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The Empowered Lifestyle • 757-412-2600 HEALTH


1. T
 his is YOUR time; the time to see many of your dearly held dreams come true while also supporting the birth of some beautiful and
precious new ones! Many customs and traditions tell of the immense and enormous value of burning bayberry candles in order to ensure
that fortune and luck will find you. In fact, there is even an old poem that goes: “Bayberry candles, when burned to the socket, Bring luck
to the home and gold to the pocket.” So take hold of the moment and strike up a match! Remember to allow the candles to burn all the way
down before concluding this effort that will—without question—light up your life.

2. Ready for some fresh, new energy? There is a special adjustment in Feng Shui that promises to put the past behind you while changing or
shifting all future fortunes and pointing them straight to the fabulous! The first part of this “cure” says to open all windows and doors for
at least a few minutes so that stale or stagnant or even any unsupportive energies can escape your entire environment. Now, with a fresh,
cleansing breeze blowing through your life, move 27 things in your house. This instruct can be as simple as moving your salt and pepper
shakers an inch to the right or as dramatic as moving your couch clear across the living room. A balance of both is the ideal here. By moving
these 27 things not only do you shake up the status quo but you banish any ill winds that might have been mussing your hair or keeping a lid
on your good luck. Good riddance to bad rubbish, HELLO lucky days ahead!

3. Cutting out the excess is key to a clear, focused life—and that includes our diet, too. The great news is that you don’t have to starve yourself
to slim down—just wear white and eat off black plates. At least that’s the advice according to Feng Shui. The tonal tableware is believed
to combine colors with the food placed on it and it is that same combo plate that will satisfy a subconscious craving while quelling your
own appetite. Need an extra little boost? Try chewing a few fennel seeds or even eating a handful of almonds before sitting down to a meal.
Putting these practices to the test will have you winning the weight war in no time at all. It’s black and white and clear as the nose on your
quickly thinning face!

4. T
 ake some time to think about your formal front doorway, the one that you enter your space through and make some time to make some
lucky little upgrades. If at all possible (at any time) paint that front door red (to auger in big fortunes and fabulous luck) or green (to grow
health and happiness and prosperity galore!) If you can’t or don’t want to paint the front door, at least give it a thorough and good cleaning
and maybe save the fresh coat for another day. Remember, this front door calls in most of the subtle energies that enter your house as well
as has an influence and impact on your opportunities and your income so be sure it is in very good working condition. In the case of your
front door the words “open wide” promise to put a really big smile on your face.

5. Metal has a lot of magical properties, and it can even help put some precious metals—think cha-ching!—into your piggy bank. If you are
a man and want to shore up these job hunting efforts then put any empty metal receptacle by your front door. Placing an empty metal
receptacle or container at your front entry today could bring you a sweeter treat in the workplace than you could even imagine!

6. A
 ncient gifts can bring a lot of good fortune to your future! Get some gold dollar coins from the local branch of your bank and place one
each into every corner in your bedroom. Heads up, make sure these coins face that same way. Burn both frankincense and myrrh incense,
the former to gain knowledge and wisdom, the latter for protection and healing. This old tip can make your life feel brand new!

7. Let’s implement a little ‘phone shui’ in order to garner offers and opportunities that are sure to be off the hook. Get a round or diagonal
mirror and a piece of red felt material. Cut the material to match the size of the mirror. Now, download a picture of the Chinese Zodiac
(this should be rounded as well and should also pictorially represent all the animals associated with each Eastern astrological sign.) Under the
base of your landline, put all these items in this specific sequence; the red felt first, the mirror on top of that with the reflective side up and
then the small picture of the Chinese Zodiac. The last thing to place here is the base or charger to your phone on top. Now hear this, you
are about to become the (Alexander Graham) Bell of the ball!
8. Music plays many roles in Feng Shui, not the least of which is to activate the energies of creativity and help you to birth projects that are
still in a gestational stage. Play music inside the ‘Children and Creativity’ area in order to get a beat on what needs to be done next in order
for your unfinished projects moving steadily forward. Firmly resolve that this will be THE year that your idea finally sees the light of day and
then get out your blue suede shoes and take some action steps. This dance/dance resolution will have you kicking up your heels in no time.

9. In Feng Shui, balloons are often used to bring dearly held dreams and desires to the mouth of the dragon in the sky who will then swallow
what we’re proposing and hasten to make those same dreams come true. In fact, there is a ‘Birthday Shui’ cure that says in order to blow
those same wishes to that generous giant dragon, on your own birthday you should take a red balloon and with a black marker write down
one goal or wish (on the outside of the balloon itself ) that you would like to see come true inside the next year. Tie the balloon with either
nine or 18 inches of red string and then on any sunny and breezy day let the wish fly to the sky. I have heard many rewarding anecdotes
from clients who have tried this cure and not one of them was filled with hot air. Onward and upward!

10. T
 he next time you feel like it’s time for you to step into a new or different space of yourself and want to mark that passage in a significant
way, go into your clothes closet and take out any piece of clothing that would represent past times or something that no longer symbolizes
the “new” you. Donate those old clothes to an organization or charity that can recycle them. Now, you go and get something yellow
or purple or even red to wear that will, when worn, remind you of your new status and emergence into a world of empowerment.
Congratulations on your evolution and, oh, by the way, you’re lookin’ good!

11. T
 oday, I’m wanting to unlock the box and then think out of it and share some luck and fortune enhancing information in regards to
keys. Keys actually have their own special brand of magic and have held tremendous importance inside almost every ancient culture and
tradition. Carrying a gold key is said to guard against the evil eye. Three keys on a keychain will open the way to Health, Wealth and
Prosperity. A key slipped down the back is believed to relieve a headache while one simply carried on the person will bring a general state of
overall luck. Wearing a key can help promote fertility and aid efforts as conception while placing one in a baby’s crib will keep the wee one
safe from harm. White keys placed nearby to the family pet will keep it safe and warm as well. Like I said, unlock the box, think out of it
and then carry some keys. You won’t believe the world of fortune that you now will enter.

12. In Feng Shui, it is believed that there is a certain way to sign important papers (or anything else that requires your own John Hancock) so
that success, fortune and money are all guaranteed to follow. The Prosperity Signature goes like this: when you write your first name you
should be sure that the first letter of that name ends on some sort of up curve. Then, when you sign your last name, you need to be sure
that the last letter of the last name also slants up and, preferably, to the write, um, I meant, right. So, first letter of first name ends slanted
up and the right and the last letter of last name does same. NOW, if you can slightly slant the entire signature up and to the right then you
can rest assured that you have crossed all your Ts and dotted all your I’s and are well on your way to prosperous times. It’s written on the
wind after all.

13. W
 e’ve done a lot for your home, but what about your home AWAY from home? Your office desk needs just as much good energy as your
house! Files should NEVER go on the left hand side of your desk and most especially should NEVER EVER be put on the floor to the left.
Rather, organize and stack files neatly, rifling through them regularly enough to weed out old agendas and stagnant energies. Fresh flowers
anywhere in the upper center of the desk will help grow your reputation as well as will help stem any backstabbing but the ultimate in
ameliorating office politics is the use of the rooster. Any small stature, figurine or other representative of the rooster, placed anywhere on
your desk, will help quell all the potential adversarial reaction you’ll receive as the crystal ball does it’s thing and brings you bonus and
reward. Now you can be the cock of the walk in the office and not have to worry about who’s crying and crowing over it.

14. T
 here have been many people on this great earth of ours who have promoted peace—think Martin Luther King Jr. or Mother Teresa. Let’s
promote peace in your own mind and in your own soul by starting with your sanctuary, your bedroom. Using any shade of blue and/or
green all around in the space in which you sleep heals both the soul and the spirit. From the paint on the walls to accessories all around to
even having sheet for brains, use blue. Go green. Heal you. Heal the planet.

15. T
 here is a another school or way of learning Feng Shui called Flying Star Feng Shui that teaches that each year there are a host of annual
Flying Stars that change position and they we should pay attention to these shifts at the top of each new year in order to support the stars
that bring good luck and assuage the ones who bring the bad. Therefore, in order to practice this “time”-ly Feng Shui effectively, it’s vital
to know both the location and how best to address these stars in order to get the most super nova energies out of them that we can. For
instance, any symbol that seeks to activate or trigger fortunes will welcome this Wealth Star into your life, but, one that uses water will
create a generous flow with this spectacular and specific Flying Star. Now, get soaring!

16. Kiddie angst ruling your house (or tearing it apart)? Firstly, placing a six rod metal wind-chime by the front door can immediately
ameliorate any incompatibility in the nursery. Another trick is the tried and true practice of placing an urn or receptacle of still water
somewhere at the back of the house. This action is believed to absorb and negative or fighting energies associated with children under the
same roof as well as is though to bring harmony to the home. Quell the electric currents running between the kids with some still waters
and you just might find that their love really runs deep.
17. Since the beauty of trees and an interest in planting them should be a year round pursuit, let’s explore that branch of Feng Shui and see
what it has to say about the roots all around us. In too many traditions to even begin naming, trees are believed to possess special and
magical powers. They breathe out life giving oxygen and on a global scale are recognized as the lungs of our planet. One of my favorites
is the beautiful snow white Aspen, a tree long sought after for its ability to overcome fears and doubt especially when there is no known
source of the worry and anxiety. Aspen flower essence remedy helps to alleviate unknown irrational fears, anxiety and apprehension. It has
even been used to help with both adult and children’s nightmares while inducing a state of trust, confidence and inner strength. The next time
you feel the least bit disconnected try to get out in nature and hug a tree. Or drop ten drops of Aspen flower essence in a nice long soak and
find your foundations once again.

18. Every single society that has ever had contact with the eagle has also developed some form of mythology and/or mysticism around it as well.
The chief god of the ancient Aztecs once told his people to and find the place where the eagle was perched on a cactus eating a snake to
make that their home. Legend holds that Zeus could transform himself into an eagle and in Egyptian hieroglyphics the eagle is a symbol for
the letter ‘A’, also a symbol for the soul, the spirit, Amen. Align yourself with the medicine of the eagle by asking the Universe to send you an
eagle feather and then going out in nature to retrieve it. According to Feng Shui, any picture or representation of an eagle in an office, flying
into the office (as opposed to out of it) virtually guarantees tremendous success. Put a picture of an eagle anywhere inside your own work
space and then don’t ever be surprised when it lands on the most unexpected of days!

19. Ready to throw out outdated energies and welcome some new super-charged ones? One surefire way to clear and clean and ready for the
new is to take an energetic bath that will banish any negative while making way for only optimistic, enthusiastic, positive and new. Take
a small container and mix together one quarter cup of bicarbonate of soda with one tablespoon of seal salt and add one cup of spring or
distilled water. Add one more cup of water and then pour the contents of the jar into a full bath and get in for ONLY FIVE MINUTES.
While in this soak, submerge yourself three full times completely, making sure to fully immerse every body part including the whole head.
Imagine each of the three times that you submerge that all negativity is being pulled down the drain and that you will eventually emerge,
after FIVE MINUTES, ready to take on the world. You must immediately take a shower after taking this bath. Once done you have the all
clear to continue into the next new and wonderful world as this does so quickly and easily allow those efforts. I solemnly swear this short
bath is a super soaker.

20. In the mood for LOVE? Sometime in the next 9 days, and in red ink, write a list of all the qualities and characteristics that you would like
to see in your mate and then place that along with some symbol of love (a small bowl of candy kisses perhaps) into the South of your space
where it will stay for a full year. Don’t forget to replenish all that creamy sweet goodness as the months and year progresses and don’t forget
to invite me to your wedding, either!

21. T
 he garnet—a deep, pomegranate colored stone—is fertile with mystical seeds of magical association. This precious gem was used as both
amulet and alchemical jewelry in the Egyptian, Roman and ancient Greek pantheons. In fact adorning the self with this stone dates back
to as early as 3000 BC where it was mined and feted for its apparent abilities to affect protection and prevention. Down through the ages,
warriors wore it to blanket themselves with their own sort of homeland security. Believed as well to prevent depression, garnet is also said to
help heal heart problems (both physical and emotional) as well as is donned to do some serious healing of skin abrasions or wounds. If you
are going on a trip and want to bring take out a sparkling sort of insurance policy, you would be well advised to arm yourself for a garnet
bracelet in order to come full circle unhurt and unscathed.

22. Snow White may have fallen prey to a poison apple, but what about magical, mystical, WONDERFUL apples? Yes, those. Get ready to
sink your teeth in, sweetie. Carving a heart into the skin of an apple before eating it will bring love into your life or, and this gets right to
the heart of the matter, make a pie flavored with ginger, cinnamon and sugar. As you bake the pie keep visualizing your most perfect love
life. Pour all your love into the pie as you make it and then serve it up to a prospective suitor. Won’t be too very long before you are truly
the one and only apple of their eye with a ring on your finger to prove it.

23. Gold has long been the, well, gold standard of symbols accorded to or tasked with attracting abundance and wealth or so says Feng Shui.
When paired with another strong symbol, a sailing ship, and put inside a particular place in your home, well, you just might find that
your ship now truly has come in. The exact cure goes something like this: find any small three dimensional replica of a sailing ship. This
little model or statue should mimic ships that were/are used for trade purposes as they strive to bring booty and bounty to civilization. You
should place this small ship anywhere immediately inside the front door of the home (on the floor) or absolutely anywhere in the office as
long as you are infinitely careful to be sure that the boat is sailing INTO the space and not away from it. Now place as much precious cargo
as you can inside this ship. Faux gems and jewels are common Feng Shui enhancers. But, by far, the most effective addition is to place some
gold (real or no real) anywhere on this ship as it sails into your house and, then watch as it brings a flow to your boosted bottom line as
well. A true lifesaver where personal finances are concerned!
24. Sick of flipping channels only to find nothing good is on? Time to tune in to our own consciousness and powers of visualization. Think
about a dearly held dream or desire that you have and then get really clear on what your life would look like if that dream were to come
true. Now, visualize a television screen directly over your head and on the big picture have your life playing out as it is now, today. Make
that picture kind of fuzzy. In the corner of this screen you should have a smaller but much more clear picture playing that represents the
coming attractions. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, take in a big breath and fill your whole belly. “See” the
static on the screen disappearing as you forcefully exhale and blow the little screen onto the big one, replacing the current events with the
proposed and visualized new ones. Really blow that little picture onto the big screen while you blow the oldie off. Blow hard. Repeat this
entire process, from the visual to the big forceful exhale, a total of four times. At the end of this exercise be sure to fill the television screen
above your head with a full award winning episode of great days to come and, then, don’t touch that dial. And, of course, stay tuned!

25. T
 he indigenous tribes in Australia called the Aborigines actually gained ownership of Ayers in 1985 in efforts to keep this sacred spiritual
space from becoming overrun and overwhelmed by a tourist economy and mentality. Ayers Rock located in Uluru has many legends and
much mystical lore contained within its stony silence as well as many purported secrets held within its myriad caves filled with ancient
paintings and messages. One strong belief that has held through the years is that anyone who visits here and who removes any rocks from
this location will suffer misfortunes and hard luck until the rocks are returned. Feng Shui says that if you want success and fortunes at the
office then you should sit with a picture, painting or a photo directly in back of you lending support to all of your efforts. Shore up your
own workspace energies by placing a picture of Ayers Rock in back of you and then be sure that you have shored up some special spiritual
help in all your office endeavors.

26. Lights play an instrumental and efficacious role in so many Feng Shui cures and adjustments, and today is a good a day to take a walk
around your space and check to make sure that all the lights in your space, both inside and out are in good working order and able to
illuminate your hopes, wishes and dreams. Especially if those dreams include finding a mate or perfect partner inside the next few months.
If you are searching for that special someone you already know that you should have two bedside lamps on two balancing bedside tables
that buffet your bed. Each day, for 49 days straight you should turn on those lamps for a period of at least three consecutive hours in order
to light the way for your love to find you. If you skip a day you have to begin this process over all again. If you find that you will traveling
or otherwise unable to be home during any of these days then it’s okay to just leave the love light shining until you get home again. Three
hours (at least) a day, for a consecutive 49 days and you will be burning up the phone lines with your hot new love!

27. Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote; “Ring out the false, ring in the true.” Let’s literally ring out all the old energies stuck or sticking around
your space in order to let the all the wonderful new opportunities come calling that this cure promises will happen. Take any brass or metal
bell and go to each and every corner on the main floor of your house. Ring the bell a total of nine times in each corner; three times ringing
the bell up above your head, three times bringing the bell down and ringing it in front of your heart and then lowering the bell down by
your side and ringing it three times in succession there. Walking around your main floor in a clockwise direction, starting and ending at
your front door or entrance, ring this bell in every corner and then know that you have cleansed and cleared and, well, you’ve rung out the
old to make way for the fabulous and the new.

28. T
 he humble carnation actually has reason to boast. In ancient Rome they were called “Jove’s Flowers” in homage to one of their favored
gods. In Korea, young girls braid three carnations in their hair in order to tell their future fortune. Pink carnations are believed to have
graced the planet only after Christ was walking with his cross. Legend says that as his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary followed her son,
her tears caused this pink flower to spring up after her every step. This lore was the reason that pink carnations were named the national
flower of our annual Mother’s Day celebrations. Light red carnations are said to symbolize admiration or respect while the deeper red
variety represent true and abiding love. Striped carnations however can connote a sense of confusion or regret so stay away from them when
building a bouquet for a loved one. Place two red carnations in a white vase anywhere inside the ‘Relationship and Romance’ area of your
main floor and change them to two new fresh ones every nine days for a total of three times or 27 days. Inside that same time frame you
should find a new spring in your step and bloom in your cheeks and plenty of suitors lining up to stem the tide of loneliness.

29. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful things you can give to another person. Think about someone who you need to forgive and then do
the following: write the name of anyone who you have an issue with on a small white piece of paper with a red pen. Fold the paper and put
it inside any small jar or glass container. Cover the paper with honey and close the jar. Now, each day for nine days straight, light a small
white tea candle that is placed atop that same closed lid and silently send forgiveness to whoever it is whose name is in the jar. Open up and
let the love in. Forgive and then heal. With sweetness and light.

30. Here’s a handy acupressure tip that will have your sometimes sluggish self feeling tops in almost no time at all. Press your thumbs and
pointer or index fingers together and hold them in that same position, applying a shy and subtle pressure for at least 60 seconds. These
particular finger tips have direct and express acupressure access to the part of the brain that can immediately induce an almost alpha-like
state making you feel just like top dog. Putting a bit of pressure on these points also induces increased awareness and intuition as well as
sparking a renewed sense of creativity. Hands down this is one of the quickest ways to feel better you can find.
31. Let a little piece of fruit help you find the big apple of your eye? It’s definitely time to take that positive step towards taking a bite out
of a healthy new relationship. Simply take any red apple and cut in half horizontally so as to reveal the star hidden in the center. Now,
spread each half with honey, visualizing a sweet and wonderful partner coming into your life. Take a small photo of you and another that
represents the sort of soul mate you’re looking for and place one each on top of one half of the apple. Bring the two halves together (wink)
and bind them together securely by wrapping red silk ribbon nine times around. Be sure to end by making two strong knots. Take this
apple to any body of moving water and throw it in or go ahead and bury it in a spot of your choosing in the earth. Either way, now you’ll
either be in the flow or getting ready for a brand new love to bloom and grow. An apple this day will keep loneliness away! Go ahead and
bring on the doctor!

32. W
 ondering how much longer you can hold out before hitting the mall and adding a deeper dent to your debt? Look, first of all, remember
that what you spend your time worrying about is also the exact same energy that you tend to attract right back to you.
That said, here’s what I want you to do: Each and every time you find yourself starting to panic about pulling out the financial stops so you
can hit the shops, stop, breathe and then repeat this affirmation nine times aloud: “My ships come in over a calm sea, under grace in perfect
ways.” As you continue to imbed this thought into your subconscious and psyche, you’ll also notice that your boatloads of money-making
opportunities are heading your way. Grab one. Or five. Calmly. Perfectly. Gracefully. Then you’ll see that your ay-ay-ay has now turned into
an affirmative aiy, aiy, Captain! That doesn’t mean you’ll completely duty free but it should ease the crunch and provide a little lifeline from
the Scovel Shinn school of smooth sailing!

33. Feng Shui says that if you are trying to sell your house, the rooftop becomes a critical place to engage other sorts of potentially successful
energies for that same intent and goal. The secret Shui says to position a spotlight somewhere in the back of your yard so that it’s facing
the back of the house. Then, once affixed, adjust the angle of the light so that it faces or spots just above the roof illuminating the space for
sale. The objective and idea here is to light the way for sellers to beast, um, I mean, beat a path to your door. I’m pretty sure they’ll come
calling up the front walkway though. Just be sure to have the front light lit as well to complement and activate all the seller’s Shui you can.
Speaking of, you just might want to try a few more Feng Shui ways to sell your house: placing a ‘For Sale’ sign directly outside the front
door with a picture of a bird carrying the sign in it’s beak symbolizes and activates your wish to fly away while bringing someone new into
your old nest. The third piece of secret Shui I’ll share says to write the address of the house for sale on a piece of paper and fold it up. Next
you throw it into a body of slow moving river water and walk away without ever looking back. The exact same way that we should leave
anything negative in our past. Good stuff. Good stuff.

34. It’s wish list time! Take out the red pen and the white paper and make a list of nine dearly held dreams and desires. Write all nine wishes
out completely. Then put this list under your pillow and each night, right before you go to sleep take it out and read it out loud. Slowly.
Visualize what your life would look like as you go through each dream, desire and goal. Then try your best to think only of that list as you
fall off to sleep. Likewise, the next morning, as soon as you awake, before your feet hit the ground, take the list out again and read it, out
loud, all over again. Give it your full and undivided attention. And then put it back under the pillow until you head that way again later
on. At the end of the nine days, take this Wish List outside and burn it. Your dreams are already coming true, just wait and let the good
times come to you!

35. Feeling tense? Time to wash stressful days right down the drain. First you will need to add one tablespoon of sesame oil to your bathwater.
Then, place two tablespoons of uncooked rice and one chopped, unpeeled potato to a net and suspend that in the water. While you’re at it,
suspend that disbelief I’m seeing while you’re reading this too! Yeah, I’m talking to you with the raised eyebrows. You have to trust me that
this secret recipe and formula really has worked to not only relieve stress but it eradicates it completely when done according to direction.
Now, once you have the oil and the rice/potato blend hanging around in the water, lie down and close your eyes. Breathe deeply for a few
breaths and then concentrate on the area at the end of your coccyx. While you are doing this lightly massage the soles of your feet. After
a few minutes of this, you will have refueled, restored and replenished your depleted life force and you’ll feel ready to take on the world.
The Eastern cultures hold that taking a bath is great for your health both inside and out and even believe that a bath can make you more
beautiful. And if that isn’t a good enough reason to indulge in a good soak, than I just don’t know what is!

36. W
 hether you love your Jimmy Choos or Uggs, Feng Shui says that your shoes can bring you special gifts when positioned in a particular
and proper manner. See, there is a Feng Shui cure that says you can walk right into opportunities for a brand new job if you take the shoes
in your closet and you turn them all around so that the toes are pointing out and the heels are facing the back. The shoes should be put in
pairs and as many as possible that are outdated or never worn should be weeded out and given away to someone else who can use them.
Remember, acting charitably while also activating an intention is one of the strongest ways to bring luck!
37. I’ve been thinking a lot about the ancient Huna (Hawaiian) way of achieving peace and accord. It’s called Ho’oponopono (go ahead and try
to say that word three times fast!) and it essentially says that anything that happens outside of each one of us is a reflection of what’s really
going on deep down on the inside. Feng Shui addresses this same concept by dealing with the energies of the environment around you in
efforts to bring health, happiness and prosperity to the one on the inside. The Huna method tells us that whenever there is conflict around
us, we should quiet ourselves and take some time to go inside and see where that tension could be mirroring something that is happening
in our own consciousness. Dig deep and think about something that’s upsetting you. Once you find what that could be then just tell
whatever “it” is that you love it. That’s all, this one time you have permission to love it and leave it. The theory is that all that love will spill
over to the whole big world around you and soon you will get peaceful and calm AND much more loving and tolerant too. Do this with
passion and proverbial guns blazing and you, too, can positively change the world.

38. Certain sacred traditions that come to us from across the oceans say that if you carry a small packet of black cumin seeds (sprinkled with
a smidge of cinnamon for courage as well as for strength) with you while you’re traveling, than you’ll be promised some cosmic protection
and kept off the paths that might lead to harm’s way. Now, be sure to take that packet on the plane or the train or even in the automobile
and be sure to get to your destiny-ation with total ease and grace. And, while you’re at it, wrap either nine or 18 inches of red ribbon,
thread, yarn or string around the handle of your suitcase to ensure that your luggage arrives at the same place as you do! When you see just
how quickly it comes up the carousel, well, you’ll know that this was my early gift to you!

39. T
 he ancient art of Chi Kung says that our bodies all hold within them a secret fountain of youth that can be turned on through certain and
specific movements and exercises. The one that’s accorded to timeless mind and ageless body calls for you to visualize yourself as a crane,
the bird most associated with longevity or so says Feng Shui. Done in a seated position, the Secret Fountain of Youth clears the meridians
or energy channels of the extremities of the arms and legs. All hand and feet motions are done simultaneously, so that when you are curling
your toes you are, at same time, making fists with you hands and when spreading your fingers you are, at same time, spreading your toes.
Sit in a chair with your back straight. Flex both of your feet so that your heels are sitting on the ground and your toes are pointing upward.
Bend your elbows and keep your wrists flexed so that your fingers are pointing upwards towards the sky and your palms are facing front
with fingers spread. Inhale. Now, crunch your toes downward and keeping your feet flexed, make tights fists with both hands. Hold your
elbows in place. Exhale. Repeat this entire sequence anywhere from 2 to 11 times in order to get the biggest bang for your breath!

40. T
 alk about a juicy tip: Pomegranates are considered to be one of the luckiest and most fortunate of all foodstuffs and it has been said that
if you make a wish before eating one that the wish you make simply just HAS to come true. As well, lore tells us that if you eat its seed,
it will bring us creative and happy kids. It’s also believed that if you carry the dried skin, then it will bring you money. Go ahead and
hang pomegranate branches over the doorway and protect your inner space from anything negative that can come from the outside. Your
fortunes have never been quite as sweet!

41. Most Feng Shui masters will tell you that for anyplace or space to be considered as having really great and auspicious powers, some form
of a mountain needs to be present. They consider the mountain energy vital as it symbolizes or represents luck coming down from the
heavens. In the east, they believe that low mountains that are close enough to the earth to be growing vegetation on them also house the
benevolent Green Dragon who breathes blessings to anyone around. Besides bringing blessings from The Hornet’s more generous cousin
and providing heaven luck, the presence of mountains inside your space also promises you symbolic support and backing while also
preventing you from being blown away by bad luck or misfortune. Wow, the hills might be alive but the mountains are clearly the way to
go. Stimulate their presence in your place with a picture. Place an image of a mountain anywhere inside the Northeast of your living space
and bring big blessings to the whole rest of the house as well!

42. Trying to get that job in the fast lane and/or make your current career more fantastic? Or maybe you missed the bonus last year and are
wondering if this is the one when your work be appropriately reviewed and rewarded? Feng Shui says that if you want your energies to ring
out to everyone up the proverbial corporate ladder, then YOU’RE the one who needs to do the tolling. Get a small brass bell and every
morning for nine days straight ring the bell, loudly, nine times. All the while declare your intentions, either silently or aloud, the same ones
that say that now’s the time when you will be financially compensated for all your excellent efforts and energies and dedication in the year
past. And, BONUS, if you bring the bell to work and place it in the middle of the right hand side of your desk and leave it there for at least
27 days you might just see a raise up that same corporate ladder yourself. Trust me, this one’s not coming from a ding-dong!

43. One of the best ways to respect and instill love in children is to make sure that the little one who lives with you always has access to some
sort of light switch in their own bedrooms. Putting a light switch or lamp within arm’s reach of the child when they are safe and warm in
their beds will make them feel, well, safer and warmer. The opportunity to take charge of their own electricity brings a sense of power and
control to their little psyches while also allowing them a way to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night without facing any fears of
things that go bump in the night. And, remember, whatever you do to make one child feel more safe, protected, calm and secure, you do
for them all!
44. W
 hat do you think? Are you ready to head into the kitchen to make a magical recipe? Throw on an apron and let’s get started! A fish stew
that originally hails from the Marseille port region in France, both the French and the English version of this fish soup contains many
magical ingredients that can make you feel like you’re right in the flow of and ready to receive a heaping helping of health, happiness and
prosperity. Besides the different kinds of cooked fish and shellfish, traditional bouillabaisse contains garlic, a spicy herb that many believe
guarantees good health and longevity when eaten fresh and raw on a daily basis. As well, this soup recipe contains orange peel, the scent
of which is believed to dispel depression and lift spirits. Fennel can kill even the biggest fish lovin’ appetite so an appropriate portion will
fill the belly and bay leaf and basil, when added to any recipe, promises the cook an extra added boost to his or her bottom line. Fresh
basil, torn into little pieces and scattered over the threshold of the house, both front and back, will not only bring some coin but also offers
protection from intruders who are out maybe looking to relieve you of yours. And, a wish inscribed on a bay leaf with the head of the pin
is believed to be able to come true if you put the bay leaf between the mattress and the box spring for nine days straight and then dispose of
after then. So, you see, this fish stew could be incredibly magical for you and yours. I’m not just telling tails out of school either!

45. Anyone celebrating a wedding anniversary should take a page out of the book of wedding day Shui and keep that love blooming for years
and years to come with fresh flowers. Fresh bouquets, when given as a gift on any occasion, promise to bring peace and prosperity and
powerful, positive Chi to any area that they’re planted in. But Feng Shui says that you should mark each anniversary of each year that
you’ve been married with a romantic bouquet that mimics the one that you carried on your own wedding day. This will not only renew
marital energies but should spark passion anew. And, well, is a pretty darn good way to say that I’ll always (!) love you.

46. Sometimes, as hard as we try, we can’t seem to shake a sadness. For whatever the reason you’re singing the blues (and as long as you don’t
need to see a professional about it), there actually is a special scent that when diffused in your environment will help to quell the longings
and the low lyin’ and bring some simple peace of mind for you and might even turn that frown upside down. In an atomizer bottle filled
to 70% with distilled water add the following 100% essential oils: 10 drops lemon, 2 drops rosemary, 5 drops sweet basil and 8 drops
bergamot. Spray this blend around your space whenever you need a lift. It has been told that not only can this concoction lift your mood
but might help bring a boost to your bottom line as well. And, well, if that don’t raise your spirits!

47. Most dream interpreters say that dreams of flying are almost as common an occurrence as are the ones of falling. Sometimes those same
interpretations indicate as well that if you are having any recurring dreams of flying that something inside your life might just feel the least
bit out of control. Conversely, if you are having dreams that have you piloting a plane that can suggest that a stimulating new project is
heading your way. If in these dreams you are captaining a fighter from the cockpit, well, your confidence is getting ready to soar too! And,
lastly, if you have dreams of being anywhere near a rocket launch this is a serious sign of impending success and fuels symbolism associated
with family fortunes as well. Why not bring your dreams to life by activating engines with eyes wide open? Take any image, picture or
photo of a rocket launching and place it somewhere inside the ‘Career’ area of your space. Not only will this bring a boost to all career
considerations but this image will also trigger an elevated sense of confidence and esteem as well. To infinity…and beyond!

48. W
 e all know fruit is a healthy part of a balanced diet, but did you hear that fruit stationed throughout your space invites abundance and
joy to come and adds juicy sweetness to any celebrations. As well, using actual coins or symbols of coins in your décor is believed to bring
fast but lasting money. Put the coins in the fruit bowls to double your pleasure, double your fun. All of this advice is simply ripe with
opportunities for you to reach for the stars!

49. Sometimes it IS easy being green. Long considered a “healing” color (hence the propensity of use in hospitals and other health related
environs), the color green is also strongly considered the most ‘cooling color’ in the spectrum able to harmoniously help and offset the
intense and burning heat caused by all the fiery red around. As well, green promotes peace and plenty, while evergreen itself, specifically and
magically, is said to be able to absorb any negative vibes hanging around the house. Hanging an evergreen branch or bough above the door
at any time of year has long been believed to keep negativity and evil at bay while allowing peace and prosperity to come in and set awhile.
If you do decide to take advantage of the energies today, go and find an evergreen branch that has fallen to the ground and allow it to bring
your energies up, up, up by hanging it somewhere over your entryway. A different slant on ‘going green!’

50. It’s time to let your inner musician out while balancing your body with (four-part?) harmony. See, sound has always been considered a
direct link between mankind and the Divine. All of the ancient mystery schools even taught their students how best to use sound as both
a creative and a healing force. You too can tap into the magical and healing aspects of your voice on this or any day simply by singing,
whether you’re warbling along to Josh Groban or grooving with Gaga try to be sure that it’s in the key of Middle C. Listening to or creating
music in that same key is said to open up the centers of life-promoting energies in your body or stimulating your Chi while also supporting
an awareness of creative talents as well as easing your fears too! Sang, um, I mean, said a mouthful there eh? Singing same intentions in
Middle C can also bring you money too. Gives new meaning to sing a song of six-pence now doesn’t it?

51. Peace and prosperity—looking for some? In a small pouch pull together some dried fruits and nuts, representing a healthy harvest for you
and all of yours in the coming weeks and months. You may, as well, add some coins to bring easy abundance and some seeds to symbolize
fertility. Lastly, if it’s in season, add some mistletoe to also add protection, healing as well as a splendid and sizzling love life. Then, voila, your
new charm is ready to bring you all the things you’ve been wishing for. Carry it and know that your dreams are about to appear before you!
52. A walk in the park can do you a MOUNTAIN of good. Connect with nature by hugging or simply just touching a tree. Time and Celtic
cultural tradition tells us that touching wood, usually done with the right hand, is a custom that has long been thought to bestow the
benevolence of Mother Nature upon you and all of those you love. It is also believed in many cultures that if you touch wood while
discussing any new and important project or idea, that it will now be encouraged to spread roots and grow while also being shaded
from any failure or misfortune! So go ahead and show the universe that you mean business and swallow some vitamin E (as in personal
empowerment) by giving yourself a much deserved and all Nature-al break!

53. Y
 ou know, there are certain and specific foods that are thought to come loaded with luck. The proverbial black eyed peas (no, not the Will
IAM or even the Fergilicious ones) are cooked and eaten for this reason in many traditions. Southern cooks swear by their lucky boiled
collared greens and chitlins. Whatever your traditions or beliefs, heading to the market could just bring a little extra magic to your kitchen!

54. W
 ith rising health care costs and health care reform that never seems close to being settled, none of us can really afford to get sick. Lucky
for you, it’s been said down through the ages that eating an apple anytime after the sun sets will guarantee that you will, one and all, stay
healthy and free from illness, injury or disease during the next year. That, and an apple has tons of fiber to keep you feeling full and ward
off midnight snack cravings. Of course, this tradition might also be where the start of that whole apple a day keeping the doctor away thing
may have come from too!

55. Knowing my readers, you are always thinking of others, doing for others, and making MAGIC happen for others. Know what I think? It’s
time to give yourself a break and a boost! All by using the power of your breath. Lie down and keep one hand over your heart and one over
your abdomen. The hand that is over the belly should have the thumb over the belly button and the other four fingers resting below it.
The fingers of both hands should be spread open but not stiff. Now, breathing in through the nose, take in a big bit of air and pull it into
your belly so that your abdominal area puffs up like a balloon. Slowly, as you exhale back out through the nose, visualize your breath as a
silver ball of light traveling down from your belly, down to and then around your feet on it’s way back up your spine, over the top of your
head and then down and out your nose again. Whew, I’m winded just writing that. But if you want to get the lead out then go ahead and
practice this breath three times in succession. Once you’ve completed round three then you have also successfully oxygenated your entire
bloodstream while massaging and bringing a big boost of life force energy, prana or Chi to all of your organs as well. Well done.

56. W
 hen Beyonce sang about putting a ring on it, I wonder if she knew there are a host of different cultures who hold that anything cooked
in the shape of a ring can bring tremendously good luck. It’s because that shape symbolizes the ending of an era circling into the seamless
beginning of the next one, completing a fortunate, and delicious, cycle. Think Bundt cakes, Life-Savers and bagels! It’s for that exact reason
that the Dutch believe that eating donuts on New Year’s Day will guarantee a jelly-filled and tasty year glazed with fortune and luck. Ready
to welcome a new start? Time for a delicious treat!

57. W
 hether surrounded by family and/or friends or sitting beside a stranger in new town or unfamiliar place, feeling lonely is subjective
for each of us but nonetheless is always really really real. There’s good reason that ages old wisdom and advice regards offering service
to others—perhaps at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter—when you are lonely yourself has survived and thrived. The supposition
that providing food or sustenance and nurturing for others will also make you feel totally full holds a million grains of truth in it. But
sometimes the billion reasons you feel so lonely outweigh convention. So, why not try a little liquid antidote to loneliness? No, not that
potato based one! I’m referring to a blend of the essential oils that can, when sprayed around your space with regularity and intent, bring
comfort as well as a scentual way to cope. It brings personal peace too. Period. Blend 5 drops of clove essential oil (yes, the same one you
use on a toothache) with 10 drops of benzoin oil and then add 15 drops of the mood lifting, spirit enhancing orange essential oil. Add this
mix to some steaming water and let the scent waft the wallowing all away. From my heart to yours, if you are lonely, try this essential oil
blend and soon enough you’re sure to feel much, much better!

58. Not enough time/energy/Ajax to give your house a full scrub-a-dub-dubbing today? You can supercharge your household and all your
affairs with an ancient purification that promises to pack a really powerful and prosperous punch. Take an old spoon and walk through the
house slowly, making sure to visit each and every room. Visualize that the spoon is scooping up all the bad luck, negative vibes and stinky
stuff in the house. Once you’ve done that then walk to a crossroads and bury the spoon there. Don’t look back as you head back home
again. Sorry Tom Wolfe, in this case not only can you indeed go home again but now it’ll be chock filled with sparkling good luck!

59. T
 o everything (turn turn turn!) there is a season—and that applies to Feng Shui as well! Anytime you decide to perform a ritual or
ceremony of any sort or even just have to schedule an important appointment or special sort of meeting, try to do so during the Feng Shui
auspicious hours of 11 to 1. Day or night. These are the hours most filled with fortune and luck. Sometimes timing IS everything!
60. I get a lot, I mean, A LOT of emails asking me whether or not there are any specific Feng Shui cures that can hasten reconciliation with
a loved one. Of course, I am always only too happy to report that there is an adjustment or cure for just such emotional situations and
circumstances. It involves using an image of or even an actual lotus root. In fact, in Feng Shui, this particular cure calls for ‘the lotus root of
reconciliation.’ The real lotus root can only thrive beneath the surface of lakes or ponds and resembles a small bunch of sweet potatoes all
linked together forming a strand or string. And, even though lotus root is considered a gastronomic delicacy in some Asian eateries, for our
purposes today we are going to consider how to use it to effect reconciliation where a torn or severed relationship is concerned. Place an
image (or, as mentioned, the real deal) of the lotus root anywhere inside your ‘Relationship and Romance’ area and leave it there for at least
nine days. If you are single and looking for a mate, this is a secret Shui way to find that yummy partner as well. Love grows where the lotus
root goes and, apparently, this road to reconciliation is ummm, ummm good!

61. If you are looking for popularity and opportunity, fame, recognition and reward then you better pony up and buy a small statue of a horse
and then place it somewhere in the ‘Fame’ area of your home and/or office. In this philosophy, the horse represents courage and speed and
symbolizes endurance, loyalty and beauty. If you have been taking a back seat in your career and have been sitting around waiting for one
of the higher ups to take special notice of you, well, it’s time to get back in the saddle and activate the energies associated with the horse.
Using this Feng Shui adjustment to bring a wealth of recognition energies on just about every level will soon have you strutting your stuff
around your own personal winner’s circle. Whether or not you choose to wear a horseshoe shaped necklace made of roses is entirely up to you.

62. I really don’t believe that I could love my son any more than I already do, so let’s all take the opportunity to show those little loved ones
just how much we really do care! One way to show and share the love is to show and share the Shui! Feng Shui says that we should place
a happy photo of the parent(s) or caregivers in the child’s room in order to subtly exert an air of authority or influence over the wee one.
And that’s a good thing since children love to feel safe and secure in the fact that the adults in the home have it all under control. As well,
selecting items to decorate a child’s room that inspire and intrigue will foster a healthy sense of that same security while also fostering an
appetite for learning. These are gifts that every child deserves. Hanging any sort of mobile or other item from the ceiling not only lifts their
little eyes but brings their energy up as well. And using soft colors such as yellows or light blues and greens in this same space will bring
them a sense of peace and calm and let them know that all is right with their world. The very same way their very beautiful smile allows all
of us to believe that all is right with ours!

63. Palm trees may make you think of the Miami Vice theme song, but you can actually activate supportive energies by using palm fronds or
even images or photos of palm trees in your own environs. If you have access to a piece of palm, go ahead and place it in the ‘Family and
Friends’ area of the home since it is a literal and tangible branch of the wood family, the element most associated with this arena. Placing
any piece of wood in this grid or sector, or, even any live plants here, will, as well, activate great energies to support your feeling an integral
part of a loving family; be that one that embraces you at your local chapel or church or the family of origin that you were actually born
into. Feng Shui also says that putting a picture or photo of a palm tree into the ‘Fame’ area of home or office will bring growth to your
efforts at expanding your personal profile! The ‘Fame’ area hosts the fire element area and, well, wood feeds fire, so, planting a palm tree
inside this space can really heat up your own recognition factor. Go ahead and pick the Palm that can help to answer your prayers!

64. Need a jolt, but not sure that another cup of java will do the trick? A few drops of 100% peppermint essential oil diffused throughout any
environment will perk up the positive energies and bring full focus back to drooping drowsy you. You can either add six or seven drops
of peppermint essential oil to a small atomizer filled with spring or distilled water and spray away or you can put a couple of drops on a
cotton ball and keep that all natural eye opener handy. That same sort of cotton ball can be easily kept in the car to keep you awake and
alert or can be put into a plastic baggie and taken out for a swell sniff whenever the up the energy urge strikes! There is reliable research
supporting that says some offices in Japan actually pipe this peppermint through their duct systems to keep their employees and workers
feeling feisty, focused and fine throughout the day. So, the next time you need to travel over the river and through the woods and don’t
think the grande latte will keep you wide awake and on the right path, add a few drops of peppermint to a piece of cotton in your car and
reach your destination safely, soundly and smelling mighty nice!

65. I want you to consider your own health today and, then, sometime before the day is done, do something proactive to support it and
you, WONDERFUL you! Why not just try to add a few minutes of quiet time to your schedule today and then try to incorporate that
same sliver of solitude into every other day as well? The benefits of even just a few minutes of conscious breathing are innumerable and
tremendous and well worth any effort! Sit up straight and breathe. Start slowly, pulling your breath in through the nose and, then, blowing
it out through the mouth. Fill your belly with your breath on the inhale and slowly allow it to escape on the exhale. Do this four times. Try
to wait approximately 15 seconds between each breath. If you want to increase the healthy benefits associated with this exercize, then, keep
your tongue pressed up against the back of your top teeth, and, with your eyes closed, focus on a point in the middle of your forehead, or
what’s commonly called your ‘third eye.’ Do this for a few minutes every day and soon you really will see how incredibly healthy a few well
chosen breaths can really make you!
66. Birds are among the most popular and positive images used in Feng Shui to promise and promote really great relationships; including ones
that relate to friendships or romance or even ones that evoke and embrace eternal and undying love! Putting a pair of love birds in the
‘Romance’ area of your bedroom says that soon you should mate for life! A pair of mandarin ducks waddling around this same space will
enhance an already existing relationship as they represent the energies of marital fidelity and happily ever after. Cranes symbolize health,
longevity and long life and promise to bring you same when put anywhere in the center or ‘Health’ arena of your home. Worried about
your status at the workplace? Placing some symbol of the phoenix in your ‘Fame’ area can not only resurrect your reputation (no matter
how far out of the ashes it needs to rise!) but also can feather your nest with recognition and rich rewards simply by sharing that same fame
space with a red candle or three. Just wait and watch as your intentions take flight!

67. Browsing flea markets and watching Antique Roadshow is really fascinating, but according to the Feng Shui philosophy, antiques are sort
of an iffy item to have around your space since it’s believed that they carry what’s called ‘predecessor energy’ on them. The theory is that
whoever owned the piece previously leaves an energetic imprint that follows the furniture (or, whatever the old piece is) to the next place or
space it resides in. So, then, this codicil continues, whenever you decide to place an antique piece in your space, you should determine the
history to best efforts in order to avoid inheriting any negative associative energies. As well, whether you’ve had anything antique for a long
while or even just came into possession, you should make every attempt to cleanse and clear it so you can now enjoy it to the fullest. The
easiest and most effortless way to cleanse old, stale or stuck energies from any space is with smoke, preferably the smoke that comes from
a lit sage wand. Using dried sage to clear a space of malignant or malign energies is an ages old custom that really does quickly clean the
energy of any space with the flick of match. Simply get some dried sage, light a small leaf and blow it out so it smolders. Pass any antique
piece through the smoke of the sage and, then, voila, consider it cleaned. Sage; makes everything old new again!

68. Sibling rivalry is as old as Cain and Abel and can bring anxiety into anyone’s Garden of Eden. Feng Shui says that you can take some action
steps to prevent or even annihilate the energies associated with this single state simply by placing a smooth and rounded crystal under the
beds of all the kids who routinely sleep at home. One crystal per child should be placed on the floor at the foot of the bed on the same side
of the bed the child sleeps on. Leave this “cure” in place for at least 27 days or even as long as the kids live there. Look, it might not make
everyday a holiday but it certainly will go a long way towards making sibling relationships more loving and ribald rivalries a thing of the past.

69. Part of what I love the most about writing these fast and easy tips and techniques so that you can live your best ever life is sharing
information that I have actually used over and over again in my own life and in my own efforts at having an extraordinary life myself. This
next tip helped me through a tremendously trying period of mine and my son’s first early days, weeks and months together. My little guy
came into this world with a bad case of acid reflux, misdiagnosed over and over and over again as colic. Not that I don’t think that he was
colicky as well, just that I knew there was something else going on in his teeny weeny body that was causing all sorts of tears pain and angst
and tons of tons of tears during the whole of his initial infancy. One trick or tool that I learned was a specific sort of infant massage that
hails from the Ayurvedic tradition. I was told to mix a blend of lavender and chamomile (6 drops each) true essential oils with a quarter
cup of a carrier oil such as grapeseed, olive or even peanut. (Although you need to be careful when using peanut oil with babies since it can
provoke an allergic reaction…just stick with the grapeseed!) The effective instructions that I received said to bathe the baby in warm water
and towel dry. Then, before putting any pjs on, lay the baby on their belly on your lap. Take a tiny bit of the massage oil, (and here’s the
“secret” part) rub the oil on the bottom of the baby’s feet, one foot at a time, stroking UP from the heel to the toe. Natural instinct might
see some of us wanting to rub the oil from the toe to the sole, but, Ayurveda maintains that this massage should see firm and even strokes
going heel to toe for several minutes each foot. I promise that these massages were absolute life savers for me. Before garnering an accurate
diagnosis, this tummy time were some of the only minutes during the day that actually saw my son calm and relaxed. And, just so you
know, when he was old enough to understand I taught him how to do this soothing massage on himself to bring peace to his pre-teen days.
So, even now, I’m still indebted to an ancient way to bring some harmony to this modern world. Music might soothe the savage beast but
this massage can certainly contribute to a blissful baby!

70. I think you’re ready for a biggie: the Feng Shui cure called ‘Red Egg Rebirth.’ On its deepest level, this adjustment represents a total rebirth
as it promises to purge negativity, anxiety, worry and angst. So, anytime you feel like you need to turn your luck around, this Red Egg
Rebirth is not just a shell game but, rather, is the real good luck deal! Okay, buy a carton of eggs but try hardest not to let anyone else see
them after you bring them home. Boil one egg. In the palm of your hand, mix one teaspoon paprika with drops of dark rum that equal
your age plus one. Mix this with your middle finger only. Roll the hard boiled egg in the palm of your hand and then place it on a paper
napkin. Rub both palms together until they are dry as you visualize all and any bad luck leaving your body and your space. Carry the egg
outdoors and crack it slightly so you can begin to peel the shell off. Be sure to keep the peeled shell in a paper bag or in your napkin. In
fact, you can even visualize all your bad luck leaving as you shell the egg, sort of like how a snake sheds its old skin. You want to then eat
just a small part of both the yoke and the white before throwing pieces of the rest of the egg to all four of the cardinal directions. Once
again you are throwing away all of your negative energies allowing all great new ones to take their place. Close the bag with the old shells
tightly and throw all your stale and stuck stuff away. Getting rid of the old in order to make way for the delicious new never felt so good!
71. Let’s turn our thoughts toward the place we all love most: home sweet home. Fill any natural container with water and pieces of fresh
orange peel. Take this citrus water out of doors and hold it up to the Sun and to the sky. Hold it there for a few seconds visualizing fresh
and healthy energies entering the water, imbuing it with beautiful and blessed vibes. Now, entering the house from the front door, walk the
perimeter of the main floor in a clockwise direction, flicking this water all around your space. Flick it down to on the carpet and up to the
ceiling and sideways on the walls as you continue clockwise. Don’t forget the corners! As you do this, understand that you are blessing your
home with an ages old cleanser, washing old and unhealthy energies away while opening the way for fresh new ones to arrive. Once back
at the front door if you still have any of the orange water left take it to the kitchen sink and pour it down the drain. Exactly where your
worries will now go as well!

72. T
 here is a famous Russian remedy appropriately called ‘The Breath of Life’ that tells us to look up to the sky, so today we’re going to do
exactly that. It comes from the P.K. Ivanov pantheon of ways to recharge and rejuvenate while simply standing and looking at the sky. Once
out of doors, stretch your head gently so that you are looking up at the sky and open your mouth. Inhaling slowly through the nose (and
only through the nose) take a draw a deep breath in from the air above. As you begin to slowly exhale, instead, swallow the air visualizing
this pure energy infiltrating and spreading throughout every part of your body. Now go ahead and exhale and then repeat two more
times from the beginning. Ivanov preached that this practice not only cleaned and then strengthened the aura but could help to prevent
overeating as well. In fact, he often advocated doing this short exercise immediately prior to eating any meal. So, let’s see, you can cleanse
your aura, increase a healthy circulation, move stale energies AND lose weight? This quick tip should have you walking on air, as you
swallow it as well!

73. Not seeing enough green in your pocketbook these days? Feng Shui tradition says that wearing a jade ring on your little finger can bring
you some mighty big wealth. Men should see green on their left hand while women should wear it on the right. If you don’t have a
jade ring, why not try the next best thing? Cut a length of green cotton knit string and tie it five times around the pinky in a clockwise
direction. Same rules apply as before; men tie it around the little finger on their left hand while women wrap the right. Make sure to make
a knot once the string has circled the finger a full five times. As you go about your day, if the green string gets wet, you have to replace it,
repeating the aforementioned exercise with a fresh piece of green string. The Chinese believe that by doing this you are activating a string of
opportunities all aimed at showering you with wealth luck to occur!

74. I think we are all aware that each of us probably suffers from some form of stress at one time or another, so, the only question now would
be; what should we do to quickly and easily get rid of it? And coming to our rescue is the remedy that utilizes the power of the flower to
facilitate relaxation, reduce stress and help to heal body, mind and spirit. A flower essence is a highly diluted infusion of flower blossoms
distilled so they can be taken in liquid form, most popularly taken under the tongue. In fact, in recent studies that monitored both the
brain waves and other physiological reactions in participants who took specific flower essences, a significant reduction in a myriad of
differing stress levels were recorded and attributed to the intake of said essence. In this case, to leaf (intended!) stress behind and to be able
to once again come out of any challenging situations smelling like a rose why not try a bit of a flower essence called Mimulus; an essence
developed to restore complete equilibrium and harmony throughout your entire body. Just a couple of drops taken by mouth a couple of
times a day will soon see you feeling fresh as a daisy and satisfyingly stress free.

75. I still hold a fondness in my heart for my first sporty little speedster that took me all around town with a smile on my face and optimism
in my heart. Really, the only thing that’s changed in that scenario to date is the car. In any case and in any car, you want to be sure that
you have some Shui to take you safely from point A to B and back again with nothing disturbing that drive. Feng Shui says that hanging
a small, round and faceted crystal from your rearview mirror will keep you safe, secure and invisibly protected anytime you are behind the
wheel. Personally, I get distracted by the crystal sort of bounding back and forth while I am driving so I just keep one in my glove box.
But, just to be clear, I do keep a crystal inside my car at all times. This way I know that anytime I go ahead and get behind the wheel, I am
behind the proverbial eight ball as well! Safe driving!

76. Undoubtedly some of the biggest responses that I get to my website and in my email come when I write anything regarding pets! It’s almost
overwhelming the outpouring of love that I receive from pet owners everywhere. And, well, whenever I offer any tips that can potentially
make the furrier members of our family feel healthy and happy and loved then I feel like I’ve really and truly done the job I was born on
this planet to do. So, today I want to share a secret that might give you some freedom from a dehydrated Fido the next time you take him
on a long weekend. Begin this tip a few days before you are set and scheduled to leave the place your pet is most familiar with, your home.
Get some 100% true peppermint essential oil and put two to three drops in your dog’s water bowl (sorry, but this one’s just for Fido.) And,
then, don’t forget to pack the peppermint! Anywhere you travel to you can now put this oil in his water and, in this case, they will mix!
Seriously, this little tip can save countless hours of worrying when Fido won’t drink unfamiliar smelling/tasting, away from home water. The
peppermint also has an added benefit of keeping little doggy belly calm as well. And his breath will smell good too! Now, what more can
you ask from a totally terrific traveling companion?
77. Run, don’t walk, to someplace solitary and quiet today to practice a meditation that I call “Getting A Leg Up on the Competition.” This
little visualization that could conceivably have you hitting all of your projects right out of the park. Fenway. Start by sitting straight and
breathing a few times in through your mouth and out through your nose. Now, picture a blank television screen hovering over your head.
Keep breathing big. As you inhale in, fill you belly with breath. Hold it for a second or two before you slowly exhale through your mouth.
Into that screen over your head, put a picture of how you are in the current. You could see yourself literally sitting and practicing conscious
breathing, or, you could conjure a current reflection of the last meeting you went to or the last book you read. You get it. Just put YOU
in the screen. Now, in the bottom right hand corner of this same screen, let’s put a picture in the picture. Plant a visual there, in the little
screen, of something that you really want to happen. See yourself signing the new mortgage, or shaking hands with the new client or even
selling your stuff on a home shopping network. Take in one GIANT breath and, now, blow the old picture off the screen and totally make
the little one in the corner take its place. Blow. Hard. A big breath in, fill the belly, hold for a second and then BLOW BIG at the new you
on the screen above your head. Do this for a total of four breaths. The first one blows the old you out and the next three blows the breath of
life to the new you. This tip says that being a big bag of hot air isn’t such a bad thing after all!

78. According to Feng Shui, a child’s bedroom should never have a propensity of primary colors in it. Fire engine red belongs on the little fire
engine that could be sitting somewhere in a toy box. Bright oranges should stimulate and only be used in rooms where you want to see a
little one’s energy up, up, up! That includes the space that they will eventually always study in. Ritual, routine and a bright color or two go
a long, long way towards educating the next Einstein. Contrarily, dark blues or blacks can depress a wee one’s spirit and attitude too. The
single best color for a kiddie bedroom reflects some shade of soft; be it yellow, blue or green. Any other color taking a lot of space in that
slumbering sanctuary needs to be toned down or possibly even painted over completely depending. Kids room should also have space. And
light. And, then, more space. Their rooms should never be cramped or crammed full of electronics and toys. That’s way too stimulating an
environment too. Unless it’s an educational one. Remember we want them to study well, get a good night’s rest and grow to be happy and
healthy. And so it is!

79. According to ancient Feng Shui, displaying an image of The Hundred Birds will brings hundreds and hundreds of auspicious opportunities
as well. Those birds are believed to bring not only fame and success but wealth, abundance and big, tall recognition as well. And they bring
happiness. Find the image online or buy a small screen or plate with the image emblazoned on it and place it in your Fame area. May The
Wind Be Always At Your Back, especially if it’s the tailwind from hundreds of flapping wings!

80. W
 ith all that modern technology has done to speed up our schedules and occupy our hours, well, sometimes it’s not that easy to find the
time to share some sweet talk, never mind the pillow kind. Unless, of course, it’s in an email or a text! Let’s try today to get you all hooked
up the much more fun way (wink, wink!) Starting with the starter. At the dinner table of course. You see there are some special fruits
that for eons and ages have been known the world over for their alluring and aphrodisiac properties. From the beginning of time, certain
gardens have produced plenty ‘o fruitful delights. Starting with Eve and that troublemaking Adam’s apple and continuing to the modern
day, you can count on some juicy escapades when you begin with a sweet and stimulating salad. Apples and apricots, pomegranates, quince
and fig all laid out on a beautiful bed of lettuce and served to that special someone will definitely result in some serious seduction. Try this
apple oriented appetizer tonight and ‘orchard’ won’t be the only word starting with ‘o’ that applies.

81. T
 rees play a significant role in the Feng Shui philosophy with all different kinds of species offering all different opportunities for branching
out and growing, sometimes all the way to Heaven. When the image of a strong and hardy evergreen (or the plant itself ) is displayed inside
your space it’s believed that this symbol will then strengthen the health of the whole family. A peace lily brings unity and harmony while
bamboo confers longevity. Planting a cherry tree to celebrate the birth of a baby girl says that she will receive the symbolic strength and
support of that tree all her life long. A freshly planted pine celebrates and supports a growing baby boy. Both of those last two trees should
be planted before the baby hits the nine month mark in order to best encourage and engage the aforementioned energies. Knowing what
wonders and delights these trees can bring certainly also brings new meaning to the word treehugger!

82. Qigong is a powerful system of healing or energy medicine that hails from the Orient. It is the art and science of using breathing techniques
in order to cultivate and/or harness life energy. It is, as well, a system that shows how to control energy flow in order to affect overall health
and healing too. The word ‘Chi’ in Chi Gung (another way to say or spell this modality) literally means ‘air’ in Chinese. As in, the air
you breathe, or by extension the very life force that keeps you animated and alive. Every Qigong exercise, whether a physical movement
or a pattern of breathing, focuses on and regulates specific energy centers in your physiology. These movements/breathing techniques are
all aimed at either maintaining a manageable level of good health or will, when practiced with frequency and regularity, provide positive
therapeutic intervention. One of the quick and easy Chi Gung methods of aiding digestion (as well as an exercise that helps you lose
weight!) is to take a minute after you eat and do this: bring your hands to the upper left hand part of your abdomen to approximately
where your stomach is located. Slowly and deliberately, start to move your hands in a circle over this area. Circle the stomach 50 to 100
times, all the while taking easy and deep breaths. That’s it. Coming full circle will now bring you an incredible lightness of being.
83. T
 he Aboriginal view of the cosmos is that everything and everything is inextricably linked to the energies of all time; past, present and
future. We are all linked, therefore, to the sacred seed of creation from which everything has grown and that is responsible for all that will
continue to grow. The Aborigines also believe in lucid dreaming or using the dreamtime to bring important messages to your consciousness,
messages that will impact your life in a positive and important way. Keep a pad a pen by your bed tonight, and, then, just before you fall
off to sleep enact this visualization: As you are sleeping, imagine that your spirit is leaving your body to go and retrieve a truly special and
important message that is waiting and only for you. See your soul or spirit traveling through many layers of clouds and the cosmos. At
the end of this stellar journey, you will see a HUGE door. Approach the door and knock. Ask whoever is behind the door to bring you a
message that will make you healthy and happy and prosperous. Now, knock on the door and imagine that it opens slowly for you. Standing
at the door is a sacred being, a being that seems incredibly familiar to you. Ask this being what message there is for you. And, then, allow
information to flood your dreams. As soon as you wake up, no matter the time, jot down ANYTHING you remember from your dreams
this night. Sometime during the following days, take this dream and the ensuing information and see how the message might apply to your
life. Sweet dreams ARE made of this!

84. T
 here’s a good reason that Frank L. Baum had Dorothy and the gang trying to find heart, brains and courage in a city made of emerald
as it’s believed that this precious gem brings foresight and wisdom to whoever has it in their possession. Like, say, oh, a wizard behind
a curtain maybe? In fact, apparently there is a traditional saying that shares that “He who possesses it shall enjoy the special protections
of God.” Even the color itself symbolizes the mystical forces of life and healing and wholeness. And Nature. With a capital N. Emeralds
represent fidelity and goodness and is known to not only strengthen the physical body but to soothe the emotional one as well. If you are
looking for flexibility of attitude, a healthy state of body and mind and a nice little complement to your shiny ruby slippers, there’s no jewel
like emerald. And, of course, there’s no place like home.

85. Even the strongest of relationships need a little romance remedy now and then. Feng Shui to the rescue! Locate the Relationship and
Romance area of your bedroom and place a bowl of candy kisses there. If you want to put piece of romantic literature ala Bella and Edward
close by, all the better. As well, let’s try to engage all the sense (besides just the creamy chocolate goodness tasty one) by diffusing some
ylang-ylang essential oil into that same atmosphere. Or, you can just take ten drops of that oil and add it to a mister filled with spring or
distilled water and spray around your room anytime you want to invite amorous to make it a threesome. You might also consider lowering
the wattage of the bulbs in your bedroom or even changing them altogether to pink ones that will emit a soft, shimmery and very romantic
glow. The same kind you will have if you go ahead and try these cures! Pucker up for some pillow talk. Of the Byron, Keats and Shelley kind.

86. T
 here is an axiom in the world of real estate that purports that any potential and prospective home buyer actually decides inside the
first 8 seconds whether or not they are going to purchase the house they are looking at. That means if you are the seller than you have 8
seconds to make an impression that could potentially last a lifetime. I am going to share some secret Shui that promises to help make that
first impression the most prosperous one you can possibly offer. Speaking of offers, you’ll want to use the scent of cinnamon in order to
effectively engage your prospect on a subconscious and subliminal olfactory level. Recent research coming from several smell institutes
suggests that the scent of cinnamon actually activates an impulsive response to buy or spend money and, so, as you might imagine, is being
used by several large retailers in their respective sales efforts. Forget the smell of baking cookies or fresh coffee simmering on the stove, you
want the Pillsbury Dough boy bringing up the rear on this one. A couple of drops of cinnamon essential oil added to some simmering
water on the stovetop will do more to sell your house than any amount of curb appeal ever could.

87. I don’t know about you but my hairstylist, Olivia, is such an integral part of my life that there are never even enough words to show my
appreciation to and for her expertise. And there’s one thing she knows for sure: good hair is powerful stuff! This simple but secret Feng Shui
says that every third day you should change your hairstyle. And, then, you must repeat this method five times over the ensuing 15 days.
With each change of hairstyle comes the promise of an intangible sense of empowerment that activates the very real and tangible goal of
finding the perfect partner, not just the appearance of one! Get to the roots of your desires and now be assured that you can find that person
you would dye for just by occasionally changing your coif during the next few weeks!

88. T
 oday is as good a day as any to cleanse and clear your space in order to stay in the flow while waving goodbye to stale or stuck stuff. As
always when clearing old energies, you should first begin by opening the doors and windows of the space to be cleansed, at least for a few
minutes. Allow fresh and healthy Chi to come calling today. Okay, now, take 3 lemons and peel them, putting pieces of the skin into a bowl
of fresh or spring or distilled water. Use the meat of this fruit for any cooking or other cleaning purposes. Starting at the front door and
walking around your space in a clockwise direction, using your fingers, flick the citrus water through every corner all throughout the house
remembering to address entrances and exits as well. Toss some drops at and through the windows too. Now those two words, “I purify” and
the days ahead will hold new, mystical, magical AND power-fully positive energies for YOU!

89. Sometimes we need to light a fire under our hopes and wishes and, of course, our dreams. Anytime after the Sun sets, take and light a
white candle and then place a separate one in every room on the main floor of your space. Bringing in this white light is the green way to
welcoming illumination and insight. So go ahead and light up your life!
90. Music can have extraordinarily magical effects on our lives. Make an effort to think about a time when you were really and truly happy in
your life. A time in your life when you were authentically optimistic and excited and enthused about just about everything. Now, let’s make
that memory sing by also recalling what the background music of that period sounded like. At any point on this day, clear your cobwebs
and your calendar and take at least ten minutes to play whatever song or songs that will make you want to rockarolla, twist and shout or
shimmy shimmy cocopop. You will reenergize, recharge and reach a place of happiness and peace that pretty much promises to be one for
the record books.

91. Clutter in the house will eventually translate into clutter in the body, mind and spirit. Piles of bills on the dining room table are a not so
subtle reminder that there are debts to be paid while also increasing the stress and winding up the worry. Holiday decorations yet to be
put away and loads of laundry taking up real estate all over the house can conjure a sense of desolation, depression and sometimes even
desperation if not addressed in some sort of empowering manner. TODAY, create a vacuum in your space simply by clearing some targeted
clutter. Take twenty minutes to go through and clean out your purse. Or bundle up those newspapers, magazines and cadre of catalogs and
throw them in the recycle. The promise inherent is actually one that comes from the Laws of Quantum Mechanics. Specifically it’s the one
that says that “Nature abhors a vacuum” and therefore will fill a void almost as quickly as one becomes available. This time though let’s
get electric with our thoughts and intentions and plug those outlets with scads of opportunities. Sometime today, clean out some crush of
clutter in your space. And the entire time you are doing same, keep both your focus and your intentions aligned that you are clearing away
this debris in order to make way for outrageous and advantageous opportunities to come calling. Don’t sweep this info under the carpet
since even one single effort can put you on the ground floor of an entirely different future that promises to leave you perfectly plugged in
all over the place!

92. T
 here are two special herbs that can melt in your mouth (sometimes) and not in your hands (sometimes) since they are the M&Ms called
marjoram and mimosa. Down through the ages marjoram has been added to food to strengthen existing or even help someone to find
new true love Carried with you, marjoram promises personal protection and tiny bits placed around the inside of your house will offer
an antidote to anything considered ill conceived or evil. In some traditions, both violets and marjoram are blended together to ward off
injuries, accidents and colds. I have written many times before about the efficacy in using marjoram essential oil (a few drops shaken onto
a small cotton ball and then sniffed whenever needed) to allay depression and to help deal with grief. And then there’s mimosa. No, not the
champagne and orange juice kind, but the one that grows in the garden kind. Mimosa is used to purify a space. Scatter it around any area
that calls for a clearing or add it to the bath to guard against problems that plague. You are even advised to put it under your pillow to have
prophetic dreams as well as to make some of your other ones come true. Even though this pair may not have been on Noah’s Ark, they can
still offer smooth sailing through times that might otherwise be stormy.

93. On ANY day that you want to be remembered, or make an incredible and indelible first impression while causing pulses and temperatures
to rise, put on your favorite red sweater, tie, dress or even scarf. No kidding, recently British scientists have shared a most interesting fact;
they tell that wearing red inside any sports agendas and/or arenas can give those same competitors a distinctive advantage. They went on
to show that when two teams are skillfully and evenly matched, the one wearing red inevitably won the day! For centuries red has been
recognized as the color of power and passion and, yes, even danger (think bullfighters, politicians, Feng Shui pundits and the people who
made up the stop sign.) So, today or any day that you’re trying to win some attention, win someone’s heart or even, as our British brothers
remind, win the tall trophy, you can go for the gold but you better wear red!

94. W
 hen he wrote that “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, clearly Charles Dickens didn’t know his Feng Shui or he would
have known that through these teachings obstacles turn into opportunities and bad times into blessings. He himself started out his
professional career working torturous ten hour days inside a London boot blacking factory. But that factory gave him fodder for the literary
classics that he was soon to pen gracing the world with a legacy of literature that still magnetizes to this day. In order to bring balance to
your space and make all of your days “the best of times”, place a lamp or a light or even just a lit candle into the ‘Knowledge’ area of your
main floor. Let them burn brightly for at least three hours or more. This effort is believed in Feng Shui to bring elucidation and education
and an incredible lightness of being into your home and into your life. This cure is, quite literally, a true page turner!

95. Remember that part of the movie ‘Mary Poppins’ where the kids and their parents all rush to go and fly a kite all the while singing that
catchy little tune? “Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height, let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring!” It seems that those kids really did
know how to let their spirits soar right alongside the flowing tail of their kite. But whether or not they knew that flying a kite is great
Feng Shui remains to be seen. We can take a brief spin back in history and learn that the kite was actually first invented by the Chinese
over 2000 years ago for military purposes. But then with the inauguration of the Ming Dynasty where peace and stability prevailed, kites
became recreational in nature. In Feng Shui kites can be recreational as well as representational. As in the theory that envelopes Tibetan
wind flags you can use a kite to promote and put your own intentions and goals out into the Universe. Simply find any kite that you
can imprint yourself, and with a red or black pen write a word or draw some symbol that describes your wish, your dream. Then on any
clear, sunny and windy day take those wishes out and let ‘em soar “up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear”, and, now, your
intentions and their rewarding results will be right up there too!
96. No, I’m not a rep for 1-800-Dentist, but I feel like it’s my duty to remind you to check your calendar and see when the last time you went
to the dentist was. No kidding, for years now there are many of us in holistic practices that have been trying and trying to get the word
about the link between gum disease and various other illnesses that can then spread systemically throughout your body. Only very recently
has much more information become much more available to the public regards this very relationship of how what’s going on inside your
mouth has a tremendous impact on what’s happening inside all the rest of you. If you get a simple toothache and need some relief while
waiting to see a professional, then dip a sterile cotton ball in the juice of a freshly squeezed lime and put that on the ache itself to help
it temporarily abate. Or you can rub a little cinnamon on the infected area (as well as sprinkling some in your wallet to help find the
money to pay the doc!) And, then, if and when you do have any dental work done, be sure to drink a cup of two of pineapple juice every
day for two weeks before and two weeks after. This will help reduce both inflammation and discomfort that can sometime follow dental
procedures. Just bite the bullet and call your dentist today. You’ll be happy (and smile!) that you did.

97. How many times have we all been told over and over again not to cry over spilt milk? But it might help to offer another way to use milk if
we do spill it and then get a little stressed over that mess. Or any other mess we might find ourselves in as well. Try this beautifully soothing
and calming bath to bring you back to balance: into any tub filled with warm add a ½ cup golden honey (any honey will do) and ½ cup
whole milk to the water. Pour in two cups Epsom or sea salts and swirl around. Now add three crushed mint leaves and a few sprigs of fresh
parsley and this recipe for a calming, restorational and utterly nourishing bath is complete. I promise, draw this bath and you will draw in
some mighty powerful and attractive energies your way while your cares and concerns go down the drain. What spilled milk?

98. Born in a simple log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln grew to become the voice of temperance, peace and equality for all men. Rising from
humble beginnings and filled with integrity, honesty and character, Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States running on a
platform that all men were created equal. Now, there’s a lesson that we can still stand to learn from even all these years later. Spend some
time considering the pain and the suffering that sometimes permeates the human condition. Partners arguing over economic differences,
siblings rivaling, a bully on the bus, the entitled and unfair boss, (you fill in the next blank); it’s not just differences that are black and white
that I am talking about here but the ones that get a little gray and can collectively make us a little blue as well. Speaking of blue, let’s use
that color on this day to make your own bedroom a sanctuary of peace and a space of bliss that you can then take out into the world with
you when you go. The promise here is that you are now making the planet a better place because you are in it. There have been actual
studies shown that if you sleep on blue sheets or paint the walls of your bedroom a light shade of that same hue or even just have a couple
of blue accessories thrown around the room that it will soothe you to the depths of your soul and even help you to sleep better. “As above,
so below.” “Peace within, peace without.” Period.

99. Remember Mariah’s hit “Dream Lover”? Well, she may have found hers already, but here are some time tested and tradition-filled ways of
finding out who your perfect partner is just by getting a good night’s sleep: Pick a sprig of rosemary while infusing it with the power of
your intention to find the name of your intended. Place the herb under your pillow and then right before you slip off to sleep be thinking
about seeing your love in your slumber. Or, you can remove the four cards from the four suits from a deck of playing cards that represent
the suitor you are wishing for (kings for a man, queens for a woman) and put them under your pillow to awaken a dream that will tell
of your future love. You should then, sometime during the night, definitely dream of your next romantic encounter. Now, if you want to
make your relationship dreams come true then try this: On a Friday night, take a long stemmed pink rose and remove the thorns. Now
trim the stem until it is about one inch long. Pierce this piece with a straight pin so that the tip emerges from the other side. Fill a jelly/
Mason/screw top jar with water and drop the rose in. Each night for seven consecutive, light a pink candle that has been placed beside
the jar and then blow it out right before you retire for your rest. After the prescribed seven nights and when the rose finally fades, toss the
petals outside and into the wind. The promise of the pledge is that your new and true love should come calling sometime within 28 days of
completing this exercise. Just remember, a rose by any other name can completely smell just as saweeeeet!

100. Ah, love. It eludes us, it conquers us, it makes our lives messy and then makes them simply marvelous. When you are really ready to stop
the search and get real for real there is an ancient advisory that has been passed down to me from my teachers, a cure that is believed to
lead the believers to the light at the end of this relationship tunnel of love. I’ve personally seen this cure bring big and beneficial results and
I look forward to hearing and adding your name to the successful relationship rolls. On any of the three nights of any month’s Full Moon,
leave a small hand-held mirror outside, reflective side facing up so that the marriage god in the moon “charges” the mirror with essence
and energies. At the end of the three days, move the mirror inside making sure to immediately cover it with silk or satin and being equally
sure that no one else sees or handles this piece. Then put it somewhere private and safe for the next 27 days. At the end of that time frame,
picture yourself in a wonder-filled and committed relationship as you stare into your magic mirror. Holding the mirror in front of you
continue visualizing and pouring those intentions into the looking glass. If you actually have a specific someone who’s attention you’d like
to capture, carry the mirror with you and then orchestrate being in their presence somehow. When they are not looking, flash the mirror
in their direction capturing their essence and then put it back in its case. Now go ahead and put the mirror back where you were keeping
it before. Now you have elicited the energies of the Universe to help bring you your own happily ever after. But it won’t even take near
that long for you to see rewarding relationship results!
101. In 1999, the first woman ever to be represented on a U.S. coin—the fabulous suffragette Susan B. Anthony—was replaced by another
woman who could lead men to water as well. I just find that ironic. In any case, anyone who reads my tips or listens to me on the radio
knows that I often talk about using those gold dollars to make a mint yourself. Take eight of these dollars and plant them two each, one
atop the other, in every one of the four corners of your dining room. If you have more corners in that room, use more coins. Leave the
coins in that space for at least 27 days to bring energy to your own bottom line. A line even Susan B. Anthony wouldn’t try to cross.

102. W
 e’re all searching for knowledge, and according to Feng Shui lore, the amethyst is always associated with heightened intuition. It is
also associated with the brain, wealth, peace, protection and spirituality. In fact, the Chinese share that you should always wear some
sort of amethyst jewelry if you are planning a big night out so you stay sober or at least ameliorate the ill effects of a hangover if you
do ‘accidentally’ over indulge. Keeping the thread of that theme, this gem is used throughout the Orient against an array of addictions
including but not limited to drinking, smoking, illegal substances/drugs. Put under the pillow to stop bad dreams, carrying a piece of
amethyst is also believed to help heighten your spiritual awareness while also strengthening your invocations and prayers. In Feng Shui
it is said that you should tie a piece of amethyst to the foot of the bed on the side that your partner sleeps on in order to ensure that they
remain forever faithful. Simply take nine or 18 inches or red ribbon, string or yarn and tie it around the base of this crystal. Place in under
the bed on the side your loved one sleeps on and tie it to the foot on that same side. It appears the mystical amethyst really does have
quite a lot to offer when it comes to tying one on!

103. T
 he simplest thing you can do to ensure good energy will come your way is to shoot a little positivity in someone else’s direction. Do
something nice for someone else without on whit or expectation or recognition or reward. Roll the neighbor’s garbage pail off the street
and back into their yard. Or simply smile at a stranger while looking them straight in the eyes and silently asking your Higher Power
to bless them. It’s not all about paying the toll for the car in back of you, although that’s a good idea as well. You can make the biggest
difference on this globe by simply doing the smallest act of, well, kindness. A random one. Do something swell today with the knowing
that if even 1/10th of the readers of this random community committed one act each that we have just effected an entire and positive
energetic shift on this planet. And that, my friends, is about as good as it gets. Let us, each one, not rely on the kindness of strangers but,
rather, let us be the stranger. Point the GPS on that streetcar from Desire to Kindness and see what a change one random act can make!

104. No matter how desolate or isolated any event leaves you, if you do the inner work and are true and authentic and stay in your own
integrity, that that is the time when unknown guides and friends, teachers and mentors will come and find you. Astrology, astronomy
and aromatherapy have an age old relationship and in some instances are almost inextricably linked. If you are feeling alone or bereft after
facing an ending of any sort blend ten drops of essential oil of patchouli with ten drops of essential oil of bergamot and drip some of these
blended drops into a bowl full of steaming water. Allow the oils to permeate your space as you breathe in sweet relief. It’ll leave you feeling
comforted and cared for. I promise.

105. MMMMMM, chocolate. Did you know the tasty sweet was only exported to Europe after the conquest of Mexico? Before that chocolate
was most revered and respected as a magical elixir and was served mostly as a ritual drink. However, the aphrodisiacal properties of
chocolate started to darken and then disappear altogether as it became a hot commodity as a sweet foodstuff. In Spain, the Inquisitors
would torture women who they found using this sweet to help make their love spells. But as the decades progressed so did our technology
and we now know that chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a stimulant similar to the chemical our bodies release during sex which
might account for the cup of chocolate and plate of oysters that Cassanova was known to imbibe right before one of his notorious romps.
If you are trying to win the love of that special someone do what the Aztec and the Maya and so many cultures have done since then and
serve them a cup of steaming hot chocolate. Of course, if you were to rip a page out of those Spanish cookbooks and top off this treat
with a pinch of powdered cinnamon and sprinkle of cardamom, well, just don’t say I didn’t warn you. Be careful what you wish for, in this
case you’ll definitely spice things up and get what you desire.

106. No matter how up you usually are, it’s totally normal to get down from time to time—and when you do, here’s a trick to bring you
back to your normally happy moods. The ‘Bright Hall Effect’ in Feng Shui says that you should always enter your home through your
formal front door. And that you should make absolutely and positive-ly sure that the hallway light is on as you enter. Be sure as well to
replace the front hall light bulb with the highest wattage one that you can find and then be sure to use this little piece of big information
to brightest and lightest advantage. Walking into this “bright hall” will bring both a boost and a lift to your spirits and your Chi, an
adjustment or cure that could quite conceivably put the spring back in your step!

107. Looking to win BIG? Remove a ten of diamonds from a new deck of playing cards and place it on a dish. If so desired you can also
substitute the Ten of Coins card from any tarot deck. Now add a piece of real silver to the platter and place it on top of the card. These
symbols when combined spell success for any endeavor that you are actively engaged in. Keep thinking of whatever it is that you would
like to see come to successful fruition and positive conclusion in the immediate. Leave the card and the coin in any space where you will
be able to see it at least once a day for the next 27. After that time, take the card and put it back into the deck and put the silver in your
wallet. It won’t be long now until you find out that you had the winning hand all along.
108. One of the loveliest little flowers is the magical, mystical primrose. Thought by many Celtic cultures to be imbued with the ability to
bestow invisibility on the owner, primrose has many connotations in the magical pantheon across the board. The power that primrose
holds are said to also keep anyone protected from any malfeasance. As well, it’s also believed to taking oil of primrose can help detoxify
a body. Most often advised as a supplement when there is slight depression or temporary insomnia, oil of primrose capsules are also
prescribed from the holistic perspective as an alternative and complementary aid for ailments of the organs and stomach. Of course
should any of these physical conditions prevail, a visit to the appropriate professional proceeds taking any holistic supplementary therapy.
The primrose, from the metaphysical perception speaks to the condition of a young girl gaining confidence as she turns into a woman.
Fables abound regards the ability of the primrose to give immediate entrance to fairy land. Tales tell that if you touch a tree with a posy
of primroses you will then be able to ask the fairies to guard and protect you and grant you one dearly held wish. Either way, whether
you are wearing them to keep yourself surrounded with protection or taking them in supplement form to bring balance back to your
physiology or even out and about in the woodlands looking to engage some wee folk, the legend of the primrose can certainly grow on you.

109. Every time I dedicate any one of these tips to any animals of any kind, I get so many wonderful and positive responses, so let’s have
another! Many holistic animal caretakers tell of adding a couple of tablespoons of baking soda to your dog’s bath or rinse water (of course
with the approval of your vet or other professional) in order to bring the same sort of gleen to their coat that they bring to your eye.
And let’s talk about walking a dog. If you’ve been for a stroll where you think there may have been chemicals on the sidewalks (through
parking lots, in a snowy park where snow-melting chemicals are used), you’ll want to take extra care of Fido when you get back home.
The chemicals in those products can burn the paws and then the dog licks the paws to provide relief and licking those same chemicals can
make them sick. It might be well worth the effort, right after you have walked your dog to wash his paws with a teaspoon of baking soda
added to a glass of water. The baking soda solution will help soothe any small burning paws. Hands down, your dog will thank you for it!
And a happy animal scampering through the house, according to Feng Shui, brings a bundle and a boodle of healthy energies right alongside!

110. No tears, no fears, it’s time for you ladies to find your smile and a love to treasure forever. For single women only: Wear a ring on your
right index finger that you know will allow you to meet that perfect partner sometime inside the next three months. Then, once you have
the mate of your dreams, don’t fall asleep at the proverbial wheel. If you think that the relationship and romance that ring bought round
to you is worth a lifetime, switch the ring and wear it on your right middle finger. This will prompt the partner to ask for your hand
sometime in the ensuing three months. A half year to happiness sounds just about right to me!

111. I have many male clients who are, quite understandably, equally concerned with finding the right and perfect partner to marry their
own energies with, if only from the proverbial perspective. For any guy who’s looking for love in all the right places, well, he should start
that search right in his own bedroom. Feng Shui says that this tip is only applicable for men, but that when it’s enacted with appropriate
intention and emotion, well, can bring any man the opportunity to get lucky. In love, that is. Find any symbol or representation (picture,
painting, small sculpture etc) of a sprig or branch of cherry blossom and put it directly over the headboard (or on the wall in back of ) the
bed that you sleep in. It is believed that sometime inside the next three months, this single symbol will allow whoever uses it to perfectly
pair with a most wonderfully matched mate. Branches of cherry blossoms hung over the bed will bring a budding romance that promises
to bloom and grow.

112. Let’s talk about something that in Feng Shui we call the “Jesse James” syndrome. This applies to office workers who work in cubicles
and tend to sit with their backs to the opening of their cubby. In such a case, the theory goes, the person sitting with their back in this
vulnerable position never feels quite secure or protected since they can’t really see who’s coming in behind them. Although this fear might
not be a tangible one, say, like, oh, losing your job, it still serves to keep you on edge while you are trying to do your best work, day after
day. The best way to address this agenda is to take any small and rounded mirror and affix it anywhere in front of you where you can
then be able to see if there is activity behind you. Station this mirror on the front of your computer monitor if that faces you and can
“see” behind you. Or any other place that will allow you to feel you have some control over your space. And, here’s a big bonus from me,
positioning this mirror inside your space also attracts fresh Chi to that same place giving you the energetic advantage. Put this mirror in
place and reflect on your goals and intentions. That corner office might just be yours yet!
113. Mirrors play a pivotal role in the best of fairy tales, and now I’m going to entertain you with one of my own; the one about how a grown
woman and her little son found themselves all alone with no money but lots and lots of hope one day about ten years ago. This woman
believed with all her might that the promise of happily ever after could still definitely come true for her and for the little blonde light of
her life, but, first, she had to figure out how to put food on their table and pay for the roof over their heads. She huffed and she puffed
and she blew up a big, big dream. This dream that said that if she worked hard enough and believed in herself and her mission even
more than she thought that she could, then, well, she could forgive the vagaries of the past and her new dream would come true. Just so
you know, this time around there was no Prince in her dream. No, she had pretty much had enough of Princes. But she hadn’t had near
enough trials and tribulations and so she got tons and tons and tons of those. Each one just stuffed full of lessons she would need to know
and blessings she would need to believe that she would one day understand. But even with all those lessons and all those setbacks, still
she persisted. Then, one day, she decided that she didn’t need a magic mirror but that everyone else did, so, she thought she would teach
everyone in the world how they could use mirrors to make their lives a better place to be. And to get good jobs too. But she had to make
sure this mirror thing really did work. So, she put a mirror inside her own front door, the area where she knew the ‘Career’ energies of
Feng Shui could be triggered and activated and she waited for clients to come. While she was waiting she kept studying her craft while
also walking and talking her Truth. Then, soon after she hung the big mirror inside the foyer of the front hallway, the first client came
along. He was a big, burley and handsome huntsman, okay, really, he was a builder, and he hired her to design a Feng Shui house that
people came from miles and miles around to see. Everyone loved her house and everyone loved her and soon her phone was ringing off
the hook. Her business took off but she has always reflected about how much that mirror meant to her in those very early days. If you or
anyone you know is out of work, or, just needs to move some energies at the workplace, then hang a mirror somewhere just inside the
front door. According to Feng Shui, a mirror mimics or symbolizes the energies associated with water and so will bring a flow to any and
all job related agendas. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the best employed of all? Well, now, that would be you! As for the lovely blonde
Princess and her magically delicious son? Well, she’s now Queen of All Feng Shui and he, well he has learned that hard work, persistence
and dedication will always win the day—well, and that a well-placed mirror or two can always help things along! That tale will serve him
well forever. And ever and ever and ever.

114. It’s thought that when you take care of the planet, the planet will take care of you. So do something special and green with the intention
attached that your one effort will add to those of everyone else and that all of us together will make a difference. And will bring balance
back to the planet. Recycle something you normally would cavalierly throw away. Turn off the lights. Turn off the water. Don’t leave it
running to warm up before you take your shower. Don’t leave it running while you brush your teeth. Hang your clothes outside to dry,
but do remember that Feng Shui says if you leave them out overnight you are risking potential negative energies attaching themselves
to your shorts. Rather try to get them off the line and in the house before the Sun goes down. Reuse your paper towels and wash your
windows with old newspaper. There are a million small ways to make one gigantic difference.

115. If you have been reading these posts for long enough, or read any of my blogs etc, you know that I’ve only recently started having dreams
that have to do with my teeth. I had never had these dreams before but have come to find out that at least one of them is fairly common,
the one about losing all of your teeth. I’ve only had that dream a few times, but, truthfully, I really hate it. I dream that one of my teeth
falls out and then I touch them to see if any others are loose and one by one they all start falling out my mouth like Chiclets. I have come
to find out that many, many people have this dream. And that it generally means there is some big fear or some anxiety in regards to the
future. I also found out that Feng Shui (along with other traditions and cultures) advises that if you do have this dream, then, as soon
as you wake you should cut a small piece of hair from your head and flush it down the nearest toilet so as to cast all of your fears down
the drain. Of course, I have had many readers from other cultures share that their beliefs say that when you have this particular dream
it portends that someone you know is about to die. But, honestly, I really have had this dream three times in the past year and nothing
untoward or mournful ever followed. So, I’m sticking with the Feng Shui suggestion that says if you have any dreams that have anything
to do with your teeth, as soon as your eyes open go and snip a small piece of your hair and flush it straight down the drain of the nearest
commode. Worries, schmurries!

116. Play ballerina and take a flying leap toward making your biggest dreams come true. Think about what it is that you would like to see
come present in your life sometime during the next year. Now, get eight small stones, like river rocks or smooth stones that are the size
of the palm of your hand and then spray paint them gold. Put them outside the front door of your home somewhere close by and to
the right as you are looking out at the street. If you live in a space where there is no “immediate outside,” then put them directly inside
the front door, over to the right hand side of the floor in the corner. Group them and build them in a small pile or mound. And, when
you are done, stand in front of them and visualize your dream coming true. See what it would look like from beginning to glorious end.
Don’t leave this space until you are clear on that visual. Now, put that visual inside a bubble that hangs over the top of your head and
inhale deeply. On the exhale, forcefully blow your breath into that bubble over the top of your head lending your energy and your Chi
to your future. Do this four separate times, each time making the bubble bigger and the picture brighter until it bursts wide open on
the fourth breath sending this intention out into the cosmos. And onto those gold rocks. Leave them in place for 27 days. At the end of
that prescribed time period, take those rocks and give them back to nature. Throw them into some moving water or put them in a park
somewhere. Your personal pot ‘o gold sits right at your feet. Step lively.
117. Before you put the coffee on or even hit the loo, you should be getting glam with the dew. Traditionally, young girls from Brit cultures
would hurry outdoors early on spring mornings to gather some dew on their hands and then rub it from top of their head to bottom of
the neck. The promise was one of beautiful skin for the rest of their days with nary a pimple, freckle or wretched wrinkle in sight. Face it,
who wouldn’t want to forego the Botox and try Mother Nature’s way of allowing us to stay forever young as well as always looking just as
fresh as the, well, morning dew? I’m in. As soon as I get back from my very early morning foray out.

118. Remember Audrey Hepburn’s enthusiasm at the horse races in My Fair Lady? Well, it’s believed that invoking the energy of horses could
put you squarely in the winner’s circle as well! According to Feng Shui, the horse is a symbol of courage, speed and perseverance. A
picture, painting or statue of a steed promises to swiftly bring super success energies into your space when properly placed in the ‘Fame’
area of home or office (see and click on ‘Bagua’ link of location info.) Be the first to cross a personal and
powerful finish line by getting back in the Feng Shui saddle and putting an image of a horse in your house. Giddyup now, unbridled fame
and success are chomping at the bit while waiting just for you!

119. I am humbled and honored and grateful to share some promising pregnancy Shui. Of course the gold standard for conceiving a child is to
remember to sleep on green sheets. This promotes fertility and gives good energy to the idea of the growth of a family. As well, it’s believed
that you can enlist the aid of a pachyderm to influence pregnancy by placing a statue of an elephant on the floor by your bedroom door
and then placing a rock on its back. Certain cultures even say that you should pat the head of the elephant each time you pass by making
sure to thank him for helping bring a successful stampede of swimmers your way. Eggsactly what the specialist ordered. This sort of secret
Shui is sure to bring about the birth you have been waiting for. And if you don’t believe me, you can always ask my healthy, happy and
beautiful son!

120. If you or someone you know is afflicted with asthma, of course, as with all of my information, be completely sure to see a qualified
professional for diagnosis and treatment. But if you might want to try to keep the onset of an attack at bay by using ages old holistic
means, then you might also want to get to a good green grocer and grab some carrots. Be sure to get some fresh ginger root as well. Grate
fresh ginger root and strain it until you get about a tablespoon of juice from it. Add this to approximately six ounces of fresh carrot juice
and drink this each morning or really anytime you feel congested. Helping to alleviate or prevent the next attack is the goal of this drink.
But drinking of cup of this carrot concoction each morning might also alleviate you from asking, “What’s up Doc?” once you get in the
swig of things!

121. Craving some spicy salsa? Be sure to blend those chopped tomatoes with a sprig of cilantro or two. Eating this herb is believed to keep
you safe from all and any negative energies while providing protection of the physical kind. And, while we’re talking dirty dancing and
spicing things up, don’t forget to take a pair of dried chili peppers and crossing them one over the other tie them all up with nine or 18
inches of pink string. Place these peppers under your pillow and bring the heat to the bedroom right where it belongs!

122. I often think how great it would be if there were one day a year (or a week) when you could eat or drink anything you wanted and there
would be no ill effects in any conceivable way. You could eat tons and tons of salt and never show any bloat at all. Chocolate sans calories.
Giant cheeseburgers with no cholesterol at all. Unfortunately, reality says not so much. Now, if you only got to the top of this tip and
are already holding the salt shaker, do this instead. Fill any small container to approximately 70% with kosher or sea salt. Top this off by
filling the rest of the container with spring or distilled water. Do not cover the container. Rather, leave it out anywhere inside your kitchen
to absorb and trap any negative energies that might be floating around. You can leave this salty little container in place for up to one year.
Sometime during that time crystals will form showing you that afflicted and awkward energies really are being absorbed. After one year’s
time, cover the container and then throw it away out side of the house. Now, put that Oreo down and get back on the treadmill!

123. W
 hen observing children’s rooms, I almost always spot one easy, quick fix that can be effected to help the child and their attitude and
outlook. Primary colors should never impact the overall hue of a child’s bedroom. That room is for rest and relaxation and, ultimately,
restoration of their little psyches and their little souls. Soft blues and greens are far less stimulating while being far more supportive. Give a
kid some green in their bedroom and they’ll give you your heart’s desire; their health and happiness and cooperation.

124. W
 e can all, each and every one of us, do something today that will begin to generate a groundswell of peace-filled intention while also
giving us some rooted and grounded expressions of same. Place a healthy green plant into the ‘Family/Friends/Ancestors’ area of the main
floor of your home. If there is or has been some recent discord there, you might be well advised to try and grab a peace lily, so prevalent
this time of year, and plant that piece inside this specific space. Putting a plant in the ‘Family’ area and nurturing it with your love will
grow a long, long way towards bringing peace to the planet. Especially if that is your true intention as that plant takes root in a family way.
125. Hitchcock really did give birds a bum rap. According to Feng Shui, birds bring excellent news. And surprises. And opportunities. And joy!
I get tons of emails from readers who are inquisitive when a certain species seems bent on getting their attention. They want to know the
symbology behind certain birds. If a red bird shows up on your personal path, yahoo, good fortune is coming. And if you are a writer or
in the publishing biz, better yet! That red bird can give serious wings to a special project! Any image of the phoenix when placed inside
your ‘Fame’ area can bring immediate rewards and recognition for your efforts. The phoenix placed right alongside (I mean that..placed
to the right) of the Dragon completes a couple that can bring romance and love right out of mid-air. I used to share how you could put
breadcrumbs up your front walkway to entice hungry birds to do an opportunity fly-by, but, the environmentalists among you educated
me about how damaging that can be. So, for today, let’s work on the birds you can use on the inside of your space and bless the ones that
soar around the outside.

126. Lucky bamboo is a great gift that is believed to bring solid support to every area of Mom’s life. There are even numbers of stalks you can
give to show her support in certain and specific endeavors, or, oddly enough, other numbers that can create great luck as well. Two stalks
if she’s looking for a partner, five if her health is of concern and eight if she could use a little cold, hard cash. She warms your heart, holds
your hand and cries whenever you do. Give her a little luck and love today!

127. T
 here were three separate plants named rosemary. Bought because the financials were scary. On the kitchen sill they would sit, until real
big money was git. Because that’s what they promised Miss Ellen Mary. Just a funny little limerick to remind my female readers to place
three rosemary plants on a kitchen windowsill or somewhere close to a window in that same room. Take good care of them. They can
quickly help to cook up a healthy bottom line. And add some zest to the baked chicken as well!

128. Jumpin’ Jehovah, did you know how lucky little frogs are? Feng Shui says that frogs and toads can bring great fortunes and good luck
when they are displayed around your house. Or even hopping around the outside of it. And speaking of outside your house, a family of
frogs living in your backyard is believed to not only protect you and yours from danger but also from any bad luck or misfortune that
might be mistakenly heading your way. There is an actual little statue that we use in Feng Shui called The Three-Legged Money Toad that
promises to attract auspicious energies in the way of quick cash into the house. See, Eastern tradition holds that the spawn of the frog falls
from Heaven, like dew and that the spit has powerful medicine in it. Which would explain why one of the most popular cures in Chinese
medicine for a sore throat caused by smoking is the boiled spit or a frog. Who sits and collects that? Anyway, The Three-Legged Toad
should be placed on the floor by the front door or anywhere facing the inside of the office in order to bring opportunity, money and all
around good luck.

129. In Feng Shui it is said that if you put a bunch of blue hued flowers in a white vase and station that anywhere close to the front door that
any ailments with your internal organs begin to dissipate. This bunch of Shui is said to be especially true if there is any illness affecting
the kidneys. Fresh flowers planted in any area of the house are also thought to attract angels and their invisible assistance. But you must
make sure that there are never, ever, ever (!!!!) any thorns on the stems on whatever floral strikes your fancy as these can promote some,
well, thorny issues or agendas. Dead or dried flowers around your space are strictly verboten as well as they are believed to attract Sha or
damaging Chi! And that would stink! Fresh cut flowers lift the spirit and the mood . . . bunches!

130. One of my favorite movies of ALL time is the wonderful ‘Wizard of Oz.’ A timeless tale of coming of age and finding oneself told amid
lions and tigers and bears, oh my! And what is it that makes me tear up each and every time Dorothy misses that hot air balloon back to
Auntie Em? I know what’s going to happen and still I sniff, sniff. I guess it’s just the Universal sentiment and underlying knowing that no
matter how far any one of us roams, there really is no place like home. Without or without the ruby slippers sitting somewhere in a closet.
The next time you want to feel like your home is your ultimate haven, take a good look around and do a clean sweep. Get rid of anything
that you do not love or don’t use. That flying monkey lamp from your college days? Gone! The dead red poppies in the vase in the corner?
Buh bye. If you don’t love it or you don’t use it, it needs to go. Give it away to someone else who can give your old things a new home.
And then go and move your bed by one inch. To one side or the other. Just move the bed an inch and vacuum all around it. This will shift
the energy in that room of sanctuary and bring a brand new peace and even some prosperity to your place. Because, as we all know, there
is really no place like home, especially if it houses some secret Feng Shui!

131. Purple is the color that lands at the end of the spectrum and holds a prominent position inside this modality. It is strongly believed that
this color has a very strong association with the world of the spiritual as such is also thought to carry an extraordinarily high vibration.
In this philosophy purple has power! I guess that’s why it was one of the colors most often worn by Emperors and Kings alike. Therefore
purple purposefully speaks to prosperity. It is the color most at home in the ‘Wealth’ area of your space and is said to have the ability to
bring big money to you! Put four purple African violets in this area accorded to abundance and watch the build up in your bottom line.
Sign contracts, important papers and even the checks that accompany your monthly bills with a purple pen. And wear purple when you
want to feel just heavenly. The color purple is so much more than a great Alice Walker book, it provides a pathway to purpose and prosperity!
132. Is your motor running? To keep safe and protected during any car trip do any one of the following things: keep a small, round quartz
crystal anywhere in the front of the car, but, most preferably hanging from the rear-view mirror. A bunch of feathers from a peacock’s
tail are considered the ultimate extra set(s) of eyes for anyone who gets behind the wheel. Kept in the glove compartment, these feathers
are believed to bring protection and safety from things that go speed bump in the road. Keeping the car clutter free and clean as well as
playing music that soothes that savage soul will additionally offer a straight shot to your destination. Gentlemen, start your engines. But
do make sure that there’s a crystal or a peacock feather in your glove box!

133. T
 here is an area in your living space that is directly related to, well, your relations. Called the ‘Family/Friends/Ancestors’ area you can find
this location in thee middle left-hand side of your home or office. The energies circling here are said to directly relate to your family, both
past and present, including your brothers and sister, aunts, uncles and grandparents. According to Feng Shui, regardless the paths we have
taken along the way, we are all always energetically linked to our blood kin prompting this philosophy to also support the notion that says
so goes one, so goes all. The belief remains that whenever there is any event that impacts a family, from either good or bad, that there will
be a reverberation no matter how subtle or still. This area also is believed to govern the health of the liver and teeth while also influencing
and impacting predisposition towards addictions. If you or anyone you know is suffering from any sort of addiction and are looking to
supplement appropriate treatments, you might want to engage the energies here that will lend you vitality and support in all your cleaning
up efforts. A lamp placed here with healing intentions and kept burning for at least three hours a day can also help to shed some light
on how best to overcome the addiction or even allow the addict to see the light. The one that is inside of them. Let it shine, let it shine,
let its shine!

134. If you would like to see your life become fecund with growth then you might just want to plant an image of the ‘herb of immortality’
inside your space. This herb, also known as Ling Shi, is believed to bestow not only the promise of eternal life but also proffers positive
and rapid growth and success in any and all career undertakings. You will often see this long grass included in oriental paintings of the
crane or the deer or with other Eastern symbols that suggest long and healthy life. When this image is displayed in the ‘Family/Friends’
area, or, really anywhere inside your space, you can expect a burst of encouragement and a big, blooming career.

135. W
 ho wants to be a millionaire? Whether or not you are a slumdog, this next cure really works to bring money into the house, no
questions asked! Place some sort of moving water, like a fountain, into the ‘Wealth’ area of your home or office. Now, put a small statue
of a dragon (preferably any dragon holding a small orb in his mouth or in his claws) inside the water feature. During the day, this dragon
should be facing or looking inside the house, but, once the Sun sets he needs to rest and recoup or else his energies can become exhausted!
A that time turn him around to face out a window or a door or he won’t be able to fully execute his energies. Now, the real secret here says
that if you have a moving water feature in ‘Wealth’, with a dragon somehow treading water, and, then, you put a light or lamp around this
same space, well, this is considered, literally, the Feng Shui gold standard. Light the lamp near the water for a few hours each day so that
the water can get “charged” and then don’t worry about your credit cards doing same! No question, this cure is a lifeline for your bottom
line. Go ahead and phone a friend and share this super secret Shui with them. You can be millionaires together.

136. Ready to say, “I Do”? Take two champagne flutes or glasses and either nine or 18 inches of red thread, ribbon or string. Filling yourself
with the golden light of good intention, tie the stems of the two glasses together leaving a few inches of red string between them. Hold the
visual of a happy color and send them golden light. Place this piece in the ‘Romance and Love’ area of your bedroom and leave it there for
at least nine days prior to the big one. As quickly as you can say “CHEERS!” the sparkling energies created by this cure will bring bubbly
days and fizzy, sizzling nights to the happy and harmonious newlyweds!

137. Even if you don’t think you’re that musical, you still might want to investigate owning a Feng Shui flute. If you have overhead beams in
the structure of your space, it is believed that long bamboo flutes are an excellent antidote to the ‘cutting’ or ‘killing’ chi/energy associated
with this architectural anomaly. You hang two flutes linked together by red string and slanting toward one another so that they look
like they form the letter ‘A’. The Chi is said to rise through the hollows of the flutes and collect where the mouthpieces meet. When this
meeting occurs, the bad energies of the beams are dissipated leaving healthy, happy ones in their place. If you have beams on the ceiling
in your bedroom, potentially creating a separation between you and your partner, hanging these bamboo flutes can literally save the day.
And the marriage. Music to my ears!

138. T
 he Black Tortoise is considered one of the four celestial creatures in the mythology of this philosophy. He is believed to bring support,
longevity and almost complete and total protection to your space. According to the Tibetan tradition, the turtle is actually regarded as
one of the ultimate symbols of good luck and is their last word in protection. In fact, a great deal of their cultural protective talismans or
amulets are even painted on the belly of this territorial terrapin. If you wish to give that bunny the shake and cross your own empowered
finish line faster than you might have imagined, just welcome a tiny turtle to your space. Download an image of the Black Tortoise and
place him in the ‘Career’ area of home and/or office. In no time at all you’ll garner waves of recognition and rewards and all other efforts
will go swimmingly. If you’ve been holding back on the work front, it’s time to come out of your shell and let a little turtle take the lead.
Soon enough it will be your turn to do the same!
139. I am often asked by clients if there is anything that they can do to mollify negative energies caused by raucous and uncaring neighbors.
Loud music or other annoying noises blaring at odd hours of the day or night. Cars coming and going ignoring both the speed limit and
the playing kids. Renovations and/or additions that require smally porta-pottys be placed on the front lawn. Look one man’s junk might
be another man’s treasure but not when it’s sitting on cinderblocks in the side-by-side driveway. Good fences might make good neighbors,
but, in my experiences so do big mirrors. Disturbia in suburbia can be cured simply by reflecting the bad behavior back. Get any convex
mirror and hang it so that it reflects the offending neighbor’s living space. The mirror is said to absorb Sha or negative Chi while also
aiding efforts at promoting peace in the ‘hood. Look at it this way, a little reflection might go a long way when considering how best to
quiet, as opposed to keeping up with, the Jones’.

140. Here’s a simple show-stopping way to increase and enhance your own creativity simply by stomping your feet. There are actually auric
centers that sit on the soles of your feet that are very strongly connected with the energies of the earth. When you are suffering any sort of
creative blockage you might also be experiencing a blockage in the energetic bundle at the bottom of your feet. You feel ungrounded and
also unproductive or stuck. To exit this energetic state simply stand up and taking one foot at a time, stomp the bottom of your bare foot
in the ground nine separate times. Take a deep breath between each stamp. Once you are done with one foot, go to the next. Stomp out
the stuck and get your creativity flowing again. Once you are done tap dancing around this exercise you will feel refreshed, revivified and
ready to take on the world!

141. If you have a dream and are looking to enlist the aid and assistance of beneficial people then place an empty glass or crystal bowl in the
‘Helpful People’ area of your main floor. This effort symbolized your receptivity to beneficial contacts and connections and promises
to bring all same to your door. If you can identify who the people are that can help you make your dreams come true then place their
business cards or even their names written on a piece of paper (one separate piece for each benefactor please!) inside this bowl. Be sure to
clean out the bowl and the name periodically so that new and better connections can then allow you to soar to new heights as well! This is
an important use of your time and, of course, of your space as well!

142. Ouch! Sunburns hurt whether they came as you were lounging on the beach or skiing down the slopes. As soon as possible after burning
the skin take a cold shower. Like lasagna noodles, the cold water stops the skin from continuing to cook. Next, mix equal amounts of
baking soda and cornstarch and add just enough water to make a paste. Apply this to the affected areas. If you are burned all over then
this kitchen cabinet staples added to a cool water bath can salve and soothe the sizzling skin. If afterward your skin begins to peel, mash
the meat of a fresh papaya and put it on the peel for twenty minutes before rinsing with a cool water wash. This will remove the dead skin
while the enzymes enrich and restore. Ahhhhhhhh, that’s better.

143. T
 his cleanse will help you welcome some spicy hot nights into your life. After you have cleared any clutter, take some seas salt and place
a tiny bit in every corner in each room of the house. Be sure to sprinkle a line of salt over every threshold as well and leave it there for the
following 24 hours. After that time has expired take a broom (and only a broom) and start sweeping away all the salt. Collect it all in a
single container that can then be closed and dispose of this salt somewhere outside of your house. Conversely you can collect it and then
flush it down a toilet drain. If you decide to dispose down the drain, be sure to follow that with a flush of the juice of one fresh lemon.
This is a powerful and effective cleanse that will, once again, allow you to open to some steaming hot opportunities!

144. Postcards, photos or pictures of distant and exotic ports of call when placed in the ‘Helpful People and Travel’ area of your main floor
or even in that same space in your bedroom can exponentially help the energies to get you there as well. Especially when you feel as if
the only postcards you will be sending are the ones that are coming from the edge! In fact any symbols of any place or port of call that
you would like to visit would be most welcome in this same space as well. Trying to travel to Trinidad? Hang some red, white and black
to represent the national flag of Trinidad and Tobago while cooking some roti or curried meat. Even this smell that’s reminiscent of that
island can transport your own invisible energies there. It won’t be long until your luggage follows. I can almost hear the steel drums now.

145. Every flower has a history and every flower has a story and, well, one of the most majestic is the lily of the valley. This fragrant and almost
romantic flower is also associated with winged Mercury the messenger of the gods. Smelling the scent of the floral is believed to improve
the memory. It is also believed that inhaling this lily will lift the spirits while prompting some recall so using the plant itself or some
essential oil with same scent is strongly recommended for use by the caregivers of Alzheimer’s sufferers. The lovely scent of the lily of the
valley is also said to support platonic friendships as well as to herald in a return to happier, more cheerful times. If you feel you need a
natural boost, lily of the valley incense when wafting through your space will make you feel upbeat and positive and perfectly at peace, a
veritable garden of personal delights!

146. T
 he Native Americans hold true to the notion that every living being that walks or crawls or swims or even grows upon this planet is a
brother or a sister that sustains our ecosystem and adds to our own beings. “All my relations” they say in reverence to the goodness of
Nature all around us. Take a small pinch of tobacco and leave it at the base of a tree or bush or plant in gratitude and thanks. We are all
one. A small little token of our appreciation can go a long, long way. A little tobacco placed with reverence outside your space can most
surely guarantee that some peace and prosperity will grow within. Now, that’s smokin’!
147. T
 hey support us as we stand, walk, run, and even jump for joy. Let’s devote a little bit of energy to give back to our wonderful tootsies.
This specific foot massage actually even works wonders with colicky or cranky babies as well. Mix ten drops of lavender essential oil and
ten drops of chamomile into a half cup of grapeseed oil and blend. Now, using a wee bit of this soothing and calming mixture, stroke
the oil UP the bottom of your foot. Begin with the left foot first. Use firm pressure as you apply the oil in straight strokes from heel to
toe. Heel, toe. Heel toe. Pretty soon you’ll feel like doing a jaunty little jig yourself. This Ayurvedic massage raises your spirits as it lightly
lowers your blood pressure bringing this application one step closer to a healthy, happier heart. Now there’s something to kick up your
heels about.

148. W
 ith the economy the way it’s been, many of us are trying new paths and exploring new talents. If that sounds like you, you might want
to try something Feng Shui calls the ‘Four Red Stings Cure.” In each of the four corners of your bedroom, hang a red string or thread
from ceiling to floor. These four strings are believed to represent what is known in Eastern lore as the ‘four pillars’ that hold up the canopy
of heaven. Other Feng Shui masters say that they represent a sort of mystical line of communications between heaven and earth. Either
way, it’s clear that hanging these four pieces will invoke a miraculous amount of heavenly intercession. At the midway point of each string
be sure to also attach a nine inch piece of red thread in order to ensure your message is clear without a bit of interference or static on the
line! The positive response will thrill you.

149. Here’s a handy card trick that could turn even Lady Gaga’s poker face into a smile. If you are single, female and unmarried but would
like to find the perfect partner of your dreams then let’s go ahead and stack the deck in your favor. Remove all four playing cards
corresponding to the gender of the person you desire from a standard deck of playing cards. Queens for women and kings representing
men. Tie them together 99 times around with red thread, string or ribbon and end by securing with two solid knots. Place the four cards
under your pillow and leave them there for 27 days straight. During this time do not turn down any invitations to socialize no matter
your excuse. You have to say yes to everyone who asks. You must engage in every opportunity if you would like to use that same word
describing your own happy circumstances in the very near future!

150. T
 ime to detox your life—and no, I’m not talking about going on a master cleanse! NASA has published research that supports the ancient
supposition that common houseplants can dramatically reduce toxic chemical levels inside our homes and/or offices. And, well, just in
case you might be thinking that your home couldn’t possibly be any greener, think about this: benzene is commonly found in all inks,
oils, plastics, detergents and dyes. Formaldehyde is often found in insulation, particle board and most pressed wood products as well
as anything treated with resins including all of those grocery bags, paper towels and tissues. The list goes on but you get the message.
Cleaning up our own space first has a ripple effect for the whole world. Spider plants, peace lilies, Chinese evergreens, and any sort of
Pothos will clean and refresh the air around them as well as bring a both a grounded and rooted energy to this whole healing intention.
Clean up your own air pollution by growing completely green inside your home. Literally. Your little part towards saving this big, wide
world and making your life a little happier.

151. If you know someone serving in the military or are missing a loved one who sacrificed their life in service, remember their heroic sacrifices
by honoring them with energies that express appreciation for their lives and for their ultimate and untimely deaths. Strict Feng Shui calls
for two cream candles to be left burning for at least three hours this day to honor fallen heroes. Those troops provided a burning beacon
of freedom for each of us, we can certainly do the same for them. And, while the flame of your candle burns bright say a prayer that every
nation of this world will soon find a way to exist peacefully with all others and that all the men and women who are still engaged in battle
will soon be able to re-join their loved ones and their lives. AMEN.

152. Dealing with an illness, especially a serious one, is difficult for both the person undergoing treatment and all their loved ones—and it’s
common to want to do something more, in addition to the medications and therapies that the doc recommends. If this sounds like you,
try the Feng Shui way of bringing healing energies to a continued state of good health and healing. Of course, this “cure” is only meant to
augment or reinforce whatever other forms of therapy or treatments, allopathic or holistic, that any individual chooses to experience on
their road to recovery. This “cure” uses the ‘Six True Colors’ a recurring cyclical sequence of colors beginning at white and moving to red,
yellow, green and blue before ending in black. This sequence is believed to be a very powerful array of colors that you can meditate upon
while transmitting these auspicious energies to any/all afflicted cells or places needing healing inside the body. These colors can balance and
strengthen your personal chi and have a tremendously positive impact and influence on your entire life.
Le Chaim!

153. Who’s your best friend in the world? Maybe your dog, sure, but more likely it’s the one person who gets that first phone call when
something goes really right and is also the first frantic text sent when circumstances go really wrong. A sister, mother, daughter or roomie,
your best friend is your lifeline and as such should be honored and appreciated. Faithful friends are invaluable and so should be put up on
the pedestal they deserve. Take a photo of your best friend and frame it in a wooden frame (wood being the element asked for here.) Place
this framed photo high in the ‘Family/Friends/Ancestors’ area of your main floor and then play some sentimental music nearby. Not only
will the musical vibration bring support to the person who you are framing but it will also strike some nice chords in your own life as well!
154. Unexpected costs, no matter how happy they are (Concert tickets! Your friend’s wedding! A baby shower!) can take their toll on your
pocketbook. Time to whip out this super powerful Feng Shui financial cure. Place a model of a sailing ship (preferably loaded down
with coins, jewels or even faux gold ingots) on the floor of your living room closest to the front door. Make absolutely sure that this
ship is sailing into your living space in order to also ensure that it comes loaded with success and increased opportunities to heavy up
on your income. I pirated this cure from some traditional Feng Shui texts and it hasn’t let me down yet. Ahoy mateys, this adjustment
truly is a treasure!

155. If you are feeling out of sorts or even a bit off kilter why not turn to a set of scales to bring balance back to your body. No, silly, not the
scales of justice but, rather, the musical one that when intoned properly promise to bring alignment and restoration to your integral
and critical energetic pathways. These pathways, also called meridians are considered crucial to the overall healthy functioning of the
body’s entire system. One of these critical pathways runs up the spine and is called the ‘governing meridian’ while the other runs up
the front of the body and is called the ‘conception meridian.’ They are even sometimes referenced as ‘the rod and the staff.’ When the
two tones, middle and high C are played, sung or even toned, these two meridians are immediately bought back into balance while
a microscopic circuit of energy is established thereby linking the two. These two tones, middle C and high C enable energy to flow
unimpeded between the two critical meridians in the body bringing about a state of peace, health and balance. Get thee to a piano—or
even to a fun piano-like iPhone app—and try this strengthening exercise today. You’ll feel tens times better for it!

156. An old Eastern tradition maintains that if you serendipitously spill sugar, it will signify an upcoming wedding. Now, just in case you
already dumped a whole bowl on the floor and are readying to march down the aisle yourself, you might just want to engage a bit of
Wedding Shui to ensure that your special day is just as magical as it could possibly be. Try to be sure that there are no visible clocks at
either the place where you pledge your troth or at your reception since your love should be timeless. If on the day of your nuptials you
awake with cold feet, place them in a bowl of rice. In most Oriental cultures and other traditions galore rice is said to have the ability
to absorb any negative or fear based energies (along with any doubt as well) and is also believed to bring lasting good luck and great
fortunes. And, as you drive off from your celebration, you should both spill a glass of water on the road and then depart without ever
looking back. It is said that to do this will forever fortify a marriage with few or no regrets. I believe this tip, really,

157. Roses are red, violets are blue, fighting is lousy . . . boo hoo? Stop your crying and let’s talk about a great cure to mend up a rough
patch in your relationship. Red roses can be used most effectively when trying to heal a lover’s spat or when trying to bring two
partners back together. Grind the petals from five long-stemmed red roses together with a handful of peppermint leaves together until
they form a fine powder. Sprinkle this rose powder either on your sheets or add to rice powder and dust on your body to bring about
healing and reconciliation with a loved one. A buffeting bouquet to heal any lover’s quarrel or bring them back into your garden of

158. I get A LOT of mail, especially in this market, regarding the best and even most secret Shui ways to sell a house and, well, a flag
just fits that bill perfectly. In fact, displaying any item in front of the home that moves with the wind will also draw the eye and the
attention of any prospective buyer. Obviously you could display your patriotism along with your desire to sell your space by hanging
an American flag somewhere in the front of your home. But, if you don’t have a flag on hand then a windsock or even balloons blowin’
in the wind will accomplish this same attention seeking intention. Allow your house selling dreams to start to unfold by letting the red,
the white and the blue blow, blow, blow. Who knows, someone might even blow you away by making an offer today!

159. Native American lore has long been able to teach all of us a different culture perspective towards living “green” or living life in harmony
and balance on the land. Ironically, this is also the entire premise behind this modality of Feng Shui. The American Indians taught us
that to ‘smudge’ or smoke away stale and unproductive energies in our interiors would allow healthier, happier and more prosperous
energies to come in from the outside. A traditional smudge involves taking some dried sage leaves and then putting them in a mother
of pearl shell in order to light and burn them as incense as sorts. Most New Age or even Indian stores sell smudge sticks made from
these same dried sage leaves. Simply light a stick and then starting at the front door walk this smoke around your space in a clockwise
direction allowing the scent and the smoke to fill the air. Soon enough, this cleansing will have cleared it too. The air that is. You can
have a brand new start anytime you address your sacred space in this spirit-filled way.

160. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride? Well that can get pretty expensive both on your pocketbook and your psyche. Bathe away
those blues by taking this bath and then go ahead and get something borrowed, you know, just in case: Premix three ounces of apricot
oil and three ounces of sweet almond oil with one ounce of aloe vera gel and a half-ounce of rosewater. Now add to this 13 drops
of jasmine essential oil and six drops of rose. Allow this mixture to stand for at least a half hour before adding it to your bath. Soak
for at least twenty minutes while visualizing what your perfect wedding would look like for you. If at the end of 27 days you are still
completely simpatico with the main character of ’27 Dresses’ then you need to take this bath again being completely sure that you have
added all the ingredients in the right proportions. I, personally, know that this bath actually opens up opportunities to walk down the
aisle, really, I swear, I DO! Marry your desires with your intentions and then you can be sure none of these efforts can ever go down
the proverbial drain!
161. Ha-chooo! Looking a bit more like Snow White’s pal Sneezy than the princess herself? One of Mother Nature’s antidotes can both
protect and in some cases even entirely prevent those pesky sniffles. You can actually begin to build an immunity to airborne pollens by
taking bee pollen that you can procure from either a local beekeeper or from any reputable health food store. This product helps take
the sting out of allergies but you have to start slow. Take three little granules the first day and continue with that dosage for the first
week or so. You need to be sure that you’re not allergic to the pollen. Very slowly work your way up to a quarter of a teaspoon and then
after a few weeks move to half and then, finally, after month or so, a whole teaspoon. You can put this in juice or even just swallow it.
Bee pollen is one of the few things on this planet that cannot be duplicated in any laboratory. Who else but your Mother would think
of something so amazingly effective to remedy your discomfort and get rid of that pesky red nose!

162. Did you know that melody, whether spoken or sung or even played upon an instrument can soothe as well as even alter both your
emotional and your mental states? In days of high anxiety and stress it’s so good to know that music really does soothe the savage beast.
Melody can actually help to balance mental stress and can also be employed to put pain out of a job. In fact, when you see a mother
singing and rocking a crying child, she is instinctively restoring balance to the child’s metabolism as the rocking brings back rhythm to
his or her energies. And, by singing to them, the mother is also linking her own energies and spirit with that of her child while creating
a gentle form of resonance that can right that little body. It’s believed that you can nurture the child within by doing the same sort of
thing. Gently hum or sing a light and airy tune to yourself for a few minutes while slightly rocking back and forth and see how quickly
stress is derailed while negative debris that is clogging and congesting your body is ameliorated as well. I la, la, la, la love this tip!

163. Herbert Hoover wasn’t able to bring much happiness to America during the Great Depression, but another kind of herb (the kind
grown in your garden!) is fantastic at banishing any blues that have been bogging you down. It’s long been believed that placing your
sorrows and your woes into a tiny bag of fresh vervain and/or fresh lavender will allow you to fully celebrate life in a state of health and
happiness and prosperity too!

164. “The course of true love never did run smooth” but that Shakespearean dream of love can finally come true if you invoke and allow a
little assistance from the faery realm. Ancient tradition and custom suggests that the fairies that exist in nature all around us actually
interact or mingle among us and, as such, can grant us a wish or two if we only ask their intercession. Of course, we have to show just
desserts and offer a little appreciation in return. This custom calls for leaving plates of food as well as container of drink to be left for
the little ones out in the garden overnight. If you don’t have a garden or even a backyard then it is perfectly acceptable to leave a little
something outside of a windowsill or on the fire escape in the hopes and expectations that the wee ones will make an empowering
appearance. Get clear on your intention and then get cooking, a recipe for success is waiting right outside your door!

165. We spend a lot of time thinking about our moms—both the ones who raised us and good old Mother Nature—but what about good
old dad? According to many ancient traditions, Dad is automatically understood to be breadwinner and head of household and with
such a huge task at stake could certainly use a spare set of opportunistic and empowering circumstances to go along with that Big
Bertha nine iron. Feng Shui says that giving Dad anything made from any precious metal will quickly manifest more good fortunes in
the form of money for him. If you play your cards right some of that largesse might just spill over to you too! And, speaking of playing
cards, give Dad the edge in the next poker game by sharing a little gambler’s Shui. Sea salt is used in Eastern cultures to change a spate
of bad luck. Give Dad a dark blue or black ceramic mug and fill it to the brim with sea salt (tell him to change the salt every 10 days!)
and then put it in any dry area of his kitchen. This will bring him big luck at the tables and make everyone say, “Go Daddy, Go!” Daily
Feng Shui Tips

166. She’s all grown up—from Crayola crayons to couture gowns. Here Comes the Bride, all dressed in….red or pink if you want to create
a fiery atmosphere of flirtation and lots of lots of playful, joy-filled love. Or here comes that bride wearing orange is she wants to
encourage of lifetime of warm communications with her love, especially if this is her second wedding. The bride can wear yellow if she
wants to brighten and bring lighter energies to this occasion. In fact, pale yellows and ecru are the couture color du jour to wear for
any winter wedding while a green gown speaks to more than just being environmentally aware or Irish even. Wearing a dress of green
on your wedding day is an auspicious choice for a young bride as this color symbolizes optimism as well as an eagerness to expand
the couple into a family. Blue can be more than a companion to borrowed on this day as a gown of this hue is simply heavenly as it
encourages cool heads and calm hearts. It’s the perfect color to wear if children are integral to the ceremony. And, then, there’s purple
to inspire passion and even influence social success. Formal settings can be quite complimented by a gown of violet. And, of course,
there’s always the traditional white, a color that embraces all others on the spectrum. No matter what color she wears, the bride is
always beautiful and blessed. Ahhhh…men!

167. If you are a writer—and who isn’t these days with Tumblr and Twitter—and looking to get your work recognized than it’s time to
reflect on the Feng Shui publishing gold standard that calls for a sun shaped mirror to be positioned somewhere inside the Fame area
of home and/or office. Affixing that mirror (or any symbol of the sun really) inside that same space on your main floor and/or in
your office promises to heat up your recognition factor while also raising your profile especially to the people who can be the most
influential in this book related business. Hanging a sun here will also bring you bright prospects and a boost of creativity as well! Now,
that’s hot! And, soon whatever offerings you pen will be too!
168. See, in Feng Shui we say that anything that attracts or appeals to any of the senses also attracts the energy as well. So, we use things like
essential oils or incenses to activate or trigger the sense of smell and music to appeal to our auditory sense. Beautiful and bright colors
create an optimistic ocular connection while preparing foods with love and humor lend to their taste and to the positive and nutritious
effects they have on the body. Touch your environment today and harness some excellent energies by burning some sweet smelling
incense while also bringing a bright color into your living arena. Red will fan the flames of the Fame area while embracing a pretty pink
set of sheets on your bed could bring you the love of your life. Play music that you love, loudly and dance until your pumps pure joy.
And, then, settle down to a favorite food and take your time as you eat. Appreciate the effort and then appreciate whatever gave its life
so that you can nourish yours. Celebrate the five senses for even ten minutes today and see what a gigantic difference that little effort
can make in your life.

169. Graduating? Whether you’re graduating (or have just graduated!) from school, a job, a relationship or any other kind of stage in your
life, try out the Moving On Red Cloth Cure: Graduation clearly and considerably involves someone moving from within one society
to join another and also clearly and considerably can cause some jangly nerves. The Red Cloth Cure can ease this transition as it
enhances life in any number of ways. Take any red cloth or a big red sheet and place it beneath the mattress but atop the box spring of
the graduate’s bed. Then, every night before these aspiring achievers go to sleep they should get really clear about what they want on
the next leg of their life’s journey. First this focus then a good night’s sleep! To sleep perchance to dream and dream big graduate as this
red cloth will vastly help to make those dreams come true!

170. If you have some old wounds that are making it ever harder for you to move forward in your life with ease and with grace than there’s
no better time than the PRESENT to realize that the pen really and truly is mightier than any sword could ever be. Today, with a
pen filled with red ink, write a letter to anyone who has harmed or wronged you in your life. Write every thing you feel and whatever
will offer you a release from this hostage situation. Don’t worry about anyone actually seeing this letter because we’re not mailing it.
But write it as if you were standing in front whoever hurt you, whether they are dead or alive. Purge, purge, purge. And, then, purge
some more. When you are finished writing this missive put it into a red envelope and place in anywhere inside the ‘Family/Friends
and Ancestors’ area. Put a healthy and flowering green plant on top of it and leave it there for 27 days. On the 27th day, take the letter
outside and burn it, envelope and all, allowing the smoke to blow your pain away. As soon as the letter is completely burned, state
aloud nine consecutive times that you forgive (insert name here) and release any pain previously associated with this grievance. That’s
it. But, boy oh boy is it ever enough!

171. Rosewater has been used through the ages when manifesting and creating different hopes, wishes and dreams. And let’s face it,
everybody’s got a wish. Take the petals from a dozen roses and put them in a glass jar and fill with water to cover the petals only. Let
this jar sit outside in the sun for one day. Discard the petals and save the water. Write a wish on a piece of paper and place the paper in
the rose water. The ink should somewhat dissolve whereupon you should drink the rest of the water in order to make this wish come
true by this same time next year.

172. We all wake up some mornings and feel a little . . . meh. Uninspired. Sluggish. Not even sure if coffee will do the trick. When that
happens, it’ll serve you well to pay attention to the Ancestor’s area of your main floor. You can find this area in the middle left-hand
side of your home, a space devoted to our family tree with all its roots and branches. This environment is also believed to govern the
liver, blood (duh) and teeth as well as addictions as well as new ideas and inspirational thoughts. Whew! If you feel like you really need
some guidance display three green candles in this same space and light them often in order to illuminate energies associated with rapid
growth and personal transformation.

173. And they lived happily ever after! Any bride and groom can keep love blooming for many years to come simply by enacting a yearly
tradition on each anniversary. Mark each anniversary of the date of the nuptials with a romantic bouquet of fresh flowers. The key or
trick here is to use the same sorts of stems that comprised the actual bouquet itself. By using these buds you embrace a yearly tradition
that will not only renew marital energies but will spark fresh and frisky passions. There is simply no better way to say that I Forever Do.

174. Today, I’m going to teach you to fly . . . pretend to fly that is! Stand with your feet together while allowing your arms to hang down
at your sides. Now, slowly, raise your arms as you inhale being sure to keep a slight bend in your elbows as well as keeping your wrists
relaxed. See, your arms shouldn’t be either rigid or straight, but, rather should be slightly rounded and held in a soft and graceful
dancer’s position. Lift your arms up slowly but only lift as high as your shoulders. Then, just as slowly, go ahead and lower them
both, exhaling as you do. Allow your arms to come all the way down against your sides. Repeat this exercise nine times in succession
visualizing the wind helping to lift your arms and, then, that same wind actually lifting you as if you were a bird flying high through
the sky. This exercise lifts your mind and your spirit while also loosening the muscles of your arms and shoulders. It promotes and
facilitates healthy breathing in your body too. And, let’s face it, it’s fun. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s healthy and happy YOU!
175. Pigs get a bad rap sometimes, but they are said to bring abundance and joy, fertility and fecundity, prosperity and big, fat fortune
in business affairs into any house they call home. In fact, and for all of those reasons and more, in some Eastern cultures the pig is
considered to be ‘man’s best friend’ right behind the dog. Truly, when he brings all these goodies to the trough, well, who wouldn’t love
him? Put a pair by your bedside if you are hoping for children or anywhere inside the ‘Wealth’ area if you want more money. If you
want to snort and hoot and holler with laughter as you pull in largesse at work, place the pig on your desk. Just put it in pen on your
calendar to bring a pig home with you today and soon enough, you’ll be one fat cat!

176. “Know thyself.” It’s been said a thousand times, but taking time to know yourself and respect the symbols that were given to you with
your name can help you feel more centered. Who was your namesake? Were you named after a beloved relative or some famous singer
back in the day? Were your parents and guardians thinking of some special Saint or a trait or quality that you showed so very early on
that gave them the idea for your unique and magic moniker? Think about your name today and do a little due diligence while you’re
at it. Find out what your name means, the first one or your last one or both. And, then, place a framed photo of you anywhere in
the ‘Knowledge and Self ’ area of your bedroom and put any symbol of your name there as well. Now, light a white candle for a few
minutes by this picture and pay some respect to whatever everyone else calls YOU!

177. According to Feng Shui there are just tons and tons and tons of ways to ignite a new flame in your love life almost as many ways
as there are people out there looking to find you and make you their perfect partner. But Feng Shui also can get gender specific
sometimes, often offering advice only for single women looking for a marriageable mate or for the missus who might want to keep
a wandering eye from casting any evil on her union. But, then, there is the applicable advice that is salient for the sir only. If you are
currently an unattached male looking for love in all the right places the first space you might want to stop is in your bedroom. Put any
depiction of peach blossoms over or somewhere close to your bed and you shouldn’t have to wait too very much longer before that
same love life becomes tart and tangy, sweet and very, very juicy. And ladies, if you know a great single guy, help him out with this tip.
He’ll thank you forever.

178. Use the power of the written word to make your dreams come true. In a red pen, anytime today, write this wonderful little affirmation;
“The tide of Destiny has turned and everything comes my way.” Write this at least nine times in a row and be sure to say these words
of wisdom at least that many times, consecutively, both silently and aloud. Of course, as with any affirmation, it’s always advised to
try and write it in red for at least 9 times a day for nine days in a row. And, well, if you want to make sure that every word you write
becomes your personal magic wand then you’ll want to wave your pen and repeat this exercise for the next 27 days. But, if all that
time and energy sounds a little extreme to you, let’s just stick with moving all the energies that we can today simply by saying this little
spectacular something out loud. Now, go ahead and banish any bad from the past and be sure to speak out for the beautiful gift this
present brings. Happy surprises are about to come your way!

179. Not all Metal involves loud guitars and big hair. Metal plays a pivotal role in activating a wholly balanced feeling of Feng Shui in our
homes and in our lives and is specifically used when trying to conceive anything wonderful and new; either an exceptional idea or even
the birth of a healthy, happy bouncing baby. Place seven metal coins in the ‘Children/Creativity’ space of your main floor to trigger the
energies of tin, copper or any other metallic element that will bring a boost to everything childlike, whimsical and wonderful in your

180. Believe it or not, one of the best ways for you to help raise the whole vibration on the whole globe is to start right in your own
proverbial backyard. Sometime today, stop and take three or four full breaths while clearing your mind of the mundane. Trust me,
everything will be right where you left it when you get back. Then, once you are calm and clear, say a little prayer for me. And one for
you too. And everyone else you can think of. Remember that we are all ONLY love and say that. Literally say, “I AM LOVE.” Then,
think of someone you truly love; your spouse, your child, your mom or dad and visualize that you are together with them giving
one another a big hug. “See” yourselves sharing love and then feel that love, literally become the essence of that love. Now imagine
that same feeling of love growing and growing and growing, like a giant glowing bubble that moves out from your aura eventually
encompassing and covering the whole world with your love. Stay in the space of sending love to the world for just a few minutes and
have faith that you have just made a personal and positive difference for all mankind for all eternity! Thank you.
181. If you or someone you know is waging an infertility battle of their own, Feng Shui says there are plenty of ways to bring that baby
across the rainbow bridge to bless our world with their beautiful beings. Sleeping on green sheets is believed to bring an innate healing
and balance to the body especially to the all important endocrine system. Placing a wooden elephant on the floor by the bottom of
the bedroom door and placing a stone on its back is tradition-ally believed to be successful in bringing forth a baby boy. Putting a
stuffed tiger or any bitty baby toys or clothes in the ‘Children/Creativity area of the main floor in the baby’s bedroom is also believed
to open and activate energies accorded to a blessed birth. Like the warrior Mars, Secret Shui comes fully loaded to aggressively address
the infertility issue. One of these tips tell us to take two wooden chopsticks and tie them together so they form the shape of a cross.
They must only be tied together with 18 inches of red ribbon, yarn or string. Then, this same piece gets placed anywhere inside the
‘Children’ area of the room the potential parents sleep in, or, inside any space where the baby will sleep once it’s been born. I know it
might seem hard to conceive of this cure actually working but I, myself, am living proof. I used this chopstick adjustment when trying
to get pregnant with my own son and, well, as we all now know, that child feeds my very soul!

182. Time for some spectacular office Shui that promises to push any woman who employs it so far up the ladder of success that she’ll
effortlessly smash through the proverbial glass ceiling. This Feng Shui not only promises recognition and rewards at the workplace but
throws in a healthy dose of excellent opportunities there as well for good measure. In fact any woman looking for a leg up would be
well advised to place a crystal ball on the upper right hand corner of space of their desk in order to get her best footing at the office as
well as to have total access to a helping hand or two whenever she needs it. If you are a working woman, you can accelerate your career
by investing in a round glass or crystal ball. Place it on the outside right edge of your desk, looking out from a seated position. Doing
this is said to aid efforts at concentration and creativity while energizing the chi of success. If I were to look into my own crystal ball I
would predict achievement and accomplishment for anyone who got crystal clear about this cure!

183. We’ve all felt it, the shortness of breath, the “Oh no, what NOW?!” feeling of panic. I am well advised to share that if you suffer from
any long term issues surrounding panic or even labor under anything other than the occasional and acute feelings of overwhelm, that
you should obviously see a qualified professional for treatment, health and healing. However, if like the rest of us, you just stumble
on to one of those days when you remember halfway to work that you left the oven burner on high, then, this bud’s for you. There is
a particular energy therapy that uses flower essences or flower remedies to facilitate relaxation while also relieving and reducing acute
stress, anxiety and even helps to quell a panic attack. The specific form of flower therapy that I am referring to is the Bach Rescue
Remedy, an energetic signature of five favored flowers that have been proven to proactively and positively affect any user’s psychological
state. Used according to the directions on the bottle, benefits from using the Rescue Remedy range from creating a state of calm to
providing a sense of stability and security during an especially frenetic time. This is a holistic therapy and should not, as previously
mentioned, take the place of a visit to a doctor. But, if you are looking to put a healthy bloom back in your cheeks, this little trick will
give you a boost!

184. Have a far away loved one who could use a boost right now? Put a photo of him or her in a wooden frame and then place that in the
‘Family/Friends/Ancestors’ area. Wood is the element associated with and accorded to the energies that permeate all things family.
Think roots. Or branches on the family tree. Putting a picture of a loved one in a wooden frame and placing it in this space sends that
same special person an energetic message of support, strength and love. Then light 3 green candles in front of the photo and say three
silent prayers so that he or she receives the gifts of health, happiness and prosperity for a full year to come.

185. The beautiful stone called aquamarine is quite powerful in Feng Shui. The name of the gemstone actually translates to “ocean
water.” In ancient days, seafarers and sailors believed that these glittering gems came from treasure chests that were owned by magical
mermaids. During the Middle Ages, this stone became incredibly popular owing to the lore surrounding that said that wearing it
would provide incredible insights and the ability to conquer evil. It was also believed that anyone wearing this stone would never suffer
from any eye ailments. In later years it was widely held that wearing aquamarine could also promote peace, happiness and joy while
also quelling or calming frightening fears. This is a beautiful blue/green stone that will, when worn with intent, allow opportunities to
improve health, or, so say those who believe in the mystical qualities of gemstones and jewels. That, AND the shiny gem will get you so
many compliments at next week’s book club meeting! Can’t lose!

186. In Feng Shui, numbers have energetic associations as well and are often used to activate or trigger certain and specific energies for
certain and specific results. These numbers are laid out on a grid referred to as the Lo Shu or Magic Square and each have a correlation
with an area or aspect of your life. The number 3 has synergy with the ‘Family, Friend and Ancestors’ area so we always advise putting
three green plants into this space in order to create smooth and harmonious energies in that arena. The number 1 might be the
loneliest number or so says Three Dog Night, but, it feels pretty popular when used in the ‘Career/Self Esteem’ area as it activates or
triggers support for those same energies in your life. Placing one tortoise or turtle into the ‘Career’ area is believed to bring big luck to
that same life situation. And four is the number associated with ‘Wealth and Prosperity.’ Four coins tied with a purple or red ribbon
and placed in the ‘Abundance’ area of your main floor will mean more money for you and yours. You don’t have to be good at math to
see that this all adds up to positive energy and lucky days ahead!
187. Feeling a little anxious lately? Surround your home with fresh basil so as to draw in and increase peace, prosperity and harmony within
the home as well as to stimulate tranquility, cooperation and angelic assistance. Place pots of fresh basil by your front entrance while
throwing pieces of same around the entire outside perimeter (remembering always to walk in clockwise direction when doing any
clearing, cleansing and house blessing work.) If it’s not possible for you to either grow basil in your garden or even to scatter it around
the outside of your space then it is a perfectly acceptable alternative to place fresh basil in a pot or a vase and to put that in some
prominent place in the kitchen being sure to replace it as soon as it starts to spoil or wilt. While you’re at it, make a gorgeous pizza with
some of that stuff. A delicious meal does the soul good!

188. I think it’s time to take a look at some of the luckier lore associated with everyday items and things that we might generally take for
granted. For instance, let’s look at salt. There are all kinds of luck legend and lore affiliated with this spice. In fact, in ancient times salt
wasn’t near as ingrained in the collective as it is today. In ages past salt was so hard to procure that it was considered one of the most
highly valued commodities. Think about it. When we are describing a slacker we sometimes will refer to them as “someone not worth
their salt.” Or when describing something truly unbelievable we might advise to “take it with a grain of salt.” In fact, during ancient
times, workers were often paid with salt which is where we get our own modern day word ‘salary.’ Grab a pinch or two of sea salt and
place it in a plastic bag. Now, clean the clutter out of your wallet and then place this sea salt in a secret compartment inside it. The
promise inherent is that this salt will now pepper your life with financial luck and largesse. Go ahead and shake up your bottom line
today. You’ll be more than happy you
did tomorrow.

189. According to the principles of Feng Shui, colors can not only affect your environment, both inner and outer, but can also handle
the much bigger job of actually manipulating your destiny. Any time that you wear green you are thought to be embracing and then
imbibing the qualities of healing and peace and growth or so this philosophy says. Green is also the color associated with the energies
of renewal, rebirth and fresh, new beginnings. Wearing a bit of the green is also believed to bring healing and balance back to the body
while quietly calming nerves and nourishing depleted Chi. WOW! What a lucky little color. Wear it and who knows what magic might
come your way!

190. Anecdotes abound about people trying to sell their homes who also have successfully called upon St. Joseph to help with that exact
same desire by burying a statue of him in their yards just prior to signing the sales contract. If you are trying to sell some real estate,
bury a statue of St. Joseph, upside down or head first, in the ‘Helpful People’ area of your yard and then wait to see if you can swallow
the success of your own sale! Believe me, from everything I hear, the almost immediate results are heavenly!

191. Love the one you’re with and so eager to make it official? In Feng Shui there is a “cure” that will ensure that the one you love finally
takes a knee. The proposal cure goes like this: take eight big rocks or even boulders and place them one atop the other in the ‘Romance
and Relationship’ area of your backyard. The eighth rock or boulder should be spray painted gold and tied with a red ribbon or cord
and then placed at the apex of this configuration. Put this pile in place for at least 27 days and then expect the ultimate ask. If you
don’t have a space outside to compel the commitment, then do this same thing inside your own living space in the same ‘Romance’
arena. Once you have gotten around to putting this golden touch into place, it shouldn’t be long until you see a ring to match!

192. Something smells . . . LUCKY! Did you know that diffusing the scent of lavender throughout your space will not only bring a feeling
of peace and calm but will also act as an anti-viral and anti-fungal while boosting and building your immune system as well? Or that
using ylang ylang in the bedroom will bring a sizzle to the love life that you simply won’t believe? True and true. The smell of oranges
will lift your spirits and your mood more quickly than you can say “Vitamin C” while sniffing a whiff of fennel will kill even the most
voracious of appetites. You don’t need to keep that last tip on the skinny. But, since we’re talking fragrance, it’s almost critical and
would be criminal of me not to share that the scent of violets, particularly when burned as an incense, is known in Feng Shui to bring
happiness, laughter and joy to your space. Burning a stick of violet incense brings new meaning to the phrase “you light up my life” so,
go ahead, and get lit today. Don’t worry, be happy!

193. In the world of metaphysics the seal represents imagination and creativity as well as is believed to bring messages to your dreams that
portend or accurately predict your future. In fact, it is said that the kind of creativity that seal energy stimulates is similar to the life
force that is found among the Faerie realm often alluded to in legend and lore. The Selkies of the Shetland Islands and Iceland were
acknowledged as powerful water spirits who would take the form of gray seals. The legend tells that at night they would come ashore,
shed their seal skin and dance in the moonlight as the most beautiful and desirous men and women. And, although these legends
abound with fantasy and imagination, adopting a seal as your personal totem will awaken your own creativity as well as promising to
bring balance to your inner imagination and your everyday reality. If a seal shows up in your dreams, pay attention! Your dreams will
become much more vivid and certainly much, much more significant. Seals are said to enliven your dreams, compel you to use all of
your imaginative faculties and help you
to bring color and creativity to your life until all goes, well, you know, swimmingly!
194. From the holistic perspective, many practitioners will advocate chewing on parsley if halitosis or bad breath plagues you. But did you
know that eating parsley is also believed to provoke a lusty libido and enhance fertility? The tale tells that in ancient times the Romans
would tuck a sprig of parsley into their togas each morning in order to promote its personal protective properties. They also placed
parsley on plates of their food in order to safeguard it from poisoning. In Feng Shui lore, parsley is often used in purification efforts,
particularly in baths. Used in that fashion as well, it is believed to ward off evil and put an end to misfortune. If you want to change
your luck, take a bath to which is added two cups Epsom salts and a handful of fresh parsley. Soak for at least twenty minutes in order
to cleanse and clear you aura as well as to send bad juju, literally, down the drain!

195. Of course diamonds are associated with romance, love and marriage. However, diamonds are believed to hold such strong magical
qualities that the ancient Indians were afraid to cut them for fear they would lose their mystical luster. All during the Middle Ages it
was believed that a diamond would change color and darken when in the presence of evil or guilt and, conversely, would brighten and
lighten when in the presence of innocence. The Greeks believed that diamonds were tears from the gods and the Romans held that
they were splinters from the stars. Tibetan Buddhism embraces the diamond as a symbol of one of their most important sutras and
texts. Some say that the custom of giving a diamond engagement ring began in part because of age old legend that said that anyone
who carried a diamond on their left arm into battle of any kind would be immune to injury and ensured of victory. The structure of
the diamond mimics the ancient Egyptian pyramids, thus adding to its mystery, its magic and its allure. Draw a diamond in red ink on
white paper and put a figure representing financial largess that you would like to see coming into the house on a yearly basis. Want to
make fifty thousand dollars a year? Write that number inside the diamond and place this piece in the ‘Wealth’ area of your main floor
or bedroom. Remove this sparkling intention after 27 days and be aware of all the opportunities that now cross your path that will
allow you to improve your income. See, all that glitters isn’t gold! Sometimes its shiny new you!

196. If you are looking for a job or would like to gain greater traction at the one that you are already engaged in then today’s the day to
indulge in eating anything associated with pecans. Pecan pie or pecan pralines, pecan butter, pralines and cream ice cream or anything
else made with pecans can be added to anyone’s diet now looking to expand their career opportunities and their employment horizons.
I’ll leave looking after that same effect on your waistline to you. It’s especially effective to eat plain pecans on the same day as you are
going on an important job interview. Or, go ahead, and put them in a gooey pie. If you’re generous, you’ll share with friends!

197. Let’s think about constructing your ‘Vision Board’ also called your personal ‘Treasure Map.’ Putting your personally empowering
Treasure Map together is an easy but hugely effective way of creating a blueprint for success that will build a beautiful future just for
you. In fact, ‘Treasure Mapping’ consists of creating a collage of clarity that adds power, visualization, passion and personal goal setting
to your hopes, wishes and dreams no matter how far out or reach or even fetched you might believe them to be. Using any piece of
poster board or construction paper or even corkboard, cover the whole thing (front and back if desired) with pictures and symbols and
even words of what you’d like to see come forward and present in your life. Be sure to put a picture of you in the dead center of this
board and take pains to be positive that the photo you use is one that you unabashedly love. Begin this map today andyou’re your best
to have it completed by the time of the next Full Moon. Keep this visual reminder out of the sight of strangers and loved ones but in a
place where it will be a consistent and constant visual reminder of your plans for your future. Send the board light and most certainly
send it love. Every single day, send your visions love. Then let the Universe handle all the rest as you expect, believe and receive. Think
of this manifesting map as your personal GPS. I wish you Godspeed as you begin this lucky next leg of your journey!

198. Looking for a STELLAR boost with just a tiny bit of effort? Take a green pen or marker or even colored pencil and draw a green star
on white paper. Color the whole star green and then outline the star in black ink as well. Now place the star in any space where you
will see it at least several times throughout the day. Using sacred geometry in this sort of symbolic way actually activates or triggers
both a psychological and a physiological response each time you spy this stellar sign. Green the color of healing, health, fertility and
maturity and the star, a Universal symbol of hope now combine to bring you your own personal growth spurt as well as consistently
reminding that there is something spectacular about to burst forth in your own secret garden.

199. If you engage in any sort of competition and want to get a leg up, why not try an age old Hawaiian Huna technique that involves
using both visualization and a specific, proven successful breathing technique. Standing straight with feet planted firmly on the ground
breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this four times in succession with fifteen seconds between each breath. All
the while “see” a white bubble above your head and visualize whatever your preferred and perfect outcome would be for your efforts
all occurring inside that bubble. Whether your final result sees you accepting the cup at the French Open or getting the French onion
soup as a member of the winning doubles team at the local country club, create the scene with clarity and enthusiasm over your head
and blow some life into it. Breathe in and fill your belly and then once your visual is set, BLOW your breath out into that bubble over
your head. Wait fifteen seconds and repeat this sequence all over again. Repeat this process four separate times. Nice and easy does it.
Do rest assured that breathing life into this victorious bubble will without question position you firmly in the center of your personal
proverbial Winner’s Circle.
200. A little smoke and mirrors can often make things LOOK good, but let’s explore how to employ both in order to cleanse and clear
your space and then take it a proactive step further to totally turn your luck around. Standing inside the front entrance of your space,
light an incense stick or even a sage wand and then walk the entire perimeter of your main floor allowing the smoke to waft into all
the corners on that floor. You are advised to walk only in a clockwise direction. Be sure that the smoke clears and cleanses every single
corner of each and every room. Once you return back to the entryway and have made one full pass around the main floor, allow the
incense or the sage to continue smoking and clearing in a stationary position from the center of your space. Now, take any small,
round and hand held mirror and revisiting those same corners, walking in that same clockwise direction, hold the mirror up until it
reflects the top of each corner itself. Once you return back to the front entryway you can stand silently for a few seconds envisioning
opportunities and fortune now permeating all of this atmosphere. You can do this cleanse once a month to keep negative energies at
bay and the positive ones percolating. The mirror now needs to be soaked in salt water for three days and three nights and then put
away until the next time you decide to open your door to opportunity knocking. This is one time where using smoke and mirrors will
actually yield a true and magical result.

201. If you are considering making any large purchases at this point in time you might want to shore up your own material reserves by
inviting a big boost to your bottom line by simply wishing on a star. You will need a red “jewel” of some sort, even a red crystal will do.
You will also need some sort of bank, like a personal piggy bank. Draw a star on a piece of paper and place the red jewel on the center
of the star, wrap it and place this piece under your pillow. Sweet dreams. The next morning place the jewel in front of the piggy and
put a coin inside the bank. Now close your eyes and repeat your wish as many times as you can, but you should repeat it at least 27
times. Repeat this routine for the next 15 days making sure to begin on any New Moon! This little piggy might go to market but he’ll
be going to the bank first and singing “whee, whee, whee” all the way back to your home!

202. If you or anyone you know struggles with addiction to alcohol then Feng Shui has a special step to addendum the other 12 that you
might well be imbibing these days. Of course, this cure is strictly an energetic one that complements any other therapies that anyone
might need in order to get and stay sober. Take any lamp and place it in the ‘Family/Friends’ area on the main floor. Change the bulb
inside the lamp to reflect the highest wattage one it can handle. Now also get a photo of the person who is working to get clean and
put that in a wooden frame. Position the framed photo so that it is receiving light from the lamp in the family area. Turn this lamp
in for at least 3 hours a day or leave this love light burning for as long as you’d like inside each 24 hour period. Do this for at least 27
days to send energy, love and light to the one who needs it most. It takes strength to beat an addiction, but a little extra love and good
energy can’t hurt either.

203. “One ringy dingy, two ringy-dingys.” Remember that skit from the old 70’s show, ‘Laugh-In,’ the same show that launched Goldie
Hawn’s as well as so many other comedic careers? If you want your own phone to ring- a-ding-ding with opportunities galore then
you may want to enact the following Feng Shui phone cure: If your phone has a cord, then tie nine one-inch size pieces of red ribbon,
thread or yarn to that cord in order to activate big and beneficial energies. If you use a cordless or rely only on your cell, then place a
round mirror atop the same size piece of rounded red felt and put both of these triggers under the base or charger of the phone. They
might say that opportunity knocks but, in this case, I guarantee it’s getting ready to make a very special house call!

204. Although I always advocate seeking professional advice when someone has gone through acute trauma, there are still some holistic
remedies that offer calm and healing to an overworked and anxious psyche. First among them, in my mind anyway, is a plant that
grows in most of the colder regions of the world and is called rhodiola, this gift from Mother Nature is recognized for its ability
to alleviate anxiety and improve moods while also fighting fatigue as well. Rhodiola is included in a class of plant derivatives
called adaptogens which don’t act the same way or have the same physiological effects as stimulates but still serve to relieve certain
and specific conditions present in the body. Like I said, if you or anyone you know needs to surrender to the thought of seeing
a professional to deal with any outstanding issues that take the joy away from living then the help of a qualified professional is
mandatory. But if you are looking for an all natural stress reliever then this little plant could just do the trick and provide some much
needed comfort!
205. Did you know that there are superstitions in the Orient that say that you should never live or work in the tallest building on the
block? Besides the practical implications, the Eastern cultures believe that there is an almost egotistical energy surrounding the tallest
building on the block that begs for it to be noticed, both in good ways and in bad. Therefore, their customs and practices preach that
whenever possible you should just take the more cautious and refined route and steer clear of publicly preening in true Trump style.
This superstition translates in the world of Feng Shui but from another perspective, that of the shorter building. Feng Shui says that
if you are living beside or even in between two taller structures than the good, fresh and healthy Chi or energy that you need to live a
good, fresh and healthy life sometimes can get stuck serving the other two taller buildings and ultimately has a harder time reaching
you. The cure for this is to get up on your rooftop and position a small mirror, reflective side facing the sky, shining upwards into the
heavens. This will allow your architecture to create invisible but energetic height while also allowing your space to now be open to
all the energies swirling all around. If you are stationed next to a building that is bigger than yours but cannot affect that Feng Shui
adjustment, then the next best thing is just to position a mirror outside your building that faces that formidable one next door. That’s
the short and the skinny of this tall story. The same story that ends with everyone living happily ever after. No matter what heights
their environs do or do not aspire to!

206. Classical music has been instrumental not only in my life but, more importantly, in the life of my son as well. I remembered long ago
learning how the fetus will smile when the mother-to-be plays Vivaldi around it. Literally. This has been proven on ultra-sounds and
sonograms. The little teensy tiny baby in utero will literally smile when the melodies of any Vivaldi arrangement or suite is played
softly nearby. Likewise, classical music can soothe even the most cranky or colicky child. The delicate sounds of soothing lullabies and
calming musical arrangements actually have been proven to help baby unwind and relax while learning the tremendously important act
of teaching his or herself how to fall off to sleep without any parental intervention. And, well, you don’t even need to take my word for
it. Hospital neo natal units and nurseries such as Duke Medical Center and Shands Children’s Hospital among many others all use the
sounds of classical music to create a serene and subdued environment that helps even the fussiest of babies to find some solace before
falling off to slumber. So the next time your crying child has you pulling your hair out, why not pull out a classical music CD instead
and see how quickly that act hits the exact right chord!

207. Oatmeal does absolutely nothing for me, I can tell you that. I’ve never really had the hankering and really don’t get what all the fuss is
about. But I know people who LOVE their morning oatmeal, especially with some brown sugar or real maple syrup poured on top.
The only thing I’ve ever used oatmeal for was to make a really terrific and very effective facial mask. And, then, I also use oatmeal in
the bath or as a paste whenever my son or I have any itchy scratchy bites and sores. First the mask: this is really easy and gives you the
EXACT same effect as if you had just spent a hundred dollars at a spa. In a medium bowl mix one egg white and half cup of instant
oatmeal together. Add one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and mix until you make a paste. Smooth this on your face and let sit for
15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water before splashing with cold. Feng Shui beauty advice says to then gently slap the right side of your
face with your left hand and crossing over with the other gently tap the left with the right. Slightly slap nine times. Once you’ve taken
it on the cheek, it’s time to take it on the chin. And the forehead. Right hand hitting the forehead nine times while the left activates the
energy in the chin. You’ll look like a million bucks when you’re done. And that might be approximately how much money you can save
over a lifetime just by doing this beauty ritual at home. Two birds with one oat. Nice.

208. Feng Shui says that if you are a writer and looking for both recognition and rewards (and, possibly, a publisher or agent too) you
should locate the ‘Fame area of your main floor and/or office. Put a big bunch of actual sunflowers into this space and watch your
creativity and your reputation bloom and grow as well. Now, if it’s out of season for the sunflowers, then you can simply put sunflowers
seeds or an image of sunflowers into this space to create some shiny opportunities and accompanying accolades. Write on!

209. If you are finding it hard to find focus and go with the flow at work might need to climb out of the water and put some into your own
living space. Placing a moving fountain or even a fish swimming serenely inside his bowl anywhere immediately inside the front door
will stimulate or activate opportunities at your place of work that will allow you to go from feeling all wet to really appreciated and well
utilized. Mirrors represent or symbolize water in Feng Shui as well, so, if you so choose you can place a mirror in the entryway instead
and then watch as your career intentions now become awash in fortune and soaked in luck!

210. Flexibility of mind, of body, they’re all good things. No need to get all Cirque du Soleil, but if you are looking for a way to make your
own being a bit more flexible why not take a page out of the secret Chi for the human body book and try this next exercise by yourself?
In Hawaii they call this exercise ‘Hands Loose’ which pretty much translates to relax, unwind and enjoy the moment. It is a calming
to the entire physiology while also gently expanding the torso allowing breathing space, literally, for the entire digestive tract and for
the stomach as well. Chi Kung uses this specific exercise to stimulate an increased flow of blood to the brain potentially preventing
brain related traumas such as strokes. For centuries the Chinese have used this movement to treat ulcers, digestive disorders such as
anything reflux related and, as previously mentioned, strokes. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your toes pointed slightly
inward. Shake your hands as they hang at your sides relaxing your shoulders and letting go of any tension in the arms. Keep your arms
extended with elbows slightly bent and then swing them in front of your body as you raise them to an overhead position in a clean,
broad arc. Now swing them back down to the starting position before repeating again. Do this at least 11 times in a row to get full
benefit and breathe fully throughout. It’s simple but dramatic. A gift from the ages to help keep you young.
211. Think math isn’t your strongest talent? Think again and get started with the MAGIC of numbers! See, in Feng Shui, the number 9
represents the happiest, healthiest and most prosperous conclusions that will bring completion to certain cycles of our lives before
embarking on a new (repped by the number 1) path. The reason that this number holds this mantle is because it is the last of the
single digit integers before you get to double digit one that can then be reduced back down to a single (10 = 1+0). So, on the Feng
Shui Magic Square called the Lo Shui, this number 9 is associated with transformation, recognition and rewards. It is also the only
number in calculation that will always reproduce itself. For instance, 9 x 2 = 18 with 1 + 8 hearkening back to the magic 9. There is all
sort of mystery surrounding this number: on the 9th day the ancients buried their dead. The Romans held a feast honoring their dead
every 9th year and it was at the 9th hour that Jesus was said to have died. In the Hebrew teachings it is said the God has nine times
descended to earth. There are nine planets in the solar system and the number associated with mankind itself is nine. It is the number
of force and energy and its purest form denotes ambition and domination over all. On this day try to do one or all three of these next
things in order to gain the most magic you can from the energies swirling all around: Knock on your front door nine times visualizing
opportunities and advantages coming through that same space. Put nine yellow roses in the center of your home and, then, light
nine red candles in the ‘Fame’ area of your main floor. Any one of these cures or adjustments will put you in touch with the miracles
surrounding this number but enacting all three will put you in position of strength and power and fulfillment. As they say on Sesame
Street, today was brought to you by the number 9—it’s a total 10 in my book!

212. There are myriad and many methods that strive to create a flow of Chi or energy that then promise to greatly enhance and augment
opportunities for recognition in business successes as well as ways to see that same successful result on the social front. Just remember
to try and agree to any meeting these efforts generate as the fortunate possibilities that you are creating now may then generate or
create even more fortunate and beneficial ones down the proverbial line. Each day, for 27 consecutive days, contact as least one person
who you already know but with whom you’ve had no contact with inside the last six months. The contact can be text, email, phone
call, in person, by fax or even by snail mail. You simply need to reach out to one person each day in order to adjust the energies that
can invigorate your whole world. In each contact however, you must avoid complaining or whining about any complaint or even
making any request. This is simply a stab at reconnecting as well as establishing (or re-establishing as the case may be) an open line of
communication. Do not turn down ANY opportunities that arise from these efforts no matter your current calendar and obligations.
Make time. Make room. Make the effort. Visualize that your social life and career, your friendships and family ties now become more
harmonious, happier and more balanced as well as more blessed and personally beneficial. And, then, they will!

213. Remember that old movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks, where the kids flew around the city in their bed? Let’s employ a little Feng
Shui to make your bed even more magical. There is a really tremendously powerful cure in Feng Shui that involves moving the bed by
an inch or so to one side or the other of where it was previously positioned. This adjustment promises powerful and quick increases
in opportunities to change your fortune to fabulous while changing your luck to, well, lucky, just by changing the position of your
bed. What this codicil says is that you should move your bed completely out of the spot it is sitting in currently and then vacuum
both under and all around it. Clearly the suggestion here supposes that there is nothing lurking under that same space. Because,
there shouldn’t be! Now, once you have vacuumed under and all around where the bed was stationed you should move it back into
essentially the same spot. Only this time you should shift the positioning of this piece by an inch or so over to one side or the other. If
you really want to get serious about engaging the Shui, you should also turn your mattress while you are changing your luck. Change
out your sheets while you’re at it and be sure to use a set of complimentary colors. Looking for love? Dream on pink! Need some health
and healing or even a new little member of the family? Dream green! Money an issue? Sleep on it…”it” being purple and then watch
the big boost to your bank balance. Talk about sweet dreams! Change the position of your bed and make sweet music in almost every
other area of your life as well!

214. Sometimes when we talk about “clearing the clutter’ some of you think immediately of an overstuffed attic or a jam packed garage or
even that one drawer in the kitchen that holds the tape and the pens that don’t work anymore and the, oh, you get it. Sometimes we
decide as well to gloss over the monthly mags that come into the house that sit atop the catalogs and the Sunday paper inserts with
all those grocery coupons attached. But, you know what? You need to deal with that ‘clutter’ of those books and magazines. Start like
this; keep all the books for school in one space. Put all the books that you need for work into another specific space to keep you from
wasting any of your precious working (or even reading) time by searching for a timely tome. DONATE ANY and ALL other books
that don’t fit into your current lifestyle to a shelter or a library. And, speaking of current: throw all magazines, catalogs and circulars
away except for the very VERY last ones that you’ve received. Yes, even get rid of the ones with the articles you’ve been meaning and
meaning to read or clip or copy for a friend. Trust your Higher Power to always perfectly provide you with any and all information that
you really need in order to make your life lovelier and luckier too. And then feel the lightness of that lifted load and watch the energies
flow more smoothly and sleekly through your now organized and uncluttered space.
215. One of the easiest and also most effective ways to change your whole entire life is to change the whole entire way that you think. There
are different options and suggestions on some super ways to support that effort. One way to stop the negative chatter of the monkey
mind and get in the habit of supplanting those thoughts with some really swell ones is to wear a colored rubber band around the
wrist of the hand that you don’t write with. Then, each time during the day that you find yourself almost subconsciously engaging in
negative or stinkin’ thinkin’, you flick that little rubber band on your wrist and stop the thoughts dead in their destructive tracks. The
next step is to consciously replace the diminishing thought with one that will bring you far more fulfillment and satisfaction in the
long run. Even if it’s a fantasy thought at the moment, just ‘fake it ‘till you make it.’ The whole idea behind flicking the elastic band
against your wrist is that you will soon develop an almost automatic habit of replacing the bad with the good once you are trained
to halt the thought in this Pavlovian way! Send those stupid thoughts to the dogs and replace them with positive affirmative ones!
You will see and feel an almost immediate shift in your inner life and, then, in your outer circumstances. If you are struggling at the
moment with finding the positive then let my guru and mentor, Florence Scovel Shinn help you out. For the first few days that you
are practicing this maneuver, each and every time that you flick the band against your wrist, say silently to yourself, “these are not my
true and authentic thoughts and they need to leave now.” Then, consciously, replace whatever you were thinking (“my boss is such a
so and so,” “ my kids are so ungrateful and lazy,” “ if I have to hear her complain one more time”) and replace those thoughts with this
one: “I am at peace with the whole world. I love everyone and everyone loves me.” And, then, soon enough, you will love everyone and
everyone will love you! And that’s about as positive as it gets.

216. During the days of soaring unemployment rates it seems almost more critical and crucial than ever to honor the relationship that’s
formed between the boss and the employee. If you are looking to make your mark in the office and impress the person responsible for
your reviews and rewards then it’s important to assess the ‘Fame’ area of the main floor of you living space. Located at the back center
or the middle of the far back wall of the house (standing at your front door and looking in, divide the main floor of your home into a
tic,tac,toe board. The area that I am referring to would be considered the top center grid or square.) Into this space place an image or
a picture of a peacock. The peacock represents or symbolizes another high flyer, the phoenix, according to Feng Shui. These birds are
believed responsible for bringing the ‘employee’ recognition, bonus and big boons from the boss. The phoenix can rise from the ashes
as well so even if you have been having a hard time at work or especially if that’s the current case, this is a really great adjustment to use
to activate energies of transformation of your reputation. If you are really hoping to heat up your ‘Q’ factor then you can also hang a
picture of a phoenix or the aforementioned peacock at the entrance to your office. Once that’s done sit back and wait as opportunity
for increased exposure and rewards will begin to literally fly through your door. Now, isn’t it about time for you to get out and strut
your stuff?

217. Feeling stuck? Some sweet berry magic could help you out of this mess and toward all the wonderful things you’re wishing for. There
is, in fact, a holistic flower essence remedy that uses as it’s base the blackberry and all the power that fruit holds inherent to change or
alter patterns or obstacles that are keeping us from attaining and achieving our most dearly held dreams and desires. In fact, it is said
that blackberry flower essence can greatly aid the person who can’t seem to make manifest that which they are trying to call forth into
their lives. The spirit and the subconscious might have many lofty goals and visions and desires but just can’t quite seem to make them
come to life in full on three dimensional living color. Almost an inability to organize and prioritize so that the specific actions needed
to activate the intentions can be energized might well describe the person who can most benefit from taking this blackberry essence.
The remedy goes on to promise that the person who can’t seem to get out of their own head could benefit from the blessings of the
blackberry as well. Physically, blackberry is said to aid with sluggish circulation and slow metabolism bringing radiance and a charge
of light to the lower limbs while also bestowing an illumination upon the will of the human soul. Sweet and strong, what a PERFECT

218. Point your compass in the direction of success! There are certain strong symbols of wealth, abundance and prosperity in Feng Shui that
can almost be said to supersede all others. I said ‘almost’ supersede. But one of the most important prosperity producing symbols in
this philosophy is that of the sailing ship. This symbol, whether a literal 3-D model of a ship or even an image of one, brings wealth
and opportunities for wealth from the waters and the winds. A sailing ship loaded with treasures such as coins and faux gold ingots as
well as fake jewels, diamonds and pearls and sailing into your home or office should bring a big boost of increased income and some
unexpected but still quite lucky largesse. The more ships you have the better as each ship then symbolizes yet another source or stream
of revenue and income. One ship should be stationed in the part of the living room that is closest to the front door and another should
be sailing somewhere in the office. Just be perfectly sure that any symbol of any ship is sailing INTO the house or the room and never
away from otherwise your prospects and your prosperity might just sail away with them!

219. It has long been believed that simply wearing sapphires close to the skin (as in encrusted or embedded in some form of jewelry) will
bring favor and fortune to the wearer. These magnanimous blessings and fortunes will fall from the heavens above and will help to
ward off jealousy, negative energies and that old green-eyed monster, envy. Now, the stellar star sapphire has been known in many
traditions and cultures to bestow big bouts of good luck and many share the stories that prove it. These sapphires were also called
Stones of Destiny and were said to represent Faith and Hope and, of course, Destiny. Healers say that sapphires can bring joy and
peace and wealth. It’s an excellent idea to adorn you life with a little star sapphire to clear your thoughts, enhance your creativity and
enchant almost everyone around you. Now, that’s one precious promising and power-packed gem!
220. If you find yourself sometimes encountering people who don’t want to play by the rules, or who, worse yet, might not offer you the
respect that you deserve, you may want to take a look at the ‘Helpful People’ area of your home and create an appropriate adjustment
there. Located in the lower right hand corner of the main floor, this area speaks to how other people support and treat you as well
as speaking to, well, how they speak to you. Literally. Before you do any other thing in this place, check to make sure that there is
nothing broken or in disrepair here. As well, be sure to clean all clutter. The energies of this arena had an underlying association with
boundaries of all sorts. If you need to create bigger, better boundaries in your own life and have trouble beginning that effort, why not
engage the energetic aspect first by hanging a round mirror somewhere inside that same ‘Helpful People’ space. If you want, you first
cleanse the mirror by passing it under tap water three separate times. No cleansers or additional efforts needed, simply slide it under
the tap three separate times and then wipe it dry with a fresh cloth or towel. In Taoist Feng Shui this is called “opening the eyes” of the
mirror and will allow it to reflect back your goals and intentions which are, in this case, getting people in your sphere of influence to
recognize, honor and respect you. Fuggedaboutit! Baddabing! Once this mirror is hung high in that arena even Aretha would be proud!

221. Whenever I write anything about man’s best friend inside these tips I tend to get a ton of mails, usually all thanking me for caring so
much about feisty Fido or Buddy, Jake, Max or Lucy. It’s just completely clear that we are a world of dog lovers and it’s pretty clear as
well that most of those four legged lovebugs are loving us right back! Now, of course, I would never presume to offer holistic advice
for any sort of doggie ailment without first adding that if anything is pestering poor Petey you should take him to a vet to make sure
that every course of action is approved, but, in some of these cases I have tried these remedies on my own little guys to great success.
Two paws up! Way up for this next treatment: if your dog has arthritis three alfalfa tablets a day have to known to make the limp
disappear. He’ll be so happy he’ll kiss you all over. But if his breath makes you pull away from all that affection, then add a bit of fresh
parsley to some moist food and add the moist to some dry dog food and feed away. Fresh breath awaits. And just in case he’s having a
hard time hearing you thank him for all those big, sloppy kisses, once a week dip a cotton ball in mineral oil and VERY carefully wipe
out the insides of your dogs ears. This process also helps prevent infections inside those ear canals too. Now if you are poodle or other
pet owner who’s babies grow hair inside their ears then be sure that you learn how from your groomer to gently pluck those hairs to
in order to prevent wax and dirt from accumulating in there. Speaking of oils, if it’s that time of the year and your dog is shedding,
massaging his coat with olive oil once a week has been proven to limit the amount of hair that hits the inside of your vacuum cleaner.
Now, speaking of the vacuum, if little Piddle leaves a puddle on the floor put some wheat germ on the wet area. It will dry leaving no
stain and no smell and won’t hurt the vacuum cleaner either. You can thank me later. Just give ole Ruff a kiss from Aunt Ellen now!

222. Lord knows that both Bette Midler and I recognize that you gotta have friends, and today I’m focused on activating some swell
energies that will show cosmic support to all our female friends. These same energies can, as well, as pave the way to establishing new,
fun and fulfilling friendships too. Download and then print an image of Shou Xing and then place that picture anywhere inside the
‘Family/Friends’ area of either your main floor or even inside that same space in the bedroom. He is always good natured and smiling
that Shou Xing, unlike, unfortunately, some of our nearest and dearest. He will bring peace and harmony to any friend agenda and
he promised a safe and happy long life when placed in this space as well. It is said that he appears when peace reigns and that he can
offer anyone long life, good health and lots and lots of happiness. He holds a bat in his hand, which in Feng Shui folklore represents
the five blessings of longevity, wealth, love, virtue and fame. He also holds the famous immortal peaches from the magical peach tree
that grows alchemically in the palace of the Queen Mother of the West. This Queen Mother of the West travels on a white crane and
uses bluebirds of happiness to transmit messages to her friends and loved ones. So, you see, putting this symbol in that space will
bring balance, vitality and renewed energy and enthusiasm to all of your most important friendships, the same ones the bluebirds of
happiness are now smiling down on!

223. You know you do it—in the car, in the shower, on the subway, in the elevator. You’re a hummer! See, sound healing therapists maintain
that the humming sound is a pretty powerful tool as it carries the health and healing by carrying the sound internally. These same
therapists share that the act of humming establishes a rapport between our spiritual selves and the emotional, mental and physical
aspects of our whole being. Humming is believed to bring all of those agendas into harmony and balance as it performs a sort of
micro-massage on the internal organs, releasing stress and restoring harmony and balance. In fact, if you intone any of the vowel
sounds and add a humming sound at the end of the vowel toning, that effort in itself can carry the sound more deeply into the body
creating parasympathetic healing and health. So, instead of just toning the sound A as “aaaaaaa,” add an ‘m’ to the end so it becomes
‘aaaaaaaaammmmmm.’ This will help tonify and heal anything amiss in the chest cavity, the heart and the body as a whole. Intoning
the ‘e’ vowel sound, especially with the ‘m’ humming sound at the end, will bring balance to the throat, upper chest and head regions,
while the ‘o’ applies to the abdominal area from stomach to groin. Intoning a ‘u’ sound helps heal the hips, legs, feet and lower body in
general while the ‘I’ brings harmony to the back of the skull and head regions. Make a joyful noise and hum away! There’s something
to be really grateful for!
224. Elephants never forget, so let’s make we never forget their magical abilities! Elephants are not only revered in many Eastern traditions,
cultures and orthodoxies but they also have quite a cult popularity as a Feng Shui symbol as well. The elephant represents personal
power, sagacity and strength and in this sacred tradition of Feng Shui is counted as one of only four animals that can represent
fulfillment as well as captured or contained or even intentionally harnessed energy. Ancient legend says that the elephant is the “bearer
of the wish granting gem” and that if you put your hopes and wishes and dreams on the back of an elephant that they will then come
true. Always keep an elephant statue by a window, or more ideally, by your front door. A healthy, growing green plant on its back
brings health and healing into the home while a coin stationed in that same spot puts in a call for more money to come into the house.
Forget that stupid stork, an elephant that holds a stone on it’s back also brings a baby (and should go on the bedroom floor by the foot
of the door) while one that carries a crystal will also bring a brand spanking new job or even help to increase opportunities at the old
one. This is one powerful trunk that already comes packing! Giant thanks to you dear elephant, giant thanks!

225. Many schools of Feng Shui maintain that you can increase your own personal power by enhancing the center of your living space.
The center or middle of your main floor or even of your bedroom is a critical and key location to assess and adjust when looking to
support your inner personal, emotional, physical and mental strength. This is also sometimes a place to adjust when looking to balance
self esteem and self worth issues. Hanging a metal wind chime or even a rounded and faceted crystal somewhere inside the center
(remember to hang either one with a red ribbon cut to 9 inches or some multiple of that same number.) As you hang this cure, literally
see yourself strengthening in the coming months.

226. Energizing the elements inside us by using the environment outside of us is what Feng Shui is all about. Feng Shui says we can adjust
the five elements of earth, water, wood, fire and metal by enacting a few simple to use but powerfully effective cures. To balance the
earth element both inside and all around you, drop nine small stones into any little vase and fill to 70% with clear and clean water.
Next you expose this vase to the sky and then put it somewhere on your home or office desk. Repeat this same procedure for the next
twenty-six days, changing the water every morning and then exposing to the sky. Things are looking up already. To balance water, place
a small round mirror under you mattress in the place where your pillow/head rests while you are sleeping at night. The first thing each
morning, wipe the mirror for a calmer, clearer day. To adjust wood put three potted plants in the house, one by the entryway, one by
the living room and one in your bedroom. If one plant dies replace it with a healthier more expensive one and watch your fortunes
bloom and grow. To address and balance the fire element, every morning before you begin your day, take a deep inhalation breath and
then exhale with eight short staccato ones. The ninth breath should be lonnnnggg. Do this nine times fro twenty-seven consecutive
days. And, finally, to balance metal energies, put a non-metal ring (not plastic either, rather, something like jade or coral) under the
mattress where you heart is when you are lying down. Leave the ring there for three or nine days. Take charge!

227. One of the very first traditions and/or cultures that I ever studied when I started all this treasure hunting years and years ago were those
of the Native American Indian. So it’s entirely appropriate to share some of the wisdom secrets that I was taught by their generous,
courageous and wise old elders. For instance, I learned that there are magical ways in their traditions to assist a woman who is wishing
for a baby. They say that this mother-to-be should prepare a sacred medicine bundle that will help bring another bundle, of joy that
is, into her life. The mother should use a lock of her hair, a blue corn kernel, a red stone and herbs such as black walnut and red
raspberry and put these items in a square of black or yellow cloth. The bundle then will be wrapped in red string and tied to a bush
with a feather so that the powers that be can easily locate this offering. This should only be done at the time of the New Moon in order
to illuminate the way to pregnancy. And, as in almost every other modality I have studied and embraced, I have come to understand
their teachings regarding the absolute and critical importance of what you are thinking as you fall off to sleep as well as the same power
inherent in the thoughts that you have during the first five minutes as you awake each day. They taught me to pick a quality that I
would like to have in my life, such as joy, and then informed that every time I eat or drink anything during the day I should think that
word. Joy. Think ‘JOY” with each bite and sip. And, then, right before falling asleep at night, think only thoughts of joy. Think these
same joyful thoughts again when the morning rolls around. These teachings, this advice will bring love, protection, opportunity, goals,
blessings for others and anything else needed into your life simply by focusing your whole being and your thoughts upon them. I am
humbled and grateful for these lessons and even more humbled and more grateful to be able to share them with you!

228. What better to help increase the positive cash flow in your life than fish? One particular fish, the arrowana, has long been believed,
according to Feng Shui, to be able to swim big boons and blessings of the financial sort into your life. In fact, the arrowana, or dragon
fish, with its silver scales and sword-like body has long been used in the Orient as well as in Eastern cultures to bring wealth and
opportunities as well as big fortunes into your life if you but invite it to come and create a flow for those same aspirations for you. If
you decide to actually try to keep an arrowana fish, then, be advised that Feng Shui says it is best kept singly or in groups of threes or
fives. THEY SHOULD NEVER BE KEPT IN PAIRS as this signifies and is said to bring bad luck in according to this philosophy.
When this fish is well fed and is healthy it emits an almost pinkish/golden glow. That combo of those colors is said to bring good
luck and great fortunes all by itself. If you find that you are not up for keeping the actual arrowana as a guest in your space, then, an
image of this little swimmer positioned anywhere inside your ‘Career’ area can also bring blessings, benefits and big boons to that same
agenda. Your life will be progressing swimmingly in no time!
229. Packing up for a big trip? Take a little Feng Shui with you for the best travels of all. Firstly, be sure to tie nine or 18 inches of red
thread, string, yarn or ribbon on the handles of every piece of luggage. Just trying to make sure that it goes to the same city that
you’re heading to as well. And don’t forget to download (off any search engine) an image of the Mystic Knot. This is a cosmic travel
companion that keeps your trip running really smoothly. If you encounter any obstacles or travel challenges along your way, simply
take out this knot, run the hand you write with over it three times in a clockwise direction and then unravel any unexpected issues or
concerns. Placing a small statue or crystal figurine of a bear in the ‘Helpful People’ area of your home while you are away on holiday
will ensure that su casa es his casa and that no one else can claim that right. See, in Feng Shui the bear symbolizes masculine energies
and as such he is tasked with protecting your space with strength and courage. He is also regarded as a potent charm against any
break-in or potential robbery. The bonus inherent here is that having this image of a bear in this space in the house is also believed to
strengthen and encourage good health for the male head of household, especially if he travels a lot. Lastly, as you travel your path while
traveling the world, don’t forget to put some salt out in the space you will be sleeping in during days and nights away. A few packages
of salt from any diner will do. Just put it out in an open container of some sort (a complimentary coffee mug perhaps?) inside the
room you will be staying and it will absorb and negative vibes from the last and previous tenant while also allowing you to cleanse and
clear your space with that promised ease and grace. So, go ahead and do any or all of these travel cures the next time you become a
world tourist and you just might find that it’s only a Grateful Dead postcard that talks about “what a long, strange trip it’s been!”

230. Puff the magic marsh mallow is the theme of our post for today. You see, the incredible edible mallow plant that grows in marshes does
not, as might be thought, flourish at the end of bare twigs with graham crackers and melted Hershey bars! Before we asked for “smore”
of this confection, parts of this plant were used medicinally for everything from curing chronic sore throats to clearing up urinary
tract infections. The Chinese actually use this plant as décor during this specific calendar month to bring luck and good fortune into
the home. This friendly and non-toxic herb helped the Greeks with their grieving processes and so began that cultural tradition of
planting mallow around gravesites. It is also believed to repel negativity and the ‘evil eye.’ Adding the leaves of this plant to your bath
is thought to soften your nature and any hard feelings you might be harboring towards someone else. Taking mallow in the form of a
flower essence is said to unify heart and mind so that there is no imbalance in either direction; either a propensity to over emotional
behaviors or one towards over intellectualization or over analysis. In fact, in the language of flowers, the mallow is translated as “sweet
disposition.” The Egyptians were the first culture to make this treat a sugary confection in efforts to let a spoonful of sugar help this
medicine go down. So, the next time you find you have to whisper sweet nothings because your throat or voice might be strained, how
about reaching for some mallow instead? Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, those Mallomars that are so delicious might
actually even make you feel better physically while making you more attractive to the opposite sex. Now, that’s saaweeet!

231. In the kitchen of my own home I have a quote from one of the most famous philosophers of all time, the venerable and wise
Confucius. The quote itself says: “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” To me, this wisdom speaks to the
empowerment involved with taking appropriate action steps. See, anyone can create and intention and desire to achieve or accomplish
some long-for goal. But the intention is only half the equation on your way to producing a success filled result. You must also follow
through on manifesting your intention by taking some appropriate and synergistic action step. If you are looking for good health,
simply intending that without putting something yellow or brown into the center of your space will more than likely not produce the
results you are looking for. Likewise if you are trying to create more opportunities in your career, simply wishing probably won’t make
it so. But putting some moving water immediately inside the entryway to your house has been documented as being of tremendous
value when trying to create a smooth and healthy flow of options where that agenda is concerned. What Confucius and I are both
saying is that if you really want something, you need to engage your energies and your action steps in order to get it. “I do and I
understand” is his recipe for health, happiness and prosperity. Now go and get a fortune cookie and find out what other messages he
might have in store for you today!

232. Waffles! Hearty stew! Lemon cake! Whenever I start to think about tinkering in the kitchen I remember some cautionary advice that
a sage Shui master once told me. He said that it was considered taboo in almost every Eastern or Oriental tradition to bang or hit
utensils on the side of the pan while cooking as this changes the extraordinary energy of the food. He also warned that you should
never, ever say a swear or curse word or argue or cry while cooking as that will infuse the cuisine with sanguine, sad, churlish and
negative energies. He offered that when anyone is cooking, they should stand and be grateful to the food for the gift of nourishment
and nurturing it brings while also remembering the power that food inherently holds and so graciously gives over to us. He told me
to pray over each meal, not only thanking my Higher Power but thanking the spirit of the food itself. I thought this such a beautiful
teaching, and, well, aside from a few sailor like slips where the cursing is concerned, I have embraced these slightly different sorts of
cooking techniques ever since! Yum!

233. Oh, your aching back! Here’s a quick cure to add to your hot packs and Tiger Balm routine. Take any non-plastic container and put
a tiny bit of uncooked rice and nine pieces of white chalk into it. Place the whole thing under your bed below where your back rests
while you sleep. Leave it there for nine nights, and your back should be stronger and healthier quicker than you can add 2+2=4!
234. Road trip! Of course you’re a good driver and your car has had all its check ups, but it never hurts to invoke a little Car Shui while
you’re at it. Hang a small, round, faceted quartz crystal on a red string from your rearview mirror. This will pump positive energies
inside the car while additionally fueling a circle of protection around you and all those you are traveling with! Now gas up
and GO!

235. Not feeling so hot (or perhaps feeling a little TOO hot?!) Place a red sheet between the mattress and box spring of your bed. This will
stimulate your immune system and help you heal from the inside out.

236. A lot can ride on one little business trip—which is why you’re going to harness your good fortunes and employ this power cure: bring
a small red candle with you to your hotel and light it in the fame area of the room. Of course you don’t want to leave it burning when
you’re not there, but this one little light will add a hefty dose of sizzle to your presentation and heat up your professional reputation!

237. Before you go away on vacation, put a picture or small statue of a bear in the Helpful People area of your home. That little guy—
whether he’s a grizzly, a polar, or even 100 Acre Woods’ own Pooh Bear—will keep your home and all its belongings protected from
robbery, misfortune, and really importantly, fire. Think Smokey!

238. Sleepless nights are no fun. Luckily, there’s a simple little cure that can improve your dream time BIG TIME. Take four pieces of red
felt and cut them each about an inch larger than the feet on our bed. First place one under each individual foot, then pull them up and
tie them around each leg of the bed. This will ground your energies while you sleep at night, and according to ancient Eastern customs
and traditions, keep you safe, warm, and protected! A little felt never felt so good!

239. New babies are such a blessing. Gift the newborn with some sort of lucky charm—and I’m not talking marshmallow hearts and clovers
here! It’s widely held that the effects of giving a child something lucky will be both balancing and harmonizing from the conscious
as well as the subconscious perspective. It connects the child on an invisible and advantageous level to all things fortunate and lucky.
Some examples: anything decorated with miniature pianos or harps, teapots, shoes, boats, keys, turtles, tortoises, birds or the moon
and stars. If we all had a little extra luck from birth, think of how much happier this would could be!

240. When a relationship is over, it’s not always over. We’ve all been there, dealing with the ex who simply won’t go away. If this is the case
with you and you’re SURE you don’t want that person in your life any more, write his or her name in red ink on a small piece of paper
and place it in an ice cube tray in your freezer. He or she will be frozen out, no doubt, but don’t be surprised if you get an icy stare the
next time you bump into each other!

241. Finding a new job takes strength, that’s for sure, and a quick whiff of courage can only help you in job interviews! Try a few sniffs of
this lucky little blend before you go, and before you know it, you’ll be smelling the sweet scent of success! Blend 9 drops of ylang-ylang,
4 drops of bergamot, 2 drops of Melissa and 9 drops of sandalwood essential oils with ½ a cup of any “carrier” oil like olive, peanut or
grapeseed. Take a big breath of this blend into the nose before you head out the door, or even put a few drops onto a hankie that you
carry in your bag. Just make sure you’re always sniffing, NEVER sipping. Drinking this stuff is bad news.

242. Make any marriage a little sweeter by gifting the couple with some delicious honey-infused wine to enjoy on the first 30-days of their
marriage. Drinking the delicious honey wine will ensure that every other day of their marriage will be filled with sweetness, shared love,
and fertility. It’s not called a honeymoon for nothing, honey!

243. Looking for a hot date? Well, use a little fire to get that heat going—literally! Light two pink candles in ceramic holders in the
relationship section of your home and light them as often as you wish. When they’re lit, focus on how happy you will be once you find
that right person. Think of it as your Feng Shui version of!

244. As Cyndi Lauper said, “Money changes everything!,” and so does LACK of money! If you run your own business or are in sales and
could use a few more customers, locate your fame area and place nine red candles in that sector. Light all nine of them, even just for a
minute if you’re short on time, and all that heat is sure to bring a little energy to your pocketbook!

245. To heck with painting the town red, paint your front DOOR scarlet to see big changes in your luck! The entrance to all of life’s
opportunities include bringing bundles of cash your way as well. If painting the whole thing red is too extreme (or not allowed by your
landlord!) then just paint a small red dot of nail polish at eye level on the left side of the doorjamb of your front entryway. This little
dot has BIG fortunate implications!

246. Orange you glad you’ve got Feng Shui in your life? Well, you will be after you try this little trick. Place a bowl of big, fresh, fragrant
oranges on your kitchen or dining room table. Those juicy fruits will bring health, longevity and lifted spirits to your whole year ahead.
Orange essential oil has also been recognized as an antidepressant as well as a strong mood lifter. Sweet citrus, indeed!
247. If you’ve recently lost a loved one, I know how hard it can be to move past the grief. Talking to friends and family, remembering the
wonderful times, and getting enough rest and healthy food will definitely help, but if you’re looking for a little extra help here, try this:
ring a bell in every corner of your home to cleanse the space where you have been feeling grief. It’ll help you move on and continue to
be the wonderful, lucky you that everyone loves.

248. Looking for a special gift for your mom or sister? Any statue of an elephant will gift her with luck and fortune, but a white one will
bring her her heart’s desire within a short period of time. If she’s not big on Dumbo, white hens and white rabbits (go ask Alice!), as
well as horses and butterflies are also considered to bring on the magic!

249. You’re ready to move mountains at work, but has your boss recognized that yet? Make her see what you can really do by placing a
small picture of a mountain on the back of your desk chair (with the mountain facing your back) and you will soon find yourself
scaling new professional heights. Trust me, the view is nice from
the top!

250. If you’re working out at home, but feeling like you’re not really getting anywhere, it could be that your workout machines are in
the wrong room. When you’re biking and running in your bedroom, you’re always only two steps from your cozy comforter instead
of virtually climbing that mountain. Boost your momentum and fitness success by moving that equipment to the family room or
basement and leave the bedroom for what it’s really meant for—rest!

251. Most Feng Shui cures take time and patience, but if you’re in the need of some superhero strength, lighting fast Shui, this one’s for
you: On any day, add citronella to a bucket of warm water and thoroughly wash your kitchen floor. You’ll be awash in FAST fortunes
and all things lucky!

252. Everyone could use a little extra harmony in their life, and this little cure will give it to you in the most musical of ways. Hang a tiny
wind chime directly inside the front door of your home so that the bottom of the chime just ever so slightly grazes the top of the door
whenever it opens or closes. You’ll be welcomed by beautiful sounds every day and lots of luck will start flowing your way. Music to
YOUR ears!

253. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Not getting enough of those lately? You might want to invest in a wooden head board which can quiet and quell
any and all disturbing electronic energy circulating around your room. If your headboard is made of metal, no need to rush out and
buy a whole new bed! Just put pieces of red felt under the feet of the bed to increase your relaxation while you’re in it. Now THAT’S a
good night sleep.

254. We all get by with a little help from our friends—or at least I do! When you need a little teamwork, place six objects that touch your
head, heart, or soul—perhaps statues of angels—in your Helpful People and Travel area. You’ll find that all the help you need was
right under your nose. Ask and ye shall receive!

255. Here’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself: Go buy a brand-new welcome mat that you really love and put it in front of your
door. Place nine coins of any denomination inside a red envelope and then leave that envelope under the new welcome mat. The idea
is that this mat will welcome money into your home and bring new, happy energies with it every time you step through your front
door. There’s no better welcome than that, is there?!

256. Business trips can be seriously stressful—but here’s a trick that’s always worked for me and helped me achieve some of my BIGGEST
successes. Carry a small conch shell with you in your bag or briefcase. It will bring bright at reputably responsive energies to your
endeavors. Way beyond the sea, your reputation will just float along.

257. Tossing and turning might burn calories, but it’s not helping you get any more sleep! Make sure your bedroom is a perfect sanctuary,
where you can both begin and end your day with loving, helpful and happy thoughts. Because if this is the energy that you exude,
then this too, will be the energy you contribute to making your world a much better place to be!

258. We do so much to bring good energies into our lives, but what about keeping them around once we’ve got ‘em? Here’s a simple cure
for that: Place a green leafy plant to the left of your kitchen sink. This will alleviate any important or abundant energies from “going
down the drain.”

259. At least twice a year clean out the area under your bed and inside your closet. Give clothes that others might make better use of to
charity. This will not only give you more space to welcome wonderful things into your life, but will increase your Karma AND make
our planet more plentiful and peace-filled!
260. I never thought I’d be in the insurance industry, but here I am, giving you the best insurance money CAN’T buy! To protect your
home and family, put any earthenware container and fill to 70 percent with uncooked rice. Take seven small clear quartz crystals and
place them in an arrow formation atop the rice with the tip of the arrow pointing toward the top of the bed. Place this under your
bed on the side that you sleep on, beneath where your heart rests. This “arrow” will keep you protected from anything that might
otherwise go bump in the night!

261. Fasten your seat belts, this Feng Shui cure is universally recognized to attract FAST fortune and luck. We’re talking Indy 500 here,
dolls! Combine a few drops of the following oils: cinnamon, vanilla, and wintergreen. Each is colored gold, but when combined they
will turn a crimson red. Dab this on money to attract even more of it, or put it on your bedposts to increase sexual heat. Even dab
some on yourself to make sure today is YOUR lucky day!

262. Change your sheets, change your life! Your own personal energies, or Chi, can change in many wonder-filled ways if you simply line
your linen cabinet with something fresh and different. This is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to increase your luck and
change your Chi!

263. It’s true, home is where the heart is, which is why you should take care to infuse your new residence with love and hope from day one.
When you move into a new home, grab a handful of birdseed or Cheerios and go outside to feed the animals. Birds, squirrels, all the
cutie critters. This connects your energies to theirs an invisible and ethereal level, and they will become your friends and protectors.

264. Wear or carry a piece of jade with you to protect you from any health issues or concerns while you’re traveling. Jade is considered the
most precious of gems in all of the East, particularly because it can imbue you with a healthy attitude while bringing along the bonus
promise of boosting your immune system. Keep a little piece in your pocket and touch it frequently or better yet, wear it as jewelry.
The compliments? They’ll be almost as plentiful as your luck!

265. Your doctor might tell you to cut back on salt because it’s bad for your blood pressure, but does he know that when it’s used in other
ways, salt can actually absorb negativity, nervousness and fear? It’s true! In fact, in China, the night before her nuptials, the bride-to-be
actually might soak her tootsies in salt water (or rice) to get rid of the proverbial cold feet. And there’s nothing like a good Epsom salt
bath for aches and pains!

266. The flower children really were onto something—if you place a red flowering plant to the left of your front door (as you look at it
from the street), you’ll be inviting luck, abundance and prosperity into your home. Oh, and your neighbors will thank you for making
the neighborhood look so pretty!

267. The moon is a source of power for all of us, but in the Orient, it is believed that the third day of any new moon is an extremely lucky
day—a terrific day to create new intentions and bring new and happy realities into your existence. Start watching for that full moon
and get wishing!

268. The answer my friend IS blowing in the wind! Hang a metal wind chime directly outside your main entrance to invite the winds of
fortune and luck to blow your way. You’ll start seeing little changes—positive ones!—all around, and the pretty little sounds the chime
makes will soothe your heart all the while. Music to my ears!

269. Bamboo isn’t just for pandas! Placing a bamboo plant anywhere inside your living space is said to bring luck and longevity,
strength and flexibility to all your endeavors. Try to have an uneven number of stalks unless otherwise advised or indicated in other

270. Ready to live a charmed life? Of course you are! Choose any charm that represents an intention, wish, dream, or desire. On any new
moon place the charm beside a pink candle and let the candle burn out fully and completely. Attach the charm to a bracelet and wear
it to make your wish come true. When this goal is achieved, you may do this again with another charm. Pretty soon, you’ll not only
have a pretty charm bracelet but a pretty perfect life, too!

271. Make any trip even better by packing a favorite scent or a fragrant candle that you love. This will allow you to acclimate more easily
to all the places you’ll go and make you feel more comfy in case you are prone to feeling home sick. I usually bring a small spray bottle
with a few drops of lavender essential oil. Just add water and spray the room to clear away anyone else’s energies that may be stuck
there. Bon voyage!

272. Never ever leave clutter in your car. That includes candy wrappers, old receipts, Starbucks cups and old cracked CD covers! You
should treat this space as you would your home and readily realize that clutter contributes to drive-by negativity!
273. Go with the flow—literally! Place a fountain of moving water either right outside or immediately inside the front entryway of your
home or office. Moving water is an excellent way to conduct a flow of abundance straight into your house. Make sure, if the fountain
is inside, that the water is flowing INTO the home and not out the door, lest that’s where your opportunities will go as well!

274. Piggy bank feeling a little skinnier than usual? Place a jade, bamboo (with four stalks) or money plant in the Wealth corner of your
home or office. Eastern cultures rank jade as the most precious of all gems. As well, the Chinese character for jade also represents the
number three, so we have heard that to nurture this plant in that area will triple your wealth in one-third the time.

275. Brides love mirrors, and they should! But here’s a special mirror trick any bride-to-be might want to employ on her big day. Brides
“in the know” sometimes place a mirror inside the church or other ceremony location to ward off evil influences as the marriage
takes place. Some even position a mirror on themselves to keep away malevolent spirits or energies. Mirror, mirror on the wall, THE
BRIDE is the fairest of them all!

276. All the single ladies, all the single ladies! Here’s a bedroom Shui tip for you: Be sure to keep a minimum of two pillows on your bed
and try to keep things in your bedroom in pairs. Even if you are not ready for a new partner, this will help you keep good company
while you are making your way through your life. Besides, pillows should always be kept in pairs!

277. Welcoming a new baby? Don’t shy away from using soft pinks for a baby girl and pale blue for boys. There’s a reason why this feels old
fashioned—and that’s because it’s actually an ancient practice that brings luck to the children!

278. Suffering from S.A.S.—or what I call, Small Apartment Syndrome? If yes, you might have created a work space in your bedroom.
Make sure to section it off somehow (with a small screen or curtain). If you don’t, you’ll risk taking your work to bed with you and
never tapping into other potentials and opportunities that are waiting for you when you close your eyes to relax.

279. Luuuucy, I’m HOME! If you’ve just come back from a long trip, make sure to turn on all the water faucets for just a few seconds
to create a new “flow” of Chi. Also turn on your stove’s burners for just a moment—this will reactivate wealth and prosperity in a
FLASH—and we’re not talking any flash in the pan, either.

280. Let’s talk numbers for a second—NO, I’m not making you do calculus lovelies, just a little common-sense number crunching. A
whole twenty percent of your luck is attributed to personal pay-it-forward actions, or your ability to build good Karma. So, unless
you’re doing unto others as you’d like them to do unto you, you’re not accessing your full luck potential. Maybe random acts of
kindness aren’t so random, right?

281. Recovering from major illnesses takes strength and spirit, but a little Shui can help, too. Place nine, ten or eleven fresh green plants in
the room of the person who’s doing their best to get better ONLY once they’re officially on the mend. If you overload someone who’s
still declining with plants, the energy emanating from the greenery can be too aggressive for the bedroom. They should instead be
placed instead in other spaces of the home to help good Chi along.

282. What’s the cutest Shui of all? BABY Shui, of course. To ensure your little angel has the sweetest dreams for all his nights to come, place
a sprig of fresh rosemary under his pillow until it is completely dried out. Now off to dreamland!

283. Step AWAY from the Red Bull and try this magical Chi-enhancing bath instead. It’ll revitalize your reserves and strengthen your
physical, mental and emotional energies. Run a hot bath and add a cup and a half of Epsom salts. Add to this nine pieces of nine
different orange rinds or skins. Each piece of rind from each orange should be at least the size of a quarter (You can juice the rest of
the fruit to give you some nutritional advantages as well!) Then add seven different flowers (it doesn’t matter what kind, but they
should all be fragrant) to this bath. And remember, if you use roses of any kind, be sure to remove the thorns. Then settle in for a Chi-
enhancing soak.

284. Light the way to a fabulous new job, LITERALLY! If you are searching for the perfect new opportunity, leave your outdoor lights on
at least three hours a day every day. They’ll illuminate job opportunities that you never thought were possible. Brighter days are ahead!

285. To gift a baby with extra love, tie nine Chinese coins on red ribbon, string, thread, or yarn and hang this symbol behind where the
head of the baby rests while she is sleeping. Tie it anywhere on the crib. This cure is said to empower the child with virtues and gifts
and the individual qualities of a perfected being. Your perfect baby deserves all the best.

286. You’ve got the skills to win the job, but what to wear to the big interview? Add a touch of navy to any outfit to assert your
competency, signal class and command respect. You’ll have that corner office in no time. Bye bye jobless blues!
287. Light from on high is wonderful, but not while you’re eating! Use side-lighting like table lamps or candles to light your dinner party.
Direct overhead lighting isn’t just unflattering, it can also project depressing energies over your table—and your signature lasagna
should be ANYTHING but depressing! YUM!

288. Even if you’ve got a fabulous job, it’s normal to feel stuck in molasses every once in a while. To bring a little fresh Chi to your desk,
bring some fresh cut flowers in and place them at the top of the center of your desk. Your co-workers will be curious and you will feel
more energized than ever.

289. When a relationship is truly broken, you need to invite some new, energizing Chi into your life. For the first twenty-seven days after
the split, open your windows, WIDE, every day, even if only for a few seconds. It’ll give you a fresh perspective and help you clean out
the old while bringing in the new. And trust me, the new is going to be GREAT.

290. They called it mellow yellow for a reason. Feng Shui suggests using pale yellow as THE color to decorate the nursery as this will help
support a spirit of cheerfulness as well as imitating the life-affirming qualities of the sun. Bright and happy!

291. All by myseeeeeeelf doesn’t have to be a pity song ala Bridget Jones—it can be super empowering if you want it to be. All you ladies
looking for a little independence might want to bring a rosemary plant into your life. It’ll give you the boost you need to be not just
good, but GREAT on your own.

292. Purple has long symbolized royalty, and you know what the royals are? RICH! Place four African violets in your Wealth area (the far
back left-hand corner of the main floor of the house) to bring up your bottom line. Cha-ching! Get ready to cash in.

293. Losing a loved one is undeniably difficult, but you can help them along by burning incense. Ancient custom holds that burning
incense helps to release the soul of the loved one, and that doing it next to a vase of red, yellow and white flowers will provide a
beautifully strewn pathway to the next resting place. Amen.

294. Grandparents are the best and deserve the same in life. Gifting them with a statue or small picture of a crane will give them the
energies for a healthy and long life filled with peace. Paintings of waterfalls attract luck and good fortune. Oh, and bringing a good
cheesecake along with these presents wouldn’t hurt either. You’ll need something to nibble on as you catch up on good times!

295. Need cash quick? Skip the pay day check advance shops and try one of these Feng Shui cures: Sprinkling ginger on your checks, cash,
cards and coins will spice up your bottom line, while putting 100 coins in a silver box in your Helpful People area will start your cash

296. Where is that guy or girl who was supposed to come and sweep you off your feet? They may be right under your nose, but you can’t
see him or her for all the clutter in your Relationship and Romance sector! Take a good look at the back right-hand corner of the main
floor of your home or bedroom. What’s there? A garbage can? Move it! Laundry? Move it! Once you’ve made room for love to flow,
you’ll be in demand like no other.

297. School days can be really difficult when grades start to slip. Place a globe inside the child’s Knowledge and Self-Cultivation area to
bring great Chi to your child’s academic development. Believe me, I’ve seen Ds turn to Bs as quickly as you could spin a globe when
this cure was enacted with these intentions!

298. Who’s goin to the chapel and gonna get married? If it’s you or one of your friends, think about suggesting these theme colors: Red
traditionally creates an atmosphere of love and marriage, pink evokes playfulness, and black and white create extremely positive Shui,
representing a strong balanced relationship. Simply beautiful!

299. Broken hearts do heal with time, but we always wish that time could go by just a little faster. To speed up the recovery time, replace
your sheets with new ones that are either soft pink or green. They’ll help give you comfort and strength as you start to stand strong on
your own.

300. Hey, BABY! Ancient custom holds that if a child receives a red shirt on the day he is born, the “yang,” or strong nature of that garment
will strengthen his immune system while additionally helping to acclimate his energy from womb to room. It doesn’t even have to be
worn by the child, just gifted, to have these lucky powers and make his birthday a red letter day.

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