we have the same ......... I know you like ........ and I too.
If you don’t mind please ........ some of your copied album so we can axchange our
I hope you answer my letter soon.

Your sincerely,


2. School
3. know
4. Read
5. Friend
6. Hobby
7. Sing
8. Send
3. Metode Pembelajaran
- Three phase technique

4. Langkah – langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre-activity
- Apersepsi ( Tegur sapa, mengabsen siswa dan menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran,
tanya jawab terkait tema dalam teks)
b. While – activity
- Siswa mendengarkan teks surat yang dibacakan oleh guru
- Guru menjelaskan bagian – bagian isi surat
- Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan isi surat
- Guru menujukan beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks surat.
- Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama – sama.
c. Post – activity
- Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya
- Membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran
- Closing : Memberikan PR pada siswa.

5. Sumber belajar
-LKS cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 / VIII

6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes tulis dan tes tulis
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja dan menjawab pertanyaan.
c. Instrumen : Writing task 1, task 3 dan task 4

7. Pedoman Penilaian
Untuk setiap jawaban benar skor : 2.
Jumblah skor maksimal : 10
Nilai maksimal : 10

Acknowledge by Pontianak, October 26. 2009

Guidance teacher Arranged by
Teaching Practice Student

Mustika Sari, S.Pd Lusiana


Approved by
Guidance teacher

Drs. Luwandi S.,M. Hum

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : SMP Bina Utama Pontianak

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII (delapan)/1
Standar Kompetensi : 2. Membaca makna teks tulisfungsional dan esai pendek sederhana
berbentuk deskriptif dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : 2.I Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esai pendek
sederhana berbentuk recount dan descriptive dengan ucapan, tekanan
dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Indikator : - membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks esai berbentuk deskriptive/recount.

- menyimak dan memahami teks yang dibacakan oleh guru tentang
sebuah hotel.
- Mengidentifikasikan berbagai makna teks descriptive/recount.

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Teks

Tema : Travelling
Aspek/skill : Reading
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 Menit

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Diakhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
- merespon ungkapan dalam teks descriptive
- menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut
- menemukan informasi-informasi baik umum/khusus dalam teks descriptive (informasi -
rinci dan factual)

II. Materi Pembelajaran

LKS Cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII, Semester 1 (Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, dan Task 4, hal 27-28.

There is new hotel in my city. It is four star hotel. It is located

Identification Downtown. The hotel is not very big but the architecture is very
According to the brochure, it has 100 rooms, a fancy
restaurant, It lookssport
complete like afacilities
classic castle in Europe
including a swimming pool,
tennis court, gym and sauna, there are also a coffee shop and
karaoke room. The pictures of the room In the brochure are very
nice. The rooms look very comfortable. It they contain a big
spring bed with big pillows, a nice sofa, Wardrobe and a
television system with programmers from all over World. The
bathroom is very beautiful although it is not very big. It has a
bath tub with hot and cold water so guests can bath in it-
The brochure says “Hospitality is our trademark. “The staff
of that hotel, from the receptionists, house keepers, and bellboys
are trained to be polite and help guests in any way they can.

Find out the main idea of each paragraph from the text in Task 1.

Work with your partner. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task 1.
1. What makes the hotel different from other hotels?
2. Mention some hotel facilities!
3. Describe how the rooms of the hotel looks like!
4. Describe how the bathroom looks like!
5. What is the motto of the hotel?
Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The hotel is old and dusty. (…….)
2. The architecture resembles a building in America. (……..)
3. There are only 100 rooms in the hotel. (…… )
4. According to the brochure, the rooms are small and comfortable. (…….)
5. There are two beds in each room. (…….)
6. “Self- service” is the hotel’s motto. (…….)
7. The hotel’s staff is very polite. (…….) 4.
- Kosakata
6. Downtown = Dipusat kota 6. Comfortable = Menyenangkan
7. Architecture = Bentuk bangunan 7. Tub = Bak mandi
8. Castle = Istana, puri 8. Guests = Tamu hotel
9. Brochure = Brosur 9. Trademark = Merek dagang
10. Court = Pengadilan, keratin 10.Keepers = Pengawas

11. Pool = Kolam

12. Bed = Tempat tidur
13. Wardrobe = Lemari pakaian
14. Trained = Terlatih
15. Pillow = Bantal

Kunci jawaban
1. The hotel it have the classic castle in Europe and have four star.
2. Bad room, sofa, tub, wardrobe, pillow and etc.
3. The pictures of the rooms in the brochure are very nice
4. Because the bathrooms is very beautiful although it is not very big.
5. “Hospitality is our trademark”
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. T
III.Metode Pengajaran
- Three Phase Technicque
IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
a. Pra-activity
- Tegur sapa, mengabsen siswa, menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran, Tanya jawab
terkait tema dalam teks.
b. While activity
- guru membaca nyaring teks descriptive
- guru menjelaskan teks tersebut
- membaca nyaring teks descriptive/recount dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang benar
- menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tantang informasi dalam teks yang dibaca
- guru menunjukkan beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks tersebut dan menjawab
pertanyaan dari teks tersebut

c. Post activity
- memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya
- membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi
- closing memberikan PR di task 6dan task 7

V. Sumber Belajar
- LKS Cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8/VIII semester 1

VI. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan dan tes tulis
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja dan menjawab pertanyaan
c. Instrumental : Reading (task 1, task 2, task 3, dan task 4)

VII. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Answer the question part 1
1. Tiap nomor di beri skor 2
2. Skor maksimal 2 x 5 = 10
b. Answer the question part 2
1. Tiap nomor di beri skor 1
2. Skor maksimal 10 x 1 = 10
Nilai akhir = nilai 1 + nilai 2

Pontianak, September 9th 2009

Acknowledge by, Arranged by,
Guidance Teacher Teaching Practice Student

Mustika Sari, S.pd Lusiana

Nim : F42106057
Approved by,
Guidance Lecturer

Drs. Luwandi S., M.Hum

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : SMP Bina Utama Pontianak

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII (delapan)/1
Standar kompetensi : 7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
7.1.Memahami dalam teks lisan fungsioanl dan monolog pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Dasar : 8.1.Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara
akurat,lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount.

Indikator : :
- Mengidentifikasikan tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive.
- Menyimak kata-kata yang dibacakan oleh guru dan dapat menemukan
- Menyimak teks yang dibacakan oleh guru tentang Mount Bromo dan
exprisson of asking opinion.

Jenis Teks : Descriptive text

Tema : Traveling
Aspek/skill : Listening
Alokasi waktu : 2 x 30 menit

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Diakhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
- merespon ungkapan dalam teks descriptive
- menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut
- menemukan informasi-informasi baik umum/khusus dalam dialog dan teks descriptive (informasi
rinci dan factual)

II. Materi Pembelajaran : LKS Cerah Bahasa Inggris kelas 8/VIII, semester 1.
a. Materi Teks descriptive dan dialog tentang Mount Bromo di Task 2. Kemudian
dilanjutkan ke task 4.
Task 2
Listen to your teacher read the passage attentively.
Text for listening is in appendix.
Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo is one of the popular mountain for recreation it is located in East Java. It takes about
three hours to drive from Surabaya to Ngadisari, a village near Mount Bromo. To reach the volcano, we
have to ride a pony from Ngadisari over the sea of sand.
Want of the most exciting experiences we can get the mountain is watching the sunrise. Another
interesting experience we can get from a trip to Mount Bromo is watching Kasada. Kasada is a midnight
offering ceremony by Hindu believers. They reach the volcano on horse back and on food in a spectacular
midnight procession. In the procession, they carry offering such as rice, flowers an vegetables. They throw
offering to the smoking and rumbling crater. They believe that the offerings will make the good happy so
that the gods will give the people harvest and other blessing.

Adapted from : Destination Indonesia

1. Where is the location of Mount Bromo?
It is located in…
c. Central Java
b. East java
2. How long it takes to drive from Surabaya to Ngadisari?
a. Two hours
b. Three hours
3. What is one of the most exciting experiences we can get on the mountain?
a. Watching the sunrise
b. Watching the sunset
4. What is Kasada?
Kasada is midnight ceremony by….believers.
b. Hindus
5. What do they offer to the god?
a. Rice, fruit, and vegetables
b. Clothes

Task 4
Pay attention to the following short dialogue
Roy : I hear you went to see love story last night. What do you think of it?
Tino : I think it is a pretty good movie. I enjoy it
Roy : Doesn’t you feel that the story is a little too simple?
Tino : Uhmm, no. if you ask me, the simplicity of the story helps it a lot.

The expression of asking opinions

- What is the trip? - How do you feel about this diction?
- How do you like your new house? - What is your opinions of the movie?
- What do you think of Rina’s idea? - What are you feelings about their getting married?
Expressing opinions
 I think (that)
 In my opinion, is good idea
 As I see, the program will be successful.
 If you ask me, I feel

b. Kosakata terkait dalam teks descriptive dan dialog.

Misal : - Exciting = Membangkitkan gairah
- Pony = Kuda
- Ride = Perjalanan
- Volcano = Gunung Berapi
- Get = Memperoleh
- Experience = Pengalaman
- Horse = Kuda
- Offering = Sumbangan
- Midnight = Tengah malam
- Creature = Kawah/kuali
- Throw = Lemparan
- Harvest = Hasil panen
Kunci jawaban
Task 2
1. Eats Java
2. Three hours
3. Watching the sunset
4. Hindus
5. Rice, fruits, and vegetables

III.Metode Pembelajaran :
- Three Phase Technique

IV. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran

a. Pre-activity
- Apersepsi (pembukaan salam dan tegur sapa, mengabsen siswa, dan menyampaikan
tujuan pembelajaran, Tanya jawab terkait tema dalam teks dan dialog.
b. While Activity
1. Guru memberikan ungkapan yang digunakan
2. Meniru ungkapan yang dibacakan yang dibacakan oleh guru
3. Mendengarkan percakapan
4. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang teks descriptive
5. Guru menunjukkan beberapa siswa untuk membaca dialog
6. Mendiskusikan jawaban bersama-sama
c. Post Activity
1. Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya
2. Membimbing siswa dalam menyampaikan materi
3. Closing Memberikan PR di halaman 20, di task 5 (buku LKS)

V. Sumber Belajar :
- Buku LKS cerah kelas 8 semester 1

VI. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes lisan dan tes tulis
b. Bentuk : Unjuk kerja, mejawab pertanyaan, pilihaan ganda
c. Instrument : - Listen to your teacher read the passage attentively
: - Pay attention to the following short dialogue

VII. Pedoman Penilaian

Untuk setiap jawaban benar skor :2
Jawaban skor maksimal : 10
Nilai maksimal : 10

Acknowledge by
Guidance teacher Pontianak, August 31th, 2009
Arranged by
Teaching Practice Students
Mustika Sari, S.Pd. Lusiana

Approved by
Guidance Lecturer

Drs. Luwandi S., M.Hum

Read the letter and answer the question

Monday. June 18

Dear Mita
I’m going to have for Bandung for a short vacation next Saturday. I have decided
to take an express train from Guebeng station, Surabaya and stay at Panghegar Hotel in
Bandung from three days.
On the first day, I’m going to take a sightseeing tour around the city. The next
day, I’m planning to visit Tangguban Perahu and swim in the warm spring water at
Lambang, the north them part of Bandung. I really want to buy some interesting
souvenirs there.
On the way back to the Hotel, I will go to Bukit Dago and enjoy the night life. On
the last day, I want to take a walk to the park not far from the shopping centre.
Do you think the plan sounds great? It you have time, phase, accompany me during my
stay in Bandung. I hope to see you soon.


Answer the question

1. What is the letter about?
2. What does Yuni plan to do Bukit Dago?
3. What does paragraph 2 talk about?
4. Do you think the plan Yuni is sounds around?
5. Where did Yeni want to go?

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